Real Estate

Become a homeowner with a bad credit home loan

You may think that having bad credit will keep you from owning a home, but your credit situation doesn’t necessarily have to dampen your dream of owning a home. Think about it. In today’s economic realities, many people have struggled with some bad results on their credit histories. And all of these people still have longings and yearnings just like those who have somehow managed to maintain their good credit ratings. Recognizing this untapped market, lenders have stepped up and designed bad credit home loans.

Engineering Loans

These bad credit home loans do not place as much importance on your credit rating as regular mortgages. They will be more interested in your debt-to-income ratio. They will want to know exactly how much you have left over each month after meeting all your necessary obligations, such as utilities, life and health insurance, along with other necessities, and they will look to see if you have been responsible enough or not. Have a savings account as well as an emergency fund. Many lenders will also want to have a down payment. This could require a sum of 10-20% of the cost of the loan. You can find bad credit home loans that require no down payment, but their interest rates will be significantly higher.

Pre-approval test

If you’re really unsure of your qualifications, you may want to get pre-qualified for a home loan. This does not require a commitment to the specific lender from whom you are pre-approving. But it will identify any credit problems, reveal how much money you can really afford to spend on a home, and show all lenders that you are serious about homeownership. This is good proof of qualification even for buyers with excellent credit. When a real estate agent or homeowner asks you about your financing, it lends itself a lot to their conversation to negotiate when you can say you’re pre-approved for a mortgage. Having a buyer with cash practically on hand really brings the pot to a boil.

Finding a bad credit home loan lender

If you have a longstanding relationship with a bank or credit union, if you have had accounts with them for a considerable period of time, and especially if you have retirement or investment accounts with them, ask them there first, their interest rates they will be lower, if you can qualify. If that is not the case, your best option would be to search for suitable lenders on the Internet. Simply enter the key phrase in your web browser: Bad credit home loan. You will be introduced to a number of lenders willing to offer you the opportunity to obtain a bad credit home loan. You’ll even find brokers who will take your preliminary personal and financial information and come up with a list of lenders who are likely to approve a bad credit home loan based on the information you’ve provided.

Other considerations about home loans with bad credit

When you’ve narrowed the field down to four or five lenders who seem to work with you, check their credentials. A good place to start would be to check the Better Business Bureau’s online listings. There you will find the qualified companies and the comments of former customers. You can also check personal finance forums to see if you can learn more about the lender from past clients. At this point, if it’s possible given your credit score and salary, you may want to borrow a little more than the cost of the loan to buy a new car or start some home renovations right away. With the expanding market for people with bad credit, you may be surprised at some of the deals you can get.

Shopping Product Reviews

Celtic Symbol Meaning – Celtic Shield Knot

Celtic shield knots can be identified as any of the Celtic knots with distinct corner areas. They usually look like a square, but sometimes they are a square-shaped emblem within a circle. As in all Celtic knots there is no beginning or end. The idea of ​​the Celtic shield knot comes from civilizations older than the Celts. In ancient times, it was a universally known symbol to protect oneself from danger and ward off evil spirits. The symbol always has a quadruple base, but within a larger unit.

The Mesopotamians used a similar four-cornered symbol to cast protective spells and to invoke the gods of the four corners of the Earth. The 4 cornered symbols represented the four creator gods. The sky god An was the greatest of these gods. Anki was the Sumerian word for universe. A heaven meaning. Enlil was the next greatest god and could bring raging storms in one attack or help man when he was calm. He was known as the shepherd of the people and also as the god of the air. “lil” meant wind in the Sumerian language. The earth goddess was Nin-khursag (or Nintu). The fourth god was Enki, the god of water and patron of wisdom. The Sumerians believed that Heaven and Earth were united like a single mountain. Nammu, goddess of the primitive sea, gave birth to An (Sky) and Ki (Earth). An and Ki gave birth to their son Enlil (god of the air). Enlil then took his mother, Earth, from Heaven. In essence, these four gods represent heaven, fire, earth, and water. It is possible that the knots on the Celtic shield represent these same substances.

