Arts Entertainments

Ten must-eat foods for new mothers


After pregnancy, when you are a new mother, several responsibilities arise. You will have to take on not only your own responsibility, but also the responsibility for your newborn child. It is the best time for your child’s mental and physical development, which is sure to echo in your baby’s near future. So, this is not the time to compromise on your health, otherwise you will somehow surely compromise your child’s health and development indirectly.

What are the top 10 foods that are essential for new moms?

Now let’s take a quick look at some of the must-have foods for new moms. The 10 must-eat foods are listed below:

  1. Green leafy vegetables: Well, this is that particular food that tops the list due to its variety of benefits. Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, etc. they are very essential for new moms. Green leafy vegetables are very rich in vitamin A, iron, and vitamin C. These vitamins and minerals help breastfeeding moms not only get nutrients, but also transfer them to their babies during breastfeeding. Green leafy vegetables have an extremely low calorific value and are also a rich source of calcium and antioxidants. Both are extremely necessary for both the mother and her baby.
  2. Milk: The main food that any nursing mother should choose from the beginning is milk. Yes, you heard right. Milk is quite essential for new moms. If you are a nursing mother and drink milk on a regular basis, then not only will it help to increase and stimulate your breast milk production, but it will also indirectly help you in the development of your baby. Some of the essential minerals and vitamins that are present in milk include calcium, vitamin B, and vitamin D. Milk also has a large amount of protein that will definitely help improve your health and the rapid development of your newborn. Milk also has a very high water content and therefore helps keep your body hydrated. Therefore, it is highly recommended to drink at least 2 glasses of milk a day.
  3. Salmon: One of the vital foods that are essential for new mothers is salmon. Salmon have a very high amount of DHA. This is a very vital component that actually helps in the development of neurons and the nervous system of newborn babies. Furthermore, salmon is also rich in protein and vitamin B12, the two main nutrients that are essential for new mothers and newborns.
  4. Eggs: This protein-rich food needs no formal introduction at all. Eggs are very essential for new moms and their newborns. Eggs are also rich in vitamin D. These will definitely help in the development of the bones and skeletal system, as well as the muscular system of newborns. Hence, it is another must-have food for any new mother. Eggs also contain choline. This is quite essential for the brain development of newborns. So one egg is essential in one day.
  5. Almonds: However, almonds are another wonderful option that you can always go for. Almonds are a very rich source of vitamin E, which is essential for your health and for the health of your child. In addition, it also contains a lot of essential fats that are very necessary for the development of the body. One of those fats includes omega 3 fatty acids. This component in your diet will aid in the production and increase of breast milk that will surely benefit your child.
  6. Fenugreek: Fenugreek is a must for every new mother. This is due to the fact that fenugreek is rich in phytoestrogens. This component helps a lot in increasing the production of breast milk. In addition, it also has a lot of hill and sapolina. Both are essential for newborn babies. Additionally, fenugreek also fights flatulence and constipation, both of which are problems among new moms. Fenugreek seeds can be soaked in water overnight, which can be dyed and drunk in the morning.
  7. Fennel: Fennel is another important food that you can always opt for. Fennel helps a lot to increase breast milk in nursing mothers. What’s more, it even helps a lot in the digestion process. This is often referred to as a super food when it comes to new moms.
  8. Integral rice: Brown rice has a lot of whole grain carbohydrates. Brown rice helps control your blood glucose level. In addition, it has fiber and greatly prevents constipation. You will always have a high energy level once you start eating brown rice.
  9. Blueberries: Blueberries are essential to include in the diet of all new mothers. This is a fruit that has a large amount of antioxidants. In addition, it also has free radicals. Both are necessary to keep your child disease free.
  10. Carrots: Carrots are extremely rich sources of vitamins, especially vitamin A. Not only do they help boost energy levels, but they also help keep disease at bay for new mothers. It has beta carotene which is essential during lactation periods.


Well, these were the top 10 foods that are must-haves for new moms. However, it should always be kept in mind, when you are in your breastfeeding periods, you should take good care of yourself. It will also reflect on your child. Try not to choose fast foods or very spicy foods. Although at certain times you may have a tendency to skip meals, always keep your child’s health in mind. If you are healthy and energetic, your child will develop better too.

Arts Entertainments

Never let these familiar Bible passages lose their freshness and meaning.

Matthew 28 verses 1 to 15 and Mark 16 verses 1 to 8 – When we come to these familiar passages in the Gospels, we occasionally take things for granted – having previously heard the narrative – perhaps many times – and the familiarity can result in us losing its meaning. emotion and freshness. Don’t let that happen to the Gospel records of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

In the days when I used to sing Psalm 23 frequently, at weddings or funerals, I sang it, as if it were the first or last time, not wanting these words to lose their truth, meaning, and comfort.

Women had questions, there is nothing wrong with questions. There is always something new, and something fresh, to learn or even experience.

The names José and María appear: two Marías and José de Arimatea.

Jesus left both the womb and the grave. Other children were born to Mary and Joseph. The Holy Spirit was doing something wonderful in Mary’s womb, and in the tomb he was raising Jesus from the dead and giving him a body that would never grow old.

