Lifestyle Fashion

Culture shock: going from an urban to a rural area

Rural real estate is popular. But, think ahead and don’t open up to; Culture shock; An unnecessary evil, when moving to a rural area. Anyone CAN prevent some of the Cultural Shock that can occur when moving to a rural neighborhood!

Before moving to a rural property, meet the people there and seek to learn the culture of the area, the existing culture, NOT the one you are used to or want to convert to.

Our company recently sold one of the most perfect Homestead properties I have ever seen, at a very low price! Why? Because the new owner became so unpleasant in his new surroundings and so terribly alienated the neighbors that they ultimately made him unbearably uncomfortable. Therefore, he no longer wanted to live there.

He is a rude environmentalist and decided to move from the city to a rural community where many of the families go back 400 years on the same land. He was a city boy with a degree in forestry, biology and ecology and he didn’t have the common sense of people. His applied religion was based on watching Walt Disney movies; where trees speak and man is bad and animals and plants are perfect.

He didn’t want his new neighbors hunting deer, cultivating fields early in the morning, using agricultural chemicals or artificial fertilizers on crops. He didn’t like airplanes that sprayed killer bugs early in the morning. He also did not like the smell of chicken manure and pig manure scattered across the fields. He spoke constantly, loudly and aggressively. He made an enemy of almost all of his neighbors. He’s already gone and I hope the new buyer, also from the city, won’t repeat his social mistakes.

Most of the people who live here are great and realize that they are in a new place and seek to be part of and work within our cultural, social and economic structures. Most of our newcomers are wonderful and we have many as the population here in southern Delaware doubles roughly every 6 years!

There are a small number of noisy people, just a few, who come and hate it here. However, they left where they were going to come from to have a better life in this area. We see it all the time. The locals call them environmental nuts, tree lovers, bug kissers, and much worse. These are the people who have learned all about nature from Walt Disney, Nature Channel, Discovery Channel, and Sierra magazine. And yes, they often have college degrees. They are not aware that reality is different from their movies, readings, classes, and dreams. Therefore, many of them flee the city and then seek to impose their ignorance and rudeness on the members of the community they have joined. They try to intimidate others and try to get them to agree to the rules, regulations, concepts and philosophy that they left behind in the city. It is NOT a good plan if you want to have a nice place to live. Many of these people think they know more about nature, trees, plants, animals, the earth, and everything else; than those whose families have lived in harmony with the earth’s ways of life for decades or even centuries here. I hope my previous strong language has impressed you to read and learn here, rather than the eventually tough hands of a rural community if you don’t pay attention to what’s here.

It is advisable to visit the area you plan to live in several times before moving there. Join the church, support the Volunteer Fire Department, buy gas at the nearest gas station, buy your beer or wine at the local liquor store, become familiar with each public area, and visit community centers and philanthropic groups in the area. Above all, chat with people and tell them that you are considering moving to the area and ask them for advice. Visit the Lions Club, Sertoma, Elks, Rotary, Red Men, etc., and seek to learn rather than teach. Listen instead of talking. Ask, don’t say.

There is little, if anything, that the newcomer can teach the locals about local things. If you should try teaching the locals anything; If you try to teach them about your experience where you came from, why you were paid to do it in the past, about the job and the area you fled from (if you can find someone who cares), you are on the wrong track and hardly shipwrecked.

Obviously, if you are one of those people who left all that urban material, you do not find it so valuable either. Otherwise it should have stayed there. And you can bet that’s exactly what your neighbors will think if you move to a rural area and take a know-it-all and I’m so much smarter because I come from the city. attitude. They may be quiet, or even polite in your presence for a while, but that kind of attitude will only cause animosity in those around you. And they will briefly talk about you among themselves and your bad attitude will precede you and it will be almost impossible to correct later.

Find out what the community needs and wants from new or potential members, like you; Really find out, don’t guess or assume, and leave prejudice out of the picture. We have had many people who have moved here to be marketing experts or public relations experts or graphic design experts. None of the several dozen I have met in the last 30 years is still in

businesses and none of them are still here that I know of. The service they expected to charge a lot of money for was not wanted at any price, not even free.

