
Adult children of alcoholics: when their mother is an ACOA

If you’re like me, and your mother is the grown daughter of an alcoholic, you may have grown up feeling more like a specimen in a petri dish than an innocent, happy-go-lucky kid looking for joy. If your mom is an ACOA who hasn’t done her recovery work, you may have grown up feeling like something was always wrong, but since there was no alcohol abuse to point to, you may have sadly learned to assume that heartbreak What you felt inside–that you couldn’t name–was ‘you’.

Adult children of alcoholics who have not done their recovery work are unaware of how severely their emotional selves have been impacted. Because their priorities in life have been ranked according to their needs to simply survive, many times ACOAs are inadvertently stuck and don’t even realize it.

Because alcoholism is such an insidious disease, it seeps into the cracks of the psyche like a mist. To make matters worse, because alcohol use is often so socially glorified, it’s hard to hold on to the idea that people who abuse alcohol are acting irresponsibly, not just toward others, but toward themselves as well. .

If your parents were emotionally neglected as children because your parents were alcoholics, they may not realize how “disconnected” they are from themselves. When a childhood is saturated with fear, survival is often the only thing on a child’s mind. Because a child’s basic instincts must be in hyperdrive, to simply survive, there is little time to emotionally mature and connect with the spiritual side of Being. And when these adult children of alcoholics have children of their own, they are blind, detached parents. from any notion that they are emotionally disconnected from the whole. As a result, ACOAs are often unable to form authentic parental bonds with their children, simply because they have no idea what they are NOT giving their child.

ACOAs, like the rest of us, are doing the best they can. But unfortunately, they are often blind to what it means to ‘feel’ loved on a psychological level, because they don’t have the experience of ‘feeling seen psychologically’ themselves, as a result of being raised by self-absorbed, drunken, unselfish people. . sensible, alcoholic. Because they themselves had alcohol to point to as the reason ‘why’ mom or dad weren’t there for them, later in life, many ACOAs make a conscious decision NOT to drink, assuming that by choosing not to drink, their adult lives will work out. What they don’t understand, however, is that alcohol is not the problem. A painful sense of self-alienation–it is.

If you are the adult child of an emotional manipulator, an alcoholic mother, a narcissist, a drug addict, a sexual abuser, a verbal abuser, and the like, you have been raised by an individual who is wrapped in the curse of self-alienation. Because they are so alienated within Being, they are unaware and unfortunately cannot ‘see’ you in an authentic way. They raised you like someone was trying to lift a sofa. You were supposed to sit there, be still, quiet and out of the way. You were supposed to magically one day grow up, be happy, and move on. Your adult child of an alcoholic father, of course, would have been utterly flabbergasted by any statement from you, implying that you didn’t do enough to instill in him a true sense of worth. His reaction to your claim might sound something like, “You ungrateful little brat. Can’t you see how much I tried to make you happy? I brought you into this house, fed you, and clothed you. There was always heat running down the walls, and I always said ‘good morning and how was your day’, what else did you want from me?

Any attempt on your part, the adult child of the adult child of an alcoholic, to try to make your parents “see” or “understand” the emptiness or disconnection you felt with them, would have been met harshly and with insurmountable burdens. of guilt You would have been made to feel like the lowest of the low for daring to insinuate that there was something your ACOA parents didn’t give you. In their minds, because all their basic needs were met, unlike theirs when they were children, they would not have been able to understand that there was something they might have missed. In their minds, they didn’t drink, their house was always clean, and there was always food in the fridge. Because you never had to worry about where you were going to sleep at night, in your parents’ minds, they don’t know what ‘disconnect’ you are trying to express.

In fairness to our adult children of alcoholic parents, if they didn’t choose to drink, they actually made better parenting choices than their own parents. Although we their children may have grown up feeling lost in the abyss that is the fog that lingers long after our alcoholic grandparents have died, it is not the fault of our ACOA parents that they were raised by parents who were so drunk and self-absorbed that they could not see them psychologically.

On the road to recovery, you will face many hidden secrets. If part of your soulful digging has you looking at the fact that your parents are adult children of alcoholics, congratulations, you’ve found another puzzle piece in you.

