
Inspirational words – Fuel and fire to achieve your wish

Inspirational words can go a long way in your quest to turn your dreams into reality. As you face the inevitable challenges and disappointments that are a natural part of the pursuit of great achievement, you can use inspirational words to ignite massive energy and resilience when faced with discouragement and disappointment.

Whenever difficult times cause you to doubt your progress and ability to succeed, remember and apply the following quotes:

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept trying when there seemed to be no hope.”

-Dale Carnegie

This quote will help you maintain a healthy and constructive outlook when failure occurs. We often dream of overnight success, instant gratification and effortless victory. When they don’t manifest that way, as is often the case, we must persist anyway, until we succeed.

It is more than likely that our journey to reach our goals will be full of frustrations, disappointments and failures. We must learn to accept these failures as a natural and expected part of the journey.

Instant success happens once in a while, like winning the million dollar lottery. But don’t build your business on that expectation. The odds are too much against you. Instead, steel yourself for the many challenges that await you.

“Whether you think you can or not, in any case you are right.”

-Henry Ford

This quote talks about the most challenging part of achieving great things. Before you can accomplish something, you have to be able to see yourself doing it in your mind’s eye.

This means that even before you have any evidence that you are capable of making something happen, you must firmly believe that you can.

As you encounter the failures discussed above, this belief may be seriously challenged. Take responsibility for keeping alive the strong and passionate knowledge that you will ultimately achieve the goals you choose to pursue.

Visualizing will help you continue to believe in yourself during difficult times. When you regularly visualize yourself having what you want, you reinforce the inner belief that you can and will make it happen.