One of my clients, about 25 years ago, moved from San Francisco to a “small town (800 inhabitants) unspoiled, rural, quaint and picturesque, populated by down-to-earth and prosaic people.” as she spoke of them at the beginning. The couple I speak of had their son neutered, in fact, they had a surgeon do it, so that his voice wouldn’t change with age, all so that he could sing in a world-famous choir.

They wanted to start training the locals to build a “boys choir.” They were enraged that the local school district would not support a choir of boys who they were sure could be the envy of the world, if they could show everyone how to do everything. A year later they spoke of “the disgusting little town full of ignorant, stupid, and irritable homeless people, shacks, shacks, old trucks, fat, toothless men, red collars, gossiping women, uneducated rubies, and inbred gang members whose idea of ​​culture was a beer and hamburger in a van. ” The San Franciscans have also left. His name rarely comes up, and when he does, he’s not in a good mood or good spirit.

I am dedicated to the sale of rural land, forests and houses. I love the people who already live in the different areas where I work. I love the clients I do business with. Most of the time, newcomers fit in well with the pre-existing community. Some, very few, of my clients move out and spoil the area for themselves and for a time, for those who are already here. The only reason is that they have not learned the REALITY of rural life in the particular community before buying there.

In fact, it is often not possible to rent before buying in a particular area; so it’s very, very wise to take a good look before jumping into a rural community if you didn’t grow up there. Even if you grew up in a rural area and then haven’t kept in touch with family and friends there since then, you may find that you no longer fit in. But you can relearn those customs that you left behind, if you really want to “go back to your roots.” And if you’ve never lived in the area, you can learn the ethnicity, the customs, and learn to be a good neighbor.

IF you are looking to integrate and contribute to the community, according to what IS really necessary and desired in that particular community, it is very possible that you will enjoy a kind of paradise on earth in your new home.

A companion comes to mind who came, loved and was well loved. He was a military radio expert who had traveled the world, made tons of money, lived in DC and Northern Virginia for decades. I attended the finest, fastest and most expensive shows in the area and after you retired you decided to move to our rural resort area. Moved here at the height of the CB craze, when almost everyone in rural areas had a CB and wanted it to work better or needed one installed properly in their home or car. He made it all free for anyone who asked. After all, he was retired. Every time I visited, I loaded my Wagoneer with eggs, fruits and vegetables from the farms, orchards and gardens of those I had helped. I helped him make the contacts he wanted to make and get permits for private “fishing holes” away from it all. He was a catch and release fisherman and always cleaned up all the trash around the fishing hole, even before he started fishing there.

A neighbor kept this gentleman’s lawn mowed and told him he’d get a good swear if he bought a wasteful lawnmower. Another neighbor wouldn’t take a penny to change the brakes on his car. Another neighbor fixed his roof for free. Several of the ladies in the neighborhood prepared an extra dinner for him, two or three times a week, and took it away. He was invited to dinner somewhere in the surrounding community almost every night. And they asked him for stories of his travels around the world and the fancy parties he attended. He was fit and actually quite wealthy, living simply, paid well, and invested well during his years of work.

He may have had an expensive home, but instead chose to live simply and within his means. His car broke down, he was about 8 years old, one time and he stopped, got out and planned to walk a couple of miles to get help. He told me that three cars stopped to take him away in the space of a few minutes and one of them, in a van, hitched his car and towed it to another friend’s house where it was fixed for free.

Then he sold the car at a very reasonable price to a lady in the neighborhood who really needed help. He sold it to him for $ 1,000, roughly what the dealer would have given him and a couple thousand less than what one would have cost him. Paid cash for another three-year-old car. He could have afforded a new Mercedes, had he wanted one. He constantly told me how good his neighbors were. Why? Because he was a good neighbor to everyone else!

He passed away, we don’t know why, and there were hundreds at his funeral, more than most natives would have and none were family … He left a good inheritance to the local volunteer fire department, for new equipment and asked that instead of flowers, people plant a tree. We used him as an example of a GREAT newcomer and he set a high standard for all of us as neighbors!

Copyright © 2004 Jody Hudson [] and
[email protected]

Lifestyle Fashion

Cancer and the death of the planet are the result of the use of 666 and religions

Humans cannot change because we are programmed by our inner voice, and that is how we are controlled by the Spirit of the Universe. My perception stems from my reincarnation and the knowledge that religions are the enemy of that force. There is no heaven or hell, but fear and reward promoted by organizations to attract people to their messages and prevent them from leaving.

