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Whiting New Jersey feeds water to aliens on Mars; Read all about it!

I was walking through the foundations of the old hotel near Docspond. You know the ones Piney burned in the late sixties. Ah, you know, I saw you in the hidden forest when it was on fire with your ax in hand and the helmet you fought to keep slipping over your eyes. But that is years ago and neither heard nor exists. But you want to know a bigger secret I found out than the local fire company burning down the stripper in town. MY B.

Yes, that is correct, MIB. Yeah. I found one of those mind-wiping things. You might think I’m a little crazy, but I sure found one. Marked “United States Government Property”. Very good, it’s a little rusty and one end is missing, but the piece that slides up and off the shaft is still intact.

Now Officially, it was first cleared and established as an iron forge and swamp mining site in the 19th century. Gone are the glory days when the swamps provided the devil’s pills for the Revolutionary War, but no less viable. The hotel was originally built to house employees in this industrial city. On three plots, an industrious young man even grew produce to feed these forge men. Until 1944, being abandoned for years, until that time, Miss Jeanie Epolito was forced to sell when the county foreclosed on all Manchester Land Companies properties for tax evasion. It was then that Mr. Giovanni Enea, a doctor of sorts, owner of United Spring down the street, seized that property for a nudist colony. To build on your success selling mineral water to New York City, why not have a spa where you can not only drink the water but also bathe in it? Adding many years to your life.

Now you may not have liked Mr. Enea, or the Doc as they called him, but you have to admit there was some fortiture and propensity, if not fortunsity! Being a Doctor and genealogist in Biotechnology. Did he grow some monster blueberries with Mrs. White of Whitesbog, the first woman or man to grow blueberries. He even made those little plastic baskets that all the fruit comes in these days. I still eat them from the garden and they are so juicy! But there was more to this Sicilian Doctor…

When I first moved to this corner of the colony kitty house, I used to see this strange star. He sat low in the sky. Too high for a lamppost that stood on a small hill through the woods. But too short to be any star. Yes, Fort Dix was shooting flares, but these were yellow and they zigzagged and fell in fifteen minutes. No, this sat motionless in the sky all night, just after sunset. I have seen this star every summer for four years. Then one summer, he left.

I didn’t think much of it for the next five years, until! My parents left when I was in high school and I invited some friends to a party. Being a little worried, rough people, we sat outside on the porch. One named Shambo pointed up and looked us all in the eye and said, “Have you ever heard of the alien that got shot trying to escape over a fence at Fort Dix?” I thought he was full of shit. “They captured his boat and were examining him until one day he got tired and apologized. Well, he made it to the fence just fine, but no further.” I learned a long time ago from Pugsley, or Peanut in the account that he was the first to be caught stealing peanuts or anything else in the new food store, listen to stories and not interrupt them with questions of validity as long as money and transportation they were not part of it. So I listened, though not believing Shambo until…

“Yeah, that alien was shot five years ago!”

Five years ago? No, it can not be. It has been so long! Summer of ’73, yes it has been. These are things that went through my head at the time.

Now the window that faces northwest from my room. It’s a bit strange. Now look to the southwest corner, that’s where I saw the star. Now we know what happened to that. Below is where the doctor got burned. But in the north corner, that’s where the tower that was supposed to connect to the Hindenburg is located. But we all know what happened before he could do that. The window of destruction.

Now let’s go back to yesterday. I found that MIB mind eraser thing right. I did some research on topographic and aerial maps. They were inspected in the field. Not only were they inspected in the field, but the 1947 aerial map is top secret. 1947 Roswell sighting and all. The USGS office doesn’t even have access to it. Have you ever heard of Whiting, New Jersey? So why should the military do it?

When I was little walking through the swamps behind Docspond, I found PVC pipes coming out of the center of the swamp. Ventilation? A young mind of five years goes towards underground silos. Could there be men sneaking in here in the middle of the night with lunchboxes to go to work? “Hello Joe”: Good evening, Frank.”; in the swamp. We have a known silo just three miles away. It has been closed since June 7, 1960. A BOMARC missile at McGuire Air Force Base, [near Trenton,] The New Jersey in storage ready condition (allowing launch in two minutes) was destroyed by explosion and fire after a high-pressure helium tank exploded and ruptured the missile’s fuel tanks. The warhead was also destroyed by fire, although the high explosive did not detonate. The nuclear safety devices acted as planned. Contamination was restricted to an area immediately below the gun and an adjacent elongated area approximately 100 feet long, caused by drainage of firefighting water. Well, the next town on Toms River has radionuclides or something in the water, but not to worry.