The ancient Norse, who eventually formed the Celts, had a similar shield symbol. Its four-pointed symbol, which was also for protection, was related to the solar cross. The solar cross is one of the oldest spiritual symbols in the world. It is simply a cross with arms of the same size, inside a circle and touching the sides of the circle, which forms four open spaces. The Norse knew it as the cross of Odin, their main god. The solar cross represents the movements of the sun as in the solstices (the four seasons). The Asatruar people (pagan Norse) use the solar cross as their religious emblem.

Occultists using a system of ceremonial magic based on Kabbalah (the mystical aspect of Judaism) invoke the four main archangels mentioned in Judaism (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel) as guardians. They are to protect the four quarters (as seen on a solar cross), or directions. Each have corresponding colors associated with magical properties. They also show spiritual activity in each season: spring is Raphael, summer is Uriel, fall is Michael, and winter is Gabriel. For these occultists, the symbol of the solar cross or the shield knot represents this.

Christianity, in the Scandinavian area, eventually took the pagan symbol of the solar cross or shield knot and named it St. Han’s Cross (or St. John’s Cross, after John the Baptist). It came to symbolize flowing water and the continuity of life, similar to the symbol for infinity. Christianity is known for changing the meaning of many formerly pagan symbols as it spread. In Northern Europe, even today, the shield knot symbol is used to symbolize national heritage sites. In heraldry, the same knot symbol is known as a Bowen’s cross.

So we can say that the original celtic shield knot The symbol is indicative of the four seasons or earth, water, fire and sky (which help us, but have power over us). It can also mean the four gods, intertwined with the seasons, or archangels, who protect the people of the earth and bring us the elements or the seasons.


5 fitness equipment you didn’t know you had

Everything you need to tone your problem areas and get in shape is right in front of your eyes. You don’t need a gym membership and you definitely don’t need expensive fitness equipment. It only takes a little imagination to transform everyday items into body sculpting tools.

1. Hardwood Floors and Socks: When it comes to home decor, hardwood floors are really all the rage, but stand on them while wearing a pair of socks and you’ve unknowingly created a new piece of fitness equipment that takes your workout to a whole new level. new. The wooden floor under your socks creates a slippery surface that engages more muscles as you try to control your movements. Constant contact with the ground as you slide back to the starting position targets the inner thighs and core in a way that a standard exercise routine never will. Side lunges and the scissor plank are two great examples:

Side Slide Lunges:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your hands in front of your chest to help you balance.

Put your weight on your left leg.

As you slowly bend your left knee and squat down, slide your right foot out to the side.

While straightening your left leg, slide your right foot in. Your right foot is in constant contact with the ground. Focus on realigning the leg with the inner thigh.

Complete three sets of 15 repetitions on each side.

scissor plank:

Start in a full plank position with your hands under your shoulders and arms straight.

Slide your feet apart, spreading your legs as wide as possible without sinking your lower back. Squeeze your inner thighs together as you slide your feet together. Complete three sets of 15 repetitions.

2. Your sofa: This versatile piece of furniture is not just for lying down. Not only does it serve as a great piece of fitness equipment for all exercise levels and full-body fitness routines, its various elevations (couch cushion vs. armrest) allow you to target different parts of your muscle that you can find it more difficult to tone. Raising your legs off the couch cushion while performing a pushup makes this upper body exercise advanced. It targets your upper chest, while at the same time sculpting your shoulders and arms. Beginners practice perfect form as they stand on the armrest and bend over to do pushups. Standing allows you to control the amount of body weight you are pushing and gives you the benefits of defined arms and chest.

3. Your purchases: Whether it’s once a week or once a month, any exercise helps. Edibles are a great activity to tone your arms. If you don’t want to attract attention, don’t move. Hold a grocery bag in each arm at 90 degree angles and keep them there for as long as possible. This exercise is known as the isometric grip. The longer you stay in place, the more muscle fibers you’ll recruit, and the more fibers you recruit, the better your arms will look. It’s that easy.

