Digital Marketing

Overcome infertility, miscarriage and recurrent miscarriage

Infertility is frustrating enough, but what’s even worse is getting pregnant only to have all your hopes and dreams end in a miscarriage. Just when you think you’ve paid your ‘dues’, you think the universe couldn’t be cruel enough to make this happen over and over again. That’s what I used to think before I realized there was a lot I could do to overcome both infertility and miscarriage. I have finally come to the conclusion that there are few things in life that we cannot control. We are not victims of circumstances. We can empower ourselves by realizing that we own (and control) our bodies, our minds, and our ability to attract what we want into our life. It’s not that I believe women are responsible for their infertility and/or miscarriages, it’s just that every time you put yourself in “victim” mode, you automatically feel like there’s nothing you can do.

I admit, there may be physiological factors contributing to miscarriage requiring medical intervention, however, in my case, it was about restoring the delicate balance of my hormones and reproductive system. I had six miscarriages before having my beautiful daughter. But when it was good, it was good. I had her at age 44 and conceived her without fertility treatments. I had an uneventful pregnancy and delivery and if I do say so myself, my daughter is perfect in every way.

Getting Pregnant is an orchestration of synchronous events that unfold like a beautiful musical masterpiece. Each instrument has to play at the right time. It is mind-boggling to think of all that must occur for a successful conception, implantation, and ultimately pregnancy. After undergoing a series of unsuccessful fertility treatments (including IVF twice, which resulted in the removal of a fallopian tube after an ectopic pregnancy), I was still certain that I could have a baby the “old fashioned” way. way even with a trunk. Now that I understand how to restore the delicate balance of my reproductive system, I shudder to think of how all the drugs and hormones associated with fertility treatments may have been one of the main obstacles to my success. It’s like the proverbial “bull in a china shop”. I was injecting myself with powerful fertility drugs that resulted in wild mood swings, hyperstimulation of my ovaries, and abnormal estrogen levels. We spent $25,000 of our hard earned money only to walk away with nothing. Looking back, I think about how that $25,000 could have been a college fund for my daughter, and it’s amazing how financially conservative we are in every other aspect of our lives. I cannot think of any other medical procedure performed on basically healthy people that is as risky, expensive, and has such marginal success rates. It’s just that you want a baby so badly that you’re willing to do it. anything and therein lies the danger. Most of us have been so conditioned to seek medical and pharmaceutical help for every disorder, that we don’t even consider the ‘natural way’.

With each miscarriage, it broke my heart, but it comforted me to know that I could still get pregnant. None of the doctors could tell me why I was having a miscarriage, so they usually resorted to the depressing “pregnancy and miscarriage” statistics at my age. I didn’t buy it. I politely nodded my head and thought “blah blah blah, I’m outta here!” I knew I just needed each section of my orchestra to play in sync. It would be impossible to try to control microscopic events like ovulation, fertilization, implantation, etc. But what I was able to control is how my body worked on a “macro” level. I researched and developed a pregnancy protocol that prepared my body and mind and examined a number of other contributing factors, such as stress and how my less-than-perfect upbringing was affecting my fertility. I am completely convinced that there is a mind-body connection that controls the ability of many women to get pregnant and stay pregnant.

Let’s look at some of the factors that contribute to infertility and miscarriage that we can control:

1. Stress

I can already hear you say “here we go again—stress management, tell me something I don’t know.” But let’s take a closer look. I found that there seems to be a profile of women suffering from infertility and miscarriage. They tend to be very career and goal oriented, driven by deadlines, and may think they are expected to “have it all” or at least “all at once.” This attitude is totally inconsistent with getting pregnant and staying pregnant. I had no idea how much stress I was under until I finally quit my management job. Now I look back and I can’t believe what a pressure cooker I was in every day. At the time I thought I was managing my stress pretty well, but now that I have the benefit of hindsight, I realize I was constantly operating in “fight or flight” mode.

