
Creating, maintaining, and presenting a homeschool portfolio

Many school districts now require homeschoolers to submit folders that show their students’ progress in an organized way. This is actually a very convenient method of recording as long as it is done correctly. Here are some ideas on how to create, maintain, and present your homeschool portfolio for successful review, evaluation, and review.

First of all, it is important to have a firm understanding of exactly what a homeschool portfolio is. Basically, a homeschool portfolio is a collection of materials used to display what your child has learned over the course of the “school year.” This is important because many states require an annual evaluation of homeschooled students, either through testing or submission of a portfolio. While it may seem like keeping a portfolio is only good to the extent that you need to comply with the law. However, this is not the case. Portfolios can also help parents and their children record their progress and accomplishments. This becomes even more important once the child has reached high school and needs a diploma.

Now that we understand the importance of a portfolio, it is also important to understand that there is no right or wrong way to create a portfolio. It is up to the parent and/or child what materials the portfolio will contain. However, it is a good idea to choose a variety of material to reflect what the child has learned, experienced, and accomplished throughout the year. Some items that should be included in your portfolio are: Suggested items to include are:

(1.) A journal containing notes on the activities and the progress that has been made.

(2.) A list of resources (ie, books, computer software, games, toys, and outside classes).

(3.) Samples of the child’s work (i.e. creative writing and drawing samples, textbook or workbook pages and, if possible, may include audio or video tapes of your child singing, playing an instrument musical, reading aloud, or participating in a dramatic performance – pictures will also sometimes work well in place of audio or video tape).

(4.) Photos of excursions, works of art, projects and family life.

(5.) Brochures and booklets of field trips and other activities.

(6.) A list of books the child has read including both title and author.

(7.) A list of your goals for the year.

While this may seem pretty daunting, you’d honestly be surprised at how easily you can pull it off when you start building your portfolio early in the year. Simply use a three ring binder and add paper for your journal. Start by listing some of your goals for the year and what resources you will use to achieve those goals (these can be changed throughout the year as needed). Then start collecting work samples, organize them by topic, and punch holes in them to put in your binder. Always have at least one disposable camera on hand so you can take pictures of anything you’d like your child to do (ie read, play, dance). You’ll also want to take pictures on field trips, as well as pictures of your child’s projects and creations. These images can be put into a photo album or, if you’re feeling really crafty, you can organize them in a scrapbook. You’ll also want to be sure to save brochures or other paper items you collect during an educational outing. These can be easily placed in clear, transparent sheet protectors. This is also a good time to start building up a list of books being read.

Once you’ve gathered the beginnings of your portfolio, don’t stop there. Regular maintenance (I suggest weekly, as it will help you write your lesson plans for the following week) should include regular journal entries and an ongoing collection of work samples, photos, and anything else you want to include. Some school districts will require a quarterly assessment during the school year at home. This is a time for parents and children to reflect on their progress and accomplishments from the previous months. However, even if your school district doesn’t require a quarterly review, you don’t want to wait until the end of the year to scramble and compete to put together a portfolio that your school district approves of. Neither you nor your child deserve to go through the unnecessary stress of having to sort through all the material that has been collected throughout the year.

When it comes time for review, you may choose to remove some of the material from your portfolio. You’ll find that some of these things just don’t adequately reflect what you’ve accomplished during the year. If/when you decide to review your portfolio, you should remember that the purpose of the review is to provide an overview of the homeschool year, show that the child is participating in homeschooling, and that progress is being made.

Portfolio review can be exciting as it gives parents and children time to talk about what they have been doing at home. When you discuss this with your child, you may find it helpful to write a summary of the items you want to highlight during their year before the review. For example, if her son has learned to read or mastered a skill, she may want to point this out to the reviewer. Of course, you should never view her portfolio review as a time for you to be judged or ridiculed. It’s a time to listen, learn, and support your reviewer. Your child does not need to be present during this time. However, if your child wants the opportunity to “show off” her achievements and progress to other homeschoolers, then this review is a perfect opportunity for her to do so.


The 10 most expensive Christmas trees in the world

The Christmas tree originated in 7th century Germany. A monk named Saint Boniface used the triangular shape of the fir tree to illustrate the Holy Trinity in his teachings. Since then, and most prominently in 16th-century Germany, families began bringing fir, pine, and fir trees into their homes and decorating them with nuts, candles, fruit, and paper flowers.

Over the years, Christmas tree ideas have not only grown in popularity, but have also evolved into many different variations with only one thing in common, the original triangle shape.

