Home Kitchen

If it sounds too good to be true, what do you think?

I seem to have reached a point in life where I have a hard time accepting the premise that when something sounds too good to be true, it is almost certainly too good to be true. However, it may not be related to age, but is ingrained in our DNA; we want more for less, something for nothing, always looking for the deal of the century. Later living to regret it.

Every day I am bombarded with countless advertisements and emails offering everything from useful gadgets to fabulous furniture, brand new kitchens or bathrooms, all at ridiculously low prices. As much as I try to avoid even glancing at these limitless offerings, my fingers are not paying attention to my brain. Taking on a life of its own, they click to open all the offers that have managed to avoid my spam or junk folder. And every time I succumb to the allure of the must-have LED flashlight with built-in can opener, which is “cheap at half the price,” I am disappointed once again. Why am I not learning?

I saw a young woman on TV who wrecked her car, whom I had named BRAD (while insured by a company we should switch to immediately). I think he took their agreement and created a website by the name of Brad that offers great DEALS, but only if you act very quickly. Most of these things are too good to be true or too cheap to be good. But that doesn’t stop us. I bought an outdoor furniture set (some assembly required); six chairs and two footrests, guaranteed not to rust for one year. I am too embarrassed to reveal how low the price was. Assembly took two full days, after a two-week wait for the missing parts to be shipped from California. Rust started 31 days after initial delivery. Company policy: 30-day return. I reported that I was out of luck with the return, but since the warranty was valid for one year, I was able to send the assembled chairs back to California (fine print: at my expense) for a replacement. After calculating that shipping the chairs assembled would cost three times the initial cost of the product, I now live with the rust.

But did I learn? Apparently not much, although my resistance to these offers is gradually increasing. And speaking of construction, the same goes for remodeling. Ads for incredibly low priced cabinets and countertops are popping up everywhere. Often times, cabinets and counters are imported from abroad, in countries where they have no scruples or standards. We have no way of knowing what harmful chemicals these products contain and what dangerous gases will permeate our home environment once they are installed. But by then, it’s too late, the damage is done, and we’re pushing daisies (which never grew because we ordered them from a cheap mail order catalog).

Common sense: There is a legitimate price range for any product or project, so beware of absurd offers that don’t seem plausible. Every time I’ve succumbed to the deal of the century, whether it’s a lawn chair or a new computer program that will fix everything, I regret it. As attractive as low offers are, especially when paired with big promises, they should raise a red flag.

Do your research! Check reviews and references and use your common sense! In the case of remodeling, be sure to select a qualified company for your project, whose business and financial capabilities, past performance and reputation ensure that they will do a good job, with products that will perform as promised. I’m not saying you can’t find bargains, but remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and you may end up living with rust.


The importance of personal liability insurance

Personal liability insurance, also known as general personal insurance, is another product we use to keep our assets intact. Since we live in a disputed society, we believe it is a good strategy to have an insurance policy that can withstand a financial error caused by a lawsuit.

What is personal liability insurance?

Auto and homeowners insurance policies have additional liability protection within their contracts. If you are found negligent in a situation where someone was injured, your liability protection will pay for things like personal medical bills, rehabilitation, lost wages, etc.

However, the coverage amounts are relatively low and can quickly run out depending on the severity of the other party’s injuries.

The protection of a general personal liability insurance policy will kick in once the liability protection of your other policies is no longer sufficient. Gives you and your assets added protection.

How about an example of where this policy is important?

Let’s say Bill insults Anne in a car accident. Due to the severity of Anne’s injuries, she is now disabled and cannot return to work. His medical bills are $ 50,000.

Good and bad news. Good news: Bill’s auto insurance policy has $ 50,000 liability coverage. Bad news: Do you think Anne and her attorney will only go for $ 50,000?

It is not probable. Remember …

    He can no longer work and support his family. You can no longer finance your retirement. You have ongoing medical bills that you will have to pay due to your disability. Along with financial hardship comes emotional distress.