2. Diet

The American diet is as bad as it gets, and as other countries become more “Americanized,” their diets are shrinking as well. Although I always maintained a body weight that was within the normal range, I still did not eat fertility-promoting foods. I researched food and nutrition publications and followed a diet high in hormone-regulating foods, fruits, and vegetables. Hormone regulation is also critical to preventing miscarriage. As a bonus, foods that are good for fertility also happen to be great anti-aging strategies. It’s great for my ego when people ask me “Are you going to have another baby?” and now I am 47 years old!

3. Visualization and meditation

If you really want to attract something into your life, you need to see yourself as if you already have it. Many amateur and professional athletes use a combination of imagery and meditation before their competitions. It’s no different if you’re trying to get pregnant or if you’re already pregnant and want to stay that way. I developed a series of visualization and meditation techniques that helped me get pregnant and carry it to term.

4. Examine your attitudes about family and children

You should go back and confront your ingrained attitudes about family and children. I grew up with parents who didn’t match at all, and as a result, I didn’t even want children until I was in my 30s. I had such negative impressions of marriage and family that it’s no wonder my body was sabotaging my efforts to get pregnant and stay pregnant. I had to synchronize my mind and my body. When I ran a women’s infertility support group, I was always amazed at how many women said, “I always knew I was going to have a hard time getting pregnant!” Seems to be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, doesn’t it?

Again, there are some women who have physiological factors contributing to their infertility or miscarriage, and it may be impossible for them to have a successful pregnancy without medical intervention. But to me, it all seemed to fall into the category of the inexplicable. Well, I finally found the ‘explanation’: my orchestra needed some adjustments. It was very empowering when I finally realized that I was in control of my body, not the doctors!

Copyright © 2006 Sandy Robertson


Yes! Pirate Birthday Party Invitation Wording Ideas to Get Landlords Excited for Your Party

Hi, friend! A pirate’s life for me! Pirate birthday parties are a favorite with hearty sea dogs, whether they are girls or boys, young or old. A great pirate party invitation is a must to let all your adventurous friends know that they won’t want to miss your party. It’s fun to be creative and think about pirate lingo when drafting your invitations. Here are some of our favorites that will put guests in the mood:

  • Yes my Hearties! You are invited to chart your course for Captain Jack’s Buccaneer Bash
  • Watch out I buckos, “X” marks where the fun will be found, so plot your course and take it to Captain Jack’s Buccaneer Bash
  • Shake me up and knock me down, Captain Jack’s birthday is where all the swashbuckling fun can be found.
  • Yo-ho-ho, it’ll be smooth sailing and good winds when you go to Captain Jack’s treasure island and you’re rowing
  • Grub and grog will be yours, I Hearties, when Captain Jack’s birthday the swashbucklers come to the party.
  • You’ll walk the plank and clear the deck if you don’t attend Captain Jack’s Birthday Crew Check.
  • Come batten down the hatches and organize the Jolly Roger with me, because it’s my eighth birthday and I want to celebrate with you.
  • Salty wenches and dogs, pillage and plunder await you! Please join us in celebrating, but you will walk the plank if you are late!
  • You are invited to join Captain Jack’s crew. He would like to celebrate his eighth birthday with you! Oh landlubbers!
  • You’re all invited to join the fray on Captain Alison’s sixth birthday.

Your sailor guests will love pirate invitations with things associated with the life of a pirate: a Caribbean island, pirate eye patches, bare bones left on a deserted island, peg-legged pirate captains, treasure chests, and more. pirate gold, buccaneer ship, parrot, skull and cross. bones, pirate costumes, gold pirate treasure map invitations. If you want your guests to arrive in costume, don’t forget to add that information to your invitation. You can also provide pirate hats, pirate eye patches, or earrings for your guests to wear to get into the spirit of a wholesome and hearty time when pirates sailed the seas.

