
IVF – The stress of chasing a baby


Actually, this document comes from personal experience with IVF and the hundreds of couples struggling to have a child by artificial means in a Chinese hospital in Shanghai. At the same time, I was asked to give psychologists insight into IVF procedures from a telehealth company with a subscription channel for thousands of parents and potential parents. The content outline is not about the IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) procedure but about the stress of going through the process from wanting a baby to the actual birth. All the tribulations and disappointments on the way to the eventual success of a pregnancy leading to eventual birth or not! Also a case for psychological care of IVF patients.


IVF treatment along with other artificial ways to get pregnant are becoming more and more common for couples who cannot wait for nature to take its course through normal reproductive sexuality. Stressors come from many areas for the couple wanting to make this their chosen route to raising a family. In most Western countries, IVF is offered to childless couples and older couples who have been trying for some time to get pregnant normally. However, in many other countries it is a way to ensure the birth of a child (cultural assertion) by effectively sexing fertilized eggs by gender (although it is illegal in most countries). In China, young couples who feel pressured by their family to have a child (potential grandparents who are unwilling to wait), choose IVF as a quick method of pregnancy and fulfilling their traditional roles. The one-child policy to control overpopulation was relaxed in 2017 and a two-child policy is now in effect. Most couples who already have one child did not want a second, as the cost of raising a child in China is enormous. However, especially when the only child was a girl, the family pushed the wife to commit to the second child in order to have a boy. The birth of a second girl would be seen as a shame. It’s quite amazing to go to a maternity hospital in China and see the sheer number of young couples under 30 trying for a second child. Those who are trying for the first time are also trying to avoid divorce. Women who cannot produce for the family would certainly be shamed by the family and the mother-in-law on the children’s side would push for a divorce in order to find a more suitable girl for her son.

However, let’s see where it all begins: not getting pregnant normally through sexual contact. In many cases, the blame game begins with whose fault is it? Men often feel that it must be the wife’s fault, as they cannot face the shame of knowing that they are the ones with a problem, be it medical or psychological. So, initially, it is often the wife (or partner) who goes to the doctor and gets all the checkups, internals, blood tests, scrapes and more, all of which leave a woman feeling inadequate. However, if all is well and no medical or biological reason can be found for her not to be pregnant, then the next step, of course, is the male. For men who are given a small cup and a room with some suggestive pictures on the wall and asked to ejaculate sperm is not the easiest thing to do. However, with a little imagination and sometimes a little help from the wife, things progress and the cup has a spoonful of sperm and semen to take to the hospital laboratory. It’s actually disheartening to see the nurse throw away most of it (they only need a one minute sample), since she had time to produce it. A sense of humor is often the best protection against embarrassment. At this point, after the agonizing wait, the results come in the form of a printout he cannot understand and he is asked to take it to the doctor for analysis. The man silently waits for his sperm to be strong active swimmers so he can relax.

If all is well with both parties, then the procedure begins in earnest with most women going to many (and I mean many) appointments over a period of months to go through the complex process of preparing their body, womb, and eggs. for the inevitable fertilization by the males they collected sperm. (Often frozen and waiting for the right moment).

Road stress:

1. Blame: the initial who is to blame. The stress of the unknown cause of the lack of pregnancy: the need to follow complex monthly cycles that still do not seem to produce the desired results. Guilt can occur at many stages of IVF, mainly due to the inability of the female partner to give the family the desired result.

Fear: fear of not being able to produce the baby that everyone asks of you! Afraid that there is something wrong with you. Fear that it may end in divorce or separation. Like blame, fear is a constant throughout the IVF treatment. At any time, you may be asked to start over from the beginning, because something was not taken correctly or a missed moment was not taken.

2. Disappointment: despite several attempts, the pregnancy is not happening; the cost and economics of chasing a baby are no longer affordable. The risk of stopping – and trying again later – the cultural outcome of being a failed woman and a poor wife.

