Arts Entertainments

Five Characteristics of an Ineffective Communicator

In the last article we discussed some of the positive characteristics that lead to effective communication, but what about recognizing behaviors in ourselves that lead to just the opposite…poor communication?

Exploring both sides of the coin is beneficial when it comes to becoming a more effective communicator. Yes, we can focus on incorporating helpful suggestions to change our communication style, but it is equally important to become aware of some harmful behaviors that we may be using from an ingrained default position without even being aware of it.

Research shows that people who demonstrate some of the following behaviors may be considered by most to be ineffective in their communication efforts.

· They communicate from an intimidating point of view through ridicule, contempt, threats, and emotional outbursts.

I see this as the “Yosemite Sam” effect. These people have a low threshold for being able to tolerate anything outside of their perceived sphere of control and an inability to manage their emotions. Emotional outbursts are unpleasant, to say the least. They make most people uncomfortable and put them in an offensive position before they can get a word out. As the old saying goes, “if you can manage your emotions all is well, but when your emotions start to control you… watch out.” They come to communication out of an ingrained belief that they somehow see putting others down as a motivational tool or a way to absolve themselves of being responsible for their own behavior. This behavior causes people on the receiving end to “dial”. Most people shut down in situations like this and the communication is lost before it begins.

· They don’t know how to listen.

This is a big one and sadly a common challenge for a lot of people. Again, I stand by an old saying “we were given two ears, two eyes and a mouth for a reason”. However, for some, listening to others can be a difficult task to achieve. The term “hear” is conceptually quite broad, but listening actually listen the other person becomes more specific. For example, she can hear someone talking while typing on her computer, but I guarantee that the person communicating will not feel “heard.” Listening involves more than just your ears. Active listening to a good communicator uses body posture, eyes, facial expressions, and sometimes even the voice at the end to convey understanding.

· They have a habit of interrupting.

Interrupting is another big area that encourages poor communication, however, it is something I see quite a few people do without even realizing they are doing it. In fact, I have observed conversations where one person repeatedly interrupted throughout the conversation, yet following up with that same person afterwards, they were unaware of their interruptions and in some cases were surprised by my comments. This is an excellent example of that “default position” I am referring to. As human beings, we develop certain ways of “being” in the world. We set up behaviors, beliefs, and perceptions that become so embedded in our personality that they become habitual and occur outside of our active sphere of awareness…thereby activating our “default position.”

Regardless of whether we think we can multitask effectively, we can’t when it comes to communication. When we go somewhere to write a response or are so overwhelmed by our need to interject our thoughts in the middle of someone else’s dialogue, we’re not really listening anymore. Interrupting serves as a negative double-edged sword, as it not only ceases our ability to listen, but also disconnects us from the other person by making them feel that we are not listening to them, that we do not respect them, that we devalue them, degrade them, and list goes on.

· They find fault with what others bring to the conversation more often than not.

Communication is really a fine art. It is more complex than most of us realize or even stop to consider. I think this is the case because it’s something we all do on a daily basis in one way or another, so as a common behavior it risks becoming problematic over time. That’s how it goes in… finding fault. Another poor communication skill, fault finding regularly shows up in conversations, whether intentionally or unintentionally. For dialogue to be productive, everyone present and engaged in the process must feel respected and valued. They also need to be confident. If more often than not, you find fault with what is presented, you need to go back to the proverbial drawing board and reassess your desired results. Continually finding fault only serves to douse the flames of creative thinking and destroy the potential to nurture the essential ingredients of strong dialogue like innovation, strategizing, visioning, or problem solving, to name a few.

· They are seen as inaccessible by others.

Let’s face it, people like to connect. We are social beings and establishing a sense of connection is part of our biological encoding. If you read Daniel Siegel’s work, he points out the importance of connection in most of his literature. Years ago I attended a conference with Dan Siegel. One of the statements that he made that I never forgot, he said that “relationships are the defining characteristic that makes us human”. So if you’ve gotten feedback that he’s acting in a way that sends a message to others that he’s unapproachable, stop and think about it for a bit. If you are perceived as inaccessible, barriers are raised and you sabotage communication efforts before they find a foothold.

It really all depends on you, make the decision to live your life by design, not by default! Take charge of your destiny and redesign an all-star plan for success!