Health Fitness

Top Ten Reasons to Play Pickleball

10 good reasons to put on your court shoes and play pickleball.

Reason #1 – Training Change workouts challenge your muscles in new ways, which means you burn more calories. A change in routine will force your body to recruit more muscle fibers to stabilize your feet and strengthen your core. As you navigate the courts and explosive play, you’ll actually burn 10% more calories than walking or running on a treadmill or paved surface.

Reason #2 – Beat boredom

Nothing is worse than killing motivation than repetitive routines. Add some excitement to your next workout. There is a lot to look forward to when playing pickleball. If it’s a new sport for you, think of all the skills you can master; dinking, third shot, volleys, serves and the tactical strategies to outwit your opponents. There are so many varieties of skills and tactics that you might want to buy a book and study it.

Reason #3 – Socialization

I don’t think I’ve ever been on a court where I didn’t meet new people. It’s also a great way to stay active with your friends and catch up in person.

Reason #4 – Family time

Children of all ages have fun exploring the fun of the sport. Paddling positions, court maneuvers, strategies and just plain fun are great educational opportunities for the whole family to explore. The little ones can burn off some energy that will help them sleep better, and it’s a great environment to discuss the circle of life with older children, when it comes to pickleball of course.

Reason #5 – Lift your spirit

Getting away from the hustle and bustle of work obligations or family responsibilities can be essential for our well-being according to various studies. There is no better place to relax than to spend time on a pickleball court. Sunbathing increases the absorption of vitamin D through the skin. Stopping to smell the roses or meditate between games can help reduce stress and stave off depression. Pickleball also offers opportunities to be active in tournaments or social events that will affect your mood in a positive way.

Reason #6 – Prevention of osteoporosis

As a weight-bearing exercise, the regular game of pickleball can help prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone density and strengthening bones.

Reason #7 – Better cardiorespiratory fitness (heart, lungs and blood vessels)

This refers to its ability to deliver oxygen to skeletal muscles during regular exercise. As your exercise increases, your heart muscle becomes stronger, amplifying the volume of blood with each beat. The lungs allow proper gas exchange and control the rate of ventilation, as well as increasing the general sense of well-being.

Reason #8 – Profitable

A good idea is to invest in a good pair of light and resistant shoes: the average costs are from $75.00 to $170.00. If you’re a savvy shopper, you can find a deal at your local factory store. Include wick-a-way socks and wicking shirts to match your shoes for added comfort while on the courts.

Reason #9 – Sleep better

When it comes to having a direct effect on getting a good night’s sleep, it’s vigorous exercise in the late afternoon or early evening that seems most beneficial.

Reason #10 – Weight control

You don’t have to be in perfect shape to get started. Even if you are overweight, it won’t take long for you to reap the health benefits. A 150-pound person playing pickleball at a moderate intensity for an hour can burn 400 calories.

Remember that most experts recommend that if you have been inactive for several years, or already have a condition such as high blood pressure, consult your doctor first before beginning any physical activity.

Legal Law

Facts that every lawyer should know about Hispanic marketing

Hispanics continue to be one of the fastest growing segments of the population. As a result, the Latino communities in the United States have a growing need for legal representation.

Consider these facts:

1. 75% of Latinos speak Spanish at home

While approximately 44% of Hispanics report that they conduct their online searches in English, more than half of them said they still prefer to do business with companies that offer their services in Spanish, even if they don’t require it.

2. Hispanics are the largest users of mobile devices

Whether streaming, texting or searching online, Hispanics report nearly 10.5 hours per week of smartphone use, compared to the overall average of 8.4 hours for other ethnic groups.

3. Hispanics are the largest users of Social Media platforms

Current reports suggest that 75% of Latinos use social media for entertainment and research compared to 68% of other ethnic groups; spending approximately 7 hours per day accessing the various social platforms.

Are you doing enough to effectively market your law firm to the Hispanic community?

