Digital Marketing

Video Marketing: How To Promote Your Business With Video

With the popularity of video and the way it has been used to market many different types of products, including mobile phones and digital cameras, it’s safe to say that video marketing is an important part of any business plan.

The use of video on the Internet has grown tremendously in recent years, and with the use of sites like YouTube, video has become an essential aspect of the marketing process for businesses. But how can you start incorporating video into your business marketing plan?

Before turning to YouTube for help, take a look at the following tips:

1.) Start by deciding what you want to achieve with your video. The easiest way to determine this is to do a research search on YouTube. Find out which are the most popular videos in your niche. The best videos tend to fall into one of two categories: educational or entertainment.

2.) Choose the type of video you want to make. There are many different types and you can choose the type that most closely matches your business or product. These can include how-to videos, reviews, testimonials, or videos of what to say.

3.) Decide where you would like to configure your video. Would you like to use your own external microphone? Do you want to outsource this task or will you do it yourself? There are also many different resolutions and frameruns to consider.

4.) Choose your topic. There are many different possibilities here, from health issues to celebrity gossip to current events. You will definitely want to be careful when writing your topic, as videos that are too current can lose their interest factor over time.

5.) Once you have chosen your topic, have you decided who the writer of your topic is? Are you going to write a description of what your video is about or do you want to create a custom summary? If you are going to create a custom summary, you need to make sure it is compelling and contains all the information your viewers need and want to hear. And, of course, it must be written by you. There are also many different resolutions and frameruns to consider.

6.) Now that you’ve chosen your theme, have you decided on your format? Are you going to use the standard YouTube format or do you want to create your own? If you plan to create your own, take a look at many different types of videos on YouTube. You may find that you can achieve what you want to achieve more easily with one type of format than another. For example, short promotional videos tend to use shorter 30-second format videos, while long instructional or tutorial videos use longer 60-second format videos.

7.) Once you’ve decided on the video format, have you decided on your title? Have you decided on your description? Are you going to use the standard YouTube format for your title or do you want to create your own? If you want to create your own description, you need to make sure it is compelling and contains all the information your viewer will need and want to hear.

8.) Once you have decided on your format, title and description, have you decided on your message? What is your video message about? What is the goal of your video? Have you decided the length? Thinking of including music? Have you chosen a state of mind?

With all these decisions made, you will want to go to the Create Video section of your YouTube account and now you can begin the editing process. Have you chosen Music? You will need to ensure that each selection of music you use is appropriate. Do you want to use background sounds? Have you chosen a state of mind? Have you chosen a Feel? How about an expression? How about a Clarity? Have you chosen a spacing? Have you already added any transitions? Have you decided on the Focus? Have you already added any effects? Have you already inserted any narration? Have you chosen an audio format? Do you want to add narration? Have you chosen the length of your video?

9.) When you are done with the video, have you added any annotations? Have you added any credits? Have you added notes?

10.) Have you added any communication after uploading your video? If you have added any communication, have you chosen your language? Have you added any language settings? Have you chosen your state?