Digital Marketing

Subjunctive in Spanish: common triggers

In another of my articles I talked about the best ways to learn Spanish verb endings and how to conjugate different Spanish verbs. I think it is very important to understand the context of each verb in Spanish, so once you conjugate the verb you are using it in the correct way. However, the subjunctive is slightly different because the Spanish subjunctive has about 40 common triggers that you will probably ever use; This means that if you can learn them, you will have a good understanding of the subjunctive phrases in Spanish and you won’t have to keep coming back. to the complex rules involving doubt, expression, etc. Of course, there are more than those on this list; However, I think if you learn the list of Spanish subjunctive triggers below, you will have a very good idea of ​​when to use the present Spanish subjunctive.

Subjunctive sentences using the construct “es … que”

It is not true that – it is not certain that (note: only subjunctive if negative)

It is not true that – it is not true that (note: only subjunctive if negative)

It is probable / unlikely that – It is probable / unlikely that

Is it possible that – Is it possible that

It is necessary / precise / necessary that – It is necessary that

It’s ridiculous that – It’s ridiculous that

It’s a shame that – it’s a shame that

It’s good / bad that – it’s good / bad that

It’s doubtful that – it’s doubtful that

It is advisable that – it is advisable that

It is preferable that – it is preferable that

It’s easy / hard that – it’s easy / hard that

It’s great that – it’s great that

It’s unbelievable that – it’s unbelievable that

It is uncertain that – it is not certain that

It’s better / worse than – it’s better / worse than

It’s weird that – it’s weird that

It’s terrible that – it’s terrible that

Verbs that activate the subjunctive in Spanish when followed by “que”

Advise that – advise that

Want that – want that

Prefer that – prefer that

Expect that – Expect that

Rejoice that – be happy that

Like that – like that

Be happy that – be happy that

Be against that – be against that

You need to – you need to

Matter (him) that – be important that

Insist that

It is convenient that – it is advisable that

To be scared that – to be scared that

Doubt that – doubt that

Send that – to order that

Deny that – deny that

Annoy (him) that – hate that

Appear (him) good bad / good that – seem good / bad that

Ask (him) what – ask someone what

Do not believe / think that – do not think that (note: only subjunctive if negative)

Don’t seem like – don’t look like that (note: only subjunctive if negative)

Not to be sure that – not to be sure of that (note: only subjunctive if negative)

Disagree with that – disagree with that (note: only subjunctive if negative)

Not being convinced that – not being convinced that (note: only subjunctive if negative)

Don’t suppose that – don’t suppose that (note: only subjunctive if negative)

I wish / wish that – wish that

Forgive that – ask for forgiveness

Ban that – ban that

It could be that – it could be that

Recommend that – recommend that

Beg that – beg / plead

To feel that – to regret that

Suggest that – Suggest that

To be afraid of what / to fear that – to be afraid of what

It’s worth it – it’s worth it

Other subjunctive phrases

As far as – as your ace

In case – in case …

Unless – Unless

Before that – before that

After that – after that

As long as – for what

When when

Until – until

Better than – better than

While – while

For what – for what

Without what – without it

As soon as – as soon as

An obvious feature of these verbs is the use of “que” to activate the subjunctive; if you’re careful about this and consider the rules, you shouldn’t have a problem. I won’t go into the details of the imperfect subjunctive, but I will say that this is often triggered by if sentences.

Digital Marketing

Smart Microsoft Word Quotes and Internet Article Writers Don’t Mix

By default, Microsoft Word automatically changes straight quotes (‘or “) to smart quotes (smart or typographic) as you type. This is fine if you are only creating your jobs for applications that are not related to article marketing. When you convert smart quotes to HTML, the quotes are converted to non-standard characters that end up littering your document with question marks and / or other junk code.

When in doubt, don’t allow your Ezine articles to contain smart quotes:

Most articles that are published in article syndication end up being sent to an email newsletter audience. Email newsletter servers have almost zero tolerance for MS Word smart quotes; they will not recognize them as valid ASCII characters (because they are not valid). They are figments of the imagination of Microsoft ASCII. In most cases, they will appear as junk code; therefore, you and your article look like a true newbie lacking the proper formatting skills.

At risk are: quotation marks, apostrophes, double hyphens and 3 periods in a row.

