Health Fitness

Michael Pollan plays with his "food" – Book Review

In Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual (Penguin Press, January 2010 Paperback, November 2011 Illustrated Edition), Michael Pollan hopes to give you a guide to food staples that you can read in 20 minutes, pore over, and consider for hours, and then take it with you to restaurants and supermarkets to inform all your food buying decisions. Sort of like Mao’s “Little Red Book”, only for food instead of communism. Unfortunately, he later released a hardcover edition (illustrated by Maira Kalman) that costs twice as much and isn’t as portable.

Many of the rules will make you laugh and hopefully think. I love “Eat only food that will eventually rot.” I have noticed that many bread products seem to have suspiciously long shelf lives. When you have a nice freshly baked baguette that starts to mold around day 3 and a loaf of generic wheat sandwich bread that is four days old and looks perfect, be very scared.

Other rules seem sensible until another rule contradicts them. “Don’t eat anything your great-grandma doesn’t recognize as food” is pretty self-explanatory, but then you get “Eat like the Japanese.” I promise, my great grandmother would have taken a look at tofu and used it as furniture polish. (And “Avoid foods that pretend to be something they’re not.” Tofurkey, anyone?) Also, “Treat meat as a flavoring or special occasion food.” If you sat my great-grandmother at a table piled high with bowls of cereals and vegetables, she would ask if the roast was still in the oven.

Then there are rules that just make me question Mr. Pollan’s personal experience. “Avoid foods that contain more than five ingredients.” Really? You don’t make much soup, do you? Very few of my favorite recipes contain fewer than five ingredients. As long as those ingredients are themselves “food” by Mr. Pollan’s definition, I don’t see that taking them together as a group should be a problem. Oh, and “It’s not food if it came through your car window.” I have an amazing whole food restaurant near my house, and they have curbside takeout. I get it, he doesn’t like fast food and neither do I, but some of the rules seem to be more general than I’m sure he’d like to say, which is “Don’t eat at McDonald’s.” .”

One of the most impactful rules for me is “Eat all the junk food you want, as long as you cook it yourself.” Happily I know how to cook and I enjoy it, so this would give me White card weigh 300 pounds in no time. I don’t fry things very often, not because it’s a big deal, but because I know it’s bad for me (and I hate wasting so much oil, because I will NOT store or reuse it). This rule will certainly accomplish Mr. Pollan’s goal of keeping him away from processed foods, because once he’s tried home fries, he’ll never want to open a bag again. Unfortunately, a lot of food that is very, very bad for you is very, very easy to cook. However, I am completely behind rule #63, which is “Cook”. We are getting fat with things that we would never put in our mouths if they were not given to us in disguise.

The one that really annoyed me was clearly there to be clever. At least I hope so. “If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made from a plant, don’t.” Can’t it be both? Many canned and frozen vegetables are processed in plants, but they often retain more vitamins than fresh vegetables because they are left on the vine or tree longer and then harvested just before cooking or freezing (often inside the 24 hours). your grocery store was on a truck longer than that). And I’m not going to buy cocoa beans and make my own chocolate. And if Mr. Pollan expects me to give up chocolate, we’re in for a problem.

But I’m with him on a lot of things, like “Pay More, Eat Less,” which has something in common with my “Eat Like a Millionaire” plan. Pollan believes, as do most foodies, that American food companies have been so busy trying to make food cheaper that they have sacrificed both taste and nutritional value. I am lucky to live in a place where I can buy Prime organic beef (and across the street) if I want; not everyone can On the other hand, not everyone can afford to pay three times as much for organic bananas, especially when you’re going to peel them.

As with so many good intentions, Pollan’s rules eventually clash with most people’s real lives. How nice if we could all shop at nearby farmers markets and sit with our families at one table for every meal. Mr. Pollan grew up on Long Island and now lives with his family in the San Francisco Bay Area. His wife is an artist and they both work from home. I have been in the situation of working all day in an office and coming home not to rest, but to start my second job taking care of my home and family. I will never criticize a working mom who makes the occasional stop at Burger Sovereign or Pizza Palace to have five minutes to herself when she gets home. Fortunately, there are more and more quality frozen meals available that may have the odd ingredient, but are orders of magnitude improvements over fast food. Not all processed foods are poison, and I wish Mr. Pollan had included “Read Labels and Become a Smart Eater” in his rules.