That raises the question why it has been allowed if the Spirit is such a power. The answer is simple and logical if one has an open mind.

To begin with, the Spirit communicates with his people. Those are the ones with a link to it. To help us identify them and keep in touch, we were given rules that are contained in prophecies in the Old Testament and in Revelation. To understand them requires the input of that link and the guide to the oldest religion that has been buried by the lies of the moderns.

The Spirit demonstrated the first ideology and how it was altered by devious means so that roots and ties were hidden behind a barrier of deception that cannot normally be breached. That is called the ‘Wall of the Daughter of Zion’, which is mentioned many times in the Bible.

It also showed how many linguistic and historical changes have allowed this to happen. The question of when and how the 666 identity and religions developed was also raised. The depth of knowledge to appreciate the rise of modern faith and unravel the so-called mysteries was what led me to get the job done.

Research and that knowledge is given freely so that those who are linked to the Spirit know how they have been deceived and their spirituality stolen or altered by fear. Those that are not connected are like the soil in which the first ones have grown despite the disadvantages. Now they are being collected and this revelation is helping the harvest.

Religions and 666 have been used by the Spirit to accomplish this. We are in the end of time as most realized now and the gathering is taking place, in accordance with the prophecies and the promise of the real God. The disconnected ones will disappear, as they are only a tool to produce the best of the crop. The goal was always to bring the so-called Children of Israel into their inheritance at the end of the day. It is happening now.

Lifestyle Fashion

Types of orchids for your home

Some of the most interesting plants you can find at your local nursery or home improvement garden center is the orchid. The orchid is an exquisite and very unique flower as it stands out among the rest of the flowers that are available for purchase. The orchid generally has a long stem that has one large flower to several small flowers at the top. There are many different types of orchids available today.

The beautiful orchid has adorned our world for many centuries. Today, orchid varieties exceed 25,000 and the number of hybrids far exceeds 100,000. The number of hybrids is continually growing as orchid lovers are creating new and more interesting flowers. The reason for creating hybrids is to increase the color, design and durability of the plant. By durability, which means how easy it is to grow, make the bloom last longer, and be less susceptible to dying under watering. These are the types of orchids that are available to buy at the nursery.

Each orchid comes from one of two very large families. One family is called Terrestrial and the other is Epiphyte. Within each of these families, the different types of orchids will vary. The two groups are based on where and how the orchid grows. The first family, the terrestrial ones, are the orchids that we normally see and many of the orchids grow their roots below the ground, although some can grow their roots above and below the surface of the ground. The term for this particular species is called semi-terrestrial.

One of the most common types of orchids within the terrestrial family is the Cymbidium. This orchid was one of the first types of orchids to be grown and brought into our homes. These orchids can be found in the regions of Southeast Asia, Japan, and Australia. Cymbidium must be planted in a mixture of soil and rock and is one of the most popular orchids. An attribute of Cymbidium is that this is one of the few types of orchids that can withstand colder temperatures.

The second of the two types of orchids are epiphytes. These orchids grow with their roots exposed to the elements and can be found growing in a multitude of different places, such as in trees and in rocky areas. Due to the places these orchids live, they offer a greater quantity of seeds to ensure that they are successfully disbursed by both the wind and animals and insects. When an orchid grows on a tree, its roots will get the necessary moisture from the tree’s bark. Epiphytes are easier to grow than terrestrial ones because the watering process is much easier.

There are over 1,000 different epiphytes today and each one is just as beautiful as the next. These types of orchids are typically found in more tropical areas such as Australia, Polynesia, Southeast Asia, and northern India. Of these types of orchids, Dendrobiums are the most common, but they don’t bloom as often as we’d like.

Lifestyle Fashion

In prison, but not incarcerated

Man is a creature “through”. It is generally accepted that it is made up of body, soul and spirit. The body is the physical aspect of all human beings that can be seen and touched. It includes all parts of the body, including the six senses. The body can be tortured, chained and imprisoned. A man’s body can be confined to one place and restricted from moving.

The soul of a man is intangible and invisible. Consciousness, intellect, etc. are felt in the soul. The soul unites the body with the spirit. Therefore, without the soul, no man can interact with his spirit. The soul is the mixture of the mental and the spiritual. The soul receives from the spirit and transmits to the body. The soul cannot be imprisoned. A man may sit in a prison cell, but his mind may be well settled in the presidential palace. A man’s thoughts, reasoning, imagination, etc., cannot be restrained by the prison bars.

