Digital Marketing

Reinvent your career in five easy steps

The phrase “reinvent yourself” seems to be popping up lately. Just a few days ago a friend asked me how he could do it without starting all over again. His concern was, “How do I move in a new professional direction without sacrificing all the skills and experience I’ve worked so hard for?” The underlying question is: “Is this possible?”
Yes, it is possible to start over without starting over! That is how:
1.) Take inventory of the skills, experience, credentials, and accomplishments you’ve built in your career to date. Know your strengths and weaknesses, your assets and your liabilities. Recognize your transferable skills and how to market them. Describe the breadth and depth of your work experience. Understand the value of your credentials. Match powerful verbs, specific nouns, and quantifiable descriptors to your accomplishments and practice telling stories about them.
2.) Clarify your values. Dig deep enough into yourself to know which values ​​are yours and which are those of your parents, mentors, employers, culture, society, or faith community. Claim yours and release theirs. Look again at any value related to money or security: what you think is a value may not be a value at all, but a mask that covers a group of values. For example, “money,” “benefits,” and “safety” often mask values ​​such as lifestyle, adventure, independence, and security, so record these values ​​as the latter, not the former, if you expect to live them Really. .
3.) Identify the talents, gifts, and passions that drive you. Be honest and real with yourself and, if necessary, seek the objective opinions of others. Claim what is truly yours and then describe it in detail who-what-when-where-by-how and practice condensing your description into a 60-second story. Notice how related talents and gifts seem to cluster around themes of passion. This is not a coincidence, but a sign pointing the way to your life purpose.
4.) Use all the data you’ve collected about yourself in Steps 1, 2, and 3 to brainstorm a list of jobs, careers, employers, and industries that match and make positive use of your skills, experience, credentials, achievements, values, talents, gifts and passions. Use career professionals and reference materials like the Dictionary of Occupational Titles and the Occupational Outlook Handbook to help you. Shorten, refine, categorize and prioritize your list.
5.) Develop a stellar self-marketing package to match each job group, career, employer, and industry in which you want to promote yourself. Create multiple versions of your resume and cover letter to cover a range of degrees, career paths, or related industries. Use the keywords associated with each profession. Distribute your resume and cover letter package to employers strategically through advertisements, online posting sites, networks, recruiters, and targeted mailings.
It really is that simple! Yes, these steps are dense with all sorts of “to do’s,” but if you do everything suggested, you’ll get where you want to be. The worst mistake you can make in reinventing your career is believing that you can’t do it. Aren’t you worth that hope?


Marriage Problems – My Wife Blames Me For Everything, How Do I Stop This Or Can It Be Stopped?

Problems in marriage can arise from a lot of different things.

A good friend of mine the other day was venting on the phone and saying “my wife blames me for everything”. Thinking he was just being sarcastic and joking, I replied “of course that’s what wives do, that’s their job”…

But he was serious. She said no Jay, my wife really blames me for every little thing. Problems that I don’t even have anything to do with. Everything bad that happens is my fault and she never takes any responsibility or blame for her own problems.

What Nope What to do if your wife blames you for everything…

Usually when a wife blames her husband for everything, it becomes part of a cycle of criticism in the marriage. Criticism is one of the leading causes of death in marriage, and it often goes hand in hand with complaining.

Now, of course, you must be aware that there may be some truth in some Of the things he blames you for. A marriage is usually 50-50 and therefore some of the issues may be legitimate.

But a) if she doesn’t take responsibility for her own problems, then he’s using her as a scapegoat and b) there are better ways to express your criticism that don’t cause problems in the marriage.

What you should not do is close. Many times when a wife constantly complains and bombards you with criticism, she makes the man shut down. He may feel like running away by refusing to talk about the problem. This will deepen his marital problems, so it’s important that he resist doing it.

What you SHOULD do if your wife blames you for everything and causes problems in the marriage…

First of all, you should try to explain to her that it bothers you that she is doing this, but in a way that doesn’t cause an explosion on her part. In other words, if she gets defensive and starts snapping at you, don’t let that get you to the point where you’re arguing with her to see things your way.