Here are some ways to attract and develop a relationship with Latinos and Hispanics in your market:

1. Advertising on local platforms in Spanish

Local radio stations, billboards, bus shelters, local magazines and newspapers are still ways to keep your name and face in front of your local community. Bilingual ads, or entirely in Spanish, will earn the trust of local Hispanics as a professional who will welcome them and speak to them in the language they are most comfortable with without fear of judgment.

2. Participation of the Latino community

Especially in the larger urban areas, more and more cultural groups organize street festivals and fundraisers. Be part of the events. Sponsor a booth or lunch. Talk to the people around you. They may not need legal services right now, but they will remember that you were there and took the time to talk.

3. Your website is your 24-hour law firm

Presenting “Se Habla Español” on your website is not enough. If you are a Spanish-speaking lawyer, or if you have staff that can help you with translation, then market yourself in Spanish. Have an entire section or an entire website dedicated to offering your legal services in Spanish.

Mobile-friendly designs are important. Since statistics indicate that Hispanics use their mobile devices at a higher rate than non-Hispanics, it is imperative that your website self-formats to fit any device automatically.

Hispanic marketing companies like offer website services, translation services, and original content writing to help you with your website needs.

4. Drive traffic for your law practice

There are some online legal directories that are highly optimized for Spanish and bilingual searches that are trusted by Hispanic communities across the country, such as and Building links from premium sites will help your SEO efforts.

For over a decade, search engines have relied heavily on links to gauge domain popularity and authority. Backlinks from relevant domains are considered votes and importance. Search engines use link data and algorithms to evaluate individual websites and pages based on this information.

Before you engage in an online marketing campaign or join every bilingual network available, ask yourself: How long have they been in business? Do you offer any guarantee? Do you have a link to my website? Do you offer fair and competitive prices? Do they saturate the market? Will my listing be seen in a long list of attorneys?

Lifestyle Fashion

unwritten rules of basketball

Every sport has certain unwritten rules that each player or coach must follow. These rules must be followed out of respect for the game. These are some of the unwritten rules that apply to basketball.

1. Never fill out your stats. For example, a player should not shoot 3-pointers at the end of a game in which his team has a big lead just to be able to break the record for the most 3-pointers in a game. A player must not intentionally miss a shot in order to get the rebound and have a triple-double for the game. A player shouldn’t pass up open shots because he’s trying to break an assist record. These are examples of intentionally padding statistics.

2. Never take a last second shot if your team has a big lead. This is simply considered unsportsmanlike. Usually, at the end of a blowout, if the winning team has the ball for the last possession, the losing team won’t even bother to protect the offensive players. This is a sign that the losing team has conceded the game. At this time, the player with the ball must dribble the ball and run out of time.

3. Never solidly pressure a team you are beating. Even if you’re a team that likes to run the full-court rush, you shouldn’t do it when the game is out of control in your favor. Clearly, your team was much better than the other team in that game, and putting pressure on the losing team will usually only magnify how bad the other team was. It’s just not right to do it.


Fero Iris Quick Review, Features and Specs

The Fero Iris is a low-end smartphone with an Iris scanner and built-in 4G LTE. It features a sleek design, the kind that fits perfectly in your pocket and can also be great for driving.

In the displays department, the phone points to a 5.0-inch IPS LCD display that is good for viewing text and consuming media. Viewing angles should be fine. We can’t really say much about operating the phone outdoors.

On the performance side, it is equipped with a MTK6737 Quad Core processor, clocked at 1.3 GHz. This is definitely a processor for a low-end smartphone, but for the most part, it should be fast enough. 1GB of RAM and 8GB of onboard storage is what this device packs, which isn’t a huge surprise considering the price, but you can further expand the storage with a 32GB microSD if you want that extra space on your telephone. It is also a dual sim smartphone.

It has an 8MP rear camera and a 2MP front camera that also works as an Iris scanner. For selfie enthusiasts, you may want to look elsewhere for your dream front camera, but if you’re interested in high-end security at an affordable price, then this is for you. Although, we haven’t really tested the iris scanner to find out how accurate it is in recognizing your iris.

