
Horoscope of the birth of Jesus Christ?

When was Jesus born?

For centuries, people have speculated on the exact date of Jesus’ birth. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain the account given in the Bible, but problems haunt all the theories discussed thus far. The idea of ​​a star moving across the sky out of step with the rest of the stars cannot be accepted from a scientific perspective; And of course this argument also applies to comets. But a new theory has been advanced that explains the version of the Bible and has scientific credibility. Interestingly, it also makes astrological sense.

Scientist theorizes about the date of birth of Jesus Christ

Historians have long known that there was a discrepancy of up to 4 years on the birth of Jesus. The best estimate has always placed it between the 1st and the 4th. C. Australian astronomer and Sky and Space magazine news editor Dave Reneke believes he has solved the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem. He calculated that Venus, also known as the Evening Star, shared the same patch of the night sky with Jupiter on June 17, 2 BC. This meant that people looking at the Evening Star saw a “star” moving slowly across the night sky and shining brighter than anything else normally seen. These facts coincide with the version of events in the Bible.

What were the magicians waiting for?

The magi (commonly known as the three wise men) had access to astronomical data that would have allowed them to anticipate this powerful alignment of planets. They would also have known and accepted the meaning of this very positive conjunction, and would have even headed to a place where its astrological impact would be greatest.

Astrologically, this combination of planets indicates the best of successes, good fortune, and highest values. The astrologers of that day accepted these meanings of these planets; and they remain the same today. Since this conjunction occurred in the sign of Leo, they would inevitably expect a child born on that day to become a uniquely positive leader.

Is this the horoscope of a spiritual master?

The planet Uranus represents large groups of people and there is a positive relationship (trine) with the spirituality of Neptune. Also the Sun is in Gemini suggesting a good communicator and educator. However, mainly, the connection that Mercury has with Uranus and Neptune suggests a person who has the ability to communicate spiritual ideas to the masses.

Will there be problems ahead?

The problem occurs when the planets conflict with each other. This is defined by planets that have an angle of 90 or 180 degrees between them (respectively called square and opposition). The Sun comes into strong conflict with Uranus, suggesting that the damage may come from groups of people. Furthermore, the Sun collides with Pluto, suggesting a political or belief-based conflict (Pluto) with the individual (Sun).

Is this the horoscope of Jesus?

Scientifically, the case appears to be the best available that explains the biblical story of the birth of Jesus. From an astrological point of view, a case can be clearly presented that aligns with the person we know as Jesus. Interestingly, according to Chinese astrology, this means that Jesus was born in the year of the sheep and the traits associated with the sheep are the most consistent with the character of Jesus of all the signs in Chinese astrology.

However, it should be noted that a similar event with Venus and Jupiter occurred on August 12, 3 BC. C. That horoscope indicates a healer and a person also high values. Both horoscopes are quite powerful, although for my part I lean towards the first date as being a “best fit” in terms of history, astrology and astronomy.

What is perhaps even more important is that during this period in history there were many people widely known to have prodigious abilities as healers. Astrologically, the climate was conducive for such people to enter the world stage.

Ultimately, it is up to each of us to decide whether a date other than Christmas makes more sense of the profound historical event that was the birth of Jesus Christ.


Take an apple fritterology course

Recently, and by that I mean the last month, my cell phone has been ringing in my shirt pocket. It’s quite frustrating because I rarely give my number to anyone. But there it goes, ringing and ringing and ringing.

In general, the calls are for political polls that do not interest me in the least. If you want to know who I am going to vote for, you will have to give me some money. Why should I give you information that you are going to sell to someone else? We all know that politics goes to the highest bidder.

The only difference between a pollster and a polecat is … I’m not sure there are any.

Then there are the so-called Robo calls. I still don’t understand what the hell they are. The phone rings and there is no one on the other end. I can say “Hello” 100 times and still no one responds. If I ever find out who this Theft is, I’ll be tempted to tell you a part of my mind.

Does everyone have my cell phone number? Most of the time I don’t remember what my number is and I have to look at my phone.

Then I started getting phone calls the other week about promoting my education.

“I understand”, they always begin, which makes me a little suspicious, “that you are interested in continuing your education.”

Well, I try to learn something every day if that’s what you mean. But that is not what they mean.

“From your recent application on the website” they say that if they know exactly what they are talking about, “you have indicated that you are interested in our university.” Then they pause to catch their breath, I guess, “What are you interested in chasing?”

In the first dozen calls I explained to them that there must be an error, that it was not on their website and I am not interested in anything they are providing.

From a practical point of view, I would think that would solve it. But oh no. These people have a script and they stick to their script.

“So what is the interest of your higher education?”

It must be the Pennsylvania Dutch in me or something like that because I can only put up with this kind of thing for so long. So the real me comes out of my system. Suddenly I had an idea.

I have a hard time coming up with an idea and these calls pushed me to the limit. Then a brilliant idea occurred to me. At least I thought it was brilliant.

The next one who called I said, “Yes, I am interested in continuing my education.”

“Wonderful,” they said reading his script, “what area of ​​study are you interested in?”

Now I had them eating out of my hand and I haven’t washed my hands all day.

“I’d like to take a course,” I said as seriously as I could, “in Apple-fritterology.” Of course, I’ve never heard of such a thing, but who knows what’s out there?