No matter what you say, especially in that environment it won’t let you see things that way.

Another thing you can do so that there is no possibility of interruption is to write him a letter, expressing the situation and really letting him know that you do not want him to cause any more problems in the marriage.

Then stop arguing about it. Like I said, you’re not going to get anywhere trying to make her see things your way. Nobody can change the opinion of another person, it has to be done internally by the person himself.

The solution you may not want to hear but can make a 50% positive change in your marriage…

Remember I said that some of what she blames on you may be legitimate. Of course, she probably shouldn’t phrase it the way she does, but that’s not the point here.

Health Fitness

A diet primer for healthy foods and vitamins

Very often, we want to eat healthier but we don’t know exactly how to start. Sometimes the food you think might be good may, in fact, not be right for you, and vice versa. This article looks at some simple dietary changes you can start making right away that will improve your overall health.

Whole Wheat Products

One of the simplest changes you can make is to start eating more whole grain foods instead of those made with processed white flour. Why is this? The whole grain variety has retained more nutrients and breaks down much more slowly in your body. This prevents sudden spikes in blood sugar, which can lead to diabetes in the long run.

heart healthy foods

Heart disease is one of the biggest health problems we face. Often caused by blood clots in the arteries, this can be relieved by eating some of the right foods. Try eating things like oatmeal, blueberries, and soy products like tofu. Even a daily glass of red wine or a bit of dark chocolate has been found to be good for the heart.

drink more water

We’ve often been told that we should drink 8 glasses of water a day, but how many of us really do? Drinking water is a great way to help you lose weight. Water helps the body metabolize stored fat. Water is also great for your skin – it helps keep it clean and looking healthy. Start drinking more water today!

eat more vegetables

Common vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and spinach contain carotenoids, which are thought to protect against cancer. Vegetables generally provide excellent health food and essential vitamins for your well-being. An easy way to increase your intake is to serve more than one vegetable with your meals.

Fruits are fine!

Like vegetables, fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and other nutrients. Eating fruit can help you lose weight and also prevent disease. Apples, bananas, and melons are particularly good for you. Try to introduce some of these fruits at meal times. Bananas go well with your cereal in the morning and fruit in general can be a great dessert at the end of your meals.

fish is good for you

Cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain omega-3 fats. These fats are essential but cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained from food. Fish is also a good source of protein that is low in calories and saturated fat. Try a tuna sandwich the next time you have lunch!

save the meat

Red meat like beef is very popular in many of our diets and is high in protein and essential amino acids. However, it can contain a lot of saturated fat. This doesn’t mean we have to give up this summertime barbecue favorite. Just go for lean cuts and stay away from fatty ones like rib-eye.

There is much more that could be said on the subject of healthy foods and vitamins. But just by following these simple suggestions, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier diet. The many benefits you’ll see from increasing your intake of healthy foods and vitamins include weight management, more energy, and a lower risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Legal Law

Learn Japanese: Japanese That Is “Easy To Do”

Learn Japanese fast! Some things in life are easy and others are difficult. It can be easy to cook a simple meal, but really hard to get up early in the morning. Imagine trying to speak English without being able to express “it’s easy” and “it’s hard”. It would be almost impossible! In this Japanese for Beginners article, you will learn how to express that something is “easy to do” or “difficult to do” in Japanese. You will discover the various masu Japanese word forms you will need. Plus, you’ll find all kinds of example sentences that you can incorporate into your everyday Japanese.

Vocabulary: In this article, you will learn the following words and phrases:

anata – “your”

kaw – “buy” (class 1 verb)

karui – “light” (final adjective -i)

haku – “put on shoes/footwear” (class 1 verb)

ninki – “popularity”

deru – “appear, come out, come out” (class 2 verb)

dooshite – “why, for what reason”

kanashii – “sad” (final adjective -i)

healthy – “autograph, signature”

kaku – “write” (class 1 verb)

kutsu – “shoes, footwear”

Grammar: In this article, you will learn the following words and phrases:

Vocabulary and useful phrases

haku – “wear, wear” (class 1 verb)

Kiru it also means “to wear” or “to put on”. Generally speaking, we use Kiru when talking about articles that are placed on the upper part of the body, such as shirts or jackets, while haku covers items worn on the lower body, such as pants or shoes.

