
From passion to profit: career advice for light workers

Lightworkers are individuals who consider themselves healers and light bearers to the world. They use gifts such as intuition, massage, training, and energy work to promote personal growth and help people overcome their own challenges and limitations. While many light workers are happy simply to live with a purpose, others are discovering that they can earn a living doing the work they love. If you want to build a light worker business, there are a number of steps you need to take.

  • You should go over the business first. Whether you’ve been practicing Reiki, improving your intuition, or getting certified from a trainer, you are likely quite proficient in your craft. But that does not mean that he is competent in business. To run a successful small business, you’ll want to know how to write a business plan, create marketing plans, and make sales projections. You’ll also want to know what types of taxes your business will be liable for, as well as how much you can pay yourself for a salary. Don’t leave this important knowledge to chance. Consider taking a couple of business courses at a local university or community college. The Small Business Association also offers online business classes on its website.
  • Determine your target market. Who will be most likely to use your product or service? Are these people men or women? Do you currently have clients or will you start your client list from scratch? Once you determine who your ideal customers are, you can start to figure out where you will find them. Do they attend holistic fairs? Are they likely to attend a metaphysical church? Do you read holistic health magazines? As a business owner, your job is to anticipate and meet the needs of your customers. To do that, you must know who they are.
  • Visualize your success. As a light worker, you understand the importance of believing in your ability to achieve your goals and your ability to hold onto that vision. Apply those principles to your business and imagine what your business will be like in five years. See in your mind the customers you have, the money you make, and the people you serve. By engaging your imagination, you are improving the business planning process.
  • Create a business plan. A business plan sets out all the steps you need to take to get your business up and running. It includes your immediate and longer-term goals, and details on where you will find your customers and how to make money. Many people skip this step, but that is a mistake, as it serves as a model for growing your business. Incorporate the details you received while visualizing your success. By putting your plans on paper, you make them more realistic and have written documentation that can hold you accountable.
  • Save and simplify. Before starting a business, you want to save as much money as possible and you want to keep your expenses low. It takes time to build a customer base and there may be months when you are not earning much. The money you have saved gives you time to grow your business without worrying about how you will eat. Once you take these steps, you can focus on your healing modality and make a lasting impression on the world. The more money you make, the more people you can touch.