Digital Marketing

Why Calls to Action Matter

What is a call to action? In marketing, a call to action or CTA is an instruction to the audience to elicit an immediate response, usually using an imperative such as “call now,” “get more information,” or “schedule an appointment.”

Calls to action take on different aspects and purposes when you market your real estate business. You are in the business of selling houses, so you need to generate new leads and referrals, and to do so, you must direct prospects to interact with you. This is where calls to action can help. A button, a banner and links are calls to action and always work best when there is a sense of urgency.

Common calls to action

Download. If is one First-time buyer’s guidee gold Tips for getting a mortgageOffering potential customers something of value in exchange for their email address is a great call to action. Remember not to ask too much in return or you will suddenly become a burden and the potential customer will not deliver. Just ask for a name, email, and maybe other information like a phone number. The more you ask, the more you risk a higher churn rate.

Share. It can be a button or a hyperlinked word. Use this CTA when you want someone to share your social message or blog post. Plugins are available that will appear in your chosen places on the blog post, but generally a shared CTA at the top of the post works best. Facebook offers companies a call to action on its pages. Take advantage of these to direct visitors to your website to connect.

Subscribe. If you have a blog, add a “subscribe” button. Put it in a few places on your blog, particularly on the first page of a column to the right or left of your content. You can add a “subscribe” popup when viewers are almost done reading your article.

Planning. Providing a link to an online scheduler is a great call to action, as your prospect can book an appointment with you without calling or leaving messages or hassle. A link to a scheduler in an email or on a web page is easy for the visitor to use outside of office hours. A scheduler offers a schedule that shares only their available time. The customer schedules the time and you receive a notification. You can confirm the appointment or send an alternative time. Booking appointments online is easy and customer friendly, and the best part is that appointments can be made seamlessly through your email system 24/7.

Keep in mind that the online scheduler is probably the least used and offers the most value within emails. Take advantage of the online scheduler within your “new list” emails to help clients schedule tours or schedule appointments to sign documents. Add a link to your email signature and remind clients that they can book appointments according to YOUR schedule using the scheduler. Impress the urgency of setting aside time to view new listings in a very tight real estate market directly through your email signature.

Get more information. This CTA is usually at the end of an article or web page. The CTA is to answer additional questions by contacting you or entering information in a contact form.

These are just a few of the commonly used calls to action in marketing to convert a prospect into a customer. Add CTAs to every web page, blog post, and email newsletter to generate interest while also providing another point of contact – a reason to connect with you.

Try an online scheduler within your email signature. You have a call to action in every email you send. Clients can schedule appointments online and reserve time on their calendar, without calling, emailing, or any hassle. See how calls to action like online scheduling can grow your business.

Digital Marketing

How to write awesome testimonials for orkut friends and loved ones?

Testimonials are also a silent form of admiration that you give to your friends because sometimes you don’t tell all that to your friends that you write a testimonial for them. You will be amazed at how your relationships with the people you have written a testimonial for will improve.

All orkut users like to read or get interesting testimonials from their friends and loved ones. A high-quality testimonial is descriptive and uses words that attract feelings of happiness, love, and affection. Use words that show that you are blessed because you met them. Expressive sentences that illustrate how your friend made a change in your life or how it has influenced your habits, etc.

Generally, in the opening lines, people write phrases like “What can I say about this wonderful person?” Or “What should I say about him?” Or “this space is too small to write a testimonial for a person like him / her.” Personally, I find it a rather uncommon and shoddy way to fill in those 1024 characters, but of course you can write whatever you want.

You’re probably thinking, yeah, and who’s going to do that for me? Keep reading!

Okay, I hear you thinking, so how do I go about getting these wonderful words of awe for my friend?

Well, to be honest, it’s pretty easy to write an Orkut testimonial.

1) Represent the day you met them and write it down in words.