The opposite action, “take off”, is noguthat we use for both upper and lower body.


  1. “wear jeans”? jiinzu or haku
  2. “wear slippers”? suniikaa or haku
  3. “wear a coat”? kooto o kiru
  4. “wear a kimono”? kimono or kiru

Kochira ni sane or onegai shimasu.

“Sign here please.”

In Japanese, healthy means “signature” or “autograph”.

“Signature” – healthy Prayed shomei

“Autograph” – wholesome

shit surei shimashita.

shitsurei means “rudeness” or “discourtesy”. Shimashita is the formal past form of the verb Of course. So, this phrase literally means “I was rude” and is equivalent to “I’m sorry” or “Excuse me” in English.

target phrase

Kono kutsu wa karukute, haki yasui desu yo.

“These shoes are light and easy to put on.”

Kono pen wa kakinikui.

“It’s hard to write with this pen.”

The use of adjective-forming suffixes –yasui Y –nikui is today’s target grammar point. [masu stem of a verb] + yasui Y [masu stem of a verb] + nikui mean “easy to do” and “hard to do”, respectively. They are conjugated as i-adjectives.

“Easy to do” and “Hard to do”

  • [masu stem of a verb] + yasui = “easy to…”
  • [masu stem of a verb] + nikui = “difficult (or difficult) to…”

Class 1 verbs

“English” / Dictionary Form / Masu form / Masu Stem / “Easy to…” (…yasui) / “Hard to…” (…nikui)

“use” / tsukau / tsukaimasu / tsukai / tsukaiyasui / tsukainikui

“to write” / kaku / kakimasu / khaki / kakiyasui / kakinikui

“speak” / hanasoo / hanashimasu / hanashi / hanashiyasui / hanashinikui

“hold” / motsu / mochimasu / mochi / mochiyasui / mochinikui

“to live” / his MU / sumimasu / sumi / sumiyasui / suminikui

“feel” / suwaru / suwarimasu / suwari / suwariyasui / swarinikui

Class 2 verbs

“English” / Dictionary Form / Masu form / Masu Stem / “Easy to…” (…yasui) / “Hard to…” (…nikui)

“to see” / look / mimasu / medium / miyasui / minikui

“use” / Kiru / kimasu / who / kiyasui / kinikui

“to eat” / taberu / tabemasu / table / tabeyasui / tabenikui

Class 3 verbs

“English” / Dictionary Form / Masu form / Masu Stem / “Easy to…” (…yasui) / “Hard to…” (…nikui)

“to do” / Of course / shimasu / Shi / shiyasui / shinikui

“to come” / kuru / kimasu / who / kiyasui / kinikui


  1. Hawaii wa totemo sumiyasui tokoro desu. Hawaii is a pretty available place.
  2. Tookyoo wa totemo suminikui tokoro desu. Tokyo is a very difficult place to live.>
  3. Kono kutsu wa omokute, arukinikui desu. These shoes are heavy and hard (uncomfortable) to walk on.i>
  4. Kono kutsu wa karukute, arukiyasui desu. These shoes are light and easy (comfortable) to walk on.


Complete the sentences changing the verbs to their proper forms.

  1. Kono ji wa chiisakute,___________________________(yomu). (Yo means “letter”).
  2. Suniikaa wa,___________________________(haku). (suniikyy means, “slippers”).
  3. Kono michi wa hirokute,___________________________ (spread safe). (michi means “street”. hiroi means “width”. spread safe means, “driving”).
Lifestyle Fashion

8 signs to know that you are addicted

Rose was a young intern at a financial agency. This was her first work experience in the corporate sector and she was very excited. She quickly adjusted to the work culture and performed well to earn rewards and promotions. Her long working hours often ended with a glass or two of wine with her colleagues at a club or coffee shop.