So if you consider your 20-year lost wages, medical bills, retirement, and personal therapy, you’re considering the millions of dollars. If Bill doesn’t have personal liability insurance, his assets are exposed.

So what does he do exposed to mean? They could go after your house, cars, boat, bank accounts, 401k, etc. Any asset owned in your name is at risk.

But you don’t even have to be “physically” involved at the scene of the injury to be at risk. If someone is injured in your home and you are responsible for the damages, then your assets are at risk if you don’t have enough coverage.

This article is not intended to scare you. It is not meant to invoke fear. We encourage you to take preventive measures. We want to inspire you to take action to protect your wealth. Like wearing a seatbelt in a car, an umbrella policy is an added layer of protection.

My wife and I have a blanket policy that provides $ 5 million in excess, over and above the coverage provided by our home and auto policies. We only pay $ 531 a year for the policy. As you can see, the premiums are relatively low.

Therefore, consider the benefits of these policies. Use a blanket policy to cover your assets. Remember … sometimes when it rains, it pours.

Digital Marketing

English Idioms Explanation – Part 2

We are in the second part of our three-part series on the correct use of idioms (idioms). To remind you, an idiom is a phrase in which a group of words takes on a different meaning than the dictionary definitions of the individual words. Today, we will continue that series and look at more popular idioms and what they really mean.

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

This idiom does not mean leaving your kitchen when you are cooking. It means that a person must get out of a situation if the pressure is too much for them. For example:

A. “This diving competition is really stressing me out. Aren’t you worried?”

B. “No, not at all. And, If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.. “

Joined at the hip

People who are joined at the hip are usually like thinkers and are very emotionally attached. They are not really close, but it is as if they are so alike and spend so much time together. For example:

A. “Look at Susan and Carol. They are always together!”

B. “I know! It’s as if they were Joined at the hip. “

Keep in contact

When you keep in touch with someone, you continue to communicate with them even if they live far away.

Long time not see you

This expression means that the speaker normally has not seen the person they are talking to in a long time. For example:

A. “Hey! Long time not see you. How have you been?

B. “It’s been a while. It’s good to see you.”

Mom is the word

If someone uses this idiom with you, it means that they want you to be quiet and not tell other people what they are saying. For example, if your friend tells you that she is planning a party for her husband and says “Mom is the word,” she does not want you to tell her about the party.

Nip in the bud

When you nip something in the bud, you’re dealing with the problem while it’s still small, before it becomes a big problem. For example:

A. “Kate seemed really mad at me, but I talked to her and nipped it in the bud. Now we are fine. “

We have roll

This expression is used to describe someone who is going from one success to another. For example, if a person wins 5 chess games in a row, we have roll.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

This does not mean that people are actually throwing stones at houses! It means that one person should not criticize another for a fault or weakness that they may have themselves. For example:

A. “Joe is so lazy!”

B. “Yes, goal people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. “

Well, this is the end of the second Englishlink article on some commonly used idioms. Stay tuned for part 3 when we finish looking at some of the most puzzling idioms in the English language.


Why Effective Teachers Have Minimal Problems in the Classroom

Effective classroom teachers tend to have strengths in classroom management efforts. Teachers who know how to manage their classrooms create an effective environment that is conducive to the education of students. The challenge for some teachers is knowing how to organize their classrooms so that they have a minimum of behavior problems. In college, teachers are generally taught how to develop a discipline plan for their classrooms; This plan is supposed to solve any behavior problems in your classrooms. We know that effective classrooms require more, and successful teachers end up creating a classroom environment that is caring, stimulating, challenging, and exciting. These classrooms serve as an example of how effectively teachers run their classes.

One strategy these teachers use begins on the first day of school. Veteran teachers have learned that how they start the year will determine the success of their classes throughout the school year. Initiating classroom procedures on the first day of school helps teachers acclimate students to a well-managed classroom immediately. The earlier students can begin positive routines, the greater the likelihood that the teacher will lead an effective classroom for the remainder of the year. Furthermore, student performance is directly related to effective classroom management.