4. Your body: your body is the only all-in-one cardio and resistance training tool you own. In fact, some would say that store-bought fitness equipment is a thing of the past, as the newest and most creative body movements take the boredom out of exercise. The burpee is a great example of a full-body toning and cardiovascular exercise:


Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body into a squat position while placing your hands on the floor in front of you.

Take a step back so that you are in a pushup position. For more intensity jump back.

Bend your elbows and lower your chest into a pushup.

Put your feet in their original position. Stand up and then jump into the air.

5. The stairs: Stairs are the best piece of butt lift fitness equipment you will ever own. The main muscle in your butt, the Gluteus Maximus, works to straighten your hips. Every time the hip is flexed, the Gluteus Maximus has to work to straighten the leg. That is why climbing stairs is so effective. The higher the step, the greater the hip flexion and the more your butt will work.

It doesn’t end there. Stand up at the end of the movement and place all your weight on the leg that you push up. This works another butt muscle called the Gluteus Medius. This muscle tones the side of your butt as it flexes to keep your hips in line.

It doesn’t stop here. Just about anything can become your new piece of fitness equipment, adding fun and innovation to any fitness routine.


401K Investment Ideas for Good Money Management in 2015-2016

Here we cover some 401k investment ideas for 2015, 2016 and beyond, because good money management in this time period could make or break your retirement plans. Why have most investors done well in these plans in recent years when few really pay much attention to asset allocation or money management? Let’s take a look at some 401k investment ideas you might want to consider now.

Asset allocation is the name of the game in 401k investing, and most plans offer three or four BASIC options. In order of risk, from highest to lowest, they are: stock funds, balanced funds (such as target retirement funds), bond funds, and money market funds. Some also offer a secure, stable account that pays interest. Target retirement funds are quite popular because they manage money and allocate assets for you based on the year (like 2040) in which you plan or expect to retire. With these funds you do not need investment ideas; You still buy and hold, right? Think again.

For the past several years, stock funds have been king due to a strong stock market, but bond funds (with less risk) have consistently produced good returns for many years. Target funds with longer retirement dates (our example is a 2040 fund) have performed almost as well as stock funds in recent years for a reason. His professional money management consists of holding primarily stock funds in his portfolio, with the remainder invested in bond funds. What would happen to your 401k investment results if the stock market fell and interest rates rose in 2015 and/or 2016 as predicted? You are likely to take losses on everything except money market funds and interest-paying stablecoins.

The key to good 401k money management is to avoid big losses, especially near retirement. Falling interest rates have been the trend for more than 30 years. When rates drop, bond funds make money. When rates go up, they lose money. Many investors who are currently investing in 401k’s have experienced significant losses in stock funds over the years, but few have actually lost money in bond funds. Sometimes the best 401k investment ideas focus on earning higher returns. For 2015 and beyond, defensive investment ideas geared toward protecting your portfolio’s value may be more appropriate.

First, look at your latest statement and see where your money is. In other words, look at your portfolio’s asset allocation percentages. Allocation percentages can wake you up to the fact that you are more invested in stock funds or target funds than you thought. Stock funds rose in value by more than 100% in this latest bull market. We have had two bear markets in the last dozen years that halved the values ​​of stock funds, after large increases in stock prices. One of the best investment ideas for good 401k money management in 2015 and beyond: If you’re uncomfortable with your relatively high asset allocation to stocks, reduce your holdings.

Bond funds and short-term target funds (such as target 2020 or less, which invest heavily in bond funds) are not as safe as most investors believe. If you’ve relied heavily on them in the past, don’t let complacency cloud your judgment about money management. If interest rates rise significantly in 2015 and/or 2016, the bond funds will give investors the first big losses they’ve had since the early 1980s. If your asset allocation to these funds is high, you may want to reduce your holdings, just in case.

The truth of the matter is that good investment ideas and opportunities that will make you more money are few and far between these days. The stock market could continue its upward trend and interest could remain near record lows for years to come. But we’re talking about a 401k investment here, and your future retirement could be on the line. So what good investment ideas are there for the money you make from your stocks, bonds, and 401k target funds?

