Shopping Product Reviews

Sony BDVIS1000 5.1Ch Blu-ray Disc DVD Home Theater System

Have you already made the jump from your usual old DVD player to Blu-Ray? Have you heard the hype and discussions about this new technology and wondered what it is all about?

Blu-Ray is not only a new technology in the audiovisual world, but it is quickly becoming the standard that will be offered on all home theater operating systems before long. The ultimate goal of Blu-Ray technology is to improve the picture and sound quality of both normal and high-definition television and movies. They say that once you see the difference, you will never go back to your regular systems.

Sony’s new system is an integrated BD/DVD/CD player that offers many features that will enhance your home theater system. As well as many of the standard features you’d expect with this type of product, this Sony system offers wireless technology, which is extremely popular for home theater systems as cables can be effectively concealed.

The sound quality that comes from this system is second to none. In fact, once you watch a movie on this system, you’ll never want to go to the movies again. The sound is carried through the subwoofer and five smaller speakers. Dolby, the king of sound, drives this entire system.

So once you install this system, it will not only take your audio and video to a new level, but your home will be clutter free as the wireless system eliminates all the need for those unsightly cables and wires to function properly.

Shopping Product Reviews

Uncommon home remedies

Have you seen that movie, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”? The Greek father has a hilarious compulsion to treat all human illnesses with a spray of Windex! That’s right, the window cleaner. He had never heard of using Windex for anything other than cleaning windows, but if it works, I’m guessing it’s because the alcohol did the trick, since alcohol is an antiseptic.

Now, don’t spray Windex on yourself, especially not internally! I wouldn’t want him to end up in the ER having to tell the staff that he tried to take his sore throat out with Windex. He may be held longer than he expected in a more secure wing of the hospital.

As silly as the whole scenario sounds, as long as there have been cuts, bruises, bug bites, nail fungus, bad breath, and a host of other minor human ailments, there have been some wacky remedies for them.

So, in a slighter departure from my usual advice to you, I’d like to share some of these uncommon home remedies with you here that may find work for you.

Toenail fungus: How about Vick’s Vaporub? Yes, it is said that to eliminate toenail fungus there is the Vick’s Vaporub of yesteryear. After thoroughly cleaning the affected feet and nails, rub some Vicks Vaporub on the nails. Do this every day for 2 weeks and see the improvement. The menthol in Vicks suffocates the fungus and kills it.

Warts: Do you have warts? Do you have duct tape? Yes, duct tape. It really works to remove them. In a study published in the Archives of Adolescent Medicine, duct tape removed 85% of warts, compared to 60% with freezing. Cut a small piece of tape, stick it over the wart, remove it in 3 days, and use a nail file or pumice stone to remove dead skin. Repeat if necessary.

Toothache: Until you can get to your dentist, soak a cotton ball or swab in vanilla extract and apply it directly to the tooth for immediate pain relief. Rinsing your mouth with a little hydrogen peroxide in water (don’t swallow!) will kill bacteria in infected dental tissues.

Hiccup: Swallow 1 teaspoon of regular table sugar for quick hiccup relief.

foot odour: Bathe your feet in Vodka or Gin. Alcohol kills bacteria and dehydrates moisture from the skin that allows fungal growth.

bread stamp: Raisins soaked in gin are said to relieve arthritic joint pain. 2 cups golden raisins, 1 cup juniper berry gin. Place grapes in glass container; to gin over them covering them completely. Let soak for 10 days at room temperature. Eat 10 grapes soaked in gin per day.

Tension headache: When you’re stressed, you tend to clench your jaw and create a lot of tension in your temporalis muscles. This can create a tension headache. Put a pencil between your back teeth, but don’t bite down on it. This forces the jaw muscle to relax and the headache subsides.

Foot pain/calcaneal spur: Get a 16 oz soda bottle and fill it with water and freeze it. When frozen, place the frozen bottle under your sore feet, one at a time, and roll the bottle back and forth under it. This helps cool the swelling of the heel spur and relaxes the foot muscles.

Calluses on the feet rough and dry: Get some coarse kosher salt or some sea salt; Add a tablespoon or 2 of olive oil to it. Rub the mixture into the dry, callused area of ​​your foot. The salt breaks down dry skin and removes it and the olive oil adds moisture to the area making it soft and smooth.

Bags under the eyes: We’ve all had mornings where we didn’t get enough sleep the night before and woke up with puffy bags under our eyes. One home remedy that models and actors use to get rid of them is to apply Preparation H hemorrhoid cream to the under-eye area. The same ingredients that reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids also reduce bags under the eyes.

Urinary Tract Infections: If you’re prone to frequent UTIs, try drinking 8 ounces of cranberry juice with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. Reduces bacteria and alkalizes urine. If infections persist, see a doctor.

Ampoules: Stop the pain by drying it out quickly with Listerine mouthwash. Apply to the affected areas 3 times a day with a cotton pad until dry.

Throat pain: My grandmother never let us forget this old world remedy: 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Gargle. She repeat several times a day until the sore throat disappears. The salt dries out and kills the bacteria in the back of your throat that are causing pain.

Excessive armpit sweating: Apple cider vinegar, or lime juice, is applied to clean underarms before bed, allowed to air dry, and then washed off in the morning. Both are acidic agents and can balance the acid/alkaline environment of the sweat glands.

Natural toothbrush: Forgot your toothbrush? Eat an apple, preferably a green Granny Smith apple that is packed with malic acid. The apple will not only clean debris from your teeth, but the malic acid helps remove stains.

Mosquito bite: Summer is not far away and neither are mosquito bites! If you hate them as much as I do, get some bottled lime juice and apply it with cotton balls to take the itch away. A paste of salt and water applied to the bite will do the same thing. Both dry up the fluid that swells around the bite that causes itching.

