Digital Marketing

How to get an exact search on Google

Appear in Google Search with SEO

Search engine optimization also known as SEO. While search engine ranking is important. Showing up in search results is where the real traffic comes from. Therefore, many sites that appear on the results page are not necessarily a Page Rank One site. Quite the contrary. Because appearing on the results page is determined by the density of the target search phrase. Or target keyword density. The trick, however, is to use the target keyword or search phrase within the context of the content. So desperately bundling together a bunch of search phrases and target keywords will no longer work. Because search engines prefer high-quality content. The days of being a copy and paste salesperson are over.

Page Rank is especially important for building reputation. Many novice bloggers are blindsided by the SEO part of content creation. And finding the perfect keyword and search phrase. Density and context are often forgotten in the rush to beat SEO. Therefore, to appear at the top you must comply with four basic rules. Search keyword and phrase placement, keyword and search phrase density along with the quality of your content. And finally, high-quality backlinks to similar content.

How to take advantage of keyword and phrase placement

Google offers an excellent free tool. To be able to research relevant keywords and phrases so that they appear in search results. You will need a tool called “Google Keyword Planner“. Which you can access from your Google Ads (formerly known as Google Ad-Words) account. Then search for individual keywords and search phrases of a maximum of 2-3 keywords together. Your Google search results will be will display as “Your search term“and below that”ideaYou should use these two groups of keywords in your content. But always aim for keywords and phrases with high search volume and low competition volume.

Put the keyword or search phrase you want to appear on your blog or post in your browser. Also the first word or phrase of the title of your publication or blog. Which means it is the first word identified when search engines crawl your site. Therefore, your work can be placed in the correct category. To reach an interested public. Also, you want to fill the content of the post with the target keyword and search phrases. And try to make the target search phrase the first sentence of each paragraph as well.

Google processes billions of unique searches per day (about 3.5 billion). But the challenge is using it within the context of the award. And finally, all the Google keywords and phrases you want to target must be present in the first sentence of the first paragraph.

Keyword placement and suggested density

The target keyword and/or search phrase must be displayed at least once in the title. But try to include your target keyword and phrase no more than twice in the meta description. And as for the content of the post or page. A keyword density of not less than 0.6%. Which is roughly calculated at about 6 times. But 6% is the minimum requirement. However, the suggested maximum is around 2-4 times that (1.2% – 2.4%) for better search results. However, I must add that having such a high keyword density will require a lot of work. To appear in search results, you also want to use your target keywords and search phrases as tags. But don’t forget to add descriptions to all the tags you use.

Google also looks for keywords and search phrases within a certain tag description used for particular content. In fact, all categories and tags should have keyword-rich descriptions. Which is a huge plus. Once again back to the basics of SEO. The art of telling search engines what your work is about. But often it’s a little more difficult than anticipated. Because content must be created over time. In order to maintain uniqueness through recognition. Along with the density of keywords and phrases. There is also the use of transition words and subtitles that play a crucial role. To appear at the top of Google.

Unique quality content and conversion

Results are greatly improved with unique quality content. Something that is not available anywhere else on the internet. Therefore, Google is also leveraged to gain the necessary knowledge. To create such content and be recognized as a professional in your field. That is also the only one”Secret“about making money online. You need to offer your visitor exactly what they’re looking for. So the specific keyword and/or search phrase needs to be terrifyingly precise. You need to gather as much knowledge as it takes. And then convert that knowledge into an online income stream To appear in search results, it all comes down to location and quality content.

The position your site displays on the search results page will definitely attract visitors. It is entirely up to you whether you will benefit from those visitors. And the only way to do that is by offering value. While also focusing on the first impression. What is the first thing your visitor sees when following your link? Does the first impression (Post Featured Image) suggest a solution to a common need? Are you curious to want to know more?

Results work best with professional content. And that will never change. But you have a vast ocean of information to discover with Google search. All the knowledge you may need to deliver the required value.

Link to high-quality sites from within your content

Do your research with the Google Keyword Planning Tool. The basic rule of thumb is high search volume with little competition. Use your exact target keyword and the search phrase used with the keyword planner. And look for relevant sites. But also make sure that the domain has https protocol enabled. Because it seems that safe links are preferred by search engines. Just run a keyword check. And then link to the most relevant sites or articles for you. But how will you know which sites are quality back-links?

The volume of traffic for a particular site can be seen with tools like SimilarWeb. And the page rank can be checked with “PR Checker” (Google Page Rank Checker) or “Check Page Rank” (Check Page Rank Dot Net). While you may also want to check the trust rating of the site using “ScamAdvisor”. Just do a Google search for these keywords and you’ll be taken to all these free tools.