Here’s what smart quotes look like when displayed correctly:

smart quotes are not very smart

This is what STANDARD quotes look like when displayed correctly:

the “smart quotes” are not very smart …

This is what smart quotes look like when they are NOT displayed correctly:

“Smart dates” aren’t very smart …

Do you see the negative potential of leaving smart quotes on the articles you distribute? Standard citations use the lowest common denominator in the world of ASCII character standards and this ensures that your articles will look great in any HTML or TEXT format.

How to disable Microsoft Words smart quotes:

1. On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options, then click the AutoFormat tab as you type.

2. Under Replace as you type, select or clear the “Straight quotes” with “smart quotes” check box.

Alternatively, you can copy your entire MS Word document into a non-Microsoft text editor (EditPlus, UltraEdit, TextPad, etc.) and do a simple search and replace. Find and replace smart quotes with standard quotes, apostrophes, hyphens, and periods, if applicable.

Caution for authors who use HTML code for their articles in MS Word:

Unless you have smart quotes disabled, it should be noted that smart quotes are not valid HTML code. So, don’t even consider using MS Word to make HTML code unless you have the smart quotes feature turned off.

Article Marketing Smart Quotes Conclusion

Smart quotes are best left for e-books, physical printed books, PDF documents, and any non-HTML-related documents. If you want to increase the portability of your EzineArticles, do the smart thing and disable Microsoft Words smart quotes or do a search / replace before uploading your next article to the web.

Digital Marketing

Amazing Instagram Promotion Tactics You Can Use To Get Real Results

In recent years, Instagram has gone from being a simple social channel for sharing photos to becoming an influential weapon of brand marketing and advertising.

Did you know that more than 600 million Internet users browse the Instagram platform to search for new products?

Instagram has leveled the playing field in today’s competitive world, and in various industry sectors, but achieving real results is no walk in the park; It forces us to develop a strategic action plan to promote your company’s Instagram page.

To the good fortune of many, here in this post, we’ve rounded up five proven Instagram branding tactics to turn the tide in your favor. So, scroll down and have a look: –

Know your audience

It’s an integral facet of a results-driven Instagram marketing strategy. You may be posting captivating image creation with high-quality content, but you’re not getting the expected results.

Ever wonder why?

Because you are not taking your target audience into account when selecting an Instagram action plan.

Invest time and resources to identify your potential audience and find out what their needs and expectations are.

Try Instagram information to get valuable information.

• Impressions

• Reach

• Clicks on websites

• Follower activity

• Video views

• Save

Instagram also provides complete demographic information. You can effortlessly determine where followers are coming from, their age, and gender data.

As a leading digital marketing agency in the USA, we guarantee the lowest price!

Use of relevant hashtags

Like Twitter, Instagram is a hashtag-based social platform. Here, hashtags allow you to categorize images and video content.

Not only can you discover the trending topics, but you can also better reach your potential followers.

Simply put, if you want more and more people to find your content, you need to find the right hashtags.

Here are the best hashtag practices to enforce in 2019: –

• Don’t overdo the use of hashtags

• Avoid overused labels

• Stay away from spam, no irrelevant hashtags

Use all Instagram tools

Since its launch in 2010, Instagram as a platform has evolved significantly. There is a lot we can do on this social channel, from beautifying photos, tracking performance, to staying on top of changes.

Get to know Instagram filters, editing tools and effects

Instagram comes with a set of effective business tools to help you better understand performance.

Use the Insta-Smart

Let’s finish

We would love to hear from you, share your practical experience promoting your brand on Instagram.

We are a premier digital marketing company with the prowess in delivering a results-driven solution for improved ROI. We promise more brand awareness, more social media followers, and increased inquiries and sales.

Digital Marketing

Impact of social media on society

“Do you have Facebook?”

“Yes, of course. But I don’t think you can find me as there are too many people who have the same name as me. Try searching with my last name as well.”

“Hey, you celebrated your birthday at K-Box, right? I saw the pictures on your Facebook.”

“Brother, I saw your comments on the YouTube video that I posted on my blog. I am happy that you are also deeply moved by the ‘Dancing Peacock Man.’

Social networks or “social networks” have almost become part of our daily life and have been used for the last few years. It is like any other medium, such as newspapers, radio and television, but it is much more than sharing information and ideas. Social media tools like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and Blogs have made it easier to create and share ideas as quickly and widely than conventional media. The power to define and control a brand is passing from corporations and institutions to individuals and communities. It is no longer about the 5Cs (eg, condo, credit cards, and car) that Singaporeans were talking about. Today, it’s about the new Cs: creativity, communication, connection, creation (of new ideas and products), community (of shared interests), collaboration, and (changing the game) of competition.