Streaming pandemic outbreak: How is the cloud handling it?

The whole world is suffering from the corona outbreak, as is the tech sector. Most of the employees are still working from home as the world is not yet ready for normal lifestyle. As most people are sitting at home, the number of people using streaming services has increased a lot lately. 16 million new subscriptions have appeared on Netflix, which is more than double the number the streaming company had forecast.

Amazon hired 100,000 new warehouse workers to meet growing demand. There was an explosion in video call and Facebook message traffic, and a 40% increase in Microsoft software for online collaboration in one week. The real question here is whether or not the cloud could handle the exponentially growing demand for bandwidth.

In many places, streaming video quality was lowered on Netflix and YouTube to relieve pressure on the internet network in that region.

The transmission outbreak

If this kind of pandemic had happened a decade ago, it would not have been possible for businesses to work from home and difficult for people to spend time without playing online games and streaming movies. Some of the online services that are making things work around the world are Netflix, Zoom, Slack, Dropbox and more. People are finding the Internet-driven alternative of services much more useful and efficient.

It is thanks to technology that we can maintain social distance, as it keeps us connected with our loved ones and co-workers. We have to get what we need without going out, and that’s really blowing up the cloud servers with traffic. The education of children, the work from home of adults, everything is going well thanks to online services. Even accountants who were working on the desktop version of QuickBooks switched to QuickBooks hosting during the outbreak, so their work isn’t hampered in any way.

Cloud: need of the hour

While Netflix, Zoom, Whatsapp, and any of the social media sites or apps are at the forefront of the online revolution, the real thing behind it all is the cloud. Amazon services, Microsoft services, Google services, all of these services are running in the cloud under heavy load during this period, and that shows how powerful and important cloud technology is.

Cloud computing is one of the few industries that is not affected by the economic collapse during the pandemic. The demand for cloud service is not going to drop even after covid as people have realized the potential of virtual classrooms and remote work. Companies that had switched to the cloud before the outbreak have a significant advantage here. Switching to the cloud saves a lot of cost as you get rid of internal IT infrastructure and most of the maintenance is done through the hosting provider. With demand, the cloud can also be easily scaled up and down with advanced features intact. This kind of flexibility is what is increasing the demand for clouds right now.


People are becoming dependent on the cloud more than anything right now. Through virtual activity sessions, the world is being able to run with social distancing. Different companies are trying their best to handle the cloud explosion as it is a necessity right now for the world to function. Platforms are becoming much more efficient at managing traffic, so we don’t miss out on virtual socializing, streaming, and remote work.


Smart Ways to Invest: A Quick Overview of Some of the Smartest Things You Can Do With Money

Do you suddenly find yourself with a little money and want to know some smart ways to invest? What is the best way to put that money to good use? The most important thing to do, if you haven’t already, is pay off your debts. Get that out of the way. If you still have debt when you invest, any interest you can earn on the investment will equal the interest you’ll have to pay on the debt. Holding on to debt can even be more costly than any profit you can make on investments.

Once you have all debts cleared up, then you can consider making smart investments. Investment bonds are generally considered a good idea for those who are afraid of taking on too much risk. The return potential is quite a bit less than stocks, but you’ll still earn some interest over time, whether you invest in US government bonds or foreign bonds. Do the proper research first to find out which foreign bonds are likely to be the most profitable over the next decade.

Learn about the different types of mutual funds and decide if they are smart ways to invest for you. They are classified by asset class: cash, bonds, and stocks, and then classified by objective, strategy, or style, such as stock mutual funds, money market mutual funds, etc. The disadvantage of mutual funds is the lack of ownership. The investor does not actually own the individual shares and therefore lacks benefits such as voting rights.

Smart ways to invest with diversification

While you don’t have to put all your money in one bank account, many people still find it prudent to open a certificate of deposit account at a reputable online bank that offers a high APY, even higher than regular savings. bill. The inconvenient? You must agree that your money stays in the bank for a certain period of time and you will not be allowed to withdraw anything before that time without being penalized.

Dividend-paying stocks may be among the smart ways to invest for intermediate and advanced investors. Dividends are a portion of a company’s earnings that are paid to shareholders (usually quarterly). If you own a dividend stock, you can earn cash in the short term, as well as the investment itself through long-term market appreciation.