Women were the last on the cross and the first at the grave.

There is fear and there is faith. Fear was caused by the evidence of the resurrection, and faith resulted from experiencing the risen Jesus.

Something supernatural happened, the evidence convinced them that something happened, and that can lead to fear. After all, they had come to anoint the crucified body of Jesus.

We need to meet the risen Jesus, the Jesus who was dead, who did not faint on the cross.

Mark 15 verse 43f – When Mark reports the burial of Jesus, Mark is actually certifying that Jesus was dead. Joseph of Arimathea is identified as a witness: the body is wrapped and the tomb is sealed. This Roman centurion would also witness the burial and report to Pilate.

Mark is also informing us of the reliability of the female witnesses, and that continues in Chapter 16.

Mark is recording a historical account. The names are repeated, what is he saying? If you don’t believe me, go and ask them, they are still alive, check my story if necessary.

Jesus had talked about this in Mark 8, 9 and 10. Jesus knew what was going to happen, soon.

One thing is clear: no one expected a resurrection from the dead!

Mark records that Jesus said he would rise again. Surely a disciple would have said – Hey, it’s the third day – said he would be resurrected – not a single disciple – if this were fiction, wouldn’t Mark have included at least one name that he expected Jesus to rise again?

This rings true historical truth.

Marcos tells us about the stone that was removed: how could they have entered otherwise?

The angel sat on it; this is nothing to angels. It is as if he said – it has been done – just as he said he would. They saw a young man, dressed in strange clothes, this was more than a human event, it was God in action.

They saw the empty tomb – Matthew tells us that Jesus found them – verse 9 – come and see – then go and count.

Luke 24 is full of personal encounters with Jesus, just like John 20.

Get this from your own experience, and then go tell it.

Personal testimony is important, and it can be even more important in these difficult days, as many have no idea what the cross and resurrection are all about.

The angel wants the resurrection of Jesus Christ to be part of his experience, these women have to meet him, and so do we.

The disciples may have fled, but Jesus was waiting for them, they may have abandoned Jesus, but Jesus wanted them back.

That is why some have doubts and questions and unbelief and unbelief: they have never met the risen Jesus. They ran, they fled, they were afraid.

Fear doesn’t make you go witness; fear does not make you go and count.

Fear prepared them to meet Jesus risen from the dead.

The Gospels give us all the details of the meetings and gatherings – Peter and John run to the tomb when they hear the women’s testimony – Jesus appears to Peter in Jerusalem – Jesus appears to these two heartbroken men on the road to Emmaus, and After that conversation with references to the Scriptures, their hearts burn within them and they hurry back to the Community in Jerusalem, and Jesus appears that night in the Cenacle and speaks words of peace, and blows on his men and his men.

If this was all a hoax, as some suggest, they would have to keep the story going for over 60 years until John died, during which time dozens of conspirators would have had to take his made-up story to the grave, including Paul.

And would all those people have given their lives for a fabricated hoax?

All that was required to disprove the resurrection of Jesus Christ was for someone to present the corpse.

In the Gospels and Acts, evidence gave way to experience.

All of this requires repetition because it is not easy to understand, it is radical, unusual and surprising, and it is unique. No other spiritual leader has done this, and that is why it all must sound so strange to many ears.

Many encountered the risen Jesus that day – the women – the two of them on the Emmaus Road – then the Upper Room – where there was fear and confusion.

The men on the Emmaus Road had heard of the empty tomb, but that second-hand evidence was insufficient; the evidence needed an experience of the risen Christ.

This was God’s way of stamping: PAID IN FULL. Sin has been paid for.

Go everywhere and preach the Gospel. The risen Lord went with them everywhere. Mark 16.

It has risen. He has risen. It’s not here, look where they put it.

Jesus said he would rise from the dead and rise again – Jesus was true to his word and Jesus is always true to his word – know and stand firm and firm on that for the weeks and months to come.

For many, the period ahead will be hard and difficult, the road will be steep, and there will be those who will need your love, light and understanding, and all the practical and spiritual help you can provide.

By raising Jesus from the dead, God has spoken. As we adhere to the Scriptures, and do not compromise our testimony, we allow the Word of God to do its sovereign work. I

For more than two thousand years, Jesus has had men and women who have served us faithfully and passed on the Gospel to us. Now we seek to transmit this same Good News to others, of forgiven sins, and the strength for the path that lies ahead, and peace with God, to share it with a world that cries out for peace.

There is a well-known ‘children’s choir’ – suitable for all ages –

“I serve a risen Savior – He is in the world today –

I know He is living, whatever men say,

I see His Hand of mercy – I hear His Voice of joy –

And right when I need him, he’s always around.

He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today!

Walk with me and talk to me through the narrow path of life.

He lives! He lives, salvation to impart!

You ask me how I know that he lives?

Live inside my heart! “

Arts Entertainments

Link romantic feelings to the sight of your face

Anchoring is an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) term used to describe the mind’s tendency to associate two unrelated events or experiences, especially when there is a strong emotion.

For example, if your mother gave you chicken soup when you were sick as a child, you will always associate chicken soup with being loved and cared for.

