Lifestyle Fashion

Blue Eye Makeup – Simple Tips You Can Use To Your Benefit

For almost all women with blue eyes, makeup application can be difficult. Not all women have the same basic eye tones, so it can be even more difficult to opt for tips that give you a small color scale. Most women with blue peepers have lighter skin tones, but there are plenty of women who have light eyes but a darker skin tone. Pale-skinned, blue-eyed women often tan in the summer, which changes the tone of their eyes.

You don’t need to wear a lot of makeup. At the same time, you want to use just enough to really bring out your features, especially your appearance. Makeup serves to bring out your facial features and make them stand out in a beautiful way. This means that many women struggle to find the shades and depth of makeup that are right for them. Practice various degrees of makeup to find your personal level of makeup that works for you.

When you work on the eyes, you’re usually working on your best features. Most of the women would love to highlight their eyes in a stunning and alluring way. Doing so often depends in part on what shade of blue the eyes actually are.

Some women have very dark blue eyes. Other women have the more common medium to light blue eyes. A small percentage have blue eyes one day, gray eyes the next, and sometimes even green eyes on occasion. These dusty blue-gray eyes are often referred to simply as blue-gray.

Blue doesn’t necessarily work on blue-eyed women. Unless your eyes are a very deep blue, dark shades can take the vigor out of the eye. You can use dark shadows for very dark eyes or you can use dark shadows to line the eye as long as you back it up with lighter shadows for a layered visual effect.

Light shades can work on both blue-gray and medium blue eyes. You don’t want to wear light shades that will help wash out your color. Very light shades should be avoided, as they tend to add to the pale appearance of a light-eyed, pale-skinned woman. Light tones can help define the features of a woman with gray and blue eyes. Lighter shades can often be complemented with a darker liner to bring out the various shades within the eye.