Many reviewers have pointed out that many of the rules are common sense, and they are, but sadly, common sense isn’t all that common. Most people who can walk and chew gum know that losing weight requires eating less and exercising more, but millions of diet books are sold every year. Clearly, many of us need a conscience to keep whispering common sense in our ears, especially when passing a Krispy Kreme store, and that’s exactly what Pollan’s Rules are intended to do. The last rule is, “Break the rules once in a while,” so Pollan acknowledges that if Jiminy Cricket doesn’t shut up once in a while, he’s going to get squashed. It’s worth checking out; I recommend the slimmer, cheaper edition that fits in your bag. Consider getting some as stocking stuffers for friends and family who need a little push to kick the fast food habit.

If you want a slightly more detailed explanation of Pollan’s views and aren’t afraid of a book with more paragraphs than slogans, you may prefer Pollan’s earlier work In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto (Penguin, April 2009). . This book covers much of the same ground as the Rules, so if you get this one, you don’t really need the shorter job. Pollan opens the book with his manifesto’s mission statement: “Eat food. Not too much. Mainly plants.” Of course, he goes on for 256 pages to explain what he means by each of those words, none of which are as obvious as they seem.

I agree with a lot of what Pollan says; in fact, my husband commented that one section “sounded like me,” likely due to Pollan’s use of the term “food-like edible substance” to avoid calling overly processed edibles “food.” Personally, I think Pringles are one of the signs of the apocalypse, and not only do I not allow them in my house, but I won’t dignify them by calling them potato chips (which I love, see above). I refer to them as “Chopped, Pressed, and Formed Dehydrated Reconstituted Processed Potato Food Product” because they don’t deserve any better. But I’ve spent some time in food processing businesses, and I’m just not as afraid of them as Mr. Pollan seems to be. I don’t have the time or inclination to grow all my own food, and I’m happy to pay someone else to do it. Often, I’m happy to pay a little more for someone who does it especially well.

It is best to avoid Pollan’s 2006 work, The Omnivore’s Dilemma. Pollan really sets out to push his vegetarian agenda and, I think, unfairly characterizes much of the food industry. Having started my college career looking to study veterinary medicine, I have quite a bit of experience in animal processing and slaughter facilities, and all I can say is that Pollan clearly went to different slaughter facilities than I did. In fact, Pollan released a “Young Readers Edition” of Dilemma, and trust me when I tell you that if you give this book to your kids, they may never eat again. Stick to the “Food” headings unless you’re committed to giving up life as you know it and moving to a commune. This omnivore will be here eating my steak.

Health Fitness

How to lose weight for wrestling!

Let’s take a look at a typical year for a wrestler. During the off-season, the fighter is in the gym lifting weights. The workouts are intense. The wrestler eats normally, maintains muscle and adds strength to his body. The wrestler may occasionally compete in a tournament or go to a wrestling camp. The fighter is learning more moves and abilities, along with improved strength. Everything is good. Things are looking great for the upcoming season!

Then comes the season. The wrestler decides to cut 15-20 lbs. move to a lower weight class, where they will be big, strong and ready for any competition. The fighter eats very little, runs a lot (even in plastic suits), spits, uses saunas, etc. to make weight. The fighter makes weight. The fighter has a good season, gaining weight every week and bingeing after every fight.


The fighter does not understand. He practices hard, very hard! He dropped out of two weight classes and gains weight every week. He trains after practice and works as hard or harder than anyone else in the mat room. He doesn’t strength train during the season because he practices a lot and doesn’t have the time or energy to work out. Plus, all that hard work in the weight room during the off-season has made him really strong!

Or did he?

If you are losing weight for wrestling and want to be the BEST of your potential, make sure you:

1. Keep up your strength training

During the off-season, you want to work on getting as strong as possible. I recommend training 3 times a week in the weight room, working the muscles used for wrestling. Be consistent and document your progress. Always push yourself to add a little more weight or reps. During wrestling season, YOU HAVE TO STRENGTH TRAIN! You won’t maintain the strength gained during the offseason if you neglect training during the season. If you’re losing weight, it’s even more important to keep up your strength training. If you’re losing weight, practicing, and fighting in dual matches and tournaments, your body is using its own muscle for fuel. You can avoid some of this by doing a total body strength workout every 4-5 days.