On the downside, if you once contracted food poisoning from eating contaminated pickles, just the smell of pickles will be enough to cause a feeling of nausea many years after the event.

How does anchoring work in relationships?

If you come home from work euphoric from a promotion and see your lover’s face, you will link that feeling of euphoria with the sight of his face. In the same way, if you hate your job and constantly talk about those feelings with your spouse over dinner, you will subconsciously begin to associate the bad feelings with him or her.

In that case, you should make a conscious effort to share more good times with them so that you can more easily associate positive feelings with the sight of their face.

Sharing good times creates positive bonds or associations. It helps you cope with the less positive moments that each couple experiences at some point in their relationship.

Breakup is often the result of attaching too many negative anchors in full view of your partner’s face, not knowing how to counter them by deliberately creating positive ones.

Here is a common example. A young doctor whose wife works to help him through medical school may decide to divorce her after she graduates. This is because he associates the sight of his face with the difficult times they lived through during those years. Of course, this is all unconscious, all he knows is that he feels bad every time he looks at her. He mistakenly takes this as a sign that the relationship is not working.

Now that you know how anchoring works, use it intentionally to improve your relationship.

1. Plan positive events together and be sure not to let negativity intrude on the event. Save discussions or disagreements for later.

2. During the height of an intensely positive moment that you are sharing,

(a) lightly touch your loved one on the knee or arm,

(b) squeezes the person’s hand, or

(c) wrap your arms around him.

The next time you repeat the same gesture with this person in some other context, it will reawaken some of those original emotions in them.

Similarly, if you touch someone in a specific way when they are feeling sad, for example squeezing their shoulder or putting your arm around them at a funeral, then touching them in the same way will reawaken those feelings of sadness. So be careful what kind of emotions you associate with your touch, words, or face.

How does this apply to gifts?

A gift is by nature an anchor. Every time the recipient looks at the gift, they will remember the occasion when they received it, especially if they experienced strong emotions at the time.

So you can help ensure that your gift is a strong and ongoing anchor by ensuring that you create a truly memorable experience, such as an extremely romantic evening, when you present the gift.

A woman will always remember following a trail of rose petals in her lover’s apartment to find the necklace she bought for her birthday.

A man will always remember being presented with his own personal star by a lover dressed only in a star print bra and thong.

It is also important to consider the opposite effect.

Never give a gift as an apology. You don’t want to create negative anchors by giving gifts after an argument.

If you give your wife a diamond ring to apologize for the fact that she caught you cheating with your secretary, the ring will always remind you of your infidelity.

If you give your husband a new watch to apologize for crashing his BMW, he will remember his transgression every time he checks the time.

Even if those memories don’t reach consciousness, they lurk beneath the surface. It makes more sense to allow them to fade, rather than attach them to physical objects as gifts.

Keep things simple. A genuine apology is all that is required after an argument. Save gifts for positive occasions.

© Marguerite Bonneville

Arts Entertainments

How to turn your voice into a powerful asset

Have you ever been to a meeting, seminar, or workshop where the speaker is so monotonous that you just want to run away from that room? Do you keep looking at the clock over and over again hoping and praying for a break? Are you physically sitting but your mind has drifted to thousands of other places? And even though the speaker is sharing great content, is it extremely difficult for you to sit down during the talk? I’m pretty sure you’ve attended at least one of these meetings, seminars, or workshops. But have you ever wondered why you felt so tortured? Well! You felt tortured because how a speaker sounds is just as important as what he says! In fact, it takes a very nice voice to bring a speaker’s words to life.

A Duke University study found that CEOs with lower voices ran larger companies, made more money, and kept their jobs longer. And that’s why business executives, celebrities, and politicians often work with vocal trainers! But what about you? What if you also want to develop your voice but don’t have the time or money to work with a coach? What can you do to speak more dynamically in your one-on-one interactions and group addresses?

Do not worry! There is a simple and practical solution. Implement these simple tips and you can surely turn your voice into a powerful asset and speak more dynamically.

Take care of your voice

  1. Breathe from the stomach. Breathing from your diaphragm instead of your chest will help you project your voice better and give you more confidence. At the same time, relaxing your mouth and throat will give you more control over the tonality of your voice.
  1. Build character in your voice. Humming is an easy way to warm up your voice. The lower you go towards your chest, the more powerful you will sound. If you practice humming in deeper tones, you will create grains in your voice that will eventually give your voice a unique character.
  1. Never force your voice. Rest your voice if you find yourself overdoing yourself by speaking too much or too loudly. Sleep is the best remedy to cure a sore throat. When you have throat problems, cough gently when you need to clear your throat. Keep irritants like alcohol, smoke, and dairy to a minimum.
  1. Set the rhythm of your words. Quick speech is great if you are a commentator. If not, try breaking your thoughts into sentences, long enough that you can comfortably say them with a single exhale.