In the future, she will have to accept the lack she feels inside: that has been the torch of self-alienation that her ACOA parents have passed on to her. Healing requires that you embrace the lost and shattered facets of Self. Try not to spend too much time blaming your parents for lost time. Instead, look at it, acknowledge it, welcome your soul home, learn to forgive, and finally let it go.

Hire a therapist or life coach to walk you through your journey in life, so you can start making healthier life choices for your future.

Read as much as possible about what it means to be an adult child of an alcoholic, as well as what it means to be the grandchild of an alcoholic. Attend 12-step meetings and online social communities that are geared toward increasing self-awareness. Learn about codependency, enablement, denial, projection, and fantasy-type distraction thinking. Start meditating in the morning before you start your day, and do another one as you fall asleep. Begins to take baths, instead of showers. The aim is to learn to embrace the Self, instead of avoiding it any longer.

Congratulations and good luck to you on your transformation journey.

You are loved.



last minute diwali gifts

If you’re reading this in October and haven’t bought your Diwali gifts yet, there could be a couple of reasons for the delay. The first is that you could possibly be lazy like most of us and leave festival season shopping for the last possible minute. This isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds because if you visit a mall or even a gift shop near any festival, chances are you’ve come across large crowds of like-minded people. Our Hundreds of thousands of people flock to their local markets during the festive season each year and almost all of them are desperately looking for last-minute gifts because they haven’t returned to their purchases on time.

With a festival like Diwali, this is even more common because unlike a festival like Christmas which is on the same date every year, Diwali dates change every year so it can be hard to keep track of how much You have time to get your shopping done because it’s hard to remember exactly what Diwali date of the year is.

However, with the advent of online shopping, most of these problems have now been fixed and it is much easier to do all your Diwali gift shopping online. It is not just consumers who are looking to buy Diwali gifts, companies are also looking for corporate Diwali gifts online. Diwali gifts online is the answer to all your gift problems, starting with great Diwali gifts. Gift-friendly online stores make the entire process of buying and sending gifts super simple and easy. For starters, most stores carry gifts at almost every price point, so whether you’re looking for something small and cheap or want to splurge on an expensive item, there’s probably something to fit your budget. Online stores also have curated collections of gifts that have been handpicked to appeal to a myriad of diverse tastes, so no matter what your tastes are, you’re sure to find something that appeals to both your tastes and sensibilities, as well as those of you. from whom you are looking for a gift.

So ditch the supermarkets and malls when you’re doing your Diwali gift-sending this year and just go online. You’ll avoid the crowds, get a wider selection of gifts, and save a lot of time and hassle!


The pressure of the passage of time

On time

Something I’ve been noticing for a while now is time pressure. How fast are you, how slow are you, are you on time for an appointment, are you on time, are you always late, do you have to be early? Do you feel like time is slipping away from you, do you feel like you are constantly in a mid-life crisis? Do other people expect you to be faster? Do you need to slow down?

It is enormously taxing on the endocrine system.

The watch

We live in a society that measures things with a clock. Appointment time. Noon is lunchtime; you have to eat. We have a lot of time on an exam. We should have accomplished our job at a certain age.

The fastest

The constant need to do things quickly and that way you will be happy. If I work hard and fast, I can finish early and then I can relax.

At school we measure ourselves by who is the fastest, who is the first to raise their hand, we have competitive sports. There’s a lot of shame around speed and how fast you are or how slow you are.

Time is a huge pressure.

meal time

I grew up in a family where 6pm was dinner time. Whether you were hungry or not. Having to control your appetite to have a meal that you have to eat all of it was difficult as a child because your appetite varies. Nowadays I eat dinner anywhere between 4 pm and 8 pm, depending on my appetite.

What time is it?

At night if I wake up I check to see what time it is, I’ve been stopping checking and wondering, why do I need to know the time, what does it matter? Not looking at the time has also allowed me to sleep longer and deeper.

Time is running out

I have always felt that I should go further with my success in life, I should have overcome those problems that I have not been able to heal. The time is finishing. I am missing things in life.

But there is so much pressure to feel that time is slipping away from me, that if it were more this or that or faster, I would have what I want. Or if things happened earlier then I would have been happy.

Time really is a man-made construct that puts a lot of pressure on us.

Is time pressure a thing in your life?