The spirit of every man receives from the creator and transmits it to the soul and the soul instructs the body to act on the information received. The spirit is the life of every man, without the spirit man is dead. The affliction of the body can affect the soul if the soul allows it, but it cannot affect the spirit. Spirit, also known as the Sixth Sense by Napoleon Hills, is the part of the subconscious mind that has been referred to as creative imagination. It has also been referred to as the receiving set through which ideas, plans, and thoughts flow into the mind. The flashes are sometimes called hunches or inspiration. The spirit can never be chained. It is indestructible because it belongs to the creator.

When these ideas and thoughts in the form of inspiration or hunches cause the mind to go out of the spirit, the mind begins to develop and create a product through imagination. Gradually the mind assembles all the parts of this new creation through the power of the imagination. The recipient has the option of turning this unreal product into reality by transmitting the idea from mind to body or letting it slip away. The body is the creator of tangible things. Great inspirations or imaginations are useless if they are not transferred to the body to make them physical. Society will only benefit from your wonderful ideas when it can access them, as it is known that no man can access the mind of another.

Every feat in life is not a product or creation of the body, but the result of men putting their minds and spirits to work. According to L. Frank Baum, “Imagination has given us the steam engine, the telephone, the talking machine, and the automobile so that these things had to be dreamed of before they became realities.” Therefore, even when your body is locked, your mind and spirit are free and intact, so you can still do feats even in that prison. What you need to be successful is not your body, but your spirit and soul. The best kind of freedom is not physical, but mental and spiritual. Every spiritual and mental free man has the ability to succeed anywhere. A lunatic can never be productive because he is in a mental prison. The dead become physically and mentally inactive because the spirit has disconnected from the body and soul. But the world has produced great prisoners and ex-cons who positively shook the world from its roots.

Even when the iron bars of the prison prevent you from using your body, don’t let them prevent you from using your mind and spirit. You can be the next celebrity prisoner or ex-con simply by putting your heart to work. The body has respect for the condition of the prison, but its mind is hardly touched without its permission and the spirit can never be intimidated by the condition of the prison. They can afflict your body, but don’t let them touch your soul or spirit. Prison conditions can break your body, but you must protect your soul and spirit. According to Nelson Mandela, “The human body has an enormous capacity to adapt to difficult circumstances. I have found that one can endure the unbearable if one can keep the spirit strong even when the body is being tested. Solid convictions are the secret to surviving deprivation. ; your spirit can be full even when your stomach is empty. “

Life in the flesh can be difficult and frustrating, but living in the mind and spirit involves self-control. Therefore, one can determine how he lives when life is lived in the soul and in the spirit. When physical life becomes stormy and harsh, switch to “soul” or spiritual life and in no time your body will be taught how to endure life’s afflictions. Destroy my body, torment or imprison, but my soul will learn to live without the body. Perhaps if my mind is moved, my spirit will heal them both.

Some critics like Jimmy Hoffa will say that the author is crazy. Let’s read your quote; “I can tell you this in a pile of Bibles: prisons are archaic, brutal, regenerative, overcrowded hells where prisoners are treated like animals with no human thought about what they are going to do once they are released.” I know that some prisoners live and are treated like caged animals. And most inmates or ex-cons will argue that the mind cannot be maximized in prison considering its harsh and inhumane conditions. Consider a quote from John Lubbock, an ex-con: “The total value of solitude depends on oneself, it can be a sanctuary or a prison, a heaven of rest or a place of punishment, a heaven or a hell, as we do. ourselves “.

Lifestyle Fashion

Clay Cookware – Where to Buy in the US

The popularity of clay cookware is increasing as more people realize its health benefits. How conventional cookware has been poisoning our food is no longer a secret. Tired of dealing with health problems ranging from common illnesses to chronic and life-threatening illnesses viz. diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, etc., we finally get back to our roots. The ancient practice of cooking in clay utensils is still the only healthy option for a simple reason: there is no other material to make kitchen utensils as pure, totally natural and healthy as clay in nature.

