
Can eating breakfast cereals and oatmeal help you conceive a boy or a girl?

Yesterday I received an email from someone who told me that they had heard that eating oatmeal and other cereals would make a difference in terms of having a baby boy or a girl, but they didn’t know which gender it favored. There are many factors that go into gender selection. Food is just one of them. But on its own, the variable of eating lots of breakfast foods, like cereal, oatmeal, would slightly favor a baby boy. However, as this is only a small variable when more can come into play, consuming one food is unlikely to be the deciding factor for the sex of your baby. I will discuss more about this matter in the next article.

Why breakfast foods and alkaline foods (like oatmeal) are said to be good for baby boys: In fact, there is an English study that indicated that women who ate more calories and more food for breakfast (particularly cereals) were slightly more likely to conceive boys. The word “slightly” in the last sentence is very important. Specifically, the women in the study who ate the most calories were 56% more likely to have a boy, compared to 45% who had girls. And women who ate more than two bowls of breakfast cereal per day were more likely to have children (59%). So these things give you a bit of an edge, but the stats here aren’t overwhelming.

Another criteria that I feel I should mention is that oatmeal is an alkaline food. Most grains (like oatmeal, rice, quinoa, etc.) will help your body become more alkaline and less acidic. And an alkaline body and reproductive tract is another thing that favors children. This is because the Y sperm produced by boys do not develop very well or survive very long in an acidic environment. That said, oatmeal is just an acidic food, and since you need to have a varied and well-rounded diet when trying to get pregnant, you should incorporate a wide variety of alkaline foods if your goal is a boy.

Other things that can affect if you have a boy and a girl: Food and your diet are a variable that you can control, but this is not the only thing you can look at. Do not misunderstand. Diet and nutrition are important, but if this is the only thing you’re addressing, you may be falling short.

You can and should also address the time you use. By this I mean that the time you conceive in relation to the time you ovulate is also equally important. Remember those guys who produced Y and had a hard time with acid? They also have difficulties with longevity, which means they don’t live as long. So if you want a girl, you can take advantage of this by conceiving before you ovulate. If you want a boy, you will want to wait until this day has passed.

The final criteria that you can control for your own benefit is the sexual positions that you use. Now, remember that you only want to use them on days when your AP and time are correct. But, on the right days, if you use shallow penetration, it will make things more favorable for the sperm producing female babies. And if you use deeper penetration, it will give the sperm-producing boy the little extra boost he often needs to overcome his vulnerabilities to time and acid.


5 Easy Softball Throwing Grip Strength Exercises

Pitching in Fastpitch Softball requires a lot of talent, skill, game knowledge, practice, and strength to be an elite pitcher. Many pitchers have the raw talent, they can pick up the skills and knowledge of the game through practice. Going from being an average pitcher to one that makes the rise ball “pop” takes more than practice, it takes a strong grip. And now a strong grip can be achieved easily at home with these 5 easy steps.

This article will give you some simple exercises that you can do at home. Most of the items mentioned can be found in your pantry or garage. Just ask your parents to help you find them. These 5 simple drills can help you go from being an average fastpitch softball pitcher to an excellent one.

Exercise 1:

Grab a can of soup or vegetables from the pantry. A small 2 pound weight is also good for this. Any small weight that you can fit in your hand.

Hold the can in your hand, palms down. Then lift your wrists up and down 15 to 20 times. (Increase the weight if you don’t feel it on your forearm above.) Rest 1 minute, then repeat this for 3-5 sets.

Exercise 2:

This is a modification of the first exercise. Simply hold the can with your palms facing up and lift your wrists up and down 15 to 20 times until you feel it. Then do one more. Rest 1 minute, then repeat 3-5 reps.

(Exercises 1 and 2 can also be done using a weighted ball.)

Exercise 3:

This drill requires a rod about 15 inches long, a length of string or cord about 24 inches long, a heavy weight about 5 pounds (an empty milk jug filled with water works great)

Tie the weight to one end of the rope, then tie the other end to the center of the bar.

Hold the rod with your hands palms down and the same distance from the rod.

Start rolling the bar and lift the weight up to the bar. Hold it for 3 seconds, then slowly unroll it until it comes all the way down again.

Repeat this rolling up and down 15 times. Rest 1 minute and repeat for 3 reps. You should really feel this on the tops of your forearms and hands. Increase the weight until 12-15 increases is all you can do.

Exercise 4:

Use the same contraption you used in Exercise 3. This time turn your hands palms up and roll the weight up and then down slowly 15 times. Rest 1 minute and repeat for 3 reps. Increase the weight until 12-15 increases is all you can do.

