Lifestyle Fashion

Juvenile Sentencing in the United States

Should minors be sentenced to life imprisonment?

The United States, as I understand it, is the only country in the world that sentences minors; that is, those under eighteen years of age to life in prison without parole. This was challenged in court about ten years ago when the Supreme Court declared that it is unconstitutional to sentence juveniles to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Teenagers are basically the same all over the world. They have the same kinds of social, physical, and emotional issues to deal with, but their environment can make or break them. It is this environment that may be the determining factor of where they end up. Given the right encouragement and the right tools, they can do amazing things that will set their lives on the right track; However, things happen that derail their hopes and dreams.

Adolescents around the world appear in court for various reasons, with murder being the most extreme charge, but after serving a sentence of a set number of years, they are released subject to certain conditions. One of them is that the authorities are convinced that there is no risk to the public. They, except on rare occasions, cherish their freedom and live their lives as law-abiding human beings.

People can and do change their lives so that at the age of thirty they are completely different people than they were when they were fifteen. I have read that the human brain does not fully develop until the age of twenty-five. The American justice system does not seem to take this into account and charges them as adults, but to all intents and purposes they are minors; even US law classifies them as minors.

Keeping people locked up serves no useful purpose and the motivation for wanting to keep another human being in prison can only be retribution, which is the revenge mentality. “I want him or her to pay for what they did.” I think a person with that kind of mindset is choosing to be a victim and it’s pretty sad to be known to have influenced the judge to keep a criminal locked up.

There’s a case in Florida where a fourteen-year-old boy killed an eight-year-old girl. He appeared before the judge to re-sentence after the Supreme Court ruled that life imprisonment was unconstitutional but after pressure from the relatives of the deceased, the judge ruled that he must remain in prison. The young man was now in his late thirties and a completely different person compared to that fourteen year old boy.

One only has to question the mindset of people who see the worst in another human being.

A young woman, also from Florida, killed a sixty-eight-year-old man and stole his truck when she was fifteen. She received a sentence of life without parole, but you know what was the most pathetic aspect of this case?

It was that she committed this crime with her boyfriend of twenty-one years.

Pathetic because there was never any mention of her alleged adult co-defendant leading her off track. The justice system never seems to take this factor into account, however, under the law, a person under the age of eighteen is classified as a minor.

In 2007, a young woman named Erin Caffey, then sixteen, conspired to kill her family because her parents disapproved of her then-boyfriend, Charlie, who was nineteen. It wasn’t just the age difference, but the things Erin was doing. Her family was a devout church-going family, and they were all part of the worship team at the church they attended in Texas. Charlie’s friend and her girlfriend participated in a barbaric massacre in which Erin’s mother, Penny Caffey, and her two brothers were killed, while her father, Terry, survived to tell the tale.

The two boys who committed the murder received a sentence of life without parole, Erin’s friend received twenty years, while Erin herself is not eligible for parole until 2038.

My opinion is that Erin should have been treated more fairly considering her young age; I mean the fact that Erin planned all the murders should have been treated differently than if she had done all the murder herself. Erin was the only minor in this foursome, so who is responsible for the actions of the other three? Certainly not Erin.

I first learned about this case in 2017 after watching a TV show about Criminal Investigation. I started a letter writing campaign for Erin the next day and it continued throughout 2018 and into 2019, but I did not receive a single response to all the letters I posted in the White House on this matter, but I did receive one letter from the own Erin. She introduces herself as a bubbly young woman who receives visits from her dad; If you read correctly, her father forgave her daughter.

Lifestyle Fashion

Overcoming an Affair and Mental Images: 3 Steps to Get Rid of Them Forever

Many women who are victims of marital infidelity find that one of the most difficult things to deal with is the recurring mental images of their spouse and lover. It can often look like a horror movie. In this article, we’ll look at the steps that will get you through an affair and the mental images that may be haunting you.

Many women who suffer from this have not even seen or have any idea what the other woman is like, but the mental images of the affair still prevail. Images of what she and her husband were doing together, often with no knowledge or details of what actually happened. It’s common that despite her best efforts, they just seem unable to turn them off. Based on the fact that you’re reading this, maybe you can identify yourself.

If in fact this is happening to you and you simply feel that perhaps you have “lost your mind”, take solace in the fact that you are not going crazy. As human beings, we often run “slideshows” or movies in our minds. We do this for all kinds of reasons; remember past events, anticipate what may happen in the future, and make sense of the reality we are dealing with in the present moment. However, just because this is normal doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy.