Now Christmas trees can be seen everywhere during the Christmas season. So much so that having the most expensive tree has become a kind of competition for some of the world’s richest people. Decorated trees are used to show how incredibly wealthy their owners are. So how valuable can a tree be?

10. Vermont Pre-Lit Artificial Trees:

Value –> $850 USD

Special features of this lighted Christmas tree include hinged branch construction and a special memory wire. The special features of the Vermont Fir Tree make it easier to set up than previous skinny artificial Christmas trees. This tree is 8.5 feet of multicolored Christmas celebration with the latest in artificial tree technology. I wonder what will happen to them next.

9. Pre-Lit Frasier Fir Artificial Christmas Tree:

Value –> $1,000 USD

This pre-lit artificial tree is adorned with 1,350 colorful mini lights. This artificial fir features the ability to remove individual lights from their sockets without affecting any of the other lights on the tree. At 10 feet tall, it towers over most other artificial trees for sale.

8. Sofitel London St. James – Black Tree Decorated With Cognac:

Value –> $55,000 USD

Just another run-of-the-mill metal-framed skinny tree until you look a little closer. You’ll notice 200 miniature-sized, handcrafted 24-karat gold bottles containing Louis XIII, Grand-Champagne Cognac. No one knows why they would openly leave alcohol in a hotel lobby. The tree is 16.5 feet tall, so if you were to drink the champagne cognac, for safety reasons, I’d suggest starting at the top and working your way down.

7. Steve Quick Jewelers – Gold Table Trees:

Value –> $500,000 USD

As a fundraising project to benefit the American Cancer Society, this decorated tree was created by Steve Quick. The Chicago jeweler casts small trees with 18 karat solid gold. A couple of features have been added to increase the value of a larger table tree, round diamond embellishments, and a detachable platinum star embellishment. The star is removable so it can be worn as a pendant. Just when you thought a 5 pound chunk of solid gold couldn’t look any better, they capped it off with 4.52 carats of bling – and that’s just the only diamond on the platinum star!

6. Soo Kee Jewelry – Diamond Tree:

Value –> $1 million dollars

On display at a shopping mall in Singapore called Bugis Junction, a 20-foot, 7,000-pound silver Christmas tree made everyone feel very poor as they searched for slightly more affordable gifts for their loved ones. A sparkling silver glitter of 21,798 diamonds and over 3,000 crystals adorned this fabulous holiday show. Would they really notice if one or two disappeared?

5. Washington DC – Capitol Christmas Tree:

Value –> $1 Million + USD

The tradition of placing a tall spruce on the west front of the Capitol in Washington, DC began in 1964. Each year the exterior tree is cut down, transported and replanted. Rumors speculate that the cost of such an operation is well over a million dollars, making this outdoor Christmas decoration one of the most expensive in the world.

4. Ginza Tanaka Jewelry – Tabletop Tree:

Value –> $1.6 million dollars

Ginza Tanaka Jewelry in Shinsaibashi, Osaka, Japan displayed this beautiful slender tree that was decorated with over 240 priceless gems. It is a small 24-karat gold tree adorned with an assortment of diamonds and pearls weighing a total of 46 pounds. It stands as the fourth most expensive decorated Christmas tree in the world.

3. Takashimaya Department Store – Preserved Roses Mini Christmas Tree:

Value –> $1.8 million dollars

The ultimate proof that size doesn’t matter. Well, when you’re talking about fake Christmas trees for sale, that is. The 16-inch tabletop Christmas trees are made from preserved flowers and decorated with 400 diamonds. I wonder if the department store ever charged the $1.8 million price tag, however, they threw in the teddy bear to sweeten the deal.

2. Hong Kong Swarovski Crystal LED Pre-Lit Christmas Tree:

Value –>???

Standing a staggering 90 feet tall, the 40,000 Swarovski crystals are stacked in a spectacular Christmas tribute as part of Hong Kong’s annual “winter festival.” While this outdoor LED Christmas tree is pretty impressive during the day, just wait until the sun goes down. Unfortunately, the cost of such a tree is unknown to us at this time, so the question “where does it rank on this list?” can be answered with another question “Does your Christmas tree turn on its lights to the beat and shoot fireworks from the top?” I do not think so.

1. The Emirates Palace Hotel – Decorated Christmas Tree:

Value –> $11.4 million USD

The seven-star hotel in Dabi displayed a 40-foot Christmas pine covered in diamonds, pearls, emeralds and the like worth $11 million. This tree was on loan from a gallery in Abu Dhabi.

If you were thinking of staying at The Emirates Palace Hotel, you can expect to pay around $1 million each week. Expensive? Maybe, but your room comes with a butler, a Maybach luxury car and driver, and a private plane in case you need to go to the supermarket in Edmonton, Canada to pick up a few things before dinner.