Hannah Montana Rock Star Birthday Party

Every girl under the age of 12 loves Hannah Montana and would love to have a Hannah Montana themed birthday party. Why not go a step further and have a Hannah Montana rock star party? The Invitations – You can buy ready-made invitations at a reasonable cost from sites like mine, or you can choose to make your own. If you choose store-bought invitations, you can personalize them by writing on the envelope “Rock stars Only” and filling the invitation with gold star confetti. Choose a shape – don’t be boring and use a rectangle! Make a template of a microphone or guitar shape. Write “Rock the Stage at ___’s House Party” followed by all the details on the back. Glitter pens are a must for these guests! Another great idea is to buy a pack of blank CDs. They come in packs of 12 for around $10. With your guidance, have your child design their own cover using rock and roll clip art, images of stars, and a phrase like “One Night Only.” Photocopy as many as you need with your party details on the back, and replace the generic insert with your custom cover.

Burn your 3 favorite Hannah/Miley songs onto blank discs; Don’t worry, it’s totally legal as it’s for personal use and not for resale. Decorations: Hang tons of balloons and streamers in Hannah Montana colors (purple/pink) or go for metallic colors like silver and gold with posters of pop stars and rock bands all over the room. Write the name of each of your guests on yellow or gold stars and hang them from the ceiling. Request your guests to come dressed as their favorite music celebrity, but still provide a “vanity” filled with everything needed to look glammed up: glitter, tattoos, hair color, makeup, hairspray, and stick-on jewels. Create a stage area with plenty of inflatable guitars and microphones available where your guests can sing, do karaoke, or play “Air Guitar.” You know guys will do this! To make a stage, simply hang some strings in one corner of a room from one side to the other and hang sheets. Voila – a stage! Decorate your stage area with twinkling Christmas lights – as many as you can find! Crafts: Design your own concert t-shirt. Have a simple t-shirt for each guest that attends the party. Using fabric paint, stamps, or jewelry glue, have children write “Rock Star” on the front or back of the t-shirt. Further decorate with fabric trims you find at your local craft store. This can be your take home gift or part of the loot bag. Party Games: Play “Pass the Mic”: Pass an inflatable microphone in a circle with seated guests.

Play Hannah/Miley music mixed with some of the top 40. When the music stops, the child with the microphone in hand must sing the next line. If not, they are removed. If you have a creative group, divide guests into 2 teams and ask them to make a 30 second music video. Give each team a CD player with some CDs and 20 minutes to create. Then record your performances and play back your “music videos.” Hilarious! What a memory that will be! Menu: Concert Food – Chicken fingers and fries served in large plastic stadium type cups. Hot dogs served in aluminum foil. Popcorn and nachos served in individual bags (cut brown lunch bags) and plenty of soft drinks. Instead of cake, or as a topping, make a rock star toast. Offer all guests a plastic 7-up glass of champagne or sparkling water. Have everyone sing “Happy Birthday” and then cheer “Here’s to ___” and then the clink of glasses. Then treat yourself to your child’s favorite dessert!

Health Fitness

What is protein and how can you get more of it in your diet?

There are all kinds of vitamins and nutrients that we need in our diets to stay strong and healthy, and protein is one of the things we need the most. In addition to being important for muscle growth, it is also a source of energy.

What is protein?

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, protein is defined as:

1: any of several naturally occurring extremely complex substances consisting of amino acid residues linked by peptide bonds, containing the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, usually sulfur, and occasionally other elements (such as phosphorus or iron), and including many essential biological compounds (such as enzymes, hormones, or antibodies)


2: the total nitrogenous material in plant or animal substances.

Protein is a macronutrient that the body needs to maintain good health. In fact, protein is necessary for our survival. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen combine to create chains of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.

There are a total of 22 amino acids, eight essential and 14 non-essential amino acids. The body uses all of these amino acids for different purposes. The eight essential amino acids are: leucine, tryptophan (the substance in turkey that causes tiredness), lysine, threonine, valine, isoleucine, methionine, and phenylalanine. Non-essential amino acids are: alanine, glycine, l-arginine, proline, cystine, aspartic acid, asparagine, cysteine, glutamine, taurine, glutathione, asparagine, and serine.

Complete and incomplete proteins

There are two types of proteins: complete and incomplete. Below are descriptions of each.

Complete proteins: they have all eight essential amino acids, which is why they are known as complete proteins. The best sources of complete protein come from animals, with lean beef, white meat poultry, and fish being the most popular and flavorful sources. You can also find many fruits and vegetables that are complete proteins, such as bananas, apples, carrots, and soybeans.