2. Eat more often

Don’t starve your body to gain weight! If you starve your body, you are slowing down your metabolism. Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. A calorie is a unit of energy. By going hungry, you’ll rebound and have even more trouble gaining weight next season. The answer lies in trying to lose fat, not muscle and water. This is accomplished by eating more frequently. Four smaller meals each day will allow you to lose body fat while saving muscle, giving you the energy to fight hard and stay strong throughout the match.

3. Give your body the right amount of calories

To find out how many calories your body needs to maintain muscle while you lose weight, take your current body weight and multiply it by 13. This is the minimum number of calories you need to consume each day.

4. Eat a 40-30-30 ratio

Now that you know how many calories you need to lose weight and still maintain the muscle and strength you’ve built, you need to eat the right ratio of protein, carbs, and fat. 40% of your calories should come from lean protein (egg whites, turkey, lean beef, whey protein powder, skinless chicken). 30% of your daily calories should come from complex carbohydrates (multigrain bread, baked potato, sweet potato, brown rice, oatmeal) and 30% of your calories should come from unsaturated fats (olive oil, nuts). You usually don’t have to calculate fat, other than a little oil on a salad, because the meats you eat will have a small percentage of fat that will be enough for the day.

5. Do not jog too much if your goal is to gain weight

Nothing is more exhausting than a tough high school or college wrestling practice. You shouldn’t get into the habit of jogging for miles and miles every week to lose weight. First of all, it won’t give you the stamina for wrestling like old fashioned live wrestling practice will. If you try to lose weight by jogging, you will start eating away at the muscle in your body. Aerobic activity is NOT an effective means of losing fat. A controlled eating plan is the answer.

6. Don’t get dehydrated

In order to fight at your best and make your body work efficiently, you need all the systems of the body to work optimally. Each of your body systems requires water. If you have to lose a couple of pounds to gain weight after following the tips above, you will restrict your water intake. However, restricting your water intake is not the same as not drinking any water at all. You still need to give yourself 3-4 ounces of water every 3 hours on days you are trying to gain weight. Remember, this is to maintain your strength. You need to plan well to do this well. Do not load weight until two days before and be drastic in your weight loss system.

7. Stay away from sugar

Fighters who lose weight by eating too little and jogging excessively tend to crave sugar. Sugar has no place in your wrestling meal plan. The only time my clients consume sugar is immediately after an intense strength training session. If it’s within 3 or 4 lbs. of your weight class, you may want to consume approximately 60 grams of high-glycemic carbohydrate (sugar) in the form of grape juice or apple juice within 20 minutes of your strength training session. This replenishes the body’s glycogen stores and helps with recovery. In general, stay away from sugars. They have no long-term positive effects on your energy. They are much more likely to be converted and stored as fat.

Health Fitness

Weight Loss: Do’s and Don’ts

Weight loss journeys are hard no matter where you start or how far you’ve come. At some point, most people have tried to lose weight and ended up giving up due to stagnation or inadequate guidance. There are also seemingly endless weight loss tricks that advertise that they are all you need to lose weight, which is simply not true, NOTHING WILL HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT. It is a combination of puzzle pieces that must all fit together to complete your weight loss puzzle. Here are some things you should and shouldn’t know during your weight loss journey:

Don’t just do cardio

While cardio should be a part of your program, it shouldn’t be the ONLY thing in your program. Yes, cardio is great for burning calories and obviously necessary for good heart health, but when it comes to losing weight, cardio is just one small piece of the puzzle. Now, I’m not saying skip cardio because it’s necessary, but it’s not the biggest point of emphasis in a good weight loss program. You’ll still want to work up to about 5 days of cardio per week for best results.

Lift weights at least 3 times a week

Weight lifting and strength training is an absolute must when trying to lose weight as it makes it easier to build muscle. Why is that important? When you build muscle, your metabolism increases, allowing you to burn more calories. Building muscle is also great for bone health, as bones get stronger as muscle builds. For beginners, 2-3 days of weight lifting per week is sufficient, but eventually you’ll want to work your way up to 3-5 days per week depending on your schedule.

don’t go too fast

Trying to do too much too fast is just as detrimental to your adherence to a fitness program as not doing enough. Too often, people try to do too much at first and end up burning out after 2-3 weeks and falling back into old habits. The typical 4-week weight-loss guru on Instagram touts a 20-pound weight-loss program that’s easy to follow, but truth be told, those programs are not stickable and don’t encourage lasting healthy habits. Don’t get sucked into these “inspirational” 4 week transformations because most of the time, those people end up gaining that weight back and then some in a couple of weeks. Choose the slow and steady approach, you are much more likely to succeed!