Prevent or Stop Divorce Protecting Your Marriage

Marriage is rarely a match made in paradise.

Yes, Heaven, we can say, and typically due to the projections of the ego based mind, you need more attention and inner focus than many people think you’re getting.

Tea career in miracles teaches us that, “When you have learned this, you will find the answer that makes the need for any difference disappear.”

Along with the journey of parenthood, marriage is truly one of the greatest difficulties of our lives.

Unfortunately, affairs are among the biggest factors in separation and divorce today.

That’s why it’s a great idea to understand what you can do today to help protect your marriage relationship for years to come.

Sometimes, marital infidelity may already have come between you and your spouse.

This is not to suggest that it is too late to stop the divorce and take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Building a solid relationship on rock instead of sand is an essential aspect of the marriage relationship that many people take for granted.

A constant sense of growth must be present in any marriage relationship.

To learn how to save a relationship and keep your marriage whole and healthy, commit to doing one thing each day that benefits your marriage, no matter how small.

– Interaction is key in any effective relationship.

– If you have problems, turn to your partner, not far

– You discover how to save a relationship by healing a further separation

– Your relationship must be based on a solid and underlying relationship.

Great friends talk, laugh, share, and do things that interest them together. Because you are each other’s spouse, don’t stop being just wonderful friends.

The particular things in your marital relationship need to be guarded like a hawk.

Earlier I discussed that there are things that need to be held high in a marriage and kept spiritual.

– Weather.

The way you spend your time should be respectful of your marital relationship and your home.

Where do you spend your time? If he needs more time with you, ask your partner.

Time with your partner should be reserved and held in high regard. Look at the time you spend with your partner.

Is your partner usually present in your mind? Examine what’s on your mind and put your marriage there if it isn’t already.

– Energy and Thought.

Where you put your energy, particularly on a daily basis, is important to your marital relationship.

Assess your thoughts and energy, and make sure there is an affordable balance between activity, home, marriage, and work.

– Finally, establish a formula for success.

Your relationship must meet the requirements of the two people included. Understand what your partner’s needs are so you can satisfy them. Determine exactly what your own needs are and communicate them.

– Interact and negotiate with them if their requirements are not being met.

Don’t let bitterness build.

A constant sense of development must be present in any marriage relationship.

Dedicate yourself to doing one thing each day that benefits your marriage, no matter how small.

(I like to urge you to search the web for other helpful material on the common mistakes many married couples make, and keep in mind that you weigh your thoughts and make sure there is a reasonable balance between activity, family, marital relationship, and the job). .)

To success in love and in life!


Folk and classical remedies for sore throat

A sore throat is usually caused by an inflammation of the tonsils, larynx or pharynx and can be painful and uncomfortable and is one of the most common medical complaints and some of the most common causes of a sore throat are:
Sinus drainage: If you have a sinus infection, you may develop a sore throat, especially in the morning.

Tonsillitis – This is a common throat infection when the tonsils become infected.
Strep: symptoms are fever, red or white spots on the tonsils.

It is advisable to nip a sore throat in the bud before it turns into something more serious. Here are some popular and classic sore throat remedies that you can try:

1. At the first sign of infection, gargle with hydrogen peroxide and water.

2. Take dietary supplements and many doctors recommend papaya enzymes as a natural remedy, as papaya is high in vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant. They help with stuffy sinuses, swollen throat and if your swollen tonsil does not clear even with antibiotics, papaya tablet can shrink the tonsil. You can also take a sip of papaya juice and keep it in your mouth for about 10 minutes.

3. Drink lots of water: hot drinks to help heal your throat and also iced drinks to ease the pain. In fact, it is best to drink both. Regardless of what sore throat remedies you are using, this is a must have remedy.

4. Prepare an anise and mint tea. as it is an extremely good remedy. Take 1 teaspoon of dried mint anise per cup of boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes, strain and sweeten. It can be drunk hot as many times as desired.

5. If you have swollen tonsils, put a handful of sage in 2 cups of water. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Use a flannel cloth and dip it into the liquid and place the sage leaves on the flannel and wrap it around your throat. Take another flannel and dip it into the liquid and wrap it around your throat, this is to keep the warmth of the first flannel, and repeat this second step when it cools down. While you’re at it, sit back and brew yourself some sage tea.

6. Suck on throat lozenges to relieve pain and keep your throat moist.

7. A popular and classic remedy for sore throat is to rest and get enough sleep and definitely recommended by your doctor.