Your 401k plan should have a money market fund and possibly a safe, stable interest-paying account. Both are safe havens and good investment ideas to cut portfolio losses if times get tough. With today’s low interest rates, money market funds pay almost nothing, but your payment automatically increases as rates rise. Don’t bypass your plan’s stable account if one is available to you. You may be able to get 4% or so in interest. You can’t find a better safe rate anywhere else.

Let’s say your 401k account is worth $100,000. Would you rather risk losing half of that, or half of something less like $50,000? Good money management and asset allocation require planning. Don’t ignore your 401k. In the future, when the stock market is lower and interest rates are higher, investment ideas and opportunities will once again be abundant. For 2015 and perhaps 2016, the best investment ideas will be geared toward increasing security and reducing risk in your 401k asset allocation.

Home Kitchen

Kitchen Renovation Ideas Pete Evans, Celebrity Chef Would Approve

Professionals like celebrity chef Pete Evans will attest to the fact that a kitchen is so much more than beautiful cabinets and a stunning backsplash. Whether you have a small space in the suburbs or a large kitchen in a high-rise, a well-designed kitchen creates minimal clutter and is highly efficient. If you are designing for a commercial kitchen, it is recommended that you consult the Australian Business Licensing and Information Service (ABLIS) to verify what compliance requirements you are expected to meet in terms of standards, permits and approvals.

Integrate the following thoughtful tips and ideas when planning your kitchen renovation for a space that is easy and enjoyable to work in, as well as highly functional. Remember, when it comes to designing your kitchen, form follows function.

Identify Your Kitchen Design Focal Point

Select a focal point in your design and balance that particular area with several other quieter and softer eye-pleasing fixtures. Bright cabinets, sleek kitchen flooring, expansive range hoods, and attractive countertop designs will give you plenty to look at.

Consider your countertops

When planning your renovations, keep in mind that those who tend to cook more frequently may need more counter space, especially between the sink and the stove, than people who only cook occasionally or prepare simple, undemanding What Pete Evans would need for a TV commercial kitchen would be more complex compared to a kitchen that only serves five members of a family. Consider incorporating two different counter heights to make baking less strenuous and accessible to children who might be helping prepare meals.

Eliminate wasted steps

Think about how to reduce unnecessary physical movement in the kitchen. For example, store your breakfast bowls and food near the family breakfast table. Locate major dinnerware and cutlery near the dishwasher to facilitate the unloading process. Keep plastic wrap and containers in a convenient location near your work surface for quick and easy wrapping of leftover food.

Design walkways that are wide and convenient

Ideally, pathways through your kitchen should be a minimum of 36 inches wide. Within the cooking zone, pathways must be at least 48 inches wide for a 2-cook configuration and 42-inches for a 1-cook kitchen configuration. As you plan, adjust your kitchen peninsulas and islands accordingly. Master Builders Association of the ACT have developed a particularly useful design resource, ‘Housing for Life, 2001’ from which you can collect some useful design ideas and advice.

Direct your kitchen traffic

For a kid-friendly kitchen layout, keep the range away from normal traffic areas so your kids don’t accidentally or (or even intentionally!) get caught in the running handles and cause dangerous spills. Also, make your refrigerator easily accessible to everyone who may be using the kitchen and other household members.

Use colors appropriately

If you’re designing a small kitchen, keep in mind that color schemes that are dark will tend to make the small space appear even smaller. Use natural light and soft tones in your kitchen cabinets to give a visual impression of extra space.

Digital Marketing

Brand Equity – Assets and Liabilities

Brand equity has been defined as a set of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name and its symbol that add to or subtract from the value provided by a product or service to a company and/or to that company’s customers. company. If the brand name or symbol changes, some or all of the assets or liabilities may be affected or even lost, although some may be changed to a new name and symbol. The assets and liabilities on which brand equity is based, according to Aaker (1991), differ depending on the context. However, they can be grouped into five categories:

1. Brand loyalty

2. Brand name (Knowledge)

3. Perceived quality

4. Brand associations

5.Other proprietary brand assets

Brand loyalty –

For any business, it is expensive to acquire new customers and relatively inexpensive to retain existing ones, especially when existing customers are satisfied or happy with the brand. Competitors may even be discouraged from spending resources to attract already satisfied customers. Also, higher loyalty means higher business leverage; as customers expect the brand to be always available.