The New York Times reported that the 47-foot missile “melted under intense fire fueled by its 100-pound TNT blasting cap…The atomic warhead apparently fell into the remaining melt of the missile, which burned for forty-five minutes.” . .” The radiation “was caused when the thoriated magnesium metal that forms part of the weapon caught fire, … the metal, already radioactive, becomes highly radioactive when burned.”

I think the aliens did this on purpose. To mark the place. You know like a poster seen from the stars. a beacon. Were the Doctor’s nudists Earthlings or not? Was Giovanni Enea more than a recent alien from Sicily, or was he from the stars? They might say New Yorkers might be out of this world, but did you sell your mineral water to Mars? As all scientists know, there is no water on Mars. So who else would need it more than them?

I don’t know how in 1947, three years after the opening of Nature’s Rest Nudist Colony, how they came to meet these aliens. MIB, how did they find out? Was it spied on during normal aerial photography that they saw something strange? Atop Devil’s Mountain from the forest colony is a circle of felled trees like dominoes. On the outskirts, for a sixteenth of a mile in thick undergrowth, trees have been felled. Now, this was the landing site?

But what brings them here in and around 1940? Well, in 1938, the Hindenburg was the world’s first internationally broadcast news disaster. Now those waves bounce back into space forever. Did you hear it? Did it take you six years to hear it and travel here? In that report it was heard: “In the resort town of Lakehurst, a Manchester boro outside of Whiting in ..”. Perhaps all they cared about was the mention of a resort town. Could this be all that was needed? Did some cosmic Lief Erickson sell some aliens to travel to Whiting NJ? Exploring parties reported United Spring Co drawing water from one of the largest aquifers in North America, the Cohansey-Kirkwood Aquifer? 17 billion tons in Cohansey alone. Where else would you go if you were from Mars and needed water? Have you ever heard of whiting?

So, Doc Enea wasn’t just hated for his car with the black devil of a redneck hood ornament taunting you, or his clothing optional style, his intellectual snobbery, or his dangerous choice of nudist fauna (Honey Locust and Holly), but he was hated for allowing illegal aliens in.

That explains all the military transports flying low, very low, over the site at all hours of the day. You know!

Shopping Product Reviews

Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing Strategies

Pay per click (PPC) marketing is one of the best ways to get instant targeted traffic. PPC is amazing because it allows you to do so many things with ease. You generate affiliates, test landing pages, test sales pages, test keyword variations to target SEO, and more. It’s an amazing way to promote products online and it’s unique in that it has the ability to get results fast.

The 2 biggest PPC search engines are Google Ads and Microsoft Ads. Google Ads is bigger (since it’s owned by Google) and Microsoft Ads is owned by Bing. You’ll get most of your traffic from Google Ads, but Microsoft Ads can also get you high-quality traffic. You just want to be more specific with your keyword targeting, your budget, and your keyword’s cost per click (CPC).

I know that these abbreviations and terms can be too many to remember, but I assure you that they are very simple. Pay per click is great because of its ability to let you predict the results you may get. If you know the math of your business ahead of time and you’re getting certain results on pay-per-click networks, you can adjust certain aspects of your campaigns so that the numbers work in your favor.

But there are plenty of other pay per click search engines out there. Now you should know that I don’t normally recommend these other PPC networks. This is mainly because they are synonymous with click fraud and poor traffic. You’ll find that keyword cost per click is surprisingly cheaper than Google Ads and Microsoft Ads. While you can pay $1-$3 for a click for a particular keyword on Google and Microsoft Ads, on lower tier PPC networks you can pay 5-10 cents per click for those same keywords. Don’t expect to get good results with those networks.

The only time those networks get decent traffic is when you’re promoting something illicit. That’s all I’m going to do in regards to downplaying the other PPC networks, but here’s something you need to know before you start investing hundreds (or thousands) of dollars in these other programs. You may say to yourself, “Wow, I have no competition on these other networks!” But you should know that you have no competition because no one else who knows what they’re doing knows to stay away from those sites.