8. You can also place a handful of selected herbs in a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the herbal scent for 5-10 minutes. Herbs to try include eucalyptus, basil, hyssop, lavender, cayenne pepper, cinnamon sticks, thyme, sage, and rosemary. All of these herbs have a detoxifying effect.

9. Gargle with an infusion of sage and thyme, as the use of these two herbs together forms a powerful combination to treat sore throats and tickle coughs.

It’s always too tempting to reach for over-the-counter medications to relieve a sore throat, but give your body a break by trying some of the safe and natural sore throat remedies listed above and avoid the unwanted side effects of pharmaceutical medications.


Mature Granny Women Dating Sites

Granny Women Dating Sites

Mature granny women dating sites are a great way to meet single seniors. These websites are designed to appeal to older singles and offer an easy and convenient way to find romance. You can browse profiles for free and send messages to match them. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before signing up for a membership. Listed below are a few of the top sites for granny dating.

Plenty Of Fish: While not the top mature woman dating site, this site does have a large, diverse member database and an excellent matchmaking system. You must be over fifty to register for Plenty of Fish, but it is well worth it. The registration process is extensive and can take up to twenty minutes. With an average age of fifty, you are more likely to be successful with this website. If you want to have a long-term relationship with an older woman, this site is not for you.

use this link

OkCupid is the next best site. Once you sign up, you’ll be able to browse profiles and send winks. You can send private messages for free, and answer fun questions to find matches quickly. The site has an app as well, and you can use it on trips across the country. If you’re able to afford the premium subscription, you’ll have access to all of the features of the site and will find mature women easier.

Mature Granny Women Dating Sites

Though it’s not specifically for granny dating, it has made some headway in the messaging and localized dating features. The service’s simple, no-frills nature makes it special. While it may not be suitable for open relationships, it is still worth a try if you’re looking for a quick hookup or a long-term relationship. However, it doesn’t feature younger women, so you might have to look elsewhere.

The only downside to dating online is the long wait it takes to find a suitable match. In some cases, seniors may have to wait up to six months before finding the perfect match. Make sure you have realistic expectations for the experience, and keep in mind that some users may be located outside their area, making it more difficult to meet people you want to date.

Senior match is one such site that caters to those who are in their golden years and looking to find a date. It has thousands of members over 50 and offers a simple, yet effective solution to finding love. Senior match offers free lifetime profiles and allows members to search for other members by age, gender, and location.


The True Meaning of “I’m Bored” and How It’s Related to Launch Failure Syndrome!

Many parents feel compelled to fill the void when their children say, “I’m bored.” Whether playing with their child, organizing a play date or looking for an electronic solution, parents rush without realizing that boredom is a gift, an opportunity for our child to develop skills that will help him leave the nest and carry a full and fulfilling life.

Part of becoming a successful adult is the ability to solve problems and live life creatively. When his son says, “I’m bored,” what she’s really telling him is that right now I have no idea how to spend my time creatively. Not only is your child’s boredom not a crisis to be filled, but it is a great opportunity for your child to create something out of that feeling of boredom that will satisfy them and help them develop and mature.

What we do as parents in response to “I’m bored” is critical. If we constantly stimulate him by turning on the television or video games, or straining to find someone to do something with him, our child will not learn how to occupy his time creatively. That can translate to a young adult who is always looking for outside motivation and stimulation. Think of the man-boys you know who couldn’t get off the ground and live in the basement of their parents’ house. When your son says, “I’m bored,” he has a golden opportunity to teach him skills that will ensure he has room in the basement for guests in the future.

When your child is bored, it’s a gift. The opportunity to feel bored from time to time is not only a gift, boredom is an increasingly rare gift! Many children are so scheduled and overstimulated that they don’t have moments in their room feeling restless and wondering what to do. Instead, they are plugged into something electronic, doing homework or running to school or other activities. For full maturation, your child needs downtime to explore her inner and outer landscape. If your child sometimes says that he is bored, celebrate! That means he has created a space in her life for her to grow and develop, and he will reap the rewards later if he handles it right!

Boredom is an opportunity for your child to grow and discover more about himself and his world. Your role is that of coach. Of course, you can brainstorm with him what to do. You’ll also want to have plenty of stimulating materials on hand for creative play, regardless of age. For my 9-year-old daughter the other day, that meant postcards and gel pens that she pulled out to send family notes to my mom, grandma, and sister. For my 11-year-old, it includes Lego and K’Nex, which she pulls out from time to time, and pencil and paper for drawing and doodling. Both are voracious readers, which avoids many potential moments of boredom.