Well there you have it, some unusual home remedies for some everyday foods. All of these have been shown to work not only anecdotally by people who have used them, but also by researchers who have studied quirky home remedies. Try one or a few. However, if you find that your problem ailment does not go away, see your doctor.

Mark Rosenberg, M.D.
Institute for Healthy Aging

Shopping Product Reviews

Should you buy a surfboard online or at your local surf shop?

With the growth of the Internet, the ease and availability of ordering surf products and buying surfboards of all kinds online has become an acceptable way to shop for and purchase a new board. However, it may be preferable to buy a surfboard at your local surf shop because you can touch, pick up and feel it, and talk to a sales representative face-to-face.

A downside may be that your local surf shop has a limited supply of surfboards because inventory requires large cash outlays. Most surf retail stores focus on clothing as their main product, reducing their surfboard inventory to just a few types and designs. This is also true with most online surf shops, but they typically don’t have to carry inventory and ship their surfboards from a variety of surfboard manufacturers and shapers. There are probably a number of surf retail stores within 10 to 20 miles of your surf community, which may give you more opportunities to purchase the surfboard you’re looking for.

Online you have a very wide selection of surfboards, probably more than you will have in your local surf area. You can search for surfboards by type and design and also by “online surfboard shops” and chances are you will be able to find several one-stop surf shops with a wide selection of good surfboards.

Over the years, many people have become too busy to shop for surfboards, bodyboards, or SUPs at local surf shops. It requires a lot of research and time. Once you take the time and go to your local surf shop, more often than not the surf shop will have a very limited selection meaning you will have to drive to another shop hoping to find what you want. . Another disadvantage is that the sales staff will pressure you and try to push you to buy one of their surfboards even if it doesn’t fit your needs. This is especially true for beginners and novice surfers.

If you go to the local surf shop, try connecting with a senior member of the sales staff with a lot of surf experience. You need someone with experience to guide you. Much of the surf shop sales staff are young kids without much surfing experience and not much knowledge about surfboards and what should be good for you, the individual buyer.

Most surf shops sell surfboards and other types and designs of surfboards produced by their local shapers, so the buyer’s options are limited. Some of these shapers make very good surfboards, but be careful because you may end up with a surfboard that is not right for you. Typically, these stores are limited by available funds and keep a minimal inventory of surfboards on hand. They have a wide selection of t-shirts, shorts, sweatshirts, tank tops, and other clothing items, which are their main source of income. Today’s surf shops are primarily clothing stores, not surfboard stores like they were in the past.

Since the advent of the internet, online surfboard stores have become all the rage. It has taken a long time for this to happen, but little by little the public has become comfortable browsing online and looking for a surfboard of their choice. There are also many online surfboard stores that will give you a wide selection of surfboard types and designs.

You can also find a local surf shop that sells the surfboard you’re looking for, allowing you to save on shipping costs and see the board you’re buying. Sometimes you can find a local surf shop that has the surfboard you are looking for, which is why many shoppers go online to find out what is available at their local stores.

If you know what you want and don’t need to see or feel the surfboard, go online, where most of the time you can get a custom surfboard in the size, design, and colors of your choice. You will be in a virtual surf shop and the good thing is that while you buy your surfboard you can buy the fins, leash, wax and clothing items you may need like a new pair of shorts.

Since the security of payments on the Internet has become safe and is not a problem, you can pay with your credit card when you make a purchase. It has taken most people many years to trust the Internet when ordering products, especially baby boomers who did not grow up with the Internet. Now, it seems almost everyone is ordering products online, from vitamins to cars. Somewhere in the middle are surfboards and other surf products.

Just as there are local retail surf shops, there are online surfboard companies that offer a wide selection of surfboard types, including soft and hard surfboards, stand up paddle boards (SUPs), body boards, of skimboards and custom surfboards. The excellent companies have a cross-section of designer boards made by the best-known companies and top-of-the-line surfboard designers and builders. They offer these surfboards in various sizes and product lines to meet the requests of most surfboard buyers. If you want a short board, you can find it in any size you want. The same goes for bodyboards, skimboards and SUP boards. If you want a custom surfboard, you can get it.

If you live in a remote area and are looking for any of the surfboard types or designs mentioned above, shopping online can be a great advantage. Most companies offer a window where you can return your products if they don’t fit your needs or if there is any shipping damage.

It is incredible how the sport of surfing has been growing within our country and abroad. People are surfing on man-made wave machines at surf parks, on lakes and rivers, and just about anywhere there is water. As the sport has grown, there are a growing number of inland surf retail stores, many included in local sporting goods stores. If these stores are not available, go online and search for an online store.

If you choose not to purchase your new surfboard from a retail surf store, you will find that online surf companies offer their product with a full explanation of each of their surfboards and surf products, giving the buyer a great table idea. Their prices are usually fair and consistent with industry standards and sometimes better for the online shopper. Shipping is easy and your new surfboard comes with a limited warranty just like you would at your local retailer.

One thing that is very important when ordering from a surfboard company online is to ask questions if you have any. You should also be able to talk to an expert. Every good online internet business should have an expert on staff for you to consult. Before contacting an online shipping company, do your research before placing your order.

Wherever you buy your new surfboard, get yourself a great surfboard, bodyboard, skimboard or SUP and go surfing. Have fun and always remember Surf Life!

Shopping Product Reviews

5 reasons why Mario is so popular

As far as video games are concerned, one of the most popular characters is the one known as Mario. During Nintendo’s 30-year career, he introduced over a hundred games for many genres and systems and enjoyed great success. Below are 5 reasons why Mario Bros runs in circles around other games. keep reading

revolutionary style

In the world of video games, Mario offers a refreshing change. In each game, Nintendo guides you on a new and exciting adventure.