In January 2010, InSites Consulting conducted an online survey with 2,884 consumers from more than 14 countries between the ages of 18 to 55 on social media. More than 90% of the participants know at least 1 social networking site and 72% of the participants are members of at least 1 social networking site. On average, people have about 195 friends and they log on to social networking sites twice a day. However, 55% of users cannot access their social media websites at work. In the past, not many adults could make more than 500 friends, but with social media, even a child or teenager can meet more than 500 people in a few days with the click of the mouse. Social networks have devalued the traditional definition of “friend” where it means trust, support, compatible values, and so on. Although we got to know more people, we cannot build a strong bond with all the people we met, as our available time is limited. Thus, there is an upcoming social trend of people with broader social circles, but weaker ties (people we don’t know very well but who provide us with useful information and ideas).

Social media also influences people’s buying behaviors. Digital Influence Group reported that 91% of people say that consumer opinions are the number one aid to purchasing decisions and 87% trust a friend’s recommendation on the opinion of critics. You are three times more likely to trust peer opinions than advertising to make purchasing decisions. A word of mouth conversation has an impact of 200 television commercials. With the predominant use of social media, there are numerous related news stories, from the most watched YouTube video on “The Armless Pianist Wins ‘China Talent'” to Internet Assisted Suicide Cases (eg, An New Jersey college student who committed suicide after a video of him having a sexual encounter with another man was posted online.) So does social media make us better or worse as a society?

Positive effects of social media

In addition to having the opportunity to meet many people quickly and easily, social media also helped teens who have physical or social mobility restrictions to build and maintain relationships with their friends and family. Children who travel abroad to study can still maintain meaningful contact with their parents. To a greater extent, there is anecdotal evidence of positive results from these technologies.

In 2008, President-elect Obama won the election by effectively using social media to reach millions of audiences or voters. The Obama campaign had generated and distributed a large amount of content and messages via email, SMS, social media platforms, and its websites. Obama and his campaign team fully understood the fundamental social need that we all share: the need to be “who we are.” Therefore, the campaign sent the message as “Because it is about YOU” and chose the right form of media to connect with people, make a call to action and create a community for a social movement. They encouraged citizens to share their voices, hold discussion meetings in homes, and organize their own campaign meetings. It really changed the transmission of the political message.

The Obama campaign had made 5 million “friends” on more than 15 social networking sites (3 million friends on Facebook itself) and posted nearly 2,000 YouTube videos that were viewed more than 80 million times. At its peak, its website,, had 8.5 million monthly visitors and produced 400,000 blog posts. To ensure that people found your content, the Obama campaign spent $ 3.5 million on Google search in October alone, $ 600,000 on, $ 467,000 on Facebook in 2008, and so on. Currently, Obama’s Twitter account has close to 6 million followers.

In 2010, after the earthquake in Haiti, many of the official lines of communication were down. The rest of the world couldn’t get the full picture of the situation there. To facilitate the exchange of information and compensate for the lack of information, social media was very useful in informing the news about the affected area about what happened and what help was needed. Many people’s tweets provided an impressive overview of the ongoing events of the earthquake. The BBC covered the event by combining tweets from the work of its reporter Matthew Price in Port-au-Prince on the ground. The Guardian live blog also used social media alongside information from other news organizations to report on the rescue mission.

It’s been two years since CNN officially launched iReport as a section of its website where people can upload video material, with contact information. During the Haiti crisis, CNN had posted a variety of material on social media, but not all of the materials were verified. Editorial staff would examine citizen journalists’ reports and tag them differently compared to unverified content. On Facebook, a group, called “Haiti Earthquake,” was formed to show support and share updates and news. It had more than 14,000 members and some users even asked the group’s injured Haitians for help. Through email, Twitter, and social networking sites like Facebook, thousands of volunteers as part of the Ushahidi Project were able to map reports sent by people from Haiti.