Boredom is a blank canvas, an opportunity to create and define oneself. Whether it’s your own boredom or your child’s, don’t be too quick to hide the feeling. Instead, ask yourself or your child what would be fun or interesting to do. See if there’s a project you’ve always wanted to do or a game you’d like to play (preferably non-electronic unless you or your child are one of the few who don’t spend a lot of time on electronic media). Board games require more interaction which teaches valuable social skills while building fun memories. If you find a creative way for your child or yourself to fill the boredom, you will come out more alive and satisfied than if you simply find some way to pass the time.

So the next time your child says, “I’m bored,” you can say, “Great! What do you want to do about it?” Then sit back and let your son take the reins, with a little guidance, and you’ll have done all you can to help her mature, while she protects him against the dreaded launch failure syndrome!


Week 32 Healthy Meal with Healthy Leftovers Idea

Healthy food of the week: Baked Chicken and Rice

Healthy leftover idea: Chicken Melt Sandwich

Here’s a meal that can basically be made in a skillet inside the oven, making the whole thing so convenient. Aside from the minor prep work you need to do, for the most part once everything is placed inside the oven and the timer is set, you don’t need to do anything other than sit back and wait for it to go off. Plus, with the leftover food idea below, you can whip up these convenient Chicken Melt Sandwiches that, combined with a piece of fruit and a bottle of water, will make for a lunch that’s just 400 calories. That’s far superior to a fast food meal that often tops the 1200+ calorie mark, so this is a huge step forward in the right nutritional direction.

necessary equipment

– Oven-safe pan with lid (or foil)
– skillet
– vegetable pot

preparation time

– 15 minutes

Time to cook

– 40 minutes


(6-8 servings)

– 8-10 pieces of boneless chicken breasts
– 2 cups of rice
– 1/4 cup olive oil
– 2 cans of mixed vegetables (or another of your choice)
– seasonings: pinches of garlic powder, cayenne pepper, cumin, salt and pepper
– 3 bay leaves

For chicken melt sandwiches

– healthy wholemeal bread
– butter
– low-fat cheese
– spatula


1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Open the package of chicken and rinse each piece under cold water in the sink. Put all the pieces on a plate in a dish where they will marinate.

two. Using two forks, repeatedly pierce each piece of chicken on both sides to help the seasonings really penetrate the meat. Sprinkle all the seasonings over the chicken pieces and continue using the forks to pierce the chicken pieces and push those tasty seasonings into them.

3. In a skillet, add 1/4 cup olive oil over medium heat. Add the chicken pieces and allow each side to brown lightly, usually 3-4 minutes per side. Once finished, remove the chicken pieces from the pan and place them on a plate.

Four. Using the same skillet over medium heat, leaving any excess oil from the chicken in the skillet, add the two cups of rice and stir for a couple of minutes to allow it to “brown” then remove from heat.

5. Add rice to the pan you plan to use to bake everything in your oven, then add 4 cups of hot water, 3-5 drops of seasoned salt, and 3 bay leaves. Give everything a good stir, then drop the browned chicken pieces directly into the liquid and tightly cover the skillet with the oven-safe lid or a piece of aluminum foil. Place inside your oven and set the kitchen timer for 40 minutes.

6. When there are about 15 minutes left on the timer, you can open your canned vegetables and add to a pot on the stovetop, medium-low heat. Those should only take 10-12 minutes to heat up.

7. When the kitchen timer goes off, carefully remove the pan from the oven and everything should be ready to go. Serve proper portions, and don’t forget to save a piece or two of chicken for leftover sandwich melts if you plan on making them later. Don’t forget your big glass of water with this healthy meal and you’ll get around 400 calories.

Healthy Leftover Idea: Chicken Melt Sandwiches

Here’s an easy way to make a travel lunch that, when paired with a piece of fruit and a bottle of water, will fill you up and only weigh in at a total of about 450 calories. All you have to do is take one of the chicken pieces and carefully slice it down the middle so you end up with two large, thin slices. In other words, from each piece of chicken you can make two sandwiches.

Then, using a knife, spread a little butter on one side of the bread and then place it in a skillet over medium heat. Then add some grated cheese, some rice if you like, the chicken piece, then top with some more cheese. Finally add the top piece of bread buttered side up this time.

After a couple of minutes of cooking, carefully lift one side with a spatula to check the color of the bread. If it’s slightly brown (or to your liking), carefully flip it over to the other side. One tip when flipping these sandwiches is to use your other hand or fingers on the top slice (cold side) to help keep everything compressed so it doesn’t fall apart. Let it cook for a few minutes on this side and then it should be all set. Remove from heat and you can cut in half if you like. Wrap it in a piece of foil and put it in your fridge until you need it for lunch the next day.