Brand awareness –

People will often buy a familiar brand because they are comfortable with the familiarity or assume that a familiar brand is likely to be reliable and of reasonable quality. When consumers are uncomfortable with a product name, they will avoid it, and that translates to lost sales. Brand names need to be easy for customers to see, and this involves pronunciation and spelling.

Perceived quality –

A brand will have a perception of general quality associated with it, which is not necessarily based on knowledge of detailed specifications. The perception of quality can take somewhat different forms for different types of industries. Perceived quality means something different to Compaq or IBM than it does to Coke or Pepsi. Perceived quality will directly influence purchasing decisions and brand loyalty, especially when a buyer is not motivated or capable of detailed analysis. It can also support a premium price which, in turn, can generate gross margin that can be reinvested in brand equity. Also, perceived quality can be the basis for a brand extension. If a brand is well regarded in one context, it will be assumed to be of high quality in a related context.

Brand associations –

The underlying value of a brand name is often based on specific associations attached to it. Associations, for example, of the car brand Jaguar can make the experience of owning and driving one “different.” If a brand is well positioned on a key attribute in the product class (such as technological superiority), it will be difficult to attack competitors. If they attempt a frontal attack claiming superiority across that dimension, there will be a credibility issue. They may be forced to find another, perhaps inferior, basis for competition. Thus, an association can be a barrier to competitors.

Other own brand assets –

This fifth category represents other proprietary brand assets such as patents, trademarks, and channel relationships. Brand assets will be more valuable if they inhibit or prevent competitors from eroding the customer base and loyalty. These assets can take various forms. For example, a registered trademark will protect the brand equity from competitors who might want to confuse customers by using a similar name, symbol, or package. A patent, if it is strong and relevant to the customer’s choice, can prevent direct competition. A distribution channel may be controlled by a brand due to a track record of brand performance.


Acrylic Painting Techniques – How to Paint People – Paint Lips and Closed Mouths

Learning to paint people is exciting and sometimes challenging. There are some tips and techniques that can help you as you begin your portrait painting journey.

Start with an accurate drawing of the subject you plan to paint.

Some artists use the grid method, while others draw the initial drawing freehand. One clue you should take seriously is this; If you don’t have an accurate drawing, don’t try to paint the person. You most likely won’t get a likeness if you don’t have a pencil likeness first.

Painting the closed mouth is quite easy with practice. Painting the open mouth is more difficult and requires a lot of practice. This is because not only the lips have to be painted, but also the gums and teeth and sometimes the tongue. The mouth is the facial feature that most expresses the mood of the subjects. The mouth and lips can make or break a portrait. They can make a realistic portrait look different from the person or even cartoonish if it’s not close to accurate. To paint the closed lips, make sure that the pencil drawing is accurate. You will need to step back and view the drawing to make sure it looks like your subject.

Using the correct color for the lips.

When you are satisfied that the drawing is correct, use a color that matches the person’s skin tone and create the outline of the mouth and the line between the lips. The color that you will use for the contour of the lips is a nude tone with a little shade of burnt and alizarin crimson. Be careful not to make the lips look too pink or red, unless there is lipstick on the subject. The lips are actually a little more pink or red than the flesh color. The contour color should be slightly darker than the actual color of the lips. Think of this stage like a coloring book. For the outline of the lips, you are just painting over the drawn lip lines.

After you have painted the outline color, use the same color but a little lighter and paint on the upper lip. The upper lip will be darker than the lower lip. Now, paint the lower lip with a slightly lighter lip color.

highlight the lips

Now highlight both lips. The upper lip will have a hint of very light or even white lip color along the top center. The lower lip will have a fairly large area of ​​highlighting along the “puffy” center of the lip. The highlighting gives the illusion that the swollen part of the lip is rounded and closer to the viewer, so to speak. When you add the light or bleached highlights to the bottom lip, do it with vertical strokes. You should leave some trace lines to indicate the lines in the skin that form the lips.

