
How to sell on YouTube

Inducing the element of control or choice is a sophisticated technique used in some landing pages on the Internet. It may be worth your credit, because sometimes it works. Performers use this same technique on stage by playing music or speaking. It is not enough to simply play music. The progressive idea is to give the audience the opportunity to participate with a variety of visual sounds. Everybody wants to get in on the act. The online concept is to make the viewer watch multiple videos and choose what he wants. Yes, this creates engagement, by giving you a choice, however, there is a downside. It’s quite confusing to see so many things on one page. There are sellers who swear by having a simple capture page, because it’s more direct. That’s the old school way and I agree. A page with various things to do is great for a gaming site or random information site. You can’t beat a landing page or direct compression.

I’m okay with having the variety element and I think you should have multiple direct compression sites for different elements on the pages. Don’t confuse your prospect. Get straight to the point. Either they will be with you or they will not be interested. Don’t waste time and space on being musky. It is the same in face to face selling. You will find that there will be enough people who will understand your direct approach. Knocking on people’s doors and showing them a carnival of stuff is an inappropriate indirect approach for a website, in my opinion. This is not to be confused with the famous “which would you prefer, Mrs. Jones” engagement speech. Yes, it’s definitely good to give your prospect a choice, because it affirms that everything you have is great one way or another.

My favorite tool when selling over the phone was the answer. This is where you would tell someone what you have and then tell them that they may not be able to get it. I’m talking about going into the other room and doing sound effects. I would pretend to talk to the manager, as if I were begging to let me sell this item to this potential customer. People said thank you, as if he was doing them a favor by selling them what he had. We used to call it a setback. You don’t want to walk up to someone and ask if they want to buy what you have. Do this if you sell Girl Scout cookies, but don’t sell any serious items or services online. Scarcity creates value. That’s the way things are in our world. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to drink. That’s the old saying and it refers to his perspective.

You cannot make the horse drink, but you can allow the horse to realize that it is thirsty. There are so many distractions in our everyday environment. A distraction is anything that takes a person’s mind off what you think is important. How important is your product or service. This is the main thing I consider when selling anything. I must have a strong conviction that the product I sell is good. A good product allows me to gather my inner strength and transmit the virtue of the product. You must first grab the prospect’s attention. This is done audibly. The classic method is with a pretty woman. That’s standard marketing 101. You don’t necessarily have to use that method. In fact, you could use a picture of a horse. The idea is to capture the prospect’s attention. Then confront them with reasoning. It’s a statistical fact that people buy things because of emotion as opposed to reason. Demographics reveals what is relevant to groups of people. Emotions are stirred by understanding demographics. You can be pleased doing what you feel like, and that’s a wonderful concept. Keep in mind that what you feel is not always what a paying customer feels. Doing what you feel like all the time could present a consistency problem. Try to understand your prospect and understand their value. A smooth mix of satisfying your customers’ needs and your core values ​​make for a splendid marketing campaign. Once again we kick off the campaign with an attention grabber. That’s traditionally a broad red headline.

There must be some form of substance, to hold the interest of your prospects. This is where our contemporary marketers suggest variety. I tend to question the variety issue without having the prospect’s contact information. Your prospect can easily get bored at this point and click away. Give your prospects the reasons why they need what you’re offering. Don’t be self-indulgent. I see so many poor salespeople get complacent, talking about what they do and how good they are. There must be some form of substance, to hold your prospect’s interest. This is where our contemporary marketers suggest variety. I tend to question the variety issue without having the prospect’s contact information. Your prospect can easily get bored at this point and click away. Give your prospects the reasons why they need what you’re offering. Don’t be self-indulgent. I see so many poor salespeople get complacent, talking about what they do and how good they are.

The video may be a little different. The soap opera explodes daily discussions, crying, kisses, hugs and emotional demonstrations. Then they will abruptly cut to a commercial toothpaste. His technique is called subliminal seduction. The average person who watches soap operas watches it every day. This allows a residue of mental images to accumulate in the mind of the viewer. The viewer becomes the prospect and is programmed to buy what he has seen on television so many times. The image of the product is embedded in the back of the viewer’s mind, through repetition. The main way you’ll be able to make use of replay is by capturing the email address or text number of the lead. I like when someone blatantly asks for name and address information somewhere in the video.

Don’t try to sell to disinterested people. Use keyword research. Keywords are the way for people interested in what you have. All the other favorite techniques will not work if they are not directed at the right people. YouTube places videos on relevant pages. It’s amazing how they stay relevant. I often look at what they put on my page and wonder how they knew I was thinking of that. It’s almost like the algorithm knows what you think and like. It’s hard to hide my thoughts, because YouTube’s algorithm records the views I click on. Then they come up with a rational representation of what I’m thinking, in the form of a relevant video. I find it unbelievable and almost terrifying. The silver lining is that YouTube logic will help you make sales, when used progressively.

Beginners should get their feet wet and just make a video. A good rule of thumb for how to sell on YouTube is to simply make a video. Don’t worry about the science of selling. Forget technique at first.

Do what you think is an interesting video. You need to gradually understand and hone your technical ability later on. The worst thing you can do is and do nothing. Think of an idea and make a video about it. If your idea is too elaborate, do the next best thing. Most of the questions can be answered using the Internet search engine. You have millions of examples. Roll up your sleeves and make a video. Direct your viewers to a sales link in your video’s description box and you’re done.