Object Lesson: Golf Balls with Purpose

This is an object lesson using a golf ball to share the gospel and teach children that if you really love God, you will show your love to others. The Bible verse used to reinforce the teaching is 1 John 4:7-11.


(Show the golf ball.) What was this ball made for? (Being hit by golf clubs and thrown into a hole.) You and I were also created for a purpose, and that purpose is to come to know God in a special way and to love him.

This ball did not come about by accident. A lot of study and work went into making this ball so that it would fly as far as possible. The core material (which you can’t see) was designed to be the right size, shape, and weight so that it can be hit at long distances. Some are also designed to give the ball more spin to give a good golfer more control. The material for the cover also had to be designed to perfection. It has to be soft enough so there is less friction as the ball moves through the air and strong enough to take hits from golf clubs. Even the number, size, and shape of the dimples on the ball have been thoroughly studied. They even have a specific purpose.

You and I did not arise by accident either. In Genesis 1, God’s Word makes it clear that he created us. He didn’t make us just to do something; he had a reason. He wants you and I to get to know him in a special way and learn to truly love him.

There is no waste material in a golf ball. Every part has a plan and a purpose, even the parts you can’t see. Hours and hours of study and work have been invested in the elaboration of this ball, all with a basic purpose; so that the golfer can hit the ball as far as possible without breaking it. You and I were also created with a purpose, to know God in a special way and learn to love him. You begin to fulfill that purpose when you believe in the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin. (Share the gospel message.)

Once you have believed in Jesus, that is just the beginning. To learn to love God, you have to know him. The way to do this is to take time each day to pray, read, and study the Bible and let him be a part of his daily life. In 1 John 4, God tells us that we are to love one another because love comes from God. Since he loves us, we must transmit that love to others. When he shows his love to others; your love for him will continue to grow. If you truly love God, you will show his love to others.


Come out and play! Four reasons why exposure to nature is essential for the well-being of our children


There is a growing body of evidence indicating that direct experiences with nature are essential for a child’s physical and emotional health. Studies have also shown that exposure to nature can increase a child’s resistance to stress and depression.

Although many sports are played outdoors, for the purposes of this article, when I say outdoor time I am not referring to organized sports. I mean lonely, random, or unstructured time outdoors.

The health benefits are numerous. Playing outside does not increase the chance of getting sick. Kids don’t get colds from cold weather, they get colds from germs. According to the EPA, indoor air pollution is our nation’s number one environmental health concern; two to ten times worse than outdoor air pollution. Excessive indoor play has also been linked to childhood obesity. Outdoor play promotes physical stamina and strength.

The physical and social activity that children enjoy in nature differs from organized sports. The time in nature is more open, no time restrictions apply. Children make up the rules. Consequently, they learn critical group skills, as they must learn to work together and discover the value of teamwork. These are important skills for building lifelong communities.

A New York-based study followed 133 people from childhood to adulthood. The study found that adulthood competence stemmed from three main factors in the early years: 1. Rich sensory experience both inside and out 2. Freedom to explore with few restrictions 3. Parents who were available and acted as advisors when their son asked questions.

Most people in the world today do not see nature as a remedy for emotional difficulties. We rarely see an ad for natural therapy, although we do see many ads for antidepressants or behavioral medications. Many parenting books offer advice on how to manage challenging behaviors. However, it is a rare advice manual that recommends spending time in the natural world as one of its suggestions. While medication and behavioral therapy certainly have their benefits, the need for such remedies can be heightened by a child’s disconnect with nature. While it’s not a cure for major depression, time spent in nature can ease the daily pressures that can lead to depression.

If parents could perceive a child’s time in nature not only as free time but also as an investment in the health of our children, we would be doing them a great favor.


Internet is here to stay and can be a great tool. However, its excessive use has been linked to higher levels of depression and loneliness.

There is an overwhelming amount of sensory information that is forced on our children. Consequently, many children develop a kind of “know it all” mentality. If you can’t google it, it doesn’t matter. Consequently, children miss out on the endless possibilities that exist outside of the wired world. In fact, the serenity of the outside world can provide a sense of quiet wonder, something even the most sophisticated computer cannot offer.