2,500 mAh is what you get here, which may not appeal to heavy users, but it still gets the job done. However, you may not want to stray too far from your charger.

Check out the full specs for the Fero Iris below;

Network connectivity:

WLAN: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, dual band, Wi-Fi Direct, hotspot

Network: 2G 850/900/1800/1900 MHz, 3G 2100 MHz, LTE BAND 3/ BAND 7/ BAND 20/ BAND 40

Bluetooth: v4.0


OS: Android OS, v6.0 (Marshmallow)

Chipset: MTK6737

CPU: 1.3 GHz, quad core


Size: 144*72*9mm

Weight: 137 grams

SIM: Dual SIM (Micro-SIM, dual standby)

Construction: Titanium base metal back panel


Type: IPS capacitive touchscreen, 16 million colors

Size: 5 inches

Screen resolution: 1280 × 720 HD


Primary: 8 MP, LED flash

Secondary: 2 MP with IRIS scanner

Multitouch: Yes


Card slot: microSD, up to 32 GB (dedicated slot)

Internal: 8 GB, 1 GB RAM


Alert types: MIDI/MP3/AAC/WAV

speaker: yes

3.5mm jack: Yes


Capacity: 2500 mAh, Removable

Type: lithium ion

Real Estate

Website Ranking: 5 Steps to Improve On-Page SEO

Web page rank, or where your site is located in the search results of search engines like Google, is the key to freeing up traffic. Think about it, most people find web pages by searching for them, right? I bet that’s how you found this page. So, if you want to improve your web page ranking and generate free traffic, the first thing you need to take care of is on page search engine optimization. And before I continue, let me define a couple of terms for you.

Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) – The process of improving the visibility of a website or web page in search engines through “natural” or unpaid (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results. SEO is generally divided into two parts: On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

On-Page SEOCreate your site with the goal of being search engine friendly. These are factors that are completely under your control.

Off-Page SEO – Factors like inbound links (or backlinks), page rank, anchor text of inbound links that are not on your site and therefore somewhat out of your control. Basically, search engines look at how many other sites link to your page when they determine your web page ranking. In general, the more sites that link to your page, the more popular search engines think your page is.

As you may have guessed, on-page search engine optimization is much easier to do than off-page. Unfortunately, it’s also a much smaller piece of the puzzle, as search engines consider backlinks more important than on-page factors. However, if you want to have a good web page ranking, you should first pay attention to the on-page factors, as they will make a big difference in how long it takes for your page to appear in search engines and for which keywords. . you qualify for.

5 Steps to On Page Search Engine Optimization Success

Before you can get started on the first step, I should mention that you MUST research your keywords BEFORE you even think about starting a website. Once you have your keyword in mind, you can start with the five steps below.

Step 1: Register a domain

The first step in setting up any website is to register a domain, so this is pretty obvious. But, if you want to make it much easier for you to get the web page ranking you want, make sure your keyword is in your domain name. Actually, your keyword should be the first part of your domain, followed by another word. In my experience, action words work best as an additional word in the domain, but you can use any word, such as site, store, or online. For example, if your keyword was dog training, your domain would be something like www-dot-dogtrainingsite-dot-com. This seems like a trivial thing, but as you do your keyword research, take a look at how many times the high-ranking sites for a keyword have the keyword within the domain. Trust me, this will make your life so much easier.

Step 2 – Write a 500 word article

If you’ve been doing article marketing, you know that articles need to be keyword-rich. This means that the keyword density should be between 1% and 4%. Just make sure it reads naturally because this article will be the main post on your web page. In my experience, 500-550 words seems to have the best results. If you are using WordPress, just add this article as a post.

