
Unique Selling Point: Why should people listen to it?

There is no shortage of gurus and Internet experts. Take a look at any industry represented online and you’ll find numerous websites and blogs that claim to be their number one source of information on the subject at hand. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. In fact, if you want to increase blog traffic and develop a trusted audience, you need to position yourself as an expert in your field.

However, the number one question to ask yourself before spending time and energy building your website is why should people listen to you?

What is the value of you?

I’ve talked before about the value of knowing who your target market is and making sure you’re giving them what they want. However, this goes a bit further than that. Let’s face it, you could probably swing a cat and hit at least ten other experts who offer the same information you provide to consumers in your market. What makes your advice better than your competition? What is your advantage?

What is your unique selling point?

A unique selling point is something that makes you stand out from the crowd. It’s something people can’t get from anyone else and the main reason your customers want to do business with you. This is why certain bloggers can command thousands of blog readers while others offering the exact same information can only command a few dozen. If you want to increase blog traffic, you need to figure out what your unique selling point is and market it as a benefit to your readers.

For example, take two different types of soft drinks: Pepsi and generic. Although generic sodas are cheaper (sometimes up to 50% less than brand-name sodas), people still buy Pepsi by the case. Why? For the taste.

Pepsi’s unique selling point is the way it tastes. That’s something that can’t be replicated in generic brand soft drinks no matter what they say on their packaging. When people buy a Pepsi, they trust that they will get the taste they are looking for. That trust drops significantly when they consider the generic brand. Even if the two brands are together with an obvious price difference in favor of the generic soda, people will pay more for Pepsi.

Likewise, people will pay more attention to you if you have a unique selling point that they like that they can’t get anywhere else.

Tips for discovering your unique selling point

Discovering your unique selling point requires some research and a lot of thought about what you’re really offering your customers.

* Look at your main competition. How are they different from you? How are they similar? Read his blog posts. Which posts get the most comments and why? Read their testimonials. What do customers say they like best about doing business with them? If customers are accessible, you could even go undercover and ask for a recommendation and see what they say.

* Assess your target market. What things are most important to them? What problems are they trying to solve with the products, services or information available in their industry? Is there a need that is not being met?

* Determine what is unique about your company. What are your values? What problems do you solve for your clients? How are your products better than your customers? If you are offering the exact same thing, how can you increase the value of them?

Finding your unique selling point may involve executing on an idea and then tweaking it over time. However, it’s worth the effort if you want to increase traffic to your website and develop a group of customers who love you and your business to the exclusion of everyone else.


How I Trained a Strong Willed Dog

Have you ever had a dog that constantly tests you? A dog that will look at you when you give it a command with an expression that says, “What’s in it for me?” One who will obey for a while, then slip away or adjust his command to fit his needs?

I call this type of dog STRONG WILL. and the first time I met one it turned out to be my fifth and current dog.

My first childhood dog was a Toy Manchester, named Mickey after Mickey Mouse, which my mother chose for its size. The next dog, Pooky a one pound dog, was a gift from my brother when Mickey died. Again, my husband gave me a dog, an Irish setter puppy, as a wedding present. Sterling and I were inseparable friends, and she broke my heart when she died at the age of 15. Two years passed before she could love another dog. I chose a Golden Retriever, Lacey, who lived to be 13 years old. The hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life was put her to sleep. Ebony the STRONG-WILLED DOG came into my life a couple of months after Lacey’s death when my two children decided that her mother was too lonely without a dog.

Do you know that you can buy dogs on the internet? Yes! You can search all animal shelters and rescue organizations and include photos. After several phone calls, we drove a mother 90 miles just to WATCH a trio of Black Lab/Border Collie puppy sisters. Ebony came to me.

I should have seen it in the eyes. There was something different about the look he gave me. I soon learned that the mischievous meanings behind the eyes were an indication of their STRONG WILL nature.

The first thing I learned about Ebony was that you had to watch her CONSTANTLY like a little girl. One thing after another was chewed up or destroyed in record time. Now, I know you’re thinking that she’s just a puppy, and rightfully so. But while Ebony was doing this destruction she looked at me with “those eyes”. They focused directly on me and then backed away from her as she fled with her bounty as bait for the chase.

