Home Kitchen

How Durable Are Laminate Cabinet Doors?

Although laminate closet doors are almost the cheapest selection for your closets, they are far from the lowest quality. When we talk from a durability point of view, I think high pressure plastic laminate doors are the most durable of all.

I have now been in the kitchen furniture manufacturing business for many years and have owned several companies related to the industry. I have seen many old Formica cabinets that were in excellent condition. I have also seen some that were not in such good condition. As with anything else, when something is properly maintained, it is possible for something to “last a lifetime.”

Laminate doors will last thirty to fifty years. The only thing that is required of the owners is that they clean them regularly. Formica doors are easily cleaned with Windex, Formula 409 or simply a damp cloth.

If you are considering having Formica in your kitchen or bathroom, I suggest you select white or off-white for the color. Over the years, these two colors have long withstood the ever-changing trends in kitchen cabinets. Many different shades and patterns of laminate are discontinued each year, but white remains in the color chip chains of all vendors.

Now it is important that you DO NOT confuse Formica laminate doors with Thermofoil doors. Thermofoil raised panel doors will NOT last as long as hard shell high pressure laminated plastic doors.

The two things that have a negative effect on Formica plastic laminate doors are the way they are manufactured and cared for. If the manufacturer did not use enough glue on the doors, you will experience problems. In my expert opinion, this only happens once in ten thousand kitchens.

It is important to understand the difference between a melamine door and a plastic laminate door. Melamine is actually applied to the center board by the people who make it. Formica laminate is applied by the people who build your kitchen. Melamine is NOT as durable as laminate; it is thinner and is not available in as many colors as Formica.

Here are some cabinet door styles listed from cheapest to most expensive:

  • Melanin
  • Plastic laminated doors
  • Thermofoil
  • Real wood

Here is a list of closet door styles, from lowest to highest quality.:

  • Thermofoil
  • Melamine
  • Real wood
  • Formica

The way laminate doors are made is that the plastic sheet is purchased separately from the dash. The board is cut to the correct size for the cabinet doors and then the plastic is cut a little larger. The laminated edges of the door are glued first. The front and rear of the doors are then covered with Formica. Contact glue is used as the adhesive and routers are what trim the laminate flush with the edges of the door. Cabinetmakers use a file to smooth sharp edges. Any access contact adhesive is cleaned with lacquer thinner.

Kitchen cabinet doors are laminated with “vertical” or VT grade plastic. This is the thinner of the two options. The countertops are made of thicker plastic which is called “standard” thickness. The VT is generally thirty seconds thick of an inch and the standard is one sixteenth of an inch.

If you are considering buying Formica plastic laminate doors for your kitchen or bathroom, ask your cabinetmaker if they can be three-quarters of an inch thick. Five-eighths thick laminate doors are durable and hold up well, but the thicker option will last longer in the long run.


How do hybrid vehicles get that great gas mileage?

The term that actually applies is HEV, which stands for Hybrid Electric Vehicle. These are the most fuel efficient vehicles available to most of us.

While the actual setup may vary due to the manufacturer’s design intentions, they generally combine a small gasoline engine (by regular vehicle standards) with an electric motor.

While the gasoline engine does most of the locomotion at highway speeds, when less fuel is required, it is also available to provide the extra power that the electric motor cannot provide or sustain for long.

The battery-electric / motor combination can get the car moving in some cases, keep systems without the gasoline engine having to idle at stops such as lights and transmission, and can help the gasoline engine while driving the hybrid vehicle down the road. Not only is fuel saved while the electric motor keeps vehicle systems in what would normally be idle situations, but this means less pollution is emitted into the air, generally within the limits of our most polluted areas … our cities .

During the break-in of the vehicle, particularly in coasting situations, the battery that provides power to the electric motor is recharged. When braking at slower speeds (in town, stop and go), regenerative braking is generally used to stop the car rather than the brakes themselves. In regenerative braking, the electric motor actually changes polarity, becoming an electric generator that recharges the battery. This change from engine to generator creates reverse torque that is used to slow down and stop the vehicle. At highway speeds, normal braking occurs.

Sometimes the charge inside the battery can drop below the necessary level, and at those times the small gasoline engine automatically starts to recharge the battery.

