
The After Game: What To Do After The Trade Show

Continuing education, new technology, and product demonstrations are all good reasons dental offices attend a trade show. It’s easy enough to come back from a trade show, get back into the normal swing of things, and forget to make sure you got the most out of the experience.

To ensure that your time away from the office and money spent on support benefit your practice, follow up properly with these five steps.

Check with staff

If certain staff members joined you for the trade show, give them the opportunity to share what they learned at your next staff meeting. Your staff will feel that you are invested in their growth and development, reducing turnover and other team members will benefit from the lessons learned.

Good dental practice management must monitor staff retention and performance.

“Employees who feel their own career goals are supported will care more about their contribution to their practice and see it as a valuable part of their career path.”

– Dentistry IQ

Assess Practice Needs

Now that you’ve seen the best of the best technology and tools on the market, meet with your team to assess your practice’s needs. This should include where you are on current software and services contracts to understand your timelines, as well as staff bandwidth and finances to implement. Getting an earnings report from DDS can help you showcase your finances as you consider spending additional money.

It is important to have clear goals and expectations for new technology.

“The key is determining the specific use of the technology. Will it be for better case presentation and education? Will it be used to improve efficiency throughout the practice? Or will it project to your patients that you are continually staying up-to-date with advances in dentistry? Once the specific reason is identified, then the appropriate plan of action can be constructed.”
– Journal of Dental Economics

Evaluate special offers

Now that you’ve reviewed the needs with your dental office staff, review the special offers promoted during the trade show. Often certain vendors will try to entice you with offers that are only valid within a specific time period of the trade show.

This could make implementation time more critical for you and your staff, or upset what you thought your financial situation was to add the service or technology. Be sure to discuss these offers in detail with the sales representatives and get everything in writing for your legal team to review before taking advantage of the opportunity. Some special offers are not worth the additional clauses or charges that come with them.

Share your experience on social media

Your patients want to know that they have made the right choice in their dental practice. Sharing about recent continuing education or learning opportunities you’ve participated in at a trade show or conference can give you peace of mind that your dental practice is a smart choice for your dental health.

Dental practice marketing is an important aspect of his work. Social media allows you to build a relationship with your patients.

“Relationship marketing through social media helps your practice stop focusing on what you do (dentistry) and focus on the things you make possible.”
– The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Regularly monitor your efforts by doing a DDS marketing report to see which posts are doing well on social media and will inform your team of what to share about future trade shows.

You now have the tools to effectively track your recent trade show experience. Meet with your staff and start the conversation about next steps.