The most impressive part of the impact of social media in Haiti is the charitable text message donations that skyrocketed to more than $ 10 million for victims in Haiti. Those interested in helping victims are encouraged to text, tweet, and make their support known through various social media sites. The Global Philanthropy Group had also started a campaign to ask wealthy people and celebrities, such as Ben Stiller and John Legend, to use Twitter and Facebook to encourage others to donate to UNICEF. A humanitarian worker, Saundra Schimmelpfennig, allowed advice from other aid workers and donors to be posted on her blog about choosing charities to support. Meanwhile, donors were asking questions on Twitter, Facebook and blogs about their donations and the endorsement of their favorite charities. After every crisis, social media for social causes becomes a more effective means of spreading the word.

Negative effects of social media

There are always two sides to every coin. Social media is just a tool or medium that people can use. It is up to users how to use this tool (just like a knife, it can help you cut food or hurt others). The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center conducted a study on “The Future of Online Socialization” from a diverse and highly engaged group of respondents to an online survey which included 895 stakeholders and critics of the technology. . Negative effects reported by respondents included time spent online robs time of important face-to-face relationships; The Internet mostly encourages superficial relationships; the act of taking advantage of the Internet to participate in the social connection exposes private information; The Internet allows people to isolate themselves, limiting their exposure to new ideas; and the Internet is being used to generate intolerance.

Some respondents also highlighted that some new psychological and medical syndromes will develop which will be “variations in depression caused by lack of meaningful quality relationships” and a “new world society”. The term “social networks” has begun to mislead users into believing that they are social creatures. For example, spending a couple of hours using Farmville and chatting with friends at the same time doesn’t turn into social skills. People become dependent on technology and forget how to socialize in a face-to-face context. A person’s online personality can be totally different from their offline persona, causing chaos when the two personalities meet. It is evident in online dating when the couple meets face to face for the first time. Their written profiles do not clearly represent their real life characters. It is more attractive for people to write something that others want to hear than to tell the truth.

In addition to “friendship”, the creators of social networking sites and users also redefine the term “privacy” on the Internet. The challenge in data privacy is sharing data while protecting personally identifiable information. Almost all information posted on social networking sites is permanent. Every time someone posts photos or videos on the web, it goes viral. When the user deletes a video from their social network, someone may have saved it and then posted it on other sites like YouTube. People post photos and video files on social media sites without thinking and the files can reappear at the worst possible time. In 2008, a video was circulated of a group of ACJC students hazing a female student at school on her birthday and another video of a recruited SCDF being “welcomed” (washed down with water and tarred with shoe polish) in a local fire station. your way online.

A lot of news has been reported about online privacy violation on Facebook and Facebook is constantly reviewing its privacy policy and changing its privacy controls for users. Interestingly, even when users delete their personal information and deactivate their Facebook account, Facebook will still retain that information and will continue to use it for data mining. A journalist asked if the data will at least be anonymized. The Facebook representative declined to comment.

In the corporate world, HR managers can go to Facebook or MySpace to find out a candidate’s true colors, especially when job seekers don’t set their profiles private. Investigations have found that nearly half of employers have turned away a potential worker after finding incriminating material on their Facebook pages. Some employers have also checked the candidates’ online details on Facebook pages to see if they are lying about their qualifications. Today, younger generations have a complete disregard for their own privacy, opening doors to unwanted predators or stalkers.

Digital Marketing

Creating a truly unique money-making asset: the art of personal branding

Today, people seek to have more control over their lives. Creating a truly unique asset that can be branded and traded becomes essential. What we are here to discuss and decode is how this ability is unlocked. It is through a process called personal branding, first defined by Tom Peters in his article “The Brand Called You” in 1997. We will unveil some of that mystery in the next article. Remember, this is a framework and a starting point, each individual is different. There is no magic formula that allows for duplication. As you read, keep in mind that what each individual draws from this article is unique to them. If this is something that sparks interest, join us on the journey as we define what personal branding means and then lay out the initial steps to begin the process.

The definition of personal brand

Personal branding can be defined in many different ways. The reason for this is that even among experts there is really no one-size-fits-all definition. So looking at the definition requires more than a simple word search. Googling the personal brand will take you to the definition on Wikipedia. According to him and those who edit it, personal branding is defined as “the process by which people and their careers are marked as marks. It has been observed that although previous self-management techniquesgets better, the concept of personal branding suggests, instead, that success comes frompackaging. “Another way that people have defined personal branding is to see it as an extension of the social media fad, making it technology-based and treating it like internet marketing. However, both definitions have shortcomings based on the fact that they ignore aspects of the process that are key to personal branding. First, they ignore the fact that personal branding is more than just “self-packaging,” and discard the “self-improvement” part. Second, personal branding It did not start with the advent of the Internet. There is a strong personal branding story in which people like JC Penny, Sears and Roebuck or Deloitte and Touché used personal branding to launch vast empires. Therefore, I offer my personal branding definition of as follows:

“The creation of an asset that belongs to a particular person or individual; this includes, but is not limited to, the body, clothing, appearance and knowledge it contains, resulting in an indelible impression that is uniquely distinguished “.