As for the smart ways to invest in individual stocks and some other opportunities, it is best to join a group of experts where you will get picks from the real professionals and experts. Having access to high-quality investment research, such as that offered by Capitalist Exploits, is a great way to get an investment edge.

Home Kitchen

Top 10 gothic home decor ideas

Gothic home décor and decor, you either love it or you hate it. Dreaming of gravely pale dried red roses against a medieval throne chair is enough to make the most ghoulish damsel go weak in the knees.

There are several different types of gothic decorations, ranging from engraved art on tombstones to more subdued Victorian-Gothic themes. Whatever the case may be, if you are someone who enjoys this type of interior design, then the following 10 gothic decor ideas will be of great benefit to you and the undead that cohabit there.

Gothic Living Room – If you like to entertain guests, then a gothic living room, with oak and mahogany furniture, earth tone walls, hardwood floors, long chandeliers and large antique chairs will boost your reputation among your friends and family . You can also opt for doors and window panes, given a rusty, weather-beaten look with a stained glass film, to enhance the gothic quotient of said room.

Gothic bedrooms: The gothic look can also be used to achieve a very romantic atmosphere in couples’ bedrooms. Here, grand canopy beds, in old-world patterns and rich, comfortable fabrics like satins, matte silks, foamy leathers, and velvets are an absolute must. The lighting should also be soft, to create a gothic yet romantic atmosphere. Hanging candle lanterns work especially well.

Gothic Garden: The sky is the limit, when you want to experiment with a gothic garden, put aside the references to “Jasmine and Rose”… Exotic, strange and visually stunning deadly flowers of nightshades and orchids would fit well. As for furnished accessories, you can try weeping gothic fountains, gargoyle figurines, or cast iron seats.

Gothic bathroom: these bathrooms should ideally have large area dimensions, to be able to play with darkness and light. In such a bathroom, porcelain items are highly appreciated. A black and white checkerboard floor would be great. Here, too, large mirrors with intricate medieval paneling are preferred. Even your shower and sink accessories can have medieval signatures or shapes of magical creatures. The warm glow of numerous purple and red candles shimmered on the surface of the water. Using dark candles or even dragon incense holders works quite well.

Gothic Kitchen – A gothic kitchen should play with a variety of building materials that go well with the medieval theme. In particular, woodwork is necessary to add a touch of rustic simplicity to your kitchen. In addition to these, the shelves and cabinets could make use of stone, stained glass and wrought iron. Plus, you can hang your pots and dishes from a low beam to add a touch of authenticity to the whole look for a Sweeney Todd feel. To take things a step further, try hanging a mace or battle ax on the wall. Even model your kitchen similar to the Vegan Black Metal Chef!

Gothic colors: Oh the horror, do you mean there is a color other than black? All other varieties of dark and vibrant colors go well with a gothic setting. In this document, you can choose to paint the walls of your home with different types of red, purple and stone tones.

Gothic wallpapers are now abundantly available on the market, in a huge number of interesting patterns and motifs. They are affordable to buy and you can experiment with different types of these every few months.

Gothic Lanterns: They can add a magnificent look to your living room, bedrooms, and even bathrooms. For maximum effect, choose chandeliers that add a royal touch to your abode.

Gothic Figurines: They are available in the forms of a large number of mystical creatures such as dragons, gargoyles, skulls and more.

Fireplaces: A simple fireplace, in the form of an arch of wood, is perfect for the gothic decoration of your home. If you want to feel like the vampire lord, go for a ridiculous marble mantelpiece with a lion’s head.


3 Cheap But Healthy Dog Food Recipes To Reward Your Dog

Dog food can put a big strain on a dog owner’s bank account, especially if you are buying the expensive variety that is of the best quality. There is nothing wrong with this, as your priority as a dog parent should be your pet’s health. However, if you’re on a budget, it’s easy to fall back on lower-quality foods. Whose! Here are cheap yet healthy dog ​​food recipes you can try:

Healthy meatloaf for dogs

What do you need:

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/2 kilogram lean ground beef

  • 1 1/2 cups shredded mixed vegetables

  • 1 1/2 cups rolled oats (preferably gluten-free)

  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese

Combine eggs, ground beef, mixed greens, rolled oats, and cottage cheese in a large bowl. Using clean hands, mix all ingredients together until well blended. Press mixture into loaf pan. Bake in a preheated oven (350F) for 40 minutes. Cool completely then refrigerate overnight before serving.