Exercise 5:

This one is a little different. Take a 2-liter soda bottle filled halfway with water. Hold it at the top and turn it up and grab the bottom end with your hand. Grab the top again and repeat the flips 15 times. Repeat with the other hand. Do 3 reps.

Do these exercises 3 times a week and in the off-season you will notice a huge increase in grip strength. When fastpitch softball season rolls around, your spins will be significantly faster and it will be easier to catch the ball.


Distinguish between wants and needs

Seeing your sweetie’s face scrunch up and hearing her moan when she doesn’t get what she wants can be hard, we know. But you can expect this reaction more than once when implementing your sleep strategy.

However, the key to your child’s sleep, and to every other aspect of his life, is to remember that ants are not necessities. As a parent, you make sure your child has everything he needs, but that doesn’t mean you give him everything he wants.

During the first few months of your baby’s life, you can easily distinguish her wants from her needs, because she needs you for everything! However, somewhere around that 4-6 month mark, she doesn’t need you as much as you think.

With each passing month, your little one can do more, understand more, and be more independent. However, she’s also charged with being with you, her 24-hour watch buddy, and she’s not going to give up that arrangement easily.

Like a kid in a candy store, your baby has trouble knowing the difference between what he wants from you and what he needs from you. And as a loving, caring, very tired parent, you don’t always notice the difference either. But if he can make this distinction between wants and needs and do it from the beginning, his life and the life of his child can be happier.

Of course, the wants and needs of older children are easier to address than those of infants and toddlers. (In fact, we describe different sleep strategies for children at different ages and stages because what works for an 8-month-old may be very different from what works for a 3-year-old.) But making the distinction is key to your sleep strategy. To help you tell the difference, here’s a quick rundown of your little one’s needs versus wants.


Do men ever regret leaving their wives?

I often hear from wives who hope that one day their husband will regret leaving them. Often these same wives will tell their husbands that leaving is a mistake they will one day regret. And often the husband doesn’t believe this for a second, or any doubts he may have overrides his need to go away and just see what happens.

I recently heard from a wife who said, in part, “My husband has decided that he will be happier as a single man without the daily responsibilities of a wife and family. I think he has this romantic version of a weekend dad in his head.” I’ve told him repeatedly that he’s making a big mistake that he’ll regret one day, but he doesn’t listen at all. A mutual friend thinks he might be wrong. She says he might think he’s having the best of both worlds: weekends with your kids, but freedom, peace and quiet during the week. I disagree because I can’t imagine just turning your back on your family and then being happy with yourself afterwards. So who? Is that correct? Do men regret leaving their wives? Or do they walk away and never look back with any regret?

The answer to these questions depends on many variables. But yes, some men end up regretting leaving their wives once they’ve had some time apart and a chance to reflect. Whether or not they regret it (and how deeply they feel it) often depends on why they left in the first place, what happens after they leave, and what kind of person they are in the first place. I will discuss more about this matter in the next article.

The reasons a man has for leaving in the first place will often influence whether he ultimately regrets leaving: Men who leave their wives for other women often end up feeling regretful once they realize that the other woman or the relationship turned out to be a telling disappointment. The whole process and the feeling of discovery can take some time, but it is very common for regret to finally occur.

Many men have regrets after realizing they left a woman they misjudged. Or, they might decide later that they acted too quickly. Sometimes they later look back with some honesty and decide that they were immature and made their own mistakes and therefore it wasn’t fair that they blame you.

I’ve even had men say (with much regret) that they made the biggest mistake of their lives by leaving the one person who loved them unconditionally and understood them like no one else. And sometimes it’s too late to fix this because that wonderful woman chose not to wait forever and some other man could see very clearly what her husband was missing all along.

Of course, while some husbands feel varying degrees of regret, some men don’t. Some men will tell you that escaping their marital prison was the best thing they ever did. They will tell you that they were dying inside every day that they were desperately unhappy within their marriage or that they lived for someone else. So what is the difference between the husband who is filled with regret and the man who feels nothing? Part of this is the personality and makeup of the husband combined with the circumstances of future events that unfold. And you can’t control this. But a good deal is also made up of your future interactions and perceptions of you, which you can certainly control.

How to act when you are trying to make your husband regret leaving you: I often hear of wives hoping to make their husband feel some regret. The first thing she will need to understand is that she will often be more successful with this process if she understands that it will only take some time. Feeling genuine regret often requires perspective. And it takes time for a genuine perspective. There is simply no way around that.