Soon the occasional drinking sessions became regular as they made her feel happy and relaxed. Little by little, she became addicted. She needed alcohol to ease her tense muscles and prepare her for the next day. As the pressure of work increased, she began to drink heavily. This resulted in nights out, hangovers, absences from work and came the day she was fired from her. Her addiction cost her the job she loved and was so proud of.

Like Rose, many of us develop a taste for something that does more harm than good. One could be addicted to alcohol, drugs, sex, video games, gambling, or even shopping. And when the issue gets out of control, the person should be encouraged to seek help from an addiction help center that treats the underlying problem holistically during recovery, as well as through an aftercare program.

It is possible to control the situation and prevent it from getting worse. All one needs to do is watch for signs of addiction and act immediately. Some of the red flags could be:

  1. Continuing with an addiction despite negative effects – When an addiction takes control, the affected person has a tendency to ignore the warning signs and continue to pursue the substance or habit regardless of the impact it may have on physical and psychological health, relationships or work.
  2. Give up social events – Addicts can become so obsessed with their addiction that, over time, they may stop attending social gatherings they used to enjoy, as events may not give them the opportunity or time to use the substance they wanted to use. they abuse.
  3. Suffer from withdrawal symptoms – When a person tries to quit an addiction, they may experience severe withdrawal symptoms. This is because the body becomes so used to a substance that it becomes distressed in its absence. Withdrawal symptoms can be both physical and psychological, and in some cases quite life-threatening.
  4. Keep addiction a secret – People tend to mask addiction by keeping it a secret. They fear being judged, so they try to hide their habit from friends and family.
  5. increased tolerance – When an addiction develops, over time, the body begins to get used to it and to produce the same high, it needs more of the substance, which leads to tolerance. Addiction can take over the mind and body completely.
  6. not being able to stop – Addiction can be so overwhelming that, despite the best of intentions, a person simply cannot quit or tap. One loses self-control and gets carried away by it.
  7. Take risks – An addicted brain has a tendency to take risks. Under the influence of a substance, one can lose one’s guard and engage in risky behavior. An addicted person may steal something, engage in unsafe sex, drive under the influence, or start fights and become abusive.
  8. made up excuses – When a person develops an addiction, his life becomes a web of lies and excuses. When friends and loved ones express concern, you may go to any lengths to avoid them and withdraw into your own world.

Seek help before it’s too late

Fortunately, it is possible to deal with alcohol or drug addiction if you agree that you have a problem and are willing to get help with it. Delaying the matter will worsen your health and decrease your chances of full recovery.


Animal Shelter Air Purifier: Top 5 Features To Choose In An Animal Shelter Air Filter

If you run an animal shelter, you know that the clean look and smell are two great indicators for seeing prospective clients how well the shelter is being run. An air purifier is the best way to help your shelter look clean and smell fresh all day, every day. Here are 5 best features to choose in your shelter air purifier that will make it more effective.

Multiple Filters—Many cleaners on the market today do not have filters. Avoid these types at all costs. A purifier without a filter is of little use and will most likely require frequent cleaning. And once you realize it has very little effect, you’ll have to spend more money to replace it.

The most effective cleaners have a variety of filters because the types of contaminants that plague a shelter are varied and include particles, odors, bacteria, and viruses. By choosing a cleaner that can multi-task removing all types of contaminants, one cleaner can handle all solid and gaseous contaminants.

charcoal filter—-Odor in a shelter can cause a big problem. This is why carbon filtration is a must. This type of filtration is known for its ability to remove odors and odors. And because urine odor is one of the crucial odors a cleaner must be able to remove, an ammonia-based additive has been shown to be the most effective at removing pet urine odor.

prefilters—These blanket filters are what separate a high maintenance cleaner from a low maintenance one. Sized for large and medium particles, they pick up particles that can be seen as hair and dust.

This spares the other filters the contaminants they are better at removing. Vacuuming the outside of the vacuum can clean the pre-filters and extend the life of smaller filters that should be present in the unit. Without these filters, expect to replace the filters every two months. With them, filters can last up to 5 years.