If your subject is a person who wears lipstick, you might end up with lips because lipstick sometimes shows a sharp line. But if the subject’s lips are natural, you should gently blend the lip color into the flesh color of the face so that there isn’t a hard edge where there isn’t one.

final keys

The last thing to do with your mouth closed is to add shadows directly above the upper lip where the crease is under the nose, and directly below the lower lip and chin area. Painting people accurately is an art that requires a lot of practice and patience. You should purchase literature on acrylic painting techniques that demonstrates these methods.

Health Fitness

How to Keep Your Top 10 New Year’s Health Resolutions with the Law of Attraction

By now, some of those New Year’s Resolutions that seemed so definite can start to feel a little wonky. Are you thinking that you just can’t do it or that you just want to give up? It’s time to do something to make those Resolutions come alive again. When it comes to Resolutions, they seem to pop up on different people’s lists. Things like Get Fit, Lose Weight, Quit Smoking, Quit Drinking, Enjoy Life More, Reduce Stress seem to make their way onto almost everyone’s top ten New Year’s Resolutions list. For some people, they work their way up the resolution list year after year after year.

This is the year to make resolutions work. The first thing is to understand the psychology of failed Resolutions. Make resolutions like getting fit and losing weight. The problem with these, and most Resolutions, is that they’re like someone asking you to shoot and hit a target that’s “somewhere in there”. The only way to hit the bull’s-eye is if someone points it out to you and says, “Hit the bull’s-eye right there.” How much weight are you going to lose? What does aptitude mean? You are doomed unless you make Resolutions more definite and, in business jargon, measurable. Because? Because you tend to tell yourself: “I’m not in shape yet.” or “I still need to lose weight.” Think what that means. They are very negative messages that you give yourself and begin to experience daily losses. Day after day those defeats accumulate and before long you feel totally defeated in your Resolution and you just give up. The problem was not you, the problem was that you simply did not take reasonable Resolutions.

Clearly refined resolutions

There are four things you can do with your top ten Resolutions to start working for you instead of against you. First, reduce your Immediate Resolution to just two or three things, and bring those high and broad Goal Resolutions to the level where you can definitely say you’ve met them or not. So Losing Weight could become “Lose 30 Pounds” and Getting Fit could become “Get Rid of My Back Pain.” These are very concrete things that you can easily assess if you achieve them. Converts High Resolutions to Refined Resolutions.

Small Achievable Resolutions

The second thing to do is create micro Resolutions from each of the refined main Resolutions you just made. To do this, you need to know how to actually achieve your Resolution. It’s easy to say “Lose 30 pounds,” but to do it you really have to know what to do. You have to know that, in general, fad diets do not work in the long term. Even the special TV ad, buy our food diets really stops working as soon as you go back to your old eating habits. Do your homework and find out what really works to help you achieve your goal. There is a lot of information and misinformation on the internet, and that means you have to read carefully. Always evaluate the information that is provided in conjunction with the sale of something like a diet or exercise program. As an example, Losing 30 pounds could be boiled down to the following weekly micro-Resolutions

1. Do your research and find a weight loss program.

2. Read about blood sugar and weight control by monitoring your blood glucose.

3. Get 5 easy recipes that are blood glucose friendly.

4. Find out how many servings in each recipe will help you lose weight and shop for the right ingredients.

5. Eat 50% of my meals with those diets and portions, and avoid sugary snacks.

6. Eat so that 80% of my meals are glucose-friendly and portion-wise, and avoid snacks with sugar and carbs.

7. Lose 2 pounds this week.

8. Lose 2 pounds this week.

9. etc.

These micro Resolutions are easy to achieve week by week. You should make micro Resolutions easy to achieve instead of striving for quick results. The simple fact in many facets of life is that extraordinary results are not achieved with quick and extraordinary efforts, but rather with small efforts made consistently over time.

