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Personal Brand Strategy: Create a powerful brand using the ancient power of brand archetypes

Have you ever felt like the people you’re marketing to don’t “get” or don’t understand you?

Or maybe you know you’re not communicating the “right” message to your target audience, but aren’t sure how to change your message or what it should be.

The problem in the two previous cases could be that you are not harnessing and using the power of the old archetypes in your personal branding strategy.

To help explain the concept of ancient archetypes…

Have you ever noticed that certain brands, advertisements, movies, or famous personalities seem to instantly connect with you? Without your realizing it, these marks are communicating a story and meaning to your soul with which it is already deeply familiar.

Research in the field of marketing indicates that the most powerful brands consistently embody the personality of ancient archetypes. The ancient archetype that you embody is the first thing to do before you start developing a personal brand identity.

So what is an ancient archetype?

Archetypes are believed to be universal and mythical characters that live in the collective unconscious of people all over the world. By symbolizing our core human desires, archetypes can evoke strong, deep emotions that everyone can connect with and understand.

Examples of powerful brands that arouse our emotions are Coca-Cola, Nike, Marlboro; movies like Star Wars and ET The Extra Terrestrial; and personalities like Jackie O., John Wayne and Lady Di. These “brands” have captured and held the public imagination. Because? Because they represent something moving and deeply familiar to us.

The twelve ancient archetypes are:


2. Caregiver

3. Rule

4. jester

5. Normal boy/girl

6. lover

7. Hero

8. Outlaw

9. Magician

10. innocent

11. Explore

12. wise

Each of these archetypes possess powerful identities that signal the fulfillment of basic human desires and emotions, and release emotions and longings deep within us. Scientific research points out that the missing link in successful marketing and branding is a lack of understanding of archetypes and the power they possess.

During the recent development of my own personal branding strategy, I focused on researching and studying the twelve ancient archetypes to determine which one resonated with me the most. After my study, I determined that the ancient archetype that best describes me is the Ruler. Ruler’s best-known brands are Saab, Ralph Lauren, Fortune and Microsoft.

The Ruler archetype is known as the leader and desires control; he also seeks to create prosperity and success, and bring order out of chaos. The rule identity is suitable for a brand if it is:

– A high status product

– A product to help people organize themselves better

– A product in the moderate to high price range

Knowing this type of information helps to create a personal brand strategy that is consistent with the attributes and values ​​of the brand, as well as to identify the words to use to market the brand.

By using the ancient power of archetypes when branding your business, you’ll immediately make your marketing easier and feel more confident that you’re authentically communicating who you are. This message of individuality and expression is so powerful that your ideal client will intuitively understand and be drawn to you.

A brand strategy, using archetypes, allows your audience to dive deep into the heart and soul of who you really are.

Whether you are developing your personal branding strategy for the first time or switching brands, using old archetypes will separate the ordinary brands from you: the extraordinary brand. Use the power of the ancient archetype to develop a powerful personal branding strategy to tell your brand’s story.

Copyright 2008, Bonita L. Richter