
What gym is for you?

There are a wide variety of gyms to choose from in any area and it can be difficult for some people to decide which gym they want to join. It’s a shame, but most people are intimidated by the idea of ​​joining a gym. Getting into a big open room with hundreds of machines is difficult and what’s worse is that when you first join the other members ‘seem’ to be in great shape and know exactly what they’re doing. So you’ve decided to “man up” and join a gym, but which one do you go to?

Do you go for the cheapest?

For the experienced user, this may suit you perfectly. It will have basic equipment such as: free weights, basic machines and other gym supplies. The cheapest places will probably have no showers, maybe a locker room, and little to no gym instruction.

Do you go for the best equipped?

The best-equipped gyms are often the most expensive and easiest for a beginner to use. Well, at least it looks like they are. When you first join the gym, it will seem like a good place; clean and tidy, etc. but soon you realize that you are just a number, a ‘member’. Again, this can follow some people.

To be honest, the first thing you should ask is:

Do people get results here?

Think about it logically. You join a gym, you hang around in it for a couple of weeks with no idea what you’re doing. Then all of a sudden you’re like a hamster in a wheel. Running aimlessly on a treadmill, biking aimlessly on a recumbent bike, and randomly lifting weights in a vain attempt to get in shape.

This does not apply to the experienced few. However, it applies to 3 types of people.

It applies to you inexperienced people who need care and attention. They need a personal trainer or gym that takes care of their members and treats them like a person and not a number.

It applies to you, the dedicated learner who isn’t getting anywhere. You’ve been spinning your wheels for years and getting no results. Why? Because you’re too proud to ask for help, that’s all, it’s your fault you’re not in the shape you deserve.

It applies to you, the lazy trainee, who trains hard when you manage to get your butt into the gym and train. The rest of the time you spend making excuses. You lack the motivation to go to the gym, not to train in the gym. That is easy!

All of the above factors should be considered when joining a gym or deciding if you need a personal trainer.