It is imperative that teachers implement classroom procedures that students must adhere to at all times. These procedures serve as expectations for students and should include what happens at the beginning of class, how to silence the class, what to do if students need help, what type of movement students allow, and what happens at the end of class. . Every successful classroom should have these few basic procedures. Important additional procedures include what students should do when they need to obtain supplies, turn in papers, respond to the fire alarm, behave when dismissed from class, and what to do when they are late or absent.

To help teachers get organized, they should identify a place within the room where they post classroom procedures. They must also provide a location within the room to post rules, schedules, and the calendar. Organized teachers also have daily assignments posted in the same place for consistency, and some teachers require students to come into class and immediately begin working on their “do now” assignments. This helps students get involved immediately, which sets the tone for the class.

Teachers can get support for their classroom procedures by sending a cover letter home with students and including a copy of the classroom procedures for parents to review. This is a great way to start developing that important relationship with parents. Additional information to send to parents includes an academic action plan or curriculum for the semester. Students tend to behave better when the teacher has developed a relationship with their parents.

In addition to classroom procedures, successful teachers have well-managed classrooms that are student-centered; they encourage student collaboration and allow students to feel part of the class. Student-centered classrooms generally have special seating arrangements for classmates to share during the day. Additionally, student-centered classrooms provide them with options for projects and assignments. Students in these classrooms spend a lot of time working on group assignments, which helps students to be confident in working with people. Student-centered classrooms also bring students closer together, which should lead to higher student achievement and fewer classroom problems. This strategy helps teachers to successfully organize their classrooms, which is an excellent classroom management technique.

To contribute to the success of these classrooms, teachers must incorporate activities that are meaningful and engaging for their students. This will keep students interested, which is critical to classroom success. Students should feel that they are part of the class and that the material they are learning is important. When students demonstrate their understanding of these lessons and are invited to provide feedback on them, it contributes to the success of the class. Teachers can enhance that success by encouraging students to participate and celebrating their successes whenever possible. Some teachers celebrate with verbal praise, others with written acknowledgment, and some by posting student work in the classroom.

This entire process promotes efforts to establish positive relationships between teachers and students. When students establish close relationships with their teachers, they feel a sense of belonging, which is a critical factor in effective classroom management. In summary, teachers who manage their classrooms effectively demonstrate a positive attitude, treat students fairly, care, have high expectations for students, are aware of student needs, are organized and prepared, and provide meaningful and engaging lessons. .


How do I know if my ex-boyfriend still likes me? 10 unmistakable signs

So, you constantly ask yourself the question, “How do I know if my ex-boyfriend still likes me?” Well, there are ways to find out. You should be on the lookout for these signs to see if your ex-boyfriend still likes you:

1. Your ex boyfriends call you on the slightest pretext, asking for your help with the smallest things! The truth is, he doesn’t really need your help, but he wants to stay in touch and see you.

2. Your ex is constantly offering to help without your asking. He happily lends you a hand whenever possible. There is no doubt about this! He still likes you and hopes you get back to him.

3. Your ex watches you and asks your family and mutual friends about you. The fact that he’s trying to keep up with what’s going on in your life says it all!

4. He sends you gifts and flowers even when there is no occasion. If this doesn’t tell you that your ex-boyfriend still likes you, what ?!

5. Your ex has the ability to land in almost every place you hang out with! It’s safe to say that he still likes you.

6. If your ex asks around to see if you are still sorry, the writing is on the wall!

7. In case your ex tries to intimidate the guys you date by looking them up and down, it is obvious that he is jealous and does not like to see you with another person.

8. If your ex lets you know what he’s doing and his calls get longer, chances are he still has feelings for you and wants to stay connected with you.