Similarly, getting rid of lower back pain could become the following micro Resolutions

1. Find easy home exercises for low back pain that you can do.

2. Find out what low back pain treatments are medically available.

3. Do the exercises for back pain 3 days a week.

4. Seek medical treatment for back pain.

When it comes to personal change, make sure the solutions you find are easy to do. You need easy diet solutions, not complicated ones. You need easy physical movements, not things that are impossible for you to do.

law of attraction

Many people who set goals, objectives, and tasks in business project planning will recognize the approach just described. Frankly, so far resolutions, refined resolutions, and micro resolutions are pretty much the same thing. However, the third thing to do takes a dramatic shift from business project management as it moves towards the more esoteric teaching of the Law of Attraction as taught by Charles F. Haanel. The third thing to do is to visualize yourself as having put your refined Resolutions and micro Resolutions into the day. Picture in your mind what it will be like to be 30 pounds lighter. Visualize what it will be like to know how to eat a diet compatible with the glycemic index. Do it every day for a few minutes and you will see amazing results. Good visualization is the key to harnessing the incredible power of the unconscious mind. The more clearly you see yourself achieving the Resolutions you have set for yourself, the more likely you are to stick to them. Five to ten minutes a day is all you need.


Finally, the fourth thing to do is forget about the language of Resolutions, objectives, goals and tasks. They are very weak when it comes to personal changes. The word you should use is commitments. Think about it. Do you feel more comfortable not achieving a task or a Commitment? How about you make that Commitment to someone who is really important to you… who you want to please? Take micro Resolutions and turn them into written commitments that you make to someone like your spouse. Take a few minutes each week to review your progress on those Commitments with the person you made them to. And be sure to help them understand what you’re doing and ask them to commit to helping you. All of that will introduce accountability into your micro Resolutions, and accountability will be at a significant level. If you can make Commitments with more than one person, that will amplify your success.


You can turn those fading Resolutions into major changes in your life simply by following these four simple steps. Refine your resolutions. Do micro Resolutions. Visualize your success. Make commitments to the people you care about. This approach will work for any life change you want to make, not just New Years Resolutions.

Legal Law

Personal Brand Strategy: Create a powerful brand using the ancient power of brand archetypes

Have you ever felt like the people you’re marketing to don’t “get” or don’t understand you?

Or maybe you know you’re not communicating the “right” message to your target audience, but aren’t sure how to change your message or what it should be.

The problem in the two previous cases could be that you are not harnessing and using the power of the old archetypes in your personal branding strategy.

To help explain the concept of ancient archetypes…

Have you ever noticed that certain brands, advertisements, movies, or famous personalities seem to instantly connect with you? Without your realizing it, these marks are communicating a story and meaning to your soul with which it is already deeply familiar.

Research in the field of marketing indicates that the most powerful brands consistently embody the personality of ancient archetypes. The ancient archetype that you embody is the first thing to do before you start developing a personal brand identity.

So what is an ancient archetype?

Archetypes are believed to be universal and mythical characters that live in the collective unconscious of people all over the world. By symbolizing our core human desires, archetypes can evoke strong, deep emotions that everyone can connect with and understand.

Examples of powerful brands that arouse our emotions are Coca-Cola, Nike, Marlboro; movies like Star Wars and ET The Extra Terrestrial; and personalities like Jackie O., John Wayne and Lady Di. These “brands” have captured and held the public imagination. Because? Because they represent something moving and deeply familiar to us.

The twelve ancient archetypes are:


2. Caregiver

3. Rule

4. jester

5. Normal boy/girl

6. lover

7. Hero

8. Outlaw

9. Magician

10. innocent

11. Explore

12. wise

Each of these archetypes possess powerful identities that signal the fulfillment of basic human desires and emotions, and release emotions and longings deep within us. Scientific research points out that the missing link in successful marketing and branding is a lack of understanding of archetypes and the power they possess.

During the recent development of my own personal branding strategy, I focused on researching and studying the twelve ancient archetypes to determine which one resonated with me the most. After my study, I determined that the ancient archetype that best describes me is the Ruler. Ruler’s best-known brands are Saab, Ralph Lauren, Fortune and Microsoft.