The next important step is where to buy clay pots and pans in the US The market is flooded with so many types of cookware that claim to use clay as a raw material, it is normal for anyone to get confused. The most common clay kitchen utensils that we can find in the market are:

1. Ceramic cookware – Pottery has been on the market for a while and is often marketed as a kind of earthenware cooking utensils. Ceramic is actually mixed with a number of chemicals, glazed more, and coated with more chemicals to add shine and color. Therefore, unfortunately, ceramic cookware does not provide the unique benefits of cooking in all-natural clay. If you are looking for a truly healthy cookware, ceramic is not!

2. Imported kitchen utensils – There are some imported varieties of clay cookware on the market available at a much lower price. The biggest problem with these is that you can never be sure of the composition of the clay used. Also, they are probably inexpensive because they are made with additives to reduce the time it takes to make them. If the clay is not pure, it is not healthy!

3. Pure clay cookware – Pure clay is primary unglazed clay that is sourced from uncultivated, non-industrialized land in the U.S. This all-natural material is further tested for metals and chemical contaminants before it is used to make cookware of clay. It is interesting to note that the raw material does not have to go through a mechanized process so there is absolutely no use of additives. The pots and pans are made by hand using the ancient method of throwing clay on a potter’s wheel and using skillful hands to shape usable pots and pans.

Unlike many raw materials on the market, we have clay test results to check if it contains any contaminants. By cooking in pure clay, the nutritional value and natural taste of the food is preserved, so you get 100% non-toxic and nutrient-rich food.

To further support this claim that pure clay cookware is the healthiest, healthy cooks recommend running an alkaline baking soda test (a simple home test that only requires baking soda and water), in any pot. of cooking and check if it leaks.

If your cookware doesn’t pass the alkaline baking soda test, don’t worry, get pure clay cookware to cook the healthiest foods.

Lifestyle Fashion

Reading Flannery O’Connor in a Pseudo-Modern Era

For anyone who has taken a class in modern literature or creative writing, they will most likely read Flannery O’Connor’s, A good man is hard to find. It is an American classic, written by one of the best storytellers in the world. O’Connor’s dark and often grotesque characters are distinguished by being heartless and morbid, whose actions are often cruel, violent and immoral. However, those of his character, regardless of the path they take, are touched by salvation and Divine Providence.

O’Connor’s stories take place in the South and the reader is taken to a time and place in American history when the civil rights movement was at its peak. Flannery O’Connor’s stories were and continue to be criticized for using derogatory language toward African Americans. Whether O’Connor was a racist herself is still debated in literary and academic circles alike. While race is a focal point in some of his stories, Flannery O’Connor did not take an apparent position on the civil rights movement that was under his feet. He wrote the South as it was, and his character’s emulated racial comments in his dialogue as did his contemporary common folk.

Many people who read O’Connor for the first time do not realize that all his works have their roots in Catholicism. She comes from a school of Catholic writers at the time that includes Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, and Walker Percy. At first glance, most of his works do not mention his Catholic beliefs. In fact, one might question his value system because, frankly, his characters are very un-Christian. However, all their stories are embedded with symbols of Divine Providence and the roots of Catholic thought.

A History of Early Catholicism in Four Paragraphs

In order for us to understand the inner workings of O’Connor’s stories, we must understand the inner workings of the Catholic faith:

In 313 AD, Constantine the Great legalized Christianity, moving the center of the Roman Empire to Byzantium. This would eventually give rise to the Byzantine Empire. With Constantine living in his newly named city of Constantinople, he gifted Rome to the Pope to help him oversee his dominions. This was a final blow to the Roman Empire, creating a ripple effect that would eventually collapse the Empire. Over time, ancient Christianity split into two separate entities: Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Catholicism and Roman Catholicism. This division was caused by two centers of Christian thought separated by two locations on the map.

Bear with me for a second, as this movement in history lays the foundation for Western culture and the beginning of Catholic philosophy, on which O’Connor’s stories were based. Although very similar, Eastern Orthodox Catholicism centered the scriptures on the Holy Trinity: The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit; while Roman Catholics founded their biblical philosophy on the Incarnation of Christ himself, the idea that God had become human to suffer and die for our sins.

Members of the early Eastern Orthodox had a Greek orientation and, following in the footsteps of Socrates and Plato, they created a philosophy around the Holy Trinity. They questioned faith: if Jesus was both God and man, did he know he was God? In the flesh, was Jesus capable of sinning? As a man, did Jesus know everything or did He have limited knowledge?