Most of the new Mario titles follow the same format established for Super Mario Bros. In fact, many other games are inspired by the style of Super Mario Bros. This is what makes this game one of the best out there.

new format

Actually, this product is iconic as it didn’t pose the same challenges as other titles. Throughout the game, the level of difficulty keeps increasing in a way that players enjoy. The beginning levels teach you how you can skillfully play the following levels. However, you won’t get detailed instructions as the layout is intuitive.

The structure of this iconic game is so powerful that many of today’s developers are creating new games based on it.


Super Mario Bros came out when there weren’t that many games. The machines were designed in such a way that the players had to keep paying to continue with the game. On the other hand, Nintendo adopts a different technique. The challenge did not get any easier. Players lost “lives” because of their own fault, not because of game design.

The platform was based on precision, which means that if you act at the right time, you will not miss.

industry success

Before the release of Mario, the gaming industry was not that successful. In fact, his income was going down. Then Nintendo introduced a new title that opened up a whole new world for developers.

The introduction of the NES changed the way the gaming landscape was viewed. The new title was about adventure and exploration rather than high scores. In fact, the product became so popular that it generated the highest sales revenue for many decades.

Easter eggs

Although players were familiar with Easter eggs even before the release of Mario, they weren’t that common. If you’ve played the title, you might remember the secret warp tubes that helped you make your way to the new worlds. And this format opened up a whole new world for expert developers.

Also, this pattern encouraged players to explore the entire game to reveal more secrets. Nowadays, in almost every game, you can find tons of secrets and collectibles. The credit belongs to Mario.

Regarding the graphics, Mario may not compete with the latest titles, but he has many things that make him much better than current games. Many of today’s games have features that remind us of Mario.

These are some of the reasons why Mario remains the most loved game.

Shopping Product Reviews

A bit of nerves: Which sides of the championship will prevail, after a season of reluctant top contenders?

With just five football matches remaining from the 2014-15 Championship regular season in England, the identity of their winners and runners-up remains unknown.

This is in stark contrast to last year, which almost resembled a season-long victory parade for Leicester, who won the title with an impressive 102 points. Burnley galloped home behind them, a comfortable eight points clear of Derby’s closest rivals. Only the battle for the sixth and final play-off spot caused any cause for excitement, as Brighton overcame Reading on the final day with a late winner at Nottingham Forest.

This time around, an impressive octet of teams each have a mathematical chance of securing an automatic promotion spot, from current leaders Bournemouth (77 points) to eighth-placed Ipswich (68). While the two winners are likely to come from the current top four, who have opened a four-point gap to the stuttering fifth-place Derby, the timid demeanor of the table leaders throughout the season illustrates that neither team it is more vulnerable than when you are in front.
In fact, the leadership of the division has changed hands an incredible twenty times; of the current top six, only sixth-placed Wolves have failed to sit atop the table at any point. Add to this long-forgotten pioneers of the season, Nottingham Forest, who took first place twice, for a total of 38 days, and one would be forgiven for imagining the championship trophy covered in butter, so difficult it has proved to be to maintain. the first position.

However, Bournemouth will be hoping to do just that as they enter the homestretch, having found their way to the top seven times, then slipping out of position in no fewer than six. His dominance from mid-December to early February will prove to be the longest of any team’s noble residence this season, with his tally at the top of the table totaling 59 days, which has now reached triple digits. Derby has amassed the second-highest total, with 56 lead days split across three spells. However, a recent seven game winless streak appears to have ended their hopes of grabbing a top two spot. While the die-hard believers (Rams) still hope to recover from a five-point deficit to second place (76 points), in reality, Steve McClaren’s team will be aiming to tie a play-off spot, amid fierce competition from the three teams around them: Wolves in form (71 points); the dangerous Brentford (70) and the resistant Ipswich. (Whether fans can stomach the possibility of the same heartbreak they experienced at last year’s Wembley final remains to be seen.)

Norwich led the pack twice earlier in the season, until an unremarkably prolonged spell saw a manager change, leading to an astonishing resurgence under incoming Alex Neil, a relatively inexperienced (and unusually young) option. ) to manage a club with such high expectations. What Neil lacks in managerial hours, however, he arguably makes up for in success, having led his Hamilton side back to the top flight in Scotland last year, and then briefly to the top in his first season there. Having found their way to second place after a run of ten wins from thirteen games, their relatively easy remaining fixtures may help ensure the Canaries return to the Premier League at the earliest opportunity.

The top four are completed by Watford (76 points) and Middlesbrough (75), who played a game on Easter Monday in which the latter was beaten 0-2 and moved simultaneously from first place. In fact, these two teams, of all the contenders, have proven to have the most shaky control of the top spot, having both held it four times, never quite getting settled in and comfortable. Middlesbrough’s day count in the upper numbers only thirteen; Watford is even less, only ten.

So with just five match days remaining, what more drama can we expect? And who will emerge triumphant? It is certainly difficult to see past Bournemouth’s brilliant and successful brand of football, provided they continue to ‘play the game, not the occasion’ and do not experience the kind of nervousness one might forgive a team on the verge of. of grace the highest category for the first time in its history. Their recent resurgence against Birmingham, in which they overturned a worrying two-goal deficit to prevail with ease, suggests they may finally be ready to take the bull by the horns. Mirroring Norwich, the Cherries have an eminently winnable set of matches going into the showdown, putting their fate in their own hands.

