
treat insomnia naturally

You toss and turn, lie awake and sleep eludes you; you just want to know how to cure insomnia without drugs. Sure, pills can help, but you know they can be addictive. Here are some drug free ways to get rid of insomnia.

types of insomnia

Before exploring various ways to treat and cure insomnia, you need to understand the three main ways that insomnia manifests itself; are the following.

Unable to fall asleep. This is where you lie down, but you lie awake and you can’t fall asleep. This could only be for an hour or two, practically overnight.

Unable to stay asleep. You may be able to sleep well, but you constantly wake up during the night or wake up an hour or more before you need to.

unrefreshing sleep This one is a bit more complicated. You can sleep well, and you can sleep through the night, but your sleep is shallow. Without enough good, deep sleep, your body and mind cannot fully refresh each night.

Of course, you can also have any mix of the above. But it all comes down to not getting enough sleep, so it interferes with your daily activities.

How to cure insomnia without drugs

You can treat insomnia in a number of ways, but it’s most effective to determine why you’re having trouble sleeping (anxiety, depression, hormonal pain, etc.) in the first place. However, here are some ways to help you cure those sleepless nights.

Meditation. This is a traditional way to help cure lack of sleep due to your mind going a million miles an hour. Mediation can take various forms and can be very effective when your insomnia is more mental than physical.

Upgrade your sleeping place. If you’re trying to sleep in a place where you have an uncomfortable bed, noise, lights, or other distractions, you’ll need to find a way to eliminate the problem. Ambient insomnia tends to heal easily, once the distractions are taken care of.

Herbal remedies. It’s true, chamomile and other herbal teas can help you sleep, and there are several tea blends on the market that are blended just for this purpose.

Do not drink alcohol within 2 hours of going to bed; you may end up making things worse. And if you like caffeine, try to limit it to no more than 7 hours before you go to bed. In other words, if you plan to go to bed at 10 p.m., don’t drink caffeine after 3 p.m.

Here are some ideas on how to cure insomnia. If this doesn’t help, make an appointment with your doctor to get to the root of the problem.