2) Write down some of the qualities of the person. Try to use adjectives; yes, adjectives have a big impact. ** smart, sexy, nerdy, crazy, cute, gorgeous, gorgeous, dazzling, awesome, shiny, shiny, dazzling, cool, etc. ** (everyone loves adjectives and those who don’t like appreciation, hahaha me … … and appreciation is always good … appreciate them, of course, don’t over-appreciate them)

3) Describe the ways they have helped you or share some moments that you and the other person have shared together / sweet memories, etc. ** Late night chats, college / school days, some specific crazy day spent together, fun things, a trip, anything you and them have done together ** (the point here is to take them to a flashback that would refresh their memory and I would remind them of those days that were happy moments of their lives and it would make them feel joyful)

4) If you like everything about them, (yes!) I suggest you write everything about them !! (Yes, they should know how much you appreciate them.)

5) Make sure you don’t mention a lot of negatives about them, because sometimes they don’t want all their negatives to show up for everyone to see. You can always point out something you would like to change in them, but don’t fall asleep on this part and yes, you can skip this part entirely if you want.

6) Finally, you will want to say goodbye (I think the 1024 character limit is approaching now in Orkut …) wish them luck in their future endeavors and tell them that you will always remember a friend like them.

You DO NOT have to be anxious about poor writing or anything like that because the most important law here is to write a warm and sincere testimonial for your friend.

Let’s look at a sample testimonial:

“I met this crazy little thing at a friend’s birthday party. My first reaction to meeting him was why in the name of the holy lord did I meet him? * Giggle * …. I thought a boy like him must be full attitude, but it didn’t take long for me to realize how wrong I was, I came to know that I was very lucky to have a friend like him.

Sometimes it shows a bit of posture, but it’s still a sweetheart. (False posture) Yeah by the way, this guy really changed my perspective on so many things. The only thing I don’t like about him is that he hardly gets serious even when it comes to serious business …

He’s a guy that I can trust blindly, sometimes or rather should I always say that he never misses an opportunity to pull my leg which really bothers me, but still somehow or other he makes up for it.

Friend, I want you to achieve everything in life … and your fantasies are fulfilled … I love you friend !! “

Remember that if you write a quality testimonial, a testimonial will come back to you. You just need to be honest and warm in everything you have written about them. That will get you started.

I sincerely hope these tips help you write better orkut testimonials for your friends and loved ones next time.

Digital Marketing

All about Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free website analytics tool from Google that provides basic analytical data and statistics for search engine optimization and marketing purposes. The service is available to anyone with a Google account.

It is a free web media analytics service offered by Google to track and report website traffic. It was launched by Google in November 2005. It is now the most widely used web analytics service on the Internet. In combination with AdWords, users can now verify online campaigns by tracking landing page quality and conversions (goals). Goals can include sales, lead generation, viewing a specific page, or downloading a particular file.

Your analytics can recognize underperforming pages with methods like viewing the funnel, where visitors came from, how long they stayed on the website, and their geographic position. Ecommerce reports show a site’s transactions, revenue, and many other metrics related to commerce. On September 29, 2011, it launched a real-time analysis, which allows the user to have information about the visitors who are currently on the site. A user can have 100 site profiles. Each profile generally corresponds to a website. It also provides several advanced features including custom visitor targeting. You can even have ecommerce reports that can track sales activity and performance. You are limited to sites that have traffic of less than 5 million page visitors per site, unless they are linked to an AdWords campaign.

Google Analytics is applied with “page tags”, in which case it is called the Google Analytics Tracking Code. Which is a snippet of JavaScript code that the website owner adds to each page of the website.
Google Analytics features include the following:
• Integration with other Google products, such as AdWords, Public Data Explorer and Website Optimizer.
• Custom reports.
• Sharing and communication by email.
• Segmentation for subsets analysis, such as conversions.

It targets small and medium-sized retail websites. The service has limitations that make it less suitable for more complex websites and larger companies. For example, the system collects data through a JavaScript page tag inserted in the code of the pages on which the user wants to collect data. The page tag works like a web bug to collect information from visitors. However, because it depends on cookies, the system cannot collect data for users who have disabled them. Google also uses sampling in its reports instead of analyzing all the available data.

Additionally, some security experts have raised concerns about privacy issues with Google Analytics. Through the Google Analytics Dashboard, users can collect information about people whose websites link to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. It automatically categorizes traffic as coming from a search engine if the referring URL is from your list of known search engines and there is a search term identified in that URL. This group includes both organic and paid search engine traffic. This is known as search engine traffic.