It is easy in our society for children to become attached to “things.” It is important to take the time to tell our children what makes us happy outside of the material world. Tell them why experiences like gardening, taking a long walk, and watching the sunrise make us feel better. Avoid sending the message that all the things that make us happy must come from a store.


Studies indicate that children engage in more creative forms of play on grassy areas than on manufactured playgrounds. Natural settings encourage fantasy and make believe. Boys and girls also tend to play more equally and democratically outdoors. There is a sense of wonder that leads children to ask more questions.

Furthermore, ideas and imagination are not limited by what is man-made, but can be expanded to whatever is naturally available outside. Grass fields, trees, sticks, and rocks can be turned into just about anything imaginable. The creative possibilities are endless.

Author Vera John-Steiner in her well-known book, “Notebooks of the Mind,” investigated how creative people think by looking at the backgrounds of some of the world’s most creative musicians, painters, scientists, writers, and builders, both living and deceased. John-Steiner found that the inventiveness and imagination of almost everyone she studied had its roots in her early experiences of open play.

A natural environment is much more complex than any playing field. It offers rules and risks and uses all the senses. Outdoor challenge programs have shown a direct link to confidence levels long after the experience is over.

Have you ever noticed how a child who may have difficulty concentrating, concentrating, or remembering in a classroom can effortlessly perform these skills during open play outside? The focus is more natural on the outside. Skills developed outside can easily spill over into the home or classroom. Many studies suggest that exposure to nature can also reduce ADHD symptoms and improve learning skills.


Television, although informative, can give a distorted view of the “dangers” of Mother Nature. As a result, children may enjoy less interaction with friends and neighbors. Less interaction with neighbors only creates isolation. Our intuitions and “hunches,” as well as our cooperative abilities, are often rooted in our interactions with friends and neighbors.

The danger from strangers and the fear of wildlife attacks have led many parents to prefer indoor play dates or visits to fast food playgrounds. Although there is, of course, a real risk, the media has played a lot on the fear of danger from strangers and attacks from wildlife. Children are especially vulnerable to media reports. They see a report of an attack or kidnapping and assume it’s happening everywhere. Kids don’t think globally (and by the way it can be portrayed in the media, many adults don’t either). Author Richard Louv in his book, “Last Child in the Woods” describes the case of a high school teacher who expressed concern about him after taking his students on a camping trip. Apparently, several of the students had trouble enjoying the experience because they were terrified that what happened in “The Blair Witch Project” would happen to them.

When I walk outdoors or go hiking with my children, instead of telling them “be careful”, I prefer to say “pay attention”. Paying attention encourages them to be aware with all their senses and avoids inducing an irrational fear of “what’s out there.”

Children may also resist unstructured excursions outside because they feel it is “boring.” Again, this may be related to media programming that tends to focus on natural disasters. While it is sometimes very educational, it can also be extreme. Consequently, unless children see a bear tearing apart a calf, they feel that they are not eating enough, it is boring. Be careful to balance media exposure with a positive real life experience.

While it’s important to teach our children environmental awareness, if they don’t experience direct positive interaction with the outdoors, there’s a risk of associating anything to do with nature with fear and destruction rather than joy and wonder. Too much emphasis on “saving the planet”, global warming and environmental abuse can cause young people to see the planet as nothing more than a scientific experiment or a place to be avoided because of all the bad things that happen on it. Finding the right balance between environmental awareness and positive hands-on experience is essential.


Before you start packing up your family and outdoor gear and plan a trip to the Grand Canyon or give up hope because you have no intention of going to the Grand Canyon, keep in mind that the mysteries of a ravine at the end of your trail , or a special tree in your own backyard, are just as, if not more, rewarding to a young child than the well-known wonders of the earth.

Parents do not need to “teach” their children to inspire an appreciation of nature. Observing a simple ant market can be amazingly arousing. Skipping stones in a stream or picking up stones to count worms after a rain is in itself an education.

Hiking is a wonderful vehicle for experiencing the natural world. However, a parent’s walk can become a child’s forced march. Take care to present the output instead of pressing it. Let it be a mutual adventure. “Come outside with me” or “Let’s go for a hike” may not sound as exciting, but “Let’s find rocks to build a fort” or “Let’s see who can climb the biggest rock” offer much more possibilities.

Gardening is another great way to introduce children to what the soil can do. Children are often more likely to eat things they have grown themselves that they would not otherwise eat.