Incomplete Proteins – Many healthy foods are considered incomplete proteins because they do not contain all 22 essential amino acids. But, when eaten in the right combinations, you can still get all the amino acids your body needs. And it’s not always necessary to get all 22 amino acids, so as long as you’re getting all the essential amino acids in your diet, one way or another, you’ll be fine.

How you can get more protein in your diet

There are many ways to get the protein you need in your daily diet, without having to eat all day. There are plenty of tasty treats, like nuts and bananas, that are loaded with protein, and they make great snacks to keep in your office for a quick dose of protein any time of day. Or enjoy a salad with protein-rich chicken and cheese for lunch. If you skip breakfast, you can take a delicious protein shake with you.

protein-rich foods

There are many delicious foods that you can add to your diet to get all the protein you need. If you are a meat lover, join us! Lean red meat is full of protein. So is white meat chicken and turkey, and a tasty roast pork can provide a healthy serving of protein.

Fish has always been known to be loaded with protein, and you can get your protein simply by adding a can of tuna in oil to your mixed salad. Double the protein by adding some nuts and seeds, which taste great too!

Do you remember watching TV shows and movies where bodybuilders, weight lifters, and athletes drank raw eggs? Actually, before the invention of protein supplements, people used eggs to get the extra protein they needed before and after workouts. Eggs are an excellent source of protein. Mix them with some cheese, which is also a great source of protein, and make a delicious breakfast omelette in just a few minutes.

Milk and milk products are also high in protein. In fact, whey and casein, proteins used in many protein supplements, are derived from milk, by-products of the cheese-making process. And think about how many meals and desserts you can make with milk and milk products, including cheesecake. It may be fattening, but it has a lot of protein!

Don’t forget to eat your fruits and vegetables. Although many are incomplete proteins, you can still get plenty of protein by eating certain vegetables, such as lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, and fruits such as bananas, apples, and watermelon. Try eating fruit and vegetable salads, and for even more protein, sprinkle them with some nuts and seeds.

Using protein supplements

If you’re afraid you’re not getting enough protein in your diet, or if you’re on a high-protein diet, you can use protein supplements to get all the extra protein you need. Protein supplements come in a variety of forms, including protein injections, liquids, and powders. Each of these protein supplements is portable and can be taken on the go, and they taste great too.

You can try Profect, a liquid protein supplement from Protica. It is small and portable. Profect provides 25 grams of protein per 100 calorie serving and is fat and carbohydrate free.

Protein powders are an incredibly versatile form of protein supplement. They’re available in a variety of flavors, from chocolate and vanilla to berry and fruit punch, making them great for shakes and smoothies. They are also available in unflavored versions and can be used in most of your favorite recipes to add extra protein to any meal.

Liquid Protein – These protein supplements can be mixed into shakes, shakes, and other recipes, or used as a stand-alone drink. Liquid protein supplements are often used as meal replacements and are available in a high-carb, high-fat version for bodybuilders and athletes, and also in a low-carb, low-calorie, and low-fat version for dieters. .

Protein Shots: These little babies really pack a protein punch! Protein shots are portable protein shots that you can drink and have 25-30 grams of protein per serving. They come in a variety of delicious flavors, including raspberry, grape, and sour apple.

Legal Law

Learn Japanese – How would you describe your past?

Learn Japanese! This Japanese item might be more than you bargained for. Seriously, if you want to say things like “This gift is more than I expected!” you will learn how to do it here. Also, if you have any questions about formal and informal Japanese, this is the place to look. In this Japanese for beginners article, discover the many ways to use Nakanaka, a Japanese adverb meaning “quite, considerably,” or “more than expected.” Plus, you’ll find a complete review of formal and informal Japanese speech with helpful charts included. Don’t miss the one major exception to the rule that you’ll only find here!

Vocabulary: In this article, you will learn the following words and phrases:

okari – “welcome back, welcome home”

Tadaima. – “I’m home.”

ryokoo – “one way trip”

nakanaka – “quite, much, considerably”

tanoshii – “nice, fun” (-i final adjective)

samui – “cold” (final adjective -i)

kimochi – “feeling”

tsuaa – “tower”

toshiyori – “the old, the old”

oh – “many, much” (-i final adjective)

hanasoo – “talk, talk” (verb 1)

Roppongi – “Roppongi” (a town in Tokyo)

kurabu – “disco, club”

tsurete iku – “to take someone” (verb 1)

wakai – “young” (final adjective -i)

Grammar: In this article, you will learn the following words and phrases:

Vocabulary and useful phrases


Nakanaka is an adverb meaning “quite, considerably” or “more than expected.”

For example:

  1. Kono hon wa naka naka omoshiroi yo.

    “This book is quite interesting.”