Even with hybrids, however, there are different types of vehicles to meet consumer needs. There are hybrid SUVs, trucks, and small and mid-size sedans like the Toyota Prius, which is one of the most fuel-efficient hybrid vehicles available, averaging 50 MPG. Larger hybrid vehicles, such as SUVs and trucks, tend to provide fuel economy in a relative sense. The fuel economy of these larger hybrid vehicles tends to be roughly equal to that of a gasoline sedan.

Digital Marketing

IRACIS: a roadmap for return on investment in business intelligence

Very often when companies are considering a business intelligence project or purchasing software, a question arises that seems to baffle everyone involved.

“Where is the ROI on this project?”

This question has brought many business intelligence projects to a halt. The CFO or CEO may ask. It may be mentioned in one of your meetings with a vendor or consultant presenting a solution. The sad truth is, if you can’t answer this question with hard numbers in specific areas, the ROI is probably not there.

IRACIS is a simple acronym that can be used to quantify the value of a business intelligence project to a company. Represents the following:

Increase Revenue: How will this app and functionality generate more sales to new or existing customers, shorten the sales cycle, and / or reduce the cost of sales?

Avoid cost – By far the area where you focus the most on BI project justifications. How will this app help us improve efficiency, put more information in the hands of our business people, and eliminate wasteful processes?

Improve service: will this app have a significant impact on our customer base? Will we be able to provide more timely and valuable information to our customers, prospects, and suppliers?

Many times, in a business intelligence effort, there are results that are considered desirable. Things like ad-hoc reporting, more informed operations staff, and less lag time on financial reports are nice. But they won’t justify investing in a business intelligence solution from a quality software vendor without quantified direct and secondary benefits in the areas mentioned above.

Let’s face it, business intelligence solutions don’t come cheap. Today, there are many scalable solutions on the market ranging from traditional software implementations to SaaS (software as a service) and even open source solutions. Large companies have long embraced the benefits of business intelligence and now, with these various offerings, small and medium-sized businesses are taking advantage of it as well. However, any business intelligence project is only as good as the planning, effort, and data that goes into whatever software platform you are using. Hence another phrase that is often heard in many BI projects, “garbage in, garbage out.”

By using the IRACIS model to quantify the value of the solution to the business, you provide everyone with a clear roadmap towards what is considered a successful project. From the executive sponsor of the company to the vendor you are working with, there is no ambiguity as to what is expected as the bottom line. I would challenge any company considering a business intelligence project of some kind, that if they can’t find a solution that addresses at least one of the three areas above, if not all three, the project is probably not worth doing in all of them. And if the solution or software product can’t be scaled to address all three areas in the long term, it’s probably not the best product for you. This may seem like a rigorous criterion, but in an era where most large companies have 3-4 separate business intelligence tools, it is clear that more critical thinking is needed before purchasing a solution or platform.

This acronym is not only a good way to quantify the value of a project to a company, but it can also become a brainstorming tool for the types of applications you are looking to create. Earlier, I noticed that the Avoid Cost portion of this acronym is by far the most focused for business intelligence projects. Why is that? Does business intelligence only serve to eliminate waste and make an organization more efficient? Can’t you use it to increase revenue by putting valuable information in front of potential customers you haven’t reached yet?

I would say that some of the best and most successful business intelligence applications I know of are focused on the first category of Growing Revenue. Business intelligence is about putting the right information in the right hands at the right time. For some companies, that could be an in-house business analyst. But for many others, it may be putting information in front of your customers, prospects, and partners to provide a fresh perspective on a purchasing decision. When companies sell complex products and services, it is sometimes necessary to trace the customer where they live. You need to communicate with them with a compelling message about your product or value proposition and give them a reason to act on that information.

If you received an email from a major auto insurance provider, showing your current auto insurance provider and the estimated rate you are paying, and then a graph showing a $ 700 savings on rate comparisons for the same coverage for one year, be an attractive email to receive. It would probably motivate you to pick up the phone or go to a website to find more information.

This, in turn, would improve service and avoid costs. Being able to present this type of accurate and timely information to a potential customer shows them that you have systems in place to save them money and provide the best possible service. It shortens the sales cycle and the cost of sales, increasing the margin and profitability. It instills trust in the company from the customer’s point of view and also gets people talking about your product or service.