Many parents express concern when they see their children “doing nothing.” Alone time can be quite rewarding as children get to know themselves, their strengths, and their desires on a deeper level. Avoid telling children that they shouldn’t daydream or look out the window from time to time. How else can they truly appreciate the magnificence of nature without the occasional idleness?

For single parents, there are many nature organizations and online groups that encourage single parent involvement.

Make a list with your child of what he really likes to do. The answers might surprise you. Many kids will say it’s time outside for organized sports that they really love. Re-evaluate your schedule to accommodate what you really like to do.

Get input from schools, nature organizations, and friends. Above all, get outside!


John T. Reed’s views on various real estate investing gurus

You wake up in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep, so you start flipping through the channel. You will no doubt come across a station, where a well-dressed person in an exotic location tells how rich he became selling real estate. Then you hear testimony after testimony of people claiming how they too became rich by following the guru’s advice. Depending on how your day at work has been, you start to consider calling and giving it a try. I remember in the late 80’s almost signing up for Robert Allen’s no money down seminar. However, a friend who had attended in the past dissuaded me. He saved me a few bucks, because then, as now, real estate was in a recession.

John T. Reed reviews all the gurus past and present, including Robert Allen, Wade Cook, Robert Kiyosaki, Carleton Sheets, Donald Trump, and many more.

It pained me to read your review of Robert Kiyosaki. After reading the rather elaborate review of it, I am almost ashamed to say that I learned something from Kiyosaki’s book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. I read it in the 98-99 time frame. So maybe I was very impressionable at the time. I agreed that most of Kiyosaki’s later books were simply rehashes of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and its follow-up “Cash Flow Quadrant.” I have the latest Kiyosaki book that he co-authored with Trump, but I haven’t turned the first few pages yet. Regardless of Reed’s opinion, I still enjoyed “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” However, if I ever met Reed, I would keep that information to myself.

Check out their Gurus reviews. You’ll never look at those infomercials in the same light again.

Real Estate Investing Gurus Review


9 suggestions for cleaning and washing your baby’s duvets

Cleaning and washing your baby quilt is important as your newborn will be using it a lot. Babies tend to mess their eating habits and dirty diapers. Many times that precious blanket gets dirty and needs to be washed. Here are 9 suggestions:

  1. Comforters can be hand or machine washed in cold water on a gentle cycle as they are made from 100% baby cotton flannel or 100% cotton.
  2. Just like you would wash all your newborn baby’s clothes, use mild baby detergents to avoid damaging the fibers. Please read the package instructions carefully when washing any used baby items, especially those babies with sensitive skin.
  3. If unwanted stains need to be pre-treated, gently rub over stains, then hand or machine wash in cold water on gentle cycle.
  4. Custom-made baby blankets are keepsakes, so keep washing to a minimum. With newer fabrics on the market today, they hold up better than in years past, but the colors will eventually fade after repeated washing.
  5. To remove excess water after rinsing, use the palm of your hand to press down on the comforter. Do not squeeze dry. Twisting the comforter will leave lines and break the stitches over time.
  6. If machine drying, use low heat until most of the moisture is removed, then air dry.
  7. Use a non-porous surface when laying out your comforter to dry. Make sure the surface is also clean and free of items that could poke holes or damage materials.
  8. Do not dry clean. This process will damage fabrics. This process uses chemicals that are harmful. Babies shouldn’t be exposed to any harmful chemicals either, so it’s always best to use a mild detergent recommended for them.
  9. Finally, keep brightly colored comforters out of direct sunlight. If you’re not using the baby comforters, store them in a closet, under the crib, or on a dresser. Blankets that are used as wall decorations and hung on the wall will fade over time. Once stored, take out your comforter regularly and refold it so that permanent lines and creases are not visible over time.

All babies need a soft place to lie down, a place to roll over for the first time, and all those times after. Be sure to follow these 9 cleaning and washing tips.