There was a little pause on the other end of the phone and finally the person said, “What did you say?”

“I would like to take a course in Apple fritterology.”

“Would you mind,” the other end of the phone muttered, “spell that for me?”


“I’m not sure we have a class for that. I’ve never heard of it before.”

In that moment, I knew I had them. “That is what interests me and for that I want to register, how can I do that?”

“Sir”, and I was able to tell him at this point that they were out of the script, “could you explain to me what that is? I’ve never heard that before.”

“It is the study of apple fritters and their impact on modern psychosomatic society.”

After that, there was a distinctive “click” as the other end of the phone abruptly hung up.

After that phone conversation, I got to thinking about it. That would be a wonderful course of study. I plan to do some proper research on the topic of what it will be like to eat apple fritters. I plan to be an apple fritterologist.

I am sure that I will be the first of its kind and should be planning and preparing a course of study on this tremendous subject. After all, who wouldn’t be interested in such a study?

Since then, I have received several other calls asking about my interest in continuing my education. Now, I am reading my script and confusing the person on the other end of the phone. I can’t wait for the next phone call to come. I’m having a great time. For every phone call I get, I eat two apple fritters.

If I had never received any of these phone calls, I would never have come up with such a wonderful plan. So why should I complain that my cell phone is ringing in my shirt pocket? For every frustrating experience in life, there is a bright rainbow filled with apple fritters.

I remembered what the old preacher said: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, no artifice, no science, and no wisdom in the grave where you are going” (Ecclesiastes 9:10) .

One of the joys in life when someone frustrates you is returning the favor.


How to Create an Ecommerce Website from Scratch in 8 Easy Steps

The unfortunate onset of the Covid-19 pandemic had led to closures and travel restrictions that are being applied around the world to slow the spread of the disease. Because of this, many people around the world have become less mobile and making their physical purchases to meet their needs has become difficult. Therefore, online shopping has become popular around the world during the prevailing pandemic period and is expected to increase even after the pandemic is over.

It follows that many e-commerce websites have been created to capitalize on this growing trend. As a result, the growth of the e-commerce business has outpaced traditional “brick and mortar” businesses many times over in recent times. In fact, many of these traditional companies, even the most established ones, have to get their businesses online to survive. However, many smaller companies face stiff competition from e-commerce companies and sadly, those that were unsustainable had closed.

The success of e-commerce businesses has been so shocking that many people have started selling online using social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, or Tik Tok. But the most enterprising are looking to dive into e-commerce in a broader way rather than just using the social media platform. But first, to start an e-commerce business, you need to create an e-commerce website to get started.

Fortunately, there is a structured process for creating an e-commerce website. Although a website developer is normally dedicated to this task, having some relevant knowledge could also help you create a website for your online business.

Just follow these 8 easy steps to create an ecommerce website from scratch:

1. Decide on the product niche of your store.

When you search the Internet, you have come across many e-commerce websites that sell a variety of products. However, there are also many similar websites that focus on selling a specific line of products or services, such as clothing, pet accessories, fashion clothing, shoes, or travel packages. Also, there are some other e-commerce websites that sell many different products, such as smartphones, cameras, appliances, household items, health and sporting goods, lamps, laptops, books, etc. The latter is somewhat similar to a hypermarket where you can find almost anything, whatever, they have it.

To begin with, it is important to decide the niche or the type of services that you want to sell or provide on your website. In your decision, you should be aware of the local demand for certain niche-related products or certain high-demand services that interest you. Keep in mind that buyers would normally prefer to purchase products or obtain services from a local provider, either online or offline. The local supplier would generally provide easy payment methods, faster deliveries, and faster replacements in case of wrong or defective items.

2. Decide on your business model

As a future e-commerce entrepreneur, you must first decide on the business model that best suits your needs and budget. You can sell your products only in your online store or you can sell your products in marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc. If you decide on the latter, you don’t need to create your own website. All you need to do is sign up for an account, list your products in your marketplace, and start selling. You can also choose to sell your products on both platforms in parallel.

3. Choose a domain name for your company

If you have decided that your business model is an e-commerce online store in addition to having chosen the niche and the range of products to sell or the type of services you want to provide, you need to buy a domain name in any web host. company like GoDaddy, Namecheap, Hostgator, etc. Make sure the domain hyperlink is “https”, which ensures the safety of data on the network. It is preferable to choose a domain name that is closely related to the product niche or services you have chosen. For example, if you choose to sell only pet accessories, get a domain like ‘’ or ‘’ depending on which one is available. The domain name is also considered your business name and should be easy for your target audience to remember. A domain provides a brand to your business and makes it easier for your audience to associate them with each other.

Domain hosting is easily done with the help of the web hosting company’s support team.

4. Choose an e-commerce platform

Currently, there are a multitude of ecommerce platforms on the internet, such as Square Online, Weebly, Big Cartel, Constant Contact, BigCommerce, Wix, Shopify, Squarespace, WooCommerce, and more. Some come with a free plan, while others come with a free trial, but for a limited period. Choose the one that best suits your budget and needs. Additionally, you need to ensure that the platform you choose is optimized for mobile phone usability to take advantage of the accelerating growth in smartphone use around the world. The online e-commerce platform can easily help you build your website in a couple of easy steps.