HEPA filter—High-efficiency particulate arresting filtration (abbreviated as HEPA) is the type used by hospitals to ensure clean air. To achieve this designation, it must be able to remove particles as small as 3 microns with 99.97% efficiency. A micron is defined as one millionth of a meter and is much smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.

This type of filtration is necessary to remove invisible dander that can remain airborne for long periods of time. And since dander also contains a protein that triggers allergies and asthma, being able to reliably remove this irritant means animals, staff and clients will stay healthier and much more comfortable living, working and visiting the shelter. .

Split capacitor motor—Because the animals in your shelter depend on you to care for them 24 hours a day, an air filter should be part of that solution by also being able to operate 24 hours a day. Verify that the unit you are considering has a split capacitor motor that will allow it to run safely and effectively at all times.

Real Estate

GPS Cell Phone Tracking

The development of communications technology has long outpaced the unique ability to access others when they are mobile. Today, mobile communication devices are becoming much more technologically advanced and offer more than just the ability to carry on a conversation. GPS cell phone tracking is one such advance.

GPS or Global Positioning System tracks your location by interpreting data received from 3 or more satellites. This has made GPS a popular feature in cars as a navigation aid.

All cell phones constantly transmit a radio signal, even when not on a call. Telephone companies have been able to estimate the location of a mobile phone for many years using triangulation information from the towers receiving the signal. However, the introduction of GPS technology in cell phones has meant that GPS tracking now makes this information much more accurate.

With GPS technology now more common in many new cell phones, this means that the location of anyone carrying a compatible phone can be accurately tracked at any time. Therefore, GPS tracking can be a useful feature for business owners and fleet managers who need to be able to track the movements of their vehicles.

GPS cell phone tracking can also be a useful feature for emergency services or law enforcement when responding to a 911 call from a GPS-enabled cell phone. For this reason, the FCC has legislated that wireless networks provide location information for 911 calls made from wireless phones. These are known as E911 calls.

As technology advances further, future features will become even more powerful. Imagine cell phones with GPS used as a navigation device. Based on the GPS tracking signal, they could be used to find your way to a location, calculate speed based on location change over time, from this calculate estimated time of arrival, suggest an alternate route, and even call by phone to the person you are calling. Let’s see with your ETA! Of course, car GPS navigation systems can already perform many of these tasks, however, it is the portability of mobile phones that makes them so useful for this technology.

GPS mobile phone tracking could also be used to locate the whereabouts of your children and offer protection to elderly relatives in case something happens and they need urgent assistance.

These features will help ensure the future of cell phones as a GPS tracking device that will bring benefits to everyone.

Shopping Product Reviews

The mobile operating system war

Stewart Brand, a famous American writer and editor of the “Whole Earth Catalog” has said “once a new technology passes you by, if you are not part of the roller of the current, you are part of the road”. Most mobile OS developers must have realized that this notion will hold true for them as well, and if they need to win this battle, they need to do something beyond their competitor’s imagination.

Before we delve into this mobile OS war, we need to know what an operating system is all about and what it has to do with the mobile device. An operating system is a connecting link between the user and the device. Here the device can be your desktop, laptop or even your mobile phone. The operating system is software responsible for controlling the hardware of your device. When the device is a mobile, the operating system is called the Mobile Operating System.

Initially, or only 10 years ago, mobile devices appeared on the market as a device to stay connected with your colleagues and supporters while on the go. Initially, mobiles were not equipped with all those latest technologies and features that we can see now. However, with the advent of 3G technologies, the way people communicate with each other has changed. Now, it is no longer just a device that allows you to have a voice with your colleagues and friends, but you can listen to music and songs, you can download and watch your favorite movies and videos, you can check and update your e-mails, you can use various Social networking sites like Facebook, Orkut, Myspace and most of all, you can do almost all of your internet related jobs.

Now the mobile has become a versatile device and a true friend that always stays with you. You can survive without your credit card, but imagine what will happen if you don’t have your mobile phone with you. You are physically paralyzed. Now a day, people are crazy about the latest versions of mobile devices that are equipped with new technologies and latest features and it has become a predilection for the masses.