9. If by chance your ex flaunts their latest date in front of you and tries to steal a look at you while he’s with her, he could be playing games. He’s probably trying to make you jealous and wants to see how you react to another girl. Your ex is obviously desperately trying to get your attention!

10. Your ex invites you for coffee and talks about your relationship. If he admits he misses you, you certainly don’t need to ask the question “How do I know if my ex-boyfriend still likes me?”

Before trying to get your ex back, first find out what went wrong between you and find out what your ex is looking for in a girlfriend. Once you’ve done that, go find the boy!

Health Fitness

Weight Loss Motivation: How to Stay Motivated

About a third of our adult population is overweight, out of shape, or just soaked through the waist and dreams of a sexy toned physique. The culprit for this is the availability of cheap food and competition between fast food restaurants for our business. This could be true and all animals will always eat as if there is no food available tomorrow. Therefore, eating a lot and being overweight is part of our genetic makeup, but we don’t have to accept being overweight as a given.

If you are part of that third of our population and you don’t like it, take heart, there is help. The world is awash with programs, diets, weird secrets, a special food, or some device that promises to transform your body into something you will be proud to show off. The problem is that it is not so easy and getting the body you dream of requires work, willpower, motivation and, above all, it takes time.

The problem is that with all the other things we have to worry about it becomes really difficult to find and stay motivated to lose weight. Without seeing some positive results, it becomes difficult to maintain enthusiasm for losing weight. When the motivation is gone and you are ready to give up, the last thing you need is for someone to point the finger and say “You’re fat.”
Staying motivated to lose weight isn’t always easy, but here are six tips that can help you achieve your weight loss goal.

How to stay motivated to lose weight.

1. Don’t get caught up in all the hype about this or that program that promises to help you lose weight with very little effort. You don’t have to join a club or buy expensive food to lose weight. Losing those pounds is not so much about what you eat as it is about how much you eat.

2. Just do it. Don’t wait, start now. You know that the only way to lose weight is to eat less and be more active which increases your heart rate and causes your body to burn more calories. Housework or your normal daily job does not count as an additional activity unless you are a construction worker.

3. Don’t set unattainable goals that will stop you before you start. Set yourself a goal that you have a reasonable chance of reaching. When you reach the goal, celebrate, then make another goal that you can reach. Losing ten pounds and then another ten pounds sounds easier than losing 20 pounds.

4. Don’t worry about seeing immediate results. It took a long time to be overweight and it may take some time to see permanent results. And you will have some discomforts to deal with as your body adjusts to less food and more activity.

5. Focus on sticking with the program you decided to change and promoting a permanent healthy lifestyle. If you decide that you are going to eat healthier while losing weight, focus on eating healthier. But avoid starvation diets and if you fall off the wagon just get back on.

6. Remember that losing weight is only half the goal. Keeping it off is just as important as taking it off. Find out why you really want to lose weight and make it part of your motivation.

Legal Law

PSP MP4 Downloads: Where to Download MP4 Movies for PSP

Since its launch several years ago, the PSP device has become one of the most popular portable devices. Thousands of PSP owners are using their Sony PlayStation Portable to watch movies, play games, listen to music, and download all kinds of things like photos and wallpapers. One of the most popular PSP downloads is mp4 movies and videos. Instead of worrying about converting your video files to the MPEG-4 format that the PSP can play, just search for PSP mp4 downloads online. There are many different websites now offering mp4 movie and video downloads for PSP devices. You just have to know where to find these websites.

The best place to start looking for PSP mp4 downloads are major search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo! You can also try Ask.com. If you are interested in a particular title, you can do a specific search like “Star Wars PSP mp4 Downloads”. You can also perform general searches in case the provider hosts pages that are not indexed by search engines. It’s a good idea to search all major search engines so that you can increase the chances of finding the files you are looking for. If the PSP mp4 downloads you are looking for are only available from a members-only website, you may not find these files by doing a search in search engines.