Step 3: Latent Semantic Index (LSI) Keywords

LSI keywords, or synonyms as they are known to the rest of the world, are an important part of ranking for your web page. It is not natural for a keyword to appear many times within an article if none of its synonyms are also there. Therefore, as part of your keyword research, be sure to note the words that Google sees as related keywords. Google’s wonder wheel is a great tool to use for this. As you write your article, be sure to add several LSI keywords within the article to ensure it reads naturally and that search engines like what they see.

Step 4 – Use your keyword in your title

If you are familiar with html, you know what a

the is tag (for those unfamiliar with html, h1 stands for heading 1 and search engines consider the words inside these tags to be the most important on the page). If you want to get a good web page ranking in search engines, make sure you have your keyword within h1 tags. If you are not familiar with html, WordPress makes it easy for you. Just make sure you have your keyword in the title of your post. The title is put

tags by default so you don’t have to learn any html.

One more note about headlines. Make sure to make it interesting! Simply putting the keyword in the article will make the search engines pay attention, but that won’t do any good if your visitors are bored. They will simply abandon your site and all your SEO efforts and excellent web page ranking will be in vain. I find that telling people the benefits or solving their problems works best. Something like “Your keyword here It will save you a small fortune.” Simple and eye-catching, it keeps your visitor reading.

Step 5 – Use your keyword in your title tag

For best results, you want to match your title tag to your domain name. So if your domain name is, your title should start with Dog Training Review. In my experience, search engines seem to like it better. You can enter up to three keywords in the title tag, just be sure to put a “|” between each (the vertical bar is called a pipe). So your title should look something like this – Keyword 1 | Keyword 2 | keyword 3.

I personally like to use 2 keywords in my titles, but that’s just my preference. Three is fine, but more than that and it looks unnatural to search engines, which is what you don’t want. WordPress makes changing the title tag very easy. In your admin panel, click on settings in the left sidebar. In the general settings, there is a place to put the title of your site. Type your keyword-rich title here, hit the Save Changes button, and you’ll change the title of your web page.

You can verify that it worked by visiting your home page (refresh if you’re already there) and looking at the bar at the top of your browser. This is where your title will appear. One final note on the title tag and WordPress. Some plugins, like the all-in-one SEO pack, will override the title you enter on the general settings page. If you have an SEO plugin installed, you’ll probably change its title on the plugin’s settings page.

Now, will doing all this ensure that you have a great positioning on your website? Well, no. But it’s the first step, and a very important step because it greatly reduces the amount of work you have to do from here. And I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely a fan of getting better results with less work.

Shopping Product Reviews

iPhones VS Androids, their differences and similarities

There is a buzz of excitement in the media and telecommunications circle as iPhone and Android users compete for the champion of its class when it comes to mobile technology. From a productivity point of view, both devices have their differences and similarities. However, depending on the respective categories they serve, there is always one that has a competitive advantage. We’ll look at each mobile device in each choice category to determine which one stands out. The challenged areas in this smartphone saga are: login features, taking photos, making calls, managing storage, entertaining users and last but not least, engaging in social media.

Logging in

Logging into one’s device could be the first test of patience and tolerance as it is the first thing we do before using other features of the phone. The iPhone’s TouchID fingerprint sensor technology is considered the most secure way to allow authorized users to access the device, since each fingerprint is unique to each person on the planet. Although Android users have similar technology, iPhones are the true proprietary leaders when it comes to this feature.

In closer comparison, Android has a smart screen lock technology that uses facial recognition to allow access to the device, but this is often less secure than the TouchID feature. While this acknowledges that the iPhone is the preferred option in this category, there may be other features that Android users prefer, such as making calls.

making calls

Now that social distancing is becoming the new norm, “Facetime” calls have proven their worth and again, iPhone users are smiling face to face with this feature. As much as preferred in the category, Android users bridge the gap by using other apps like WhatsApp to virtually connect with their contacts. However, it is not the same as “Facetime”.