The problem with mental images after the discovery of an affair is that you emotionally respond to them as if they were real. Every time these images flash through your mind, it’s like you’re reliving the pain and trauma you experienced when you first found out about the affair.

This makes it more difficult to heal from the pain and rebuild your marriage.

So let’s turn our attention to what you need to do to get rid of them. First, there are a few realizations you should come to terms with:

· The images are not real. Even if she was unlucky enough to catch them in the act, the mental images she’s experiencing now are still in his head. They are not real.

· Your mind is your territory and no one can control what enters. Only you can do that and you are in fact in charge of it.

Of course, these points may seem like obvious statements, but in order to address the mental images you are experiencing from the adventure, it is important to acknowledge these facts first.

Before I show you the steps to stop these images, I have to ask you what may seem like a silly question… are you sure you want them to stop?

This question may seem strange to you, but in many cases a woman who has been cheated on will cling to these images as a justification for feeling the pain caused by the affair. That by holding on to them and repeatedly checking them, she is entitled to feel the way they do. You have to ask yourself if you fall into that category. If you feel like you can, you have to figure this out before moving forward.

Once you feel like you’re ready to get over an affair and stop the mental images, here’s what to do next (you’ll want to find a quiet place to do it):

1. Calm your mind

Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths. Allow your mind to relax and relax. Feel the tension leaving your body with each exhalation. Feel your body begin to completely relax. Later, I will share with you a resource that includes some breathing techniques that will help you in this step.

2. Bring the image to mind

When you are ready, bring a mental image of the issue you have been struggling with in mind. Imagine it in as much detail as you can. Take some time to see the vision in its entirety. It can be painful to do this, but facing this pain is the first step to freeing yourself from it and ultimately getting rid of it for good.

3. Change or alter the image

Once you have the image in your mind in great detail, try to manipulate it. Imagine it as being on a DVD and see if you can play the image upside down. Ask yourself if doing this simple mental exercise helped you feel better. If so, do it several more times. Even imagine it going backwards faster until it becomes a bit of a blur.

Take a break from your exercise and open your eyes. Evaluate the effects this rewinding exercise had on you emotionally.

Next, try manipulating the size and shape of the objects in your mental images of the subject. In your image, you may see a lamp on a nightstand, or a dresser. Pick an item and mentally zoom in or out. It changes its shape. You can even change its color if you wish. See what change it makes to the object that makes you feel better.

Repeat this process with any sound that may be present in your image. If there is music, turn it off. If you listen to people talk, maybe you can turn their voices into cartoon characters. You can even decide to view your images from a different camera angle or perspective.

When you first read this, it might sound a bit silly to you. But what this exercise does is accomplish two very important things for you.

First, it gives you tangible evidence that these images are taking place in your brain and are not real. That you actually control them.

Second, exercise lessens the emotional impact of the images. By changing the image, you develop new ways of thinking that are potentially less painful than the ones you’ve been experiencing, and might even give you a new resource for coping.

Lifestyle Fashion

Fight yeast infections naturally

Yeast infection or overgrowth of the Candida fungus is a common problem for women. If you have this infection, you know how difficult it is to experience an itching and burning sensation around your genitals. And what’s worse, the infection keeps coming back, giving you more suffering and discomfort. Seek medical help to alleviate your sufferings and at the same time, you have the option of fighting yeast infections naturally.

Here are some tips on how to fight the fungal infection:

Clean your underwear well. If you already have a yeast infection, underwear should be thoroughly washed to kill the fungus before wearing it again. Soaking them in bleach and then washing them with unscented soap will kill the Candida fungus. Pressing your clean underwear with a hot iron will also kill the fungus.

Keep your genitals clean and dry. The Candida fungus thrives in a warm and humid environment and the vagina is a good home for them. Avoid tight clothing that promotes sweating and does not allow air to circulate. Choose underwear made of cotton because it wicks away moisture to keep you dry. At night, soothe your genital area by sleeping naked or remove your underwear and let air circulate in your vaginal area to keep it dry and cool.

Avoid scratching when you feel the burning and itching sensation. This can be difficult, but over-the-counter yeast-fighting medications may provide immediate relief to lessen the itching until you get professional advice or a prescription medication to completely get rid of the infection.

To combat a yeast infection, use fragrance-free products and avoid scented feminine hygiene products because they irritate the vagina and cause itching. The vagina has a self-cleaning property, wash your vaginal area with running water.

One of the reasons why women are prone to infections is because the anus is too close to the vaginal area. To combat a yeast infection, wipe from front to back after having a bowel movement and avoid touching the vaginal area.