Another place where you can find where to download mp4 movies for PSP is on forums, newsgroups, and other download sites. People always share this type of information, so if you look long enough, you will find someone talking about a website that they like. If the discussion forum you are visiting has a search feature, use it to locate relevant discussions about PSP mp4 downloads. Most likely, you will find links to some PSP download sites that offer mp4 downloads. Many PSP websites offer a variety of downloads to their members, including movies, music, software, and games, so you don’t have to specifically look for a site that offers only PSP mp4 downloads.

Another good place to find PSP mp4 downloads is articles posted online. Many discussions of PSP downloads also mention specific download sites that you may want to visit.

There are many types of PSP download websites. Some offer free clips and short films, while others offer full-length mp4 movies. Some of those offering full length movies use file sharing software to distribute the files to different users, as they often have thousands of users. Many of these sites are membership based, so you will first have to join as a member before you can get free access to free PSP mp4 downloads. Some websites do not offer memberships, but will sell you specific mp4 movies that interest you.

Lifestyle Fashion

Clay Cookware – Where to Buy in the US

The popularity of clay cookware is increasing as more people realize its health benefits. How conventional cookware has been poisoning our food is no longer a secret. Tired of dealing with health problems ranging from common illnesses to chronic and life-threatening illnesses viz. diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, etc., we finally get back to our roots. The ancient practice of cooking in clay utensils is still the only healthy option for a simple reason: there is no other material to make kitchen utensils as pure, totally natural and healthy as clay in nature.

The next important step is where to buy clay pots and pans in the US The market is flooded with so many types of cookware that claim to use clay as a raw material, it is normal for anyone to get confused. The most common clay kitchen utensils that we can find in the market are:

1. Ceramic cookware – Pottery has been on the market for a while and is often marketed as a kind of earthenware cooking utensils. Ceramic is actually mixed with a number of chemicals, glazed more, and coated with more chemicals to add shine and color. Therefore, unfortunately, ceramic cookware does not provide the unique benefits of cooking in all-natural clay. If you are looking for a truly healthy cookware, ceramic is not!

2. Imported kitchen utensils – There are some imported varieties of clay cookware on the market available at a much lower price. The biggest problem with these is that you can never be sure of the composition of the clay used. Also, they are probably inexpensive because they are made with additives to reduce the time it takes to make them. If the clay is not pure, it is not healthy!

3. Pure clay cookware – Pure clay is primary unglazed clay that is sourced from uncultivated, non-industrialized land in the U.S. This all-natural material is further tested for metals and chemical contaminants before it is used to make cookware of clay. It is interesting to note that the raw material does not have to go through a mechanized process so there is absolutely no use of additives. The pots and pans are made by hand using the ancient method of throwing clay on a potter’s wheel and using skillful hands to shape usable pots and pans.

Unlike many raw materials on the market, we have clay test results to check if it contains any contaminants. By cooking in pure clay, the nutritional value and natural taste of the food is preserved, so you get 100% non-toxic and nutrient-rich food.

To further support this claim that pure clay cookware is the healthiest, healthy cooks recommend running an alkaline baking soda test (a simple home test that only requires baking soda and water), in any pot. of cooking and check if it leaks.

If your cookware doesn’t pass the alkaline baking soda test, don’t worry, get pure clay cookware to cook the healthiest foods.


Everything you need to know about the Goldendoodle!

Today’s dogs are a very important part of a family environment. They keep us entertained, they put smiles on our faces, they are our children’s best friends, they are there for us to talk when we feel alone and have no one else! They love us unconditionally and bring an abundance of joy and love to the family. I have no doubt that since the beginning of time dogs have been known as man’s best friends!

Goldendoodles are no exception. A golden squiggle is a cross between a golden retriever and a poodle. Breeders is Australia started breeding this cross in the mid-1980s and North American breeders have been breeding it since the mid-1990s. They were first bred in Australia as guide dogs for people in need of a Biggest, allergy-friendly dog!

Goldendoodles are amazing and healthy family dogs for so many reasons!

