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Answers to questions about mental capacity

The brain is like a computer that stores files. These files become memories. Emotions, unforgettable experiences and important people go to the long-term file meant to be remembered for a long time while phone numbers, names of acquaintances and addresses go to the short-term or temporary file. This file contains information that you do not intend to keep forever, unless necessary.

Some people have trouble remembering memories.

Although there are times when it is deemed necessary to forget some things, it is scary if you seem to forget almost everything. Unless a doctor explains to you that something is seriously wrong with you, therefore the cause of short-term memory loss, your inability to remember things may be due to an unhealthy lifestyle. You may be constantly stressed, not sleeping well, addicted to bad habits, and not keeping yourself physically fit.

So how do you answer questions about mental ability? You have to break bad habits and opt for a healthy lifestyle. Below are some tips to have better memory retention.

Put your mind on alert by challenging it often. Opt for activities that challenge your brain, like poplar crosswords and sudoku puzzles, trivia games, thought-provoking mystery novels, and the like. Be with someone who will discuss current events and the future of the nation with you. The key is to make your mind work.

Taking up hobbies that you love like writing a poem, playing the guitar, dancing, cooking or organizing the neighborhood garage sale will stimulate your brain as well as allow you to have fun and take advantage of your free time.

Think of good times. This also allows brain activity. Good memories make you positive. For your brain to function well and have a long life of its own, it would help if you had a confident, optimistic, and cheerful disposition every day. Prayers will help you achieve this kind of perspective.

Hit the gym for that much-needed workout. If you can’t afford the monthly gym fees, exercise on your own, such as walking 10-15 miles a week, jogging in your neighborhood, or swimming at the beach. One study showed that those who maintained a fit body also maintained their IQ scores even as they got older. Alzheimer’s disease was also caused by a lack of physical movement, another study showed.

Eating well is also an answer to improve memory. Eat foods rich in Omega 3, B12 and antioxidants such as vitamin E and C. Fruits and vegetables contain almost all the vitamins and minerals we need. Tomatoes and fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are good sources of Omega 3. Proper nutrition keeps the heart healthy and a healthy heart pumps the right amount of blood to the brain. A single heartbeat pumps twenty to twenty-five percent of blood to the brain.

The next time someone asks you how to improve memory for free, just share these tips and you’ll be doing them a huge favor.