
Wellness activities to stay healthy

The workplace is like a second home for every employee. Creating an on-site wellness program is important because most of an employee’s time is spent in the workplace. Statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention show that the average healthy person loses three days each year, while an overweight or obese person loses five days. Without forgetting the productivity of the employees and the cost for the company. This is precisely why many companies are embracing ways to care for their workforce. It is also one of the ways to attract talent, create bonds between employees and decrease staff turnover.

Good health starts with a good diet. And what better than introducing healthy menu options for employees in the workplace cafeteria. It is a proven fact that the lack of time often forces the employee to eat the available options and that usually turn out to be the cafeteria options. An internal company menu that allows employees to choose healthy foods and not resort to junk food is an ideal added value. Also, since many company profiles require travel, educating staff on what kind of food selection to make on the go, reading the label can help them tremendously.

Empowering employees with an understanding of a healthy, balanced diet is a smart way to help them eat mindfully. Nutrition consultations, bootcamps to educate employees on various aspects of health such as portion sizes, essential nutrients, body composition assessment, workshops to discuss employee concerns, and assessments of health would create an environment of awareness within the organization. Health updates through various newsletters or online updates can also be a fun way to educate them. Outsourcing nutrition experts to design a diet that takes into account the likes, dislikes, allergies, lifestyle, economic situation, health conditions, blood parameters, age and gender of the employee can be a tool to motivate employees to take care of their health and physical condition.

The employer can also run many fun-based wellness activities in the workplace. Regular medical check-ups and preventive wellness exams can be arranged to diagnose any health conditions early. Cheering on employer-sponsored teams of athletes is another interesting way to bring employees closer to a health platform. Measuring distances in hallways and company grounds to set walking goals for employees can make employees more active throughout the day. Many organizations also decide on a theme for the month such as a “no sweets” month, a “30 minute daily walk” month, a “low sugar” month, or a “salt awareness” month that keeps the excitement going.

On-site fitness activities like yoga, Zumba, and aerobics can be another step. Research shows that employees provided with these facilities handle stress better and may improve their work productivity. Uncovering the rewards for top achievers for not only work goals but also health goals can further motivate employees to work toward a healthier selves.

Occasional absenteeism is inevitable. But it is the regular absences that can cost employers dearly and compromise the overall productivity of the company and what better way than by introducing health and wellness activities for employees?