
Book Review: “No More Lies”

Book Review: No More Lies
Written by: Mona Risk
Posted By: Mona Risk
Available as: eBook
5 stars

Risk explores the damage that lies can do to love in “No More Lies.” Dr. Olivia Crane is a successful psychiatrist. Her world is turned upside down when her old boyfriend, Lucien George, is invited to her university for consultation. Will Olivia’s lifelong lies interfere with her efforts to rekindle her relationship with Luc?

Set in contemporary Ohio, Risk puts the reader in the middle of Olivia’s problems from the start. Ten years earlier, she had an intense romantic relationship with a French doctor, Luc George, but she called it off when she thought she was interfering with her ability to keep her daughter, Melissa, safe. Luc is back now and all of Olivia’s old feelings for him are rekindled.

Adding to Olivia’s confusion is Melissa’s father, Jeremy Rutherford, Olivia’s ex-boyfriend. He didn’t show any interest or concern for her when he found out she was pregnant, so Olivia raised Melissa alone with the help of her parents. Rutherford is now forced to seek psychiatric help for mental health issues. Olivia told her daughter that her father was dead and was a war hero to keep her safe from her abusive father. However, now that Olivia’s lie threatens to unravel when Melissa expresses an interest in her father, Olivia needs Luc’s strength and support more than ever.

Luc is shocked to learn that Olivia never told him about his daughter. When he realizes the extent of Olivia’s lies, he urges her to come clean to her daughter. Can Olivia find the courage to tell the truth and give Luc’s love a second chance?

Risk’s engaging plot pulls the reader effortlessly into the story. Risk handles the subject with grace and sensitivity.

The characters are wonderfully complex and dynamic. Luc is noble and honest in the extreme, but his inner strength never fails Olivia when she needs it most. Olivia has made a successful career for herself, but her determination to protect Melissa has led her to lies that threaten her future. The supporting cast is a lovely compliment to Olivia and Luc’s story and really shows just how rich and fulfilling their lives are.

Risk’s writing is easy to read and strikes a chord. “No More Lies” presents a problem that many face today. The way Olivia handles her problems will offer hope to those dealing with similar circumstances.

The love scenes are sensual and tasteful, embodying a sweet hunger that has simmered between Olivia and Luc for years. “No More Lies” will resonate with readers and make them believe that love can overcome even the most challenging obstacles.

Reviewed by: S. Burkhart

Health Fitness

13 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercising

Do you want to lose abdominal fat without exercising? It’s totally possible. What it takes is having the right mindset and being able to do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. As we enter 2018, figure out how many pounds you want to lose in the first 3 months of the year, and be determined to work toward that goal.

Losing abdominal fat without exercising is very possible, but it is not easy. However, it’s a must-do, losing belly fat will not only help you feel good and look attractive, but it will also help you avoid diseases like heart disease, type diabetes, and certain cancers.

Most of us are too busy at work to make time for exercise. If your schedule doesn’t leave you free time to exercise, don’t worry, just be sure to follow the guidelines below to get started on losing as much belly fat as possible.

Below we have made a list of ways you can lose belly fat without exercising.

The 13 Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercise:

1. Reduce sugar intake

Sugar is fattening. When you want to lose belly fat, the first thing you should start avoiding is sugar. Instead of eating sugar, replace it with protein, vegetables, and whole grains instead of eating sugars found in processed foods.

Before drinking your tea or coffee, add cinnamon powder to it, this will help you reduce belly fat by stabilizing your blood sugar levels. It also makes you feel full for a longer period of time.

2. Drink lots of water

It is recommended that you need at least 8 glasses of water per day. Most of us don’t receive that amount every day. You can lose belly fat when you drink a lot of water. Start by drinking two glasses of water before each meal, if you can do this you will lose around 7kg in just 12 weeks.

Two cans of soda will give you 270 calories; you can avoid gaining these extra calories by replacing your sugary drinks with water. Also, water will help you stay hydrated.

3. Get enough sleep

According to research, people who sleep only 6 hours or less a day gain 2 kg more than those who sleep 8 hours. You have a 27% higher risk of developing obesity when you are a light sleeper.

Lack of sleep stimulates your appetite and forces you to eat. When you sleep well, it will normalize your hunger hormones known as ghrelin and leptin.

4. Reduce stress

Stress makes you gain weight. A high level of stress leads to a high level of cortisol. It is this cortisol that regulates glucose levels, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. When your cortisol level keeps rising, it will lead to an increase in stomach fat. If you want to reduce stomach fat, control your stress levels.

5. Increase your intake of vitamin C

If you’re experiencing a lot of stress, you can combat it by increasing your intake of vitamin C. Research shows that vitamin C helps make carnitine, a compound that works in a special way to convert fat into energy. A good way to get vitamin C into your body is by taking vitamin C supplements.

6. Take more protein

Protein is an essential nutrient for total weight loss. When you have enough protein, there will be an increase in your metabolism. That’s not all, it will also lead to reduced cravings and help increase feelings of satiety. Research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that you can reduce the rate of hunger by increasing your protein intake from 15% to 30%.