Pooch’s Fruit and Vegetable Mix

What do you need:

  • 1 large sweet potato

  • 1 banana, sliced

  • 2 cups of cooked quinoa

  • 1 cup frozen peas, cooked

Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Using a fork, pierce several holes in the sweet potato. Place the sweet potato on the baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven for 1 hour. Chill the sweet potato when done, then cut it into small pieces. Mix sweet potato, banana slices, quinoa and peas in 3 equal portions. Store uneaten portions in the freezer.

Ultimate meatloaf for dogs

What do you need:

  • 8 eggs

  • 4 large carrots, peeled and grated

  • 2 large potatoes, peeled and grated

  • 2 large celery stalks, chopped

  • 2 3/4 kilograms of ground beef

  • 1 1/2 cups cooked brown rice

  • 1 1/2 cups plain rolled oats

  • 1/4 cup olive oil

  • 1 pinch of salt

In a large bowl, mix together the eggs, carrots, potatoes, celery, and ground beef. Add the brown rice, oat flakes, olive oil and salt. Divide meat mixture evenly into muffin tins, tapping gently with spatula to firm. Bake in a preheated oven (400F) until the tops of the cakes feel firm, about 45 to 50 minutes. When it’s ready, let it cool completely. Flip muffin tins to side over dog bowl to serve. Place in resealable plastic bags and freeze to store.

You don’t have to pay too much to make sure your dog eats healthy and delicious food. Try these cheap but healthy dog ​​food recipes at home – your fur baby is sure to love it, plus you’ll save a lot of your hard-earned money!

Digital Marketing

Six (6) Thinking Hats Model: Your Path to Digital Marketing Success

Aside from taking a moral tack on all parts of digital marketing training and building your site from scratch, what I do support is a broad arrangement of steps, tasks, and a consecutive arrangement of approaches using the correct format, for example, “Elementor”. theme plugins, other plugin settings, layouts and privilege modules etc.

I would love the opportunity to explain the structure of your methodology with an anecdote of an underground insect with Philosophy of Ants as mentioned by Jim Rohn and the desperate need to apply it in Digital Marketing Leadership:

“They have an impressive four-section rationale, and here’s the opening segment: Ants never give up. That’s a decent way of thinking. If they go somewhere and you try to stop them, they’ll find another way.” .

They will move up, they will move down, and they will move. They keep looking for another way. What a perfect way of thinking, never stop looking for an approach to get where you need to go.

Second, ants think about winter all summer. That is a significant point of view. You can’t be so gullible as to suspect that summer will go on forever. So the ants gather at their food from winter to summer.”

Use the book ‘7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness’ by Jim Rohn. For powerful life lessons in both business and family success.
In order to have a prolonged progress, I decide to explicitly impose and train you in this article on Edward De Bono’s ‘Six Thinking Hats’ point. The book is somewhat difficult to read for novice readers, but it is packed with practical ways to approach problems.

In Six (6) Thinking Hats, we must understand the cunning behind the equal intuition where at any moment everyone moves in a similar way. Each advances their scrutiny considerations, breaks down the issues, and presents basic and useful arguments.

We must distinguish each of the six hats and apply critical thinking through Corrective Actions to update those methods and learning, however, it can take as long as an insect or a turtle.

The main reason behind why the tortoise dominated the race was because the tortoise, despite standing around feeling limp, never cooled down for a second and made a decent attempt to extend his neck for what it’s worth and slowly move forward. reliably.

The hare’s confusions were his pomposity, his intelligence and his liveliness. Therefore, the bunny thing to rest while surprisingly and simply happened to rest too much, which made it easier for the slower animal, for example, the turtle, to cross the finish line.
The exercise here is not exactly how the tortoise and the bunny were enthusiastic/intelligent in their own point of view, the genuine message of elimination is that the tortoise was predictable and reliable.

Also, consistency is provocative and sexy, as it includes exceptionally high trustworthiness and authenticity along with loyalty to the customers, the people involved, and obviously the Creator God.