Set realistic short- and long-term goals

To complement the above, setting realistic goals provides more stable results. Aiming for 0.5-1 pound of weight loss per week is a very realistic goal and possible for almost anyone, no matter how overweight or not. If your goal is an average of 2-4 pounds of weight loss per month over the course of a year, that’s 24-48 pounds lost in a year! Not to mention, you’ll have established long-lasting healthy habits that you can continue for the rest of your life.

Don’t take supplements to burn fat.

They are usually a waste of money packaged with fancy advertising and less than true claims about how they work. Most “fat burning” supplements don’t actually burn fat! If they do something, they help you burn more calories by increasing your metabolic rate, which can lead to weight loss, but if you don’t burn more calories than you consume, then you won’t lose weight. Some supplements will claim they can “target belly fat” which is absurd. There are no supplements that target fat in specific parts of your body, that’s not how your body works. When you’re losing fat, fat cells shrink throughout the body, and everyone reacts differently. You are better off spending your time and money focusing on your nutrition plan and making sure you burn more calories than you consume.

Spend most of your time and effort on your eating plan

As I mentioned earlier, you will only lose weight if you burn more calories than you consume. Since diet accounts for about 70-80% of your results, you should spend the majority of your time on this aspect of your fitness program. Meal prep takes less time than you think and will make your entire week so much easier. Meal prep takes all the guesswork out of what food to eat next because your meals are already prepped and ready for you to heat up and eat.

Don’t drink liquid calories

Liquid calories are sure to derail your weight loss journey for many reasons. One of those reasons is that it contains extra (often sugary) calories that don’t help you feel full. Now, having protein shakes is still acceptable, as long as it’s just whey protein without the added added sugar. The extra protein will help you recover for the next workout. The liquid calories that you should avoid are sugary drinks (juices, Gatorade, soda, etc…) and alcohol. Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram compared to carbohydrates and protein, which have 4 calories per gram and also have additional carbohydrates attached. Alcohol can also disrupt your sleep cycle, and getting your restful sleep is a critical part of recovery. What about the wine? While some are good for heart health, they still contain those extra calories you probably don’t need.

Drink half your body weight in ounces of water

Most of your body is made up of water, so be sure to drink! A good rule of thumb for how much water you should drink in a day is half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water per day.

Don’t focus on the scale

This may seem counterintuitive, but hear me out. It’s a great feeling to see the numbers get smaller every week on that scale and it can give you a tremendous sense of accomplishment. When you start to level off and the numbers on the scale don’t change as often, it can be easy to get discouraged. It’s important to remember that the scale only tells part of the story when it comes to results, so don’t put all your value on what the scale says. One more important measurement to also pay attention to is body fat percentage. When used in conjunction with the scale, your body fat percentage can help you determine how much of your body is fat mass and how much is fat-free mass. It’s not uncommon for the scale not to change much, but the percentage of body fat does. If you stay the same weight and your body fat percentage goes down, then you’re a rock star! This means that he was able to decrease his fat mass and increase his lean body mass (most likely muscle mass)! Circumference measurements and progress pictures are also more helpful in determining progress than scale.

Focus on improving your overall fitness

Sometimes it’s best to shift your focus to different, but related goals to boost your results. Instead of weighing yourself weekly, try to track and improve your fitness levels, such as improving your run time on a 3-mile run, or instead of running 3 miles, try doing 4 or 5. For strength, focus in trying to lift heavy weights and improve their overall strength levels. You can also try different programs to improve the number of push-ups or pull-ups you can do. The main point is to stop focusing on the scale and work on your strength, flexibility, or cardiovascular fitness.

If you’re ready to start your fitness journey, make sure you’re ready to change your entire lifestyle. If you don’t feel like you’re ready to do that, then ask yourself why. What prevents you from changing your life to improve your health? If you’re having trouble answering these questions, please let me know and let’s get started on your path to a healthier you!

Health Fitness

What does sleep deprivation look like?

Many people don’t realize how sleep deprived they are. Do you think that the moment your head touches the pillow you fall asleep is it normal? Do you think you should want to take a nap during your lunch hour or as soon as you get home from work? Do you get frustrated or angry easily? These are all signs that you are sleep deprived.

It is even more difficult to determine sleep deprivation in children. Many children act differently than adults when they are chronically tired. The problem is that sleep deprivation and sleep apnea symptoms in children are a lot like ADHD. Children will become agitated and have trouble concentrating. They become very active during the day instead of tired.