Combine with a piece of fruit and a bottle of water and voila, a healthy lunch far superior to a fast food combo.


Essential oils and MRSA

Natural preventative pet care isn’t new, but it’s certainly not completely mainstream yet. One of the challenges is being able to retrain the public to think outside the box. For so many years, traditional care providers have told us over and over again that our pets need annual vaccinations, preventive medications for heartworms, fleas and ticks, and premium kibble feeds. We have been told that all this will lead to the maximum well-being of our pets. Could not be farther from the truth.

As we continue to strive to conquer the mountain of “alternative care is for the new age, crystal-wearing, hippie-singing,” our pets are getting sicker instead of healthier. One of the most challenging problems on the rise is super-resistant bacteria that are increasingly resistant to traditional antibiotic use. Most notable is the increase in MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). This is a staph infection that the antibiotic methicillin can no longer kill. MRSA is transmitted from humans to pets and is still mutating into strains in different species of animals. Horses have developed their own strain and antibiotics are not the answer! In fact, overuse of antibiotics is part of the main reason these bacteria have mutated and evolved.

This staph infection is deadly and can and does kill humans and animals. In fact, the same thing happened to Jill Moss’s most beloved white Samoyed, Bella. Jill lost Bella to this staph infection a little over a year ago. She made Jill take serious action and bring knowledge of this deadly strain of bacteria to the world so that other pet owners and people would not have to suffer the loss that she has. Jill has instituted the Bella Moss and Pets-MRSA Foundation to help bring not only awareness about MRSA, but also hope, help and healing.

Research has already begun to find ways to stop these virulent bacteria. Scientists at the University of Manchester in England have discovered that three essential oils destroyed MRSA! Dr. Peter Warn, who was involved in the research, told the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) in December 2004 that when he tested the oils in the lab, “absolutely nothing grew. Instead of stimulating bacteria and fungi, the oils killed off.”

A diligent product formulator for a therapeutic essential oil company discovered that two of the oils used were Melaleuca alternafolia and Geranium.

So why are essential oils proving so effective at killing even the most virulent bacteria like MRSA? According to Jacqui Stringer, clinical leader of complementary therapies at Christie Hospital in Manchester, England, who treats cancer patients, the reason essential oils are so effective is because they’re made from a complex mix of chemical compounds that superbugs like MRSA finds it difficult to resist. She would add that because these compounds are natural and derived from plants, the “blood” of plants, no two oils are exactly alike, which is the perfect complex compound to combat a mutant super bug! Current treatments, according to Stringer, are made up of single compounds (such as antibiotics), so MRSA becomes resistant very quickly, leaving only a 50% success rate for MRSA cases. She thinks about it: only a 50/50 chance of survival. Those are not good odds. Hope comes with this new alternative approach to combat these superbugs.

Another added benefit of using essential oils to combat and help prevent (prevention is the goal to stop MRSA) the spread of MRSA is application: directly inhaled or diffused. MRSA is often carried inside the nose, so inhaling the essential oils is all that is needed to keep patients from being at risk. This makes them very easy to administer to both humans and pets.

The biggest impediment to further research with essential oils and fighting these superbugs has been funding. In January 2005, the Manchester investigators were having trouble obtaining the £30,000 needed to continue their investigation. Shortly after learning of this, Jimmy Savile, former presenter of the British TV show ‘Jim’ll Fix It’, donated £40,000 to continue the investigation! The problem with the funding was that since essential oils are naturally occurring like I As stated above, the pharmaceutical companies are not really interested in assisting in this type of work because they cannot benefit from a product that is naturally produced. , since they cannot be patented.

This is truly reprehensible, as this type of research could help save thousands of lives and completely eradicate MRSA.

For my part, I am very excited to see more and more research being done to bring healing and hope to many, using what God created for us to use in the first place!

You can find the references for this article in my “Articles of Interest” on my website.

DISCLAIMER: The only oils we use and refer to in ALL articles are Young Living essential oils. We do NOT use any other brand names and make no representations about the use of Essential over other brands.


How to lose weight in a week for a family reunion

Have you put on a lot of pounds since the last family gathering and the next one is fast approaching? You definitely don’t want to look fat when everyone else looks gorgeous in their outfits. Gaining weight is definitely much easier than losing it, but don’t despair, there are weight hacks you can use to make sure you lose that weight quickly in a week to look gorgeous during the important family event. By the time the week is over, you should be confident enough to show off to the rest of your family too and you’ll feel better about yourself too.