5. Set up your e-commerce store

Your ecommerce website is your online store and you need an appropriate theme to represent your brand. You need to configure it correctly to ensure that your potential customers have a good browsing experience in terms of fast loading speed, navigability, ease of use, etc. Your website should contain accurate details about your products or services, quality images, good descriptions and prices, as well as options for customers to leave comments and star ratings. All of this needs to be featured on your product page for potential customers to see, so that they buy based on an informed decision and don’t mislead them into buying in any way. You need to make your website and web pages eye-catching as it is the representation of your brands to your online customers.

Additionally, you should include pages on your website regarding About Us, Contact Us, Return Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Shipping Information, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). These are very important to build trust with your customers, where they will feel safe to share their money in exchange for your products.

6. Configure payment gateway

For your online store, you must have some payment options for your customers. Most ecommerce store building platforms already have features that allow you to easily configure the payment gateway. The customer must have options to make payments through PayPal, credit card, debit card, online wallets, Internet banking, etc.

7. Secure your website by installing an SSL certificate

For all websites that transfer data online, especially those related to payment, you must ensure that the network connection is protected by a protected security layer (SSL). The SSL certificate keeps your website safe from hackers and will help you build trust with your customers.

8. Choose your shipping partner

When you start selling products on your e-commerce website, you need to ship the products to your customers using shipping companies. You should choose reliable ones that have a good track record of delivering shipments within agreed-upon durations and at the lowest shipping cost available, so that you can give your customers the best deal and maximize your profits.

There you have it, the 8 easy steps to create an ecommerce website from scratch and start selling your products or services online.


Microsoft Office: How to Convert Old Microsoft Office Files

Even if you are using Microsoft Office 2010, Office 2007, or a newer version that includes Microsoft Office 365, you probably have files created in Office 2003 or earlier. When you open any of these Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files from Microsoft Office, compatibility mode kicks in and you see [Compatibility Mode] in the title bar of the document window. Compatibility mode ensures that your files can still be edited by other people who are using earlier versions of Microsoft Office, although you may no longer need this ability backwards. What are your options for working with these “older” but important files in a newer version of Microsoft Office?

Options for working with Office 2003 files

  1. Without changes. When you edit a file originally created in an Office 2003 program, you can continue working in compatibility mode and save the file as usual without changing the file format. In other words, keep working with him and saving as before; the file will not be automatically changed to a new version. These Office 2003 files can still be opened from Office 2010 or any earlier version.
  2. Save as in the latest version. You can save any file from Office 2003 or earlier as Office 2007 or a newer version. Tea Save as The option is on the Backstage View / File tab (Office 2010 and later versions) or the Office Button (Office 2007). The downside is that unless you specify a different location or delete the old file, both files will remain in the same location but with different file extensions.
  3. Convert to the latest version. To take advantage of all the latest features in your current version of Microsoft Office, you can convert a file to the appropriate Office 2010/2007 file format. For example, the Convert command in Microsoft Word converts and replaces a document in the .doc format and updates the file to the .docx format. The Convert option is recommended instead of Save As.

How to convert a file to a newer Microsoft Office file format

Converting your file gives you access to new and improved features in Office 2016, 2013, 2010, or 2007, such as tables, expanded worksheets, and pivot tables in Excel, SmartArt and picture styles in Word, and new charts and features transition in PowerPoint.

To convert a file:

  1. From one of your Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint), open any file created in an earlier version of Microsoft Office.
  2. In Office 2010 and later versions: Select the Backstage view (File tab) and choose the Turn into on the Information tab. In Office 2007: Click the Office button in the upper left corner and choose Turn into from the menu.
  3. You will then see a specific message from the program about the conversion action. Browse your options.
  4. If the program does not close and reopen automatically, close the file and reopen it to continue using it with all the features available in your current Office program. The converted file will open with the appropriate file extension. For example, when you save an Excel 2003 file that contains macros, it will typically be converted as a macro-enabled Excel workbook (extension .xlsm).

The converted files are replaced with the updated file and file format. The Convert command is not available when a file is already saved in an Office 2010/2007 file format.
Note: Before proceeding with the conversion process, consider whether you want to back up your files first.


Is the PS4 really the best game console? We review, you choose

If Sony was trying to make a statement with the launch of its PlayStation 4 console, it did a good job. Unlike most of the rhetoric and hype before the game, the PS4 seems to have lived up to its claims and is the most powerful console on the market. You’ve seen another overhaul of your exterior and some major design modifications to your Dual Shock controller. In addition, it has expanded memory and greatly increased the performance of its processors. These updates are clearly evident and the PS4 offers stunning HD graphics that run flawlessly and at lightning speed.

With some well-equipped exclusive game titles, streaming access, and multiplayer capabilities, PlayStation enthusiasts will likely welcome the newcomer with open arms. Not to mention, this console is priced at around $ 100 less than its ardent rival, the Xbox One. As it stands today, the PS4 has made a huge entry.

Performance: 5.0 / 5.0

The PS4 has a single chip processor that combines an eight-core AMD x86-64 “Jaguar” CPU with a 1.84 teraflop GPU. It supports 8GB of GDDR5 RAM and has a 500GB mechanical hard drive. Sony boasts that its new hardware allows it to perform ten times better than the latest PS3. That is quite an impressive feat.

