Home Kitchen

How to Restore Discoloration on Stainless Steel Cookware

When cooking with stainless steel cookware, we often discovered brown or blue stains on the bottom over time. These stains will diminish the shiny appearance and make cookware look rusty and dirty. To keep it looking beautiful, there are a couple of easy ways to help remove stains.

Cause of discoloration

The most common cause of discoloration is cooking over high heat. The next common occurrence that causes discoloration is cooking with burnt food leftovers in the pan. Burnt food, if not completely removed, will cause staining when the pot or pan is reheated. Additionally, mineral solids in the water can also leave water stains on stainless steel cookware. To fix the problem, Bar Keepers Friend and white vinegar are often used to restore discoloration to stainless steel cookware.

Friend of the bar keepers

Bar Keepers Friend is a premium cleaner that works without chlorine bleach and can be used on stainless steel. Bar Keepers Friend can be purchased online or at local stores in the home cleaning aisle and can be found in liquid or powder form.

Before cleaning, make sure the pot or pan is damp. To begin the process, apply Bar Keepers Friend to the surface of the cookware and then gently circulate with a soft, damp cloth where the stains are. If using Bar Keepers Friend powder, it’s always a good idea to mix the powder with water to make it into a paste before rubbing to remove tough stains. If the stains are difficult to remove, it is suggested to leave the Bar Keepers Friend Paste on the wet surface of the cookware for a while before rubbing. This would help the stains to disappear easily. When stains are completely removed, rinse cookware in warm water and wash with soap to remove all chemical residue. Finally, rinse cookware thoroughly with hot water and use a clean, dry towel to thoroughly wipe it down.

White vinegar

Using white vinegar is another method to restore faded stainless steel cookware. First, fill discolored stainless steel cookware with a cup of vinegar, adding water as needed to cover stains. Next, boil the vinegar and water mixture for about five minutes and then allow it to cool completely. After that, wash cookware in hot, soapy water using a soft dishwashing cloth or non-abrasive pad. When you have finished cleaning, rinse stainless steel cookware thoroughly with hot water and dry thoroughly with a clean towel. Note that boiling vinegar will produce a fermented smell. If you can’t tolerate the smell, instead of boiling the vinegar, let the vinegar and water mixture sit on the cookware for a while longer before washing with soap to remove stains and complete the process as suggested.

Best of all, to avoid discoloration, remember not to put stainless steel pots and pans on high heat. It is recommended that once the pots and pans are hot after preheating, keep the heat on medium or medium-low for cooking. Clean pots and pans after each use and wiping them down with clean, dry towels will definitely help cookware stay spotless. After all, using and caring for stainless steel cookware correctly will enhance its rugged character and appearance.