Can it get any colder? Tips to warm up those icy cold calls

Almost everyone who has ever worked in the business world has had the experience of making a cold call. Even the executives you talk to when doing this dreaded task probably had to do it at some point in their careers. So why is it so hard and why are they called cold calling? It seems that categorizing them with that stigma gives them a bad reputation from the start, making the job of cold callers that much more difficult. I have been in the cold calling seat for almost 4 years within the information technology (IT) industry and while it may be like climbing a steep and uneven mountain covered in evil Furby dolls when you first start out, I have compiled a list of tips that can give any cold caller an edge over the competition. These tips apply to any industry and are not limited to IT.

1.) Job Titles – When you first talk to a prospect, unless you are 100% sure of their job title, be sure to always give them the benefit of the doubt and assume your title is incorrect. For example, lead information sites (jigsaw/, etc.) may list a contact as an IT Manager or IT Administrator and, after speaking to the contact or searching for them on LinkedIn or on the company’s website, find out they are actually the Director of IT or CIO. We’ve all done this before on our calls. “Hi Jim, did I have you as an IT manager at ABC Corp?” To your “I’m the CIO” response and an almost guaranteed hangup afterwards.

You may have the soft skills to turn this call around, but when these contacts are receiving two or three digit cold calls every day, the last thing you want to do is undermine their hard work with a title that insults their intelligence.

2.) Name Pronunciation – If you ever have to cold call in the IT world, you’ll quickly realize that not everyone you call has an easy-to-pronounce American name like Sally, Bob, Fred, or Kim . On your first day, you’ll come across names with enough syllables to wow the writers on Sesame Street. It is vital that when you encounter one of these giants A.) Take note of the pronunciation of the name on the prospect’s voicemail B.) Ask the secretary or operator for the correct pronunciation before calling them C.) When you communicate With the prospect on the phone, clarify the correct pronunciation of their name and/or ask what name they usually go by if their given name is long. In my experience I have found this can be very helpful and help you stand out from the average cold caller who would pronounce “Jaise” like Jay-zie when Jace is pronounced with 1 syllable (actual real life example).

3.) Be Respectful – This is an important factor for all cold callers to consider and it’s something that took me to the next level. Everyone has a different approach when introducing themselves and their company in an opening greeting, but after doing it in no more than 10 seconds, you should always ask if the prospect has time to talk or if it’s a bad time for them. You have to accept the fact that the people you are calling have their own phonebook and may not have “cold calling” blocked in their phonebook when they answer the phone. You will ask “so why did they pick it up?” They may have thought you were an internal employee, family member, or friend calling from a similar number. When asked if they have time, they will usually say “yes” in which case they will respect you for asking or “no” in which case they will give you a better time to call them back or they may try to turn you down. completely. However, even if they give a negative answer, you will find that your numbers will improve by doing this rather than just presenting without asking first.

4.) LinkedIn – DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE the power of this tool. Even if you receive contact or account information from a site or service that claims to know everything, you should always verify your information before calling a potential customer. Depending on the service or product you’re selling (I’ll stay in the IT realm as that’s where my expertise lies), you always want to make sure you’re going to the right person and not wasting time. As an example, let’s say you are given the contact, Will Smith (no relation) as an IT Director for Prince of Bel-Air Corporation (also no relation). You’re selling pre-packaged software, but before you call, you look up Will on LinkedIn and see that his experience is strictly hardware related and nothing he does has anything to do with software. It may sound stupid, but I would say that more than half the time you are calling the wrong person. By verifying that your contact actually works within the area you’re selling to, you’ll be 90% more likely to get a meeting, sale, or interest from the prospect.

I’ll provide some expert LinkedIn tips and ways to find more prospects in a future article.

5.) Attention to detail – This is vital if you are sending emails, meeting requests, or any form of communication. You are the luckiest person in the world if you have never received an email with your name misspelled at the top. My name is Jeff, but I’ve seen Jef, Jeef, Geoff, Jefff, Jefforey, Jeffy, you get the point. It’s really not that difficult. Again, go back to your friend, LinkedIn, and check the spelling. If that doesn’t work, talk to the secretary and confirm the spelling so you don’t sound like a retard and/or foreign spammer.

Attention to detail is also vital when talking to a potential customer who gives you information to follow up. If you say you’re not looking for a solution now, but you think you will in 3 months, you should take notes and mark a follow-up on your calendar. Again, you may follow up and find that the lead may have died or been rejected, but it still has a better chance than no follow up at all.