The next thing to understand is that regret fueled by grief or guilt is often not that genuine. It’s often the kind of regret that makes you want to stay away rather than the kind of regret that makes you want to come back. So while it might not be that hard for you to make him feel guilt or pity, and then feel some regret, this guy isn’t the guy you want because he’s more likely to make him want to stay away, which he doesn’t. is your goal.

Instead, what he wants is genuine regret that comes from realizing that he was wrong. He needs to believe that his doubts about you or the relationship were wrong at the time or no longer exist today. So how do you inspire this kind of change? You show a woman who respects herself, who is loving but self-sufficient. You show him the genuine side of yourself that is easy to relate to and collaborate with. In other words, you don’t want him to see the married woman he’s always fought with or just couldn’t make it work with.

Instead, you want him to see the woman he courted and never wanted to be without. I would understand if you have any questions about this process. After all, none of us have the ability to turn back the clock and pretend our mistakes and misunderstandings never happened. But today is a new day. You can simply acknowledge those same mistakes and your new set of circumstances and start over, or you can try to pick up the pieces or rewrite history from the past. In my experience, you’ll often get better results if you focus on the positive in the present because it allows your husband to want to spend more time with you without worrying that you’re trying to dig up the past or point out his misgivings People are naturally attracted to others people who make them feel better about themselves and their own situations.

So while you don’t have to pretend to be happy that he left you, acting on this unhappiness by trying to provoke negative feelings that fuel regret will often only reinforce his decision to leave. Instead, you want to provide him with positive memories and experiences that make him question his decision to leave.


Choosing the right diaper to control nocturnal enuresis in older children, adolescents and young people Part 1

One point I have repeatedly emphasized in my articles is that there is no single solution to managing incontinence. This article discusses the various brands and types of cloth and disposable diapers available to manage bedwetting and is divided into three parts. There are many different factors that go into choosing an incontinence product. The key factors that play a role in the decision-making process are: the type and level of incontinence, whether or not the person prefers to wear disposable or reusable garments, how a particular garment affects the wearer’s skin, the ease usage including how easy and comfortable it is to put on and take off (some people are not ambulatory and need more suitable garments for this problem), price, how comfortable the product is, whether the problems occur during the day, night or both , and how a particular product fits the wearer (which in turn influences how comfortable the product is and how effective it is in protecting both the individual and the bed). While these are important factors to consider when purchasing incontinence products, the two primary criteria to consider are how effective the product is at keeping both you and the bed dry, and how comfortable the product is .

As I discuss below and have mentioned in other articles, most people wear clothes that look like underwear. I have decided to take a different approach with this article. I decided to focus on diapers, specifically cloth diapers covered with plastic briefs and tape-tab disposable diapers. The reason for this is twofold. In my reading on this topic, I’ve noticed that these diaper styles receive little attention from the public, including parents of bedwetters, pediatricians who write about bedwetting, and other professionals. The second reason to focus on these types of garments is that many people feel that these styles offer superior protection for heavy incontinence, such as bedwetting. I point out the advantages of these types of products later in this article. As an example of this, a father who had a son who wet the bed wet a lot and wet several times a night. The father could not afford to spend the money on the amount of diapers needed and he switched to diapers with snaps covered with plastic briefs. The majority of the public has always had a negative view of diapers and I think it’s about time we take a more pragmatic approach to this issue and use whatever type of protection is most effective in keeping both the bed and the child (or adult) safe. ). dry. If that means wearing diapers (which in many cases are the best option), then diapers should be used.

When shopping for incontinence products, it is important to be aware of the different terminology for incontinence products. For example, the term “disposable briefs” refers to disposable diapers for older children, adolescents, youth, and adults. These garments have the same fit, design, and style as baby diapers: they have drawstrings, elastic gathers at the legs, some have elastic waist bands, and an outer shell made of plastic or cloth (also known as nonwoven). As for the outer cover, there are manufacturers of disposable underpants that offer two models, one model has a plastic outer cover and the other has a cloth outer cover. Some manufacturers, in turn, only offer models with a plastic outer shell. It is also important to remember the terms used for the different types of incontinence. This helps you choose which type of product to buy. In the case of bedwetting, the clinical term for this form of incontinence is “nocturnal enuresis.” I’ve also heard people refer to bedwetting simply as “enuresis.” So if you are on a website that sells incontinence products and it says that a particular product is suitable for “bedwetting” or “enuresis”, you will know that the product is suitable for bedwetting.