7. Eat small portions of food consistently

Don’t wait until you’re hungry before eating. Instead, eat small portions between intervals. The fact is that if you wait until you’re hungry before eating, there’s a good chance you’ll overeat.

You are also likely to indulge in unhealthy snacks when you are hungry. You can avoid this by eating small portions of a balanced diet between intervals throughout the day.

8. Eat unsaturated fats

Believe it or not, eating unsaturated fats can help you lose weight. If you love avocado and olive, you will be happy to know that they have a high amount of unsaturated fat that you should eat more of when you want to lose weight.

According to new research, eating unsaturated fats can help you burn more energy.

9. Eat a lot of fiber

Eating fiber is necessary when you want to lose belly fat, it will help you balance your blood sugar levels and also prevent insulin resistance. Fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and sugars, so you’re less likely to store fat or even develop diabetes.

Once again, fiber will help you avoid constipation and pass out quickly.

10. Avoid chewing gum

Most people see chewing gum as part of their fashion. You should try to avoid this habit as much as possible, as it causes you to swallow air that produces gasps. When this happens, it leads to bleeding. If you want to keep your breath fresh, use mints instead.

11. Eat healthy carbs

You know how they used to say that carbohydrates make you fat. However, not all carbohydrates are bad. Some carbohydrates contain vitamins and minerals that are good for the body. You can lose belly fat when you choose your fiber carbs from cereal, brown rice, bulgur wheat, couscous, and even black bread. Most of these carbohydrates are full of fiber that will make you feel full.

12. Eat 3 servings of dairy products a day

If you are looking to lose belly fat fast, eat 3 servings of dairy products like buttermilk, yogurt, milk, and cheese daily. Eating these foods will help improve digestion, boost your immunity, and even help you lose those extra pounds. In addition, they are known to give the feeling of satiety, which means that you will not need to eat for a long time.

13. Take a short walk

If you don’t have a busy life that involves taking the bus, taking the stairs, or engaging in some physical activities, it would be a good idea to take a short walk every day.

Walking is not exercise per se. In addition, it is advisable to do some physical activities for your overall health. You can lose a pound a week when you start walking frequently and up to 20 pounds in five months.

Legal Law

Learn to talk like a hippie

Do you want to learn to talk like a hippie? The flower children of the 1960s invented dozens of countercultural words and expressions to describe their experiences and beliefs. Whether you’re planning a party to celebrate peace and love, or just want to learn some hipster slang, here’s a short list of hippie words and expressions.

Baby or girl: A term of endearment for men or women, such as “Honey.”

Bag: A favorite hobby or activity, as in “Playing the guitar is my bag, baby.”

Ban the bra: A feminist slogan. The bra was considered a symbol of the oppression of women, and bras were sometimes burned in protest.

bread: Money or cash. “I wish I didn’t have to work, but I need the bread.”

Bumper: Unfortunate occurrence or sad feeling. “What a bummer, man!”

Cat: A nice male.

Chick: A pretty young woman.

Fresh: Admirable or fashionable, and worthy of emulation.

Cop-out: Lame excuse for inaction or taking the lazy path. “He said the dog ate all our brownies. What a cop!”

Dig: “I like” means “I understand your point of view.” It’s also a way of describing something you really like, like “I love those sandals.”

Do your thing!: Do whatever makes you happy.

Drag: Boring or disappointing. “What a bore!”

Far!: “Amazing!”

Flower Children: Hippies were called flower children because they wore flowers in their hair, on their clothes, and painted flowers on everything.

Flower Power: The flowers symbolized the power of love over hate. Most famously, hippies attached flower stalks to the barrels of law enforcement guns during anti-war protests.

Fearful: Stylish in an unconventional way. For example, music and fashion can be original.

Generational gap: Define the divergence between the ideals of modern young adults and those of the older, more conservative generations.

Be realistic: Be realistic. You are in denial.

Let go: Stay calm and let things happen at their own pace.

marvelous!: More pleasurable! The best!

Annoyance: problem or difficulty “I was bothered by the police. What a bother!”

If it feels good, do it: Be uninhibited, have fun however you want.

Relaxed: Quiet and calm. “The crowd was relaxed.”

top: A $10 bag of marijuana, a full ounce at the time.

love beads: Natural beads that were fun to wear and fun to give away as a token of friendship.

Love in: A hippie event with love for all things as its central theme.

Make love and not war: Hippies chanted this slogan to protest against war and promote peace and love.

Man: Spoken instead of a man’s name, as a friend, partner, friend, partner. “Hey man, I like your Hendrix poster.”

The man: An authority figure, esp. police.

Mellow: Pleasant and pleasant.

Calm down: Take it easy; keep calm

munchies: Ravenous hunger, “I’ve got the snacks!” It also means delicious food, as in “Introducing lots of snacks to share.”

Out of sight or out of sight: It means fantastic, “The Beatles are out of sight!”

The plastic: Fake or artificial.