In the information age we live in, the data and information that companies have are by far their most valuable assets. Getting this information in a usable format to the right audience can be the role of business intelligence in any company. This should be an objective when analyzing what business intelligence can do for a company. Don’t just eliminate waste and automate internal processes. I certainly believe that projects that focus on those issues are worthwhile and valuable to a company. But when you expand your thinking and remember that using the Internet to deliver information in a variety of formats is the most cost-effective way to reach a critical mass of people, only then can you get your full ROI on buying a business intelligence solution. .

So the next time a discussion comes up about a business intelligence project or initiative, think of the IRACIS model as a way to discuss and evaluate projects that are worthwhile for your company. You may be surprised what occurs to you when your thinking turns to generating income and improving service. Just remember, after you’ve finished creating a new line of business or growing an existing one, ask your boss for a commission.


A priceless birthday gift

Kelly was a very wealthy Hollywood actress, who was used to a posh lifestyle. He lived in a multi-million dollar house in Beverly Hills. She had all kinds of people she paid to do things for her, like her personal chef, her aerobics coach, her gardener, her maid, and her masseur. He spared no expense in catering to their wants and needs.

Kelly was a great actress and had been nominated several times for the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards. He seemed to have everything he wanted.

Despite losing his mother at a very young age, he had a very loving father and sister. Her dad made sure his two daughters had an excellent education. He was also very supportive of his professional movements. Kelly had always wanted to be an actress. His sister, Sarah, had always wanted to be a scientist.

Sarah drove from where she worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to her sister’s house.

It was Kelly’s birthday and she invited dozens of celebrities, from actors to musicians. Each guest took turns giving Kelly their quirky gifts, such as gold-plated photo frames, expensive modern artwork, and Hong Kong items. It was time for her sister Sarah to give Kelly her birthday present. He handed Kelly a new photo album. Kelly jokingly said, “A photo album, Sarah? Do you know how many photo albums I have? I don’t have enough images to fill all my photo albums.”

Sarah knew her sister’s sarcastic humor and took the comment in stride. Finally he said, “Open the album, sister.”
“OPEN the album, Kelly,” Sarah said with conviction.

Kelly opened the photo album. There were many photos of an attractive woman and a handsome man in his mid-thirties with two girls. Both girls appeared to be less than ten years old.

Kelly’s mouth slowly began to open wide as if she had transformed on the spot. She started crying as tears of love streamed down her face. He stared at the first page of photographs for several minutes. Finally he said in a low voice, “It’s mom.” He couldn’t say anything else for a few minutes as he turned the page. The room was silent. The next page contained photos of her mother, father, Sarah, and herself at the Grand Canyon. “Our last trip together,” Kelly said even more softly. He couldn’t hold back the tears that flowed, which were now like Niagara Falls. The people in the room also started crying. Most knew that Kelly lost her mother at a very young age.

“Where did you get this from?” Kelly asked Sarah. “These are absolutely priceless.”
“Dad found them in the attic. I had the same reaction as you. I had a photoshop restore many of the photos and made several copies. I had to make an album for you and me. It’s the least I could do for mom, Sarah he exclaimed.
“Do you remember the walk along the Colorado River?” Kelly asked Sarah. “I was so mad when we jumped into the river.”
Both sisters embraced. Sarah was crying as much now as Kelly. The tears of both sisters were tears of embrace and loyalty. They both adored each other.

After about an hour of reminiscing about each other and the guests around them, Kelly said, “Sarah, this is the best birthday present anyone could give me. Thank you.”


How to control earwigs naturally

They feed at night and look for dark, cool, and humid places to hang out during the day. Some common hiding places are under organic matter such as mulch, pine straw, litter and other debris, loose wood chip mulch, decaying matter, rotten fruit on the ground, wood, boards or tree branches that are on the ground , under dense growth of vines or pots and thick pots, anything damp will shade them and protect them from the sun. As well as hiding in piles of firewood that you didn’t use last year and let’s not forget to hang out inside that little wooded shed you have outside that you haven’t gotten in in years. While earwigs are scavengers, they eat dead insects, decompose plant materials, they can also eat live plants and damage your vegetables and feed on the flowers of plants, including marigolds, petunias, hibiscus, and many other plants. Earwigs leave many small holes in the leaves and flowers of plants.

