Tours Travel

Why better is better than better

No matter what your current circumstances are, the first step to getting better is a commitment to do just that. It’s amazing how many companies, marketing gurus, mentors, coaches, lawyers and doctors, and even rocket scientists, like to present themselves as “the best.” Claiming that you are the best in any industry or area of ​​expertise is simply false, or at least there is no way to measure it, even if it is true. At the end of the day, there is no way that any company or person can say that they offer the best of everything: service, quality or features. There are no standard metrics and we really have no idea who all the competitors are. Your competitive juices must continually flow to be better than the rest.

The good news is that you don’t need to be the best. You can be better. “The best” is an impossible standard that lacks credibility even though it may be backed up by testimonials, endorsements, and praise. Think about this; “better” is a more realistic statement and a much easier comparison to make. You can say that you are motivated, determined, driven to offer better service or products than anyone else in the area, and most importantly, to exceed your own great service every year. This seemingly minor claim is actually much more realistic, much more believable, and much more appealing.

The “best” standard also keeps you on your toes and keeps you moving quickly in a forward direction. You become fully aware that thinking you are better means you have to keep pushing, learning and improving because there is still room for improvement. Being the best is a note of purpose and only offers a short-term advantage.

Once you are the best, there is no incentive to try harder and laziness or complacency starts to set in and you risk getting hit from all sides by all the competitors…hit by everyone who works to be better. Now you know that for all those “best” out there who think their motivation is to stay the best, they’re just kidding themselves. The motivation to improve, to improve, is always more powerful than the false incentive to stay in one place, even if it is the best.

Any great athlete, company, or leader who is truly capable of staying ahead of the curve for any remarkable period of time can do so not because they think they are the best, but because they show up every day to do better than their peers. most important competitor of all: themselves. Pushing yourself and those around you to be better is the only way to be better than the best.

As I send this message to your brain, you will remember that you can be better than the best any time you want, that is if you stay committed to the cause. Most of us, at some level or another, are familiar with what commitment means. Earlier we talked about the 3 C’s of life. Choice, Chance and Change. Well here goes another “C”, Commitment. Compromise is where the tire meets the tar. If you want to achieve the success you want in any area of ​​your life and get better at whatever it is you do, you need to understand the essential elements needed to make it happen, to capture its magic. You have to be committed, genuinely committed to being better and better every day in every way.

Commitment also means promise, pledge, vow, obligation, security, word and guarantee.

To have a genuine commitment three things are required. The first is desire. The very fact that you are still reading here is more than enough proof that you have a strong desire, a longing desire. That feels so good, doesn’t it? You are on the way to a truly exciting, invigorating, refreshing, revitalizing, energizing, pleasurable, rewarding and unforgettable experience of your life. Stay with me as you realize that desire also means longing, longing, yearning, longing, need, aspiration, and plea.

You’re better than that. You can have the desires of your heart. You can make all your dreams come true.

The second is faith. You need to stay committed to faith. You need to have faith in the process. With your desire and your willingness to have faith in yourself, your commitment to be better will emerge to be stronger and stronger. You will feel amazing and it will strengthen and sustain you as you take charge of each and every one of your extraordinary talents and abilities that are unique only to you.

The third is Belief. On one of my many visits to the US, I was suddenly called from the West Coast to Houston, Texas. I had to take three connecting flights to the East Coast and landed in Atlanta, Georgia to catch the last connecting flight to Houston. The plane was not as full as on other flights and I was seated in a 4 seater section with a row of 2 seater across the aisle. A young woman who looked to be in her early twenties was sitting near the window across the aisle from me and she seemed to be lazily flipping through one of the flight magazines. We were about 15 minutes into the full flight when all of a sudden the plane shook violently and leveled off just as quickly as it had started. The first warning of trouble to come came when the sign on the plane lit up: “Fasten seat belts.” Then, after a while, a calm voice said, “We won’t be serving drinks right now because we’re expecting a bit of turbulence. Make sure your seatbelt is fastened.” As I looked around the aircraft, it became apparent that many of the passengers were becoming increasingly apprehensive. Later, the voice of the announcer said: “We are very sorry that we cannot serve the passengers.” food right now, turbulence is still ahead of us.” And then the storm hit. Ominous cracks of thunder could be heard even above the roar of the engines. The great plane was like a cork thrown around a heavenly ocean. One moment the plane rose in terrible drafts, the next, it fell as if it were about to crash. As I looked around the plane, I could see that almost all the passengers were upset and alarmed.