The good news is that Ebony cured me of SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. I started taking her for a 2-3 mile walk every day to tire her out so she could nap and I could accomplish something. It has now become a daily ritual bringing me rays of light physically, emotionally and spiritually. I no longer need my light box. “Those eyes” track all my attention if we’re late for our morning walk.

I taught him basic obedience commands at home first on leash then off leash. I started training her with the “come” command with treats when we went for walks and she let loose. He was happy with this game for a while. One day when I said “come” she looked at me, looked around her and decided there were better things to do. She was no longer an alpha dog and this was NOT good.

Having trained four dogs, I have never encountered this problem before. I started my research and settled on the SportDog Remote E-Collar. It was very simple to implement because she was already trained for an invisible fence after her many episodes of escaping from the yard through the blackberries.

Ebony was a quick learner and collects many compliments on our frequent rides. But she knows and I know that any chance she gets, she’ll push to get her way. Of the five dogs I have bred in a span of 50 years, Ebony raises the bar for the title designation of being a STRONG-WILLED DOG.


Advice on intercultural long-distance relationships

Lindsey and Juo met while Lindsey was studying abroad at Ewah Womans University in Seoul, South Korea, in 2015. She was there to study for a full year when, out of the blue, Juo messaged her on Instagram. Lindsey was hesitant at first, but she decided it would be a great way to make a friend in Korea. After a few casual dates with friends, Juo asked Lindsey to be his girlfriend on his birthday in November 2015. Since Lindsey returned to the US in June 2016, they have been in a long-distance relationship with Lindsey. living in Florida and Juo living in South Korea. They see each other every 4 months for 2 months at a time. Giving all her effort in the relationship and using the distance to make their hearts grow bigger. Lindsey and Juo will graduate from college this December, and Lindsey plans to return to Korea in July 2018 after applying to be an English teacher there.

questions to her
On our first date…

Honestly, I kept thinking of all the things that could happen… and worst case scenario, a scene straight out of the movie “Taken.” She made the trip to my campus and patiently waited for me with flowers and a heartfelt letter in her hand. We had lunch, we tried to talk but our nerves got the better of us, and then we went shopping for a winter coat since I had no idea how to prepare for winter after spending my entire life in Florida.

During the first few months of dating, my deciding factor would be…

any kind of lie. If you are not sincere in the early stages of our relationship, that means instability later on. The other (dumb) thing for me would be eating with my mouth open… that’s always been a hobby of mine.

I learned that He is the one for me when…

He told me that he would always take care of me and that no matter how much time passes, he will wait for the day when we can be together. Her dedication sealed the deal.

I had a moment of culture shock when…

we decided to wear a couple outfit for the first time! In America, it’s not popular for couples to show up like this wearing matching clothes, so when we did it I thought it was really cool but I LOVED it at the same time. Now, I feel like Juo and I are matching some part of our outfits most of the time and we both enjoy that!

3 things I love about him are…

the way He cares about me. He always asks me if I’ve eaten or how my sleep was. She offers me her coat when she is cold or her shoulder when I feel tired. For example, we were going home on the subway one night after a long day and Juo had seized the moment to use his jacket to cover my legs so he could sit comfortably on my lap while I rested my head on his shoulder. .

The second thing is that he understands me.. He takes the time to listen and listen to what I’m saying. He’ll hear me vent, and then he’ll tell me it’s okay and to let it go. He doesn’t let our language difference get in the way. If he needs more explanation he will ask and he will never say never mind or give up and for me that is important.

Third, he gives his all to our relationship.. She always thinks about our future and openly talks about it. He feels comfortable with me and shows me his love continuously. There has never been a time when she couldn’t sense his true mind or intentions. For example, a recent topic we’ve gotten stuck on is the idea of ​​adopting a dog or cat when I move to Korea. It may seem like a simple topic but in reality it is planning a part of our future and wanting to grow together.

The biggest misconception about your country and its culture was…

the idea that Korean guys in Korea would never see a relationship with a foreigner as real. I was always told to be cautious and that they may just see you as an easy target or a fun experience to show off to your friends.