Avoid sweets. Sugar feeds yeast, so avoid sweets to prevent Candida fungus overgrowth. Control sugar in your diet to combat yeast infection.

Lactobacillus acidophilus in yogurt helps fight yeast infections naturally. The live cultures in yogurt help balance the candida fungus that is naturally present in our bodies to prevent infection. Eat unsweetened yogurt.

Boost your immune system to fight the fungal infection. There is nothing better than a healthy body and a strong immune system. Eat a well-balanced diet, get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly, and avoid stress to boost your immune system.

Lifestyle Fashion

Changing Our Labels! Eliminate limiting beliefs that no longer serve us

As we go through our life experiences, we begin to be defined by the people with whom we interact. Our parents, our friends, our teachers, our authority figures, and anyone we communicate with begin to place us into personal, social, economic, religious, and sexual classifications, labels, and stereotypes. As human beings, there seems to be a need to define and classify every person, place, and thing around us.

Through words, implications and actions, our subconscious mind begins to form and create

an image of what we think we are. Everything we believe to be true about ourselves begins to manifest in the ego’s illusion. An illusion that we are separate from each other. An illusion that we are different.

We are given labels like rich, poor, smart, stupid, good, bad, ugly, beautiful, insufficient, a success, a failure, etc. The ego begins to collect these labels and strengthens the disappointment of separation. We believe we are what we are told we are. We begin to tell others what we think they are. We label others as we see fit, in the same way that we were labeled. In turn, these limited beliefs that are forced upon us disempower us to truly be who we are. A being of unlimited potential.

Where do these limiting beliefs and negativity originate from? How do we, as a society, create such binding structures within our society that prevent us from realizing our true potential? What can we do as a collective consciousness to cleanse and remove the negative structures within our minds?

What matters now is working together with those in your life and beginning to understand each other better by becoming more in tune with how we relate to each other. We can dissolve old communication structures that no longer benefit us through compassion and understanding. With these virtues we can begin to allow our collective consciousness to ascend and evolve towards a higher state of being. We can free ourselves from our past, both individually and collectively as a planet, and begin to create a future of peace and harmony in our relationships.

Take a moment and become aware of the energy we share. The energy we send to each other on a daily basis. We are in a state of continuous communication with each other. We send each other physical signals, we send each other electrical or energetic signals, and we communicate verbally every day. When we say “I love you”, “I’m mad at you”, “you’re stupid, lazy, overweight, etc” we evoke energy and emotion in the recipient. Even without verbal communication, we send a feeling or vibe to others. When we get angry, happy, sad or feel love for someone, we subconsciously transmit that feeling to them. We don’t need words to tell someone that we don’t care for them. And vice versa. And knowing intuitively when someone likes us.

We can feel it and feel it. What we feel for someone is manifested throughout our interactions. True feelings and thoughts tend to “seep in” subconsciously. If someone is mad at you and you ask “What’s wrong?” they may respond by saying “I’m fine,” but the look they give you shows their anger. We’ve all experienced someone giving us a bad vibe, even if they “seem” nice! The feeling we have in our guts is not consistent with his way of behaving. We tune in to the energy and emotion behind the mask they are wearing and our system tells us what that person is really feeling.

We are, in essence, all sensitive to the vibrations and energies of what others say, think and feel about us. When others say, think, or feel negative things about us, our bodies, minds, and energy systems begin to absorb them like a sponge. Most people who have a lot of negativity have generally absorbed such thoughts and feelings in the developing years of their lives through the way they were raised and treated by others.

When we label people in our minds as rich, poor, smart, stupid, good, bad, ugly, beautiful, not good enough, successful, etc. even if it’s just a thought, the person we’re thinking of can still feel it, if only on a subconscious level. We think to ourselves “That person is annoying.” Apart from them he is truly aware of how we are feeling. In turn, they respond and react to us subconsciously knowing what we are thinking. It becomes a dance of unspoken but understood communication.

Negativity directed at an individual is strengthened if we start using spoken words (even gossiping about someone projects negative energy in their direction). Words have the power to harm or heal. Choosing the right words when dealing with people on a daily basis is important, as one word, positive or negative, can stick with someone for a lifetime.

And I have personally seen many people throughout my life make others feel stupid or diminished simply by the way they are treated, without ever having to say a word. Little actions like raising an eyebrow, furrowing the forehead, holding the chin, or turning away can say a lot. Gestures are usually windows into the emotions we are feeling. And our subconscious minds pick up subtle meanings within the body movements of others and the way they behave. Although the lips lie, the body always tells the truth.