3. Failure: Like the moment before when the doctor tells you that will never happen and that you should think about alternatives like adoption or not having children. For many, this is the ultimate failure and can again lead to the blame game and the end of the marriage. This can also affect people’s self-esteem in the sense that I am not normal: I am a failure as a woman or a man. It can also mean that after a non-fertilization divorce, your chances of remarriage are slim to none.

4. Success: You’d think a successful implantation would be a dream come true, but you’re in the same position as any pregnant couple. What else can go wrong? Many IVF insertions can be aborted, rejected by the body, and having medical problems in the womb brings other decisions about birth or abortion.

5. The baby is finally born – now parenthood begins – the stress of being a new mother to an IVF child – the stigma of secrecy – pretending everything was normal. Family pressure to start over for the second child.

6. Multiple Births – The idea was for a baby to start a family and end up with twins and even triplets – the financial burden alone in some countries adds to the stress felt by everyone.

All of the above points are a common experience of IVF couples, and more so the younger the couples (under 30 years of age), as older couples tend to be more realistic about the possibilities and outcome from the start. Out of 100 couples (in a decent hospital) only 18 manage to carry out the procedure. Being that age makes a huge difference in your success. Between the ages of 22 and 34 an average of 30% have a live birth, from there the statistics drop rapidly from 38 to 42 around 20% after the age of 46 only 1% succeed. (1. US Division of Reproductive Health 2001)

Another aspect of IVF is the increase in multiple births for older couples: from 38 to 40 years each attempt increased the chances of multiple births for twins by 25% on average. (2. US Government Health Statistics 2001). It’s very difficult to get meaningful statistics in China anyway.


The procedure is long: from 6 months for a successful first attempt to several years and many failed attempts to succeed. Give up at some point with all the cultural and social risks involved or move on and the inevitable financial burden of every attempt and failure.

Even a successful outcome can be stressful, like being the new parents of a baby or two or even three! Unfairly, it can also be due to good luck that everything seems to be going well, as in the case of the 62-year-old Irishman and his 31-year-old Chinese wife, who underwent a vasectomy at the age of 20 and had to extract the sperm from their testicles ( without anesthesia) and implanted 9 sperm into her eggs – 7 were taken and 2 implanted – and bingo, the wife is pregnant with twins – eight months later – a healthy twin boy and girl are born. (3. Myler 2017) This would be a dream outcome for many young couples who fail time and time again.

The role of counseling:

It is important to note that not once in all the hospitals or clinics that performed IVF did they offer any kind of counseling to couples who were going through the stress of the procedures. Clearly, however, there is a very strong need for such support: understanding the doctor’s procedures can help you understand what will happen to your body and the chances of outcome, but it cannot prepare you for the ups and downs of emotions you feel ahead. the blame. , failure, self-esteem problems and fear of the future: these problems need a support counselor or psychologist who listens and cares. It is a well-known fact that stress hormones and psychological stress can greatly affect the outcome of medical procedures in all sorts of areas. Psychology should not be seen as a luxury, but as an essential part of all IVF procedures.


1. US Division of Reproductive Health 2001

2. US Government Health Statistics 2001

3. Myler SF (2017) Irish/Chinese twins – Clinical case

Health Fitness

The Rush 30 Minute Workout Routine

We all have busy lives that can make us think we don’t have enough time to take at least an hour out of our day to exercise. Many gyms and clubs are trying to expand their business nowadays with their new service called “quick programs” which is aimed at helping you save time. As soon as you set foot in the gym, they will try to take 15 minutes of your time and give you a precise and personalized workout routine that will get you in shape in the little time you have.

The Quick Exercise workout routine was invented by the Curves International chain of women’s health clubs. What it entails is a quick 30-minute regimen where you jump on and move from one exercise machine to the next to give yourself a full workout in no time. The national fitness chains 24 Hour Fitness, Xpress Zone, and Town Sports International thought of the 22-Minute Express Workout program and pretty soon everyone else took notice. This idea has been so successful that even yoga has caught up with 30-minute exercises. You will be offered short sessions focusing on certain parts of your body that need to be trained if they feel a full program is not worth their money at that point.