By now, people were frantically clutching at the front seats. My knuckles turned white as I realized that I had never experienced turbulence this severe in all my years of air travel. Then the plane seemed to go through a series of invisible speed bumps, at which point all the passengers panicked, but no one said a word and I burst out laughing. The young woman next to me by the window looked at me and asked how she could laugh when we seemed to be in such a dire situation. I told him not to worry and that this plane would never crash, especially since I was on board. “What do you mean?” she asked. I told him that everyone was safe as long as I was on the plane. She unbuckled her seat belt and ran across the aisle to sit next to me. She knew she was going to ask me more questions, but before she could, I asked her if she was in high school or if she was going to college. Now, as if by a miracle, the plane was flying smoothly and I got to know that her name was Jessica and we were having a friendly conversation. Jessica told me that she had a problem everywhere she went because she was actually 32 years old, she was a trained psychologist who had her own practice but she looked 18 years old. I laughed again when I told her that she had a connection in the highest place and that she was safe as long as I was on board. My belief in God and my faith in his ability to protect me was what prompted me to speak out and confirm my belief. My belief was my consolation. My belief was my guiding light. What kept me from panicking was what I believe. Hans Selye, who is the pioneer in understanding human stress, was often asked the following question. “What is the most stressful condition a person can face?” His immediate and unexpected response: “Not having something to believe in.”

The good news is that you don’t have to believe what others have to say about you, you can believe what you have to say about yourself. What you need is the desire and enough faith to believe the steps you must take to be better and better. When you do this, you will be well on your way to achieving almost anything you want.

Arts Entertainments

Black Mesa – A Navajo Sacrifice Area

What if I told you there was a place where indigenous people were being exploited? That they were taking away their historical rights? That his religious freedom was completely violated? What if I told you that it has been going on for over 30 years and it was still going on with very little change? Would you believe it if I told you what is happening in the United States? Some of you may not be surprised, but some of you will be surprised to hear that the situation in Black Mesa has come to the attention of the UN religious freedom council, many books, articles and publications have been written about it, and yet if you ask the average person in America if they know, inevitably the answer is NO. I have wondered for the last 10 years, ever since I first heard this story, how can this be? How can such a serious, unjust situation go so unnoticed by the people who live in this country, this country that is based on democratic principles? For me, the situation in Black Mesa has been a microcosm for the world at large. I have often said to myself, if this can happen to the people of our own country, to our own natives whom we should treasure, to the caretakers of our country, to those who came before us, etc, etc, then , someday, these actions will not be limited to them. It is a springboard, a harbinger of things to come.

Black Mesa, also known as Big Mountain, is a beautiful desert land in the far northeast of Arizona. It is also a desolate land that is dotted with few houses and mostly sheep and other animals. It is the home of the Navajo Nation and the Hopi Tribe. These two people have been peacefully sharing and living on this piece of land since time immemorial. But the United States government, which has these peoples in its charge, has drawn its own borders in 1974, which has left more than 10,000 Navajo (Dine’, “The People”) and about 100 Hopi families in the wrong side of the line. This land is considered sacred to these peoples. It is the physical representation of Mother Earth. So when it came to light that these boundaries were being drawn to exploit the land for the resources (coal, uranium, and natural gas) in the land below, the irony was too great. The people whose land was taken from them did not even benefit from the resources themselves: they have no electricity, running water or plumbing, not even a telephone. They make their way in this world as they always have, through their ranching and farming. Yet this very existence was now threatened with lighting up places like Las Vegas and Phoenix and watering their many desert golf courses. All the Dine’ know is that the wells have dried up, the wildlife has disappeared, and the plants for the sheep to graze are becoming scarcer. Like most of these stories, these sad events and measures were arranged by corrupt elements of the national government, greedy leaders lining their pockets at the expense of their own people.

The United States government decided to solve this homeless problem by relocating these Dine’ families who were now on the Hopi Reservation, to search for housing in suburban Phoenix. This did not work for obvious reasons such as the fact that most of these families do not know how to survive in urban areas. Many were unable to pay their mortgages because they were unable to find work, especially since a large percentage of these relocatees are elderly who do not speak English and are illiterate. Therefore, many of these elders, who know no other way of life than grazing and living off the land, began to resist this relocation and still fight for the right to remain on their ancestral lands after thirty years.

The US government, through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, called the Hopi Tribal Police into action to implement and carry out laws to make life more difficult for families who resist, so that leave of their own free will. Things like confiscating their cattle, because they are raiding, not allowing them to collect firewood, since they are stealing, even demolishing their houses and sacred spaces.

In 1998 I was called to action by my conscience. I went out to Black Mesa to spend several months with an elderly couple, helping them with their daily chores and taking care of them. Winter is an unforgiving time on the Mesa. Many hardy old people die in the winter because temperatures drop below freezing, and because wood is so hard to come by, many get sick, don’t have firewood to keep warm, and freeze. I also went to bear witness to the atrocities. It had been documented that families that had a white person with them were not harassed as much by the Hopi police as white people in this country have a say in the media and if anything happened to a white person on the Mesa it was they would be on all waves. What this situation needed and has always needed is media attention within the United States.

