Health Fitness

How to achieve a better body using exercises at home

After working out for years I have finally developed what I and others think is the perfect body. At 172lbs I am a solid brick. Here you will learn many tips and exercises that you can do for you to gain the perfect body. Below are some suggested exercises that aim to get you out of your chair and into some exercise at home. Although you can buy home exercise equipment, the only items you may need to buy are some dumbbells. Regardless of whether you are using weights or just doing conventional exercises, the body needs a daily workout.

To ensure you get the best possible results, you need to work every muscle in your body, which can be done simply by stretching. The perfect body is in everyone’s opinion different regardless of whether your physique is muscular or thin. Exercising can sharpen both the body and the mind. Both researchers and trainers have found that it is best to stretch before beginning your workout. What this does is loosen up your muscles, allowing them to contract more to burn better, which makes for a better workout. The body can only take so much, which is tested through pain. To limit the pain you must stretch.

How I achieved my perfect body is not with weights but with cardio. I started designing several unique workout routines that have sculpted my body and now I’m ready to share them with others. This workout takes 2 hours of your time to achieve a better body as well as personal physical and mental health.

I started doing 100 pushups a day for 1 week in sets of 10. The next week I did 200 pushups in sets of 15. Then I did 300 pushups in sets of 20. Now! it’s time to get fancy. Now I add a different style in the way that I do my push ups, using a chair, putting my feet on it and doing the push ups, this style is considered an incline push up. This type of pushup builds your upper chest, shoulders, neck, upper and lower back, and also works your arms. This is an effective push-up that I do 200 push-ups in sets of 20.

Some people do crunches, but I prefer crunches. They are more effective and work all the lower abdominal muscles. Crunches are done between push-ups, so allow yourself 2-minute breaks. To perform the perfect crunch, you should lie on your back, raise your legs to chest level, and bring your chin to your knees. After 10 sets of 10, you will feel a burn in your abdomen.

That means you did a great workout. Remember it’s your body, so don’t kid yourself. Next week, just like the pushups, you add 5 more crunches to your workout and with that you add a posing session. Meaning you hold the last crunch after each set for a 10 second count. Feeling arrogant now, huh? Well, don’t look in the mirror yet, champ, we’re just getting started. Now do 20 sit-ups per set and add a waist twist between each sit-up.

Legs are great for training because you can wear them all day. If you go upstairs to get something and then back downstairs, that was a leg workout. A great leg workout that is great is jogging. Maintain a regular breath throughout the exercises, try not to hold your breath, your muscles will need that oxygen. Jogging is a great exercise that is excellent for health. You can condition your legs as well as condition your lungs. I run 2 miles every day except Sunday. It’s great if you have a dog because dogs make great running partners. Sometimes I forget who trains whom. Another great exercise for the legs is calf raises. These can be done on a ladder or steps.

What you do is stand on the edge of the step and reach for the sky standing on your toes. These can also be done between push-up and sit-up sessions. These work the calf and thigh muscles. Start by doing sets of 50, then upgrade to whatever number you feel you need to burn. What is the burn? Well, the burn is an indication of a good workout of the specific area that is burning. Follow these steps and you will have a great body and live a healthier life.

Achieving the perfect body is not easy. You must want and work hard to achieve and maintain the perfect body. Using these exercises is the first step in doing so. It is your body and you must take care of it while you still control it. Improve your training every week and in 3 months you will see an incredible difference everywhere. After 3 months look in the mirror at what you shaped without weights. Now imagine how you can look with the help of dumbbells. Weight lifting is a great way to build your body, but with weights you need to stick to them or the muscle won’t set up properly later in life.

Now that you’re on your way to having the perfect body, how does it feel? I answer that, great. New workout strategies will be posted every week, so stay updated and you’ll have your best body before summer starts. Love your body, love yourself. These exercises are just a few of many, but they will help you firm up, tone up, and stay active. They will allow you to perform your daily tasks more easily. Thanks for your time.