Wolverhampton’s late-season charge (four wins in a row at the moment) may convince many they are ready to storm the play-offs, provided they are not outdone by another surprising boost from Brentford, this year’s surprise package. . Despite the enduring class of Bakary Sako and the goal-scoring impetus provided by the new year’s signing of Benik Afobe, perhaps Wolves still lack the all-round quality that would surely be needed to topple a Middlesbrough or Derby in two games. ; in fact, most would agree that both sides’ cunning and experience are likely to come in handy when the playing field is level and four teams start over in search of that final promotion spot. However, don’t count out Watford, whose three-pronged attacking force has proven on many occasions to be as deadly as their defense seemed suspect.

This expert’s advice?
Bournemouth and Norwich, with Derby to make up for last year’s Wembley problems for the second time.

May the best teams win!

Shopping Product Reviews

Shedding new light on the shadow land of the universe

We live in a mysterious universe, most of which we cannot see. What is it made of and has its composition changed over time? Starlit galaxies, galaxy clusters, and superclusters are embedded within invisible halos made up of transparent material that scientists refer to as the “dark matter.” This mysterious substance creates a huge, invisible structure throughout space and time: a fabulous and fantastical tapestry woven from heavy filaments made up of this “dark” matter, which is believed to have formed from exotic non-atomic particles and unidentified. In March 2020, a team of scientists announced that they had identified a subatomic particle that could have formed the dark matter in the Universe during its birth Big Bang.

Scientists believe that up to 80% of the Universe could be dark matter, but despite years of research, its origin remains an enigma. Although it cannot be observed directly, most astronomers think that this ghostly form of matter is actually there because it gravitationally dances with forms of matter that can be observed, such as stars and planets. This invisible material is made up of exotic particles that do not emit, absorb or reflect light.

A team of nuclear physicists at the University of York in the UK is now proposing a new candidate particle for this ghostly material, a particle they recently detected called hexaquark star d.

Tea hexaquark star d is made up of six quarks–the fundamental particles that normally combine in trios to form the protons and neutrons of the atomic nucleus.

Raise a quark to reunite Mark

Irish novelist James Joyce (1882-1941) had a drunken character in Finnegan’s wake I raised a quart of dark beer to toast a man named Finnegan who had just died. He mistakenly said “raise a quark to reunite Mark”. The American physicist, Nobel Prize winner Murray Gell-Mann (1929-2019), who was one of the scientists who proposed the existence of the quark in 1964, he thought it was so funny that he named this subparticle after the drunken host. Russian-American physicist George Zweig also independently proposed the existence of the quark that same year.

HAS quark it is a type of elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of matter. quarks combine to create compound particles called hadrons. hadrons are subatomic particles of a type that includes protons Y neutrons, who can participate in the strong interaction that holds atomic nuclei together. In fact, the most stable hadrons are protons Y neutrons–the components that form the nuclei of atoms. Due to a phenomenon term color containment, quarks they have not been directly observed or found in isolation. For this reason, they have been found only within hadrons. Because of this, much of what scientists have learned about quarks has been derived from the study hadrons.

quarks they also display certain intrinsic properties, such as mass, color, electric charge, and spin. They are the only known elementary particle in the Standard model of particle physics to show the four fundamental interactions, also called fundamental forces–tea strong interaction, the weak Interaction, gravitationY electromagnetism. quarks they are also the only known elementary particles whose electric charges are not integer multiples of the elementary charge.

the types of quarks are known as flavors: up, down, weird, charm, bottom, Y upper part. The weight quarks quickly undergo a metamorphosis into up Y down quarks as a result of a process called particle decomposition. particle decomposition refers to the transformation from a state of higher mass to states of lower mass. For this reason, up Y down quarks are stable, in addition to the most abundant in the Universe. Unlike, strange, enchanting, background, Y upper part quarks it can only be produced in high-energy collisions, such as those involving cosmic rays or particle accelerators. For each quark flavor there is a corresponding antiquark Tea antiquark antiparticle differs from the quark only on certain properties, such as electric charge. Tea antiquark antiparticles They have the same magnitude but opposite sign.

There was little evidence of the physical existence of quarks until deep inelastic scattering experiments were performed on the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in 1968. Accelerator experiments have provided evidence for the existence of all six flavors. Tea top quarkfirst observed in fermilab in 1995, it was the last to be discovered.

The land of the shadows of the universe

It is often said that most of our Universe is “missing”, composed mainly of an unidentified substance known as dark energy. the mysterious dark energy it is causing the Universe to accelerate in its expansion, and is thought to be a property of Space itself.

The most recent measurements indicate that the Universe is made up of approximately 70% dark energy and 25% dark matter. Currently, both the origin and nature of the mysterious dark matter Y dark energy are unknown. A considerably smaller fraction of our Universe is made up of so-called “ordinary” atomic matter. “Ordinary” atomic matter – which is really extraordinary – is comparatively scarce. However, it is the material that accounts for all the items listed in the familiar Periodic table. Despite being the little “little” of the cosmic litter of three, “ordinary” atomic matter is what makes up stars, planets, moons and people, everything with which human beings on Earth are more familiar. It is also the precious form of matter that caused life to form and evolve in the Universe.

On the largest scales, the Universe looks the same wherever you look. It shows a bubbly and foamy appearance, with extremely massive and huge filaments composed of dark matter intertwining with each other, creating a web-like structure known as the Cosmic Network. The ghostly and transparent filaments of the great cosmic web are traced by myriads of galaxies burning with the fires of brilliant starlight, thus outlining the immense intertwined tresses of dark matter that contain the galaxies of the visible Universe. Huge, cavernous, dark and almost empty Empty interrupt this web-like pattern. Tea Empty they host few galaxies, and this is the reason why they appear to be completely empty. In dramatic contrast, the massive starlit filaments of the cosmic web weave around these almost empty Emptycreating a fabulous and complicated braided knot.