During my time there I had the absolute honor of staying with the *Smith’s. (*I have changed his name in this article, for his protection.) But as my time with them continued, I got to know them as “Grandma” and “Grandpa.” My purpose for staying with them was to help them and see firsthand what was going on up there, but I think in the end they helped me even more. When a person of relative privilege goes to a place where the comforts and basic services of home are absent, he forces you to become what is really within you, to invoke your deepest nature. It is an experience where you discover what you are really made of. It gets into the deepest part of you and just makes everything simple. No more taking running water and toilets or a hot bath for granted. Things and the value of things lose importance as you focus more on the things that really matter in life. How much does it really take to be content and happy? What is happiness? Does it come from things, or is it better to feel gratitude after a hard day’s work herding sheep and chopping wood; that beautiful exhaustion that comes from having a real relationship with the earth and the creatures of the earth. I learned to talk to myself and to listen. I asked myself, what are the problems in my life that I would be willing to fight for?

I also helped grandma and grandpa. I was there when the Hopi Ranger arrived with a semi-automatic at his house and began questioning them in a language I knew they didn’t understand. I was there to take care of the goats and sheep when Grandma needed to go to the cardiologist, 3 hours away in Phoenix. Alone and scared, I brought the pack back home when the snow and ice were so deep that walking through them all day had formed balls of ice on their skin and weighed them down so much they could no longer walk. . Relying on this newfound inner strength, I found a stick and began beating snowballs off the goats until I was able to climb the hill and bring them safely home.

I was also there for the humor. The first time I participated in a sheep slaughter, I was given a lot of small jobs to do. Killing a sheep and preparing the meat afterwards is a process that takes all day. The Dine’ eats every part of the sheep. I watched Grandma sit by emptying sheep intestines into old coffee cans and cleaning the intestines with hot water. She took parts of the layer of fat that had dried in the sun and began to wrap it with the clean pieces of intestines. She then put these packets in clean water to keep them fresh. She moved toward me to do something with the bowl of water with intestines and the dirty coffee can. He couldn’t understand why she wanted him to put the clean intestines in the dirty coffee can. So I pretended to do it and she nodded. So I dumped the intestines into the coffee can. She had almost thrown it all away when she started screaming. She came up to me with another bowl of clean water and motioned for her to take the intestines out of the coffee can and clean them out. Then I realized that all she wanted me to do was dump the dirty water from the cleaning container into the coffee can. I felt horrible. But instead of being crazy, it became the joke for the duration of my stay. She started calling me “dygyss” (a form of “stupid” or “git”) and even when we had visitors, she would tell the story of how the stupid bilaga’ana (white girl) would throw clean food to eat in the sheep dung. . Maybe she still tells that story…

I received many gifts there, but the most precious gift I was given was the gift of humility. The gift of knowing how much space I take up in the world. The gift of knowing more is not better. It is quality over quantity, always and the gift of gratitude. That humility has nothing to do with weakness, but it is perhaps the most powerful human attribute of silent power. Give when you have nothing and never pretend to know anything. I’ve been thankful ever since that I don’t have to sleep with one eye open, worry about freezing to death, or having my house collapse when I’m away. After all the pain and sadness these Dine’ resisters had experienced at the hands of strangers, to be accepted enough to invite me into their home, eat the food I prepared, and make a place for me in their family is an overwhelming feeling; how much more advanced and generous and understanding people can be who are on the verge of losing everything. It really changed the perspective of how I think. Even now, almost ten years later, as I sit here writing this, tears are still in my eyes because I have so much left to learn and I wish I had done more. When I was there, I even considered staying with Grandma and Grandpa for a while and continuing to help them as my life’s work. But I knew that I had to go back to my own life, and that my job was to bring these lessons with me and implement them in my own life, away from serenity and simplicity. And tell people what is happening up there, in a beautiful desolate land full of people who “Walk in Beauty.”

As an update, things have for the most part stayed the same in Black Mesa. Grandpa died about 5 years ago, of old age. The grandmother, somewhere in her 80’s, is still living her years, alone, on her piece of land with her sheep. In November, she suffered a minor heart attack after a harassing confrontation with a Hopi Ranger while herding her sheep. To read her statement go to: (Link: [] ) His case is currently in continuation and the pre-trial date is March 12.