Once we begin to realize these truths, we can begin to practice more mindfulness in the way we think, speak, and interact with others, individually and collectively. If we don’t like someone, being indifferent or neutral towards them nullifies the negativity within our minds and prevents negative energy from being transmitted to them. Of course, it is ultimately more powerful to send them compassion, forgiveness, and yes, even love! Continuing to think negatively about someone only breeds more negativity. And if you can’t think of anything nice to say about someone, how about you don’t think of them at all? (Moms everywhere were right!)

We can start to become aware of and remove the negative words we use from our vocabulary that are designed to put others down and start using respectful and empowering words.

By integrating behaviors like the above into our daily routines, we can end the transmission of negativity and begin to become a source of positive energy. Can you imagine what would happen if only half of the world’s population began to treat each other with this respect?

By ourselves, we can become aware of the labels we carry with us on a daily basis. There may be good labels. Chances are there are negative labels that are holding you back from moving forward in your life. Almost everyone I know has at least one negative label that they carry around like old luggage. Write your labels. Take a good look at what you believe about yourself.

Now looking at the labels, as you read them start to notice the feelings that come up. The emotions that arise. The thoughts they evoke.

And realize that these labels are what you have been implied to be. They are not the real you!

All of them are the result of what they said to you, what they did to you and how others made you feel. She made a subconscious choice at one point to accept, use and represent the labels given to her. Even good labels are usually there because we feel good about something we accomplished. We accept both the good and the bad. And we believe that this is who we are.

The truth is that we carry all possible labels within each of us. We can all be smart, we can all make mistakes and feel stupid at times, we can be beautiful or we can be ugly, we can be driven or we can be lazy, we can be a success or a failure. All these labels have always been there within us, waiting for a situation to arise that makes them emerge. We can learn from these labels because they are simply a part of us. We can take the lesson we learned from being angry, unsuccessful, sad, etc. and start deciding to use another label, another facet of who we are.

Because we contain all the labels, we have unlimited potential within us. We can begin to make a conscious decision to only use the labels that are valid for us at the moment we are in and we can choose to be any label at any time. We can remove the labels that no longer apply to us and file them away in the trash!

Knowing that you have a choice as to who you are, what labels will you choose to use today?

A consultant hypnotherapist, hypnotist or NLP practitioner can help you remove limiting labels and beliefs. If there is a label that is strongly embedded in your subconscious mind, I would recommend finding a local hypnotist in your area for a consultation to see if hypnosis can help.

Lifestyle Fashion

Blue Eye Makeup – Simple Tips You Can Use To Your Benefit

For almost all women with blue eyes, makeup application can be difficult. Not all women have the same basic eye tones, so it can be even more difficult to opt for tips that give you a small color scale. Most women with blue peepers have lighter skin tones, but there are plenty of women who have light eyes but a darker skin tone. Pale-skinned, blue-eyed women often tan in the summer, which changes the tone of their eyes.

You don’t need to wear a lot of makeup. At the same time, you want to use just enough to really bring out your features, especially your appearance. Makeup serves to bring out your facial features and make them stand out in a beautiful way. This means that many women struggle to find the shades and depth of makeup that are right for them. Practice various degrees of makeup to find your personal level of makeup that works for you.

When you work on the eyes, you’re usually working on your best features. Most of the women would love to highlight their eyes in a stunning and alluring way. Doing so often depends in part on what shade of blue the eyes actually are.

Some women have very dark blue eyes. Other women have the more common medium to light blue eyes. A small percentage have blue eyes one day, gray eyes the next, and sometimes even green eyes on occasion. These dusty blue-gray eyes are often referred to simply as blue-gray.

Blue doesn’t necessarily work on blue-eyed women. Unless your eyes are a very deep blue, dark shades can take the vigor out of the eye. You can use dark shadows for very dark eyes or you can use dark shadows to line the eye as long as you back it up with lighter shadows for a layered visual effect.

Light shades can work on both blue-gray and medium blue eyes. You don’t want to wear light shades that will help wash out your color. Very light shades should be avoided, as they tend to add to the pale appearance of a light-eyed, pale-skinned woman. Light tones can help define the features of a woman with gray and blue eyes. Lighter shades can often be complemented with a darker liner to bring out the various shades within the eye.

Lifestyle Fashion

From the Birch Aquarium to the restaurants of La Jolla – La Jolla is the jewel of Southern California

Sometimes called The Jewel of Southern California, La Jolla is an exquisite combination of soft-sand beaches, jagged cliffs, sunshine, cultural activities, boutique-lined streets, hotels, art galleries, and more.