This exercise routine has become very popular because people prefer to spend as little time as possible in the gym. These quick sessions were not just made for the busy executive, but for those who just don’t like to exercise and wouldn’t mind doing something if they were promised to get what they want in no time. For those who have never exercised a day in their life, this would be the best way to start slowly.

Would it surprise you to learn that the idea for the express training exercise was born in the 90s? This idea was not popular at the time, but its promise to go from one machine to the next in 30 minutes has become well known. We all need at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and this idea is perfect for a reasonable level of health.

Gym owners have been hoping that the hour-long session is about to end and that the express workout and exercise routine will only be called that for a few more years. The next thing you know, it’s going to be 20-30 minute exercise sessions to help you get fit in no time.

Legal Law

Answers to questions about mental capacity

The brain is like a computer that stores files. These files become memories. Emotions, unforgettable experiences and important people go to the long-term file meant to be remembered for a long time while phone numbers, names of acquaintances and addresses go to the short-term or temporary file. This file contains information that you do not intend to keep forever, unless necessary.

Some people have trouble remembering memories.

Although there are times when it is deemed necessary to forget some things, it is scary if you seem to forget almost everything. Unless a doctor explains to you that something is seriously wrong with you, therefore the cause of short-term memory loss, your inability to remember things may be due to an unhealthy lifestyle. You may be constantly stressed, not sleeping well, addicted to bad habits, and not keeping yourself physically fit.

So how do you answer questions about mental ability? You have to break bad habits and opt for a healthy lifestyle. Below are some tips to have better memory retention.

Put your mind on alert by challenging it often. Opt for activities that challenge your brain, like poplar crosswords and sudoku puzzles, trivia games, thought-provoking mystery novels, and the like. Be with someone who will discuss current events and the future of the nation with you. The key is to make your mind work.

Taking up hobbies that you love like writing a poem, playing the guitar, dancing, cooking or organizing the neighborhood garage sale will stimulate your brain as well as allow you to have fun and take advantage of your free time.

Think of good times. This also allows brain activity. Good memories make you positive. For your brain to function well and have a long life of its own, it would help if you had a confident, optimistic, and cheerful disposition every day. Prayers will help you achieve this kind of perspective.

Hit the gym for that much-needed workout. If you can’t afford the monthly gym fees, exercise on your own, such as walking 10-15 miles a week, jogging in your neighborhood, or swimming at the beach. One study showed that those who maintained a fit body also maintained their IQ scores even as they got older. Alzheimer’s disease was also caused by a lack of physical movement, another study showed.

Eating well is also an answer to improve memory. Eat foods rich in Omega 3, B12 and antioxidants such as vitamin E and C. Fruits and vegetables contain almost all the vitamins and minerals we need. Tomatoes and fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are good sources of Omega 3. Proper nutrition keeps the heart healthy and a healthy heart pumps the right amount of blood to the brain. A single heartbeat pumps twenty to twenty-five percent of blood to the brain.

The next time someone asks you how to improve memory for free, just share these tips and you’ll be doing them a huge favor.

Lifestyle Fashion

Cervical cancer treatment naturally

Cervical cancer.

A cervical cancer is described as a cancer that forms in the tissue of the cervix. A cervix is ​​an organ that connects the uterus and vagina in the female reproductive system. Cervical cancer is a slow-growing cancer and may not show any early symptoms; however, it can be detected through a regular Pap smear. This is a medical test that involves scraping cells from the cervix for examination under a high-powered microscope.

It is known that almost all cervical cancers are caused by an HPV (human papillomavirus). HPV is a virus that is commonly spread through sexual intercourse.

Other risk factors for cervical cancer include:

1. Having sex at an early age

2. Multiple sexual partners

3. Weak immune system

4. Birth control pills

5. Tuxedo

6. Having many children

The good news is that when cervical cancer is found early, most of the time it is treatable. What then are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

Symptoms of cervical cancer

Symptoms of cervical cancer can include all of the following

1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding

2. Bleeding that occurs between menstrual periods

3. Bleeding after intercourse, douching, or pelvic exams

4. Bleeding after going through menopause

5. Longer, Heavy, and Painful Menstrual Periods

6. Increased vaginal discharge

7. Abnormal pain during sexual intercourse

8. Pelvic bread

Cervical Cancer Internships

There are five stages of cervical cancer. Stages are the measure of the spread of cancer cells.