Another nice touch is the fact that the PS4 comes with a 500GB drive. This additional space helps download movies and games from the PlayStation market. If you ever feel pressed for space, don’t worry, because DIYers can also upgrade the hard drive without voiding your warranty.

The HD graphics of the PS4 are impressive and the responsiveness of the consoles is currently unmatched. What’s even more impressive is the fact that this machine can run at such a high level without sounding like an airplane on a runway or overheating. Not to mention that the entire power supply is inside the unit; unlike the Xbox One, which still has it plugged into the external power cord in an attempt to save space within the console.

Features: 5.0 / 5.0

The PS4 comes in the same half matte black, half gloss exterior as the Xbox One. Still, it looks completely different. That’s because the PS4 has a slim, sleek design and doesn’t look like a mid-80s oversized VCR. I’m not saying the Xbox One is the ugly stepsister of the bunch, but they probably wouldn’t ask her to prom if she was. PS3 was available and ready. Now, for everyone who was offended by such a superficial statement, I am well aware that my mother always said, “What counts is what is inside.” And in that sense, I assure you, the PS4 would still be the first to be asked to dance.

The PS4 has seen some modifications to its components, and for that reason, any of your older PlayStation peripherals won’t work, imagine.

Although the PS4 does not have prior capabilities to play your PS3 titles, many of the games you previously owned can be purchased at a considerable discount from your online store. The only downside is that you will have to insert the old PS3 disc into the console while playing the online version.

Games purchased from the PlayStation Store download directly to your hard drive and there is no need to worry about the disc getting lost or scratched. The only negative is the fact that downloaded titles cannot be borrowed for the weekend or redeemed for credit at your local game store. As this way of shopping for games becomes more popular, stores like GameStop and other game trading retailers could be taking a hit, that, or a seat next to Blockbuster in “Reminiscence Park.”

The new PS4 Dual Shock 4 has undergone some physical changes that make it stand out a bit from its previous counterpart. Some of the most notable changes pertain to the analog sticks; that have been spaced a little more to avoid collisions with the thumbs. They have also been designed with recessed caps and covered with a rubber coating to improve grip. The Dual Shock 4 also comes with an external speaker and headphone jack for your headphones, just keep in mind that you can only output in stereo from connecting the drivers; a nice touch nonetheless. I would say that one of the nicer design features of the Dual Shock 4 is the metallic touchpad on the front of the controller. It works just like a laptop’s touchpad and is extremely smooth and responsive.

Although the Dual Shock 4 can be purchased and used on the PS3, older Dual Shock 3 controllers are not compatible with the PS4.

For those who already own a PS Vita, they can stream games from their PS4 via Wi-Fi to the handheld unit. This creates a second display screen, much like the one on the Wii U, and allows you to play while someone else is using the TV. Although this is a nice feature, it probably wouldn’t justify buying the PS Vita itself.

The PlayStation Camera is a nice touch, but it takes very little interaction to figure out that it’s not as robust as the Xbox Kinect and it doesn’t seem to have enough in-game interaction to be worth it. It also has a voice command feature, albeit a very limited one, and you may want to consider spending your money on another controller.

Multimedia: 4.4 / 5.0

The PS4 seems to have taken a back seat to its previous plans to be the all-in-one media center. While it can still boast of having one of the best performing Blu-Ray and DVD players on the market, unlike the PS3, you can no longer easily play music files, CDs, or stream content from your PC. Instead, it seems to work more like a Roku. However, if you just want to use the console to play games or have occasional access to Netflix and other movie apps, you’re good to go. Not to mention, movies are easy to access and can load at lightning speed. You can even use the PS4 to connect to social media and share some of the highlights of your games – nothing like showing off.

When it comes to music, both the Xbox and the PS4 have their own channels. PlayStation offers “Music Unlimited”, for a small fee, of course. It works very similar to Pandora and allows users to listen to entire albums. The only weakness is that it is a bit slower and less refined to recognize the true genre of music or artist you want. Along with this feature comes “Video Unlimited”. Another movie-based channel that’s surprisingly deep in the selection of titles and also allows streaming to alternative devices.

The PlayStation online gaming community has seen great improvements to the game interface and functionality. The only drawback, it is very similar to the Xbox, PS4 users will now have to pay to access the multiplayer area. Although this is a change from the PS3, where it was free, the experience has been vastly improved and will likely be considered worth the cost.

A useful feature of the PS4 is the iOS and Android app that allows users to connect to the PlayStation Store and buy and download games while on the go. With this app, games can be automatically downloaded to the console, while you are away from home, and then ready to play once you arrive. All in all, the PS4 still has a good interaction and variety of features in the multimedia department, but it lacks the depth experienced with the PS3. Due to some of these complaints, Sony has taken note and I imagine they will make some adjustments to their updates.

Conclusion: 4.9 / 5.0

The PS4 is $ 100 cheaper than the Xbox One, but even if you removed the Kinect component to lower the price of the Xbox, the PS4 is a much better value for the dollar. Its performance is undeniable, and while the Xbox One is a well-built unit, until Microsoft addresses some performance issues, it won’t rub shoulders with Sony.