Toshiyori means “elders”. The honorific prefix oh often precedes this word.

tsurete iku

In Beginner Series Season 4 Article 17, you learned the usage of the following words:

clod iku – “take something”

tsurete iku – “carry someone or an animal”

motte kuru – “take something”

tsurete kuru – “a carry someone or an animal”

*The address is marked with me Prayed neither and the object is marked by oh.


  1. Watashi wa paatii ni wain o motte ikimasu.

    “I’ll bring wine to the party.”

  2. Watashi wa paatii ni kareshi o tsurete ikimasu.

    I’ll take my boyfriend to the party.

iku against kuru

Usually, iku corresponds to “to go”, and kuru corresponds to “to come” in French. However, we describe the action of the speaker approaching the listener with iku, not kuru.

For example:

  1. Watashi wa anata no, that is, neither shichi-ji nor ikimasu.

    “I’m going to your house at seven.” (Literally: “I’m going to go to your house at seven”).

  2. I am ikimasu.

    “I’m going.” (Literally: “I’m leaving”).

Grammar review

In this article, we’ll learn more about formal and informal speech by reviewing the past form of adjectives.

“It was cold.”

informal: samukatta.

Formal: samukatta desu.

“It was not cold”.

informal: samukunakatta.

Formal: samukunakatta desu.

We explain how to form the past tense of sentences with nouns and adjectives in Nihongo Doojoo Newbie Series Style You and Beyond, Articles 23 and 24. Has reviewed non-past tense adjective conjugations in Beginner Season 4 Article 29.

Conjugation of –I final adjective: tanoshii – “fun”

part of speech / Informal speech / formal speech

No Past Affirmative / tanoshii / tanoshii desu

No Affirmative / tanoshikatta / tanoshikatta desu

No Past Negative / tanoshiku-nai / tanoshiku nai desu PRAYED tanoshiku arimasen

negative past / tanoshiku nakatta / tanoshiku nakatta desu PRAYED tanoshiku arimasen deshita


Informal / No Past Affirmative / No Affirmative / No Past Negative / negative past

Informal / I / yokatta / yokunai / yoku nakatta

Conjugation of –n/a adjective: beni – “Convenient”

part of speech / casual speech / formal speech

No Past Affirmative / beni da / benri desu

No Affirmative / benri datta / benri deshita

No Past Negative / benri ha nai PRAYED benri dewa nai / benri ha nai desu PRAYED benri dewa nai desu PRAYED benri ha arimasen PRAYED benri dewa arimasen

negative past / benri ha nakatta PRAYED benri dewa nakatta / benri ja nakatta desu PRAYED benri dewa nakattadesu PRAYED benri ha arimasen deshita PRAYED benri dewa arimasen deshita

*Yeah is a contraction of deva and it is less formal.

*no desu is more direct than arimasen.

Practice 1

Rewrite the following sentences in the past tense without changing the level of politeness.

  1. Tokyo wa omoshiroi.


  2. Hachii-gatsu wa atsui desu. (*hachigatsu means “August” and *atsu means, “hot.”) ______
  3. Samuku arimasen.


  4. Nihon-go wa kantan desu. (*kantan means “easy”.) ______
  5. Watashi wa genki janai.


  6. Eigo wa kantan dewa arimasen.


practice 2

Answer the following questions in Japanese.

  1. Kyoo, isogashikatta desu ka. (*isogashii means “busy”. _____
  2. Kyoo, samukatta desu ka.


  3. Kono ressun wa kantan deshita ka.


Lifestyle Fashion

Lymphoma What?

How to minimize this annoying complication

Lymphedema is hard to pronounce and harder to spell. But its meaning is quite simple, and it’s a very real problem for some people with cancer. Edema simply means swelling, and lymphedema is swelling caused by a failure to drain lymphatic fluid. Some people develop this type of swelling due to skin and tissue infections, or due to an inherited problem with the lymphatic system itself. But in the UK the main cause is cancer or its treatment.

The lymphatic system is made up of tubes called lymph vessels and glands called lymph nodes. They provide a one-way drainage system through which fluid is removed from the tissues and returned to the bloodstream. Lymph is the name for this colorless fluid, which carries proteins, microbes, and unwanted particles that filter through the lymph nodes on their way to the bloodstream. Groups of lymph nodes are found in the neck, armpits, and groin.

Any tumor or treatment in a node area can obstruct lymphatic flow. For example, breast cancer can lead to lymphedema in the arm on the same side, while an excision of lymph nodes in the groin for skin cancer can lead to lymphedema in the leg. The protein-rich swelling that develops in lymphedema can cause the skin to become dry and thick and the arm or leg to feel heavy and uncomfortable.