The six shades of hats, which Edward De Bono calls Six Thinking Hats, is the first to recognize the type of hat, and we can put it on and take it off whenever we want, but if that character is undermined. explicitly benevolence, authenticity and rectitude, at that time its entire parts are disordered and will be questioned.

1. White Hat: Neutral, Objective that includes realities, figures and rejects assessments, judgments, emotions and articulations.

2. Red Hat: Emotional, Anger that includes joints, feelings that don’t need to be smart with hunches, instincts and impressions.

3. Black is not a joke and is serious. He has a skeptical view and chooses the basics and is critical and may not be reasonable.

4. Yellow Hat: it is idealistic, it is diurnal, it has expectations, hypotheses and it is more exploratory.

5. Green cap: it is development and wealth. Has inventive, unique thoughts and includes parallel reasoning.

6. Blue Hat is cool, heaven above, control, and has compound reasoning. Blue Hat needs instructions and preparation for speculation with order and central interest. It’s a greater amount of facilitation and it’s more of a meeting managers job. It is the control of different hats and it is a cycle.

In conclusion, it is consistently the Blue Hat sees what we have perceived, achieved, derived, planned and how we would unravel it and the next set of restorative moves that we should make.

The advantages of Six (6) Thinking Hats is that they provide a typical understanding, experience the academic aspect of each other, choose the neutral type or the favorite type. Eliminate the inner self and focus on the activities to finally carry out, evaluate and execute corrective activity plans.

I must emphasize that we must remember how we should or can apply each hat to prove ourselves in our vision of the future.

For everyone, there is an opportunity to decide to minimize existence with a finite or infinite perspective.

The question now arises whether we have decided to adopt moral strategy with righteousness and standards as our fundamental mission of reasoning and compass with accountability to God our Creator or whether we have chosen some easy route philosophy that “NO rules or unprincipled approach”.

I would certainly suggest that you read the book ‘Fine and Infinite Play in Leadership’ by Simon Sinek.

Sir Simon Sinek is a helpful, humanitarian and pioneering businessman.

I should relish the opportunity to present my point of view that he is now bringing the light of helpful leadership management to the world for the next millennium, and doing his main goal in such an impeccable and humble manner.

Therefore, applying the 5 Thinking Hats Model (by Edward De Bono) will keep you ‘getting to the meat’ in your most noble, spiritual, good, money-related, family-oriented and deep vision on your wondrous journey. but lasting Leadership. in Digital Marketing Success and achieving achievements in all circles of life explicitly the money we are for the most part now focused on for sure.


Five ways to decline an invitation

There comes a time in many of our lives when we are invited somewhere. Maybe to a party, a date, a ball game, etc. But for some reason, we may not want to go. We may not want to hurt the guest’s feelings, but we also don’t want them to bother us. Here are some ideas on how to decline an invitation in the most polite way possible.

1. Tell them no, but politely.

Yes, I understand that it is difficult to say no. But maybe you don’t feel like going to the event you were invited to.

In such a case, you can tell the invitation that you have already made other plans. And it doesn’t matter what your other projects are, because you don’t have to tell the guest what they are. But if you’re pushed, you can say it’s personal and hope the other person understands.

What you don’t want to do is make something up, like going to a baseball game. Telling a lie could get you in trouble with the other person and make you feel bad. Say you have other things to attend to.

2. Say you will go, but only if you can.

Here’s a pretty easy way to decline an invite. After you decline, then of course you don’t have to go. But you leave the option open in case you feel differently later.

3. Say that you have other priorities right now.

This excuse is also very easy, in addition to being polite to the other person. Letting the guest know that you have other priorities will let the other person know that you are honest and that maybe another time you can follow through on the invitation.

4. Ask if you and the guest can meet at another time.

Of course, this won’t work for a one-time special occasion like a wedding. But whether it’s an occasion that may or may not come up again, it’s a great and convenient way to decline an invitation by opting out of a meeting.

You can also add to the invitation the possibility of meeting at another time. But of course, only say this if you mean it and have a plan in mind.

Bonus idea: send a thank you gift.

Sending a gift is especially good if the invitation was for a wedding or birthday. The present does not have to be elaborate or expensive. It can be a simple trinket of some sort, with a thank you note and thanks for the invite.

So if you want to decline an invitation, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and ask yourself how you would feel. A simple thank you but no thank you goes a long way in letting the guest know you care and appreciate being considered.