As for the downside, the PS4 only comes with two front USB ports. We feel that this design flaw also present with the PS3 would have been fixed, but apparently not. It also lacks the depth of game titles like Xbox One, and it always has. However, it is within reach and has many high-impact exclusive titles and a promising future.

The PS4 is a powerful gaming console that offers gamers exactly what they are looking for; a perfect HD gaming experience with full functionality and control. Based on its undeniable performance, improved design, and price, Consumer High Five Reviews finds the first-round draft pick a no-brainer.

For more helpful tech and gaming reviews and articles, visit Consumer High Five. We review, you choose. You can also see the list of our top five game consoles for 2014.


Earn money online easily with this method working from home

Do you want to know how easy it is to earn money online? If you are a newbie or even experienced and looking for a real method to earn money online every day 7 days a week working only 15 minutes a day, read on …

With this method I am about to reveal to you that if you do the work and put in the effort, you could achieve a significant amount of daily income. The earning potential can be unlimited!

I recommend that you do this and work at least 15 minutes twice a week on it just to be consistent and you will see how the money comes in.

This method includes having your own website that will get super targeted traffic coming from all over the internet. Mainly traffic from Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. That’s the catch … use all the popular sites that the masses frequent.

Anyway … here it is for those who want to make their first dollar with something that is guaranteed to work. You will need the FOLLOWING:

1-You need a domain name,

2-You need a hosting provider

3-You need to do keyword research

4-You need to create a website

5-You need to monetize pages with plugins and widgets

6-You need to add content with value

7-You need to add display advertising and affiliate offer to the pages

8-You need to generate free traffic

9-And last but not least, send PPC advertising (Optional, you will bet on free traffic anyway)

Now I know what you’re thinking … it sounds like a lot! Not really … Most of the 9 steps take less than 5-10 minutes to set up and once you’re done … the only thing that matters is to keep sending traffic, which is the easy part.

Most of you here will be able to understand the steps, I’m sure. There’s a really detailed step-by-step guide on how to set everything up complete with illustrations and screenshots and tutorials showing you from scratch how to do it. It is available in the amazon kindle store which I will share at the end of this article, so be sure to pick it up.

Basically, when you create your website, all you have to do is use the traffic sources to attract visitors. Your site will basically be a blog. Every post you make should have an eye-catching title and be well structured for search engines to pick up on it.

I’ll start by starting with step 5, as most people don’t need help with the domain and hosting part, but if you do, I suggest you get the full guide to get the full tutorial from start to finish.

So here we go. Step 5 is that you need to monetize the pages with plugins and widgets. The following plugins are what you will use on your blog site.

A- Yoast SEO: lets you know if your SEO is good for publications.

B- Facebook Page Sync Popup: Lock your home page and force visitors to click the “LIKE” button on your Facebook page

C- Floating social bar: easy for your visitors to like and share your content

D- Social Comments: makes it easy for visitors to comment below their comment from their Facebook account

Now you need to do the following once you have a website / blog up and running.

1- You need to add display advertising and affiliate offer to the pages

2- Register in networks that pay. I use AdSense and Amazon affiliate

Once you set up your display ad on pages, play around with your ad placement to get the best CTR (click through rate)

Each publication you use should sell something from Amazon, in my case I mainly sell books related to my content. Amazon is great because most people have an Amazon account with credit card information already stored for quick purchases, so it’s a friendly experience to get people to shop easily. Also, it is one of the most trusted online marketplaces.

Now here are ways to get free targeted traffic to your website.

Facebook: You will join popular FB groups only related to your niche and share your post at least twice a week. Don’t share it every day, it will be removed and people will think you are a spammer and report you to mods.

Instagram – You will also have an Instagram page for your niche. You will upload images based on niche and use the correct hashtags for visitors to like. I use “quotes” in my images that I share and put a watermark on each image with a link to the post I wrote about.

YouTube – Use video editing software and splice clips based on my niche and what your blog posts are about. Without sharing the full information on the videos, just make a little video preview that way, your visitors will check out your site afterwards to get more information about what they just saw. Redirect them with a link is in the description of each video.

Facebook Page – Yes, you need a Facebook page and group based on your niche as well – this will eventually add up, and when you do, your traffic will increase dramatically. When a Facebook page has many “LIKES”, you are recognized as an authority on what you post.


To understand how it works, you will need to configure it. It may seem like a basic method, but it really isn’t once you see how effective it is when you get to work. There are many factors that make this work, as you will see in the full guide. Get the complete guide today on your Kindle, which will only be available for a limited time. This is a value you will not find anywhere else, it is an invaluable method fully revealed.


Game ideas for groups of children (including Bring Me, Pirate’s Treasure, Balloon Burst)

What is the time, Mr. Wolf?
One person leads the game and stands at one end of the room like the wolf, with his back to the others. The other players stand at the other end of the court and yell “What time is it, Mr. Wolf”? the wolf then marks the time, for example one o’clock, and the other players take a big step towards the wolf. Again they scream and take as many steps as the wolf screams. However, when the wolf calls “Dinner time”, he turns and chases the other players who have to return to the end of the floor without being caught. Whoever gets caught turns into a wolf and the game begins again.