Although lymphedema cannot be cured, much can be done to reduce and control the problems it causes. And now there are specialized clinics in many areas to help patients manage the condition on their own. For those at risk of developing lymphedema due to the nature of their cancer or its treatment, there are some precautions you can take to prevent it or minimize its effects:

* Avoid pricking or rubbing the skin on the same side of your treatment. Insect bites, garden injuries, and even nail biting can damage the skin and allow infection to enter;* If possible, do not offer the affected limb for injections, blood samples, or blood pressure checks;

* Avoid holding the limb in one position, such as when carrying a bag or cramped in the back of a car;

* Get regular, gentle exercise, but avoid excessive or strenuous exertion.

The first signs of lymphedema may be a mild, tender swelling in one part of the body, usually an arm or leg. The swelling can be intermittent and accompanied by feelings of discomfort, tightness or tingling. If you suspect lymphedema, seek early medical attention.


Pet Food Home Delivery – Online Pet Store Convenience

Home delivery of pet food via online stores was unimaginable and perhaps even scandalous to most people a few years ago; but these days, many pet owners find the service useful and convenient. It’s a welcome solution for the elderly or disabled, most of whom are pet-sitting aficionados, as they no longer have to think about how they’ll be able to bring home a whole sack of dog or cat food. Some people could not grasp the store’s opening hours, simply because they have always been working overtime. There are many other situations where online shopping for food for your furry or feathered friends is ideal.

Most online pet stores have a good selection of top pet nutrition brands. Dog and cat foods such as Hills Science Diet, Eukanuba, Pro Plan, Royal Canin, and other well-known names can be found at Internet-based stores. Even dog treats, such as chewy beefskin types and Kong Stuff’n pastes, are also sold at online stores.

Through pet food home delivery on websites, you can also get food for your birds at home, from red canaries to South American parrots. Even fish lovers can buy something for their goldfish, koi, or even catfish from online stores.

Also, these online pet stores offer premium nutrition brands at very, very competitive prices. This is mainly because they usually have wholesale agreements with pet food manufacturers, so they can offer you reduced rates even if you buy just one item from them.

When shopping online, you can always go from store to store to compare prices and available brands with just a few clicks. Unlike when shopping at conventional pet stores, sometimes you’re forced to settle for what’s available, even if it’s not the brand or type you want, because you don’t want to walk or drive to the other store. not anymore.

To answer people’s concerns about buying online due to credit card security issues, some online pet stores accept payment methods other than credit card and PayPal. There are sites that allow you to pay via direct bank deposit. In general, you will need to make a note of your order details or reference number, which you must indicate on the bank’s deposit form. Some online stores even accept payment by check or money order, which you will be required to send to a store PO Box address.

Online pet food delivery service definitely has its advantages, especially for those who have a couple of pets or more. But even if you only have one, perhaps it would be nice to try this rather new and very convenient service. It could help you save time and money and make sure your pet’s nutrition is always taken care of.

Real Estate

Russian banking sector: an overview

Although Russia is not considered an offshore banking center globally, before the crisis it managed to attract a large volume of capital to its capital markets. Russia initiated reforms in the banking sector in the late 1980s with the establishment of a two-tier banking system, made up of the central bank responsible for conducting monetary policy and five large specialized state banks that deal with collection. deposits and money lending. Most authors argue that three main types of banks developed in Russia in the late 1990s: joint venture banks, domestic commercial banks, and so-called ‘zero’ or ‘wildcat’ banks. The latter were made up of their shareholders -in most cases groups of public institutions and/or industrial companies (the so-called Financial Industrial Groups (FIGs))- with the main objective of financing their own non-financial businesses. capital requirements and virtually non-existent banking regulation, the number of these new banks grew rapidly and as of January 1, 1996, Russia had 2,598 banks, of which the vast majority were ‘zero’ banks.

The structure of the banking sector adopted the German-type model of universal substantial banks, with banks being allowed to hold shares in non-financial companies. At the same time, through cross-shareholdings, Russian companies literally owned the banks they borrowed from, “thus giving new meaning to the concept of ‘private’ lending.” Such lending practices have worked well because the government backs the implicit debt created by corporate banks that make risky loans to themselves. In addition to this, in the initial stage of the reform, government-directed credit dominated money lending; thus, the main role of the banks was to borrow money from the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) at subsidized rates and then funnel the finances to designated companies; the latter being in most cases the de facto owners of the banks. The general effect of this situation was, on the one hand, as regards the corporate sector, that many start-ups were left out with extremely limited access to funds, and, on the other hand, as regards the banking sector, involved exposures high risk since the banks were subject to risk both as creditors of the industries and as shareholders of the same. In addition, there was an additional source of risk for banks since, at least in theory, banks bear the risk of government-directed credit to companies.

