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Use the law of attraction to make your miracle

Have you seen any miracles lately? Or maybe you experienced one or two of your own? Do you even believe in miracles these days? Regardless of how he defines one, when he begins to look for miracles, he will find that life is full of them. Even better, when you understand the nature of miracles and how they happen, you can create your own at will.

Working miracles is a highly underrated activity, as many assume that it is left up to a higher power and not within our personal realm to create magic. Although there are books on the subject and many people already practice it, most of us were not taught to believe that we can create whatever we want.

In fact, we are often taught the opposite: that it takes hard work and perseverance to get ahead. Anyone who believes in wishes, fairy tale endings, or spends time daydreaming is cautioned to be realistic and not get their hopes up. We are trained to deny our needs and desires to avoid disappointment in a harsh and unfair life.

As it turns out, nothing could be further from the truth. We can create miracles. We can create whatever we want in our lives. All it takes is to believe it and dare to want what we want.

What makes a miracle?

What would constitute a miracle in your life? Some of us use the term loosely, but that doesn’t negate the awe and wonder we feel when our swimsuits fit as well as they did in the catalog, or we discover a dream job we didn’t know existed. , or the vet tells us that there is an effective and affordable treatment for our sick dog.

I suspect it’s partly because we’re so used to bad news that when things go our way, it feels extraordinary or magical. The more we think something is unlikely or impossible to happen, the more miraculous it feels when it does happen.

Webster defines a miracle as an “extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or achievement.” On his ABC Radio National show “Encounter,” David Rutledge questioned whether miracles really do happen, since all miracles could be “rationally explained if our rational apprehension were up to the task.” He paraphrased Saint Augustine when he said that when something extraordinary can be rationally explained, it is no longer miraculous.

Indeed. It sounded miraculous to me when researchers recently announced that they made a copper cylinder appear to disappear. But after reading his explanation of how metamaterials guide electromagnetic waves around a central region so that objects within the region don’t disturb the electromagnetic fields, thus creating invisibility, it seemed perfectly logical to make something disappear. What took so long to create that? After all, they are just metamaterials that guide electromagnetic waves around the object. What’s next, walking on water?

But the fact that something can be explained logically doesn’t make it any less miraculous. In fact, if anything, it brings us closer to believing and allowing miracles into our daily lives. Why wait for the logical explanation before believing in it? Let’s embrace the miracles that await us now.

This brings up two important points regarding miracles and our ability to manifest them.

When we are aware of and grateful for the miracles present in life, we invite more people (because like attracts like and we get what we focus on). Second, when we believe that miracles exist and that they can happen to us, we are aligned to experience them.

Our personal miracles

What miracles do you take for granted? They are present everywhere, in each of our lives. As you begin to see them, you allow more of them to manifest. What miracle would you like to see happen next?

A woman who has always had relationship problems feels like she’s been gifted by the gods when Mr. Right shows up. Someone fighting the weight battle feels like a superhero when he drops 20 pounds and keeps it off over the holidays. One of my favorite personal miracles was quitting my corporate job after five years of talking about it, during which I dreaded every workday and feared financial ruin to give up a steady paycheck. The people around me, and myself, were in disbelief when I actually did it. It felt like a miracle that I found the courage to create change.

Morris Goodman, nicknamed the “Miracle Man,” broke nearly every bone in his body (including his skull and spinal cord) when he crashed his plane. Although he was not expected to live, Morris not only survived but recovered from his coma and proved the doctors wrong after they said he would never walk, talk or function normally again. He today he is one of the most inspiring motivational speakers on the circuit.

Morris’s wife, Cathy, created her own miracle by reversing a breast cancer diagnosis simply by using laughter therapy. We often hear stories of people using the power of their mind to kill tumors or survive severely terminal cancer diagnoses.

Regardless of what a miracle is for someone else, what would yours be? What would amaze and amaze you, and make you believe that not only wonderful things happen, but they happen to you?

Once you have an idea of ​​what you would like to see happen in your life, you have taken the first step in experiencing it.

Work Miracles 101

It might even be a miracle that today we can openly discuss its creation, since in the past this kind of “blasphemy” might have earned a place at the burnt-out pyre. In fact, there are many contributors spreading the word about deliberate creation today.

“Twelve Conditions of a Miracle” by Todd Michaels, “Shortcut to a Miracle” by Michael Rann, the movie “The Secret,” “Ask and It Is Given” by Abraham-Hicks, even the mysterious Emerald Tablet of Hermes: the list is long. of those who encourage us to embrace our powers to create miracles. Larry King even got into action last month when he interviewed various authorities on creating reality with your thoughts.

Are you ready to order a miracle this holiday season? Here’s how to get started:

1) Believe that it is possible. It’s challenging to create something you don’t believe in, so the first step is to embrace your ability to manifest what you want. Even if you can’t fully accept the idea that you can create whatever your heart desires, start by considering it as a possibility. The more you consider the thought, the more successful results you will experience, and the easier it becomes to believe.

2) Choose what you want. Be clear about what you would like to see happen in your life, whether it is something you would like to do, be or have. The sky is limitless and you get what you ask for, so do it right!

Start small if you feel more comfortable. Enjoy manifesting rock star parking spots during Christmas shopping traffic and truly charming company parties. Once you gain confidence in your miracle-working abilities, you can move on to the more exciting things.

Do not let anyone dissuade you from what you choose and forget everything you have heard or believed in the past about what is or is not possible. We live in a realm of infinite possibilities.

3) Feel it now. Your ability to perform miracles resides within you (in your thoughts and feelings), so you won’t need magic wands, hats or potions, although they can add to the fun. All you need is the discipline to direct your thoughts and feelings in the direction of the miracle you are conjuring up. Focus on what you want, instead of the absence of it.

Set the intention to allow this miracle to unfold in your life and enjoy the feelings that thought brings you. Imagine what it feels like to experience this event or thing now. So much of your energy has been unconsciously directed into “not wanting” the things you so deeply want in life that this step can feel like a breath of fresh air to your true self.

4) Do what makes you feel good. Many of us have lives full of things that don’t make us feel good, so this last step could be a drastic change. It can mean new jobs, new relationships, new lifestyles. The way you feel dictates what you attract, so as you make feeling good a higher priority, you’ll find that life naturally gets better. Feeling Good is a fun practice that allows you to create miracles on purpose naturally and effortlessly.

Remember that everyone’s “feel good” is different, so don’t look to anyone else for what should feel good to you. Trust your inner guidance and follow it.

With this process you become much more deliberate about what you create in your life. You believe in your ability to get what you want; focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want; feel what it feels like to have it; and deliberately do what feels good to you: raise your vibration and increase your power to create the life of your dreams.

So have fun flexing your miracle muscles as you wrap up 2006 and set your sights high for the New Year. It is our destiny to continually expand what we believe is possible for ourselves and our world. Now that we have discovered the invisible, we can move on to reversing aging and disease; abundance of time and money; and loving our “enemies”. There are no limits when we break free from the limits of what we thought possible!