The most beautiful thing he did for me was…

Make a personalized photo album with all our memories of our first year together. As a year-long gift to me, Juo created a huge book filled with image after image of all the things we had done together. It had dates written on every page and little captions for each photo. I couldn’t believe that he would have done something like that and for me it was the most special thing I have ever received because I could see all the time and love he had put into it. It is something I will treasure forever.

The second thing was that he proudly waited for me at the airport with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I had ever seen and we both fought back tears as we hugged each other for the first time in months. Seeing the love of your life standing there waiting for you with the biggest smile on her face is one of the best moments anyone in a long distance relationship can experience. Those moments are priceless.

During this relationship, the most important thing I learned about myself was…

that I can be patient and I can say that I learned what it means to show love beyond physical actions. Love can be seen in the words they say to each other and the effort they give every day. I know that distance is only a problem in a relationship if you make it one. I have become a very patient person and now understand that waiting is only part of our journey. Juo and I are in this for the long haul and if that means waiting months, so be it. Honestly, it was a skill that I lacked in the past, but this relationship has changed that.

If there is one piece of advice I could give to my Western friends who are in AMWF relationships, it would be…

be yourself without limitations. There is never a limit to how much you can learn about another person’s culture. There is never a limit to becoming a better version of yourself without changing who you are. Finally, there will never be a limit on who you find love and a connection with. Know that it’s okay to hug people with different races, ethnicities, religions, and cultures because no one says you have to find love within someone or something familiar.

questions to him
Asking her out for the first time was…

exciting. I first saw her on Instagram and she seemed so beautiful that I had to message her. After talking together for a while, I couldn’t wait to meet her in person, so I plucked up the courage and asked!

I learned that Ella is right for me when…

She told me that she would love me forever. Some people think it’s easy to say, but for me it’s something very special because I can really feel her mind. Besides, she always knows how to surprise me. For example, she mailed me letters for no reason and filled them with our photos. She always writes me a sweet message on the inside too.

I had a culture shock when…

told me that there really wasn’t a public transportation system in Florida. She Said There Is No Subway Or A Great Bus System And I Was Surprised! After visiting her in Florida for the first time, I later understood that most people used cars, so there was no need for public transportation.

3 things I love about her are

she loves me unconditionally. I have never felt this kind of love before and it makes me feel special. No matter what happens, I know that she will be by my side and I will absolutely do the same for her.

She is always thinking of me. He recently told me that every time he talks about me or thinks about me, he will touch our couple ring that we wear. I feel like we share our feelings. If I am happy I can share that happiness with her. If she is sad, I can understand her sadness and do my best to make her happy. She understands me, she makes me happy, she’s beautiful… how can I not love her? Sometimes I still can’t believe she’s my girlfriend!

The biggest misconception about your country and its culture was…

that I thought his eating habits would be similar to what I saw in movies and TV shows. When I went to America, I thought I would see everyone eating fast food or frozen dinners every day, but that was not true. I will say that I think eating out is definitely more popular there than in Korea, but it’s not what the movies make it seem like.

The things he likes to do to have fun with me…

they are traveling and talking! We are obsessed with traveling and creating memories around the world. Every time we are together we always plan a trip. Our first trip together was to Tokyo, Japan in 2016! These days we are already planning our next trip for when I go to visit her in the United States. With her, there is never a dull moment. Every time we video chat, call or send messages, we always laugh at something or make ourselves smile.

During this relationship, the most important thing I learned about myself was…

the need to understand. After being with Lindsey for almost 2 years, I have improved my understanding and listening. Even though she’s American and I’m Korean, I realized that doesn’t play a role in our ability to understand each other. I feel like we get to know each other better because we’re both interested in each other’s culture.

If there is one piece of advice I could give to my Asian friends who are in AMWF relationships, it would be…

that if you are in long distance now or would like to have a relationship with someone from a different country in the future, I will just tell you not to give up! If you can’t stay together now, you have to show all your love and feelings for that person. Talk about your future. Find out where you both want to be in the future and plan for that. It will keep you both excited and set a goal for all of you to reach.