The focus of the Incarnation of Christ in the Roman Catholic faith made God human. According to the Roman Catholic faith, Jesus knew everything and, through his crucifixion, saved humanity. Since God had made Himself present in the flesh, God could intervene in human affairs through Divine Providence, the very foundation of Flannery O’Connor’s stories.

The Short Stories of Flannery O’Connor

Of all the forms of fiction, the short story is the most difficult to read and write. The story itself is very condensed. Take O’Connor’s story, The life you save can be yours, where O’Connor’s protagonist, a nomadic man, Mr. Shiftlet, a carpenter whose first notable gesture is to raise his arms towards the sun, “his figure forms a crooked cross,” approaches a house and is greeted by Lucynelle, a toothless washed old woman, and her mute and innocent daughter, also named Lucynelle.

While talking, Mr. Shiftlet notices a rusty, black, broken-down car in the yard. The old woman tells him that it hasn’t worked in fifteen years. Mr. Shiftlet and the old woman talk all afternoon, while the sun sets on the three of them, symbol of things to come. Eventually, Mr. Schiftlet is welcomed into the house, where he fixes up the place in exchange for room and board. Finally, repair the damaged and rusty car.

The old woman convinces Mr. Shiftlet to marry young Lucynelle, his only prized possession. Mr. Shiftlet accepts this arrangement and they go to court to get married. The old woman will give her seventeen dollars, so she can take her innocent Lucynelle to a motel for her honeymoon.

The two married men leave in the afternoon. They continue driving into the evening, where they stop at a restaurant for a bite to eat. Young Lucynelle, tired, falls asleep on the counter. The guy who works the counter says, “It looks like a God angle.” In response, Mr. Shiftlet responds, “hitchhiker” and gives the boy money for food when he wakes up. Mr. Shiftlet leaves, leaving the mute Lucynelle in the middle of nowhere.

O’Connor’s story of Divine Providence takes root when Mr. Shiftlet wanders off into the night toward Mobile, Alabama. Along the way, you see signs that say, “Drive carefully. The life you can save may be yours.” After driving, pick up a hitchhiker, a boy, another symbol that tells Mr. Schiftlet to “go to hell!” The boy jumps out of the car. The story ends when a cloud of turnips passes by and it starts to rain.

The life you can save can be yours it is based on Matthew 5:45 which says: “That you may be children of your Father who is in heaven, who makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and rains on the just and the unjust.

The literary analysis of this satire is astonishing. There is symbol after symbol: there is the heart that Mr. Schiftlet talks about at the beginning of the story in relation to the turnip cloud at the end of the piece, the descriptive color of Lucynelle, which makes her the symbol of the Virgin Mary, and The colors of the newly painted car should be carefully examined. All this symbolism paints another story: a truth of the human condition and free will in relation to the divine order of the world.

Reading O’Connor in a Pseudo-Modern Era

Reading O’Connor at the foot of the 21st century not only takes us into the history of the Deep South, at a time when black men and women were fighting for equal protection under the law, but their stories force us to confront each other. reality. unpleasant truths and flaws of ourselves. This demonstration cannot be more evident than in its history, Everything that arises must converge.

This is a compelling story of the social and racial changes facing the South in the 1950s, and integrates it into a self-transformation, in which the protagonist, a young Julian, faces the sudden death of his mother, symbolizing the African American freedom. His mother’s death emulates the realization of a new era in which the South has arrived.

As a pseudo-modern society, we are at a turning point. In the wake of global communications, we see the world as it is, as O’Connor saw the south. We see poverty, war, revolution, hunger and disease filtered in our news headlines on a daily basis. Most of us wander aimlessly, sipping a frothed coffee drink, plugged into our mobile devices and 3G networks, unknowingly aware that half the underdeveloped world is looking to us to save them. All of O’Connor’s stories boil down to salvation and the possibility that Divine Providence can touch our lives in the way we least expect.

Lifestyle Fashion

Silky Terrier Coat – Breaking Through Many Colors

Silky Terriers have soft human-like hair called fur. Their coats change in both color and length as they grow from puppies to adults.

The cubs are born black and tan. As they age, their color changes, also known as breakage. The break is visible through the black and tan colors at the roots of the hair, which begins to transform on the back, head and around the legs.