6.) Short, Pithy Pitch – This is where the cold can get colder. Everyone has their own crazy method of setting their pitch. You need to keep in mind again that most of the time (especially in IT) prospects are busy with their own responsibilities and don’t have time to attend 50 cold calls per day, where the cold caller takes 7 minutes to get the message across. that your company does.

You want to tailor your message specifically to the prospect you’re calling (you don’t want to sell software solutions to a prospect who only deals with hardware and vice versa). Again, LinkedIn can be your best friend, as the prospect will usually have a summary of their experience on their profile and/or skill lists (at the bottom of their profile) that were endorsed by coworkers, friends, and previous and current people. do or did business with.

My recommendation is to have a solid idea of ​​what your company does and be able to deliver an elevator pitch in no more than 30 seconds. Most of the decision makers you target will probably lose interest in about 15 seconds, if you don’t mention a keyword that matches their current initiatives. Don’t be afraid to continually practice and change your shade until you find one that matches your style and get consistent results.

7.) It’s Complicated – I’ll leave you with 2 additional tips I learned along the way. Google and voicemail navigation. Google is an immensely powerful tool that many people don’t take advantage of. You’ll run into secretaries, guards, and people whose only job is to keep you from talking to the target prospect. When this happens and you have no other way to get the lead’s direct phone number or email address, try typing their name, business name, and/or business phone number into Google and see what appears. For example, try “Will Smith Prince of Bel-Air Corporation 610-484-” and see what results come up. Also try the company’s website URL, such as Will Smith Prince of Bel-Air Corporation Again, don’t stop with these two examples. From time to time, you may find valuable spreadsheets with additional information you can use or another site where your information is listed. Remember, you are cold calling and you need every advantage you can get. Keep in the mindset that if you don’t sell to them, someone else will.

Navigating voicemail can be complicated, but it can be very profitable. It can be as simple as using the dial-by-name feature when you first call a business, or more complex like pressing **6 when transferred to a potential customer’s voicemail. It all depends on the type of phone/voicemail system they have set up. Sometimes it will facilitate its extension and other times it may not. I’ll focus more on this in a later article, but it’s worth trying to dial * or # when you get to a potential customer’s voicemail to see if they have a searchable directory. This is ideal for when you need to ask a secretary to transfer a potential client and there is no initial dial-by-name option. It won’t work every time, but as Paul Rudd said in anchor man; “Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.”


How to create a simple bed frame

There are many ways to build a bed frame, both cheap and expensive, depending on the materials used and the complexity of the frame. In this little how-to guide, we’ll explore an easy way to create a bed frame out of materials that don’t cost a lot.

The first thing to do before building a new frame is to decide whether to use your current bed mattress or buy a new one. This is important, as you will need the dimensions of the mattress before you even plan your frame. The frame needs to fit the mattress you will be using, so make a basic sketch with the dimensions of the mattress and the frame that will fit the mattress.

The next step is to create a list of the materials you will be using. If you already have tools at home, other than nails, all you need is wood.

You will need a large piece of plywood for the mattress to rest on. The plywood should be slightly larger than the mattress so that the mattress will fit after all the protectors are attached to all four sides. The plywood should measure the size of the mattress plus the thickness of the bumpers on all four sides.

For most builds, a 2×2 should suffice. Your plywood will be four inches longer than the mattress and four inches wider.

The protectors will need to be cut as follows: two 2x2s will be cut to the exact length of the mattress plus an additional four inches and another two 2x2s will be cut to the exact width of the mattress.

You do not need to add an additional four inches to the width of the frame, as these bumpers will meet the other two bumpers.

You will need extra wood to make the bedposts as well. For basic builds, 2x2s cut to length should suffice.

In the assembly part, all you need are nails and a hammer. Lay everything out on the floor, starting with the plywood. On top of the plywood you need to put the bumpers and nail them in all four corners. After this, you need to remove the frame from the plywood and put it only on the floor. Lay the plywood over the bumpers and make sure it sits right in the middle of the frame, after which you will nail it to the bumpers, on all sides.

The bed posts are next. You need to place them at each corner of the frame and nail them to the frame. Make sure they don’t move at all. Now all you have to do is place the mattress on the frame and you’re ready to catch some Z’s.