Some cosmologists have proposed that the entire large-scale structure of the Universe is actually composed of a single filament and a single empty twisted together in an intricate and complex tangle.

Enter the Hexaquark d-star

Tea hexaquark star d is made up of six quarks. These fundamental particles normally combine in trios to form the protons and neutrons of the atomic nucleus. Most importantly, the six quarks in a hexaquark star d create a boson particle. This indicates that when a large number of d star hexaquarks are present that can dance together and combine in very different ways than protons and neutrons. HAS boson It is a particle that carries energy. For example, photons are bosons

The team of scientists from the University of York proposes that under the conditions that existed shortly after the Big Bang, a multitude of d star hexaquarks could have gathered and then combined when the Universe cooled from its original extremely hot state and then expanded to give rise to a fifth state of matter, which is called a Bose–Einstein condensate.

HAS Bose–Einstein condensate it is a state of matter in which separate atoms or subatomic particles, cooled to near absolute zero, coalesce into a single quantum entity, that is, one that can be described by a wave function, on an almost macroscopic scale.

Dr. Mikhail Bashkanov and Dr. Daniel Watts of the Department of Physics at the University of York published the first assessment of the feasibility of this new dark matter candidate.

Dr. Watts noted on a March 3, 2020 York University press release that “The origin of dark matter in the Universe is one of the biggest questions in science and one that, until now, has been left blank.”

“Our first calculations indicate that the condensation of d-stars are a new feasible candidate for dark matter and this new possibility seems worthy of further investigation,” he added.

“The result is particularly exciting as it does not require any new concepts for physics,” Dr Watts continued.

Co-author Dr. Bashkanov explained in the same York University press release that “The next step in establishing this new dark matter candidate will gain a better understanding of how the d-stars interact: when they attract and when they repel. We are teaching new measures to create d-stars inside an atomic nucleus and see if their properties are different than when they are in free space”.

The scientists now plan to collaborate with researchers in Germany and the United States to test their new theory.dark matter and hunt d star hexaquarks In the universe.

Shopping Product Reviews

Microsoft Word: Top 10 New Features in Word 2013

As the oldest of the Office applications, Microsoft Word was already packed with extensive word processing capabilities. So it’s a pleasant surprise that Word 2013 has new and improved features that are helpful in everything from creating documents to reading, editing, and collaborating.

1. A new look for Word

The first change you’ll see when you start Word 2013 is a Start screen instead of a blank document like in previous versions of Word. In the left pane, you’ll see a list of your most recent Word documents, as well as the option to open additional files. In the right panel, you can choose from various templates, such as blank, flyer, blog post, and many more, as well as search Microsoft’s online template library. If you’re a longtime Word user, this new landing page might take some getting used to, but you can turn it off if you prefer the old look.

The New Design tab

Word 2013 still supports the ribbon interface, but now the features for designing a document are combined within the new Design tab so they’re easy to find. Document formatting can be quickly defined by choosing Themes, Colors and Fonts to use with them. From here, you preview your options and can even save your format as the default for all new documents.

2. Easy chart alignment and layout options

New alignment guides in Word 2013 make it easier to align pictures and other objects. They are a visual way to show when an object, such as a SmartArt image, chart, or illustration, is aligned with the top of a paragraph or with a heading or other elements on the page.

Convenient design options

Select an image, graphic, or SmartArt object, and a handy new Design Options icon appears outside the top-right corner of the object. Click it to set text wrapping and placement options, all without moving to the ribbon.

When you right-click an object and choose, for example, Format Image or Format Shape, a new formatting task pane opens. This panel replaces the dialog from previous versions and stays open while you work, displaying easy-to-follow formatting options for the currently selected object.

3. Improved reading in reading mode

If you use Word more to read documents than to create them, you’ll like Word 2013’s new Reading Mode, which is clean and distraction-free. Switch to reading mode and the ribbon will collapse just like most tabs. This new view automatically resizes a document to the full window and displays your documents in easy-to-read columns. Click the on-screen arrows to turn pages or, if you’re using a touchscreen monitor or tablet, swipe from any edge of the screen. Right-click on any unknown word to display a definition without leaving reading mode. You can also click on any image, table, or graph to enlarge it for easier reading.

resume your work

Now when you reopen a document, Word 2013 remembers where you left off and lets you continue reading or editing right where you left off, even when you reopen a document online from a different computer or device. This feature supports multiple views, including reading mode and print layout, the default view in Word.

4. Smarter collaboration

Reviewing documents with change and comment tracking just got easier with the new simple markup view in Word 2013. From Simple Markup, complex markup is hidden and the final document is shown. However, you will still see indicators in the left margin where tracked changes have been made. When you double-click one of these lines, Word switches to All Markup view so you can see the full edits. Click the indicator line again and Word will return to Simple Markup.

Another improvement is that you can lock the Track Changes feature in Word, which means someone has to enter a password for Word to stop Track Changes. This is a great way to ensure all changes are recorded when multiple people review your document.

Comments are also better because they now have a reply button that gives users the option to have a conversation within a small speech bubble. Now it’s easy to keep track of comments right next to related text instead of creating a multitude of comments on one topic. And when a comment is handled, it marks it as done. It’s grayed out so it’s out of the way, but the conversation will still be there if you need to come back to it later.

5. Open and edit PDF files within Word

Opening and editing PDF files is finally a full feature in Word 2013. In previous versions, you could save a Word document as a PDF, but you couldn’t edit a PDF without converting it to a Word document first. Now just open a PDF as if it were a Word document and edit it as usual. Word handles just about any PDF you want to work with, even if it has multiple tables, large images, different fonts, etc., all without the need for a third-party app.