Seedlings and most flowering plants can be seriously damaged or even killed when there is a large population of earwigs (coffee grounds will protect). Earwigs can produce large populations fairly quickly and can become a major owner problem overnight. They are attracted to lights, so they will enter at night attracted by lights that are on; as well as the lights that you have on during the day, which will make them hang out there, especially if it is a cool area. Earwigs can be found in most homes and can enter through entry points such as doors and windows, climbing through broken walls and cracked openings, shattered screens. They have a beneficial role in the landscape and have been shown to be important predators of aphids, mites, most insect eggs, and most soft-bodied insects such as whiteflies. They have a very unpleasant smell when crushed.

Some natural controls

Hint: earwigs are attracted to moisture

Control the water around the outside of the house. Repair any leaks. Convert to a drip system to keep water underground. Check weeds regularly and clean up dead debris. Eliminate areas of high humidity around walls, in mulch, under rocks, boards, etc. Monitor moisture conditions in crawl spaces, taps, along the foundation. Change the landscape by creating a dry border immediately around the walls of the house. Gravel or flat stones can be an attractive barrier against earwigs and other invasive pests. Rain gutters should direct water away from the house. Caulk or use weatherstripping at all possible entry points, such as doors, windows, pipes, repair screens, and doors and windows. Where earwigs are a problem, remove hiding places that have high humidity levels. Start a regular daily catching program. Eliminating earwig habitats is very important to the control of all insects, including earwigs. Since they are attracted to lights, stop lighting the outside at night. Remove the white light and install yellow LEDs in its place.

Inside the house

Indoor earwigs should be vacuumed daily; be sure to kill and dispose of them by tossing them in a plastic bag and tying them up and throwing them away, right away so they don’t invade again. If earwigs are a common problem in a building, survey the area to see how they enter the home and seal and plug cracks and all entry points. Repair all broken screens.

Natural sprays

Essential oil spray

You can make a natural spray that will prevent them from entering the house. Use 1/2 oz per gallon of water of any of the following available essential oils

1. citronella oil

2. cinnamon oil

3.real oil

4. clove oil

5. lavender oil

6. citrus

7. basil

8. You can use any natural essential oil. The above are just a few. Try yours.

Citrus spray Use OTKO, a natural citrus cleaner. Spray straight through a sir. Kills earwigs and most insects on contact. Soap spray Use any natural Castile soap such as Dr Bronners soaps. They produce mint, lavender, almond, tea tree, and many other natural sources. Use 1 oz per gallon of water. Kill earwigs when sprayed.

DE SPRAY Gadren Grade DE can be added to water and sprayed. The best way is to put some DE in a pantyhose and suspend in a gallon of water. Let stand, in a gallon spray bottle and spray. When it dries, the de will act as a barrier and kill the earwigs that crawl on it. You can use only the powder from the areas with it.

Check list

Empty, empty and empty …

Vacuum earwigs indoors. Vacuum very thoroughly and as often as necessary. Throw the bags in the trash.

Natural powder

Garden Grade DE can be used as a powder around the house, as well as under the house and attic. Sprinkle lightly and let it rest.

Boric acid can be used as a powder in crevices and other areas between the walls of the house.

Population reduction:

Indoor traps are an ongoing way to manage earwigs in the home on a regular long-term basis.

Various traps

Ultimate Flea Trap is by far the best bug trap on the market. This one uses no chemicals and just a small light with a sticky mat that traps insects that are attracted to the light. Place one in each room that has earwigs. It also works on fleas (hence the name), as well as spiders, cockroaches, and most other insects.

Outside the house

Remove hiding materials outside the building’s perimeter, such as ivy, plant debris, leaves in gutters, old wood piles, old litter, newspaper piles, or other organic material. Caulk and repair cracks, crevices, and other openings around the foundation or around the exterior of the home. Control moisture around the building by repairing or replacing leaky faucets, leaking air conditioners, leaking drains, control water entering the foundation after it rains, and provide access spaces to allow entry. Repair or change conditions to promote a drier environment. Put caulk and weatherstripping around the doors. Windows. bathrooms water outlets as well as electrical outlets.

Go through any area inside that is dark and where they can hide. Cardboard boxes will make a great shelter to hang out indoors. Remove any other debris, such as old, unused firewood. Always keep moisture out of your home by repairing faulty rain jets, maintaining levelness in an area so water drains away from the home, and maintaining adequate ventilation in tight spaces to allow the area to dry out.