Also, Google Analytics for mobile will apply to mobile websites. The mobile package contains server-side tracking codes that use PHP, Java server page ASP, or Perl for their server-side language. However, many ad filtering programs and extensions and the Disconnect Mobile mobile app can block the Google Analytics tracking code. This prevents traffic and users from being tracked, creating holes in the collected data. These limitations are considered small and affect only a small percentage of visits.

Digital Marketing

How to add administrators to business profiles and groups on LinkedIn and Facebook

As your small business grows and you begin to outsource parts of your operations, you may consider hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA) to help you monitor your social media activity. At that point, instead of distributing your personal passwords at will, you can grant and remove administrative access to your business accounts on Facebook and LinkedIn to your assistant at your leisure.

While this is a very quick and easy process once you know how to do it, the links to do it are not always in the most logical places. So this article will help you add another admin to your Facebook page; your Facebook group; your LinkedIn group; and your company’s profile on LinkedIn.

However, before you begin, to be able to do any of these, you must be an administrator of the page or group in question. If you created the page or group, you will be the default administrator; If you didn’t, you will need to add it as an administrator to the page or group by someone who is.

I. Add administrators to your Facebook page

  1. Log in to Facebook and navigate to your company page.
  2. In the upper right corner, below the dark blue Facebook header ribbon, you will see a button that says “Edit Page.” Below that, you will see a box titled “Administrators” (this box is only visible to administrators, not your fans. If you don’t see this box, you are not an administrator and therefore will not be able to follow the remaining instructions). .) Click on “View All” to the right of where it says “Administrators”.
  3. This will take you to a new page where you will see a list of current admins for your Facebook page, with a blank space for you to add a new one. If you are a friend of the administrator on Facebook, just write his name in the box. If you are not friends with them, you must enter the email address they used to create their Facebook account. People tend to have more than one email address now, so it’s important to double-check.
  4. Click “Save Changes”. You will be asked to enter your Facebook password.

II. Add administrators to your Facebook group

  1. Log into Facebook and navigate to your group page.
  2. In the upper right corner, below the dark blue Facebook header ribbon, you will see a button that says “Notifications” and a search box that says “Search Group.” Below this, you will see a box titled “Members”. Click on “View All” to the right of where it says “Members”.
  3. v

  4. This will take you to a new page that will show you a complete list of all the members of your Facebook group. To make someone an administrator, all you have to do is click the “Make administrator” button to the right of the person’s name.
  5. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you want to make this person an administrator.

III. Add administrators to your LinkedIn group

  1. Navigate to your group on LinkedIn.
  2. Immediately below your group name at the top of the page, you will see the following tabs: Discussions, Members, Promotions, Jobs, Search, Manage, More. Click “Manage”.
  3. On the left of the page you will see a long menu. Click on “Participants”, almost halfway.
  4. Select the group member you would like to make an administrator and click “Change role”, then click “To administrator”.

IV. Add administrators to your LinkedIn company profile

  1. To add someone as an administrator, you must first be logged in with them.
  2. Navigate to your company page on LinkedIn
  3. On the right hand side, above where you will see how many followers the company profile has, you will see a little blue button that says “Management Tools”. Click on it, then click “Edit.”
  4. Make sure “Company Page Administrators” is set to “Named Users Only”. If not, configure it.
  5. Below that, you will see a section titled “Manage Administrators.” In the text box just below that, start typing the person’s name and then select them from the names that appear.
  6. Scroll to the top of the page and click “Publish.”

Easy peasy!

Digital Marketing

Good team building techniques Successfully build team spirit

Techniques that successfully build team spirit are an important key to continued business growth. A good team has a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts with members who are committed to shared goals and who understand their role within the team. This article asks 5 questions the answers to which will provide team building techniques that can help you achieve a successful and cohesive team.

1. Is the role of each team member clearly defined and established within the team?

This is part of the basic groundwork. Each member needs to know what role they have within the team in order to understand what is expected of them. They also need to know what the roles of all the other team members are and how they fit into the bigger picture.

In this way, each team member can create a picture of where they are and where others are. This is a hallmark common to all successful teams. Members know where they fit in and where others fit. This can also help eliminate conflicts within the team.