Rap: A rap means a friendly discussion. Rapping is talking. The word was not associated with music as it is today.

Touch the exact subject!: An exclamation meaning “I completely agree!” Political emphasis is indicated by a raised fist.

Just: Worthy and commendable.

Stage: The party or place where cool people meet. “Dig this wonderful scene!”

Selling: Abandoning counterculture ideals for material or personal gain. “He sold himself to work in a bank. What a commitment!”

Pull apart: split “Let’s split this scene.” “We have to leave at midnight.”

Square: Describes a person or thing that is conformist, upright, and very uncool. “My mom is so square!”

stuff: Total obsession or favorite hobby. “Incense is my thing, baby!”

Threads: Clothing.

Amazing: Fascinating and captivating with psychedelic undertones.

Tense: Stressed or on the edge. “My dad gets so uptight with my boyfriend.”

ambient: Short for vibrations, it means a feeling or intuition. “This place generates very good vibes.” “I’m getting bad vibes from that cop.”

Departure: Hard to believe or really unbelievable.

What’s going on’?: What happens?

Where is!: Highly recommended place to go. “Haight-Ashbury is where it’s at, baby.”

This list of hippie slang is not complete. What hippie words or expressions do you know that are not on this list?

Lifestyle Fashion

How people steal your power, energy and soul

One of the less talked about topics is the topic of how people steal other people’s power, soul and energy.

It is more common than you can understand and it goes beyond the realm of the physical dimension with people and extends into the non-physical dimension with non-physical beings.

People on earth have what is called the soul or personal power. The soul of humans is something that can be taken, given away or stolen. The act of “soul stealing” is a common phenomenon among people in relationships where one person is a dominant or power grabber.

People also have what is called an energy field or aura. A common problem that most people have is that at some point in life they have become disconnected from their own personal power or soul and because of this they have become dependent on the energy of other people. The term “Energy Vampire” or “Psychic Vampire” is often a misunderstood term, but basically it is a person who lives and feeds on the life force or energy of other people. The “energy vampire” person is actually incapable of developing her own energy and, in turn, has to go “outside” herself to get energy. The main cause of energy theft or feeding is the lack of connection to one’s own personal power or soul, because if you had a connection to yourself on a deeper level, you would not need to use other people for energy. It’s extremely common among humans, although only a few people are really aware of it, in terms of having to protect their own energy from being stolen or used by others. On a deeper level, the act of taking or using another person’s energy is based on having power over another person, and it is a lower level of consciousness that people have chosen to operate under.

A common belief is that energy vampires are negative people or use negativity to drain you, although this is not true. Someone can take your energy just by talking to them, listening to them talk, looking at them, or being close to them in terms of space (as if you were standing very close to another person). It has nothing to do with being negative, it has to do with a person who is in a lower vibration energetically, and just by dealing with them, your energy is taken away.

What’s even more interesting is that most people who take or use other people’s energy don’t know they’re doing it. This is because most people do not understand how energy works, therefore they have no idea that they are draining you of your energy. People who understand how energy works and are also users of other people’s energy are what I call “professional thieves” meaning they actually deliberately choose to use other people for energy. I had a friend at one point in my life tell me that she would purposely “steal” other people’s energy and feed off other people’s energy. She asked her how she did it herself and she told me “with her mind”. She said that she would draw people to her intentionally just with her thoughts and if only someone paid attention to her, she could take her energy from her. I asked her: so does a person have to be taking care of you?, and she said yes, that by paying attention to me she gives me her energy. This makes a lot of sense, because whatever people focus on tends to give them energy from it. Later I found myself always tired and exhausted around this “friend”.

Whenever we have a relationship or interaction with another human being, the other human being with whom we have the relationship or interaction will function on two levels.

The first level is the level of the giver, this is a person who does not have any kind of hidden agenda or desire to control or have power over others. This level is how people should function with each other. This level is what is correct and respectful within the universe as how you are “supposed” to operate as a human being. Within the universe, humans are supposed to be beings who “share” their energy with each other, and do not take energy from others and give nothing back in return.

The giver is a person who is connected to the “light” as they say, which means that this person has a connection to their own inner power/soul and has no need to use other people for energy, because they can develop their own energy. Energy. This is how you are “supposed” to function as a human being.

-The giver has an energy field (aura) that develops its own energy and in turn gives that energy to others.

The second level is the user/abuser and taker level.

The user is the human being who has chosen to dominate, control, have power over, or manipulate another as a way to make up for their own lack of power, understanding, and soul. The user may be completely unaware of their actions and functions on “autopilot”, not really knowing who they are and why they function the way they do.

Some users understand more than others and actually steal other people’s power, energy and soul on purpose.

The user tends to associate with other users and donors tend to avoid these types of people. The user can be in high profile positions such as teachers, healers, leaders, etc. The user is more common within the human race than the giver. This is mainly due to unhealthy choices and being spiritually disconnected from one’s own power and soul. The user tends to operate out of fear, which is due to the user’s own lack of power, understanding, and higher consciousness. The user functions on a level that non-physical beings of a dark nature function, which is a level where they outdo one another, dominate one another, or attempt to control one another.