And one last thought: be careful with lies. Even the smallest lies have a way of catching up with you.

Health Fitness

How to Eat Healthy Using Simple Healthy Eating Math

Eating healthy is not complicated. It doesn’t have to be difficult.

Many of us overcomplicate it and make it MUCH harder than it has to be. This makes it easier to get frustrated, throw up your hands and say “fuck it!”, and go back to eating fried Applebee’s pooptaters.

So today, we’re going to break down the math of healthy eating, as simply as possible.

There are seven (7) days in a week. Let’s say you eat three (3) meals per day (yeah I know, sometimes we snack and some days we eat 4 meals but other days we only eat 2, whatever, I’m keeping the math easy).

7×3 = 21. 21 meals per week.

You have 21 opportunities to eat healthy.

We are going to rate the food as if it were a class in school. Except here, there is no “U” – we still give F for failure. Fitness is tough, but it’s also fair.

Eat “F” grade

To “earn” (can we call it that?) an “F”, you have to get… well, anything below 60%.

13/21 = 60%. So getting an F means that 12 or fewer of your weekly meals are healthy, clean meals.

There is nothing that I, any coach, or any supplement can do for you right now. If you’re eating at an “F” level, you need to decide whether or not your health is important to you. We can give you all the information in the world, but we can’t force you to use it. No one can change your priorities except you.

That does not mean that all hope is lost. I’ve seen many people make the switch from eating at level F to level C, B and even A. But it’s a change YOU have to make for yourself.

eat grade “D”

To get a “D”, you must get between 60% and 69%.

13/21 = 60%.

If you have 21 meals per week, that means at least 13 meals must be clean, healthy meals. You get, at most, eight cheat meals per week.

This is the point where, at the parent-teacher conference, we have serious discussions about his intentions, his future, wasting his talents, tears are shed, and someone goes to bed without dinner.

Eat grade “C”

To get a “C”, you must get between 70% and 79%.

15/21 = 70%.

If you have 21 meals per week, that means 15 meals should be clean, healthy meals. You get, at most, six cheat meals per week.

If your mindset is “I eat healthy all week, I can take Saturday and Sunday off,” this is where it’s at. You are eating at a C level.

You “pass,” but if you’re looking to achieve greatness, you’ll need to do better.

“B” grade eating

To earn a “B”, you must earn a score between 80% and 89%.

17/21 = 80%.

If you have 21 meals per week, that means 17 meals should be clean, healthy meals. You get, at most, four cheat meals per week.

There’s nothing wrong with scoring at a “B” level, as long as it’s consistent with your goals.

I have consistently gotten a “B” lately and will likely continue to do so. I feel good at my current 12% body fat, my social life is satisfying, and I am happy with the food I eat. This isn’t the best I’ve seen, but I’m not worried about walking at 6% body fat right now.

Eat grade “A”

This is where the elite differs.

To get an “A” on your diet report card, you must score 90% or higher.

19/21 = 90%.

If you have 21 meals per week, that means 19 meals should be clean, healthy meals. You get, at most, two cheat meals per week.

Remember, this is the minimum to get an A. If you’re aiming for elite body condition (less than 7% body fat for men or equivalent for women), you’ll need to be 95% or even 100%, depending on your goals and other factors.

to wrap

Losing weight and looking great is 90% dependent on what you eat. Remember classic quotes like “Abs are made in the kitchen,” “You can’t beat a bad diet,” and “Stop eating like junk” (OK, that last one isn’t a classic, I’m just saying it’s a lot).

Legal Law

Free online dating is the best way to meet lots of new people

While there are many different ways to meet new people, there are reasons why free online dating is the best way. After you have considered the alternatives, you will surely be ready to join a site. An alternative is the social environments of your town or city. Bars, clubs and other similar environments are not as good as you think. You can spend a great deal of time in a bar and yet not meet anyone that interests you. Your time can be monopolized by someone you don’t want to spend time with at all. Either way, your time is too valuable to waste when you don’t get any positive results.

Another alternative is the concept of searching for people who share your interests. Signing up for classes, events, and other activities not only means spending time you may not be able to afford, but most of these types of activities also cost money. If your main reason for thinking about classes and activities is to meet new people, you can waste time and money without achieving the desired results.

