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How to make a good PowerPoint presentation

There is no denying that the presentation using PowerPoint has become standard and has been used everywhere, be it in government agencies, universities or schools.

Following are some tips to make a good PowerPoint presentation, so that your presentation will be preferred and applauded by the audience. It is known that with a good presentation, your project proposals, suggestions or your opinions have a great chance of approval.

1. Easy to read

A good presentation is easy to read, so use standard fonts, such as Arial or Times New Roman. Also, use fonts that are quite large, so your audience won’t have a hard time reading the fonts.

2. A clear title on each slide

You should use bold, clear, easy-to-read type in the title of each slide.

3. Simple background

Notice the background you use on each slide you create. Don’t let the sentences you’ve written be unclear to read because you’re wearing too contrasting a background.

4. Graphs and tables

Using images as graphs and diagrams will help you better explain the topic you are presenting. Also, by using graphs or tables, you will refresh the atmosphere and draw the attention of the audience.

5. Stay focused

Simply write down the main points in relation to the topic you are presenting. Don’t use too many words or sentences in a presentation slide, just write your title or course outline. You also need to make sure that each slide you create is related to one another.

6. Don’t have too many slides

Don’t make too many presentation slides for a topic you discuss. Make slides in the most efficient way possible. If the topic you are discussing is really long, a verbal explanation would be better.

7. Speak clearly

When giving the presentation, try to speak clearly so that the audience can understand your presentation. Most of the audiences think that PowerPoint presentation is not very interesting and with your creativity and good conversation, you could change this view.

8. Give an opportunity to ask questions

If possible, take the time to give the audience an opportunity to ask questions about things they don’t understand about the presentation you’re delivering.

9. Future tracking

Another important thing is to give the audience the opportunity to ask questions at a later time about the topic of your presentation. So feel free to leave your email list, no. phone or website at the end of your presentation. This could be an advantage for you.