6. New and improved table features

Word 2013 finally addresses the frustration of formatting different width and style borders in a Word table. The handy Border Painter tool and Border Styles feature make formatting quick and easy.

Select a Line Style, Line Weight, and Pen Color, or choose a preset from the Border Styles list, and then paint the borders on the table. With the Edge Sampler tool, it is now also possible to sample an existing border and then use the Edge Painter to duplicate the style elsewhere on the table.

To add a new row to a table, simply hover your mouse off the left edge of the table at the point where the row will be inserted. Click on the little icon that appears and you’re done. There is a similar icon to easily add a new column. There are also new options for working with tables on the mini toolbar that appears when you select part of a table or right-click on a table.

7. Better management of large documents

Long documents can become difficult to manage, especially if you are working on only a small part of them. The new Expand/Collapse options in Word 2013 let you collapse and expand headings in a document so it’s easier to focus on just the part you need. To do this, you must format the headings in the document using the built-in styles Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on. To hide paragraphs, move your mouse to the left of a formatted heading and then click the small triangle that appears, leaving only the heading text visible. For the Expand/Collapse option menu control, simply right-click on a header.

8. Media Magic

If you design newsletters, flyers, brochures, or other graphic documents in Word, you can now add photos and web videos directly into a Word document. To add a video, choose Online Video on the Insert tab on the ribbon. This opens the Bing Video or YouTube search tools within Word without the need to switch between Word and your Internet browser. And, if you already have a video in mind, just paste the embed code. Please note that these videos will only play while your computer is connected to the Internet.

9. Get on the cloud

Like other programs in the new Office suite, Word 2013 is connected to the cloud anytime you’re online. OneDrive, Microsoft’s cloud-based file storage service, is built into Word and is now the default storage location. (You can also change the default to save it locally on your computer.) After you upload files to OneDrive or SharePoint, they’re available for you or your colleagues to view or edit online from a variety of devices.

present online

The new Office Presentation Service in Office 2013 is a way to present Word documents online. You must be signed in to your Microsoft account to use this feature. Once everyone is connected to the service, which runs through the Microsoft Word web app, they can follow you as you present the document. The interface supports comments made during the presentation, and participants can create a downloadable, printable PDF of the document.

10. Touch screen functionality

Microsoft Word 2013, along with the entire Office suite, is designed with touch screens in mind. A touch screen isn’t required for Word, but if you’re using it on a Windows tablet or touch monitor, you’ll find navigation simple and straightforward. Touch images or graphics to zoom in or scroll through a document with your finger or a stylus. Press and hold (the touch version of right-clicking) on ​​a word and see various options for it, such as Font, Synonyms, etc. Expand or collapse sections of a document by tapping. Double-tap to zoom in and make the tables, charts, and images in your document fill the screen. To continue reading and zoom out, tap or click outside the object again.


With features that make your daily work easier, there’s a lot to like about the new Microsoft Word 2013. While it includes quite a few updates, you shouldn’t have a problem getting used to it because most of the menus, options, and tools behave like previous versions of Word. You’ll soon find that Word is more flexible than ever, allowing you to work more efficiently from virtually anywhere.

Shopping Product Reviews

Breaking news: advertising is dead!

You do not agree?

Ask your wife, husband, or significant other—in other words, the closest typical consumer—to answer the following 7 questions:

  1. Does seeing pop-up ads on your computer give you orgasmic pleasure? Yes or no?
  2. Does a mailbox full of junk mail make your palms itch and sweat with nervous anticipation? Yes or no?
  3. Do you suffer from outbursts of violent rage when a TV commercial is interrupted by a TV movie? Yes or no?
  4. Do you prance around the parking lot with ecstatic abandon every time you find a flyer on your car windshield? Yes or no?
  5. Does keeping a phone next to the soup spoon on the table (for fear of missing the telemarketer’s next call) aid digestion? Yes or no?
  6. Do you drink cups of black coffee at 10 p.m. so you can stay up and watch 30-minute infomercials at 4 a.m.? Yes or no?
  7. Do you drool at the thought of spending $300 on an iPhone just so you can see interactive ads on its big, cool screen? Yes or no?

Have I made my point? Yes or no?

Advertising is dead. If you are a seller…save your money.

Consumers have been over-advertised and over-sold.

Unless you’re running a white sale, clearance sale, or going out of business sale, and halving or quartering your prices, advertising isn’t going to give you a bang, a groan, or a penny for your money. Not anymore.

The only advertisements that still stand are those in newspapers and supermarket windows that read:

Big sale

Buy 1 can of Campbell’s Soup for 89 cents

and get a second can-FREE!

Limited supplies!

(or something like that)

Beyond that, the first reaction most consumers have when seeing any other type of ad is not to believe anything it says.

And if they have no need, desire, or knowledge of you, your product, or your service, their second reaction is to play basketball. The muscles in their arms and hands reflexively contract, causing them to roll their ad into a tight little ball and shoot it into the nearest basket.

Beware of the third eye anti-advertising consumer

Because the consumer has become so desensitized to ads in general, if you don’t push your ad, sales letter, or flyer squarely and firmly into their hands, they won’t even notice.

It is as if they have developed an anti-ad third eye that instinctively alerts them to the presence of an ad and then immediately fires a signal to the brain, instructing their other two eyes not to see it.

For example…

How often, while browsing the web, have you come across a web page with a bright red 40-word title and sentence, ending with an exclamation mark or two or three?

Unless you’re looking for that particular web page, the average surfer looking for information will immediately recognize that site as an ad and click through, without even reading two words.

The same thing happens when they read the newspaper or walk past a billboard on the highway…consumers simply refuse to look at the ads.

So what’s a seller to do?


Hey? I’ll explain…

The success of the Internet has come to one thing above all else. Human beings, which includes consumers, are information junkies.