In addition, the macroeconomic situation in the early 1990s was characterized by extremely high inflation rates and therefore negative interest rates (for example, in 1992-1993 real interest rates were -93%; in 1994 until early 1995 -40% before finally turning positive for time deposits during the second half of 1995). As a result, the amount of total credit to companies fell drastically during this period; in 1991 the share of loans to companies comprised 31% of GDP, while in 1995 the banking system had a book value of loans to companies of $26 billion, which represented 8.1% of GDP. All these factors together lead to a rapid growth of non-performing credit and by the end of 1995, one third of all bank loans were in arrears, a proportion that amounted to almost 3% of GDP. Of equal importance, long-term credits amounted to about 5% of total bank loans, that is, banks concentrated mainly on short-term money lending (which, given the high level of uncertainty, had a relative advantage compared to long-term ones). borrow money).

The above-described features of the Russian banking sector in the first half of the 1990s highlight the difficult macroeconomic situation in which a German-style model of universal banks was introduced. And even at this early stage, one has sufficient reason to question the feasibility of this decision, since instead of a clear history of inflation – an absolutely necessary precondition for the introduction of a German-type banking system – Russia had experienced a extremely high and persistent inflation. inflation rates and great macroeconomic instability. Furthermore, some authors say that the participation of banks in non-financial companies was rare and could not reach a level of concentration sufficient to allow the mechanism proposed by Gerschenkron to work. Therefore, the introduction of a German-type banking system in Russia does not seem to be the result of a well-thought-out strategy on the part of policymakers, but unfortunately, as most observers see it, the result of the regulatory capture by some influential private interests.

Still, many authors argue that, given Russia’s background, the chosen system of close bank-company relationships was optimal and that banks played an important role in facilitating investment. In this regard, the next section of the paper will focus on providing empirical evidence on bank-corporate relations in Russia and on assessing the relevance of the chosen banking model for the Russian economy in the early transition stage. In particular, two important questions will be raised: 1) how the close bank-company relationship affected (if it affected) the distribution of bank credit and the decisions of companies; and most importantly, 2) did this model play the role of an instrument to promote investment by companies as Gerschenkron believed?

Shopping Product Reviews

The seven chieftain trees of Ireland

You can plant container-grown trees any time of year, but winter is the time to plant bare-rooted trees.

For example, if you plant an apple tree now, you need to cut a hole that is four feet by four feet. Put plenty of well rotted manure. Then add compost and stub on the tree.

You want to keep the area around you as free of weeds as possible. You can lay geotex (a breathable lining that suppresses weeds). Then in spring, cut holes and plant some chives and wallflowers. The chives will deter scab and the wallflowers will attract bees to pollinate the tree.

Irish has two words to indicate a tree, crann, and to indicate sacred trees, bile. Here is a list of the seven sacred trees of Ireland that can help you choose a tree.

By planting a tree you help absorb that CO2!

Of those sacred trees, there are seven that are considered the main trees, totems for the clans. The tradition arose from each local settlement surrounding a single tree. Forests were revered because they provided much sustenance. The trees gave nuts and berries for the gathering. They were also the habitat of the game that was hunted. They provided medicine when they were sick. Trees also became the first alphabet, ogham, used in Ireland. Lastly, they could be cut down to provide fuel to light both the household and sacred fires at festivals.

Trees sustained the ancient Irish in body, mind, and spirit. It’s no wonder trees are so ingrained in the Irish psyche.

1. Oak: from the Irish duir, which can be translated as door. The oak is associated with the County of Derry and the oak is also associated with one of the three main saints of Ireland: Saint Columcille of Donegal. The strength of oak is manifested not only in its use as a building material but also in its spirituality. Oak leaves crown representations of the Green Man or the Man of the Wild Forest. Along with Hawthorn and Ash, it is said to be the faeries’ favorite room.

2. Hazel – Hazel is quite magical. Hazelnuts fed the salmon of wisdom. When the salmon had its fill of these nine hazelnuts, it was also full of knowledge. Hazel rods are also used for divination on water. Irish superhero Fionn MacColl is the “beautiful son of Hazel,” so areas associated with his adventures will also resonate with Hazel’s spiritual energy.

3. Apple: County Armagh is the Orchard County of Ireland. Of course, as the spiritual and ecclesiastical center of Ireland, it is also associated with Saint Patrick. The classic Irish dessert is apple pie, a flaky shortcrust pastry wrapped around sweet local apples grown in the Loughall district. Apples, as well as turnips, are used in fortune-telling games on Halloween.

