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Using Calcium and Magnesium for Constipation

Calcium helps reduce constipation

Using calcium and magnesium in the proper amounts can prevent or relieve constipation. They can support the health of your colon and keep it regular.

In the colon, calcium combines with excess bile and decaying fat to form a harmless, insoluble soap, which is excreted in the feces. This helps keep the colon clean.

Most nutritionists recommend taking 1,000 to 1,500 mg of calcium daily. Since Calcium can cause constipation, it is necessary to take 500 – 1000 mg of Magnesium at the same time you take Calcium.

You should space your calcium intake in. Take only 400 to 600 mg at a time. Also take a break when taking calcium and other vitamin supplements. In a month, take 2-3 Sundays or Saturdays of taking vitamins.

Avoid taking calcium carbonate, which will reduce the number of times you will have a bowel movement. Also avoid taking calcium when eating foods that contain oxalates, phosphates, or phytates. They retain calcium and are excreted with the feces.

If you are taking a thyroid hormone, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, or antibiotics, calcium supplements may interfere with the absorption of these medications.

It is best to take calcium about 2 hours before or after taking these and other medications.

Avoid taking calcium citrate with antacids that contain aluminum. This combination has been seen to increase your body’s absorption of aluminum. Aluminum has been associated with senility and Alzheimer’s.

Calcium is safe for pregnant women and they should take an adequate amount of calcium.

The best calcium to take is calcium gluconate, orotate, or aspartate. The type of gluconate is similar to calcium that you get from milk and some vegetables. It is a mild calcium and is easily absorbed by children and adults with weak digestion.

Foods to eat for good calcium are:

Goat’s milk, egg yolk, fish, lemons, rhubarb, cheese, skimmed milk, bone broth, seeds, dulse, seaweed, greens, nuts, cauliflower, celery, cottage cheese, gelatin preparations, granaries,

Magnesium helps reduce constipation

Magnesium, a mild laxative, helps prevent constipation by relaxing the walls of the colon when you are under stress, anxious, or worry too much. Normalizes the tension in the walls of the colon allowing a normal peristaltic action.

Because magnesium attracts water, you can bring more water into your colon by taking magnesium supplements or eating magnesium-rich foods. Water in the colon softens the stool and allows the colon to absorb water from the stool if the body needs it.

How to know if you lack magnesium? He will have calf cramps at night or so-called “Charlie horses”. Or, you will feel sore after some exercise or light activity.

Take 400 mg in the morning and 400 mg at night of magnesium gluconate or citrate.

Jesse Lynn Hanley, MD, in his book, Tired of Being Tired, 2002, offers another way to take magnesium to relieve constipation.

“Take it at bedtime. Start with 200 milligrams of magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate; you can increase the dose in 200-milligram increments until your bowels are moving regularly. Magnesium dosage is individual, so start low and increase dose as needed. Reduce dose if you experience loose stools. Unlike irritating laxatives, magnesium is not laxative-dependent.”

If you take hypoglycemic medications, magnesium may increase the absorption of these medications. It is recommended to consult with your doctor about the effects of magnesium with the type of hypoglycemic agent you are taking.

If you take magnesium, do not take it within 2 hours of taking any type of medication.

If you have severe kidney or heart disease, you should avoid magnesium and consult with your doctor about its use.

Magnesium is considered safe for pregnant women.

Foods rich in magnesium

Chlorophyll is high in magnesium and Chlorophyll comes in capsules. These are some of the foods rich in magnesium.

Vegetables, berries, wheat germ, cereals, nuts, cornmeal, apples, apricots, oats, pears, pecans, spinach, tofu, lentils, honey, fish, cabbage, avocados, cashews, peas, prunes, soy milk , chard

You can see that calcium and magnesium are not just for bone building and acid neutralization, but are also good for preventing and relieving constipation.