This is the reason why various brands like Apple, Nokia, Samsung, Rim and Microsoft are in a mad rush to optimize and equip their mobile and mobile operating systems with the latest technologies and new features to attract the customers. The main brands and competitors that are in this race are:

• Apple-i-phone operating system

• Nokia-Maemo

• Samsung-Bada

• Google-Android

• Palm: Palm web operating system

• Microsoft: Windows Mobile

• RIM – Blackberry

The battle started 5 years ago when developers realized the potential market available in the field of mobile operating systems. Initially, there were very few companies in the mobile operating system market, and among them, Symbian enjoyed clear leadership with about 50% of the market. The rest, 50%, was captured by other players, including Apple with 13% and RIM Blackberry with 20%. But the real competition and struggle started in 2007 when Apple released a device with a combination of touch screen and streamlined interface based on smartphone platforms. This approach by Apple has changed the landscape of the mobile operating system market and all other companies wake up after receiving this hard kick from Apple.

Now, Nokia, Samsung, Palm, Microsoft, RIM are all in a mad race to equip your phone and mobile operating system with the latest technologies and unique features to stay ahead of your competitors. Finally, Google, the search giant, also entered the race with its long-awaited Android operating system to attract customers. Now the ball is in the hands of the consumer and companies will have to wait and watch to see which of these companies is accepted and which is rejected.


Ness Notes (February 7)

In Monday’s NBA, the 76ers went more than 15 minutes without an FG (0-for-19) in the second half and lost to Houston, 87-81. The Rockets are now 13-6 when both Ming and McGrady are in the lineup and could make the playoffs at the end of the season. New Jersey won its 11th straight home game (8-3 ATS) by beating the Hornets 99-91 and the Bobcats posted two straight wins (after 13 straight losses!), in a 119-106 win over the Sonics. . Golden State beat Denver 122-114, giving the Warriors their sixth straight win on point spread and handing the Nuggets their eighth straight ATS loss!

My bye is college hoops, Virginia over Maryland at 7:00 ET. In Tuesday’s NBA, I look to follow my Eastern Conference GOW winner last night in Washington (94-82), with my Western Conference GOW winner. In college hoops, it’s one of my exclusive Las Vegas Insider games, already off to a 2-0 start in February. Get them BOTH, right now!

Tuesday’s action is highlighted by Detroit seeking its 40th win of the season in a game at Atlanta (7:05 ET). The Pistons lost their last game and have yet to lose consecutive games this season. Atlanta is just 14-32 this year, but the team won just 13 games all of last year. Detroit is favored by 10 points with a total of 191.

The Clippers will attempt to go 12 games over .500 for the first time since the club has been in California when they visit the New York Knicks (7:35 ET). The Clipps have won eight of nine and outscored opponents by 11.9 PPG, while the Knicks have lost five straight and 11 of 12. LA is favored by seven points with a total of 197 1/2.

Dallas attempts its 12th straight win against the Lakers tonight (8:35 ET), which would be an NBA season high (Detroit also won 11 straight this season). The team has held all 11 opponents to under 100 points in the winning streak (allowing an average of just 87.5 PPG), a franchise record.

After going 9-6 in January with Kobe averaging 43.4 PPG, LA is 0-2 in February and has opened its seven-game road trip 1-4 SU and 2-3 ATS (0-3 SU and ATS the last three ). Odom and Mihm will most likely miss out again tonight, leaving the already skinny Lakers even thinner. However, the Lakers have beaten the Mavericks in both meetings this year. The Mavs (9-2 ATS during their winning streak) are favored by 10 1/2 points with a total of 199.

Gonzaga outscored St Mary’s last night 62-61, giving the Bulldogs a 35th consecutive home win, a school record. It is also the longest current home win streak in the nation and the team’s 10 consecutive total wins ties them with George Washington and Memphis for the longest current win streak in the nation. Gonzaga’s win gave them a 9-0 record in the WCC, leaving them as just one of SEVEN schools remaining undefeated in the conference.

Monday was a good night for the ‘losers’ as both James Madison (CAA) and Idaho (WAC) won their first conference games of the year last night. The Dukes won at home over Delaware (74-64) and the Vandals also won at home, 72-61 over Fresno State. That leaves just FIVE schools winless in conference play, one of which (The Citadel), is played tonight.