-The user has an energy field (aura) that is inverted, which means that they do not develop their own energy, but get it from outside themselves, from other people.

When we treat each other in a social or sexual relationship, we exchange energies that are completely invisible to the naked eye. When one user trades with another user, very little power is lost or stolen between the two people, since they are both users and operating at the same level.

When a user operates with a giver, there is an imbalance in the energy exchanges. What this means is that the user cannot give or exchange energy due to lack of power from him, while the giver tends to “give” energy to the other person who is the user. So this imbalance creates an unhealthy relationship between the two people, as one person takes and the other gives. As the relationship develops, the user can steal entire parts of the other person’s power or soul that he gives. These power or soul parts that are stolen from the giver are usually unknown to them due to a lack of understanding of how the soul works on an energy level regarding “soul loss”. As parts of personal power are stolen, openings or holes are created in the energy field. Once a person begins to develop holes in his energy field, he is “energetically vulnerable”, meaning that he lacks power, which in turn has caused him to open up energetically to non-physical beings. The attachment of non-physical beings to a person’s energy field is what causes a person to develop lower levels of consciousness, energy, and power. The more power one person has stolen from another, the more power that person loses and the more energetically vulnerable that person becomes.

It is important to understand that we are not living in a world that is made up of kind and loving beings, even though you may think you are. The darkest truth of life is that this world we live in is made mostly of fear-based beings, lower level humans, and dark consciousness. Because if we lived in a loving world there would be no need to fight, battle, have power over each other, start wars or hurt each other.

The fact that humans have lived for thousands of years and created nothing but disease, pain, and misery within each other is just one example of how humans operate on a deeper level.

Now, I think there is a time for change. That we must understand what is wrong in order to fix it.

That we must choose to understand who we are and learn to make the choice not to live in fear, or give our power to others, or allow fear and low level energy into our lives.

Until we understand that there is no need for fear, pain, or misery anymore, we will never change.

Making the decision to become spiritually intelligent is understanding who we really are.

Who we are is not a living, breathing human being, but we are so much more than that. We are soul beings, trapped in a physical body until we make the decision to leave this world.

So when a person comes to you to steal your power, what are you going to say?

Not! You can’t steal my power, go find your own energy and power and stop using other people for your own personal gain. When we make the choice not to allow others to use us, we choose to empower ourselves through our own decisions to not allow other people to make us sick.


All About Wheaten Terriers

Few things give us as much pleasure as having a dog. Dogs make wonderful companions and it’s no wonder they’re known as “man’s best friend.” A dog will always greet you with joy and happiness unlike people who can be grumpy or unpleasant at times. Dog owners always talk about the “unconditional love” of their pets and this is a fact because a dog will always be devoted to its owner, even if that owner is not the nicest person!

Dogs have become so popular as pets that many people don’t realize the time and energy it takes to properly care for them, and some people buy a dog on the spur of the moment without giving much thought to whether they can care for them. him or not. This results in the abandonment of thousands of dogs. If you are considering buying or adopting a dog, you should know that not all dogs are created equal, some breeds are more upkeep than others, and you should choose a breed that suits your lifestyle. Wheaten terriers are high-maintenance dogs for a few reasons that we’ll address in this article.

Wheaten terriers are a breed of dog that originated in Ireland. They were originally bred as an all-purpose farm dog whose varied roles range from watching, protecting, and herding livestock to hunting vermin. While most terriers can be aggressive at times, this is not the case with the Wheaten terrier. They are softer than other terriers.

Wheaten Terriers are famous for their coat, which is very soft and made up of hair, not fur. The Wheaten Terrier is a popular dog among allergic dog owners due to the fact that they have a single coat and shed very little, making them relatively hypoallergenic. There are four coat types: American, English, Heavy Irish, and Traditional Irish.

Wheaten terriers are medium-sized dogs that do not shed; Their hair continues to grow and therefore requires regular brushing and trimming, making them a high maintenance dog to keep. Whether or not you keep your dog inside or outside, you’ll need to brush him regularly to prevent his coat from matting or matting. These dogs also require more frequent baths than most other dogs due to their soft coats.

Like all terriers, the Wheaten terrier is an active and playful breed that needs exercise to thrive. They respond well to positive training, and harsh or aggressive treatment can result in a dog that is afraid to bite. They are highly intelligent dogs that require a great deal of attention. If you don’t have time to give your dog, this may not be the breed for you.

Wheaten Terriers make excellent family pets, often being very good with children and other pets. Early training ensures that your dog adapts well to the home environment and can be very protective of his human pack without being overly aggressive.

Wheaten Terriers are generally a hardy breed, although they are prone to a condition known as protein-losing nephropathy (PLN). This condition results in the loss of protein from the kidneys and can be fatal. Inflammatory bowel disease, kidney dysplasia, Addison’s disease, and cancer are other health problems Wheaten terriers can develop.