These stages include

1. Stage 0: This stage is commonly known as carcinoma in situ. It is an indication of a non-invasive cervical cancer.

At this stage, the cells are only found on the surface of the cervix and because the cells have not spread, it is known to be highly treatable.

2. Stage 1: Here, cancer cells have spread beyond the surface of the cervix and have invaded the entire cervix, but have not yet spread beyond the cervix. At the stage, the cancer may or may not be visible to the naked eye depending on the size of the tumor.

3. Stage 2 – This is the stage where the cells have spread beyond the cervix but are still confined within the pelvic area. At the stage, cancer cells may have spread to two-thirds of the vagina, but they may or may not cover the tissue around the uterus.

4. Stage 3: At this stage, cancer cells have spread to the lower third of the vagina, may also have spread to the pelvic wall, and may have caused kidney damage. At this stage, the tumor may have grown large enough to block the flow of urine from the kidneys to the bladder, causing kidney damage.

5. Stage 5: This is the final and most dangerous stage of cervical cancer. Here, cancer cells have spread to all other parts of the body. The cells may have spread to organs around the cervix, such as the bladder and rectum; the cells may also have spread to distant organs such as the lungs.

What you should know when you are diagnosed with cervical cancer

There are about seven questions you need answered when you are diagnosed with cervical cancer. these questions are

1. What stage is the cancer? The question explains how far the cancer has spread.

2. What treatment options are available? These options vary depending on the stage of the cancer, the patients, etc.

3. What treatment options are right for me? And what are the success rates of the recommended treatment options.

4. Are there any side effects to the recommended treatments?

5. How soon can treatments start?

6. Am I allowed to ask for the opinion of other experts?

7. What will be the cost of the treatment?

Cervical cancer treatments

There are four common treatments for the cervical cervix. These are surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and alternative therapy. However, before considering any treatment option, many factors must be established. These include the type and stage of the cervical cancer, the patient’s health status, age, and marital status.

Surgery: This process involves surgical removal of the lymph nodes, cervix, and surrounding tissue, or removal of the uterus, cervix, and some part of the vagina. In some cases, however, the ovaries and fallopian tubes are also removed.

However, this treatment is suitable for women who are past childbearing age or those who have decided to stop having children. The side effect is that many women find it psychologically difficult to cope with their husband’s sexual advances after this surgery due to hormonal and bodily changes.

Chemotherapy: This involves treating cancer cells with drugs.

These drugs are made to kill cancer cells, but most of the time they also destroy good cells in the body, resulting in more harm than good.

radiotherapy: This is a process in which high-energy x-rays or other types of radiation are used to shrink the tumor or kill cancer cells. However, the side effects of this are exactly the same as chemotherapy treatments, as the rays kill the bad and cancer cells, they also kill the good cells in the body wreaking havoc on the entire system in the long run.

alternative therapy: This involves treating cervical cancer through herbs and other means besides the normal orthodox approach.

This method has proven to be the safest and most effective method to combat this deadly disease. The reason is simple, while other methods try to cut off the already infected cells or body part, or use drugs in an attempt to destroy the cells; alternative therapy does something strangely different and effective.

Why is cancer a terminal disease?

Medical science has so far been able to find two approaches to cancer treatment. The first is to destroy the source of the disease by cutting off part or all of the affected organ, and the second approach is to increase the body’s ability to fight the disease.

The irony of the fact is that when a drug is used to kill cancer cells, the good cells are destroyed first. When food supplements are used to nourish the body and boost immunity, cancer cells are also nourished and stronger. Either way, the cancer cells win and thus cause the death of their victims.