“When you think about it, in all 50 states human rights and civil rights are reported every day on television. Every day the situations across the sea are reported. Here we have the same situation. We are human but our laws have been violated. All the rights of these people have been violated. They are broken. —Percy’s Deal, Dine’, Hardrock Chapter


Beyond the Basics of Document Management Software

3 ways to use DMS (document management software) for more than just scanning and storing

If you’re using document management software only as a way to reduce paper, you may be overlooking a host of other uses. There are many other ways you can use to reduce paperwork; Over the past fifty years, technology has progressed beyond simple front-end document capture, archiving, and storage. Today’s sophisticated document management systems have built-in workflow, integration, automation, and business process management (BPM) tools that significantly increase your organization’s productivity and efficiency.

In today’s economy, it’s critical to automate processes wherever possible. This is easily accomplished with the right document software. For example:

1. Optimization of administrative operations

The right document management solution can enable you to streamline the entire lifecycle of various back-office functions, such as accounts payable and receivable, as many systems can be easily integrated with QuickBooks® or other accounting software or even internal systems. Employee summaries, vacation requests and approvals, customer suggestion requests, sick leave, PTO requests, salary increases, and other documents can also be captured, stored, retrieved, shared, and collaborated on. instantly.

To further streamline your workflow, the document software also includes the ability to add or import documents such as faxes, Microsoft® Outlook emails, word processing documents, Excel spreadsheets or PowerPoint presentations.

2. Improve customer service

Customers are used to the idea of ​​getting things done quickly and efficiently. By storing customer records or documents electronically, you’ll soon reap the benefits of increased customer satisfaction. Document management software enables your staff to respond to customer inquiries or service requests with “one and done” convenience, “fast and timely service” is the key to customer satisfaction; today, especially since the documents and information they need can be retrieved immediately at their fingertips.

3. Risk management mitigation

Be it HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), Sarbanes-Oxley, FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), NASD (National Association of Securities Dealers), The Patriot Act or the dozens of other state, industry or federal regulatory laws – your business is probably affected in some way. With document management software, sensitive and private information is protected at all times, even when thousands of documents are shared and stored. Client and staff records will never be lost, misplaced, archived or fall into the wrong hands.

In conclusion, never forget these three ways to use document management software (DMS): streamlining back-office operations, improving customer service, and mitigating risk management; they are extremely important to the future success of your business.

Home Kitchen

6 tips for choosing the best kitchen furniture

It may not be easy for you to choose the best kitchen cabinets. Whether you want to update a few things or work on an entire remodeling project, the tips we’ll share with you will help you get started. Without further ado, below are the tips you can follow.

1. Opt for a cabinet door profile

In any kitchen, cabinet doors are the most important elements. Therefore, make sure to consider a few important things when deciding on the style of the door. If you want to narrow down your options, you can think about your profile first.

Depending on your personal preferences, you may want to consider a cabinet door that gives you a traditional feel. Alternatively, you can also go for modern options.

2. Narrow down the options

Your next step is to consider your style. Depending on your budget, you can easily narrow down your options. It’s much better to go to the store to see different samples and capture photos of the styles you like. When you’re back home, you can take a closer look at the photos and get rid of the ones you don’t like at all.

3. Find out about your color and type of wood

We all have our favorite colors and types when it comes to wood. If you have no idea about the different types of words, we suggest you contact a good kitchen designer. Some people go for bright colors when choosing white cabinet doors. They will make a difference in your kitchen.

Once you’ve decided on the finish and style of your kitchen cabinets, your next step is to consider the function of your kitchen. Since you are the cleaner, the baker and the chef at the same time, you know very well what can work better.

4. Consider beauty and function

When choosing new cabinets, you have many options available to you. For example, you can choose to have drawers under the countertops instead of the shelves. Once you have decided on this style, you can add personality to your kitchen furniture. For example, you can add textured or decorative glass doors.

Ideally, the cabinets you choose should be easy to close and open. Some security cabinets come with a self-closing mechanism. So that your children do not slam doors again, since the doors will close automatically. So this is a great feature to have.

5. Be organized

It is very important that you have an organized kitchen. You can also consider the way you use your kitchen and how it works.

6. Make the most of the Space

You want to get the most out of your kitchen cabinets. In fact, if your kitchen is efficient, you’ll be happy. You can install bar stools or allocate all the space to cabinets.

In short, if you want to choose the best kitchen furniture for your kitchen, we suggest that you follow the six tips that we give you in this article. With these tips, you’ll be better prepared to make the best decision based on your budget and personal preferences.


Have you seen an FBI surveillance van parked on your street?

What do FBI surveillance vans do? It seems? Said vehicle may look like a flower delivery van, a utility truck, or a black van that appears to be a teddy bear delivery company. If the FBI breaks the law and does not use a marked truck, the license plate will begin with the letters SV, followed by a five-digit number that identifies the number of the truck. But, in the real world, the FBI can use any type of vehicle, like an RV and a Mini Cooper, to be more precise. These two vehicles can be loaded with cameras and sitting on your street for months doing passive surveillance.This area is under cctv surveillance. Consequently, these vehicles transform into large cameras on wheels!