Real Estate

Real Estate Agent Contracts in Israel: The Do’s and Don’ts and Brokerage Fees


In Israel (as in many US states), a real estate agent can represent both the buyer/tenant and the seller/landlord. Please note that this does not release either party from payment. If both parties are represented by the agent, then each party, regardless of the other, must pay the agent the agreed fee (unless, of course, otherwise stipulated and agreed).

When you decide to sell, buy, rent or lease a property, we will usually ask you to sign a form (which is a binding legal document) regarding the specific property.

It is advisable that you read this document, which is basically used, in one configuration or another, by all licensed agents in Israel. The form clearly states the agent’s fee (in the event of a deal) and stipulates that if one attempts to circumvent the agent by asking a parent, sister, or brother to purchase the property, they are still required to pay the agent’s fee. It is also important to note that the basic contract stipulates that once he has signed to buy, sell, rent or lease the property, from that moment on he is obligated to pay the agent’s fees.

It should be noted that real estate brokers and agents MUST be licensed. If you demand to see a broker’s license in good standing (either a piece of paper or a card issued by the Real Estate office that is under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice) and the Broker is unable to produce it, there is no legal bond between you and the broker, no matter how many documents you sign.


All fees listed here are the basic fees charged by agents in Israel with respect to properties. Certainly there are some cases where we will take more than 2% or less. However, these are rare and very specific cases, and generally, unless otherwise stipulated, it is a regulatory fee scale, practiced by most licensed brokers and agents in Israel.

1. Buy or sell – 2% of the amount Plus VAT (VAT = Value Added Tax and is currently 16.5%. This is a tax that is added by the government to any sale of goods or services. This is NOT granted at the discretion of the agent. However , VAT is not added to the sale price of the property, unless it is a commercial property.

2. Rental or Leasing – It is usually a month’s rent. So, if you decide to rent an apartment for $1,500 per month, then you will owe twelve months’ rent to the landlord for one year and $1,500 + VAT to the agent. Again, VAT is not added to the actual rent (except on commercial properties), but only to the agents fee, since it is considered a “service industry”.

3. Short-term rentals – The fees for this can vary drastically, depending on the length of the rental and the actual rental rate. The normal policy is to take between 10-15% of the total deal.

Can you negotiate?

Most reputable real estate agents have strict no-negotiation policies in terms of fees. Of course, for returning clients, or for those who use our agency for more than one property, they will discuss a reduction in fees. However, don’t expect them to negotiate a rate before you have an idea of ​​what you want them to do. Also, just because you decided to take the first property that was shown to you does not mean that the agent should reduce your fee. Actually, in such a case, you should be more than willing to pay the agents’ fees, as due to his ability and knowledge, they were able to get him exactly to the place that matched his description! You hired an agent to save yourself time and frustration, and that’s exactly what they did.


If you’re familiar with agents in Israel, they love the term “exclusivity.” In essence, what this means is that you hire a specific agent for a period of 3 or 6 months to be the only agent to sell or lease your property. The advantages of this type of relationship are multiple. The agent will not hesitate to advertise the property or work alongside other agents who may have clients for your property. The agency will also fully advertise the property both in print and online. In Jerusalem, the apartment will also appear on Shiran, the multiple listing of properties in Jerusalem.

So yes, the exclusivity will pay off in many cases. However, and this is critical, agents cannot demand exclusivity or try to convince you. It is the owner’s decision to follow that path. You should want to do this if the agency is reputable in the real estate and land investment market and therefore you want to sign exclusivity with more than the agency wants you to sign! However, not signing exclusivity also works well and most agencies maintain working relationships with many reputable agents in the market and deal with them constantly.

Shopping Product Reviews

11 Best Sunbathing Hacks For The Perfect Tan

While most of us fake our tans, there are many reasons why people love the sun. Applying a tan increases serotonin levels, which helps reduce anxiety. Tanning will also produce vitamin D which is healthy for skin, teeth, and bones. However, you should know how to enhance and prolong your tan without damaging your skin. In this way you will avoid premature aging and skin cancer. You must follow these tips and tricks to get a perfect tan every time.

one. You should always avoid tanning beds.

Don’t fall for the salons’ lies that you will get a tan with a tanning bed. This is very bad since these beds emit large amounts of UVA. They do not produce UVB, which stimulates vitamin D. Not having UVB will increase the chances of your skin developing skin cancer by up to 75 percent.

2. Apply the appropriate sunscreen

You should always make sure that you use the right sunscreen. We have various skin types and you should seek the advice of a dermatologist. You should always go for an SPF 30 over SPF50. SPF30 filters more than 97 percent of ultraviolet B rays, while SPF50 will filter more than 98 percent. SPF50 can sometimes give you a chalky appearance and you will need to reapply every two hours. For those who have dark skin, they should use SPF15.

3. Get your tanning time right

When your skin can’t produce melanin, you’ve reached your tan cutoff point. When your skin gets to this point, it’s no use for tanning and staying in the pool all day. Everyone has a cutoff point for their melanin, and three to four hours is enough, or less, for those with smooth skin.