Create connection with the audience

  1. Look for friendly faces. If crowds make you nervous, look around the room for people who are smiling and making eye contact. Imagine that you are speaking directly to them.
  1. Tell a story that is right. It’s easier to get your message across when you use interesting and memorable stories. When you enjoy your own stories, your enthusiasm shines through and you can easily take your audience where you want to take them.
  1. Interact with the audience. Great speakers also know how to foster conversation among the audience. And once the conversation starts, they listen carefully to facilitate more interaction. Arriving early and interacting with the audience can generate a report and give you a great start before you even get up to speak.
  1. Share great content. As you work on the technical aspects of your voice and performance, keep your purpose in mind. What do you want to share with others? How can they benefit from what you have to say?

Additional tips for speaking dynamically

  1. Practice regularly. Voice training is like any other skill and it will take time and effort to develop. Work continuously to improve your performance. Sign in when you practice, so you can identify your natural strengths, as well as the areas you need to work on.
  1. Model popular speakers. See how presidents, news anchors, and TV presenters engage their listeners. Watch videos, listen to podcasts, and read transcripts. Take notes on the ideas you want to borrow and develop. Tailor your lessons to your own style.
  1. Avoid mindless fillers. Too many “ums” and “uhs” can undermine your credibility. Plan transitions so you don’t have to fumble for what to say next. If you need a second to reflect, try pausing instead of filling the void with nonsensical language. Turning off internal and external distractions can also help you stay on track.
  1. Be aware of your body language. Mastering non-verbal communication will reinforce the positive impression your voice makes. Stand up straight so that you look open and relaxed. Connect to the stage to make it appear safe. Use gestures to emphasize key points and keep things lively. Use all the space to move and speak, don’t get stuck at one point on the stage!
  1. Acknowledge your feelings and allow yourself to feel. Even movie stars and self-help gurus can get stage frightened. When you feel eager to address a group, accept their feelings and transform them into positive enthusiasm. Take the focus off of yourself and focus on helping others.

Making the most of your own natural voice will help you communicate your ideas more effectively and efficiently. It will help you be the catalyst that transforms lives. But there is one more thing to remember before you begin. Keep your content short and simple! In the words of Winston S. Churchill, “A good speech should be like a woman’s skirt; long enough to cover the topic and short enough to generate interest.”

Arts Entertainments

The Caveman Face Regimen: Treating Acne Naturally

Have you ever gotten so tired of trying so many failed acne treatments that you considered simply not washing your face at all? Well, believe it or not, not washing your face may be the best acne treatment! Not washing your face is often called a “caveman regimen,” and many acne sufferers have had great success with it.

How is it possible that washing the face does not lighten the skin? For many people, even the mildest skin care products only make acne worse by upsetting the skin’s natural PH balance and removing its protective acid mantle. When we leave our skin alone (no makeup, no soaps or moisturizers, and even little or no water), our skin naturally reverts to a slightly acidic PH. This acidity is protective as bacteria have a harder time growing in an acidic environment. However, most cleaners tend to be mildly or even highly alkaline. To try to restore your acidity, your skin produces sebum (oil), which eventually causes acne if overproduced. Therefore, it is better that you just don’t wash your face and let it do what it naturally wants to do.

If you want to give the caveman regimen a try, there are several guidelines you’ll want to follow:

  • Do not use any product. This means there are no cleaners, moisturizers, oils, or any other products.
  • Don’t wear makeup. Apart from the fact that it contains chemicals, you will have to wash it in some way, which of course you cannot do. If you must wear some makeup, use only eye or lip makeup, which you can safely remove without affecting the surrounding skin.
  • Don’t even let the water touch your face. Even water will alter the PH balance of the skin and the acid mantle. This can be a bit challenging, especially in the shower. Just do your best. A little water won’t hurt, just try not to soak your skin.
  • Be patient. When you first start the caveman regimen, you are likely to experience a breakout. When you start the caveman regimen, it’s like your skin comes off a treadmill. It has become used to producing additional oil to replace all the oils that cleaners remove. So even when you’ve stopped using cleansers, your skin continues to produce excess oil and things can be a bit greasy for a while. But take heart, your skin will eventually learn that it doesn’t need to produce as much oil. Give your skin 3 to 6 months to rebalance its oil production.
Arts Entertainments

How to create a wedding album that you will love forever

1. Get a built-in wedding album.
Flush mount albums are made with hard covers and “board type” pages that do not bend. Your photos are dry mounted on cardboard so they are completely flat and spread across the entire page. This type of mounting combined with high-quality printing makes embedded wedding albums an excellent choice.

2. Get a “magazine style” layout.
The days of having separate photos manually pasted into an album are long gone. Inspired by fashion magazines, the “magazine-style” layout composes multiple photos onto one page, combining them with transitions and other “special effects.”

3. Tell a story.
Put your designs in chronological order and tell a story about your wedding as shown in the photos. Place the corresponding titles on the pages, for example, the reception, the speech, etc. Wedding albums that tell a story look more interesting and are much more fun to read.

4. Use all available photos, not just your photographer’s.
Your wedding photographer has surely taken some great photos, but you might find the most original shots among those taken by your wedding guests. Today, almost all the guests bring a digital camera, take photos during the celebration, and will be happy to share their masterpieces with you. Select the best ones and include them in your album. Albums with a couple of original guest shots stand out from those that follow the book too closely.

5. Get involved in the design of the wedding album.
Even if you trust your designer album blindly, it is your wedding album and wedding albums in general are very personal items. So, check the design frequently and if you spot something that you are not completely satisfied with, change it!