Pirate’s treasure
The children are organized into teams of five. Team members sit one behind the other in a row of chairs, facing the game leader. (for example, 35 chairs arranged 5 rows deep and 7 rows wide). Teams are numbered and one child from each team is selected as spokesperson. The leader begins “Did row number (x) steal the pirate’s treasure? “ That whole row stands up and says together “No sir, not us sir … “ and the spokesman ends by saying “Test row (x). “That row then gets up and repeats itself, and so the game continues until one row makes a mistake by not getting up fast enough or saying the wrong thing, etc. (The more pedantic you make the rules, the better). last row, while the other rows move up to fill the space, changing their number.

Mrs. McGinty’s shopping bag
Children are placed in a minimum of two teams, but may be more dependent on numbers. A leader should start with the first member of each team giving everyone something they would get from a store i.e. bread, milk, detergent, etc., once everyone has received an item, the leader goes to the other end of the aisle and sit down we have meat. The leader tells a story using the items just mentioned, each time their item is mentioned, they have to run up to the leader and make them run back to their seat before the other teams return. The story can be as long or short as necessary, but everyone should have a turn. It usually ends up with everyone running at the same time.

Bring to me
Divide the children into teams and then number them from 1 to 10, etc. A leader then stands at the end of the hall and yells “number 1, bring me a white sock”, then all number one has to bring the leader a white sock. The item brought in can be anything within the hallway or an easily accessible area, i.e. bathrooms, stage area, and sometimes the kitchen.

Dwarves, Knights and Giants
This game is like a giant rock-paper-scissors version. There are actions required for this game. Dwarf implies crouching, for a knight you must imitate riding a horse, and the action of a giant consists simply of stretching the arms above the head. Dwarves beat giants, giants beat knights, and knights beat dwarves. The group is divided into two and each team has one end of the hall. They meet and decide what action they are going to take (the whole team does the same). Then the teams meet in the center of the room. They line up facing each other with a meter between the lines. The leader then yells “3,2,1, LET’S GO!” Each team performs its action. The team whose action wins chases the other team. Trying to attract as many people as possible. Those who are caught become part of the other team. So the game just repeats itself.

Cat and mouse
Make a grid with the children, have them spread their arms (touching the fingertips of the neighbors) so that this forms a maze of alleys that the children can run through. The leader chooses a boy to be a mouse and a boy to be a cat, the cat chases the mouse through the alleys until it catches them. As the cat and mouse run, the leader yells at the children who form the alleys. This means that the children have to turn around (90o) to now form vertical corridors instead of horizontal ones.

Indiana Jones
Two standing children’s rings. One inside the other with both rings facing each other, creating a circular hallway. The Earth ball on one side (interior hallway) and a boy playing Indiana Jones on the other. The children have to roll the ball down the hall chasing Indiana Jones.

Donkey bombers
Two teams choose a donkey (leader?) (Or two) who sit about 10 meters apart balancing a plastic cup on their heads. The remaining members of the team sit in random rows in front of “their donkey.” The teams receive a large pile of newspapers. Teams score a point by hitting the opposing donkey’s cup. Children must remain seated and can throw away paper however they want! – makes a bit of a mess but it’s a lot of fun – plays loud music during the game too.

Living on an island
Give a sheet of newspaper to each team, which should have all members stand on it simultaneously without anyone touching the floor. They are then allowed to tear off a piece of their leaf and repeat. The team with the smallest leaf wins.

Balloon explosion
Sit the children in two rows of chairs facing each other. (Number them along each row “1-2-1-2 … etc”). Place Team # 1 Captain at one end of the row of chairs and # 2 Captain at the other end. The children must hit a balloon with their hands (while remaining seated) towards their respective Captain who is standing with a pin. (that is, all the children are seated between players from the opposing team).

Blind, face to face
Teams are numbered so that each has an opposite number on the other team. The leader chooses a number … then they both have to put on the blindfolds and then come to a squirt gun in the middle of the room (which they can move after their bandages are on) the teams yell at their own players. The player who finds a squirt gun and then hits another player wins one point (time limit).


Why do all companies need remote network access for their employees?

Due to the pandemic, all non-essential businesses have continued to close their doors, a situation that could drag on for several more weeks. If these recent developments have taught us anything, it is that we must be prepared for any eventuality.

If you own a business, what steps are you taking to transition your employees to a work-from-home environment? Remote network access is critical, pandemic or not, especially if most or all of your workforce conducts business from home. To keep your business afloat, customers happy, productivity steady, and workers employed, you must enable remote network access for your employees.

What you need to know: remote access solutions

Telecommuting not only helps companies reduce overhead and allows employees to juggle work with personal commitments at their own pace, but it also facilitates a more productive “work your own schedule” situation.

There are several ways to establish remote job opportunities for your company. You could:

  • Choose a full virtual private network.

  • Implement remote desktop access.

  • Set up a cloud computing network and share files between home offices to develop a virtual office setup.

Virtual private network


  • Good option for companies that want to offer intermittent access or full-time access to remote work solutions; however, remote devices must be properly secured and protocols must be followed.

  • The encryption protocols make the transfer of information between the VPN and the end users quite secure.

  • The VPN itself is not vulnerable to a direct attack.


  • PCs that are not protected can transfer viruses and malware to the VPN if they are not secure. Connecting to a VPN can make the system vulnerable if employees don’t log out when they’re done.

  • These are more difficult to configure than remote desktop access.