2. Is there a way to avoid or resolve possible conflicts that arise within the team?

Team building techniques need to be in place to eradicate conflict in a team. A team must be consistent to be successful. It is generally best when individual team members know that they alone are not responsible for resolving conflicts that involve them. They need to know that there is a general policy to address these issues when they arise.

3. Are there adequate communication channels open to all team members?

Communication is one of the best team building techniques. Covers almost everything. Too many problems arise because someone does not know something that they should know. Keep all communication channels open between members at all times.

However, beware of information overload. Sometimes those who get too much information just shut off. This creates a situation that is as bad as having too little information.

4. Are team members allowed to feel good about the team’s successes?

A job should be more than just a job. Each member must feel part of something vital and important. This is where compromise and compromise comes in. When team members feel like an important part of a team, they should also feel that they have a right to celebrate any important successes a team has.

After all, they are the reason for success. Each individual is an important cog in the overall wheel and this fact must be recognized. Celebrating a team’s success can be a simple affair, perhaps just an announcement saying “well done” to everyone. Of course, it can be something much grander.

5. Does the team have a generally positive attitude?

A positive attitude is important for success. Seeing the glass half full is better than seeing it half empty. A positive attitude, especially from team leaders, will stimulate all team members and contribute to the overall success of the team. Make sure all reviews are positive and always find something good about any flaws.

Digital Marketing

15 Questions for Hiring a Grant Writer

Here are 15 questions to ask a grant professional considering a job:

1) What is your success rate in grant writing? The best way to determine a success rate is to divide the number of approved grants by the number of submissions.

2) What are some examples of grants you have received?

3) How much money have you received in grants?

4) What is your primary area of ​​expertise in grant writing?

5) What is the main type of funder you have approached? For example, have you approached primarily private corporations and foundations or public government agencies at the federal, state, or local level?

6) What has been the main focus of your grants … such as education, health, human services, arts and culture, environment?

7) What kinds of expenses have you obtained funding for … such as seed money, curriculum development, and travel?

8) What experience do you have in the field of finding grants? What experience do you have in researching and finding funders to meet the needs of our agency?

9) What experience do you have in program design and development? What kinds of strategies would you use to design and develop programs at our agency? What ideas do you have for getting stakeholder input and building partnerships?

10) What experience do you have in writing proposals? What training or experience do you have in putting together an effective grant application and writing a compelling funding case? What training or experience do you have in analyzing requests for proposals (RFPs), including standard proposal elements (eg, problem statements, action plans, timelines, evaluation, etc.) and making a persuasive argument?

11) What experience do you have in grant management? What experience do you have in completing reports accurately and in a timely manner, ensuring regulatory compliance, and facilitating the completion of activities outlined in the grant activity schedule and evaluation plan?

12) What is your preferred mode of communication? Find out how they prefer to communicate (i.e. by phone, email, text messaging, instant messaging, social media, etc.).

13) What is your response rate to emails or phone calls? Find out up front how quickly they will respond to emails or phone calls (my response rate is usually 20 minutes. However, I mention up front that I have a 24 hour response policy), how often they will tell you about the status, completion timelines and deadlines.

14) How do you deal with problems that may arise? Asking this question in advance will give you an idea of ​​how the candidate will approach problem solving. Ask for a specific example of how they have approached a problem in the past.

15) What are your expectations?

Digital Marketing

Time management through task templates – quick answers to frequently asked questions so you can get started right away

Time management is highly regarded by most people, and finding time is even preferred to earning more money, recent studies report. But if you don’t use your time effectively, you’re simply wasting the time you’ve found.

This is where the task templates will help you. These are simple and flexible systems for managing your time and shaping your schedule. Once you start using them, you will wonder how you ever lived without them.

Frequent questions:

Q: How will these templates help me?

A: They combine self-efficacy with stress management by helping you avoid:

  1. Bottleneck
  2. Late uploads
  3. Missed appointments
  4. Insufficient preparation for key encounters
  5. Reinventing the wheel for recurring events

These templates capitalize on what your mind does best, which is creating patterns. Those patterns highlight where you want to go and what you want to avoid in a given period of time. Your brain is not programmed to remember, mix, and re-prioritize various items in your head. But the templates you create will put everything in front of you written quickly and clearly. This frees your mind to evaluate your options, prioritize, and jump into action. And that frees up your time.