The biggest games for Tuesday are the ESPN doubleheader, which opens with No. 11 Tennessee at Kentucky (7:00 ET), followed by No. 2 Duke at No. 23 North Carolina (9:00 ET). ET). On ESPN2 at 7:30 ET, No. 4 Villanova plays St Joseph’s at The Palestra (in a Big Five battle). The No. 25 from Northern Iowa remained ranked this week (a first in the school’s 106-year history!), despite losing last week to Creighton.

The Panthers host Wichita State tonight (9:00 ET) and the 19-5 Shockers (seeking their third straight 20-win season!) are tied 3-way for first place with the Panthers and Blue Jays (Creighton) at the MVC at 10-3. No. Iowa is favored by six points with a total of 124 1/2.

Tennessee/Kentucky is the second most played rivalry in SEC history, with the Wildcats leading the series all-time, 137-62. However, while the Vols have lost six in a row at Lexington, they are the ranked team this year (16-3), while the Wildcats are just 15-7, having lost FOUR games at Rupp Arena this year. However, Kentucky is the favorite by 2 1/2 points (total is 152). No. 4 Villanova (17-2) and 10-9 St Joe’s are 3-0 this year over fellow Big Five members La Salle, Penn and Temple, but these teams are hardly the same as the Wildcats enter this game favored by 7 1/2 points with a total of 133 1/2.

ESPN’s Doubleheader Night Cup features Duke in North Carolina. Carolina is back in the top 25 after a two-week absence, but has already lost three times at home this year to Illinois, Miami-Fla and Boston College. Duke is out of two “close calls,” beating BC 83-81 on the road and Florida State 97-96 in OT at home.

Duke is led by Americans JJ Redick (28.2 PPG) and Shelden Williams (18.4-9.9), while Carolina, after losing four players from last year’s national championship team in the NBA draft lottery (and an incredible 81.4 PPG!), is led by four freshmen. The 6-9 Tyler Hansbrough (17.8-7.6) is the best of the bunch. Duke is favored by five points with a total of 155.

Super Bowl Recap Part 1 (The Teams)

Pittsburgh finally earned its “one for the thumb.” The Pittsburgh Steelers (5-1) joined the San Francisco 49ers (5-0) and Dallas Cowboys (5-3) as the only five-time winners in Super Bowl history, with their victory over the Seahawks in the Super Bowl XL. Pittsburgh had won FOUR Super Bowl rings in a six-year span (Super Bowls IX through XIV) and the 26-year gap between Super Bowl wins is second-longest behind Green Bay’s 29-year gap between wins. Super II and Super Bowl XXXI.

Of course, everyone knows that the Steelers became the fifth wild card team to win (including the 1969 KC Chiefs as a wild card team) and the first No. 6 seed to win (NFL began its 12-team playoff format in 1990). What I find even more impressive, however, is that Pittsburgh won a Super Bowl title the year AFTER it finished with the best record in the league.

The Steelers were an NFL-best 15-1 in 2004, but lost to New England in last year’s AFC Championship Game. Knowing that teams that lose in the Super Bowl have struggled in the upcoming season lately (more on that later), I went back to 1990 and checked how the teams that finished with the best regular season record but didn’t win the Super Bowl that same year, did it in the following season?

The results show that the 2005 Steelers join only the 1997 Denver Broncos as teams to have won the Super Bowl the year AFTER finishing with the best record in the league (or tied for best) and NOT winning the Super Bowl. title. The Broncos finished the 1996 season 13-3, tied with Green Bay for the best record in the NFL that season, but while the Packers won the Super Bowl that year, the Broncos were upset in their first playoff game. 1996 (at home by the Jaguars who were underdogs by 14 points), 30-27.

However, the Broncos came back to go 12-4 in 1997 and as a wild card and No. 4 seed in the AFC, they captured their first Super Bowl, beating the Packers in Super Bowl XXXII, 31-24. In total, 13 teams (since 1990) finished a season with the best regular season record in the league (or tied) and did NOT win the Super Bowl that year. Only the 1996 Denver Broncos and 2004 Pittsburgh Steelers have won the Super Bowl in subsequent seasons. Denver in 1997 and Pittsburgh in 2005!