6. Choose your photo carefully.
Once the photos are in the album, you can no longer take them (unless you are going to mount them yourself). So make sure you love them all. Nothing is worse than having to skip a page when flipping through the album, because it shows your mother-in-law with an open belly.

Arts Entertainments

3 Ways to Make Boring ELearning Content Fun

Let’s say you have boring content, but important.

It’s dry and not inherently interesting … and there’s a lot.

You try to do something fun, but it immediately dissolves into deathly nonsense over PowerPoint.

What is your job?

First, I would get rid of those assumptions.

There is no such thing as boring content, because “boring” is not a real thing. Boredom is a reaction to something that someone is not attracted to.

Nothing in this world is boring for everyone.

That means there is someone who will find your content funny.

Does that help you if most people find it boring? Maybe not, but it will keep you from seeing it as a hopeless uphill battle.

The problem is not in the subject or in the details that you have to teach.

It is in the delivery.

Fortunately, there are three easy ways to make your eLearning more engaging … no matter how tedious your students expect it to be.

You can incorporate them into any course, even if it is as low-tech as a text-only forum.

It won’t add much (if any) to the time it takes to deliver.

And it will make your course work for your students.

It sounds too good to be true?

As always, there is a catch: it may take deep thought and a bit of work to implement them.

Ok, here we go:

The first and least powerful of the three is contrast.

All the best course designers know that throwing a wall of text at their students is a mistake.

But sometimes you have a lot of content that you want to broadcast.

If you have to use this approach and can’t think of a way around it, change what your students watch.

After a wall of text, the next slide / page / whatever could be a simple diagram.

Or a graph.

Or a graph, a table (without too many words) or a meme.

If each slide looks different, you can keep your readers interested, even while bombarding them with a wealth of information.

Like I said, this is the weakest approach of the three … but it sure beats giving them nothing but endless paragraphs to read.

In approach # 2:

If you hate your content, you might be tempted to say something like:

“I know it’s Friday and I’m very sorry about this, but I have to read the textbook. It will be boring, but in order to certify you, I will have to cover all these points. Sorry.”

That’s why I told you to stop thinking that your content is boring. This gruesome delivery doesn’t help anyone.

Instead you could say:

“Welcome to the best part of the week, everyone! You have your textbooks in front of you, which have all the answers you will need in the future. Today, I’m going to go over some of the parts that are most relevant to you. And who knows , We could finish early and have a head start on the weekend! “

Same content, big difference.

So the second approach involves enthusiasm.

How do you excite your dog?

Speaking of your favorite treats, that is, are you focused on content?

No, you could talk about anything with enthusiasm and they will like it.

I am not saying that your students are as intelligent as dogs. But humans and dogs get bored or interested in the same way as others. If something doesn’t arouse emotions in you, it’s clearly not worth paying attention to.

Do your students a favor and show some passion.

Focus n. 3:

I’m sure you know the forgetting curve: that graph that shows that a week after your course, your students will forget 90% of what you told them.

That research is true, but it is not the full story.

To test that, the researchers had people memorize dry facts, usually a list of random words.

But not all content is the same.

The stories are very memorable.

They are more attractive to the brain and help students to contextualize information. When you analyze a case study of how someone used what you are teaching them to earn a billion dollars, they are better able to remember and apply what you tell them.

Case studies, war stories, anecdotes – any of these will make your material fun and memorable.

I don’t care if you only teach via Twitter – you can use these three approaches to make even the most boring content fun.

Arts Entertainments

Simultaneous Discoveries

How do two or more people, strangers to each other, work on the same problem and reach the same conclusion simultaneously? Very often, each discoverer will accuse the other of copying their work, when in fact each did not know that the other was working on the same project. There are many cases of such simultaneous discoveries.

British biologist Sir Aleister Hardy believes that animals develop a group mind and that all species can be linked by a cosmic mind to transmit information through space. Rupert
Sheldrake, a biologist, agrees with Hardy. They cite examples of monkeys washing sweet potatoes to get rid of sand. First, the monkeys on the island of Koshima practiced it. After a few months, the monkeys on another island without contact with the previous ones, also developed the same habit. Sheldrake says that rats that have learned to run a maze pass this knowledge on to rats in other laboratories. How do you test this theory? His proof is that rats from other laboratories learn the trick in a shorter period than before.

He calls this concept “morphogenetic fields” and believes that this ability is similar to the simultaneous discoveries that several people make in different areas of the world, but I believe that the human mind is the link. Our minds transmit information to rats in other laboratories through various places, including contact. When we see monkeys on one island, we think “why don’t those on the other island do the same?” and this information travels to the monkeys on the other island. The process consists of accelerating our progress from an earthly being of limited knowledge to a heavenly being with a broader knowledge. This progress must be made step by step. So nature looks for prepared minds and two or more people realize a problem and work on it. The problem is solved independently and often simultaneously. Here are some examples.


JJ Thomson and Charles-Francois de Cisternay DuFay independently discovered electrons. DuFay thought there were two types and called one glassy electricity and the other
resinous electricity. (The English physician William Gilbert introduced the electrical term from the Greek word “electron” for amber because amber would acquire a special character of
attract or repel metallic objects when rubbed on fur).