What then is the output? Recent studies have shown that cancer cells thrive in a purely acidic environment. About 85% of cancer patients have acid in their blood system. Healthy body condition should have a PH of approximately 7.35 to 7.45.

The cancer cell cannot survive in a purely alkaline environment. This explains why babies don’t get cancer; its PH is known to be purely alkaline. As people grow into adulthood, what they eat and the lifestyle they lead gradually affects their body’s PH and they end up becoming acidic. This helps cancer cells grow and flourish.

A renowned American nutritionist, Professor Ragnar Berg, said that our daily diet should consist of 20% acidic foods and 80% alkaline foods to maintain a healthy body. Acidic foods are meat, seafood, rice, sugar, cheese, and canned foods. These formed the largest part of the daily diet of all adults, although they are supposed to be only 20% of our daily diets. Alkaline foods, on the other hand, are vegetables, fruits and tubers. These suppose to do about 80% of our daily diet to have a healthy body. The food of an average adult in this contemporary world contains 100% acid and nothing alkaline. This is a good breeding ground for cancer.

Alternative therapy uses a proven method to convert the acidic nature of the body into alkalinity. This helps weaken cancer cells and restore good health to the body. How does alternative therapy achieve this?

Edmark International has introduced a product called Splina Liquid Chlorophyll.

The main function of Splina liquid chlorophyll is the conversion of the body’s PH from acid to alkalinity. This product, when used in conjunction with Shake off phyto fiber and MRT complex, will not only convert the acidic content of the body to alkaline, but will also remove lethal cells from the system.

Shopping Product Reviews

Some of the amazing health benefits of oregano

The herb’s name comes from the Greek word “oros” which means mountain and “ganos” which means joy. It usually grows about 50 cm tall and has purple leaves about 2-3 cm long.

The chemicals that give the herb its unique and pleasant aroma are thymol, pinene, limonene, carvacrol, ocimene, and caryophyllene.

Contains powerful antioxidants and antibacterial properties.

Facts about oregano:

Here are some important facts about oregano. More details in the main article.

Oregano is a Mediterranean herb used for cooking and medicinal purposes, from treating infections to repelling insects.

The active ingredients in oregano may help in the treatment of osteoporosis, cancer, and diabetes.

Use it to flavor sauces, make spicy rolls, and in marinades for meats.

People who are allergic to mint should be careful when consuming oregano.

Oregano Health Benefits:

Oregano has been used in herbal medicine since the ancient Greeks.

Hippocrates used it as an antiseptic.

Potential medicinal uses for oregano include the treatment of respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, menstrual pain, and urinary tract disorders.

Applied locally, it can help treat a number of skin conditions, including acne and dandruff.

1) Antibacterial properties

Oregano oil contains an essential substance, called carvacrol, which has antimicrobial properties.

The herb has shown antimicrobial activity in several studies. A group of researchers found that essential oils from Origanum vulgare were effective against 41 strains of the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.

Another team from India and the United Kingdom (UK) reported that Himalayan oregano essential oil has strong antibacterial properties that may protect against the hospital bacterium MRSA.

2) Anti-inflammatory properties

Scientists from Germany and Switzerland identified an active ingredient in oregano, known as beta-caryophyllene (E-BCP), which may help treat disorders such as osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis. E-BCP is a nutritional cannabinoid.

3) Protection against cancer

Research published in the journal PLoS ONE in 2013 suggests that oregano exhibits anticancer activity. The scientists concluded that Origanum majorana could help prevent and treat breast cancer by slowing or preventing its progression.

In 2014, food scientists discovered that popular culinary herbs contain compounds from oregano, rosemary, and marjoram that can treat type 2 diabetes similar to some currently prescribed medications.

Other possible health benefits

According to The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, oregano can be used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • herpes labialis

  • muscle contracture

  • acne

  • pink

  • bronchitis

  • Have a toothache

  • damn feeling

  • A headache

  • heart disease

  • allergies

  • intestinal parasites

  • an earache

  • throat pain

  • tired

  • keep insects away

  • menstrual bread

Oregano essential oil, made from Origanum vulgare or Thymus capitatus, can help with the following problems:

Fungus in feet or nails: A few drops in the water and let your feet enjoy it, or apply it as a diluted oil locally on the affected area.