You will be bidding against yourself. And you will be losing all the time. You’ll invest your money in these low-grade PPC networks convinced that if you simply “tweak” some aspect of your campaign, you’ll get leads and sales. Unfortunately, it will not happen that way. You can tweak things as much as you want, but you won’t be able to get the leads and sales you’re looking for. So it’s best if you stick to Google Ads and Microsoft Ads, and make sure the math in your business works with the keyword bids you’re targeting.

So once you’re in Google Ads and Microsoft Ads, what kind of strategies should you implement to get the best possible results? Well, I am going to give you some tips that you can use to get the upper hand over your competitors. Let’s start with this first tip. This is something I stumbled across when doing a different form of marketing that involved email marketing:

1) Tier 1 target countries

If you’re selling globally, there’s no point in selling to an audience that doesn’t have the financial ability to buy your products. Also, if your primary language is English, you’ll want your prospects to be able to speak English. So you’ll want to target the top 5 countries that have the most financial ability to buy and also speak English. These countries are: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying these are the only countries that have people who speak English and have the financial ability to buy. Many people in countries around the world meet this criteria, but these 5 countries are the main ones you’ll want to target for overall campaign effectiveness. I’m not trying to disrespect other countries, but if you want practically bonus results, you’ll want to stick to these 5 countries. Here is another pay per click marketing strategy:

2) Don’t put all your keywords in one ad group

It’s best to have multiple campaigns, and more importantly, more than one ad group. For me personally, I have 2 sets of PPC keywords that I bid on. I have those keywords that I bid $1-$1.50 cents on, and then another set of keywords that I bid $0.50-$0.75 cents on. I do this because I’ve found that the high cost set of keywords converts better for me, and the lower cost set of keywords converts well, but not as well as the higher cost ones.

So for the lower cost set, I get more clicks, but lower conversion rates. So, to compensate, I lower the cost of those keywords so they can match the same conversion rates that higher cost keywords give me. Other people have their own reasons for creating multiple ad groups for the same campaign. When you start, you will also have your own reasons. This is what I do, and I have found that this works best for me. This is the last PPC tip I want to give you:

3) Never bid on broad match keywords

Never bid on broad match keyword terms. Broad means bidding on a raw keyword. For example, if you wanted to bid on the keyword “bicycle tires,” here’s what the broad match, phrase match, and exact match keyword types would look like:

WIDE MATCH: bicycle tires
MATCH PHRASE: “bicycle tires”
EXACT MATCH: [bicycle tires]

When you bid on broad match keywords, you’ll get clicks on your ad for any search query that contains the words “bike” and “tires.” This is a virtually guaranteed way to blow your budget and destroy your campaign. In my experience, phrase match keyword types have worked best for me.

Exact match keywords are great, but they’re very expensive and very competitive, and they don’t necessarily guarantee sales or lead conversions when you bid on them.

These 3 pay-per-click marketing strategies are tips you should consider before spending a single penny on ads. Follow my advice and you will be on the right path to success.

Shopping Product Reviews

How to Develop Flutter App for Beginners and Benefits

There was a time when companies relied on traditional avenues like physical spaces, the phone, and formal letters for sales and service goals. Not anymore! Today, the same commercial entities exploit desktop and laptop computers for such tasks. In fact, even these platforms are shrinking as people around the world have switched to smartphones to purchase products/services and that too with just a few taps. How? Of course through dedicated mobile applications.

It’s no wonder that manufacturing, retail, and service industries are migrating to this intuitive way of engaging customers while quickly interacting with and addressing their issues. While the number of mobile app users in developing countries is growing by double digits each year, developed countries have already reached several milestones in terms of usage. So what makes these apps so popular? There are several reasons, and some of the compelling ones are mentioned below.

– Mobile applications are intuitive.

– Mobile applications are lightweight and therefore do not hog memory.

– Mobile applications are easy to operate.

– Mobile applications are responsive in terms of viewing and performing daily tasks.

In short, they have become an integral part of human life. Whether you want to book tickets, order food at a restaurant, buy products or watch movies online, the buzzword is mobile app.

Some of the business areas where these applications play a crucial role:

Healthcare: Businesses can quickly update, send important messages and reminders to their customers through these applets. Not only is it cost-effective, but it’s also an amazing way to address customer issues in real time.

After Sales Service – This is an area where companies can really make a big impact. By responding quickly to service requests, manufacturing and marketing companies can build a large base of satisfied customers. This, in turn, would provide a lag and peak for future growth.