Earwigs are attracted to outside lights, so replace them with yellow LED lights, which are less attractive to earwigs. Treatment should be done outdoors with natural applications of garden grade DE around the building foundation, flower beds, mulch and grass areas within a couple of yards of the building, as well as in the access space areas of the building. home. Treat in a two foot band around the building adjacent to the foundation to prevent earwigs from entering. Establish a dry edge around the base of the houses for added control.

Traps outside the house

Newspaper: Rolled wet newspaper that is held in place with a rubber band.

Cardboard box: Drill pencil-sized holes along the bottom edge of the cardboard box.

Old Garden Hose: 12-24 Inch Garden Hose Parts

Used cat food can. Add 1/2 inch of any type of beer or wine.

Tupperware: Use a tupperware like a plastic container. Drill holes along the top edge of the tub, add 2 inches of cheap wine and cover with the top and sink into the ground.

Finch Bird House can be used as a dwelling unit where you can place an 8 1/2 oz plastic glass filled with beer or wine. I’d try one of each and see which one attracts the most.

Trapping is an effective and simple method to reduce earwig populations.

One of the key elements of a natural earwig management program is a daily active trapping system. Just before dark, set bird finch traps around the yard in places out of sight. In the morning, shake them out of the traps over a bucket of Dr. Bronners soap / water or any natural soap and water. Keep catching until you don’t catch any more earwigs. Traps can be hidden near shrubs and ground cover plants, or against the house. For fruit trees, keep weeds, shrubs, and suckers (always prune) away from the base of trees year-round as they provide shelter for earwigs, snails, and other critters. Monitor populations by counting the number of earwigs caught in the traps.

Eliminate their habitat:

Altering the habitat around your garden will reduce the earwig population and damage. Get rid of their hiding places – boards, weeds, piles of wood, plant debris, litter, and anything else that creates dark, damp hiding places. Do not plant dense ground covers, such as ivy, mint, herbs, next to vegetable or flower gardens. Grow vulnerable seedlings indoors until they can withstand a little chewing. Or start outdoors on a table with legs protected by adhesive barriers.

Some people advise against using organic mulch because they say it provides shelter for pests such as earwigs and spiders. I have the opposite view that organic mulch offers earwigs a diverse hunting area that will save their plants and meet the needs of the soil. Mulch can be easily kept clean of earwigs by dusting garden grade several times a year or with the powder just before and after each time you apply a new layer of mulch. Spraying the mulch with any natural soap will also control them.

Andy lopez

The invisible gardener

Health Fitness

Foods to avoid with gout while eating out

Gout is a painful condition caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. In most cases, this will happen on the big toe or between the big toe and the one next to it. The overabundance of this uric acid will crystallize and settle in that joint and it will be quite painful. Although gout is primarily a problem faced by men, women occasionally develop gout. It is like arthritis in nature, but it can be very easy to treat with the right diet and certain medications. It’s a great idea for anyone with this condition to watch what they eat. Knowing which foods to avoid with gout will be of great help when eating out at a restaurant.

The foods that seem to irritate people with gout the most are those rich in purines. These compounds are found in the human body and in many different foods, so they are sometimes difficult to avoid. So when you suffer from gout, you need to be careful about the types of foods you choose. Some of these purines won’t bother one person, but others will experience pain, and sometimes extreme pain. Knowing what foods to pass up can help you avoid very painful gout episodes that can leave you incapacitated.

Some of the biggest problems for people with gout seem to come from eating meat and seafood. That’s not good news for many, but avoiding these two food groups can help keep pain to a minimum. It is suggested that meat consumption be limited to six ounces a day and protein be replaced with eggs and low-fat dairy foods, as they are low in purines.

Some high-purine foods can be eaten in moderation, such as peas, mushrooms, and beans. You shouldn’t eat large amounts, but you don’t have to limit them as much as you should limit meats and seafood.

Fats should also be limited, and foods fried in oil are never a good idea. Coffee and tea seem fine, but alcohol doesn’t. If you add all this up, eating at home can get complicated, but eating out can be even worse.

When you go through a menu, you may not know what to buy and what to skip. The trick is to know what is on a plate and also how it is prepared. As someone with gout, you may need to learn to take the things you have learned at home and use them when ordering at a restaurant.

Someone with gout is going to have a hard time choosing something from a menu to eat, although this depends on where they are eating. It is always a good idea to ask how a dish is prepared and ask for modifications to suit your gout-friendly eating style.