So how can you identify these vehicles that are being used by the FBI for surveillance? You can usually tell if the FBI is equipping cars with cameras by how many are lined up at any given residence. For example, if a house has four or five cars parked in front of the front yard, this is a sure indication that they are equipped with an overabundance of cameras. Another indicator: If you see a relatively new car parked on the street corner with a for sale sign, the car may be equipped with cameras. Another indicator: do you see the same models of cars constantly parked around you? Do you see the same models of cars parked everywhere you go and in your neighborhood? If so, this is another indication that they are carrying cameras. Anything related to a public service like school buses, post office and UPS can be participating in covert surveillance operations by equipping their vehicles with cameras. Here’s one more pointer: Cars that are strategically placed for surveillance often collect a lot of dirt from standing still; They stand out like a sore thumb. If you see two very familiar model cars parked across from each other, this is probably a surveillance tactic that resembles a checkpoint.

The FBI uses highly advanced radio surveillance equipment to spy on anyone. Although government surveillance is wrong and it should be clear why government surveillance of citizens is wrong, some people are unaware of the vast negative consequences of having big brother spy on you day and night. Government officials claim that surveillance is necessary to combat potential terrorist attacks, but that is just a pretext, a lame excuse to justify and keep aggressive surveillance machinery strong.

Digital Marketing

Name three influential books that you have read in your life.

A really great way to try to get to know someone is to ask them to name three influential books they’ve read in their life and maybe say how they influenced the way they think. This recently came up on our online Think Tank after someone came forward and asked me this very question.

So, I considered this for a moment and then I wrote some. Most influential books? Hmm? Well, how are you;

1.) “Grinding it Out” by Ray Kroc

2.) Essays by Henry Kissinger (collection)

3.) Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation Series”

But actually, there are so many books that I have read and therefore it is very difficult to really decide.

The span of books that affected my thinking is actually much larger than this, I read a lot, scan, search the internet, white papers, etc. constantly. But this list is a start, of course. It’s hard for me to pick just three really, really hard ones.

A book I remember my mom used to read to me when I was about 2 or 3 years old; “Peter and the rocks of him”. Children’s book about exploring and collecting cool rocks, I think it was my favorite book he ever read to me; The interesting thing is that now I have a friend named Peter who collects all kinds of rocks and even meteorites.

Sometimes I think our minds cause these connections. That is, you can wish for events to occur. I bet science will figure out how it all works one day. Quantum pairs, entanglement, mind movement through our current understanding of the environment we see. But it must have affected me in some very strong way.

You know, due to the wide range of topics and my endless thirst for knowledge, I find myself formulating my own ideas and also writing them all down. Since I can’t turn off my mind, everything flows. I might as well give it back to the world, is my thought on the matter. Compiling various articles and rewriting them into e-books now; Maybe reading a lot of books leads you to become a writer?

I would like you to consider the three most influential books in your life right now. Do not be shy. I certainly hope this article was of interest and thought provoking. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. Thank you for reading my many articles on various topics that interest you.

Health Fitness

12 Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat

1. Schedule your meals – Most people only focus on what’s on their plate, not when they eat. Eating smaller meals every three to four hours can speed up your metabolism, which helps burn fat. The key is knowing your portion size so you eat enough to keep you going for a few more hours.

2. Eat more Protein: It is a proven fact that our body burns more calories when we consume Protein Supplements than fats or carbohydrates. Loading up on quality protein will boost your metabolism and also help retain muscle mass, all of which help burn fat. A study published in the American Journal of Physiology compared 2 groups, where the first group was fed a high protein bodybuilding diet and the second group was fed a low protein bodybuilding diet and the group that ate more protein burned more fat.

3. Spice it up: As surprising as it sounds, some spices contain phytochemicals that break down fat deposits in the body and at the same time break down cholesterol; kill viruses, bacteria and fungi; and protect against heart disease. First on the list are garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, and chili peppers.

4. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): This means alternating a short period of high intensity exercise with short periods of rest. The result: lose more fat in less time.

Try jumping rope as fast as you can for 10-20 seconds, followed by half a minute at a slower cadence.

5. Fight fat with fiber: The best sources of fiber can come from fruits and vegetables. You should aim for about 25 grams a day. Research indicated that a little fiber can increase fat burning by up to 30 percent. Studies find that those who eat more fiber gain less weight over time.

6. Train with weights: Training with weights has a number of benefits and fat burning is one of them. Weight training itself burns calories. Studies also show that weight training increases the calories you burn at rest for up to 39 hours after your workout.