Sequoia Day Trip from Lemoore, California

Lemoore is located in central California and is perfect for a wide variety of family trips, including the two-hour drive to historic Sequoia National Park, home to the giant sequoia trees, sequoias that are the largest living things on earth.

From Lemoore, head east on Highway 198 through Visalia and into the foothill community of Three Rivers. Three Rivers offers a great place to stop for sandwiches on the river or even homemade candy and ice cream. Just a few miles from Three Rivers, you’ll pass the entrance to Sequoia National Park, but keep in mind that you’re still about an hour from the heart of the park, after a slow drive with lots of switchbacks.

About forty-five minutes from the park entrance, you’ll pass Moro Rock, a giant rock with stairs and a railing, perfect for an afternoon workout. You can climb the rock and take in incredible views of the interior of Sequoia National Monument and the San Joaquin Valley below. About a third of the way up the rock, you’ll also have a great view, if you’re short on time or energy.

Just minutes from Moro Rock you’ll find Crescent Meadow, a beautiful meadow of wildflowers and other Sequoia flora and fauna. You can take a leisurely walk through the meadow, just over a mile in all. About halfway up the trail, you’ll find the historic “Tharpe Log”, a hollowed-out log used by a guy named Tharpe as a lodging almost a hundred years ago.

A short drive past Moro Rock and Crescent Meadow, visitors will find a variety of opportunities to drive over and under the giant sequoia trees. The largest of the Giants is located just before Lodge Pole. Parking is plentiful and visitors can walk to the base of this behemoth, the General Sherman Tree. For a hundred years visitors have been photographed in front of this giant tree. From the scale of the photo, the visitor appears to be the size of an insect.

After taking photos near the General Sherman and perhaps a short hike in the nearby redwood forest, visitors can visit Pole Lodge for dining or shopping. A ranger station at Lodge Pole can help answer any additional questions a visitor may have.

From Lodge Pole, a Lemoore family can return via the Three Rivers or loop through Grant Grove and on to Fresno. The Grant Grove stretch of highway doesn’t offer as many redwood delights as the highway to Three Rivers, but it’s much less winding and will get you home in just over two hours. All told, the trip is a fun-filled day trip from Lemoore.


Is Isagenix the best weight loss program?

What is Isagenix?

Isagenix is ​​a supplement company that markets weight loss products/programs. These products include meal replacement shakes, detox formulas, and energy boosters. According to company information, there are no laxatives in any cleanse/detox formula. This is good because some laxatives can cause negative side effects. Some ingredients in Isagenix products have impressive clinical support, which is extremely desirable when researching weight loss solutions.

Isagenix was introduced to the market around 2002. Most of the ingredients appear to be all-natural ingredients, which is good, but doesn’t always mean they are free of potential negative side effects. Isagenix products can be purchased over the phone, online, or through independent distributors. The company has been in business for over 13 years and has a good BBB rating.

How much does Isagenix cost?

Not make mistakes. Isagenix products are expensive. Although some may say, “You can’t put a price on weight loss,” there may be a problem with a company that charges two or three times more than most. loss program for about $350. Although we should keep in mind that what may be a high cost for some may not be for others, based on various Isagenix reviews.

Some buyers say – “Not good”

In several Isagenix reviews, customers have complained about the taste, cost, side effects, and the cost of other issues. One dieter said, “This all tastes nasty. Like a tall glass of grape cough syrup.”

Another stated: “I didn’t like it. It made me feel unpleasant. It wasn’t what I expected. It didn’t work for me.”

There were also positive reviews of Isagenix.

One user said, “It just becomes a way of life… a healthy way of life.”

While another said, “I have had success with weight loss and feel better with these products.”

Scientific evidence?

Isagenix has very strong marketing materials. But as far as science goes, there’s not much to talk about on the official website. However, if you do a search of peer-reviewed journals, you’ll find that meal replacements, especially those that are high in protein and fiber, can be used to effectively curb your appetite by slowing down digestion. Isagenix products contain whey, but the formula does not appear to be fortified with fiber. However, the supplements in the line have green tea extract and cayenne. Both ingredients have been shown to be effective in facilitating weight loss through increased metabolism.