This definition allows each individual to have the opportunity to develop and create their own personal brand, without believing that the packaging alone or the presentation only makes the mark. Of course, defining personal branding is just a starting point, as once the term has been defined, there should be steps that can be taken to start the process.

Steps to get started with your personal brand

Step 1: Get to know yourself.

This step is the foundation of everything. As many have said, if you are “not sure of yourself, how can you be sure of something”? Trying to start a personal brand before you are sure who they are is practically impossible. Therefore, a careful examination of the individual’s wishes and dreams is tantamount to launching a successful personal brand. There is a key reason for this. The person who marks himself must decide what he loves. By getting to know themselves, they find out what topic, hobby, or area they like the most. This directly impacts the next step.

Step 2: become an expert in what you love.

Does this mean that there is only one expert in that topic or area? Most likely not. That really makes one work harder to improve. This also means research and a deeper understanding of this topic or area. It will mean keeping up with the changes, so a continuing education in this topic or area as well. This is where one should focus on changing behaviors and modifying the way they act to accommodate this new part of life. Remember that keeping the brand fresh is an important key to making the brand desirable. That can only be done if the brand continually publishes new information and a desirable message.

Step 3: Find out who benefits the most from this brand.

This is not an easy step, and the fact remains that some of the biggest and most well-known brands have made horrible blunders in this area (see example 1 below). Knowing the brand’s market base allows the brand to craft a strong message that specifically targets that market. When working with companies, marketing companies typically do thousands and sometimes millions of dollars of research to find a market. However, with each of the personal brands mentioned above they started with a simple message, because there was only one person to create, mold and execute the message. However, this step should not be taken lightly, as inconsistency with the message can cost credibility with a new brand and significantly set back an established brand.

Step 4: find the best way to get your message across.

This is the area that people confuse with internet marketing. It is the most misunderstood area of ​​personal branding. Covering information all over the place is not an effective way to get a message across. That will cost the brand control of the message and make it more difficult to improve and maximize it. Keep in mind that the rules exist in all areas and that they are there for a reason. Many people will tell you how to bend the rules, change the rules, and even in some cases break them, but unfortunately, as with everything, when the rules are broken, the effect can be devastating. As you observe this step, it is imperative that a plan be established and a schedule is followed that allows one person to fully control your message. The last thing any brand wants is for someone else to control what others see with their brand. (See example 2).

Step 5: Make the message consistent at all times.

When I finish the last step, I start with the truest example of why execution is so vital. The brand message must be consistent. This means that the management of the brand message must become habitual and constant. It’s not enough to do the first four steps and put something out there to establish a personal brand and then forget about it. There are many people who do just that and are not establishing a personal brand, they are just posting information. Establishing a personal brand means that one is observing not only what is published, but also what people are looking at and observing when it comes to that brand. There are free tools available to help one achieve that, and when creating the brand, researching which tools will be the most effective for that brand is part of the plan and program that needs to be devised.

As you can see, establishing a personal brand is not something that is done in a few minutes on the computer while connected to the Internet. In fact, of the five steps above, only one has to do with the Internet, and that is not the case if you choose to use traditional media as the best way to spread your message.

By following these steps and keeping the definition above in mind, any individual can begin the process of creating a personal brand. The fact that it is not as easy as it might sound should not be a barrier to someone if this is what they really want to do. In fact, the fact that it’s harder than it sounds should make everyone a little more convinced that this is something worth doing. Remember that the only barrier to creating an effective personal brand around anyone is the limitations they place on your own individuality. So take pride in your individuality, discover what makes you unique and start your journey to a personal brand.