First, the mix between a poodle and a retriever gives the squiggle a quality known as “hybrid vigor” (the offspring of genetically different parents), which means that mixed breed dogs tend to be healthier and live longer. than purebreds. This is because most genetic traits are recessive. Golden and Poodles don’t have many diseases in common, so if both parents don’t have a particular trait for a certain disease, puppies can’t get it. This is why many mixed breed dogs, including the goldendoodle, are healthier than purebreds. You still have to choose your breeder carefully and make sure they are running all required health tests, temperament tests, and researching lines thoroughly before breeding your dogs, but in general, mixed breeds are genetically more robust!

Goldendoodles also possess many qualities of both the poodle and the dorado. Most goldendoodles are friendly, highly intelligent and goofy dogs who love to be part of the family. They love to swim, play fetch, and interact with people. They are very sociable dogs and they love to be active and have fun. I have donated dogs as therapy and service dogs and the squiggle excels at this type of work! As a breeder, I hear hundreds of stories about how smart these dogs are and how they are the best of their class of puppies and how they are the best dogs my clients have ever owned.

Most doodles have very low or non-shedding fur. This depends on the dog and the type of coat it has. There are 3 different types of coats, wool (which is a tight curl and the most hypoallergenic), fleece (which is wavy and is generally still very poorly detachable and hypoallergenic) and hair (which is straighter and generally sheds more). An experienced breeder can usually tell when puppies are 6 to 7 weeks old what type of coat they will have as adults and the breeder will help you find the right puppy for your needs. Goldendoodles’ fur will continue to grow and can be 3-8 inches long if left unclipped. A scribble requires regular brushing or they will tangle and should go to the hairdresser for a clip every 4 months or so!

Goldendoodles also come in many colors and sizes depending on the poodle used. In our kennel we breed blonde, gold, apricot, red, black, silver, and ghost doodles. We also have 3 different sizes, standard (anything over 21 “and 50 pounds and up), mini (13” to 20 “and 25-49 pounds) and tiny (12” or less 10-24 pounds).

Their life expectancy is usually around 12-15 years for standards and 14-17 years for minis.

Scribbles also come in many different generations and depending on what you are looking for, one generation may be better than another. F1s are a purebred dorado mixed with a purebred poodle. This generation is usually the healthiest and has the most “hybrid vigor” traits. F1b is a backcross and is a goldendoodle bred with a poodle. These types of goldendoodles are usually better for people with severe allergies, as the f1b generally has a curlier coat than an f1 (note that this is not always the case and your breeder will be able to help you with this). F2 is a goldendoodle bred back to a goldendoodle. Puppies in an f2 litter tend not to sway as much in one direction or the other. They seem to be a nice mix between the golden and the poodle (sometimes, but not always in an f1 litter, some puppies will lean more towards a golden, some more towards a poodle and some will be in between), f3 (f3 and above is also known as multigeneration) is y f2 golden doodle with f2 golden doodle and f4 is f3 golden doodle with f3 golden doodle. The more you reproduce them with each other, the more the hybrid vigor trait will be lost. A seventh generation (f7) goldendoodle is eligible for registration as a purebred (this has not been done as far as I know).

As I mentioned before, goldendoodles are healthier than most purebred dogs, but breeders should still run all tests on parents. Better to wait for a good quality puppy from a great breeder than to support careless breeders who just want to raise as many puppies as possible without worrying about the breed as a whole.

If you buy your golden doodle puppy from a one-time breeder, you can end up with many health problems and expensive veterinary bills.

Necessary tests for breeding golden retrievers

1. Hips (HD) OFA or Pennhip or OVC

2. eyes (CERF) Required annually

3. Hearts … tested and certified by OFA

4. Elbows (OFA)

Necessary tests for breeding standard poodles

1. Hips (HD) OFA or Pennhip or OVC

2.OFA elbows

3. Eyes (CERF) required annually

4. Von Willebrands (vWd) DNA or blood test (bleeding disorder)

5. Sebaceous adenitis (SA) skin disorder

* Thyroid malfunction: not required, but highly recommended for all breeding dogs.