Just 15 minutes from downtown San Diego, La Jolla, one of the most prosperous communities in the United States, combines the atmosphere of a southern European resort community with the fun of southern California.

With its seven miles of shoreline, La Jolla draws tourists from around the world and blends trendiness with traditional class. From the waves crashing along the shoreline to the high-rise building in the business district, expect everything in this seaside city to be first class.

The birch aquarium

Stop at the Birch Aquarium, which has been inspiring visitors with the wonders of the ocean for more than a century. You’ll enter the world of sharks, living coral reefs, seahorses and more at the Birch Aquarium, where you’ll interact with the exhibits through hands-on exhibits and multimedia presentations.

La Jolla Restaurants

Combine glorious Pacific Ocean views and world-renowned chefs and you’ve got restaurants made in heaven.

And there are many wonderful La Jolla restaurants to choose from. Here are some of them:

For fine dining, you may want to eat at Trattoria Acqua or Georges on the cove. If you’re in the mood for sushi, try Sushi on the Rock. For steaks, you can’t go wrong at Donovan’s of La Jolla. And for French cuisine Tapenade is the place to be on Fay Avenue.

the coast

La Jolla’s most memorable region is the area along the Pacific coast, offering some of the most stunning coastlines in Southern California for your viewing pleasure.

Take the scenic drive along North Torrey Pines Road and be in awe of views of caves, cliffs, beaches, and remarkable sunsets. Stop along the route and browse or shop at any of the fine art galleries, souvenir shops, jewelry stores, or fashion boutiques along the route.

After shopping, complete this memorable experience with dinner overlooking the Pacific Ocean at one of the many excellent La Jolla restaurants along the way.

For an even more spectacular view, head over to Torrey Pines Gliderport and learn to fly, and soar above this beautiful spot.

The village

The downtown district, though small, is packed with trendy establishments that attract wealthy visitors from around the world. Although Prospect Drive is known as “Rodeo Drive in San Diego”, Girard Avenue is the main street.

Here you will find boutiques, art galleries, salons, cafes, restaurants, shops and hotels. To get a taste of what’s happening in the art world today, you can head to the Museum of Contemporary Art, which is housed in the iconic Ellen Browning Scripps home. , built in 1916.

And for a unique reading experience, stop by the Athanaeum Music and Arts Library, a 100-year-old library that has an incredible selection of music and art volumes.

the business district

Although La Jolla is primarily known for its incredible coastline, the city’s business district is anything but modest, to say the least. You’ll find modern shopping malls, career centers, and residences along with the world-renowned Scripps Memorial Hospital & Medical Research Center. La Jolla professionals tend to be in finance, law, or technology.

Any way you look at it, from its Mediterranean-style homes to the Birch Aquarium, trendy shops, and many tempting restaurants in La Jolla, you’ll want to make this gem part of your vacation itinerary when you’re in Southern California.

Lifestyle Fashion

What can I do to make my ex love me again? These tips will make them come back to you

If you just ended your relationship and realized that you want your ex back, you have to work immediately to salvage what’s left in your relationship. Here are some suggestions that you can follow:

Speak things clearly.

Talking things out will clear up some things that have been misunderstood. Don’t just talk, take the time to listen too and try to hear what your ex has to say. For your conversation to be effective, speak delicately and listen to each other, only then will understanding come.

If he asks, give him a time out.

If you feel like your ex isn’t ready to deal with you, give them some space. Don’t rush things, while you give yourself time to be apart, come up with a tactic to get him back.

Apologize even if it’s not your fault

Say you’re sincerely sorry and admit the fact that you’ve also made some mistakes. Saying an apology is not a sign of weakness but a sign of bravery. Be serious when you say sorry, try to change the wrong things, and strive to be better.

Look more attractive to you and him.

Always pay attention to your appearance. A breakup is never a reason to neglect your physical appearance. Looking good makes your ex realize what he’s missing. He always take the time to take care of himself. Taking good care of yourself is the best way to show your love for yourself.

Make me miss you with each new day.

Don’t pester your ex with tons of text messages or phone calls. Being silent makes your ex miss you and curiosity creeps into his system. He would also wonder if he has already moved.

Remind your ex of your happy days together.

Make your ex remember your happy times together. You can give her a picture, perhaps, of her happiest getaway, a CD of the songs you both love to listen to, or you can send her a DVD of her favorite movie.

Make peace.

Try to set up a meeting with your ex. Try to patch things up and accept each other again like you did at the beginning of your relationship. Let forgiveness reign in your hearts and everything should slowly come back to order.