7. Drink milk: Evidence shows that calcium deficiency can slow metabolism. Research shows that consuming calcium through dairy products such as nonfat milk and low-fat yogurt can also reduce the absorption of fat from other foods.

8. Train fast once a week: This helps the body keep adrenaline high and blood sugar low. When you exercise while fasting, you essentially force your body to shed fat, as your body’s fat-burning processes are controlled by your sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and your SNS is activated by exercise and lack of food . The combination of fasting and exercise maximizes the impact of cellular factors and catalysts (cyclic AMP and AMP kinases), which force the breakdown of fat and glycogen for energy.

9. Drink more water – Being dehydrated can trick your body into feeling hungry. The consensus in the bodybuilding diet community is that high water storage within the muscles acts as an anabolic factor. This allows the muscles to maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which directly impacts muscle growth.

10. Eat More Avocados: Avocados are packed with the kind of healthy fats you need to keep your body burning fat. Plus, by eating more of nature’s healthiest foods like avocados and almonds, you’re much less likely to feel hungry again soon after you’ve eaten. As an added health benefit, eating a diet high in omega-9 fats, of which avocado is one of the best sources, has been shown to have the potential to lower blood levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.” bad” at the same time. while also increasing “good” high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

11. Drink Green Tea: Green tea is loaded with fat-burning antioxidants. When you drink a cup of tea, you actually get a lot of beneficial substances with powerful biological effects. The best known of them is caffeine. A cup of green tea contains much less caffeine (24-40mg) than a cup of coffee (100-200mg), but still enough to have a mild effect. Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that has been shown to help burn fat and improve exercise performance in numerous studies.

12. Plan cheat meals: If you’re strict all week, one drink will get your body primed for more weight loss. People are shown to adhere more strictly to their healthy diet routine when they expect to eat their favorite foods one day a week. Strategic planning of cheat meals can be rewarding and also help control daily junk food cravings.

Legal Law

Little known facts about Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne travels with a bag full of about 30 ties. Some of them April bought and the rest of them she just takes from her dad.

Avril Lavigne broke a record set by Madonna. Yes, the 17-year-old Canadian’s hit song, Complicated, held the number one spot on the Contemporary Hit Radio chart (which tracks airplay on radio) for 11 weeks straight. Madonna previously held the record for her with her song Ella Music, which stayed at number one for 10 weeks.

Avril Lavigne is on the subway for an appearance this fall in Sabrina the Teenage Witch. What do you think she will be doing? Acting of course. Avril is going to rock out at a nightclub.

Avril Lavigne has a cameo in the Treble Charger video for Hundred Million. Other groups featured in the band’s video include Sum 41 and Swollen Members.

Avril got her first kiss one night in ninth grade when her parents were away and a boy came over. The best time to see Avril Lavigne singing her song Losing Grip is when she’s mad. “I really like to play her when I’m mad,” says Avril. “And I’m always mad at the boys.”

Avril admitted to that she got into a few fights one night. “The other night, I got into three fights,” says Lavigne. “I was in a club and a girl was giving me a bad face. She pushed me and I knocked her to the ground. She came the security and, since I was upstairs, they kicked me out.” Oh! It’s no wonder Avril Lavigne has a bit of a rebellious reputation.

Avril Lavigne usually wears loose Dickies and she is skinny so they often fall down revealing the crack in her butt. If you caught the 2002 MMVAs, you may have seen Avril’s butt again! Yes, Avril Lavigne skates. She may not be Tony Hawk, but she can ride a skateboard. Avril Lavigne knew that she wanted to be a singer when she was just a child. Avril Lavigne was only 12 years old when she wrote her first song. Avril Lavigne also taught herself to play the guitar when she was 12 years old. Avril Lavigne is compared to Alanis Morissette (although it could be because they are both Canadian and women).

Avril Lavigne is good friends with Pink, Vanessa Carlton, and Fefe Dobson. Avril Lavigne enjoys camping, skateboarding, hunting, and playing hockey. Avril is married to Sum 41’s Derek Whibley. The couple also share a mansion in California! Avril wrote the theme song for SpongeBob SquarePants as well as Kelly Clarkson’s song Breakaway. In July 2007, news broke that Tommy Dunbar and James Gangwer of The Rubinoos were suing Avril over allegations that she had copied one of her songs. The couple claims that Avril’s single Girlfriend is a copy of her song I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend. The case will be heard in a California court on August 28, 2007.

Avril appeared topless on the cover of the June 2007 issue of Blender magazine, but she wasn’t happy because she wanted it darker. Avril released her song Girlfriend of her with choruses in different languages ​​including Italian, Spanish, French and Japanese. Avril sings the theme from the soundtrack of the movie Eragon, titled Keep Holding On.