Sinus and colds: Use a few drops in a steam bath and inhale.

Note: Each essential oil must be diluted before use, either with a carrier oil, such as olive oil, or in water, or for a steam bath.

More research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of oregano as a treatment.

Tips for cooking with oregano:

Oregano is a Mediterranean herb that pairs well with pizza and pasta sauces.

Other ideas include:

sprinkle meat or chicken with oregano for added flavor

to use in pickles

chop and mix into bread dough to make sandwiches

to add to a fresh salad

Here are some tips:

Add it late in the cooking process for maximum flavor.

The smaller you cut or grind, the more flavor will be released.

Start with a small amount, too much of the food can make it bitter.

One teaspoon of dried oregano corresponds to one tablespoon of fresh oregano.

It is available dried or fresh in supermarkets, or you can grow it yourself in a pot on a windowsill, balcony or in the garden. It is a perennial plant, which means it will continue to grow throughout the year.

Also, discover some of the health benefits of oil of oregano.

Side effects and precautions

Eating oregano can cause stomach problems in some people.

Also, people who are allergic to plants in the lip-flower family, such as oregano, basil, lavender, mint, and sage, should be careful because they can also develop an allergic reaction to oregano.


Golden State – Utah Preview

Golden State enters Game 1 on three days’ rest to just one day for Utah, which won on the road at Houston in a tight seven-game series. I think everyone knows what Golden State did.

I think the series is going to be exciting. You have a couple of veteran coaches who had very good playing careers in the NBA. If you ever get a chance to watch an old Celtics game with Nelson playing on Classic ESPN, you’ll see one of the weirdest free throw styles of all time.

Golden State will try to get the Jazz out of the gym. They had the highest pace in the league during the regular season. The Jazz can run and have a slightly more versatile team than Dallas. They also take on the Warriors better than the Mavericks.

Where Utah is significantly better than Golden State in rebounding and in their assist-to-possession rate. Utah was third in the league during the regular season in assist rate and was an impressive first in overall and offensive rebounding rate.

During the postseason, Golden State has the best effective field goal percentage of the 16 playoff teams, Utah is 12th. In true shooting percentage, which is a calculation of a team’s shooting percentage if we factored in free throws and 3-pointers, the Warriors also lead with the Jazz at a dismal 14th.

As for the two recent meetings between the two teams, each team won both home games. The first two games I’m not watching too closely, as they were before the Warrior trade that brought Stephen Jackson and Al Harrington to the team and Davis and Coach Nelson’s late conversion to small ball.

In Utah’s win, the Jazz came from behind in the fourth quarter to win by four, 104-100. Carlos Boozer, the excellent power forward from Utah, had a killer game with 25 points and 21 rebounds. Golden State only had 17 quick break points. Utah had 48 points in the paint. In the Warriors’ home win on April 9, 126-102, Golden State had 30 quick break points and scored 66 in the paint. It is notable that Utah’s Andrei Kirilenko did not play in that game.

I think the outcome of this series will be determined by the health of Baron Davis. If Baron’s hamstring doesn’t bother him, I think the Warriors will win. Utah has a big, strong point guard in Deron Williams to protect Davis, something Dallas lacked. In the three games Davis played against Utah this year, he’s averaged just under 14 points, down from the 20.1 he averaged in the regular season and the 25 he scored in a game against Dallas. However, protecting Davis has cost Williams points, as he only averaged just over seven points per game less than his 16 points per game during the regular season.

I was surprised by the home crowd for the Warriors at Oracle Arena. As a student at the University of Kansas, I am used to large home basketball crowds. This is one of the few NBA stadiums I’ve seen that comes close to the best college venues.

The bottom line is that I like the Warriors if Baron is healthy. If he isn’t, the Warriors aren’t the same team and Utah will prevail.