No relationship is perfect. From time to time there will always be some difficult roads that you have to tread. In case you come across a path full of rocks, stay strong and in no time you will be able to pass all these obstacles.

Lifestyle Fashion

The mystery of divine intervention

Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of divine intervention? Can you think of a series of events in your life where you had “near misses”? Why do mysterious things ever happen?

Here are eight life-changing events that might have turned out differently for me:

Incident #1: When I was a 9 or 10 year old, we had an above ground pool with a slide in our backyard. One day a friend challenged me to slide face down with my hands clasped behind my back. Not wanting to be “chicken”, I said, “LOOK AT ME!” For some reason the slide was slipperier than usual that day and I ended up hitting my head on the bottom of the pool, momentarily disorienting myself. I came out gasping for air, but was otherwise unharmed. This act of stupidity could have resulted in a broken neck, either killing or paralyzing me. Divine intervention?

Incident #2: One winter night while in college, I had too many drinks and tried to drive back to the dorms. Exiting an exit ramp, the car spun on black ice, coming to a stop after two full revolutions without hitting the rail guards. Incredibly, the car not only remained perfectly centered at all times, but also lined up in the correct direction after it stopped turning. Dazed, I rolled down the windows to get some fresh air, slapped myself as hard as I could, and made it to the bedrooms without further incident. Divine intervention?

Incident #3: On a Saturday afternoon, I was speeding down downtown 8th Avenue (New York) on my bike, in a hurry to get home. A speeding car suddenly shot off an adjacent street, probably in an attempt to overtake the traffic light change. It was partially hidden by the cars parked on that street, so I didn’t see it until the last second when I instinctively squeezed the brake levers, saving myself. Divine intervention?

Incident #4: As I was about to step off the curb on the Upper East Side (New York City), a cab narrowly missed me. I was so close that I heard the whistle of the taxi go by at full speed. If I had stepped off the curb seconds earlier, the taxi would have hit me, possibly killing me or at least seriously injuring me. Divine intervention?

Incident #5: When I was a kid, my job was to mow the lawn. One day, I was pouring gasoline into the lawn mower when I suddenly stopped, turned the gasoline can upside down, and gasoline got into my eyes. I dropped the can and ran into the house screaming in pain, where my mother immediately stuck my head under the running water in the kitchen sink. The doctor told her that if she hadn’t done that, she would have gone blind or at the very least suffered a serious eye injury. After applying antibiotics for a few weeks, he was as good as new. Divine intervention?

Incident #6: Once again, I was riding my bike in New York City. This time she was going to the top. Seeing no one was coming, I crossed Fifth Avenue when a cab appeared out of nowhere and ran me over. The collision sent me flying off my bike, rolling onto the hood, and then onto the pavement. Like Superman, I immediately got up, dusted off my clothes, readjusted my glasses, and went on my way, not before assuring the cabbie that I was fine, if not terribly embarrassed in front of a crowd of onlookers on the sidewalk. Divine intervention?

Incident #7: This one involved flying. I had been visiting my parents over Christmas vacation and chartered a small plane for the 400-mile flight from Michigan to upstate New York, which took me across Canada. I arrived tired, but euphoric.

After enjoying the holidays, it was time to return to Michigan but bad weather forced me to delay my departure three or four days. Finally a change in the weather came and it was time to leave. Four hours later, I landed in Buffalo, New York, to refuel and check the weather. The weather reports gave me no idea what was to come that night. So I took off into the sunset, fat and happy and full of fuel.

Everything was going well until I was just a few miles from the Canada-Michigan border. Without warning, everything around the small plane went pitch black, taking me completely by surprise. Squinting out the window, the city lights below me were no longer visible. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that I had just flown into the clouds, which are completely invisible at night!

Panic seized me and I momentarily lost control of the plane, even going so far as to scream that I was going to die that night. The instruments told me that it was spinning in the air, going up and down a thousand feet a minute. Somehow, I recovered and got the plane under control, using what little instrument training I had at the time.

After getting myself under control, I concentrated on keeping the plane upside down and followed the direction of the pink line on the handheld GPS (which a friend had lent me for the trip and it saved my life). As soon as I entered the clouds, I jumped out the other end as if unknown forces had pulled me out of the darkness of my mother’s womb and into the clearing with the airport right in front of me. I made the worst landing of my life and could barely walk because my knees were so springy. But I was unharmed. Divine intervention?

Incident #8: I wrote a story called “Blizzard Housecleaning” several months ago which can be found at: Was that a divine intervention?

Food for thought: Everything happens for a reason. We have no way of knowing God’s plans for us, but regardless of what happens to us, we are being prepared for the future in some way.