Example 1: The New Cocaine Incident

“In April 1985, The Coca-Cola Company management announced its decision to change the taste of the company’s flagship brand. This decision was made based on the fact that Pepsi consumer research found in evidence of taste blindly that most consumers preferred the taste of Pepsi to that of Coca-Cola. The “Pepsi Challenge” campaign made this public knowledge and Coca-Cola executives moved quickly to change the main United States brand. United. New Coke arrived in a new can, with updated red and silver graphics replacing the traditional red and white styling. Although New Coke taste tests had shown that the majority of people tasted preferred the new product, these tests failed to measure the emotional appeal of “old” Coca-Cola. In other words, consumers want their cake and eat it too. The public outcry occurred during the 1980s. days when the old Coke was no longer on the shelves. Coca-Cola quickly reintroduced the “old” Coca-Cola when they realized their market share was falling and dubbed it Classic Coke. “

This article is from

Example 2: The Michael Phelps Incident

This example was developed in public with a well-known public figure who, if necessary, could have had someone work with him to prevent something like this from happening. In early 2009, a story broke out in Britain published in the News of the World. They had in their possession an image showing the new American hero Michael Phelps using a bong. This according to the Wikipedia article and the News of the World websites, linked at the end of the example. An occurrence like this is an example of what can happen when someone else is controlling a personal brand message. Michael Phelps, his winning attitude and down-to-earth personality have made him an incredible spokesperson for numerous products. All of this was backed up by their internet sites and the fan sites that were on the internet. However, all it took was one image to provide a major setback and ultimately lead to US Swimming suspensions for 3 months and Kellogg’s did not renew their endorsement deals.

Reference sources:

Digital Marketing

Did the different types of sushi stump you? No more excuses – learn them now!

If you are new to sushi and still don’t know what the different types of sushi are, hold on to your hat …

You are about to find out!

But first let’s clear up a couple of little terms that can sometimes cause confusion for those trying to learn the distinction between different types of sushi.

First, let’s define exactly …

What is sushi?

Sushi is simply “Anything made with pickled sushi rice.” Well that’s pretty easy to understand, huh?

So what is Sashimi then?

People sometimes think that sashimi is sushi, but it is not. And that’s because it’s not made or served with “pickled sushi rice.” Sashimi is just the meat on its own. Well, you can have a few sides like shredded daikon (Japanese radish) and ponzu sauce, but that’s usually it.

There is definitely no rice for sushi.

So now that we know what sushi is and isn’t, we’re ready to dive into the different types.

The different types of sushi

The different types of sushi (in no particular order) are: Makizushi, Nigirizushi, Inarizushi, Chirashizushi, and Oshizushi.

Let’s talk about each one, one at a time.


Makizushi is the type of sushi that you roll. Normally in nori, but it can also be rolled into other things like a thin tortilla, soy paper, cucumber, and shiso (perilla) leaves. More defined, makizushi comes in 5 different types of rolls:

  1. Hosomaki (“thin roll”). It has rice on the inside and nori on the outside. It usually contains 1 ingredient and is about 1 inch in diameter.
  2. Chumaki (“medium roll”). It has rice on the inside and nori on the outside. Typically 2 to 3 ingredients and about 1½ inches in diameter.
  3. Futomaki (“thick roll”). It has rice on the inside and nori on the outside. It comes in 2 to 2 ½ inches in diameter with 4 or more toppings.
  4. Uramaki (“inside out roll”). It has rice on the outside and nori on the inside. The most popular example of this roll is the California Roll.
  5. Temaki (“hand roll”). Which is a cone-shaped muffin with nori on the outside and rice on the inside.


This form of sushi is one that has a slice of meat on a small oval pad of sushi rice.


Inarizushi is one of my favorites. And it’s a shame that many Americans, even those who consider themselves fairly well versed in sushi, have never tried it.

This type of sushi is prepared by stuffing sushi rice into a bag of seasoned, double-fried tofu (called abura-age). It has a slightly salty-sweet flavor that is difficult to describe but is delicious.


Chirashizushi (“scattered sushi”) is a type of sushi that is served in a bowl. It usually consists of sushi rice topped with various toppings, commonly a total of 9. It is popular in Japanese households because it is easy to make and is ideal for consuming leftovers.


This type of sushi is prepared by layering sushi rice, dressings, and seasonings in a specially made box called “Oshibako” and pressing the ingredients together to form a firm rectangular sushi box. This rectangular sushi box is normally cut into small pieces before serving.


Now that you are armed with this knowledge, you should be able to walk into any sushi bar and order with confidence, knowing exactly what kind of sushi you are getting.