Contrary to the latter, Android technology boasts of its easy to use contact list feature which is considered to be superior compared to iPhone. All contacts are arranged sequentially into the most recent and most frequent calls. This convenient feature allows for easy call retrieval and pickup. However, one would say; “Who needs that when you can put a face on a call!”

Selfies and snapshots

And speaking of putting photos on faces, photo taking is believed to be the number one feature for most of the smartphone users. The iPhone again seems to be in the lead when it comes to capturing moments with precision and quality. While both share their advantages and disadvantages depending on the skills of their users, one thing that stands out: the arrangement and storage of the photos. Hands down, Android beats the iPhone in that category, since Google Photo stores images and manages them.


Storage plays an important role in data collection and the feature could be given a high score when deciding which device to use. If you are a photographer, graphic artist or animator and you are thinking of an affordable device that can manage data, then you will most likely go for an Android smartphone. Why, because it does not require updating when the capacity to store files is exhausted. There are expandable SD cards as well as cloud storage that are accessible.

In a contrasting light, the iPhone has its share of cloud storage option by having your file in iClouds. This is similar to Google Photo, but the difference with its internal storage is that it does not have a disposable SD slot and once users exceed their physical storage capacity, they have to upgrade their smartphones to a newer and updated device. If one is an artist and can afford to do this then a smart suggestion is to get an iPhone because the following feature trumps all other features.


Videos and music attract a high percentage of smartphone users and it is important to have a device that offers quality and precision. The iPhone speaks loudly when it comes to packing punches. According to CNN Business Magazine, the iPhone is the leading device for a consistent and unlimited music library for its users. However, the difference from Apple’s iPhone platform is that the music is not free, while Android users enjoy free music that we all know is supported by ads.

To determine a winner in this category, we looked at the quality of delivery, and since the entertainment speaks for itself, the iPhone drops the mic and declares victory.

social networks

While the iPhone declares its dominance in entertainment, Android defies its opponent when it comes to social media engagements. This becomes an alarming fact due to its unrestricted access that emanates from the affordable cost of Android.

Contrary to this, the iPhone is known to have a lot of holes in the pockets of consumers. However, there is a demarcation line when it comes to new features and updates and if one does not have an iPhone, one may fall behind in the field of technology.

In the business world, new applications emerge every day to improve productivity. If you’re a social media manager, you’d better be well equipped with the latest gadgets to handle your marketplace. The iPhone outperforms Android when it comes to meeting these high-tech demands. However, when it comes to the ease of communication and user-friendly benefits, we could certainly say that Android stands out.

According to CNET, both the iPhone and Samsung have tipped the market in terms of features and benefits for their respective users. A particular CNET article explained that depending on the device one uses to communicate with their respective partner, communication is the key to their future love life. This means that regardless of the device we use to communicate, tradition, culture and expectations play a predominant role in deciding which one is more effective in communication.

The final count

The login feature opens up a plethora of promise for its excited user, but both phones capture memorable moments in various expressive ways. While there are compromises during these Kodak moments, every user is satisfied in the end.

After exciting encounters, storage plays an important role in determining what remains or is removed from devices, and we entertain ourselves with what we choose to keep. We also share these events through a network of curious audiences who are eager to watch and respond.

The similarities and differences highlight the advantages and disadvantages within each feature category and we decide which device suits us. However, we have selected winners in some of the mentioned categories; we cannot say which one is more dominant and more preferable than the other because each moment and category is unique for its user.

In determining a winner, one would not only depend on the decisions of the users, but also on the audience (third parties) who also experience the results (service delivery). They are the ones who are part of the decision-making process. Therefore, I leave it to each reader to determine the winner: iPhone VS Android. For me, I say that both have their place in the world of telecommunications.


The five best rushing seasons in Denver Broncos history

For most teams, especially teams that want to be successful, having a good running game is very important. Running the ball gains yardage, consumes time off the clock, and wears down the opposing team. Plus, there are fewer things that can go wrong while running than can go wrong while passing as well.