Does Isagenix work?

Although the Isagenix company has a history of more than 12 years and a supportive customer service department, the company does not bother to share clinical research, although there is extensive research that includes animal and human trials. There are many studies available for ingredients like whey protein and green tea extract. That said, just because there is strong customer service doesn’t mean Isagenix products are stronger or better than the competition. That’s one place the business couldn’t sell me.

When the time comes for you to shed those extra pounds, I suggest a supplement with a formula that consists of clinically proven ingredients, which are backed by many strong customer reviews backed by a company that strives to present all the facts.

Despite the lack of clinical presentation, there is still a lot to like about Isagenix IsaLean shakes. They contain a lot of protein (which is important for building muscle), reduce hunger for a considerable time, according to their customers, and have a thicker consistency and a sweeter taste than similar products.

My biggest problem with the Isagenix product that I haven’t mentioned so far. Weight loss supplements are meant to be just that, complementary. By definition, something that completes or improves something else when added to it. Every person I put on the Isagenix program was substituting two meals with a drink or shake. In my opinion, this is not healthy. The foundation of healthy weight loss is eating healthy foods. I think that a program that advocates substituting more than one meal a day is not healthy.


Why every family should have a pet

Millions of families on this planet include at least one non-human member. Whether it’s a dog, cat, fish, turtle, rabbit or python, a new pet can quickly become a much-loved member of the family in its own right.

Many studies have shown that this can only be a good thing, for many reasons. When it comes to teaching children a variety of life lessons, helping to bond individual family members as a unit, and generally creating a sense of well-being and contentment within the home, there’s nothing like love. unconditional that a family caresses. radiates

Watching a kitten stagger with its new limbs as it explores the wonder that is the world around it often inspires the same kind of awe in the beholder. Sharing these kinds of experiences with your young children is like being present and seeing their own personalities birth before your very eyes. You are watching them, and even influencing them, as they create the fundamental thought processes that will inform all of their future moves in life, as they incorporate their mature world view into the expression of their very existence.

As both the animal and the child mature, so does the family unit. Members are commonly added as new children enter the scene, and the interactions between brother and brother, and brother and father, are often tempered by the unbiased and spontaneous love that a family pet can bring to the picture.

Upset, confused, or lonely children are often comforted by the complete support and acceptance that a long-loved animal offers. Memories of shared experiences and the animal’s possible total lack of judgment can cradle a sad heart with the flick of a tail and the touch of a paw.

Positive, life-affirming events like the birth of new pups, or even new tadpoles, can inspire an active curiosity about nature and life’s fundamental questions. If viewed from the right perspective and recognized by parents, they can provide learning opportunities not found in books, on television, or even in video games.

The lessons learned from other less happy events, although more difficult to experience, are just as important and valuable as the joyful occasions. If a family pet is sick or injured, the feelings experienced can be just as powerful as if a human member of the family were in danger. The agony of waiting to see if the patient will recover and become healthy again is not pleasant, but it is an important introduction to adult concepts that will be repeated throughout life and can teach children emotional strength as well as confirm that the worst does not always happen. will happen when the pet is safely home again.

If the worst happens, and the patient does not recover, even the latest tragedy of losing a loved one can be felt, examined, and understood in some way through the loss of a pet, long before the child must inevitably face the same situation as an adult. It is important for parents to recognize the learning opportunities inherent in raising an animal alongside their human children. From the time the child is old enough to safely interact with the chosen animal, the ideal situation is for both child and pet to grow up together. Depending on the pet, the animal’s shorter life cycle will allow children to see them grow from babies to adults, to parents with children of their own. Obviously, such an epic cycle implies commitment and responsibility, both from the child and from the parents involved.

It is immediately apparent that pets bring with them joy, spontaneity, and unconditional love that they can only add to any family unit. However, there are many less obvious but very important reasons why it can only benefit each family to include at least one non-human member.


The After Game: What To Do After The Trade Show

Continuing education, new technology, and product demonstrations are all good reasons dental offices attend a trade show. It’s easy enough to come back from a trade show, get back into the normal swing of things, and forget to make sure you got the most out of the experience.