Lifestyle Fashion

Narcissus and echo: the anguish of relationships with narcissists

The moving myth of Narcissus and Eco crystallizes the tragic problem of relationships with narcissists. They were tragic Greek characters in a story told by the Roman poet Ovid in Metamorphoses. Sadly, both partners are locked in a painful drama, where neither feels satisfied or loved enough. Although it is heartbreak for both of them, the narcissist blames his partner for his cause and sees himself as above reproach, and all too often his partner agrees.

The myth of Narcissus and Eco
Narciso was a handsome hunter who broke the hearts of many women. Despite her love for him, he remained aloof and arrogant. Proudly, he held them in disdain.

Meanwhile, the beautiful forest nymph Eco had incurred the wrath of the goddess Juno, who punished Eco for talking too much by depriving her of freedom of expression. From then on, she could only repeat the last words of others. Eco saw Narciso and fell in love with her. She craved his attention, but he was focused on himself. He tried to call out to him, but couldn’t.

One day, Narciso got separated from his hunting companions and shouted: “Is there anyone there?” Echo could only repeat his words. Startled, he said, “Come here,” which Echo repeated. Echo joyfully ran to Narcissus, but he pushed her away, saying, “Hands off! May I die before you enjoy my body.” Humiliated and rejected, Echo fled in shame. However, her love for Narciso grew.

To punish Narcissus for his arrogance, Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, put a spell on him. When Narciso saw her reflection in a puddle of water again, love took over him. He believed that he had finally found someone worthy of his love and became completely absorbed with his own handsome image, not realizing that it was actually himself.

Unable to get Narciso’s attention, Eco’s obsession and depression grew. As the years passed, he lost his youth and his beauty, swooning for the unreachable Narcissus until he wasted away, leaving only his resounding voice. He finally committed suicide, consumed by his impossible love, leaving a flower in his place.

Understanding Narcissists
Despite their seemingly strong personality, narcissists are actually very vulnerable under their protective armor. Mastery of their feelings and of others is very important, because without control they feel weak and humiliated. They are drawn to someone who is emotionally expressive and caring, qualities they lack. Vulnerable feelings, especially shame, sadness, and fear, are relegated to your unconscious. They have disdain for them or some sign of weakness, which arouses fears of being controlled or humiliated. Thus, feeling sad or alone evokes their need for someone, which would expose them to pain, rejection and a feeling of inferiority. They try to eliminate these uncomfortable feelings by demonstrating courage and independence from the ideals of strength with which they identify.

Like the myth, narcissists feel superior to others, but rely on them to reflect a positive image of themselves. Surprisingly, most narcissists are also codependent. They are hypersensitive to any perceived challenge to their illusion of being the best, and often perceive slights where there are none. They fear being seen as a fraud, having their shortcomings revealed, having their opinions or authority questioned, or having their self-esteem or pride tarnished. They will do whatever it takes to reinforce their image and block negative comments. In their arrogance, they can be dismissive and rude, even projecting their flaws onto others, criticizing and belittling them, or unleashing their narcissistic anger. Trying to please them feels ungrateful, like trying to fill a bottomless pit-your inner emptiness-that you expect others to fill, but of course, it’s impossible.

They may embarrass family and friends with their bragging or obnoxious sense of entitlement, such as monopolizing the conversation and interrupting. To get what they want, they may exploit others, regardless of the consequences. Their attitude compensates for unconscious feelings of deprivation and inferiority, which become intolerable when their special needs or privileges are not met.

understanding the echo
Not everyone who falls for a narcissist is like Echo, but the ones who stay are just like her: a stereotypical codependent who sacrifices her own needs to accommodate others. While Narcissus is too self-absorbed, Eco is too absorbed in others. Like Echo, narcissists’ partners idealize them. They like and admire his bold, take-charge attitude. They, unlike narcissists, do not advocate for themselves and feel unnecessary or guilty in stating their needs and desires.

Caring and pleasing gives them a sense of purpose and value. Because they feel unworthy to receive love, they don’t expect to be loved for who they are, only for what they give or do. Without an independent voice, they are generally passive, obedient, and modest, believing that what they are told is true. They long to be liked, accepted, supported, approved of, needed, and loved. They may not believe they have any rights and naturally go with the flow or put the needs and feelings of others first, sometimes sacrificing themselves to please. Like, Echo, this makes them dependent on the narcissist, even when their needs are not being met. It also allows a narcissist to easily manipulate, abuse, and exploit them. Narcissists need partners who they can control, who don’t challenge them and make them feel weak. Their partners usually accept the blame and try to be more understanding. They stay to avoid their biggest fear—abandonment and rejection and the loss of hope of finding lasting love—and because the charm, excitement, and loving gestures that charmed them in the first place periodically return, especially if a breakup is imminent. .