Q: What activities are task templates best for?

A: Any repetitive multi-step activity can be optimized with task templates.

Use them as a framework for your activities. By creating task templates, you develop a simple outline for your projects that you can refer to over and over again. For example, they can help you with:

  1. Tax preparation
  2. Vacation planning
  3. Spring cleaning
  4. Travel packaging
  5. Financial reports

Q: How do I get started?

A: Follow this template and see how much time you save.

  1. List the activities or projects in which a template would be helpful to you, using the examples above as a guide.
  2. Select a project that you would like to work with first.
  3. Write down each activity associated with this project. If applicable, also include all the supplies you will need.
  4. Order them chronologically.
  5. Put all the task templates you create in a loose-leaf notebook or in a dedicated file on your desk. That will keep them easily accessible.
  6. Place the template you are currently using in the appropriate workspace. If useful, print multiple copies to post to multiple locations.
  7. Review your task templates to see if important areas have been missed. Please check accordingly.

Task templates are infinitely flexible systems. The more you use them:

  • The most constructive uses you can imagine.
  • The more trust you will place in them.
  • The more confidence you will have in yourself.

Use task templates to focus your energy. Then, turn to additional time management techniques to improve your effectiveness, such as to-do lists, setting limits, and visualizing the sequence of tasks.

What are the most effective ways to combine time management techniques?

Digital Marketing

Mobile Web Application Development with JQuery Mobile: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Alternatives

As the name implies, jQuery Mobile is a touch-optimized framework developed based on the jQuery library. It enables developers to create mobile web applications for major mobile platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. Developers can use the framework to create mobile applications using commonly used standards such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and AJAX. At the same time, jQuery Mobile is designed with features to help developers create mobile web applications without writing longer lines of code. However, every programmer still needs to evaluate the pros and cons of jQuery Mobile, as well as know its alternatives.


JQuery Mobile is compatible with many platforms and mobile devices. As noted above, it is compatible with several popular mobile platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. Likewise, it is also compatible with various mobile devices with different screen sizes and resolutions. Thus, the framework makes it easy for programmers to create cross-platform mobile applications without writing code for specific devices and operating systems. They also don’t need to make code changes based on the screen size and resolution of individual devices.

When creating a native mobile app, developers must use a specific programming language. For example, they have to use Swift or Objective-C to develop applications for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. JQuery enables developers to create mobile web applications using open and commonly used standards such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and AJAX. Widely used web technologies make it easy for developers to create a wide variety of applications without spending additional time and effort.

Nowadays, developers have to create custom themes to make the mobile app look different and attractive. JQuery Mobile makes it easy for developers to create custom themes using ThemeRoller. Besides allowing the user to download custom themes, ThemeRoller allows them to change their appearance by simply dragging and dropping colors. They can deliver even more polished images by taking advantage of CSS3’s text shadow and box shadow properties.

JQuery Mobile also helps programmers to customize form controls, page layouts, page panels, headers, and footers. So that they can manipulate several elements of a page according to the client’s requirements. They can also apply the CSS-based transition effects included in the framework to customize the submission of forms and page links via AJAX.

When planning mobile apps, businesses should consider the process of getting approval from multiple app stores. Many companies find it difficult to get their apps listed on the Apple App Store. But jQuery includes the virtues of individual environments. As the framework contains the virtue of Apple’s App Store, developers can easily get approval from Apple. Therefore, jQuery Mobile makes it easy for businesses to launch and promote their applications. At the same time, it allows developers to focus on the functionality and performance of the application without worrying about the approval process.


The performance of mobile web applications developed with jQuery differs between web browsers and devices. Many programmers have noted that applications run slower on the Android and Chrome operating systems. But the same apps run faster on iOS devices. Also, jQuery apps can’t beat native mobile apps in the speed category.

Many users feel that applications developed with jQuery look almost identical. Some users even feel that the design of jQuery applications is not optimized for tablets and other devices with a larger screen. Many companies have to implement experienced UI designers to make mobile web applications different and attractive.