Avril appeared in Butch Walker’s video for Bethamphetamine (Pretty Pretty) and Treble Charger’s video Hundred Million. Avril and Deryck Whibley (of Sum 41) began dating in March 2004. The couple married on July 17, 2006 in Montecito, California. Avril’s wedding dress was designed by Vera Wang. Avril has been immortalized with her own computer virus: the so-called Avril email virus, which attempts to lure users into opening its infected attachment promising images of the pop star , entered circulation shortly after the Grammy nominations were announced. (January 14, 2003) Avril mispronounced David Bowie’s name as he helped announce the Grammy nominees for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance at Madison Square Garden. She pronounced Bowie’s name as Howie, whereas it is supposed to be as “doughy”. (January 8, 2003) Paramount Pictures has opted for the song Sk8er Boi and has hired ER writer/producer David Zabel to adapt the words from it into a movie to be produced by MTV Films and Alphaville. Avril once admitted that she had never heard of the Sex Pistols.

Avril has a star tattooed on the inside of her left wrist, applied at the same time as her friend and musical partner Ben Moody’s identical tattoo. In late 2004, she got a small pink heart-shaped tattoo with the letter ‘D’ applied to her right wrist, believed to be a reference to Deryck Whibley.

Avril wrote a song for her grandfather who passed away. The song, called Slipped Away, is on her second album Under My Skin. April’s position in hockey is right wing and center. She has said in the past that she played hockey better than some boys when she was in high school. Avril started playing the guitar when she was about 10 years old. Avril broke a record set by Madonna. Ella’s song Complicated by Ella held the number one spot on the Contemporary Hit Radio chart (which tracks airplay on radio) for 11 weeks in a row. Madonna previously held the record for her with her song Ella Music, which stayed at number one for 10 weeks. During an interview, Avril saw a picture of herself and tore it up, reportedly saying “I hate that damn picture!” All of this happened while she was in the air. According to Avril, she had permission to remove the photo; station staff encouraged her to remove it.

After Ashlee Simpson’s disastrous lip-sync appearance on Saturday Night Live, Avril commented that it was pathetic that some young artists don’t sing on their own record or on stage. In 2004, Avril was at the center of a lineup with hits on MTV after she raised her middle finger on Total Request Live. The origins of Avril’s name are French: Avril means April; The means; Vine means Vine. Avril has a dog, a miniature schnauzer named Sam.

Lifestyle Fashion

6 Strategies When Narcissists Won’t Let You Go

Beware of narcissists trying to lure you in with the vacuum cleaner. Breakups with narcissists don’t always end the relationship. Many will not let you go, even when they are the one who left the relationship, and even when they are with a new partner. They won’t accept a “no.”

They vacuum in an attempt to rekindle the relationship or remain friends after a breakup or divorce. Research has shown that narcissists and psychopaths tend to stay friends with their ex for selfish reasons. They try to stay in your life or seduce you and convince you to come back. They will do whatever it takes to lure you back.

This behavior is called hoovering after the famous Hoover vacuum cleaner, because when you are finally free from the abusive relationship, you get sucked back in.

Be prepared for a bait and switch maneuver. Being expert manipulators, narcissists know your vulnerabilities.

They appeal to your emotions with cries for help, romantic gestures, messages or cards or gifts on significant dates or anniversaries. They try to seduce you with financial support, feigned compassion, pleas, jealousy, sex, words of love, or promises of reform. They may send veiled messages through social media posts, arrange “chance” meet-ups at their local hotspots, or employ “flying monkeys” (friends and family) to bid on their behalf. When that doesn’t work, they use threats, blame, and shame to wear you down.

If you still love or care for your ex and are hoping that the relationship can improve, you are vulnerable to being sucked in again. Victims of violence frequently return, only to be abused again. Do not be fooled. If you stay strong, they can show their true colors and go on the attack.

Why Hoover Narcissists
Narcissists who are motivated by power are game players, and this is just another power game. Therefore, vacuuming is completely predictable, because for narcissists relationships are transactional. They lack empathy and the ability to see you as a separate human being. Instead of desiring a relationship for sentimental reasons, they care about themselves and seek access to resources, such as sex, money, information, status, or love. Its impetus is pragmatic and its own dependency.

They need their narcissistic supply. His fragile ego needs constant reassurance and attention to avoid feeling his inner emptiness, like a vampire who sucks the blood of his victims, and they need a lot of it. Male narcissists, in particular, may go from one woman to another for validation and/or sex.

Also, if it wasn’t your decision to leave, you can’t tolerate rejection. Due to their underlying shame and insecurity, they find it humiliating. Instead of accepting that you “resign”, they go on the offensive and “fire” you. Likewise, they often spread lies by murdering your character and turning family and friends against you in order to elevate themselves in the eyes of others.