The type of disposable garments most used to treat nocturnal enuresis are the “Goodnites” which are designed for older children, adolescents and adolescents with bedwetting problems and the Huggies “pull-ups” which are designed for both children who are being potty trained to go to the bathroom and wet the bed. The reason for bringing these products to the market is that they look and fit like regular underwear, which is supposed to be less stigmatizing to an older child or teenager. The same type of design is also used in reusable products. While it’s true that these products work for some people, most people seem to feel that diapers are the best option for managing heavy incontinence, such as bedwetting. However, due to the stigma surrounding diapers, most older children, teens, and teens are reluctant to use them. Most of the public feel that diapers should only be used for babies. I feel like the following quote from “Diapers Get a Bum Wrap” (which is the second chapter of The New Diaper Primer, a very good resource) perfectly sums up current thinking on this subject: “This childlike image keeps many, if not the mostly children and adults with incontinence without diapers and struggling with leaks, wet beds, etc. We can still be embarrassed to hear the oft-told story of a child who wets the bed and piles up laundry every day with sheets, blankets , pajamas. , not to mention the emotional stress and loss of sleep from interruptions during the night. But if we were to suggest that it would be much easier for everyone if the child wore diapers to bed, the answer would be a look of wonder and /or outrage while arguing that the young man is too old to wear diapers. Again, that unbreakable stigma!”

Many people buy cloth diapers with pins to control bedwetting and when using these diapers it is necessary to buy waterproof pants to cover the diapers. This brings me to another term you should be familiar with. Years ago waterproof pants were made out of rubber and these were the diaper covers that parents used for their babies, then after the advent of plastic pants (which I think was in the 50’s) rubber pants became they became less popular. Later, rubber pants were phased out entirely for the baby market, although there are a few companies that make rubber pants for older children and adults. The term “rubber pants” came into use as a generic term for waterproof pants, particularly vinyl pants (which are themselves better known as plastic pants; vinyl is a type of plastic, so the terms are basically interchangeable). When most people use the term “rubber pants,” they are actually referring to plastic pants. Some people use the same type of terminology when referring to waterproof sheets; Some people use the term “rubber sheets” as a generic term for waterproof sheets, although this usage seems to be more common when talking about waterproof pants.

Some people who have heavy incontinence during the day and night use both reusable and disposable garments. For example, one person mentioned that she used disposable diapers during the day and diapers with snaps wrapped in plastic briefs at night. Another person with bedwetting problems said that she used diapers with snaps and plastic pants during the cooler times of the year and disposable diapers when it was hot.

Several people who wet the bed rely on disposable briefs as much as diapers covered with plastic briefs. These garments are especially suitable for cases of severe incontinence such as bedwetting. In a situation like this, it’s a good idea to experiment with different products to find the one that works best for you. At this time I would like to talk a little more about pin diapers. The downside of pin diapers and plastic briefs is that some people find them uncomfortable to wear in hot weather. That said, not everyone feels this way, and some cloth diapers (particularly those made from gauze cloth) are supposed to be very comfortable to wear in hot weather.


A great alternative to the traditional Pass the Parcel party game

Pass the Parcel is a traditional board game that dates back to medieval times. Even after many centuries, it is still the most popular children’s party game!

Traditionally, in medieval times, the parcel pass was made up of gifts and confiscations that were wrapped in layers of cloth. This was passed between the guests with music and when the music stopped, the person holding the package had to remove a layer of cloth to reveal the gift or loss. The winner was the person who got the last gift, which was often the best prize!

Most parents these days make a pass of the package themselves, which is simple to do, and they usually wrap toys and candy in layers of paper instead. This is fine, however, when children pass the package to the beat of the music, especially younger children, they inadvertently end up ripping more than one layer and the gifts/candies end up flying out of the package. Also, when a child receives the last gift, which is usually the ‘biggest’ prize, this can cause a bit of jealousy, even if it’s the birthday girl or boy who wins!

A Lucky Dip box is a great alternative to using a layered pack pass.

Not only does it look great, kids will love the excitement and suspense that a lucky dip creates.

It is very simple to create a lucky box, here we show you how to make one in 5 easy steps:

1. Get an old cardboard box, a size that is not too big and can be passed easily, especially for younger children.

2. Cover the box with any type of wrapping paper, you can even use plain white paper and create your own design.

3. Cut a round or square hole in the top of the box that is large enough for the children to put their hands through and take out the presents.