4. Yew – This tree can live for millennia or more and is frequently found in cemeteries. There is a tradition that the cemetery yew took root around each corpse. Because it is evergreen and so resistant that it symbolizes eternal life. Along with holly, it was the favorite wood of Celtic warriors.

5. Ash Tree: Both the Norse and Celts viewed the tall ash tree as Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life. When cut it bleeds red sap. Due to its extensive roots, this species, along with the yew, is associated with the underworld. Because of this and the magical associations with fairies, ash became known as the “door opener.” While it is very strong, it is also flexible. Along with willow, it is a popular material for basket making.

6. Holly: This winter evergreen is associated with the battle between the Holly and Oak kings on the winter solstice. Because of its warrior attributes it means courage. However, because it is sacred to the waning year, it also has a more meditative side. This is the tree of the Spiritual Warrior more than that of the soldier.

7. Pine – This species was one of the first in wood on the island of Erin. This is the other evergreen tree that grows at the winter solstice. Pine oil is a great cleansing agent. The scent of pine needles refreshes the air and clears the lungs. As Holly battles the oak for supremacy, the pine is winter’s peaceful, contemplative, and deeply spiritual presence.

Take a walk in the woods and get to know these trees. In a fairly short space of time, you will find yourself admiring the beauty of a particular species. This may well be the main tree of your own family. Take a walk and see if a tree decides to share its totemic power.

Tree planting is a good way to offset your carbon debt. If you don’t have a garden, consider giving away a tree. One Christmas we gave some friends oak and birch trees for our daughters, a beech for mom and a maple for dad, who has family in Canada. Or you can help plant a forest. Ireland is one of the most deforested countries in Europe.


Why using sex to hook men doesn’t work and what to do instead

Do you use sex as bait to get men involved? Have you considered the negative side?

Sex is only a temporary pleasure, and the adverse consequences are more than meets the eye.

When you are single and continue to be emotionally and intimately involved with the opposite sex, you expose yourself to sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, etc. and, in particular, the dreaded ‘Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome’, AIDS. Millions of people around the world, especially young people who are more sexually active, have died from this disease. Not to mention many more who have been kept miserable over the years by these STDs.

Many young women indulged themselves as sex machines in the men’s bedrooms due to their poverty mentality. Many of them are not working. Some are so lazy they don’t even want to work. You don’t have money to cover your most basic needs. They cannot afford something as cheap as sanitary napkins to control their monthly menstrual cycles. As a result, you use sex to trap men into giving you money.

In order to remain fashion conscious and savvy, many women sacrifice their bodies. Although your income is small, you want to keep up with fashion. You have a lot of boyfriends just because you need a lot of ‘donors’ to be able to continue living your fake life.

Why is this a problem?

In the course of these sexual escapades, many young women have contracted unwanted pregnancies. When you conceive a stranger, you are faced with two monsters. One, you go through an abortion to end the pregnancy or two, you deliver the baby as a bastard. During the operation, mostly performed by healers, some women suffer lifelong damage to the uterus. And others dump their newborns in waste collection centers or bushes where they eventually cry themselves to death or are collected for orphaned baby homes.

The Scripture says that the love of money is the root of all evil. Today, most men love money more than anything else. And they want easy money and that’s why they visit idols where they make all kinds of sacrifices to get money. Women who easily fall in love with men become prey in the hands of those evil men.

Sex is not equal to love. When you submit to a man sexually, he will use you, abuse you, and abandon you. That relationship eventually ends and you become the loser because you will feel disappointed, rejected, frustrated and abandoned.

On the other hand, when you exhibit good conduct and good character, you become your man’s favorite. You command respect. You demand honor. It imposes dignity. Your man cares about you and pays more attention to you and your needs. They will propose it to you. They will get married and experience the kind of relationships they have always dreamed of together.

When I was still single and looking for my perfect life partner, I went on several dates. What I discovered was that I had more respect and honor for those of whom I had no carnal knowledge. I worried more about them. I called and texted them more frequently. I paid more attention to them and their well-being. But once I had sex with anyone, the love and emotions started to wane. If it was someone I didn’t really like, I could easily skip to that point because there seemed to be nothing left to explore.

What do you do instead to attract the love of your life?

First, you need to set your limits. You need to establish your deciding factors. Those are your standards that are your values ​​that you cannot compromise. You kindly, early on, let your partner know that sex, for example, is a ‘no-go’ area for you in the relationship. You must maintain your integrity because that limit will be tested. The boy would like to check if you meant it.

You have to be a woman of good character. You will be polite, kind and considerate. Extend an olive branch to your partner and to all who cross your path. Be authentic and be vulnerable! Openness is a great virtue.