Free online dating is better than any of these alternatives. First of all, you won’t end up stuck with people you don’t like, or risk not knowing anyone. Second, you don’t have to give up your time or pay money to take advantage of this opportunity. Whenever it’s convenient for you, you can meet the kind of people you’re really interested in. The people you contact and respond to will be the ones you want to meet. Instead of wasting time and money you can’t afford to lose, online dating is completely free and convenient for your own schedule.

Whether you’re new to dating or tired of unreasonable expectations, free online dating is your solution. There is no better opportunity available anywhere to meet such a wide range of new people. Whether you’re looking for a date or a partner, your new social life can be fun and exciting. Equally important, you don’t have to pay a dime for this opportunity.

Lifestyle Fashion

Soul Food Seasoning Dictionary

What gives food its soul? Many opinions have been noted over the years. Some say it’s the food, others say it’s the cooking techniques, others say it’s the story behind the food. But everyone agrees, what really gives soul food soul is the seasonings.

Learning how and what to season your food with is an important key to preparing tasty soul food that will make you want to kiss yourself.

Jaimacan pepper – It is used to flavor desserts such as tarts and cobblers, cookies and cakes.

Anise – Sweet and fruity to taste. It can be used to flavor cookies, cakes and sweet rolls. It can also be used to add interest to soup, chicken or duck when used in moderation.

achiote – Can be used to add flavor to beans, rice, fish or poultry.

Arrowroot – It is used to thicken fruit juices in cakes, pies and fillings.

Basil – Used to season tomato-based dishes such as sauces, soups and stews, and gumbo.

bay leaves – Used to season sauces, gravies, soups and stews.

Caraway – Sweet and spicy to taste. It is used to flavor cabbage, noodles, and poultry.

Cardamom – It is used in curries and for pickling food.

Cayenne pepper – Made with red peppers. Adds a tangy, tangy flavor to foods, such as meats, sauces, vegetables, soups, stews, and gumbo.

celery flakes – It is used in stews, soups, potato or egg salad or any recipe that calls for celery.

Cinnamon – Used to add flavor to desserts such as cakes, cookies, pies, pies and cobblers.

Cloves – Used to flavor cakes, pies, cobblers, bread pudding and ham.

cream of tartar – Adds fluffiness to icings, meringues and lightness to angel food cakes.

Dill – Used in dill pickles. It can also be used to add flavor to potato salad, coleslaw, seafood, or gumbo.

Fennell – It is used to season pork, poultry and seafood. It can also be used as a massage when barbecuing.

Garlic powder – Adds flavor to meats, poultry, vegetables, salads, stews, soups and gumbo.

ginger – Used to flavor desserts, gingerbread, cookies, cakes. And foods like chicken, soups, stews and vegetables.

gumbo file – Condiment based on sassafras leaves and thyme. It is used to flavor Creole foods.

powdered honey – Used to flavor meat, barbecue sauce, appetizer sauces and ham or used for a glaze.

Horseradish – It is used to flavor sauces and dips for appetizers.

lemon juice powder – It is used in barbecue fritters.

lime juice powder – It is used in barbecue fritters.

pepper with lemon – Used to add flavor without fat. It is used in dishes such as meats, vegetables, stews, soups and sauces.

lime pepper – Adds flavor and zest to vegetables, meat, chicken and sauces.

Mallet – It is used in desserts, cakes and fruit salads.

Marjoram – Similar to mint. It is used lightly in vegetables, fish and sauces.

powdered mustard – Used in sauces, salads, soups and dips.

nutmeg – It is used to flavor desserts, cakes, cookies and icings.

onion powder – It is used to flavor vegetables, meats, sauces, stews and sauces, and is used as a marinade for barbecues and grills.

orange juice powder – Used as barbecue and grill rubs.

Peppers – Use as a garnish to add visual appeal to dishes. It is normally used in light colored foods such as salads, soups, vegetables, chicken, fish, sauces and potatoes.

Rosemary – It is used to season meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, stews, sauces and salads.

Sage – Used to flavor poultry, stuffing, soups, sauces and gravies.

seasoned salt – Used to add flavor to meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, soups and stews, and as a dry marinade for grilling or broiling.

Tarragona – It is used to flavor chicken, seafood, salads, sauces and vegetables.

thyme – It is used to flavor poultry juices and sauces.