Once they are gone, in order to regain their self-esteem and power, they may try to win you back. Just knowing that you think of them or will talk to them soothes their bruised ego. If you go back, as soon as they feel safe, they’ll take you down or split up to reverse the narrative.

to do
Vacuuming can be very harmful. Narcissists confuse you with lies and distortions to enlighten you for their own ends. It perpetuates the narcissistic abuse you have endured. Due to the dynamics of the previous relationship, you may be easily swayed by false promises, gestures, fear, or threats if you don’t agree, or you may succumb to shame and guilt that you have been made to feel so unworthy and lucky. have your ex back in your life. His vulnerability is increased through the bond with the trauma, which makes it very difficult to leave an abuser.

  • The best way to deal with flapping is to ignore it. No contact protects you and helps you recover from a breakup. That includes not looking at photos or social media accounts of your ex. A narcissist may escalate the aspiration, then lose interest after a while, only to resurface a year or more later when she needs it.
  • If you have to communicate, for example, you have business matters or children in common, become a gray rock. This removes any incentive for a narcissist to pursue you romantically. Communicate only in writing. Stay to the point, keep it short and impersonal, and don’t laugh or smile at his jokes or attempts to flirt or cajole you.
  • Be careful about idealizing your ex or romanticizing the relationship. Arm your psyche so as not to fall into false expressions of love, seduction or lies about yourself and the relationship. Remember your unhappiness and any abuse you suffered.
  • It is important to unravel the truth from the lies so that you learn to trust yourself again and not question your own perceptions. Resist any attempt to distort the past. Write a story about what really happened and why you were unhappy.
  • Get professional help to restore your self-confidence and heal PTSD and relationship wounds from childhood.
  • Write down your feelings about the narcissist’s behavior and associate them with family members and memories from your past. If you can make a connection, when you miss your ex, shift your mind back to your childhood feelings.
  • Remember that narcissism is a personality disorder. A narcissist will not change for you and certainly not without years of focused therapy. You have to put yourself first and raise your self-esteem.

    © Darlene Lancer 2021


    How to Treat Diarrhea in a Silky Terrier

    If you’re like me and the hundreds of others who are lucky enough to have a silky terrier as a pet, you’ll no doubt have times when your canine friend has a bout of diarrhea. You know it’s a mess and you feel sorry for your pet, but if you’re like most of us, you just want him to get over it so you don’t have to constantly clean him up. How good would it be if both of you could speed up the process?

    Diarrhea in silky terriers is usually just a natural response to something they’ve eaten that has upset their intestines and usually goes away after 24 hours. Recurring or ongoing diarrhea may be a sign of a more serious condition. As you read this article, you’ll learn what to look for, what to do to give your pet some comfort, and when to make the trip to the vet if necessary.

    If your dog’s stool is liquid but clear, with no mucus or blood, the best thing to do is to remove the food for 24 hours and let it get rid of the offending substance naturally. Put out your food bowl but make sure you have enough water available. The biggest health problem with regular diarrhea is dehydration. If you’re concerned you’re not drinking enough, add unflavored Pedialyte for Kids to your drinking water to help restore electrolyte levels. In essence, you just turned her into a dog version of GatorAid.

    After 24 hours, you can start again on a soft diet. Cooked chicken and boiled rice are good options, but don’t be surprised when she gets hooked on this diet. If your stools are still runny, you can firm them up by using a teaspoon of Children’s Immodium, or a more natural cure, half a tablespoon of canned pumpkin. Make sure it’s 100% pumpkin and not just the pumpkin pie filling.

    Pretty easy stuff so far, right?

    Are you starting to love your dog again?

    I thought you could.

    If the diarrhea continues after 24 hours, there may be other problems involved. If there is blood or mucus in the stool, your friend may have colitis, or an inflammation of the large intestine. When this occurs, water is not absorbed in the intestine, causing liquid stools. The blood is the result of inflammation.

    Usually this condition comes from eating something they shouldn’t and the solution is the same as regular diarrhea, although they may need to be on the bland diet longer.

    However, there are other possible causes that can pose a significantly greater risk to your silky’s health. Including parasites like giardia, coccidia, intestinal worms, and even salmonella. If the diarrhea continues for more than 4 days, you should take a stool sample and see a vet for analysis. If your friend becomes less alert or lethargic, or stops barking at everything like all silkies do, then take him to the vet immediately as something other than diarrhea is bothering him.

    That’s how you treat the long-haired little creature to the races. I’m sure you already know this, but being able to identify and care for your silky’s health issues only tightens the bond between the two of you and that’s a pretty good thing. Right?