Digital Marketing

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Instagram Followers

2 great reasons to grow your Instagram followers the right way

Lately we’ve been talking about how amazing Instagram can be as a tool for your business. Instagram is packed with marketing opportunities, from paid ads to IGTV to product posts.

However, getting people’s attention isn’t just about sharing an image and collecting likes and followers. You need to spend time interacting with people and liking other users’ posts – time that many business owners simply don’t have.

Managing a business Instagram account is another task on your to-do list that’s already packed with meetings, deadlines, and projects.

With little time, a big mistake that many companies make is trying to buy followers or interactions on Instagram.

If you are thinking of buying Instagram followers or using Instagram bots to try and increase engagement, don’t do it.

Here are 2 great reasons why you want to avoid paying for Instagram followers:

1. Instagram bots are not human

It can seem tempting to buy Instagram followers and have bots automatically comment, like posts, and automatically follow Instagrammers in your niche. Using Instagram bots makes it seem like you have a lot of followers and comments, often within hours or days.

For example, an Instagram bot might comment “Awesome!” on any post with a hashtag you have determined and follow the poster.

The problem with Instagram bots is that they are not real. They are robots. You’re not growing your following organically with people genuinely interested in your service or product, and you can forget about engagement.

Many Instagram users are smart about Instagram bots and will not follow someone who leaves a one-word comment on their post. If they start to realize that you are using bots, they could react negatively to your brand and cause other users to join as well.

Instagram has shut down a large number of third-party automation sites and apps like Instagress and PeerBoost for violating their Community Guidelines and Terms of Use, so using bots could even put your account at risk.

Bots can also leave comments that don’t make sense and can be downright insensitive, like “Great!” we have a tragic post. Bots don’t understand the context of the conversation, they just add comments based on a hashtag.

2. Buying Instagram followers is a huge fake

It can be tempting to quickly increase your numbers by buying Instagram followers, especially when you see how cheap it is – sites like Buzzoid charge as little as $ 3 for every 100 followers.

Well, first of all: if you buy Instagram followers, you go against the Instagram Terms of Use.

Instagram monitors fake followers and deletes their accounts, so it is likely that you will eventually end up losing paid followers and your Instagram account could be affected.

Other problems with buying Instagram followers include:

• Doesn’t increase engagement because bots don’t interact with your content.

• Destroy your brand reputation as your audience sees that you have a large following but limited engagement.

There is no easy way to grow your followers on Instagram. If you take shortcuts, you risk getting banned by Instagram and ruining your reputation.

You better post engaging content, engage with people, and use the proper hashtags to attract and retain your audience.

It’s simple: You can’t automate the level of human interaction that today’s Instagram users expect from brands.

Digital Marketing

How to find people on Tumblr

Tumblr is one of many blogging sites that makes it easy and simple for people to post multimedia content. Find out how you can locate people who are on Tumblr in the following article.

If you want to know how to search for people on Tumblr, you will find some ways how to do it which are mentioned in the following paragraphs. This is one of the many blogging sites that make it easy for people to post multimedia content, which is why it is so popular. You can search for people using That is one way to do this search. There is only one search entry that has a drop-down list of options.

You can choose to search all of Tumblr; You can search my tumbleblog, all my tumbleblogs or search for the people you follow. The other option is to use This allows you to search for someone using their URL, username, or email address. Just type any of them in the search field and search. If the person is a user; then your information will be displayed. This is an alternative way to search for people on Tumblr.

These are very limited options and a site called Roll Call has been launched that can be used to randomly view tumbleblogs. This is another way to search for people on Tumblr. You can check it out, find an interesting blog or two, and then locate other tumbleblogs based on who is benefiting or using your follower list. There are several other sites that have been created to make it easier for other users to search. You can search for some of them and try a couple of searches to see which ones work better than others.

Digital Marketing

Video Marketing: How To Promote Your Business With Video

With the popularity of video and the way it has been used to market many different types of products, including mobile phones and digital cameras, it’s safe to say that video marketing is an important part of any business plan.

The use of video on the Internet has grown tremendously in recent years, and with the use of sites like YouTube, video has become an essential aspect of the marketing process for businesses. But how can you start incorporating video into your business marketing plan?

Before turning to YouTube for help, take a look at the following tips:

1.) Start by deciding what you want to achieve with your video. The easiest way to determine this is to do a research search on YouTube. Find out which are the most popular videos in your niche. The best videos tend to fall into one of two categories: educational or entertainment.