Standalone App – Standalone mobile apps such as inbound and outbound crms can help businesses seamlessly connect with customers, address bottlenecks, communicate with sales staff, and schedule meetings to meet daily goals. Furthermore, the data from the app can be intelligently exploited to map out future plans.

It is for these reasons that the mobile app market is growing at a dizzying pace, as more and more companies realize the benefits of providing one for their customers. In addition, the applications ensure enormous growth and provide that human touch and link between the company and customers/suppliers. That streamlines business process cycles is yet another feather in your cap.

Interestingly, Flutter Software from the Flutter Development Company makes the app building process less tedious. Here is an example for beginners on how to create a “Hello World” app in Flutter.

Just install the Flutter app after downloading it from the developer’s website and then run the following command. By the way, there is no need for additional compilers or programs.

Check the code here.

So why do we need to start this step? The answer is to know if all the components and dependencies have been registered correctly. Here is a typical output after executing the above command. What you need to remember is that not all components are required, especially the editor, which you can choose according to your taste.

Click the link above to see the code.

Once the desired environment is created, choose a location to build your first app, then run the following:

Click the link above to see the code.

The above command/instruction/code will create the following directories and files

Click the link above to see the code.

Congratulations! The raw shell for the application has been created which, due to its simplicity, uses a single file: main.dart. The next step is to remove the contents of this file and replace it with the following code.

Click the link above to see the code.

So what does the above code mean? The first line of code requests material.dart, a repertoire of various components/widgets existing within the application’s IDE, also called a library. These are buttons, forms, layouts, animations, etc. The following line of code “run application” build a local widget inside the root widget.

As mentioned above, Flutter app development is all about widgets (built-in and custom).

The next two lines specify the state of the widget (stateless or active state) which is typically achieved via createState() method. This application fits into the above category and therefore requires the “compile” command. A stateless application, such as ones with only text or images, is easy to create and run. The final step is to run this code. Fortunately, Flutter does the same thing from the same window and doesn’t require a different compiler/execution platform. Depending on your preferred method and connected device, choose any of the following options.

Click the link above to see the code.

You can also use built-in simulators in case there are no connected devices.

Interestingly, Flutter is based on an object-oriented programming framework that features intriguing concepts in the form of native components that allow programmers to build highly complex, intuitive applications that are flexible, secure, and future-proof, and require a period of time. Ridiculously low development. Tagged as one of the most popular frameworks, Flutter offers amazing application components such as animations, digital motion work, and a host of native features. Also, these apps are responsive and therefore device independent.

Here are some of the quiet features that are sure to make any new application programmer smile.

Cross-platform code – Write a single piece of code for iOS and Android platforms. Yes, Flutter uses a single source code to build cross-platform apps. This not only saves development costs, but also dramatically reduces development time.

built-in widgets – Built-in widgets and customization allow developers to build apps quickly. Materials or widgets form the very essence of Flutter, which is easy to implement and edit.

Quick implementation – Experimentation with various widgets, code and components is super simple. This, in turn, reduces the testing time and therefore the implementation is also fast.

hot refill – This is a feature that makes Flutter stand out from a crowd of other IDEs and development platforms. Reload your app after each bug fix or layout change to see the changes. There is no need for an external compiler or decoding platform.

Hassle-free maintenance – When it comes to app maintenance, Flutter is second to none. Due to its out-of-the-box widgets, code is minimized, which in turn reduces redundancy.

If you are a beginner mobile app programmer or planning to work for a software development company, you should give Flutter a try. It is a future-proof, feature-rich IDE with cross-platform compatibility and easy integration of third-party components.

Shopping Product Reviews

Correcting the “Out of Space in Root File System” Error Message in the Sun Solaris Operating System

Kernel patches in the Solaris OS are installed primarily to increase performance and remove bugs. While kernel patches provide many benefits, installing these patches can also result in an error message. Once the error message appears, the system cannot be booted and all the data saved on the hard drive is inaccessible. To solve these problems, a perfect solution is to restore data from an updated backup. However, if no backup is available or the backup fails to restore the desired information, then you should use efficient Sun Solaris Sparc recovery software.