That brings me to Sunday’s Super Bowl losers, the Seattle Seahawks. Of the current 32 franchises in the league, 17 have won Super Bowl titles. Four pre-1980 franchises didn’t even make it to the Super Bowl, the Arizona Cardinals, the Cleveland Browns, the Detroit Lions and the New Orleans Saints. The Jacksonville Jaguars (1995) and Houston Texans (2002) have also never made it to the “definitive” game.

Seattle, making its first Super Bowl appearance in its 30-year history, now joins EIGHT other franchises that have made the ‘trip’ but not won. Of course, the Buffalo Bills and Minnesota Vikings ‘top’ this list with FOUR Super Bowl appearances each, but ZERO wins!

Will Seattle now be put to the test in 2006, by the ‘curse’ suffered by recent Super Bowl losers? Tennessee lost in Super Bowl XXXIV in St Louis, but came back in the 2000 season to finish with an NFL-best 13-3 record. The Titans lost their first playoff game that year, but they are also the last Super Bowl losers to post a winning record the following season!

The last FIVE Super Bowl losers have gone 31-49 combined in the following seasons, for a winning percentage of .388. The teams’ combined ATS records have been even worse, as they are 27-50-3, or a winning percentage of just .351!

My Super Bowl Part 2 recap covers Coaches Cowher and Holmgren, tomorrow.

Ness Notes is available Monday through Friday at 1:00 ET and 9:00 ET on Saturday and Sunday.

Tours Travel

Best Family Pools at Las Vegas Hotels

Now, when most people think of visiting Las Vegas, they think of it as a more adult-oriented vacation destination. What many people don’t realize is that Las Vegas can be a vacation spot where you can take your whole family. All you need to do is choose the right time to visit and you and your family can have a great vacation. One of the best parts of vacationing in Las Vegas is the hotel and the pool(s) they have to offer. There are many great hotels in Las Vegas that have great family-oriented pools. The following are some of the hotels that offer the best pools for families.

When looking for the best family-oriented pools, the MGM Grand Hotel is one of the first hotels on your list to consider. The pool complex offered by this hotel is considered one of the best in Las Vegas. Your family will feel like they’ve entered a completely different world when they enter the pool area of ​​this hotel. You will feel as if you are in an exotic jungle paradise filled with beautiful flowers, beautiful and lush vegetation, as well as fountains and small islands that are connected by bridges. This massive bathing area offers hotel guests over six acres containing five swimming pools, three Jacuzzis, and a lazy river. The lazy river you will encounter will probably be the largest with your family as it is something that people of all ages can participate in.

The Monte Carlo Resort Hotel is another hotel that, while not offering as large a pool complex as the MGM Grand, is still a great family-oriented place to go for a swim. There is plenty of fun for all family members at this hotel while swimming. The youngest children in your family will love the enclosed children’s pool that is equipped with beach chairs for toddlers. There is also a wave pool that is capable of producing 3 foot tall shapes in order to simulate the ocean and create a great deal of fun for your entire family. For those older children in your family you can enjoy swimming in the lagoon pool. The lagoon pool is a square pool with a very relaxing waterfall. For those who like to kick back and relax while enjoying the water, you will enjoy the Easy River Ride.

The Mirage Hotel should be next on your list of family-friendly polo areas to consider. This hotel features a series of pools that will truly make you feel like you’re in a lush tropical setting. This series of surveys here have been connected by bridges and gaps. There are also several waterfalls that further promote the beautiful tropical setting of the area. All you need to do to get to this beautiful section of the hotel is walk down a small hallway that contains various shops, as well as the coffee shop and ice cream parlor.

When you’re enjoying the family-oriented pools offered at Las Vegas hotels, remember that you’re following all pool rules. For example, chairs are not allowed to be stored. As long as you follow the rules and make sure your children are properly supervised at all times, you will have a wonderful vacation in Las Vegas.