Most restaurants these days are very good at altering dishes to help those who may be on a diet or have specific medical conditions. Ask for the leanest varieties of your favorite dishes. Knowing which foods to avoid with gusto will make it much easier to choose foods that are tasty to eat without causing a painful flavor attack. With the right modifications and knowing which foods to avoid with gout, a restaurant meal doesn’t have to cause pain or discomfort.

Legal Law

You Can’t Pretend To Be The Law & Order Candidate When You Ignore Uncomfortable Laws: 4 Concerns

Isn’t it somewhat ironic that President Donald Trump seems to be trying to present himself as the so-called Law and Order candidate when, so often, he seems to ignore the laws? inconvenient and / or does not fit perfectly into your personal / political agenda and / or personal interests? The rule of law means that no one is above the law, however, the current occupant of the White House does not seem to care or pay attention to it, when it does not suit his purposes! The stature of this nation, in terms of what we must represent and defend, demands, we fight for all constitutional rights and guarantees, instead of only those that favor us, or our interests! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 4 concerns that need to be addressed, or we will risk losing what, indeed, makes America great.

1. Freedom of the press: Historically, it has been the press of this nation that has protected us and discovered things that must be taken care of, in order to maintain all the rights, guarantees, privileges and transcendence for absolute integrity, which make this nation the leader. of the free world! When, President Trump, continually, appears, to try to manipulate the media, and refers to members of the free press, who point out their faults, etc., like, him. enemy of the people, and constantly claims, anything that opposes him, or shows his lies, such as Invoices, endangers the constitutional guarantee of Freedom of the Press!

two. Freedom of expression: While it is normal, and okay, to oppose or disagree with the point of view, approach, etc. of someone, it is essential that the President, all our elected officials and the general public defend the rights of all and freedom to express them! When you pair peaceful protesters with criminal looters and arsonists, and refuse to welcome the concept of free speech, this nation loses!

3. Equal rights / justice: Certain rights cannot be selectively protected, while others are ignored! Everyone should be treated equally, especially in terms of the law, how they are treated, by the police, our judicial system and the courts! We must demand more and eliminate systemic racism, which has existed and still exists in so many aspects of our lives!

Four. Polarizing rhetoric allows haters to: Instead of coming together, for the greater / greater good, President Donald Trump seems to focus on using rhetoric / vitriol, which polarizes, instead of unifying. Furthermore, it seems to send a message that inspires and motivates some of those who hate Americans (e.g. white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, etc.) to believe that they are entitled and empowered and thus we have witnessed , a significant increase in the number of hate crimes, in this nation!

Demand better and don’t let anyone be hypocritical and selectively defend certain preferential rights, ignoring and / or even opposing others! Nature itself and the future of the American way of life demand it, sooner rather than later!

Lifestyle Fashion

Hair Loss Products – Toppik, Derma Match, HairCubed – Rate These Products

I want you to know the differences of the most popular products on the market for people with hair loss or thinning hair like me because I have tried everything when I mean everything I mean anything to regain my confidence. Today’s article is to talk about 3 different products. I would like to mention that we have no interest in these companies, so this is just to help you work on thinning hair. We have 3 different products. You can camouflage that, you are thinning areas of hair.

Let’s start with our …

1st product – HAIR IN CUBES

It is considered one of the most expensive on the market. But at the same time it is a product that you cannot count on because it is made with organic ingredients. That sticks to every strand of my hair very easy to use, all you need to do is spray and brush. And also style as you wish, it can resist water and perspiration and is organic. They offer 11 shades, each can last approximately. From 2 to 5 months, the only drawback is that it is a little over my budget and comes in one size, but as I said before, to regain my confidence. Now let’s start with

2nd product – TOPPIK

It is a powdery product almost like powder fibers. It comes in a few different sizes. It looks like it sticks to your hair creating a dark density to cover bald spots or weak hair. The only problem with Toppik is that sometimes it gets a little dirty and leaves spots on my scalp and in summer, when it’s hot and you sweat, it comes off and if you don’t take a daily shower when you use the product, it blocks the breath of the estate. Be very helpful, but keep in mind which one is applied and be sure to wash it off. So now our

3rd product – DERMA MATCH

It comes as a disc of paint color. It comes in 8 colors. Camouflages the scalp so that the difference between a hair color and the scalp color is less noticeable there, as the color does not shine or the light does not reflect off the scalp, so the hair and scalp match. The downside to Derma Match is that the product needs to be removed every day so your pores can breathe.