2.) Choose the type of video you want to make. There are many different types and you can choose the type that most closely matches your business or product. These can include how-to videos, reviews, testimonials, or videos of what to say.

3.) Decide where you would like to configure your video. Would you like to use your own external microphone? Do you want to outsource this task or will you do it yourself? There are also many different resolutions and frameruns to consider.

4.) Choose your topic. There are many different possibilities here, from health issues to celebrity gossip to current events. You will definitely want to be careful when writing your topic, as videos that are too current can lose their interest factor over time.

5.) Once you have chosen your topic, have you decided who the writer of your topic is? Are you going to write a description of what your video is about or do you want to create a custom summary? If you are going to create a custom summary, you need to make sure it is compelling and contains all the information your viewers need and want to hear. And, of course, it must be written by you. There are also many different resolutions and frameruns to consider.

6.) Now that you’ve chosen your theme, have you decided on your format? Are you going to use the standard YouTube format or do you want to create your own? If you plan to create your own, take a look at many different types of videos on YouTube. You may find that you can achieve what you want to achieve more easily with one type of format than another. For example, short promotional videos tend to use shorter 30-second format videos, while long instructional or tutorial videos use longer 60-second format videos.

7.) Once you’ve decided on the video format, have you decided on your title? Have you decided on your description? Are you going to use the standard YouTube format for your title or do you want to create your own? If you want to create your own description, you need to make sure it is compelling and contains all the information your viewer will need and want to hear.

8.) Once you have decided on your format, title and description, have you decided on your message? What is your video message about? What is the goal of your video? Have you decided the length? Thinking of including music? Have you chosen a state of mind?

With all these decisions made, you will want to go to the Create Video section of your YouTube account and now you can begin the editing process. Have you chosen Music? You will need to ensure that each selection of music you use is appropriate. Do you want to use background sounds? Have you chosen a state of mind? Have you chosen a Feel? How about an expression? How about a Clarity? Have you chosen a spacing? Have you already added any transitions? Have you decided on the Focus? Have you already added any effects? Have you already inserted any narration? Have you chosen an audio format? Do you want to add narration? Have you chosen the length of your video?

9.) When you are done with the video, have you added any annotations? Have you added any credits? Have you added notes?

10.) Have you added any communication after uploading your video? If you have added any communication, have you chosen your language? Have you added any language settings? Have you chosen your state?

Digital Marketing

Unique customer perception (UCP)

Marketing is a dynamic domain, that is, it involves change, an important phenomenon that should not be overlooked. We have come across a term “Unique Selling Proposition” (USP) that companies consider a constant factor. Every organization is an open management system, which means that change is inevitable and is associated with environmental factors. Businesses should focus not only on the USP of their products, but also on the “Unique Customer Insight” (UCP) of end users.

The marketing pillar is based on the identification of needs and the IPs are prepared based on the identified needs. If needs are incorrectly identified, even IPs that are unique to the product would not serve the purpose. USP identifies a product / service of its competitors, while UCP is the perception or image that a client develops from all kinds of promotional inputs of the company about its product or service. It is often seen that some brands do very well compared to other brands that have the same resources. The reason brands don’t do well is probably communication that doesn’t reflect customer perception. Therefore, it is not the USP but the UCP that plays an important role.

Remember that a customer always buys a product or service with high expectations derived from the company’s promotional inputs or other sources, including word of mouth. Therefore, a customer would be satisfied when performance equals expectations, whereas they would be dissatisfied when performance does not match expectations. Now this expectation is what has been derived from perception. Perception is not good or bad, right or wrong, it is simply someone’s way of judging an experience based on their value system of what they think should happen. Since people are unique, each of their perceptions is unique. Each situation will create expectations of what the next experience is likely to be like.

Businesses spend a considerable amount on advertising and in this world of competitive advantage, advertising has to be repetitive by nature. Brand hammering results in brand recall, which is an expensive affair. Therefore, companies must understand the unique perception of the customer to facilitate advertising and sales promotion (ASP) efforts towards better negotiation. The cost incurred in advertising is enormous, that is, if we refer to the 5M of advertising, money is a budget constraint for an ideal advertising campaign. Therefore, the UCP must be analyzed correctly to obtain better results from the company and match the performance and expectations.