Four. find some shade

You should always take breaks from the sun. This will reduce the intensity of UV rays on the skin. It will also reduce the risk of sunburn; your tan will stay healthy and last a long time.

5. Use supplements instead of creams that accelerate tanning

Creams that accelerate tanning should be avoided at all costs. There is nothing you apply to your skin that will help it produce more melanin. Melanin is the dark pigment that protects the skin from UV rays. However, taking a 25g supplement of beta-cartone will increase melanin production. This doesn’t mean you should cut back on the sunscreen you use; all it means is that your skin’s natural defense improves.

6. Eat foods that are friendly to the sun

There are foods that will help you increase lycopene, which is the skin’s natural SPF. Lycopene is an antioxidant found in oranges, fruits, vegetables, and tomatoes. By consuming these foods, you increase your sun protection by up to 33 percent. One of the best sources of lycopene is tomato paste.

There is another antioxidant called polyphenols. Green tea has a lot. Make sure you drink at least one cup every day. Fish, which is rich in Omega-3, has anti-inflammatory powers that protect your skin.

Dark chocolate has flavonoids that protect the skin from sunburn, while caffeine will help reduce the risk of skin cancer. Drink at least one cup of caffeine or chocolate before going to the beach.

fake it

If all else fails, you can fake it. There are so many tanning products on the market today. They range from spray bottles to tanning mousse. If you can’t reach every part of your body, you can ask a friend to help you tan your body. Alternatively, you can visit a salon and work on your tan before heading to the beach.

Remember, you have to be very careful about how much you expose yourself to the sun. Make sure you have breaks when you are sunbathing.

7. Shave and exfoliate before tanning

To ensure you get an even tan, you should exfoliate, shave, and shower before tanning. You should do this even if you are using a professional spray tan. By exfoliating and showering, you remove dead, dry skin. Dry, dead skin will leave your tan patchy. If you do this after tanning, it will make your skin look messy.

8. Use a water-based moisturizer

It is obvious that certain parts of your skin look darker than others. The self-tanner will saturate dry areas like elbows and knees. That is why you need to hydrate your body beforehand to get a consistent tan. You should use an aloe vera-based or water-based moisturizer. Creams that contain oil will be a barrier to the skin and will spread the tan over the entire body.

Make sure the moisturizer absorbs into your skin before applying any tanning agents.

9. Find the right tanning formula for your skin

Not all products are the same. Unfortunately, the only way you can find out which one works for you is through reviews, research, and trial and error. You should go online and read the reviews of others. You can also seek the services of a professional. There are so many products on the market and you can definitely get one that suits you.

10 Remove all traces of perfume, makeup or deodorant

Again, all of these products act as a barrier to tanning, while others can cause irritation. For these reasons, be sure to remove them before you tan.

eleven Apply your tan in a cool, dry environment.

Do not apply your tanning solution immediately when you get out of the bathroom. The steam and heat inside the room will not dry your skin well and that is a big drawback when you want to apply a tan correctly.

So, to avoid looking like a tomato during summer vacation, follow all the tips above and you’ll definitely develop a healthy glow.


8 Things Football Officials Must Do To Move Up Through The Refereeing Ranks

Many refs, especially younger officials, are starting out officiating football and want to make it to a power 5 college conference or the NFL one day to officiate. However, when they are starting out, they are most likely refereeing football or in high school and have many years and promotions until they get a chance to be on a big stage like that. Here are 8 things football officials can do to help climb the refereeing ranks.

1. Prepare well for everything.

If you want to get promoted, you need to show your fellow officers that you care about what you’re doing. If other officials see the work you’re doing, they’re more likely to speak highly of you to supervisors, opening new doors for you.

2. Perform well.

This should go without saying, but officials need to do their job well. All football officials will make mistakes, but try to make sure you’re getting the easy calls. Missing a judgment call is one thing, but losing a simple call is more difficult for supervisors to look beyond to see its positive aspects.

3. Meet others and network.

Networking isn’t just for the business world! If you’re a football official looking for promotion, the more people who know you and think well of you, the better. Many officers who have been officiating longer may have relationships with supervisors where they will recommend you for promotion.

4. Contact supervisors.

If you ever want to move up to a higher level of officiating, supervisors are the ones who will give you that opportunity. Be sure to introduce yourself and try to get to know yourself.

5. Go to the clinics.

Clinics are not only great places to learn new skills that will help you become a better referee, but they are also great places to network. Use these clinics as places to show off your skills and introduce yourself to supervisors.

6. Practice and improve.

Hear what other officials are telling you and what you are learning at the clinics. That’s how it gets better. After assimilating that new knowledge, practice it. Then it will be second nature to you in the field.

7. Take every opportunity you can.

Sometimes you may be offered to work on a game at a higher level, even on game day. Take advantage of that opportunity, accept it and act well. This will impress teammates and supervisors letting them know you are ready for that level of soccer.