4. Wrap each gift in wrapping paper or tissue paper and put them all in the lucky box.

5. Once all the gifts are in the box, fill the rest of the box with shredded tissue paper or Styrofoam shapes and mix it up a bit.

There you have it, a wonderful looking lucky box that can be used to play music. When the music stops, the child can reach in and pull out a wrapped present!

Every child should have a chance to dive into the box and there is no ‘one winner’ as such as everyone is a winner!


How to create healthy recipes for dinner?

Nowadays, more and more people try to eat well. But unfortunately not everyone knows the basic rules of healthy eating. Luckily, they are simple and you can learn very quickly to create your own healthy dinner recipes.

First of all, each meal must be balanced. What does it mean? It should contain some poultry, lean meat, ocean fish, shellfish, some brown rice, whole wheat pasta, grains or potatoes with the skin, the right spices, and plenty of vegetables.

Second – all products must be before their expiration date.

Third, you must prepare your dishes correctly. You can boil, cook, grill, roast, simmer or steam. Avoid frying, particularly deep fat frying. This is probably the unhealthiest way to make meals. And remember: many of the vegetables can be eaten fresh. They have the most vitamins and nutrients then.

Here are some sample recipes based on the tips above:

Grilled or steamed cod with cooked brown rice and cooked corn on the cob.

Grilled or steamed chicken breast with cooked whole wheat pasta, steamed broccoli and cauliflower.

Grilled or steamed salmon with bulgur wheat, fresh watercress, rocket leaves and spinach.

Roasted or steamed turkey breast with couscous and steamed Brussels sprouts.

Boiled king prawns with cooked brown rice pasta, fresh chilli and cooked peas.

All of them are easy to prepare in a short time. Remember, you can freely mix ingredients to create your own recipes based on these rules.

What about the spices?

You can use it however you like, but you should restrict the salt. Instead, you can use Himalayan salt or sea salt. But not too much.

Some spices are exceptionally healthy, such as turmeric, curry, ginger, cumin, garlic, and fresh parsley.

You should use a little olive oil for grilling. You can also add a few drops to fresh vegetables or meals before serving.

Fourth: dinner should not provide more than 540 calories. This is the maximum. In practice, you should adapt this value to your individual needs. It can be 30 to 40% of your daily demand. But 540 calories is an extreme limit for everyone.

Fifth: avoid carbonated drinks. It contains a lot of sugar and empty calories. You can drink plain water, red bush without sugar, green tea or fresh fruit juice. A glass of red wine with some dishes from time to time is also a good idea.

That is all! These simple rules will certainly help everyone eat well and stay fit.


Men forced to urinate like girls

I am a fashionable boy. Always has been. I am cheap AND fashionable. How is that possible? I am lucky to have a body that clothes look good on. I can often wear even cheap clothes and look good, as long as the cheap clothes fit me well. I wear clothes that look good but don’t cost an arm and a leg. This includes my underwear.

The underwear I’ve been wearing for years fits and looks good, but it’s getting old and worn. It’s time to buy new underwear. Unfortunately, the new version of my existing underwear has changed; I tried two different sizes and they both suck and look bad. Therefore, I am becoming more stylish and considering switching to expensive designer men’s underwear, boxer briefs. In a cool camo pattern.

I was thinking of buying boxer briefs from Calvin Klein. They weren’t cheap, so I wanted to make sure of fit, comfort, etc. No, you can’t go to the department store, open a pack of men’s underwear and try it on. Therefore, buying underwear is always a risk. And too often the brand you used for a decade has changed, it’s made in some country with cheap labor, it doesn’t fit you, and it’s of much less unacceptable quality. Trash. And useless.

And no, I don’t wear neat underwear and haven’t since high school. And I’ve tried several brands of briefs and none fit me. I have insanely spent hundreds of dollars to no avail trying to find underwear that looks good AND fits me.

I checked out Amazon and was offered the Calvin Klein brand and style. In my size. I zoomed in on the item and it seemed to be of good quality and the reviews said they fit well and accurately. So far so good. However, I couldn’t tell from the photo if they had a side or top opening in the pouch to make urination easier. I definitely wanted that. I asked the question from the Amazon “community” and received an answer right away. “No, there is no opening in the front.” What? Without a front opening, how does a guy unzip his pants and stick his penis out to pee? Is there no opening in the front of the underwear to do that? That means a man has to unbutton, unbutton and unbutton his pants, pull down his pants, and then pull down his underwear just to pee. And, standing up, that is not convenient. Or fast. However, with the pants falling around the ankles, it’s not good for balance. The other alternative is to do all of that and sit on the toilet and urinate. Pee like a girl. Hey underwear makers, I don’t want to go through unzipping, unbuckling my belt, unzipping my pants, and pulling my underwear down just to pee! And I CERTAINLY don’t want to do all of that and then sit on the toilet and pee like a girl! When men just have to pee, real men pee standing up!