To ensure that your time away from the office and money spent on support benefit your practice, follow up properly with these five steps.

Check with staff

If certain staff members joined you for the trade show, give them the opportunity to share what they learned at your next staff meeting. Your staff will feel that you are invested in their growth and development, reducing turnover and other team members will benefit from the lessons learned.

Good dental practice management must monitor staff retention and performance.

“Employees who feel their own career goals are supported will care more about their contribution to their practice and see it as a valuable part of their career path.”

– Dentistry IQ

Assess Practice Needs

Now that you’ve seen the best of the best technology and tools on the market, meet with your team to assess your practice’s needs. This should include where you are on current software and services contracts to understand your timelines, as well as staff bandwidth and finances to implement. Getting an earnings report from DDS can help you showcase your finances as you consider spending additional money.

It is important to have clear goals and expectations for new technology.

“The key is determining the specific use of the technology. Will it be for better case presentation and education? Will it be used to improve efficiency throughout the practice? Or will it project to your patients that you are continually staying up-to-date with advances in dentistry? Once the specific reason is identified, then the appropriate plan of action can be constructed.”
– Journal of Dental Economics

Evaluate special offers

Now that you’ve reviewed the needs with your dental office staff, review the special offers promoted during the trade show. Often certain vendors will try to entice you with offers that are only valid within a specific time period of the trade show.

This could make implementation time more critical for you and your staff, or upset what you thought your financial situation was to add the service or technology. Be sure to discuss these offers in detail with the sales representatives and get everything in writing for your legal team to review before taking advantage of the opportunity. Some special offers are not worth the additional clauses or charges that come with them.

Share your experience on social media

Your patients want to know that they have made the right choice in their dental practice. Sharing about recent continuing education or learning opportunities you’ve participated in at a trade show or conference can give you peace of mind that your dental practice is a smart choice for your dental health.

Dental practice marketing is an important aspect of his work. Social media allows you to build a relationship with your patients.

“Relationship marketing through social media helps your practice stop focusing on what you do (dentistry) and focus on the things you make possible.”
– The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Regularly monitor your efforts by doing a DDS marketing report to see which posts are doing well on social media and will inform your team of what to share about future trade shows.

You now have the tools to effectively track your recent trade show experience. Meet with your staff and start the conversation about next steps.


Huawei E5885Ls-93a VS Huawei E5788u-96a

More and more Huawei LTE Advanced Mobile Routers are available in the market now. Many customers are not satisfied with basic LTE and want higher LTE speeds. So they need to get LTE advanced or LTE-A pro router to fulfill that. Huawei E5788 and E5885 are the two new models of the Huawei E5 MiFi family. Those who want to buy one of the two mobile hotspots, may ask: What is the difference between Huawei E5885 and E5788? and which one is better? We will review the appearance, interfaces, specifications and other features to find the answers.

Huawei E5885 VS E5788 Appearance and Interfaces
Huawei E5788 is the latest Huawei LTE advanced pro mobile 4G router with touch screen. Compared to its predecessors, the Huawei E5788 is slimmer and feels better in the hand. The power button is on the top edge side, while the USB 3.0 port and SIM card slot are on the opposite side. We cannot find the connector for an external antenna, which is the standard configuration on other Huawei E5 mobile hotspots like E5787 and E5786. The back cover of the Huawei E5788 cannot be removed and the battery is integrated and cannot be removed.

Tea Huawei Wi-Fi Pro 2 E5885 Mobile it is also the latest LTE-A mobile router. The typical feature is that it has an Ethernet port and USB input and output interfaces. There is only a small screen on the front to show the connection status. The power button and WPS are located on the two sides of the interfaces. Similarly, the Huawei E5885 also does not have a connector for an external antenna. The Huawei E5885 is thicker than the normal Huawei E5 pocket WiFi hotspots. The battery of the Huawei E5885 is also not removable; however, the back cover can be removed. Huawei E5885 and E5788 use Micro SIM size. The Huawei E5885 has the Micro SD storage slot, but the E5788 does not.