As a practical use case, install the Solaris 10 137137-09 (SPARC) kernel patches on your system. After the installation is complete,

“Nov 16 12:52:41 beetle reboot: rebooted by root

Creating boot_archive for /var/run/.patch_root_loopbackmnt

updating /var/run/.patch_root_loopbackmnt/platform/sun4u/boot_archive

15+0 input registers 15+0 output registers

Nov 16 12:53:03 ufs beetle: NOTICE: alloc:/: filesystem full

cat: write error: no space left on device

Nov 16 12:53:05 syslogd beetle: going down on signal 15

syncing file systems…done


Reboot with the command:boot

Boot device: /pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/disk@0,0:a File and arguments: kernel/sparcv9/unix

search failed

Warning: code sequence F resulted in a net stack depth change of 1



The newly uploaded file does not appear to be executable.”

After the above error message appears, the system cannot boot and the data saved on the hard drive becomes inaccessible.


The root cause for the above error message to appear is the change in the boot architecture due to the installation of kernel patches. The above error message occurs primarily on SPARC systems where there is less than 550 MB of free space on the root file system.


To resolve the above error and access the data, you need to follow these steps:

1. Boot your computer from the network/CD/DVD using a Solaris 10 05/08 (or later).

2. Mount the root file system slice to /

3. rm -f //platform/’uname -m’/boot_archive

4. //sbin/bootadm -a update_all

However, if the above steps do not resolve the issue and the data is still inaccessible, then you should use the powerful Sun Solaris Sparc data recovery software to recover your data. These Sun Solaris Sparc recovery tools use high-end scanning mechanisms to recover your data. These recovery applications recover your data after fsck fails to repair system data structures.

Stellar Phoenix Software (Solaris – Sparc) is a powerful Sun Solaris data recovery utility that recovers data from the Solaris OS on the Sparc platform. This non-destructive recovery tool supports UFS file systems. It installs on Windows (XP, 2003, 2000, NT, ME, 98 and 95) and the affected UNIX hard drive must be attached as a slave.

Shopping Product Reviews

HTC Incredible S review

In this HTC Incredible S smartphone review, the smartphone under the spotlight is HTC Incredible S. Although judging by the name you might think that it is a simple update of the HTC Incredible, think again. This phone is a powerhouse of its own and this HTC phone review will tell you why.

The HTC Incredible S is powered by a Qualcomm MSM 8255 1GHZ processor with the help of 768MB RAM and an Adreno 205 GPU. Although it doesn’t come with a dual-core processor, this phone coupled with Android just takes you to a joyous journey, always.

The 120 x 64 x 11.7mm phone weighing around 135.5g comes with a 4-inch display which really caught our eye and is definitely worth mentioning in this HTC phone review. The 800 x 480 pixel WVGA touch screen is excellent as colors remain vivid and clear even when viewing the screen from various angles. On the front are also the cool rotary buttons that hold while you switch the phone to landscape mode along with the 1.3-megapixel camera. On the left of the HTC Incredible S, you’ll find the volume controls, as well as the microUSB port. Running on Android v.2.2.1 is definitely a disappointment, especially since so many other smartphones on the market run on Gingerbread.

However, the phone is said to receive the Android 2.4 update. The latest version of HTC Sense on the phone seems to make up for the shortcoming of Android on the HTC Incredible S. There are plenty of great things waiting to be explored on the site, such as the remote access functionality it provides for accessing your contacts and other things.

Like any other HTC phone review, we reviewed the performance of the HTC Incredible S phone. Making voice calls was pretty good on this phone as the audio was clear and noise-free. Browsing the internet was also good on this phone, as you can do things like scroll and zoom on web pages quickly with little to no lag. The Mobile Hotspot application that comes with the phone is also a plus as you can share your 3G connection with others. The 1450 mAh battery seems to provide enough juice to run this phone for at least a day without needing to recharge.

The HTC Incredible S has really good cameras as both cameras reduce noise well. That said, the image quality is amazing. On top of that, the waiting time between shots is barely there, while the focus speed is pretty fast too.

As this HTC phone review found out, although many may disagree, it’s not always that bad to use Froyo, even if Gingerbread has been around for a while. This has to be said for the HTC Incredible S because it’s so good in just about every way, and that’s partly thanks to Froyo’s constant development. In addition, the phone also looks stylish so it will definitely be a hit with many.

Shopping Product Reviews

Feel the need for speed?