In vain attempts to win approval and stay connected, they become entangled in eggshells, afraid of displeasing their partner. They worry about what he or she will think or do, and they worry about the relationship. They have to fit into the cold world of narcissists and get used to living in an emotional desert.

The narcissistic relationship
It is easy to fall for narcissists. Don’t judge yourself for succumbing, because research has shown that strangers’ initial impressions of narcissists during the first seven meetings are positive. They are seen as charming, personable, confident, open, balanced, and entertaining. Her seductive performance is designed to win trust and love, implicitly promising that your attention will continue. Only later did the research subjects see through the nice facade of the narcissists.

At home, narcissists may privately denigrate the person they were publicly entertaining, and after a romantic foreplay, they act entirely differently. Once you’re hooked, they lack the motivation to maintain a charismatic facade. As the excitement of romance fades, narcissists become disappointed in their partner. Their criticism increases and they can act distant and dismissive. The relationship revolves around the narcissist, while others are seen simply as objects to be used to manage the narcissist’s needs and fragile self-esteem. Embarrassed partners watch their partner flirt with a cashier, move to the front of line, or punish a clerk or waitress. They must deal with lawsuits, lawsuits, and self-centeredness. They are expected to appreciate the narcissist’s special character, fulfill their needs for admiration, service, love, or purchases when necessary, and are dismissed when they don’t.

Narcissists put themselves first, and their codependent partners put them first as well. They both agree that the narcissist is great and his partner is not and must sacrifice! This makes their relationship work… at first. Eventually, the couple feels drained, hurt, resentful, disrespected, and alone.

Children and partners of narcissists share Echo’s experience of feeling rejected, invisible, and unheard. They long to be seen, to have their needs met, and to have their love returned. Many partners of narcissists sadly languish for years to feel respected, important, appreciated, and cared for. Your self-esteem suffers over time. They run the risk of becoming empty shells of what they were. Narcissists also suffer because they are never satisfied. Although Narciso and Eco yearn for love, Narciso cannot give love or receive the love that Eco offers.

You have more power than you think. Find out how to raise your self-esteem, find your voice, and how to determine if your relationship can improve. There are many things you can do to significantly improve your relationship with anyone who is defensive or abusive. You can take the narcissism quiz and it also sets out criteria that can help you decide if you are considering ending a relationship with a narcissist.

© Darlene Lancer 2017

Lifestyle Fashion

Capricorn Horoscope: Important Things to Know About Your Personality Traits

Capricorns are known for their free spirit and strong willpower. It is the tenth sun sign in the zodiacal calendar. People born between December 23 and January 20 are Capricorns. It is one of the most stable signs and is symbolized by the Sea Goat.

Capricorn Horoscope


Positive traits: They are very realistic, very ambitious, practical, patient, cautious, disciplined, caring and generous. They like meeting new people and visiting new places.

Negative traits: They lack self-esteem and confidence and can sometimes be very fatalistic and pessimistic. They can be very stubborn and harsh at times.

Important points

Earth element

Lucky color: peacock blue

Lucky day: Friday

Lucky Gemstone: Garnet

Ruling planet: Saturn

capricorn love life

They are very humble lovers and if they are in a relationship they give one hundred percent. Sometimes they have to face big ups and downs in their lives, but with a little understanding and trust they can overcome all their fears. Sometimes they can be very egocentric, but it happens in rare cases. They are very attractive and people who don’t know them are easily attracted to them. They are very faithful lovers but also very jealous and possessive.

suitable occupations for them.

He is a very ambitious person, which is why he usually chooses a field where he can earn a large amount of money. He love music and math. They are very good administrators, financiers, tellers, bankers, teachers, contractors and speculators. They give themselves one hundred percent in everything they do and work peacefully with their peers and subordinates.

health concerns

They face significant health problems in all areas of their lives. They may face problems related to the skin, knees, bones, digestive system, and eyes. Some of the most common illnesses faced by people of this particular sun sign are deafness, Bright’s disease, rheumatism, and colds.

family and friends

Capricorns are very good friends. For them, friendship has to do with trust, love, devotion and helping each other in need. When it comes to family matters, they get extremely serious. They cooperate with all their family members and support them through thick and thin.

They are very loyal and adventurous, and when they make a mistake, they admit it and ask for forgiveness.