8. Keep a record of what you do.

Keep a list of the games you officiate. Sometimes supervisors want to see what you have officiated and it is easier to give them a list. It also shows that you were prepared for this and that you want to move up.

Tours Travel

Conference venues in Berg, KZN, South Africa

When one considers the stunning Drakensberg location as a likely conference destination, what comes to mind is the main road through the Central Berg to the northern Drakensberg. Understandably, since there is no doubt about it, this place from the little Berg outside Pietermaritzburg to the Free State is adequately “stocked” with 3 and 4 star resorts and each has wonderful conference rooms and adequate accommodation. There is, the occasionally forgotten Southern Berg, within the Underberg part of Pietermaritzburg, which while a bit off the beaten path, is just a stone’s throw from Pietermaritzburg and well worth considering for your next conference whether it’s countryside, solitude, golf . , teamwork, beauty and some adrenaline you are looking for.

The Drakensberg in KZN is divided into three main regions which are the Northern, Central and Southern Drakensberg. The Northern Drakensberg is a continuation of the Central Drakensberg and the picturesque Champagne Valley from Winterton and Bergville (where the highest peak in this part of the Berg is at Mont-aux-Sources at an elevation of about 3,300 feet) to the edge of the State. free. In the northernmost part of the Drakensberg you will find the Royal Natal National Park with many popular and professionally managed hotels with conference centers close by, several excellent golf courses, a variety of team building companies including the unique “Adventure Center ” at the charming Montusi Mountain Lodge. Swing on the flying trapeze at the nearby Adventure Center (as well as giant trampolines, rappelling, and other cool options).

Golf in the south of Berg. The enchanting setting of the renowned 18-hole course at Drakensberg Gardens Hotel is only an hour and a half’s drive from Pietermaritzburg, just beyond Underberg, which also offers great conference facilities and extensive accommodation. A well-kept, fully-equipped campsite for holidaymakers who prefer to hang out a bit, nestled among lush trees, part of the Gooderson Group and managed by the hotel. Along the way you will find many small hotels and campsites with amazing views, lakes, trout fishing, wildlife and untouched terrain. The beauty of this untouched area has not been interrupted much by trade, still retaining its original uniqueness. Those wishing to take the tour through the gateway to the ‘Roof of Africa’, to drive up the mountain into Lesotho to ‘Africa’s Highest Pub’ will enjoy the ride, excellent food at ‘The Highest Pub in ‘ , drink and soak in the unparalleled beauty from this incredible height, and return to the warmth and hospitality of the Sani Pass Hotel in the evening or spend a night at the top. Passports are required for this relatively short trip. 4×4 vehicles are essential on this route.

The Sani Pass is a spectacular mountain road that is a popular entry point to Lesotho from South Africa. The Sani Pass is the only border post between Kwazulu-Natal and Lesotho. A 4X4 vehicle is necessary for this road, especially if the weather is bad. Never underestimate the probability of a change in the weather in Lesotho. A common truth is that you can have four seasons in one day, so be prepared.

Walk or tour this beautiful area of ​​the Berg stopping at all the charming little places along the way.

Accommodation in Underberg –

The Underberg accommodation is an ideal central point for exploring the southern Drakensberg. The southern Drakensberg presents more fly fishing opportunities than anywhere else in South Africa. The Underberg district also has three golf courses and many opportunities for rafting, canoeing and tubing. Horse trails and polo fields add an extra dimension to the list of fun activities in the area.

Underberg accommodation directory

• Drakensberg Gardens hotel and golf estate

• Himeville Arms Hotel – Hotel accommodation near Sani Pass – Southern Drakensberg

• Sani Lodge – Drakensberg Backpackers

• Sani Pass Hotel: the first Drakensberg Resort in South Africa

• Sani Top Chalet – Accommodation at the top of Sani Pass

• Moorcroft Manor: accommodation near Underberg in the southern Drakensberg

• Pennygum Country Cottages – Accommodation near Underberg – Southern Drakensberg

• Plum Tree Lodge – A rural guest house offering B&B accommodation near Underberg in KwaZulu Natal

• Robins Nest Guest House – Bed and Breakfast – Guest house accommodation in Underberg

• Sani Lodge – Backpacker accommodation Underberg Drakensberg

• Sani Pass Hotel: South Africa’s premier Drakensberg Resort near Underberg

• Taylors B&B: bed and breakfast on a farm near the Underberg Southern Drakensberg

• Tumble In: Bed & Breakfast accommodation in Underberg, near Sani Pass, South Africa

• Valemount Country Lodge – B&B and luxury self-catering accommodation near Underberg in the southern Drakensberg.


How to sell on YouTube

Inducing the element of control or choice is a sophisticated technique used in some landing pages on the Internet. It may be worth your credit, because sometimes it works. Performers use this same technique on stage by playing music or speaking. It is not enough to simply play music. The progressive idea is to give the audience the opportunity to participate with a variety of visual sounds. Everybody wants to get in on the act. The online concept is to make the viewer watch multiple videos and choose what he wants. Yes, this creates engagement, by giving you a choice, however, there is a downside. It’s quite confusing to see so many things on one page. There are sellers who swear by having a simple capture page, because it’s more direct. That’s the old school way and I agree. A page with various things to do is great for a gaming site or random information site. You can’t beat a landing page or direct compression.

