
Five ways to decline an invitation

There comes a time in many of our lives when we are invited somewhere. Maybe to a party, a date, a ball game, etc. But for some reason, we may not want to go. We may not want to hurt the guest’s feelings, but we also don’t want them to bother us. Here are some ideas on how to decline an invitation in the most polite way possible.

1. Tell them no, but politely.

Yes, I understand that it is difficult to say no. But maybe you don’t feel like going to the event you were invited to.

In such a case, you can tell the invitation that you have already made other plans. And it doesn’t matter what your other projects are, because you don’t have to tell the guest what they are. But if you’re pushed, you can say it’s personal and hope the other person understands.

What you don’t want to do is make something up, like going to a baseball game. Telling a lie could get you in trouble with the other person and make you feel bad. Say you have other things to attend to.

2. Say you will go, but only if you can.

Here’s a pretty easy way to decline an invite. After you decline, then of course you don’t have to go. But you leave the option open in case you feel differently later.

3. Say that you have other priorities right now.

This excuse is also very easy, in addition to being polite to the other person. Letting the guest know that you have other priorities will let the other person know that you are honest and that maybe another time you can follow through on the invitation.

4. Ask if you and the guest can meet at another time.

Of course, this won’t work for a one-time special occasion like a wedding. But whether it’s an occasion that may or may not come up again, it’s a great and convenient way to decline an invitation by opting out of a meeting.

You can also add to the invitation the possibility of meeting at another time. But of course, only say this if you mean it and have a plan in mind.

Bonus idea: send a thank you gift.

Sending a gift is especially good if the invitation was for a wedding or birthday. The present does not have to be elaborate or expensive. It can be a simple trinket of some sort, with a thank you note and thanks for the invite.

So if you want to decline an invitation, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and ask yourself how you would feel. A simple thank you but no thank you goes a long way in letting the guest know you care and appreciate being considered.

And one last thought: be careful with lies. Even the smallest lies have a way of catching up with you.