Lose weight in a healthy way

Of course, when many people are desperate to lose weight in a short period of time, they end up doing anything, including crash diets. However, this is not the easy way out and you will not do yourself justice, health-wise. The healthy way to lose weight fast is to be strict with your workouts and diet. It may seem like a lot in a week, but you will definitely see changes when you are strict and dedicated to what you do. Hopefully, the meeting isn’t a week away; if you probably have a few more days, you can be sure that you will see results. Within the week of weight loss, you will have to make sacrifices and watch what you eat to enjoy better healthy results with every effort you put into it.

your workouts

You will need intensive exercise within a week to lose a significant amount of weight. The exercises will burn fat, which will then lead to weight loss. However, you must remember to combine the exercises with a well-chosen diet to make it all worthwhile. It can be pointless to do intense exercise just to replenish fat with the foods you choose for your diet. Since you are looking for a way to lose weight in a week, it will be more beneficial to exercise every day of the day. You can combine aerobic exercises and weight lifting to reach your goals easily and quickly. Some of the exercises are easy to do at home, but you can also go to the gym to maximize results under the guidance of the instructors.


What goes in is very important. To lose weight, you need to know your calories and be sure to monitor the number of calories you eat each day. You want to make sure you burn more calories than you eat. It is the easiest way to maintain the fat burning process without starving yourself. A good diet with proper exercises will propel you towards the size you want to enjoy faster. By combining both, you will maintain lean muscle mass even when you lose weight. So you will have a slimmer body but slimmer and toned by the end of the week enough for you to enjoy your family reunion feeling confident. To lose weight in a week, stay away from processed foods, sugary and fatty foods, and alcohol.


5 More Ways to Earn Money at Your School Carnival – Updated for the 2010 School Year

A carnival is one of the best and most fun ways you can raise a significant amount of money for your school. However, the amount of work involved in turning your carnival into a real money maker can be intense. Here are five tips you can use to really increase your earning potential.

1. Use the latest technology in your marketing campaign

A basic principle of marketing is to get the message across to your audience in the way they consume information. Since their primary market is families with young children, you can safely assume that a large percentage of these parents are active online. Therefore, you must ensure that you use social media as your primary means of spreading the message.

Create a Facebook fan page for your school and fill it with quick posts like:

Important dates/times for the carnival

Bracelet sales notifications

Cool activities you’ve booked, like a bungee race or inflatable joust

Popular entertainment acts that you have scheduled, such as local bands or your high school cheerleading squad.

Incentives like shaving the headmaster’s head if 80% of school pupils pre-purchase wristbands

Any special foods that you will be selling at the carnival, such as fried Oreo cookies

Get this information in real time and specifically ask your readers to spread the word by sending email links or suggesting their friends visit your school’s fan site.

I would also suggest recruiting a handful of students who are good messengers. Have them start a “texting tree” in which they text ten of their friends and family. Then those ten text ten more friends and so on, until the numbers explode. It can be a simple message like “don’t forget to buy your carnival bracelets for today”. This can be a very powerful tool for you.

Don’t forget to ask your school district if you can use their automated phone alert system, if they have one. This is the phone system that calls you at home to notify you of school cancellation or something similar. Many times, schools use these systems to inform parents about school plays or performances. Request permission to use the system for your school’s carnival announcements to parents on their mobile or home phones. This is a very effective means of communication at your disposal. If you have it, use it!

2. Be more truthful in your marketing

Face it, it’s hard to get people to spend money on charities, which is schools, in a bad economy. People are scared and want to hold on to their money. That is understandable. However, it is also true that schools need to raise money for things, important things, that the budget will no longer cover. Therefore, I would suggest two very important messages to really mark your carnival marketing plan.

First, be very specific in your material. Tell parents exactly what the money they raise will be used for. Work with the school principal and teachers to come up with a list of all the items that depend on fundraising. Tell parents that these items will be removed if their goals are not met. Even go so far as to create a priority list: name the item to be cut first, etc. Some may continue to ignore your message, but for others, this reality check will be a good incentive. And at least, it can be said, they were warned.

Second, make sure you start advertising your carnival LONG before it happens. I’m talking about six or seven months before. Then, after you’ve told them where their money will go, specifically suggest that families should SAVE for your event. If you give them six months (24 weeks) and ask them to save just $3 per week, it will be $72 at the time of the event. If your school has 250 families and only half of them (125) save to spend the $72, you will get $9,000. 75% of that amount would equal more than $13,000. Would it be useful for your school?