Necessary tests for the breeding of miniature and toy poodles.

1. Hips for HD and Legg-Perves disease OFA, Penn hip or OVC

2. Knees to dislocate the patella

3. Eyes (CERF) required annually

4. Blood or DNA test for Von Willebrands disease (vWd)

* Thyroid malfunction: not required, but highly recommended for all breeding dogs.

I have given you a brief description of the squiggle. If you have any further questions about this breed, you can visit my website. These dogs are becoming very popular and I have no doubt why. They are amazing with children and can live in almost any type of environment. The best way to describe these amazing dogs is “Little People in Fur Coats.”

Real Estate

Moving House For Profit: 7 Tips For Moving House Success In Any Market

1. Get Ready – Now that you’ve decided to start investing in homes for a profit, it’s time to properly set your goals and expectations in your mind. Calculate how much cash you have available for this investment. Make sure you have enough money to cover a twenty percent down payment, the home remodel, and enough cash on hand to cover the monthly mortgage payment until the property is available. I know it sounds overwhelming, but I’ll show you how to cut down on your startup cash and remodeling funds. It always makes sense to write your plan. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, it just has to make sense to you. You cannot know where you are going without a map to navigate.

2. Identify a good property to invest in: Now that you have an idea of ​​its address, it is time to consider the type of property that would make a good investment. Find out if you want to buy a single-family home that needs work or a multi-family home where a condo conversion might be your intention. For our purposes here, we will discuss the single family home move. If you do not have access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) in your area, find a reputable real estate agent who can provide you access to the MLS. It is wise to have a buyers agent because it does not cost you money. The buyer’s agent is compensated by the broker’s agency. Once you have access to the MLS, you can start looking for properties. I like to search by zip codes in areas that I know have desirable neighborhoods. In a down market like the one we find ourselves in now, there are many dilapidated houses in great neighborhoods. Those are the houses that will always sell first. You should focus on bank-owned, short-sale, and foreclosed homes on the market. Keep in mind that no matter how much the seller asks for the house, what matters is whether the project makes sense. I usually calculate the price I will pay for a house after calculating the amount of work that needs to be done and how much I can sell it for. Remember, the market tells you what a home will sell for, not a price tag.

3. Property Inspection and Analysis – Before you can make an informed offer, you need to know two things. You must first know how much it will cost to bring the home to its highest and best condition. You should appeal to the type of buyer who is most likely to buy the home. You should have a reputable contractor meet you at the house so that they can give you an idea of ​​the costs involved. Now add 20% just to account for unexpected costs. Once you know your cost, you should check with your real estate agent to determine what similar homes have sold for and see which homes you will compete with. Now that you have a good idea of ​​the future selling price and the cost of construction, you can now use basic math to add the cost to the purchase price and then subtract that answer from the estimated future sale price to determine if there is a margin of profit enough for this move to make sense to you. Tip: Don’t forget to add the sales commission to your cost if you plan to hire a real estate agent.

4. If the numbers work, get funding! – Once you know there are enough profit after your acquisition cost, estimate the remodel and cost to sell. Now you know how much you should pay for the house. Before bidding, you must obtain your financing. This is my area of ​​expertise as I have been a mortgage broker for several years. There have been many changes in the mortgage industry since mid-2006. Money is a little harder to come by, but it is still available with a down payment and a decent credit history. The guidelines are always changing, but right now, in late 2008, a minimum 20% down payment is required to purchase investment property and the borrower must show income and assets to qualify. If after the 20% down payment, remodeling money and cash to cover the monthly payments, you don’t have much money left, you should consider a partner for the deal. You may not be a fan of long-term partnerships, but when you’re changing ownership, you’d be looking for a 4-6 month partnership, not a lifetime. If that works, you can always buy more properties to sell in the future. It also helps to divide risk and tasks. Just make sure your expectations are set correctly. If you’re going the partner route, I suggest opening a joint bank and financing it with 6 months of mortgage payments, including taxes and insurance. If you have any more questions about financing, I’ll be happy to answer them. I will provide my office contact information at the end of this article.