Silky Terriers generally begin to break up around six months of age. Puppies that change color earlier often turn silver or light blue. Puppies that break at an older age usually turn dark blue. These small dogs maintain a deep, deep tan color around the face, which includes the muzzle, cheeks, and lower part of the ears. This deep, rich tan color also tends to linger on your legs, feet, and around the rear end area. The top of the head, also called the bun, will be a less intense silver or beige color.

You may have to wait until the dog is one and a half years old before it finishes changing colors completely. At that moment you will know what color your Silky Terrier is going to be.

Adult coats can consist of silver, silver blue, dove blue, or slate blue and tan. The blue begins at the base of the skull and extends to the tip of the tail, down the legs to the elbow and to the middle of the thighs on the outside. The tail is a darker blue than the rest of the body.

Silky Terrier coats are long, silky, shiny, and smooth when mature. This dog does not shed because it has no undercoat. Its fur follows the contour of its body and hangs a few inches beyond the belly.

Lifestyle Fashion

Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967: Some Highlights of the Important Act

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 originated from the Civil Rights Act that became law in 1964. The Civil Rights Act, through Title VII, suggests that discrimination in the workplace in terms of color, race, religion, National roots and gender should be prohibited. At that time, age discrimination was not yet included. Later, in 1967, a study completed by the US Department of Labor revealed that age discrimination was prevalent, to which Congress reacted with the 1967 ADEA. This law provided protection to employees aged under between 40 and 65 years. , the law is constantly updated as needed.

The main changes in the 1967 ADEA are reported in this article.

In 1978, the ADEA application was transferred by then-President Jimmy Carter to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). It was also in the same year that Congress further expanded protection to include employees up to 70 years old. Nine years later, the age limit was removed to protect older people against discrimination. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 revised all of the primary civil rights laws that were being implemented in the country, which included the ADEA of 1967. The law reversed some decisions made by the Supreme Court, making it difficult for biased plaintiffs to age will win cases. However, in 1996, the Supreme Court ruled in his favor in O’Connor v. Consolidated Coin Caterers Corp. In this case. The Supreme Court ruled that the ADEA does not require the fired employee to show that his replacement was under 40 years of age. However, four years later, the Supreme Court gave the impression of going against those people who have been victims of age discrimination again. as it claimed that state government agencies were protected by the Constitution from being charged for money-related damages.

In 2002, almost 20,000 complaints of age discrimination were filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which was considered a record. Most of these complaints were the result of the economic downturn and an aging workforce, made up of the Baby Boom generation that was reaching retirement age. The following year, the EEOC reached the largest settlement in an age discrimination case in history. There was a $ 250 million late payment for 1,700 California public safety officers. Over the past 40 years, changes were made to the 1967 ADEA, but not all of them were for the benefit of victims of age discrimination. More changes are expected over time as these changes will be made to accommodate the evolving society.

Lifestyle Fashion

How to determine if a white dogwood tree is alive or dead

White dogwood trees are among the most beloved flowering deciduous trees in the country, and for good reason. Known for their long, graceful branches and striking bracts, white dogwoods are generally planted as show or accent trees due to their impressive ornamental value that lasts all four seasons. The U.S. Department of Agriculture groups white dogwoods, or Cornus Florida, in plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, extending throughout the eastern parts of the United States.

In these areas, climatic and environmental conditions change. This means that without proper care, dogwoods can easily succumb to stress in these external conditions, which can make them more vulnerable to damage, disease, and pest infestations. If you have a white dogwood tree on your property that looks unhealthy, read on to learn how to determine if it is alive or dead.

Common signs of stress

It is important to check your trees regularly for any signs of stress. Spotting a problem early on can save your trees, but it can also save you a lot of hassle. Not addressing tree problems will not only jeopardize safety, but can also lead to costly repairs in the event a tree falls on a car or home. As for dogwoods, they are sensitive trees that require special attention in certain circumstances. For example, lawn mowing and weeding should be very careful near dogwood trees because they have shallow root systems.

And when it comes to fertilization, they will respond poorly to the slightest miscalculation. Too much fertilizer will cause as much stress as too little. Poor sunlight and unsuitable soil conditions will also put them under stress, causing them to lose health and vigor. Common signs of stress include leaf loss, crown dieback, stunted growth, poor foliage color, and more. Over time, a Dogwood that exhibits these signs of stress will eventually die.