I would even go so far as to launch a school-wide project where kids get coffee cans or milk jugs and decorate them as personal savings boxes for the school carnival. Even on tight budgets, many families can find ways to scrape together $3 a week. That’s only 43 cents a day! But, you’re going to have to devise a plan for them.

Unless families know the specific need and receive a specific plan on how to reach the goal, you will not be able to raise the money your school needs.

3. Pre-sale of activity bracelets

In the previous sections, I mentioned pre-sale activity and game wristbands. Basically, this is a concept where people get a discount for buying their all-access game tickets early. If a person decides not to pre-purchase the wristband, he would have to pay more at the door the day / night of the event. Usually, a $5 pre-order discount is incentive enough.

I would suggest setting a school-wide goal for wristband sales. This will mean that you or the school principal will have to make a big deal out of the kids about tracking their progress. Once a day or once a week, do the calculations and announce to the school how close you are to the goal.

This can be done with a simple “target thermometer” made with a couple of thick Sharpie markers (black and red) and a large sheet of construction paper. You don’t have to be fancy to make the point. Really get the kids excited. Of course, that will mean that you will have to offer them something pretty good in return for their efforts.

Even though he’s an old man, the school principal who shaves his head in front of the school is a great motivator (unless the principal is either bald or a woman who refuses to submit to the razor). But things like an assembly, a day off from school, a day off from school (if it’s private), or anything else that doesn’t cost you money would also be nice.

By pre-selling lots of fitness trackers, you not only increase your income upfront, but you also get a head start on estimating how much food you’ll need to have on hand. By adding the goals/rewards system to presales, you are proactively increasing your income.

4. Be smart when spending on prizes: use prize packages

It’s easy to want to splurge on the prizes you give kids for the games they play. Some schools get very involved and set up a “prize redemption” station, where kids exchange the tickets they’ve won playing for various prizes, much like arcades do.

I would suggest staying away from this system. While kids love it, it presents a logistical nightmare for carnival organizers. You have to do all the math of how many tickets each kid could win in each game, for every time he plays it. Then you need to determine how many of the small, medium and large prizes to buy based on how you think the kids will actually do. And you better not screw it up for not having enough “big” prizes. You might have some disgruntled youngsters on your hands…

Also, children take a long time to decide which prize they want. Have you ever stood in line behind a seven-year-old at the Chuck E. Cheese prize counter? It takes them eons to figure out how to spend all of their tickets. You’ll have a line winding around your school, trying to handle this!

The solution, while not the most fun for kids, is to opt for prepackaged prize packs that are all the same. If you wish, you can create separate packages for boys and girls. Good prizes are pencils, McDonald’s coupons, small candy, a homework pass, a few small toys, a tattoo to rub, etc. In the long run, a kid won’t be disappointed by this loot bag and it’s saved a lot of fuss for everyone involved.

5. Trade like crazy with plugins to make money

Ok, so you have people buying their fitness trackers and some food, but how else can you get them to part with some of their earned dough?

From the moment a family walks into your carnival, they should be overwhelmed with opportunities to spend money. The games and activities are attractive, but you can also set up a bunch of other stations to earn money that are also very attractive.

For example, you can sell “shells”. These are decorative eggshells that have been hollowed out and filled with confetti. Once they are filled and decorated, stick a small cover over the hole to keep the confetti inside.

Have volunteers make them by the dozen and then sell them individually at the carnival. A person buys a cascarone, he or she sneaks up behind a friend and smashes it over the head, raining confetti down on that person. It’s a good laugh for everyone. Just make sure the person buying the egg knows not to hurt her target by hitting them too hard on the head.

There are many articles online that give instructions on how to make and decorate eggs. Do a simple Google search to find out more.

Another good idea is to set up a jail at the carnival. For a fee, such as 2 fines (approximately $1), you can hire one of the jail guards to “arrest” one of his friends. The “arrested” person has to stay in jail until they pay 4 fines (approximately $2) to get out.

The jail must be in a visible place where everyone can see who has been arrested.

If you really want to up the shaming factor, have the inmates sing for the crowd while incarcerated. I once had to sing “Little Bunny Foo Foo” while waiting to get out of jail. It was very embarrassing, but very funny!

One more idea to earn some extra money at your carnival would be to get a volunteer who is handy with a camera to take candid photos of friends having fun together all night long. With a digital camera and portable color printer, you can print copies for sale. Price the photos to get them moving and make sure the photographer is also a good seller to encourage people to buy.


These are just a few of the many strategies you can use to make more money at your next school carnival. The most important tip is to make sure you’re giving people what they want. The more ways you can tempt them, the more money they will spend.