Tours Travel

History of the Paris Convention

During the last century, before the existence of any international agreement in the field of industrial property, it was difficult to find protection for industrial property rights in the various countries of the world due to the multiplicity of their laws. Patent applications had to be filed at approximately the same time in all countries to prevent a publication in one country from destroying the novelty of the invention in the other countries. These practical problems created a strong desire to overcome such difficulties.

During the second half of the last century, the expansion of a further globally oriented flow of technology, as well as the increase in international trade, caused industrial property laws to be harmonized. The government of the Empire of Austria-Hungary invited the other countries to participate in a world exhibition of inventions held in 1873 in Vienna. Participation was hampered by the fact that many foreign visitors were unwilling to display their inventions at that exhibition in view of the insufficient legal protection afforded to the inventions on display. This led to two developments. A particular Austrian law guaranteed momentary protection to all foreigners participating in the exhibition for their inventions, trademarks and industrial designs. The Vienna Congress for Patent Reform was convened during the same year. He elaborated numerous principles on which an effective and useful patent system should be based and urged governments to reach an international understanding on patent protection as soon as possible.

As a follow-up to the Congress of Vienna, an International Congress on Industrial Property was convened in Paris in 1878. In France a final project was prepared proposing an international union for the protection of industrial property. The draft was sent by the French government to several other countries with an invitation to attend the 1880 International Conference in Paris. That Conference adopted a draft convention that contained, in essence, the substantive provisions that today remain the main features of the Paris Convention.

A Diplomatic Conference was convened in Paris in 1883, which culminated in final approval with the signing of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. The Paris Convention was signed by 11 States. It came into force on July 7, 1884. It was only during the first quarter of the 20th century and then mainly after World War II that the Paris Convention increased its membership most noticeably. The Paris Convention has been periodically revised since its signing in 1883.


Explore countless ideas for sending Diwali gifts to India from Indian gift portals

In India, people of all religions or beliefs celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. It marks the return of Lord Rama from fourteen years of exile. The festive atmosphere continues from Dhanteras to Bhai Dooj, i.e. five long days, and people start expressing their wishes to their loved ones. Naturally, people from all over the world send warm wishes to their friends or family in India and sending Diwali gifts seems like the best way to convey your love and feelings. With the availability of dedicated Indian gift portals, it has become possible to explore countless gift ideas and send Diwali gifts to India effortlessly.

The best thing about these portals is that they help to overcome the confusion that persists in the selection of a gift idea and saves from the excessive agglomeration of commercial streets or shopping centers. Furthermore, it ensures hassle-free gift delivery to any of the cities in India on a given date through easy order placement.

Choose from a wide range of edible gift items

Diwali celebrations are all about gorging on delicious traditional dishes and of course enjoying lots of sweets, chocolates, dried fruits and cakes. Indian gift portals are aware of this fact and offer a range of delicious gift items to send to India as Diwali gifts. One can also choose to gift these edible items along with exotic flowers or cute stuffed toys.

During Diwali, in every Indian home, traditional sweets are prepared for relatives and guests. Therefore, these gift items are always highly appreciated by everyone. Also, with the changing times, people also love to have cakes to celebrate the festival.

Send Diwali Gift Baskets

There is no way to make someone feel special at the festival of lights other than by sending attractive Diwali gift baskets. You can choose from a variety such as a basket of red roses with the Cadbury Celebration Pack, or traditional sweets, a beautifully decorated cake with a soft toy and a bouquet of fresh flowers, and much more. Indian online gift portals also know that Diwali is incomplete without purchasing essential items like door hangings, clay pots, worship plates, cookies and idols of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi.

On the auspicious day of Dhanteras, the people of India prefer to buy gold, silver and even household items. Various online gift portals from India feature quality kitchenware like choppers, dinnerware, hand blenders, coffee makers and much more that offer exclusive discounts. For added convenience, there is also an offline payment option.


