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Name three influential books that you have read in your life.

A really great way to try to get to know someone is to ask them to name three influential books they’ve read in their life and maybe say how they influenced the way they think. This recently came up on our online Think Tank after someone came forward and asked me this very question.

So, I considered this for a moment and then I wrote some. Most influential books? Hmm? Well, how are you;

1.) “Grinding it Out” by Ray Kroc

2.) Essays by Henry Kissinger (collection)

3.) Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation Series”

But actually, there are so many books that I have read and therefore it is very difficult to really decide.

The span of books that affected my thinking is actually much larger than this, I read a lot, scan, search the internet, white papers, etc. constantly. But this list is a start, of course. It’s hard for me to pick just three really, really hard ones.

A book I remember my mom used to read to me when I was about 2 or 3 years old; “Peter and the rocks of him”. Children’s book about exploring and collecting cool rocks, I think it was my favorite book he ever read to me; The interesting thing is that now I have a friend named Peter who collects all kinds of rocks and even meteorites.

Sometimes I think our minds cause these connections. That is, you can wish for events to occur. I bet science will figure out how it all works one day. Quantum pairs, entanglement, mind movement through our current understanding of the environment we see. But it must have affected me in some very strong way.

You know, due to the wide range of topics and my endless thirst for knowledge, I find myself formulating my own ideas and also writing them all down. Since I can’t turn off my mind, everything flows. I might as well give it back to the world, is my thought on the matter. Compiling various articles and rewriting them into e-books now; Maybe reading a lot of books leads you to become a writer?

I would like you to consider the three most influential books in your life right now. Do not be shy. I certainly hope this article was of interest and thought provoking. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. Thank you for reading my many articles on various topics that interest you.