So now let me rate these Hair Cubed products. I definitely think it is a good product but a bit expensive. 4.8 STARS, our second product which is Toppik I give 3 STAR because it leaves stains on my scalp and is not waterproof, and our final Derma Match product is 2.5 STARS because after all it is a painting disc.



Adoption of a wild Mustang: pros and cons

Learn why you should or shouldn’t consider adopting a wild Mustang

When Spanish explorers of centuries past first came to the western half of the Americas in search of gold and other valuables, they brought horses with them to facilitate their travels. As time passed, some of the horses escaped and created a new breed of horse known as a wild mustang.

Over time, other Spanish horses as well as cattle ranchers ‘and farmers’ horses would break loose and end up breeding with the mustangs and creating herds of these animals. In the 1800s, there were more than 2 million wild horses thriving in wilderness across the West, but unfortunately they were hunted for military use, pet food, and to prevent them from eating the foods that ranchers wanted for their own horses and livestock. They were hunted to the point of near extinction and today fewer than 25,000 of them are still in the wild.

Because of this, in 1971, the United States government passed the Wild Horses and Donkeys in the Wild Act in an effort to protect this dying breed of horse. They later amended this law to allow the mustang raid and allow people to adopt a mustang as a pet. If you are interested in adopting a mustang as a pet, there are a few things to consider before deciding that a mustang is the right pet for you. Below are some of the pros and cons of adopting and caring for a wild mustang as a pet. You will notice that there are more and greater disadvantages in the adaptation of this animal than with many others.

What is your level of patience? To properly care for a pet mustang, you will need to realize that until now it was really wild. Because of this, it will not be as easy to break as a captive-born domesticated horse. You will need to learn or possess the skills necessary to convince the Mustang that you are not going to hurt you and that you have your best interests in mind. If you have a lower tolerance threshold, you may want to adopt a younger mustang as it will be easier to train than an adult.

If you don’t have a horse yet or at least don’t have some knowledge about horses, you will have to think hard before adopting a mustang. Many people think they are helping when they adopt one without knowing much about horses. Below you will find information about the requirements to adopt a mustang. It would actually be a disservice to the Mustang if it has an owner who doesn’t know what they’re getting into.

Do you have time to train the wild mustang? You must realize that there is a very small chance that you will be able to ride your pet mustang during the first year of adoption. You will have to work very hard to properly break up the horse and acclimatize it to human interaction. Because of this, it will take a long time for the horse to “get ready.” So if you are thinking of adopting a horse, you can ride it tomorrow; wild mustangs are not a good choice for you.

Are you ready for the surprise of a new foal? There is the possibility that a wild mustang adopted less than 11 months after being captured may be pregnant, so be prepared for this surprise, as well as for the attitude that will accompany the pregnant mare.

Do you have the proper knowledge and facilities to care for your injured or sick pet? These horses will be recently captured and are therefore much more likely to get sick or injured earlier than captive-born horses. Therefore, it is imperative that you have medical knowledge in horse care or that you have the ability to hire someone who does, to facilitate any unforeseen illness or injury that may arise.

These are just a few of the drawbacks that come with adopting a mustang as a pet. Some of the advantages of adoption are that wild mustangs are a testament to the beauty of nature and undoubtedly these horses with proper training can exceed the expectations of even captive-bred horses. They are naturally strong, smart and mischievous and are to be admired for their benefits as well as their blemishes. Not only will you earn a friend when you adopt a wild mustang, but you will also help preserve a part of the Old West.

Real Estate

Financial Directive – Estate Tax Advance Planning, Power of Attorney Issues

I recently wrote about the absolute necessity for a Medical Directive that grants “exclusive power of attorney” to your Agent in order to communicate your health care wishes and instruct your caregivers and respond to the actual known facts and variables when a you need to make a real health decision. Your medical directive goes into effect when:

1. You cannot communicate your own wishes for your health care:

A. Orally, B. In writing or C. Through gestures and

2. You are diagnosed as near death due to a terminal illness or in a permanent coma, and

3. Medical staff caring for you will be notified of your written instructions.


In summary, a “Medical” Directive is a legal Instrument that addresses the problems of your health care and a “Financial” Directive is a legal financial Instrument that empowers your Agent over all your financial matters and to exercise or perform any act under of a “Principal / Agent” Relationship, with power, duty or right of any obligation over everything that he currently has or may acquire in the future, in relation to any person, matter, transaction or property, real or personal, tangible or intangible . , now owned by you or subsequently acquired by you, including but not limited to general powers and powers specifically listed as to each possible event or circumstance.