Remote desktop access solutions

You can enable remote desktop access in one of three ways:

  • Remote access software

  • Enterprise remote desktop

  • Direct remote access

Remote access software solutions are less secure at their most basic level, with limited centralized control of employee login and remote access. This solution has a higher cost, while direct remote access is free. Still, this is a solid option for smaller businesses with intermittent work-from-home needs.

Enterprise remote desktop solutions are more scalable but more difficult to configure. They offer a seamless experience and operate through hosted solutions, which has a higher cost; however, the ease of configuration is better than having to set up this infrastructure on your own.

Direct remote access requires proper security protocols to be followed to ensure the system is not vulnerable to attack. It can be difficult to remotely restart a computer that has frozen. Additionally, many hardware issues will need to be addressed on-site.

Remote network work in the cloud

This is a good option if you choose to work from a full virtual office, as these solutions offer additional flexibility and cost benefits. They have some risks because it is difficult to control what employees do with their hardware at home.

What to consider

Check out these factors to consider when deciding on a type and provider of remote access and working solutions:

  • Ease of installation: How long are you involved? How much effort will it cause downtime in operations as the transition occurs?
  • Easy to use: Can your employees and IT department easily use this solution?
  • Cost: How much does each solution cost vs. How much will it save your business?
  • Security: How safe is the option you are considering? To what extent does it depend on the ability of users to follow established protocols?

Contact Monmouth Computer Associates

For help deciding which solution is best for your needs or configuring your remote access solution infrastructure, contact us today.


Ransomware Protection Guide

Dear readers,

Over the past two years, you may have noticed the emergence of a new and very nasty type of computer threat called Ransomware. According to Kaspersky, a computer is infected with ransomware every 10 seconds. In 2017, more than 150 countries were affected by the ransomware variant called WannaCry. It really made a lot of people want to cry, as the damage it inflicted is estimated at over $ 1 BILLION.

So how does this ransomware work? Let’s take a couple of minutes to see how it infects your computer and what it does to you after that.

Stage 1: Infection

Ransomware generally tries to infect your computer in two ways. The first is infected email attachments. Using a technique called phishing, hackers can learn about you through your LinkedIn or Facebook accounts and then send you an email that appears to come from your colleague or friend. This email would contain an infected attachment with a name relevant to something you would receive from them. By investigating you and your habits, hackers make fraudulent emails more credible and increase the chances that you will click on the infected attachment.

Another way that ransomware infects your computer is through compromised or infected web pages. In this case, you can receive an email, a text message on your phone, or even a LinkedIn or Facebook post with a link. This type of message or post is designed to appear legitimate and entice you to click on it, which will take you to an infected web page. After that, the ransomware on the page scans your computer for vulnerabilities. If it finds one, the ransomware immediately uses it to infect your computer.

Stage 2: the damage is unleashed

When infecting your computer, the first thing ransomware does is scan your computer and every external storage medium for files that are important to you. For example, your photos, videos, music, and MS Office files would be great candidates. Once the files are found, either locally or over the network, the ransomware encrypts them with its own secret key. Once the files are encrypted, they are useless to you as their content is rearranged in such a way that your computer no longer understands them and you cannot open the files. Note that system files that belong to the operating system are generally not modified. That would render your computer inoperable and prevent ransomware by continuing to the next step.

Stage 3: demand for ransom

Once the ransomware does its dirty work and encrypts all the files it loves the most, it comes up with a ransom letter. The letter explains that your files are encrypted and in order to decrypt them or put them back in the order they were before and make them accessible again, you must pay a ransom. You see, the authorities could easily trace a simple money transfer and hackers would be caught very quickly. This is why hackers came up with a more sinister scheme to use another type of currency called BitCoin. This currency is legitimate and is used on the web for financial transactions. However, hackers liked Bitcoin for its anonymity. BitCoin transactions are virtually impossible to track, making money exchange safe for hackers and untraceable for us. Since most of us don’t have BitCoin lying around, hackers “politely point out” you legitimate sites where you can buy BitCoin with your money. They then tell you where to go to pay with your newly purchased BitCoins. In return, the hackers should either send you a key or make the ransomware decryption option available, so that you can get your files back. The requested ransom varies, but on average it is about $ 679 worth of BitCoins. To deliver even more bad news, there is no guarantee that after paying, you will get your files back. There have been many reports of users paying and getting nothing in return! Sounds scary, right?

Then what do you do? How do you stop this nightmare?


You may want to do several things to lower your risk of infection:

Keep your operating system up to date

It is widely proven that most ransomware uses vulnerabilities found in operating systems such as Windows 7, 8, and 10. By updating your operating system regularly, it fixes those vulnerabilities, so when ransomware tries to infect your computer, the loopholes are they close. In Windows operating system, you can set it to update automatically and all you have to do is restart the computer from time to time when the updates are applied.

Choose and correctly install your antimalware solution

Your protection software plays a very important role in defending your computer from all types of malicious software (malware), including ransomware. You can detect malicious behavior and stop it before it can cause significant harm. Maintaining a proper and up-to-date antimalware solution is absolutely necessary to keep your computer clean and protected.