I’m okay with having the variety element and I think you should have multiple direct compression sites for different elements on the pages. Don’t confuse your prospect. Get straight to the point. Either they will be with you or they will not be interested. Don’t waste time and space on being musky. It is the same in face to face selling. You will find that there will be enough people who will understand your direct approach. Knocking on people’s doors and showing them a carnival of stuff is an inappropriate indirect approach for a website, in my opinion. This is not to be confused with the famous “which would you prefer, Mrs. Jones” engagement speech. Yes, it’s definitely good to give your prospect a choice, because it affirms that everything you have is great one way or another.

My favorite tool when selling over the phone was the answer. This is where you would tell someone what you have and then tell them that they may not be able to get it. I’m talking about going into the other room and doing sound effects. I would pretend to talk to the manager, as if I were begging to let me sell this item to this potential customer. People said thank you, as if he was doing them a favor by selling them what he had. We used to call it a setback. You don’t want to walk up to someone and ask if they want to buy what you have. Do this if you sell Girl Scout cookies, but don’t sell any serious items or services online. Scarcity creates value. That’s the way things are in our world. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to drink. That’s the old saying and it refers to his perspective.

You cannot make the horse drink, but you can allow the horse to realize that it is thirsty. There are so many distractions in our everyday environment. A distraction is anything that takes a person’s mind off what you think is important. How important is your product or service. This is the main thing I consider when selling anything. I must have a strong conviction that the product I sell is good. A good product allows me to gather my inner strength and transmit the virtue of the product. You must first grab the prospect’s attention. This is done audibly. The classic method is with a pretty woman. That’s standard marketing 101. You don’t necessarily have to use that method. In fact, you could use a picture of a horse. The idea is to capture the prospect’s attention. Then confront them with reasoning. It’s a statistical fact that people buy things because of emotion as opposed to reason. Demographics reveals what is relevant to groups of people. Emotions are stirred by understanding demographics. You can be pleased doing what you feel like, and that’s a wonderful concept. Keep in mind that what you feel is not always what a paying customer feels. Doing what you feel like all the time could present a consistency problem. Try to understand your prospect and understand their value. A smooth mix of satisfying your customers’ needs and your core values ​​make for a splendid marketing campaign. Once again we kick off the campaign with an attention grabber. That’s traditionally a broad red headline.

There must be some form of substance, to hold the interest of your prospects. This is where our contemporary marketers suggest variety. I tend to question the variety issue without having the prospect’s contact information. Your prospect can easily get bored at this point and click away. Give your prospects the reasons why they need what you’re offering. Don’t be self-indulgent. I see so many poor salespeople get complacent, talking about what they do and how good they are. There must be some form of substance, to hold your prospect’s interest. This is where our contemporary marketers suggest variety. I tend to question the variety issue without having the prospect’s contact information. Your prospect can easily get bored at this point and click away. Give your prospects the reasons why they need what you’re offering. Don’t be self-indulgent. I see so many poor salespeople get complacent, talking about what they do and how good they are.

The video may be a little different. The soap opera explodes daily discussions, crying, kisses, hugs and emotional demonstrations. Then they will abruptly cut to a commercial toothpaste. His technique is called subliminal seduction. The average person who watches soap operas watches it every day. This allows a residue of mental images to accumulate in the mind of the viewer. The viewer becomes the prospect and is programmed to buy what he has seen on television so many times. The image of the product is embedded in the back of the viewer’s mind, through repetition. The main way you’ll be able to make use of replay is by capturing the email address or text number of the lead. I like when someone blatantly asks for name and address information somewhere in the video.

Don’t try to sell to disinterested people. Use keyword research. Keywords are the way for people interested in what you have. All the other favorite techniques will not work if they are not directed at the right people. YouTube places videos on relevant pages. It’s amazing how they stay relevant. I often look at what they put on my page and wonder how they knew I was thinking of that. It’s almost like the algorithm knows what you think and like. It’s hard to hide my thoughts, because YouTube’s algorithm records the views I click on. Then they come up with a rational representation of what I’m thinking, in the form of a relevant video. I find it unbelievable and almost terrifying. The silver lining is that YouTube logic will help you make sales, when used progressively.

Beginners should get their feet wet and just make a video. A good rule of thumb for how to sell on YouTube is to simply make a video. Don’t worry about the science of selling. Forget technique at first.

Do what you think is an interesting video. You need to gradually understand and hone your technical ability later on. The worst thing you can do is and do nothing. Think of an idea and make a video about it. If your idea is too elaborate, do the next best thing. Most of the questions can be answered using the Internet search engine. You have millions of examples. Roll up your sleeves and make a video. Direct your viewers to a sales link in your video’s description box and you’re done.