Despite being cross-platform and mobile friendly, jQuery is basically a JavaScript library. Therefore, you cannot access all the functions of the mobile device like other cross-platform mobile application development tools. The inability to access the native functions of a device makes native applications perform better than jQuery applications.

Today, HTML5 is widely used to develop games and mobile web applications. Therefore, developers are looking for frameworks that include specialized functions to speed up mobile game development. JQuery Mobile does not provide any specific features for developing game applications. Therefore, it can only be used to build simple data-driven mobile web applications.


Cross-browser compatibility and too many features make JQuery Mobile bulky. Many developers prefer to develop mobile web applications using lightweight frameworks like Snack.js, Zepto.js, xui.js, 140medley, $ dom, PhoneJS, Junior, Jo, and Davinci SDK. However, a specific framework can complement the specific needs of each project. Therefore, programmers must consider the nature and needs of the mobile application development project when comparing jQuery and its alternatives.

Digital Marketing

7 effective ways to increase Instagram followers without spending money

Instagram has more than half a billion active users. The statistics on Instagram could be described as very impressive and encouraging. A little breakdown will surprise and thrill you at the same time. Instagram has more than 500 million active users with more than 300 million daily active users, 80% of those users are outside the US, 4.2 billion likes every day and more than 95 million photos and videos uploaded every day. This is simply wonderful and a gold mine for online merchants and businesses.

Those stats should send a signal to your nerves and allow you to understand how important Instagram could be to your business. The question is, how do you get on Instagram and acquire followers that will become your loyal customers? I will show you how to do it in the following steps and guidelines

1. Sign up with Facebook – This is the easiest and fastest way to set up your Instagram account. It will automatically allow you to follow your friends who are already on Instagram and they will also follow you. Your friends and family will be the first followers on Instagram, which will help you improve your profile and prepare for the main offer.

2. Quality photos: the most important thing on Instagram is the quality of your photos, make sure your photos are of high quality before posting them on Instagram. Having quality photos on Instagram helps you get more likes, comments and more followers, which will help you climb the ladder and to the top of all your competitors within the same niche. If you are taking the photos with a camera, make sure the lighting and focus are correct to get the correct photos you need to go viral on Instagram.

3. Like other photos: I call this trick notice me. It’s like your first day at school, no one knows you, and the only way people will start interacting with you is by taking the first step to say hello or introduce yourself. When you like other people’s photos, those people visit your profile and decide to follow and also like your photos. This is how you start growing your network on Instagram

4. Follow Others – This is the fastest way to grow your followers on Instagram. When you follow others, they decide to follow you and create a connection between them. This helps increase your followers and likes on the photos you have on your profile. Follow others to get more followers

5. Comment on other photos: This method requires more time and work, but it is surely worth it. When you comment on other people’s photos, you increase the chance that they will follow you and like your photos too. Just take some time out of your social media marketing calendar and comment on other people’s photos to increase your following.

6. Use relevant hashtags – Hashtags have come a long way on social media and Instagram is no exception. Making use of relevant hashtags will help you get more visibility and popularity on Instagram. The more hashtags you use, the more popular your photos will become. This means more likes, more followers and more comments that help improve your profile.

7. Trading Shoutouts: This is simply a method of promoting others while they promote you as well. It is simply a win-win situation. This method helps promote your profile. You simply need to find people within your niche and communicate with them and ask for recognition. You can simply do this by sending them a simple email or request on Instagram.

Digital Marketing

Google Penguin update: recovery details and tips

What is the Google Penguin update?

Google released the Penguin Update in April 2012 to stop spam in search results. There are so many websites that allow you to get or sell backlinks to another network for better search results. So to stop this spam, Google releases the Penguin Update. After the Google Penguin update, Google is getting tough on web spam and relevancy. If you are a website owner, you need to take action against bad and low-quality backlinks. Google’s Disavow Links Tool helps you remove these types of backlinks.

Like all other updates, this affected around 3% of search results and affected a large number of high-ranking sites. So there are so many website owners who started working on their website recovery. Now just creating a backlink is not enough, you need to work on some other factors like page layout, user experience, page load time, server response, quality backlinks, etc. to rank higher in SERP.