Google, the Internet’s version of a catalog of library cards, exists, thrives, dominates, and will eventually own the world, because consumers are in a constant and endless search for more and more information.

And why do consumers increasingly want information that convinces, compels and persuades them of a certain point of view?

So that they can make the most efficient, prudent and intelligent decision about whatever they want to own, own, consume or BUY.

Yes, BUY.

Although consumers hate being sold to; they still love, however, to SHOP.

And their decision to buy is most effectively influenced when they are provided with information that supports, confirms and enhances their already existing desire to BUY!

Enter the advertorial

The advertorial is an advertisement disguised as an editorial. A cunning wolf in sheep’s clothing. It’s about 80% useful, compelling, and persuasive information and 20% sales pitch.

The name of the product, its characteristics or benefits will never be mentioned in the headline. Because that would be too obvious: it would scream advertising and immediately activate the consumer’s anti-advertising third eye.

Instead, in a newspaper, direct mail promotion, or on the Internet, the advertorial will attract attention and readers by simply dangling the tantalizing promise of useful and profitable information…if the reader continues reading.

An advertising headline will not scream: LOSE 10 LB OF FAT IN 10 DAYS OR YOUR MONEY BACK!

Instead, the advertorial headline will read: John Hopkins Research PhD discovers active ingredient in ice cream that causes rapid weight loss.

The advertorial will then proceed to show and prove, in a pseudo-journalistic way, the What, Why, Who, Where and When of how the product or service does precisely what the consumer wants and needs.

The advertorial offers valuable, documented information that relentlessly leads the reader to the inevitable conclusion that the solution to their problem or need is…whatever you’re selling.

It doesn’t look, taste or smell like an ad, and the consumer’s anti-ad third eye will never see it coming.

Try it… you’ll like it.

Shopping Product Reviews

computer maintenance

We are all aware of how output can matter depending on the speed and performance of your computer. It’s irritating to see when your new laptop or desktop computer is underperforming and running at a slow pace. Is it related to a hardware issue? You are wrong, the problem is not related to the hardware, it is related to the maintenance of the computer.

It is common that several users around the world have faced similar problems and the best way to deal with them is to follow a routine computer maintenance checklist. Not only will this help you with fewer headaches of working on a slow computer, but you can also achieve healthy hardware with fast software support.

The best way to start creating a computer maintenance checklist is to have regular hardware and software maintenance checks, a comprehensive backup plan, protection against malicious vulnerabilities, and overall system maintenance in order.

Computer Maintenance Checklist

Keep the system clean and free of dust

When it comes to Dust, it is the biggest enemy, leading to a lot of issues that affect your computer. To keep your computer environment free from dust, please make sure the property is well closed. This will not allow dust to enter your facility. A clean room will result in fewer systems being damaged. Apart from this, if you are using desktop computers, periodically open the CPU cabinets and clean the dust with a portable vacuum cleaner, especially be careful with the vents. Similarly, check for dust on the RAM, processor, and motherboard. In case there is dirt, please clean it, avoid using your hands instead, use a dedicated computer cleaning kit for cleaning.

Reassemble your PC

In case you are using a branded desktop, try not to do this, users with assembled desktops can continue. Before you start, you should have a basic idea on how to set up a computer or better leave it to an expert. In case you choose to continue, you can go ahead and try to reassemble your PC. Disconnect all the cables connected to the hard drive, DVD Rom and graphics card. During the assembly process also be sure to clean off any dust buildup.

Check the flow of electricity

The fluctuation in the flow of electricity can cause problems such as hardware interruption. In general, in case of adapters for laptops, they come with a built-in option for power optimization. While in the case of desktop computers this is not present, therefore you need to check the wiring and power outlet. You can use a surge suppressor and related equipment to protect against such power fluctuations.

Keep your laptop cool

In case you are using your laptop for tasks that use a lot of its resources, then it will surely produce a lot of heat. Especially if you keep the laptop on a desk, it cannot circulate the generated heat. This can cause the laptop to crash and it is best to keep it cool by using a USB powered fan or cooling pad.

Don’t forget to use your keyboard

We are sure that some of you are using extended keyboard or wireless keyboard on your laptop to make work easier. It’s not a problem, but from time to time try to use the built-in keyboards, since sometimes they can break and you will have to replace them completely. Keep using them from time to time and use a portable vacuum from time to time to keep it dust free.

Update and register your software

Always keep your system software up to date, you can keep them in automatic mode. This will allow you to relax and not worry about updates. An up-to-date system will always give you good protection against malware attacks and vulnerability exploitation. Also, check your hardware warranties and customer support details. We strictly recommend against using pirated software.

Regular data backup

Keep a good data backup plan, better safe than sorry. A backup can be your savior when facing unpredictable events that lead to data loss. You can design a backup plan which can be weekly, monthly or quarterly. The backup period will depend solely on the amount of data being processed and how often you make changes. For users with frequent data changes, a regular backup is recommended.

Install a good antivirus program

In the event that you are running Windows 10, you can stick with Windows Defender, it is the default antivirus. Otherwise, you can choose any third-party licensed antivirus. Your antivirus program can be vital in protecting you from online and offline virus threats.

Once the antivirus program is installed, run an antivirus scan periodically and keep the antivirus program up-to-date for the latest virus definitions and database.

Install anti-malware software

Although antivirus and antimalware software may sound a bit similar, that is not the case. As an antivirus program it will not be able to detect a computer infected with malware. You will need anti-malware software to overcome this threat.