For your Financial Directive to be legally binding for all third parties, third parties notified of your relationship between the Principal / Agent, your instrument must be in writing, duly witnessed or notarized with the power to indemnify all those who accepted it in good faith. .

Your Financial Board must grant your Agent full powers and authority to do everything necessary in the exercise of any of the powers as fully as it could or could do if it were personally present, with full power of substitution or revocation, ratifying and confirming everything. that your Agent can legally do or have it done under your Financial Directive.


A financial directive should be part of your estate tax planning.

Your Financial Directive Instrument should address the following general powers and specifically list those powers for each possible event or circumstance:

1. Demand, receive and obtain through litigation or otherwise, money or other thing of value to which the Principal has, may become, or claims to be entitled, and keep, invest, disburse or use anything so received for the intended purposes. .

2. Contract in any way with any person, on terms acceptable to the Agent, to achieve a transaction purpose and execute, terminate, amend, release or modify the contract or other contract made by or on behalf of the Principal.

3. Execute, acknowledge, seal and deliver a deed, revocation, mortgage, lease, notification, check, release or other instrument that the Agent considers desirable to achieve the purpose of a transaction.

4. Process, defend, submit to arbitration, resolve and propose or accept a compromise with respect to an existing claim for or against the Principal or intervene in a litigation related to the claim.

5. Seek on behalf of the Principal the assistance of a court to carry out an act authorized by your Financial Directive Instrument.

6. Hire, compensate, and fire an attorney, accountant, expert, or other assistant as necessary or relevant to primary purposes.

7. Maintain proper records of each transaction, including an accounting of receipts and disbursements.

8. Prepare, execute and file a record, report or other document that the Agent considers desirable to safeguard or promote the interest of the Principal under a statute or governmental regulation.

9. Reimburse the Agent for the expenses duly incurred by the Agent in the exercise of the powers granted by this Instrument.

10. In general, carry out any other lawful act with respect to the subject in question.


Your financial directive goes into effect when you are deemed disabled or incapacitated.

For the purposes of your Financial Directive Instrument, “disabled or incapacitated” means when a physician certifies in writing on a date after the date your Instrument was performed that, based on a medical examination performed by your physician, your physician would He declares mentally incapable of managing his financial affairs.

Your financial directive should have a paragraph to “legally authorize you / the examining physician” to disclose your physical or mental condition to another person for validation. You can even authorize a second doctor for a second opinion. After this verification and disclosure of your disability status, a third party who accepts your Financial Directive is fully protected from any action that is taken.


I remember cases where the spouse was unable to participate in important business meetings of which her temporarily incapacitated husband was a member, and decisions were being made that affected her husband’s interest in the business. While a general power of attorney may have been sufficient, it most likely would have required further legal action. The Financial Directive is a significantly stronger Instrument than a general power of attorney, and would have specifically addressed issues related to the spouse’s ability to sit and vote with the Agent, on decisions that affect the company and, more specifically, their ownership interest. of the company, with the capacity to bring professional assistance to consult with her on such important matters.


While we have listed the details of your Agent’s powers, there are some powers that you would not like your Agent to have:

1. Your Agent cannot execute a will or codicil on your behalf.

2. Your Agent cannot execute any trust on your behalf; however, your Agent may enter into a custody agreement with another “independent” person or bank with trust powers.

3. Your agent cannot divert your assets to himself. [or herself], its [or her] creditors or your [or her] estate.

4. Your Agent will not exercise or be vested in any incidents of ownership regarding insurance policies that insure your life and will not have power or authority over the life insurance policies that you may possess over the life of your Agent.

5. Your Agent is your TRUSTEE, and does not have general or limited power of appointment.

6. Your Agent will not exercise any power it has received from your Agent in a fiduciary capacity, and your Agent will not have authority to exercise any power, the exercise of which would cause any of your assets to be deemed subject to equity tax for the purposes of the federal inheritance tax or inheritance tax.

Your Agent will NOT have any power to override or modify any part of your Financial Directive in any way. Only the director can revoke or amend by written notice to all parties and only by certified mail with acknowledgment of receipt.