
Horoscope of the birth of Jesus Christ?

When was Jesus born?

For centuries, people have speculated on the exact date of Jesus’ birth. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain the account given in the Bible, but problems haunt all the theories discussed thus far. The idea of ​​a star moving across the sky out of step with the rest of the stars cannot be accepted from a scientific perspective; And of course this argument also applies to comets. But a new theory has been advanced that explains the version of the Bible and has scientific credibility. Interestingly, it also makes astrological sense.

Scientist theorizes about the date of birth of Jesus Christ

Historians have long known that there was a discrepancy of up to 4 years on the birth of Jesus. The best estimate has always placed it between the 1st and the 4th. C. Australian astronomer and Sky and Space magazine news editor Dave Reneke believes he has solved the mystery of the Star of Bethlehem. He calculated that Venus, also known as the Evening Star, shared the same patch of the night sky with Jupiter on June 17, 2 BC. This meant that people looking at the Evening Star saw a “star” moving slowly across the night sky and shining brighter than anything else normally seen. These facts coincide with the version of events in the Bible.

What were the magicians waiting for?

The magi (commonly known as the three wise men) had access to astronomical data that would have allowed them to anticipate this powerful alignment of planets. They would also have known and accepted the meaning of this very positive conjunction, and would have even headed to a place where its astrological impact would be greatest.

Astrologically, this combination of planets indicates the best of successes, good fortune, and highest values. The astrologers of that day accepted these meanings of these planets; and they remain the same today. Since this conjunction occurred in the sign of Leo, they would inevitably expect a child born on that day to become a uniquely positive leader.

Is this the horoscope of a spiritual master?

The planet Uranus represents large groups of people and there is a positive relationship (trine) with the spirituality of Neptune. Also the Sun is in Gemini suggesting a good communicator and educator. However, mainly, the connection that Mercury has with Uranus and Neptune suggests a person who has the ability to communicate spiritual ideas to the masses.

Will there be problems ahead?

The problem occurs when the planets conflict with each other. This is defined by planets that have an angle of 90 or 180 degrees between them (respectively called square and opposition). The Sun comes into strong conflict with Uranus, suggesting that the damage may come from groups of people. Furthermore, the Sun collides with Pluto, suggesting a political or belief-based conflict (Pluto) with the individual (Sun).

Is this the horoscope of Jesus?

Scientifically, the case appears to be the best available that explains the biblical story of the birth of Jesus. From an astrological point of view, a case can be clearly presented that aligns with the person we know as Jesus. Interestingly, according to Chinese astrology, this means that Jesus was born in the year of the sheep and the traits associated with the sheep are the most consistent with the character of Jesus of all the signs in Chinese astrology.

However, it should be noted that a similar event with Venus and Jupiter occurred on August 12, 3 BC. C. That horoscope indicates a healer and a person also high values. Both horoscopes are quite powerful, although for my part I lean towards the first date as being a “best fit” in terms of history, astrology and astronomy.

What is perhaps even more important is that during this period in history there were many people widely known to have prodigious abilities as healers. Astrologically, the climate was conducive for such people to enter the world stage.

Ultimately, it is up to each of us to decide whether a date other than Christmas makes more sense of the profound historical event that was the birth of Jesus Christ.