The Denver Broncos came to professional football in 1960 as a founding member of the American Football League. They’ve had an up-and-down existence, experiencing everything from being last in the league to back-to-back Super Bowl champions. Its brokers have also played an important role in this story.

Here are the top five rushing seasons in Denver Broncos history:

#5 – Clinton Portis – 2002

2002 would see the Denver Broncos start 7-3 before finishing the year with a 9-7 record. Portis had a breakout season that year, finishing with 273 carries for 1,508 yards and 15 touchdowns.

#4 – Terrell Davis – 1996

1996 saw the Broncos finish the season with a 13-3 record, only to lose in the first round of the playoffs to the Jacksonville Jaguars. Terrell Davis did very well, carrying the ball 345 times for 1,538 yards and 13 touchdowns.

#3 – Clinton Portis – 2003

In 2003, the Broncos went 10-6 and finished with four wins in the final five weeks of the season. They then lost to the Indianapolis Colts in the first week of the playoffs. Clinton Portis also did his part, rushing 290 times for 1,591 yards and 14 touchdowns.

#2 – Terrell Davis – 1997

The Broncos went 12-4 in 1997, then advanced to the playoffs and defeated the Green Bay Packers in the Super Bowl. Terrell Davis had a breakout season that year, carrying the ball 369 times for 1,750 yards and 15 touchdowns.

#1 – Terrell Davis – 1998

In 1998, Denver was at one point 13-0 before finishing the season with a 14-2 record. They then made quick work of the Miami Dolphins and New York Jets in the playoffs, before defeating the Atlanta Falcons in the Super Bowl for their second straight championship win. Terrell Davis was a key part of his success that season, rushing 392 times for 2,008 yards and 21 touchdowns.


Does your child need a cell phone?

In the modern age, children as young as five are begging their parents for cell phones. Most parents wonder when their child is the right age to have a cell phone. That would depend on the circumstances. When deciding if your child is ready for their own cell phone, there are several things to consider.

Most parents want to buy cell phones for their children so that the youngsters can stay in touch when they are away from home. These devices are useful if they need to be carried and allow you to communicate with them in an emergency. And as scary as it is, a cell phone may be your only contact with your child during a school shooting or terrorist attack.

Another advantage of a cell phone for your teen is the fact that he can call and tell you where he is and when he plans to be home. The added feature of a GPS can ensure that the teen is where she is supposed to be.

The only reason you might want a younger child to have a cell phone is to allow them to communicate with you when you’re not at school, and many schools now prohibit cell phone use on their property. So if you’re buying a phone for a kid who spends most of his time in school, he might as well not even bother. You won’t be able to use it there anyway. Another factor is the age of the child. If a child is under ten years old, he really shouldn’t be alone anyway, so he should be able to use the cell phone that belongs to the supervising adult. Therefore, buying a phone for a younger child is not a necessity.

Another disadvantage of buying a cell phone for any of your children is the added expense. While you can keep careful track of available minutes and rarely use text messaging, kids don’t keep track of the minutes they use, and some teens send as many text messages a day as their fingers can type. Your child can also download games to their cell phone, which adds additional costs. These practices can lead to you receiving an astronomical phone bill. That doesn’t include the additional cost if your child loses or breaks her cell phone.

While some parents see the added independence a cell phone can give a child as an advantage, it could also be seen as a disadvantage. While it gives your child more freedom, it’s a freedom to communicate with the outside world without your supervision. This can open the way for sex offenders to befriend your child without her knowledge.

If you decide to allow your child to have a cell phone, you may want to purchase a prepaid phone to keep the price within reason. You must also put limits on the amount of use and details of what the phone will be used for. Also take the time to talk to your child about not accepting text messages from anyone they don’t know.

Cell phones are becoming a way of life for most Americans. While a teenager will probably need one of these devices, a younger child may not. In the end, the choice is up to you.