Do you feel the need for speed these days? These are some of the fastest cars available for those who like the thrill and thrill of speed and a cool looking car. If you are in that phase of life that requires speed, this is the article for you.

As Maverick said to Goose in the Top Gun movie…

“I feel the need, the need for speed!”

What about cars and speed?

No matter how old you are, there is something about fast cars that draws men and women like a bee to honey. There are exotic vehicles and super cars to satisfy your need for speed in all different price ranges.

So who really cares how old you are?

If you feel the need for speed, I say “Go ahead!”

Here are some of the fast and furious cars you might want to see:


This baby will set you back around $26,000 – $35,000 depending on the options you choose. This car has a 238 horsepower engine and can reach 60 miles per hour in 5.8 seconds. Unlike many of her brothers and sisters in the fast car family, this one seats 4 adults comfortably.

chevrolet corvette

This looker will cost between $42,000 and $52,000 depending on which model you prefer. Here you’ll be able to get 60 miles per hour in 4.3 seconds and top out at 186 mph. This car is a bit less practical and only seats 2.

jaguar xfr

This beauty will set you back around $83,000. This one will go from 0 to 60 mph in 4.5 seconds and sports a 510-horsepower engine. This is considered one of the most luxurious fast and furious cars available.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class AMG

If you have an extra $59,800, you can soon have this baby running from 0 to 60 mph in 4.4 seconds. describes this car as “a small car with a big engine.” This model is a 2-door coupe.

Porsche 911 Turbo Convertible

If you’re a big kid with a lot of money, you can get this one for $149,450. In 60 seconds you can be traveling with the wind in your hair in about 3.6 seconds, now that’s fast! This car is all-wheel drive and has a 500-horsepower engine.

Now, if money really isn’t an issue for you and you just can’t live without speed, these next 4 fast and furious cars belong in your garage.

Lamborghini Aventador

This car sports a V12 engine and 700 horsepower. And are you ready for this? It will only set you back just $379,700. But at this price you can hit 60mph in just 2.9 seconds!

ferrari enzo

This baby car has a V6 engine with 532 horsepower. It will go from 0 to 60 in just 3.8 seconds and will reach 217 kilometers per hour. How much do you ask? Only $650,000!

Pagani Zanda F.

You can have this baby for $667,320 and it will take you to 60 mph in just 3.5 seconds. It will do better than some of its counterparts due to its 650-horsepower V12 engine.

And now the mac-daddy of the 10 fast and furious cars is…

Pagani Zanda Cinque Roadster

Get the cost of this! For only $1,850,000 you can 1 out of 5 people who own this beauty. That’s because only 5 were made. It will have a top speed of 217 and hit 60 mph in 3.4 seconds. It has a V12 twin-turbo engine that produces 678 horsepower.

Whether you’re in the market or just dream of fast and furious cars, these models can easily cure the need for speed.

Shopping Product Reviews

The power of music to raise your vibration

Keeping your body’s energy system flowing smoothly is key to a happy, healthy life, and there’s nothing that moves your energy faster than music.

Listening to my favorite songs never fails to make me feel good. And when I feel good, my vibration increases and I emit positive energy.

Music can have a powerful influence in your heart rate, breathing, emotions and even mental capacity. It is listed as the fourth stimulus to which the mind responds most freely in Napolean Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich.

Due to the profound effect of music on your body and psyche, it is a great way to raise your vibration.

Listening to music that resonates with you in a positive way can change your moodhelping you release negative thought patterns and raise your vibration.

Whether you’re listening to music, playing an instrument, or singing, it all works to lift you into a high-vibration, positive place if you’re enjoying it.

Don’t tolerate music that doesn’t make you feel good because it will lower your vibration. Positive lettering is definitely a plus, but it’s not always necessary. When I listen to BB King sing The Thrill is Gone, I focus more on the sounds of the guitar and the magic of his voice than on the lyrics. He never fails to make me smile and moves my spirit in the most wonderful way.

If the music resonates with you and makes you feel good, you will be in a place of higher vibration.