The Wright brothers in the United States and Richard Peers in New Zealand developed the aircraft at the same time. Richard Peers flew two years before the Wright brothers, but he was a loner and never published. The Wright brothers came to the same result without knowing Peers’ work.


The jet engine was developed simultaneously by a German engineer, Paul Schmidt, and a British engineer, Whittle, from RAF College in Cranwell.


When Hermann Oberth was advising German warlords on liquid fuel for long-range missiles, Robert Goddard was working on similar fuels in America.


Lord Kelvin in England and George Robert Kirchhoff in Germany discovered that each element produced its own spectral lines. Using this system, John Lockyer in England and Pierre Janssen in India identified, almost at the same time, the yellow spectral lines of helium in the sun.


Edwin Hubble (1889-1950) in the USA, Abbe Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966) in Belgium and Willem Sitter (1872-1934) in the Netherlands developed the theory of the receding universe at the same time.


The C ring around Saturn was discovered in 1850 by William C. Bond (1789-1859) of the Harvard Observatory and two weeks later, independently, by WR Davies in England.


In 1846, JC Adams of the University of Cambridge and Urbain Joseph Leverrier (Luh-veh-ryay) of the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris independently calculated where Neptune would be found.


Soviet physicist Vladimir Isifovitch Veksler and Edwin Mattison McMillan in California independently devised the “Synchronized Cyclotron” at the same time.


Regardless, Luria Salvadore Hershey discovered viral mutations.


EMPurcell and Felix Bloch independently developed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to study the interior of living organisms without damaging the tissues that X-rays would cause.


JHDJensen and Gopper-Mayer independently discovered “semi-magical numbers” (stability of atoms containing 28 or 40 protons in layers).


Godfrey Hounsfield, an electrical engineer working for a private company in London, and Allan Cormack, a physicist at Tufts University in Boston, developed the cat scanner (computed axial tomography) independently at the same time. When connected to a computer, it will scan and enlarge a tiny area and make it easier to diagnose the condition. In October 1979, these two scientists received the Nobel Prize for inventing the cat scanner.


William Hampson in England and Karl von Linde in Germany independently liquefied air on a large scale in 1895.


Both Newton and Leibnitz discovered calculus independently at the same time. However, Newton did not publish his work. He developed this system to calculate the gravitational force of the sun and solve the revolutionary elliptical trajectories of the planets. About 10 years later, when Leibnitz wrote to Newton, Newton responded by saying that he had already worked out that system.


Charles Darwin (1838) and Alfred Wallace (1848) worked independently on the theory of evolution. When Wallace was in Indonesia, he had a malaria attack and decided to transmit
Without delay a thought came to Darwin’s mind. He wrote a letter and mailed it the next day. When Darwin read that letter, he was surprised to see that Wallace’s findings were very similar to his own. (Darwin had not published his theory) In Wallace’s letter, Darwin saw confirmation of his own ideas, although Wallace was trying to convey his belief that an activity
of the spirit permeates the universe.

Hugo De Vries from the Netherlands, Karl Erich Correns from Germany, and Erich von Tschermak from Austria studied Mendelian in plants without knowing that the other two were doing the same or that Mendel had done the work. In a final review of previous publications, all three came across Mendel’s article. All three were published in 1900, each citing Mendel’s article and giving Mendel
full credit for discovery, posting his own work as confirmation.


The fundamental principles of television developed independently in Germany, England, France, Scotland, Russia and the United States during the 1920s. Sawyer in the United States and Morris Leblanc in
France proposed a quick scan of a scene line by line to build an image. Baird in England and Jenkins in the United States independently achieved long distance transmission of an image.


Joseph Henry (1823) in the United States and Michael Faraday (1831) in England independently found electrical induction. Each one posted a few months apart.


Sir Chandrasekhara Venketaraman independently discovered the Compton effect (the light scattering effect of molecules) before Compton. This discovery helped in the study of the molecular structure.


Incandescent filament electric lamps were independently developed by Sir Joseph W. Swan in Great Britain and Edison in the United States in the late 1870s.


Lorenz and Fitzgerald independently discovered the contraction of Fitzerald objects due to velocity. Michaelson and Morley did an experiment to decide if there is any difference in the speed of light due to the motion of the earth. They were unable to detect the difference due to an error in their research. The mistake was the speed contraction. The length of one foot will become 6 inches if the ruler is traveling at a speed of 161,000 miles / second. At the speed of light 186282, the contraction will be total and the length will be zero in the direction of travel. Lorenz advanced the same theory independently. Therefore, it is now known as the Lorenz-Fitzgerald contraction.


Weller and his co-workers at Harvard, Parkman and co-workers at the Walter Reed Army Research Institute in 1961, working independently reported the isolation of the rubella virus and its
successful growth in cell cultures.


In 1870, Robert Koch in Germany and Pasteur in France independently discovered that a bacillus was the cause of anthrax.


Batista Grassi in Italy and Ronald Ross in Calcutta worked on the life history of the malaria parasite at the same time.