4 Essential Mortgage Considerations

Most people, especially first-time homeowners, take advantage of a mortgage to participate in what is generally considered an important component of the American Dream, which is homeownership. When you proceed wisely and learn as much as possible about the options, alternatives, differences, and considerations among a variety of mortgages, you better protect your financial and personal interests, especially considering, for most people, the value of your home represents your greatest financial asset. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 4 essential considerations when choosing and using a mortgage.

1. Gentle: What type might be best for you? Should you use a fixed or variable mortgage? If you choose the latter type, what variables might determine the future rate, and the conditions involved, after the preliminary initial period? Is a global loan the best for you? While this rate is useful, under certain circumstances, and generally, since it is usually interest only, for a restricted period of time, one must be prepared for the much longer installment payments that may be required in the future! !

2. Term: What duration mortgage might be best for you? Fixed and variable mortgages often come in a variety of options, and obviously the shorter the payback period, the higher the monthly payments. Of course, a shorter term would also translate into fewer total payments, over the term, and paid in full sooner. The average Conventional Mortgage Loan is for 30 years, but some are also available in other terms, generally from less than 10 years to 40 years or more. Variable mortgages differ dramatically and, one must understand, the full term, as well as when the rates adjust (every year, 3 years, 5 years, etc., for example).

3. Omitted: The rate, one country, makes a big difference, in terms of monthly installments, as well as overall costs, throughout the term. Today, we are seeing almost historically low mortgage rates. These usually correspond to other terms of interest, and therefore it makes sense to pay close attention to trends, professional predictions, etc. Whereas fixed rate vehicles, lock-in, these large terms, for the whole duration/term, the variable ones, do not, but generally have lower rates, at the beginning (which will be readjusted continuously, in specific points – on time).

4. Deposit: Although, most of the time, a 20% down payment is the rule, a variety of different quantities are offered! Which is the best for you? The more you put in – the less your monthly payments, and, vice versa. However, with the cost of housing, in many parts of the country today, many need to pay less, due to the challenges of accumulating so much cash on hand!

Be an educated homebuyer and keep these 4 essential mortgage considerations in mind! The more you know and understand, the better served you will be!

Home Kitchen

wholesale quartz

Quartz is often substituted as the cheaper alternative to high-end countertops, quartz has found its reputation by bringing a regal ambiance to almost any room in which it is placed. Today, quartz no longer struggles to compete with its two closest competitors, granite and marble, which outperformed quartz before being recognized as superior.

Those unfamiliar with quartz used for countertops and surfaces may know it from one of these more well-known brands, such as Silestone, Cambria, and Caesarstone. The etymology of quartz implies brilliance and hardness. It is from the mid-18th century, from the word Quarz and the Polish dialect kwardy, which corresponds to standard Polish twardy, meaning hard.

The stone mix that makes up the majority of the quartz slab is a combination of quartz and resin. However, some brands mix it with marble, granite, and other natural stones, as well as fragmented materials like glass, mirrors, ceramics, and silica. Some manufacturers also include antibacterial substances to fight bacteria that grow on countertops.

One of the biggest benefits quartz surfaces offer is their hardness. Solid and tactile, a quartz surface will show its depth and range of colors even after years of heavy use. This ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage makes it a great choice for any busy room.

Granite is cut into slabs directly from the ground, it is a natural stone. Quartz, on the other hand, is engineered. Since it is manufactured it has much fewer imperfections and is less expensive. Furthermore, almost any color imaginable can be brought to its surface through a pigmentation process. While natural stones can be quite limited in their color selection.

Finding the right material for surfaces is a crucial part of building design. It is an important aspect in creating an environment to perfectly suit your tastes. One reason to choose quartz is that it is much less expensive than most granites and marbles. Also, as mentioned above, the appearance of quartz can be manipulated. This allows their creators to ensure that each tile has the correct texture, pattern, and color. Also, quartz is incredibly durable. During the manufacturing process, the resin is bonded to the stone, making it more durable than natural stones. Finally, it is easier to clean than natural stones. Its non-porous nature prevents substances from getting stuck in the microscopic nooks and crannies, resulting in a stain resistant surface that is less likely to harbor bacteria.