Huawei E5788 VS E5885 Specs and Features
From the appearance and interface, we can see that Huawei E5788 and E5885 are very different. Then let’s take a look at the technical specifications and features, which is the key difference:


Huawei E5885Ls-93a

Huawei E5788u-96a

kind of product

LTE mobile hotspot with Ethernet port

LTE mobile hotspot


LTE Cat6

LTE Cat.16


Hisilicon LTE Cat6 chipset

Qualcomm MDM9250

Data transfer rates


DL 1Gbps/UL 100Mbps

Supported 4G LTE frequency bands

* FDD-LTE Band 1/2/3/4/5/7/8/19/20/19 * TDD-LTE: Band 38/40/41

* FDD-LTE: Band 1/2/3/4/5/7/8/19/20/28 * TDD-LTE: Band 38/40/41/42


802.11a/b/g/n/ac, dual band 2.4GHz and 5GHz

802.11a/b/g/n/ac, dual band 2.4GHz and 5GHz

Maximum Support Users

32 users

32 users




Connector for external antenna

without connector

without connector

Buy Antenna



application management

Huawei Hilink 3.0 APP

Huawei Hilink APP

typical SIM card

Micro SIM

Micro SIM


Non-removable, 6400mAh

Non-removable, 3000mAh




Ethernet port

In port for WAN/LAN port (RJ-45)


Download technical sheet

Huawei E5885 Data Sheet

Huawei E5788 Data Sheet

User manual

Huawei E5885 User Guide

Huawei E5788u-96a Manual

Other features

Power bank, AC, NFC



Huawei E5885 Review

Huawei E5788u-96a Review




According to the specifications, the Huawei E5788 is more advanced with the support of LTE Advanced Pro technologies, such as 4 x 4 MIMO and 4CC AC. And Huawei E5788 supports more LTE frequency bands, which makes it can be used more widely. The highlight of Huawei E5788 LTE router should be the data transmission speed, it can reach a maximum download speed of up to 1 Gigabit/s, which is three times faster than Huawei E5885. Advanced features make Huawei E5788 hotspot price expensive.

As a new LTE-A mobile hotspot, Huawei E5885 could reach 300mbps download speed. Both support a maximum of users up to 32 devices. In most cases, the Huawei E5885 is good enough for our daily lives. The highlight of Huawei E5885 is the Ethernet port, which is for WAN and LAN and provides more options for Internet connection. Also, the large battery of Huawei E5885Ls-93a can make it work as a power bank to charge other devices. So Huawei E5885 has more powerful functions than E5788. And the Huawei E5885 is cheaper than the E5788. If you just need a mobile hotspot that supports much faster speed, there is no doubt that the Huawei E5788 is the one for you. If you want to get a handy and powerful pocket WiFi then Huawei E5885 would be the one.


How to Treat Diarrhea in a Silky Terrier

If you’re like me and the hundreds of others who are lucky enough to have a silky terrier as a pet, you’ll no doubt have times when your canine friend has a bout of diarrhea. You know it’s a mess and you feel sorry for your pet, but if you’re like most of us, you just want him to get over it so you don’t have to constantly clean him up. How good would it be if both of you could speed up the process?

Diarrhea in silky terriers is usually just a natural response to something they’ve eaten that has upset their intestines and usually goes away after 24 hours. Recurring or ongoing diarrhea may be a sign of a more serious condition. As you read this article, you’ll learn what to look for, what to do to give your pet some comfort, and when to make the trip to the vet if necessary.

If your dog’s stool is liquid but clear, with no mucus or blood, the best thing to do is to remove the food for 24 hours and let it get rid of the offending substance naturally. Put out your food bowl but make sure you have enough water available. The biggest health problem with regular diarrhea is dehydration. If you’re concerned you’re not drinking enough, add unflavored Pedialyte for Kids to your drinking water to help restore electrolyte levels. In essence, you just turned her into a dog version of GatorAid.

After 24 hours, you can start again on a soft diet. Cooked chicken and boiled rice are good options, but don’t be surprised when she gets hooked on this diet. If your stools are still runny, you can firm them up by using a teaspoon of Children’s Immodium, or a more natural cure, half a tablespoon of canned pumpkin. Make sure it’s 100% pumpkin and not just the pumpkin pie filling.