By taking away the front opening, men’s underwear designers are taking away our manhood! Men’s underwear designers are taking away our masculinity and turning us into girls! When I have to urinate, I just want to easily, quickly and safely pull my penis out through my fly and shoot out into the toilet! Standing. Like a man.

That being the case, I’m definitely not buying these Calvin Klein boxer briefs. What am I going to do for the underwear? I don’t know. Maybe go as a commando and don’t wear any underwear at all. Yuck. Or maybe I’ll try “It Depends” incontinence underwear and pee my pants.


party wear extravaganza

We’ve all been guilty of standing in front of our mirrors before a night out in our underwear debating what to wear to generate the most attractive looks at the party you’re attending. Women especially, but as a 24 year old man I can relate to the need to look good. Many times when you go to a social event or a party, putting on the right clothes is just as important as where you’re going. You always want to look your best when you go anywhere that has a social atmosphere, members of the opposite sex will be present, and alcohol will be served. Part of the party experience is figuring out what you find attractive in the opposite sex, and in turn, of course, you want to look great for them too.

What a lot of people seem to do when deciding what to wear to a party is go through a bunch of possible party outfits. I know he had a general look that he had almost anywhere he went, with only minor variations. It worked, since I used to be the life of the party or event. They all noticed me. It’s important for people to feel noticed and recognized when they’re out and about, and many feel that wearing the right party wear can help you get noticed. People want to impress others with what they are wearing at a party or in a social setting, and you also need to make sure that you are perceived correctly in what you are wearing. Wearing party clothes that are too sexy can make all the guys think that you are a sleazy girl and consequently, in the end call all the guys who can’t see well or who stand motionless trying to take you back. to their apartments. Nobody wants that.

On the other hand, wearing party clothes that are too conservative can make people think you’re a nerd or that you can’t get a date even if you try, and of course, you’ll get ignored, left out as a permanent fixture. . It is important to find a balance that makes you unique and stands out from the crowd. Felt hats, pinstripes, dance outfits, and other costumes are great ways to look your best while getting into the mood and theme of the party; keeping yourself interesting, attractive and attractive to someone who might be the person you are looking for.


Feed your Yorkie – Chon Mixed Terrier Puppy Right!

As far as I’m concerned, you can’t beat a terrier as a companion. Their sweet little faces and happy movements remind me of puppyhood, no matter how old they are, and everyone knows how cute puppies are!

Lately we have seen a huge increase in “designer dogs”, dogs that are a mix of purebred types. Breeders and buyers expect the best traits of a breed to be combined in a mix that results in a really good pet.

I myself have a Yorkie-Chon, half Yorkshire Terrier and half Bichon Frise. She is energetic, extremely friendly, smart, and sassy. I’m sure some friends would say she’s too hyper, but that’s the Terrier in her.

A new owner wants to give his puppy the best start in life. What you feed your puppy is extremely important. A Bichon puppy can have trouble digesting food, so you’ll want to have good quality food, and that means meat. Check the label on the package. If it doesn’t list meat as the first ingredient, skip it. Many foods will list corn as the first ingredient. Dogs need meat. Stay away from foods that list a lot of “meal,” like “chicken meal.” “Food” includes parts of the chicken that you definitely don’t want your dog to eat.

Yorkies are a toy breed that can be susceptible to low blood sugar. Because they are so active, especially as puppies, they can burn calories very quickly, resulting in a rapid drop in blood sugar that could even lead to a seizure. Therefore, always have food available to your puppy, so that he can eat what he needs. After about 3 months, these blood sugar drops are usually not a problem and you can start taking your food with you except at mealtimes, which will make homeschooling much easier. Your puppy always needs fresh water available at all times.

I once had a Yorkie who was very picky about what he would eat. She only ate soft foods which resulted in dental problems. This New Yorkie-Chon of ours only gets dry food which helps keep her teeth clean. When he first tried to beg at the table, he ignored her, so she doesn’t get the table scraps.

We love our little girl and want her to have the best health and a long life. Your nutrition is of vital importance to us. The best thing we can do for her nutrition is to treat her like a dog, and only feed her dog food. All of our pup’s nutrition comes from dog food and hard dog treats.