Keep your Windows up to date

As a Windows user, you should always keep updates to your operating system. Make sure you are not using pirated Windows, always use genuine Windows and keep your system updated regularly. These updates sometimes eat up a lot of time and space on your PC, but you will benefit in the form of a faster and more secure PC. Regular Windows updates ensure that you are protected from potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Keep your device drivers up to date

Up-to-date device drivers can help to give you improved performance and also help you to work smoothly with the software. Recently updated drivers also act as advanced protection against data stealth through peripheral devices.

Delete junk files and internet files

You can remove the junk files on your system using CCleaner software. You can run this regularly as junk files can slow down your PC performance

In the case of Internet files, cache files, Internet cookies, passwords, and other scripts should be removed to improve your browsing experience. You can do this from your browser settings, use CCleaner as mentioned above.

Defragment your HDD

Defragmenting your HDD helps increase the speed and stability of your hard drives. There are many free and premium tools available to run disk defragmentation. Windows 10 also comes with a built-in disk defrag utility.

Delete unused software

You may have installed a number of the program, some of these are not used for a long time. It is good to remove such unwanted or unused software. This will help free up storage space and help improve your PC’s performance.

Read more here:

Shopping Product Reviews

Honey, what was technology like when you were 7?

Nana, what was technology like when you were 7 years old?
Nana, what was technology like when you were 7 years old? This was asked by my 6, 7 and 8 year old grandchildren a few years ago when my husband and I were invited to their respective schools to enjoy morning tea.

And then they took us to their classrooms to proudly show us their current work. We were also asked to give them an idea of ​​what our school life was like when we were their age.

This opened up all sorts of amazing ‘stuff’ for them. Naturally, they assumed that the technology had been around forever. Ours, then, was another world entirely.

One that would be foreign to our grandchildren today. I love the look of utter disbelief on their young faces when we tell them we didn’t have a TV, what, no TV, no phone, no computer, no iPod, no iPad?

Entertainment without Technology
We made our own entertainment using our imaginations with whatever props we could find. Old sheets to make a tent with sticks to support it. A steel bucket with a wooden plank produced a fantastic seesaw. To mention just a couple.

Today I have an orchestra in my bag, my Samsung mobile, which I cannot live without. I also have an iPod, a bit dated these days, but I love listening to all my favorite classics in my pocket!

Good fun without technology
Cars were a luxury, at least for most people. Apparently my father was not a good candidate to drive one. As a result, he rode a bike and loved to bike, swim and climb mountains. And he took us all with him. We also went to most of the places by train, a steam one.

My dad installed a small seat on the handlebars of his bike and another on the rear wheel, because there were so many children in our family that he could carry two at once. What fun we had.

How the hell do we live, never mind entertaining ourselves without anything technical in our lives! Yes, we had a great time.

innocence intelligence and knowledge
I love my grandchildren’s innocence, along with their intelligence all at the same time. And his confidence and knowledge of all things technical.

However, how happy we would all be if children could experience another kind of freedom. Freedom to walk to school without an adult. Play happily in the street with all the children in the neighborhood.

School in the old days
Our childhood was easy and most of us didn’t know what real stress was. So shielded were we from adult concerns, news, activities, and adult fears.
We had our own set of little fears.

There was no speaking for yourself. As a result, we had to be quiet at all times and only speak when spoken to and then only to answer questions. Children should be seen but not heard, was the incredible motto of our days.

We got hit in the hand with a ruler. Hitting was legal in many schools around the world at the time. It was fulfilled simply by an incorrect answer to a spelling, arithmetic, or reading question. Par for the course at the moment in most schools.

cope with stress
Did I say we had no stress? It seems contradictory to me in what I have said, because of course we did. At school, but somehow, we manage to cope most of the time on our own. It is much better not to involve our parents.

Our children and grandchildren have had an easier and more enjoyable time at school. I marvel at the fun that is had especially in the Primary years. Children are heard, have freedom of expression and are not afraid to speak up for themselves. And along the way they also learn a sense of responsibility.

technology in days gone by
We grandparents, however, enjoyed our own happy days.
That was school and “tech” for me and my husband at age 7.

6 brothers and happy memories
However, this technological question brought back a flood of childhood memories.

I am one of 7 children and although we had nothing like the toys or clothes that children expect today, we had a very happy and carefree time growing up.

And although my father was an accountant and earned a good salary, he had to be shared with a family of 9. So naturally, we children also had to share toys with each other.

Since most families were pretty big in those days, we were all equal in the toy department, so we were more than happy to trade with our friends down the street.

Our clothes were always of good quality because with 4 girls and 3 boys they all had to be “revisited”, the eldest and the youngest had everything new! Good recycling practice, although no one thought of it that way at the time. But we never feel badly done.

music and entertainment
Growing up without all this wonderful technology, we had to create our own entertainment. In our house we were encouraged to take piano lessons.

Since we didn’t have a piano at first, our elderly neighbors were very happy to have my older brother (a very promising young classical pianist) practice on his piano.

Another of our neighbors was a music teacher, so those of us who liked to play took our first lessons with her. We eventually moved house and our parents bought our own piano, which was heaven.

My brother just took off and became a very talented classical musician. I think I was the next serious student, although I never reached his level. I kept playing though, loved it and still do today.

grandchildren and music
One of our 4 grandchildren took piano lessons at the school for many years. She was also very good and she loved it. But since she wasn’t going to make a career in music, she had to drop her lessons to concentrate on her schoolwork. However, it is something you can turn to at another time.

I am also very happy to say that one of our grandsons started learning to play the bagpipes when he was still very young and now, at 14, he plays beautifully in full Scottish regalia.

Music is very important and I wish it was considered more in the school curriculum. Children need it to relax more than ever in my opinion.

I’m digressing

Next question from my grandchildren.

So, Nana, what was summer vacation like when you were 7 years old?

Oh, summer vacation.

Until next time!

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