Pretty easy stuff so far, right?

Are you starting to love your dog again?

I thought you could.

If the diarrhea continues after 24 hours, there may be other problems involved. If there is blood or mucus in the stool, your friend may have colitis, or an inflammation of the large intestine. When this occurs, water is not absorbed in the intestine, causing liquid stools. The blood is the result of inflammation.

Usually this condition comes from eating something they shouldn’t and the solution is the same as regular diarrhea, although they may need to be on the bland diet longer.

However, there are other possible causes that can pose a significantly greater risk to your silky’s health. Including parasites like giardia, coccidia, intestinal worms, and even salmonella. If the diarrhea continues for more than 4 days, you should take a stool sample and see a vet for analysis. If your friend becomes less alert or lethargic, or stops barking at everything like all silkies do, then take him to the vet immediately as something other than diarrhea is bothering him.

That’s how you treat the long-haired little creature to the races. I’m sure you already know this, but being able to identify and care for your silky’s health issues only tightens the bond between the two of you and that’s a pretty good thing. Right?


Prevent dogs from eating poop

Quite literally, a preference for poop in your dog’s diet can suck (pardon the pun) for the whole family. Not only is it disturbing to watch, it’s also not the best source of vitamins and nutrients for your wonderful pooch, and let’s not dwell too much on the lovely kisses your pup wants to give you!

But don’t worry, you’re not alone. A preference for pooping is also known as coprophagia and is best treated early on, as it can be a symptom of a larger problem, such as a nutritional or anxiety issue.

Why do dogs eat poop?

The first question many homeowners ask is why?

Well, there are a few reasons why dogs will develop a taste for their poop. The two most common are that the dog is hungry or trying to clean his area. Other reasons could include an anxious habit or an attempt to copy you when you clean the garden. Each of these can be resolved, but it is important that you address them quickly, because more than the social concerns, which can cause you some distress, are the health problems associated with the habit.

Dogs that eat poop may have worms or other parasites and to fix them you will need medication.

address the problem

The first thing you should do is treat the matter seriously. Make an appointment with your local veterinarian to have your dog evaluated and determined if he is 100 percent healthy. If your dog has recently picked up the habit, there is likely a trigger and a possible cause could be worms. Your vet will advise you if this is the case and provide a deworming treatment. To prevent your dog from getting worms or parasites in the future, ask your vet to recommend a good ongoing prevention treatment.

Once you have the go-ahead from the vet, you will have successfully narrowed down the cause. So it’s likely that your dog is eating poop due to poor diet, boredom, or in some cases both. Implementation of improvements in both areas can be done at the same time and is recommended.

Dogs need a good balanced diet, so making sure your dog is getting all the nutrients he needs is the first thing to do. You can do this by feeding your dog a mix of quality wet and dry food. If you’re not sure what a good brand is, ask your veterinarian, pet store, or your dog’s breeder.

At the same time, make sure to keep your area clean and tidy, this is especially important in the immediate area surrounding your space. Try to remove any dog ​​poop twice a day to reduce the chances of your dog snacking.

Whats Next?

If you have both gone to the vet and discussed feeding and grooming issues and your dog continues to eat poop, you will need to step up your intervention. Here are three other ways you can try to help distract your dog from his habit:

1. Try a tablespoonful of pumpkin puree in your meal. Dogs don’t mind pumpkin, but when they digest it, it will make their poop look less appetizing.

2. Take a spray bottle of water to the park or on a walk. If your dog starts eating dog poop, give him a good spray at the same time he says “NO” loud and clear.

3. Use basic commands with your dog. If your dog is well-trained in other ways, you can try making him sit and then spray the poop with bitter apple or cayenne pepper. This will make the poop less appealing, but your dog will also begin to learn that when he goes to eat poop, you are effectively giving him a timeout where he can’t run, walk, or play.

As with all dog training, it will take time for your dog to learn to associate action with punishment, but it will work if you are consistent. However, the best advice is to keep a clean yard. If the poop isn’t there, your dog won’t be able to eat it.