Don’t be self centered. Think more about what you can do for him. Support him to achieve his goals to the extent that you are invited. Offer advice or help only when asked. Give him peace of mind and never try to change him.

They say that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Of course, get involved in meaningful activities. If you don’t have a job, learn a skill or another that you are passionate about. You can also join any volunteer service you love in your area. The idea is to stay busy and engage meaningfully.

In general, if you maintain your sanity and virginity, you become irresistible to quality men. No man likes any woman who uses sex to set him up. Marriage is honorable and is a sacred institution that need not desecrate her body before the opportune moment arrives.

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Roulette Rules and Tips

Roulette Rules and Tips

Truly a game of chance, roulette offers the best odds of any game in a casino, with approximately a 47% chance of winning if you bet on a color. There are a number of roulette rules that you must follow, both for the table game and for online roulette. Tips ahead too.


Roulette arises from the passions of a mathematician, Blaise Pascal, in 17th century France. Francois Blanc, another Frenchman, eventually opened the first casinos in Monte Carlo, including some roulette wheels. Because it was one of the first casino games played, roulette is often called the King of Casino Games.

Roulette eventually made its way to US casinos as well. The difference between American and European roulette is the number “0”. The American roulette wheel contains “0” and “00” slots. The European wheel contains only one “0” slot. While this is a small difference, the second “00” space increases the house’s odds, not the player’s, to 5.3%. European roulette offers a house edge of just 2.7%.

roulette rules

Always get your roulette chips from the dealer at the table you are playing at. It will have to associate you with a specific color.

Once the dealer, also known as the croupier, has “closed” the table, usually by wiping a hand across the table, no more bets must be placed, removed, or moved.

Never touch the wheel or the ball.

Roulette is a very simple game. Your only decision is where to place your bet and how much to bet. You have 47 places to bet in the US, 46 in Europe.

You can place more than one bet in more than one place. There are inside bets and outside bets. 0 and 00 are always losing bets unless specifically included (excluded on all outside bets). Line bets are included in inside bets. The inside betting options are:

A number: place the chip on a specific number, 0 and 00 included; odds of winning 37:1; payment 35:1

Line bets:

Two numbers: place the chip on a line between two numbers (on the line between 1 and 2, for example); odds of winning 19:1; pay 17:1

Bet on three numbers/row: place the chip on the outer line that connects a row (outer line 1, 2, 3, for example); odds of winning 11,667:1; pay 11:1

Row 00 – Place the token on the row containing 0 and 00; odds of winning 18:1; pay 17:1

Five numbers: place the token on the line connecting the 0, 00, 1, 2, 3; odds of winning 6.6:1; pay 6:1

outside bets:

Dozens – Place the token in the box marked 1st 12, 2nd 12, or 3rd 12; if the winning number is within your betting area, you win. Odds of winning 2,167:1, payout 2:1

Columns: Place the token at the bottom of the long column of numbers; if the winning number is within your bet column, you win. Odds of winning 2,167:1, payout 2:1

Red or Black: place the token on the square marked Red or Black; if the winning number matches your color, you win. Odds of winning 1,111:1; pay 1:1

Odd or Even – Place the token on the box marked Odd or Even; if the winning number is odd and you bet Odd, you win. Odds of winning 1,111:1; pay 1:1

1-18 or 19-36 – place the chip on the box marked 1-18 or 19-36; if the winning number falls within your betting range, you win. Odds of winning 1,111:1; pay 1:1

online roulette

As with many online gambling games, roulette offers the opportunity to practice the game without the pressure of making serious mistakes. It allows a player to learn the ins and outs of the game and practice new strategies before heading to a casino. There is usually a countdown timer so players know how long they have to wager before a table closes, unlike the casino experience.

The rules of online roulette are very similar to those of traditional casinos. The odds are the same as the payouts. Of course, the risk can be much lower as minimum bets online range from pennies to thousands of dollars.

Tips Roulette Rules

There are almost as many strategies as roulette players. Here are some roulette tips for betting on the game, regardless of whether it is at a table or online:

  • Change your bets frequently, at least every 8 spins. The reason this works, in theory, is because the same number is unlikely to come up twice in 8 spins.
  • Bet the same number every time you plan to play 36 spins or more. The reason this roulette tip works is because a number is very likely to hit 1:36 times, getting your original bankroll back, so you’ll be playing with house money for the rest of the spins.
  • Never bet on green – this strategy doesn’t really work. Although 0 and 00 are “house numbers” (they are the reason the odds are in the house’s favor), the odds of one or both of them being correct are the same as any other number.
  • Bet only on red (or black): This strategy works 47% of the time. Same for the odd/even strategy or 1-18/19-36.

Written by: Todd Gamble

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