5. Remodeling / Rehab Phase – It’s time to repair this house and get it back on the market as quickly as possible. Now you need to get your contractors in to begin the construction phase. Keep in mind that cheap labor will almost always be more expensive. Make sure contractors get the proper permits. The last thing you want is a forced work stoppage because the required permit was not withdrawn. Also, if these workers do not know the code or do not compile it, it will usually cost twice as much to correct a code problem. By now, you should have a detailed list of everything that needs to be done. Breakdown by major systems such as heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical, and any other systems that need repair or service. Then go room by room and make a list of what needs to be done in each room. Joint compound and a fresh coat of paint are very helpful. Just be sure to use modern, neutral colors that aren’t offensive to anyone. Be sure to inspect the exterior of the home for repairs and touch-ups. The patio must be clean and properly landscaped. Be sure to check in with contractors daily to make sure everything is on track – don’t just assume everything is on schedule. Finally, take advantage of the use of credit from Lowes and Home Depot to avoid payments and interest for six to twelve months. You should be able to buy most materials with that credit. Just be sure to pay off the full balance when the interest-free period ends or you’ll be hit with all the increased interest.

6. Sell your home quickly – Now that your home is complete and ready to go on the market. You should already have an idea of ​​how much this property will include in the list, but you need to check the value once more. The best way to do this is to have an appraiser or real estate agent do a comparable market analysis. If you don’t know an appraiser, call your mortgage broker and ask them to use their appraiser to help determine a range for you. I do this for my mortgage clients as a free value-added service, it’s just good business practice. You may want to sell your home yourself and that’s fine, but you need to have time to show it off and also be able to list the property on your local multiple listing service. If you are trying to avoid paying a full real estate commission, a local real estate agent will usually make a “entry only” listing for a nominal fee. If you don’t have the time or don’t want to deal with the hassle of listing the home yourself, hire a real estate agent to list your home. You should have already added the sales commission rate to your figures beforehand. When calculating value, be sure to look not only at similar homes that have sold, but also at your competition. Your home should be a good deal when the average buyer compares it to others in the same price range. Lastly, if you don’t get enough screenings after a week or so the house price may be too high, don’t be afraid to lower the price. Sometimes a small profit is better than no profit. That is why you should buy the property you want to invest as low as possible and estimate the remodel as accurately as possible.

7. Plan for Your Profits – If you correctly priced your newly remodeled home, you will remember and will soon close. If you have planned correctly, you should make some profit. It would be wise to have a solid plan regarding your earnings. Here are some options; You can simply take the profits, as well as your initial investment, and place them in your bank. In that case, you have just created a taxable event or, in other words, a long-term or short-term capital gain, depending on how long you’ve owned the property. That option is better if the profit gain was minimal. If you made a significant profit and were planning to trade another property, you can defer your taxes through a 1031 exchange. Basically, a 1031 exchange is a tax code that allows you to defer capital gains tax to a later date, reinvesting your earnings on another investment property within a certain period of time. There are rules that must be followed for the trade to be valid, but considering the benefit, it could be worth it. The advantages of doing a 1031 exchange include having more money available now and more purchasing power. It means not paying taxes while building your real estate investment business. You can invest your earnings, just like investing a home. Here’s an idea, why not switch houses until you have enough down payment funds to switch to a 30-unit apartment building. Then you can turn your money into cash flow. You can defer paying taxes until after you sell the last property and take the money. It is always wise to speak to an accountant when making tax decisions, so always consult a professional CPA when it comes to tax law, that’s money well spent.

I leave you with one last thought; Use professionals from start to finish. Licensed professionals may seem like they cost more, but they will save you money if they get the job done on time and correctly.