Bernigaud Chardonnet in France and Sir Joseph Wilson Swan in England patented the same rayon development process a few months apart.


Dagueirre in France and Talbot in England independently developed the principle of photography


Julius Lothar Meyer in Germany and Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeliev in Russia simultaneously discovered the periodic table of chemical elements.


Stereoisomerism was discovered simultaneously in 1874 by Van’t Hoff in Holland and Le Bel in France.


MJ Schleiden and T. Schwann from Germany independently formulated the cell theory, viz. that all living matter is made up of cells and that each cell is an independent unit although
they cooperate with each other.


Ampere independently discovered Bode’s law of planetary distances.


Warren Nirenberg, Gobind Khorona, and Robert Holley independently worked out the genetic code and structure of DNA and RNA. They shared the Nobel Prize in 1968


Edme ‘Mariotte independently discovered Boyle’s gas law and added that the temperature must be constant.


Hennig Brand and Boyle independently discovered hydrogen and phosphorus.


Newton’s law, that force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the body to its center of rotation, was discovered independently by Robert Hooke.


Nathanial Palmer in the United States and Bellingshausen in Russia charted the Antarctic area at the same time.


In 1907, LAH Baekeland in the US and James Swinburne in the UK simultaneously patented Bakelite (phenol-formaldehyde plastic)

There are hundreds and thousands more of such simultaneous discovery cases. They will fill many volumes. When the time comes, the Universal Being sends the project to everyone so that whoever is ready can work on it. This shows that God wants to reveal these secrets to man. Not all human beings will reach the almighty level at the same time. Each one receives the knowledge according to his ability. Everyone has their freedom to receive or reject.

How is it possible that two or more people in different places are working on the same topic and getting the same answer? Is it purely accidental? Such widespread accidents! Certainly not. There is an unknown force that directs all the events of the universe. Since we cannot see, we say there is nothing.

Arts Entertainments

Is your butt too small to win your man?

American women spent $ 848,000,000 on Shapewear last year. $ 848 MILLION.

What if that same fashion accessory KEEPS you SINGLE?

Today on the CBS Morning Show there was a function in a segment of that market, the Booty Boosters. Butt is apparently the “It” factor in sex appeal this summer … no kidding! According to the report, Beyonce and Kim Kardashian are making a lot of money showing off their full and curvy bottoms and women across the country are buying butt pads to enhance their booties.

How is this hurting the search for your soulmate?

The problem is, at the end of the day, you’ll remove your fake butt, remove your contact lenses, remove your Spanx, sponge your eye makeup off, and in every way, you will be your true physical self with your man.

If you want to attract True Love, there is only one way and that is to fully accept yourself … just as you are, right now. I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t dislike at least one part of her body. And you?

Are your teeth too yellow? This is my personal challenge. Even teeth whitening doesn’t help. Yes, the treatment took my color away by two to three shades, but that’s not enough to please me. It doesn’t help that NOBODY on stage and screen already has “normal” colored teeth. You do not believe me? Watch a movie from the 70s and notice the smiles.

Maybe you wear glasses and depend on your contacts for your sense of self-worth. Do you feel ugly with your glasses on?

Is your hair your challenge? Too curly, too straight, too frizzy, too little, too much? Did you know that people spend more than $ 2 trillion on hair care products and services in a year?

Maybe it’s your height that bothers you. Is it almost impossible to meet a man who is tall enough for your preferences? Don’t you like being so short?

Maybe you hate your feet, your freckles, or your facial hair.

The botox business is booming and I don’t mean plastic surgery. Imagine how much travel you could afford with the money you are spending to create an image that you hope will attract Love and Connection.

What can a body do?!?

There is nothing wrong with getting better, grooming, and preparing to get noticed. Illusion is fun and an important part of seduction and romance. Women have been wearing cosmetics and jewelry for thousands of years to attract a man’s attention.

The woman who gets what she wants … a lasting relationship with a man who adores her, is the woman who knows the biggest secret of all.

She knows that the truth of her attraction is her ability to accept herself … warts and all. She knows that her outward appearance is but a flash of all her Essence. She understands that at the end of the day, a man wants to go home to someone who fully accepts him.

It is a humbling experience to feel deeply accepted by another human being … unattached. When you know that you can offer that to a man, you are irresistible. The best way to practice this magical attraction tool is by using yourself as a test bunny. Write a list of all the things you don’t like about yourself. How many can you think of?

If you only have 1 or 2, yay! You are a role model for others and you certainly have many friends and colleagues who enrich your life right now. Even if you are still single, you are probably quite happy with your status right now.

If you have 4 or 5 defects that bother you, you are average. You can find support in 12-step groups or a Course in Miracles class. Make a plan to cut your list in half. Make a conscious effort to accept yourself on a deeper level than you have. Your loneliness and isolation are directly related to these aspects that are exhausting you.

If you have more than 7 personal problems that you don’t like, I suggest you find a mentor, coach, or counselor. It is exhausting to carry so much self-criticism. Believe me, no one notices if your freckles are darkening or your feet are oddly shaped. What makes a man feel good about you is his CONNECTION with you. If he feels like you “catch” him, he will adore you. The few ‘flaws’ you have and are trying to cover up keep True Love out of your reach.

