Health Fitness

Foods to avoid with gout while eating out

Gout is a painful condition caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. In most cases, this will happen on the big toe or between the big toe and the one next to it. The overabundance of this uric acid will crystallize and settle in that joint and it will be quite painful. Although gout is primarily a problem faced by men, women occasionally develop gout. It is like arthritis in nature, but it can be very easy to treat with the right diet and certain medications. It’s a great idea for anyone with this condition to watch what they eat. Knowing which foods to avoid with gout will be of great help when eating out at a restaurant.

The foods that seem to irritate people with gout the most are those rich in purines. These compounds are found in the human body and in many different foods, so they are sometimes difficult to avoid. So when you suffer from gout, you need to be careful about the types of foods you choose. Some of these purines won’t bother one person, but others will experience pain, and sometimes extreme pain. Knowing what foods to pass up can help you avoid very painful gout episodes that can leave you incapacitated.

Some of the biggest problems for people with gout seem to come from eating meat and seafood. That’s not good news for many, but avoiding these two food groups can help keep pain to a minimum. It is suggested that meat consumption be limited to six ounces a day and protein be replaced with eggs and low-fat dairy foods, as they are low in purines.

Some high-purine foods can be eaten in moderation, such as peas, mushrooms, and beans. You shouldn’t eat large amounts, but you don’t have to limit them as much as you should limit meats and seafood.

Fats should also be limited, and foods fried in oil are never a good idea. Coffee and tea seem fine, but alcohol doesn’t. If you add all this up, eating at home can get complicated, but eating out can be even worse.

When you go through a menu, you may not know what to buy and what to skip. The trick is to know what is on a plate and also how it is prepared. As someone with gout, you may need to learn to take the things you have learned at home and use them when ordering at a restaurant.

Someone with gout is going to have a hard time choosing something from a menu to eat, although this depends on where they are eating. It is always a good idea to ask how a dish is prepared and ask for modifications to suit your gout-friendly eating style.

Most restaurants these days are very good at altering dishes to help those who may be on a diet or have specific medical conditions. Ask for the leanest varieties of your favorite dishes. Knowing which foods to avoid with gusto will make it much easier to choose foods that are tasty to eat without causing a painful flavor attack. With the right modifications and knowing which foods to avoid with gout, a restaurant meal doesn’t have to cause pain or discomfort.