Checking for life

To see if a white dogwood tree is alive or not, you can administer a simple DIY test. The only tool you will need is a small pocket knife. To save time, keep in mind that a dogwood tree that does not grow leaves for the entire growing season is dead. So if you’ve noticed that your White Dogwood hasn’t bloomed at all and the peak tree growing season is over, it’s most likely dead. If this is not the case with your White Dogwood, proceed with testing to determine if it is alive or not.

Step 1

Examine the bark of the tree, focusing on the base of the trunk and the base of the larger branches. If the bark is peeling, it could indicate that the tree is sick or dying. If the bark has peeled or comes off easily at the thickest part of the branch, the branch is dead, but perhaps not the entire tree. If a ring of bark is missing around the base of the trunk, the entire tree is likely dead.

Step 2

Use your pocket knife to scrape 1 inch of bark from the base of the tree trunk. If the bark is firm and the pulp moist, the tree is alive. If it is dry and brittle, the tree is dead.

Step 3

Grab a small twig on its tip and press your fingernail into the meat. If it can penetrate the wet tissue of the twig, it is alive. Fold it in half to see if the twig is flexible and the pulp is green. This is another hint of life. If the twig breaks easily and is dry inside, it is dead.

Professional tree care

If you are uncomfortable or unable to perform this test, contact a trusted local tree care company for professional assistance. They have the right tools, training, and resources to accurately inspect all North American tree species, as well as to diagnose, treat, and remove them when necessary.

A dead dogwood should be removed as soon as possible to avoid dangerous accidents and pest problems. Get a free quote from your tree care specialist to estimate the cost of your tree removal service. Always remember that routine tree care is the first and only step in keeping trees healthy and happy that they will stand the test of time!

Lifestyle Fashion

"A wealth of family" by Thomas Brooks: Book Review

A wealth of family

by Thomas Brooks

Alpha Multimedia, Inc. (2006)

ISBN 0977462935

Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (6/06)

“A Wealth of Family” has something for people from all walks of life to enjoy or learn, regardless of gender, socio-economic background or culture. This is a fantastic book. It focuses on Brooks’s upbringing as an adopted black man who wanted to find his roots. I found it difficult to write this review because her story touched me in so many ways, it was difficult for me to delineate which area I enjoyed the most or which part of her life experiences taught me the most. Despite our differences (gender, race, education), I learned a lot about myself while reading. I admire your ability to see the positive learning experiences that come from experiencing negative situations.

Brooks was raised by a very protective divorced black woman. They had to fight economically. He had a close extended family in his life and a wonderful male role model. In his youth, he learned that he was adopted. His biological mother was a white woman and his father was an African from Kenya. Brooks developed an interest in finding his biological family so that he could learn about his roots.

Throughout his education, Brooks had to deal with racism and poverty. He experienced racism from his friends and teachers. He attended a predominantly white school. Some of his friends made racist comments based on ignorance without realizing that their beliefs were wrong. Brooks chose to exact revenge by excelling in academics and athletics. He then had to deal with the black-on-black prejudice that his fellow blacks told him he was “acting white.”

Brooks was the first in his family to attend college. This was a completely new learning experience for him. He had to deal with the paradox of trying to show everyone that blacks can excel at everything and then being accused of being boastful and arrogant when he would succeed.

After Brooks completed his education, he was contacted by his biological mother. Through her, he can meet his siblings in England and get in touch with his father’s family in Kenya. After a lot of effort, she was able to meet her biological father and his extended family in Kenya. Brooks can connect his adoptive family, his English family, and his African family. Now he really knows his roots.

What I really enjoyed about this book is that the story didn’t end when he met his mother. He goes on and shows us how much more his life was enriched by being able to combine his family from his different cultures.

I highly recommend this book for use in African American studies classes and cultural counseling classes. I think it would be great if it was read in underprivileged youth areas. Brooks proved that he could overcome all the difficulties in his life and is actively involved in making a difference in the lives of others.

Brooks writes about how slavery has robbed African Americans of their history and culture. This often leads them to think that they are inferior. Due to his experiences, he developed a perspective of himself as a “citizen of the world, not limited by race, religion, nationality, or political ideology.” If everyone could develop this vision of themselves, racism would end and we would have world peace.