The next time you want to buy something new to improve your outward appearance, look in the mirror and ask yourself … “Will this help me accept myself or hide?” This simple question is a powerful step in getting in tune with your true identity. It is who you REALLY are that is irresistible to that special someone!

Arts Entertainments

Top 10 restaurant chains with the best gluten-free options

Eating on a restricted diet is difficult sometimes, but many popular restaurants now do

it is easier to go out to eat with gluten-free menus or modifications in your

foods. The following restaurants, in my opinion, are the best gluten-free chain

restaurants based on the number of options they have, as well as

how they adapt to both allergies and preferences. Thesis

restaurants are located all over the world, making it easier to try all

off-menu options whenever you eat out.

1. Noodles and Company

You’d think that Noodles and Company wouldn’t be gluten-free for having “noodles” in it.

title, but there are multiple tasty options at this restaurant! You can substitute

either gluten-free fusilli, zucchini, or rice noodles, many of the popular

dishes like Penne Rosa, Pesto Cavatappi, Wisconsin Mac & Cheese and

more. On top of that, many of their salads are gluten-free with select

toppings, as well as the Pad Thai noodle dish and Thai chicken and tomato

Basil bisque soup. A very good aspect of Noodles and Company is also

that when you order something gluten-free, they ask you if it’s a

preference or allergy so that they can prepare their dish in the appropriate environment.

2. Chipotle Mexican Grill

An interesting fact about Chipotle is that everything on the menu, besides the flour tortilla, is

Completely gluten free! Chipotle is a restaurant where they assemble the food

in front of you, so you can choose what you like in your burritos,

bowls, tacos and more! Avoid cross contamination by having everything in

select containers and tag everything on your website that may have traces

of gluten in it through food processing.

3. Jimmy John’s

Jimmy John’s has a newly added gluten-free item to their menu, the “Unwich” wrap. You can take any

sandwich, minus the bread, and wrap it in lettuce. Many of the ingredients for

their sandwiches are gluten free, but be sure to check the allergen list

in case. If you have an allergy at Jimmy John’s, you can specially order

make sure they do the wrapping on the paper rather than on the workbench to avoid

cross contamination, and have gloves changed before doing your


4. MOD Pizza

One meal I thought I might not eat again after being gluten-free was pizza, but no

with MOD Pizza! This restaurant has a build-it-yourself feel to making

pizzas, and they offer gluten-free crust to prepare it. They do

pizzas in separate papers to avoid cross contamination of wheat from others

pizzas, and most of its ingredients are healthy and do not contain.

5. Boston Market

This restaurant is one of those places that has many different options because you can choose an entree,

side and drink. The meals offered are different chicken meals or

bowls, with side dishes such as fresh steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes, southwestern

rice and more. In addition to this, they guarantee that all their food is

Manufactured in environments separate from common allergens.

6. Five guys

You wouldn’t think that a burger joint is almost all gluten free, but Five Guys is! The only items on their menu that contain gluten are their buns, HP sauce, malt vinegar seasonings, malt shake, and their Oreo cookie shake. Everything else is completely gluten free. They haven’t made a gluten-free bun as part of their menu yet, but they do offer all of their sandwiches and burgers with lettuce and all the toppings, just minus the bun.

7. Olive Garden

Olive Garden is a fantastic chain of Italian restaurants! There are so many gluten-free options here, like their famous house salad with vinaigrette dressing, Zuppa Toscana.

soup, many of their chicken and meat dishes, as well as you can substitute them gluten-free

Rotini noodles with any of the dishes. Olive Garden is also one of the great

restaurants asking if you are avoiding gluten as an allergy or preference,

making it easier to know that there would be no cross contamination throughout

with your food.

8. Jason’s Deli

Jason’s Deli has so many options and modifications for people who are

avoiding gluten. Most of your sandwiches can be asked to use Udi’s brand of bread on them! On top of that, many of their salads, potatoes, and more are

all gluten free. There’s no way you can’t find anything in this

menu, even with a diet restriction!

9. California pizza cuisine

California Pizza Kitchen not only offers gluten-free crust pizza,

but many other options off their menu. They offer multiple salads, appetizers,

soups and desserts. All you have to do when you go to the restaurant is ask

for their gluten free side menu and all the food is there. This is one of

Those table restaurants that you cannot miss with their options!

10. PF Chang’s

PF Chang’s has a complete modified gluten-free menu for people with

allergies and they simply have a preference for this diet. Surprisingly they

They also have gluten free soy sauce. Typically, Asian soy sauce contains gluten, but

here you just have to ask for the gluten-free soy sauce and voila!

They have dishes like their egg soup, spicy chicken, shrimp with

Lobster sauce, Mongolian beef and much more. I think this place has

one of the most gluten-free options, when asked


The fear of never being

Being able to eat out again is over, with so many restaurants making modifications

And the options in make it so much easier! As always, be sure to check

information about allergens in the restaurant before eating, and talk to the

employees to make sure they are tailored to your dietary needs.

Now enjoy these

restaurants and the delicious food they offer!

-Wheat Free Wendy