The importance of perseverance in entrepreneurship

Perseverance is undoubtedly an important aspect of business success. The saying “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” means that few people are capable of achieving great things without first overcoming the obstacles that stand in their way.

Here are four examples, two from the past and two from the present, of successful business perseverance to help inspire you to achieve the seemingly impossible.

thomas edison

As a young man, Thomas Edison’s parents removed him from school after his teachers declared him “stupid” and “impossible to teach.” Edison spent his early years working and being fired from various jobs, culminating in his firing from a telegraph company at the age of 21. Despite these numerous setbacks, Edison was never discouraged from his true calling in life: inventing. Throughout his career, Edison obtained more than a thousand patents. And while several of these inventions, such as the light bulb, the printer, the phonograph, and the alkaline battery, were revolutionary innovations, the vast majority of them could be described as failures. And now Edison is famous for saying that genius is “1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”.

One of Edison’s best examples of perseverance occurred after he was already a successful man. After inventing the light bulb, he began looking for cheap filaments for light bulbs. At the time, ore was being mined in the Midwestern United States and shipping costs were very high. To combat this, Edison established his own mineral extraction plant in Ogdensburg, New Jersey. For almost ten years, he devoted his time and money to the company. Edison also obtained 47 patents for innovations that helped make the plant run better. And even despite those inventions, Edison’s core project failed due to poor ore quality on the East Coast.

Despite that failure, however, one of those 47 inventions (a grinding machine) revolutionized the cement industry and actually paid Edison back almost all the money he lost. Henry Ford would later credit Edison’s Ogdensburg project as the main inspiration for his Ford Model T assembly line. And indeed, many believe that Edison paved the way for today’s industrial laboratories. Edison’s foray into mining proves that dedication can pay off even in a losing company.

milton hershey

Milton Hershey had a long way to the top of the chocolate industry. Hershey dropped out of the fourth grade to take an apprenticeship with a printer, only to be fired. She then became an apprentice to a candy maker and later started 3 candy companies with no success.

However, Hershey was not giving up. After these failed attempts, he founded the Lancaster Caramel Company. Despite his initial setbacks, the Hershey’s caramel recipe was a great success. Looking beyond caramel, Hershey believed that chocolate products had a much better future, and he sold the Lancaster Caramel Company to start the Hershey Company, which brought milk chocolate to the masses.

In doing so, Hershey overcame failure and achieved its goals. He also created hundreds of jobs for Pennsylvanians and was generous with his wealth, building homes, churches, and schools.

steve jobs

Perseverance isn’t just limited to the early phases of a person’s career. In fact, failure can often occur after a long period of achievement.

Apple founder Steve Jobs achieved phenomenal success at a young age. When he was 20, he founded Apple in his parents’ garage, and within ten years, the company had grown into a $2 billion giant. However, when Jobs turned 30, Apple’s board of directors fired him from the company he created and he found himself unemployed. Instead of seeing this as a curse, Jobs treated it as a freedom to undertake new initiatives. In fact, Jobs later stated that getting fired was one of the best things that ever happened to him, as it gave him the opportunity to think more creatively and start a new company.

After being fired from Apple, Jobs founded NeXT, a software company, and Pixar, the amazing movie company that has produced animated movies like Finding Nemo. Subsequently, Apple bought NeXT. After founding these companies, Jobs not only returned to Apple, but helped launch its current resurgence in popularity with the creation and success of the iPod and iPhone. Jobs attributes the success of his career and his strong relationship with his family to the fact that he was fired from Apple.

Simon Cowell

Although Simon Cowell is now a pop icon and a wealthy man, Cowell faced struggles earlier in his life. When he was fifteen years old, he dropped out of school and worked various odd jobs. Cowell eventually received a job in the mailroom at EMI Music Publishing, where he was able to work his way up in the A&R department. After EMI, Cowell formed his own publishing company, E & S Music.

Unfortunately, Cowell’s new company went bankrupt in its first year of operation. As a result, Cowell was saddled with a large amount of debt and had to move back in with his parents. However, he was persistent and eventually got a job at a small company called Fanfare Records. Cowell worked at Fanfare for eight years and was able to help build the company into a successful record label. From there, he spent several years recruiting musicians and nurturing talent before launching the “American Idol” and “X-Factor” franchises that would make Simon Cowell a household name.