Research has shown that music can have the following physical effects:

  • Brain waves: Changes in brainwave activity: A strong beat stimulates brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat, leading to heightened focus and more alert thinking, and a slower beat promotes a calm, meditative state.
  • Breathing and heart rate: Both can be altered by music, which can mean slower breathing, slower heart rate, and activation of the relaxation response. This is why music can be an excellent prevention against the damaging effects of chronic stress, greatly promoting relaxation and contributing to good health.
  • State of mind: Music can help keep depression and anxiety at bay by bringing a more positive state of mind. It can also promote higher levels of optimism and creativity, which provides many other benefits, including boosting immunity, relieving muscle tension, and lowering blood pressure.

Music can be used in the following ways:

  • Relaxation: It promotes relaxation of tense muscles, which helps dissolve stress and allows you to release some of the tension from a stressful day.
  • Meditation: It can help you get into a zone, a meditative state, when you practice yoga, self-hypnosis, or guided imagery.
  • Positive Approach: Music, especially upbeat tunes, can help you feel more upbeat and positive, taking your mind off what’s stressing you out.
  • Statements: Affirmative lyrics can help you create a more positive self-talk, surrounding yourself with positive energy and helping you see the bright side.

Below are some of my favorite “feel good” songs. If you don’t know any of them, I recommend you visit them on YouTube and enjoy the good vibes they evoke. Happy listening!

The Three Little Birds – Bob Marley
Don’t Worry Be Happy – Bobby McFerrin
The Sound of the Sun – Michael Franti
Say Hello – Michael Franti
True to myself – Ziggy Marley
Free – Donavon Frankenreiter
Life is beautiful – Keb’Mo’
If you want to sing – Cat Stevens
The Bright Side of the Road – Van Morrison
Blue Sky – The Allman Brothers Gang
Sunlight on my shoulders – John Denver
I’m Fine – Little Anthony and the Imperials
Don’t Look Back – Mick Jagger and Peter Tosh
Scream – Isley Brothers
Live in the Moment – Jason Mraz

Shopping Product Reviews

Five Important Features of Antivirus Software for MAC

A system that has a constant need to be connected to the Internet is not always secure. The Internet is a breeding ground for viruses, malware, Trojans, and other malicious code. These threats not only have the ability to slow down computers or alter the way they work, but also have the ability to hack users’ information and worse, cause the computer system to crash completely. . MAC computers, despite being expensive, have a large number of followers for their resistance and ability to withstand virus attacks. However, despite how complex the MAC system is, hackers are always trying to invent new code that can keep up with the complexity of MAC, so it is necessary to install effective and efficient antivirus software that is fully compatible with MAC.

Choosing the Right Mac Antivirus Software

Although MAC outperforms Windows in virus resistance, MAC systems still need to be protected from these threats. Below is the compiled list of important features that good antivirus software should provide to MAC users.

1) Familiarize yourself with the level of protection

Of course, being aware of the sites you visit and the data you download are good ways to avoid encountering viruses. However, awareness alone will not protect you or your system from a virus attack. Especially, if you enable some app extensions that allow your computer to automatically open or download files. Because of this, it is necessary to have OS X antivirus software that protects your system from viruses, rootkits, spyware, Trojan horses, and other malicious code. Make sure the antivirus software you choose offers services like email scanning, antiphishing, antirootkit, firewall protection, and full web protection. All of these aspects must also be provided to a MAC system.

two) Efficiency and impact

Viruses are made to adapt and keep up with the security features and complexity of computer systems. Viruses are now more complex than ever, hence the need to opt for the best antivirus that is not only fast in updating but also fast in tracking and blocking viruses. The software should be able to block viruses even before they strike.

3) Three essential features

Three must-haves for antivirus software are secure quarantine, a history log, and a scan scheduler. These will help you by first scanning the data that is infected instead of deleting it right away. This will give you the opportunity to recover important data, clean it and use it again. Scans should be done thoroughly or quickly, to provide users with ease and convenience.

4) Convenience in functionality

MAC systems are known to be fast and good antivirus software that is suitable for MAC system should not slow down the speed of the computer. They should provide automatic scanning but should not slow down your computer.

5) Support system

MAC security is based on prevention. Their systems are really hard to crack and they are famous for being resilient and resistant to threats. But, with the complexity of MAC, antivirus software for MAC can also be complex. Therefore, there is a need to choose software that offers excellent professional support that is available 24 hours a day.

Shopping Product Reviews

CorbyPro: The budget advanced phone

Hot on the heels of the success of Corby and CorbyPro, Samsung, the world leader in cheap and affordable mobile phones, has launched many new models in the Corby family. These cell phones satisfy the various requirements that a budget mobile phone owner would like to have in their phone. This has come as a big surprise to the markets as the exclusive features that Samsung offers are mostly limited to its high-end and expensive phones.