The Ruler archetype is known as the leader and desires control; he also seeks to create prosperity and success, and bring order out of chaos. The rule identity is suitable for a brand if it is:

– A high status product

– A product to help people organize themselves better

– A product in the moderate to high price range

Knowing this type of information helps to create a personal brand strategy that is consistent with the attributes and values ​​of the brand, as well as to identify the words to use to market the brand.

By using the ancient power of archetypes when branding your business, you’ll immediately make your marketing easier and feel more confident that you’re authentically communicating who you are. This message of individuality and expression is so powerful that your ideal client will intuitively understand and be drawn to you.

A brand strategy, using archetypes, allows your audience to dive deep into the heart and soul of who you really are.

Whether you are developing your personal branding strategy for the first time or switching brands, using old archetypes will separate the ordinary brands from you: the extraordinary brand. Use the power of the ancient archetype to develop a powerful personal branding strategy to tell your brand’s story.

Copyright 2008, Bonita L. Richter

Lifestyle Fashion

Useful makeup tips to look beautiful

Getting some general makeup tips for different occasions is a great idea, since you don’t want to wear the same type of makeup every time. Makeup for the office will be completely different from how makeup is applied at a wedding or birthday party.

Makeup tips and tricks often tell you to use the right foundation to match your skin tone, use concealers to hide your skin blemishes, and a shimmer on your eyes to make them look fresh and bright. All of these makeup tips address the way you should wear makeup, but there are some things that are common to all types of makeup and one should keep them in mind. Here are some makeup dos and don’ts to let you know how you can wear makeup without damaging your skin or ruining your personality by wearing makeup that goes drastically against your facial features.

Makeup Tips – What to do

• Whatever makeup material and products you choose, make sure someone has already used it and that others approve of its use. You don’t want to end up with unsightly blemishes on your skin due to the side effects of a product that didn’t suit your skin.

• Very few makeup tips talk about this factor but it is important to know that makeup is not to make you look different. The first integral part of makeup is to highlight the good features of your face. Once you’ve figured out how to do it, you can work to hide any blemishes or spots that don’t look so good to you.

• Whenever you’re in the store and choosing your foundation, make sure you have plenty of time to look for one that matches your skin tone. The foundation is applied all over the face so you don’t want your face to stick out and look different from your neck and the rest of the body.

• Applying makeup when your face is clean and using a moisturizer after showering is a great way to keep your skin fresh.

• Many makeup tips also forget to mention the time you should give before applying makeup after applying moisturizer. Make sure you give enough time for the moisturizer to absorb into your skin and once the moisturizer has absorbed you can start on your makeup.

• Often gets lost in most makeup tips, but here it is: make sure you only spend your money on professional makeup brushes. You will easily notice the difference between the quality of the makeup and its finesse when you apply it with a professional brush instead of a regular low-quality brush.

• Always consult with a makeup critic who is present in most families. Just before you leave the house and join the party, check with your friend or someone in your family if everything looks “normal.”

Makeup Tips – What Not To Do

• Never do your makeup in a hurry, especially if you are inexperienced in doing admirable makeup in a jiffy.

• Don’t take makeup tips and tricks from people you know aren’t very good with makeup. You only want to take the advice of professionals, and it’s not hard to get their advice now that you have access to the Internet.

• Don’t treat makeup like clothing, which means you shouldn’t wear it all the time. We know this sounds like one of the cliché makeup tips, but it’s important to mention what’s important. If you’re too lazy to remove your makeup at night and sleep while wearing it, you’re suffocating your skin all night.

• Never try to overdo your makeup. If something seems to be missing, you can add it later, but if you go overboard, there’s no going back unless all your makeup is removed.

• Never use the wrong concealer that goes against your foundation or skin. While hiding blemishes, it can make them look like skin spots from the sun.

• Don’t be fooled by every new product you see on TV or in magazines. Not everything is made for you or your skin.

While you’re on your way to learning professional makeup, feel free to collect makeup tips from the pros. Explore and research things before you even think about using them on your skin.