The last frontier of protection: backup

You might be surprised to learn that the best protection against ransomware is to be proactive. Instead of trying to recover your computer after it has been infected (which turns out to be increasingly difficult lately), simply restore its previous, non-infected state! Maintains backups of your entire computer on external and protected media. If your computer is affected by a ransomware attack, instead of paying the hackers and praying that they decrypt your files, simply restore your computer from the previous backup! There are many backup solutions on the market that will help you back up your computer, however the current main one is called Acronis. You can take a full backup of your computer and easily restore it to its previous state when disaster strikes.

Let us know your thoughts and comments in the section below and good luck!


Exam questions N10-006

Question 1

A technician must limit the amount of broadcast traffic on a network and allow different segments to communicate with each other. Which of the following would satisfy these requirements?

A. Add a router and enable OSPF.

B. Add a Layer 3 switch and create a VLAN.

C. Add a bridge between two switches.

D. Add a wall of fire and implement the appropriate ACL.

Answer: B

Question 2

The network installation is failing redundancy tests on the MDF. The traffic that is carried is a mixture of multicast and unicast signals. Which of the following would BEST handle the rerouting caused by the service interruption?

A. Layer 3 switch

B. Proxy server

C. Layer 2 switch

D. Smart center

Answer to

Question 3

Which of the following network devices use ACLs to prevent unauthorized access to company systems?


B. Firewall

C. Content filter

D. Load balancer

Answer: B

Question 4

Which of the following is used to define how much bandwidth various protocols can use on the network?

A. Traffic shaping

B. High availability

C. Load balancing

D. Fault tolerance

Answer to

Question: 5

Which of the following is used to authenticate remote workers connecting from outside the site? (Select TWO).


B. VTP Trunking

C. Virtual PBX


E. 802.1x

Answer of

Question: 6

Which of the following provides accounting, authorization, and authentication through a centralized privileged database, as well as challenge / response and password encryption?

A. Multi-factor authentication



D. Network access control

Answer: C

Question 7

A technician must reserve addresses in a DHCP pool so that certain servers always receive the same address. Which of the following should be configured?

A. Leases

B. Addresses of helpers

C. Scope

D. Reservations

Answer: D

Question 8

Joe, a network technician, is setting up a DHCP server on a LAN segment. Which of the following should Joe configure in the DHCP scope to allow hosts on that LAN segment using dynamic IP addresses to access the Internet and internal company servers? (Select THREE).

A. Default gateway

B. Subnet mask

C. Reservations

D. TFTP server

E. 1-day lease expiration term

F. DNS servers

G. Bootp

Answer: A, B, F

Question 9

A technician has just completed a new external website and configured access rules on the firewall. After some testing, only users outside the internal network can access the site. The website responds to a ping from the internal network and resolves to the appropriate public address. Which of the following could the technician do to fix this problem while causing internal users to navigate to the website using an internal address?

A. Configure NAT on the firewall

B. Implement a split horizon DNS

C. Place the server in the DMZ

D. Set the appropriate internal ACL

Answer: B

Question 10

When setting up a new server, a technician requests that an MX record be created in DNS for the new server, but the record was not entered correctly. Which of the following was MOST likely installed and required an MX record to function properly?

A. Load balancer

B. FTP server

C. DMZ Firewall

D. mail server

Answer: D

Question 11

Which of the following protocols uses label switching routers and label edge routers to forward traffic?





Answer: D

Question 12

Which of the following is MOST likely to use an RJ-11 connector to connect a computer to an ISP using a POTS line?

A. Multi-layer switch

B. Access point

C. Analog modem

D. DOCSIS modem

Answer: C

Question 13

An administrator notices an unused cable behind an enclosure that ends with a DB-9 connector. Which of the following protocols was MOST likely used on this cable?

A. RS-232

B. 802.3


D. Tokenring

Answer to

Question 14

Which of the following connection types is used to terminate DS3 connections in a telecommunications facility?

A. block 66


C. Connector F

D. RJ-11

Answer: B

Question 15

In which of the following types of wiring is an F connector used?


B. Singlemode fiber


D. RG6

Answer: D

Question 16

A network technician must use multimode fiber to uplink a new network device. Which of the following Ethernet standards could the technician use? (Select TWO).

A. 1000Base-LR

B. 1000Base-SR

C. 1000Base-T

D. 10GBase-LR

E. 10GBase-SR

F. 10GBase-T

Answer: B, E

Question 17


You have been tasked with testing a CAT5e cable. A summary of the test results can be found on the screen.

Step 1: Select the tool that was used to create the cable test results.

Step 2: Interpret the test results and select the option that explains the results. Once you are done with your analysis, click on the ‘Submit Cable Test Analysis’ button.

Question 18

A network engineer must configure a topology that will not fail if there is an outage in a single piece of the topology. However, computers must wait to talk on the network to avoid congestion. Which of the following topologies would the engineer implement?

A star

B. Bus

C. ring

D. Mesh

Answer: C

Question 19

Which of the following is a network topology that uses a central device with point-to-point connections to all other devices?

A star


C. Mesh

D. Bus

Answer to

Question 20

Which of the following network topologies has a single central point of failure?

A ring

B. star

C. Hybrid

D. Mesh

Answer: B

Question 21

Which of the following refers to a network that spans multiple buildings that are within walking distance of each other?





Answer to

Question 22

Which of the following network infrastructure implementations would be used to support file transfer between Bluetooth smartphones?





Answer to