Google says,

In the next few days, we will launch a major algorithm change targeting web spam. The change will lower the ranking of sites that we believe violate Google’s existing quality guidelines. We have always targeted web spam in our rankings, and this algorithm represents another improvement in our efforts to reduce web spam and promote high-quality content. While we can’t reveal specific signals because we don’t want to give people one more way to mess with our search results and make the user experience worse, our advice to webmasters is to focus on creating high-quality sites that create a good user. . Experiment and employ white hat SEO methods instead of engaging in aggressive web spam tactics.

According to the report, many quality websites like Geek, Cultomac, Digg lost their high ranks. Here are some reasons why;

Keyword stuffing
Low-quality backlinks
Outbound link quality
Duplicate content
Malware websites
Low quality content
Affiliate Websites
Black hat SEO techniques [hidden links, text etc.]

How to recover from Google Penguin update?

If Google changes any algorithm update, it will affect your website and search ranking. So to know which update affects your website traffic drop, the best solution is Google Analytics. Log into your Google Analytics and check when your website traffic drops. As after April 24, 2012, you must start working on Penguin Recovery. But on April 19, 2012 you have to work on Panda Recovery.

So, here are some tips to get your website back from Google’s Penguin Update;

The quality of the link

For now, you must create quality backlinks. If you’re still buying those 3000 backlinks for just $ 5, then you need to stop this and focus on quality backlinks. You may lose your search rank. There are so many high-quality websites that they lose their search rankings due to these activities. If you have some quality backlinks and other spam backlinks, this will affect your overall ranking. So, now start creating quality backlinks and use Google’s disavow tool to remove low quality backlinks. Make sure the backlink is relevant to your specialized website.

Anchor text layout

Anchor text distribution means that some predefined keywords from the same specialized websites use the same anchor text and link to your website. Most online marketers use anchor text distribution to get quality backlinks. If you’re doing the same, stop this and try getting backlinks with different anchor text.

Google webmaster tool:

I think you may be hearing about it, if not then it is Google’s tool for indexing your website in Google search engine. It allows you to add a sitemap of your website and allows you to analyze the SEO of your website in detail. You can check the security and issues of your website. But now, Google started sending emails to all Google webmaster users. For example, if you have any problems with traffic, if you have so many low-quality backlinks and much more, they will inform you by email. So this is Google’s best job. So, if you are not using the Google Webmasters Tool, start using it.

Unusual backlinks:

There are so many bloggers that allow guest posting or guest blogging. But if you are a website owner and your website has a suitable niche and you start allowing guest blogging with an irrelevant niche then it will affect your Google ranking. This is called unusual backlinks. As Google says, these types of links are not relevant to the content or topic of your blog. So if you allow guest blogging or guest posting, keep your blog topic or niche and accept only those articles that are relevant to your website niche.

Keyword density

You should also consider keyword density when writing an article. If you are using more than 1.5% of keywords that are called keyword stuffing, stop doing this and try to keep a keyword density below 1.5% and prefer long-tail keywords. You can use Yoast SEO plugin which is the best plugin for SEO and SEOPressor plugin for proper optimization.

Keyword stuffing

As I say, you should maintain a keyword density of 1.5% to avoid keyword glut. There are a few plugins that you can use for your WordPress website to avoid keyword glut. Income Search Alert, Search Term Tagging 2, and Yoast SEO.

Automated SEO

You should stop automated SEO, if you are still using those automated SEO tools then stop using them and try to fix it yourself using SEO tips for beginners. Google does not allow this automated SEO activity.

Social media

If you are not using social media for your website then it is your biggest mistake. Because some of the social media sites are ranked in the search results like Quora, Pinterest, Google+, etc. So, if you have not yet created your website page on social media, please create it as soon as possible. Once you have created social media pages, place the social share button on your website. So your readers can easily subscribe or follow you on social media and share your articles.

There are many advantages of social media like the first and foremost is that some of the social media sites rank in search results. The second is that social media sites are high-quality sites with a high DA (Domain Authority) PR (Page Rank). Third, social networking sites have a large amount of traffic on a daily basis. The fourth is that social media sites provide nofollow backlinks (instead of Tumblr, Tumblr provides dofollow backlinks), which is useful for creating backlinks from high-quality sites and driving traffic to your website. And the fifth is free! So, develop your presence on social media.