On the CorbyPro, the feature that Samsung would offer is the sliding QWERTY keyboard. This keyboard is much better than the fake QWERTY keyboard that is available on cheap cell phones, including some BlackBerry cell phones that look like the CorbyPro. The basic advantage of such a keyboard is that it further enlarges the resting place for the fingers. It’s almost like a miniature keyboard.

The budget smartphone also has several other interesting features. Here are some of them.

Social networks

Social networking is undoubtedly the latest buzz with all the cheap smartphones as people want to stay in touch with their family and friends at all times of their life. Also, various social networking sites like Twitter are mainly used when a person is not sitting in front of their computer. People want to access Facebook and Twitter while on the go. CorbyPro Budget Smart Phone understands this and includes all the popular social networking sites.

good camera

CorbyPro, while not a budget cell phone, has a better camera that beats several of its peers in the same price range. The impressive 3.2 MP camera is capable of capturing photos in high resolution and quality. The user can also take advantage of many autofocus options, as well as basic editing features not usually available on budget smartphones.

wide screen

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear that a budget smartphone has a sliding QWERTY keyboard? Which has a big screen. The CorbyPro has one of the largest screens available in the price range of similar cheap smartphones. Supports the usual video formats like WMV, 3GP, MP4, etc. which has made this phone a great choice for those who intend to watch movies on the go.

Radio with RDS

These days, many cheap mobile phone manufacturers claim good music in their products, but somehow forget to put a good radio. This is a great deterrent for many customers who want to buy a cheap mobile phone. The Samsung CorbyPro, however, is equipped with a fantastic music player, as well as a radio with RDS. This is something that many cheap smartphones lack. However, said music quality is restricted to headphones only, similar to several other phones.

These were some of the interesting features that the Samsung CorbyPro has. It is an excellent option for those who do not want to buy a cheap mobile phone but are willing to pay a little more for a cheap smartphone. It is rich in features and would surely find favor with the most demanding buyers.

Shopping Product Reviews

Three natural home remedies for melasma, pigmentation and age spots

Dark spots and skin discolorations can be a difficult and embarrassing problem. Skin pigmentation, age spots, and melasma are difficult to treat. There is no shortage of bleaching creams on the market, many of which are unsafe and do more harm than good, such as those containing hydroquinone. Others are simply ineffective and a waste of time and money. However, there is a chance that a simple and natural home remedy could be the solution you are looking for.

When I first noticed the darkening area on my forehead in my early twenties, I didn’t know what it was. Was it dirt? It wouldn’t wash off! I did some research and determined that it was melasma, like an age spot, it’s a type of hyperpigmentation on the skin.

Age spots are usually like large, dark freckles. Melasma is an area of ​​patchy dark skin that often affects the forehead, temples, and cheeks. Both age spots and melasma can be treated with the same types of lightening solutions.

Being the kind of girl who appreciates a good home remedy, I dove headlong into research and found several simple natural treatments to try to lighten the dark spots on my face.

Vinegar: Dilute vinegar in equal parts with water and use it to cleanse and rinse your face. Let air dry to seal in moisture. Or use the vinegar and water mixture instead of an astringent or toner. Vinegar is chemically acetic acid, and it is capable of whitening and brightening, as well as making the skin smoother and more radiant. It has also been used for a long time as a skin softener. Apple cider or other natural vinegars are recommended, although some people use distilled white vinegar.

Onion juice: To get onion juice, you can finely chop an onion or blend it and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix with equal parts apple cider vinegar, apply twice a day with a cotton ball, and watch for results for weeks to come. Alternatively, you can cut a slice of onion, dip it in vinegar and apply it on the pigmentation.

Lemon juice: Applying the juice of a fresh lemon on the pigmentation has a similar effect to the onion remedy: it is acidic and can safely peel off the top layer of skin, causing the spots to fade.

Onion, vinegar, and lemon juice are great home remedies for relieving age spots, melasma, pigmentation, and discoloration. I found this treatment quite effective at lightening for several weeks; what I didn’t like was the onion smell. Although it was great in a pinch, I didn’t want to have stinky hands and face for life, so I learned many more natural remedies to combat my melasma.