Sleep apnea also looks different. They will snore or breathe with their mouths open. They may have some interruptions during sleep, but not always. They can go round and round a lot. However, many times the lack of sleep is due to parents not sending our children to bed early enough. They may also be woken up too early. Children need longer hours of sleep, and if you keep them up too late, they miss important periods of sleep that allow them to produce growth hormone and consolidate their memories.

In adults, lack of sleep shows up as both short- and long-term memory problems because the brain can’t process memories. It can also prevent the brain from having the time it needs to clear out waste. This can affect memory and contribute to morning headaches.

You may experience other symptoms such as fatigue and sleepiness, headaches, and snacking. I am aware that snacking sounds like a strange symptom, however, when our brain is tired we often misinterpret the signal as being hungry and make poor decisions that lead to snacking.

Everyone has their own symptoms. This is not an exhaustive list of symptoms, but it does give you a place to start considering what in your life is caused by sleep and is it worth giving up 1-2 hours of sleep a night for your health?

Health Fitness

Super Thin Diet – Is the Super Thin Diet Safe?

If you’re someone who has struggled to lose weight over the years (the dreaded yo-yo dieting merry-go-round), then you know that fad diets come and go. Most promise that you will lose a lot of weight quickly. One of the newer fad diets to hit the scene is called the Super Slim Diet. This diet claims that you will lose up to 10 pounds in just 10 days.

Who wouldn’t want to experience that?

The promise of quick and easy weight loss is what draws most people to seek this diet plan, but is the Suddenly Slim diet safe?

First, let’s talk about the products that are a main part of this plan. There are three products involved:

Reneu – an herbal supplement that cleanses and detoxifies the body

Body FX – A meal replacement shake powder that mixes with milk

Slim ‘N Up – an herbal supplement that reduces hunger and increases energy

The supplements contain herbs found in similar dietary formulas such as: Green Tea, Chromium Picolinate, Dandelion Root, Kola Note, Chitin, Garcinia Campogia, Hydroxycitric Acid, Cayenne Pepper, L-Carnitine, and many more. While it is a common notion that all herbal remedies are safe. In fact, this is a myth. Herbal ingredients can raise blood pressure, cause heart palpitations, nervousness, organ damage, etc.

You may or may not be sensitive to any of the herbs listed above. Another concern is that the amount of each herb in Suddenly Slim formulations is unknown. The manufacturers of these types of dietary supplements do not disclose their formulations, so you don’t know if you are getting too much or too little of an ingredient to conclude if you are going to have a good or bad reaction.

If this concerns you, you should do some research on the herbal ingredients in diet pills and their effects before you make the decision to put them in your body. These companies use the lure of quick weight loss to lure you in, but remember, there was a time when ephedra was a main ingredient in diet pills and shakes. Ephedra was once touted as “safe” and a miracle weight loss cure. That is, until people started ending up in the hospital after taking it.

Even though Slim suddenly doesn’t contain ephedra anymore (yes, it did at one point), you still need to be careful. He may know someone who has lost a lot of weight with this program; some programs work very well for some people. This does not mean that he will experience the same type of success.

If you’ve tried to lose weight with diet pills and shakes before and then gained back every pound you lost, or lost no weight at all, then there’s a good chance you’ll experience the same results with the Suddenly Slim plan.


Because crash diets like this offer only a temporary solution. Sure, he can lose a few pounds and feel great for a month or so, but then he’ll tire of taking supplements and drinking diet shakes that leave him hungry and cranky. In addition, the expense of having to buy the products each month will affect your budget.

Many people have reported initial success with Suddenly Slim, but then say they have gained the weight back. The reason is simple: using supplements and shakes to lose weight is not a very good long-term weight loss strategy. Also, this plan claims that you can pretty much eat whatever you want at restaurants while on their plan.

Yes of course. Have you seen the portions they serve in restaurants lately?

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you if the Suddenly Slim diet plan is safe for you, because everyone is different, the effects this diet will have on your body are unknown. However, I can tell you which diets really work: a diet plan that is grounded in reality and includes proper nutrition and moderate exercise, and also helps you achieve realistic weight loss for life.

You can choose a temporary solution like Lose Weight Suddenly, or you can choose a weight loss plan that guides you to look and feel better for the rest of your life. You can choose a plan that really teaches you how to stay slim and healthy. If you do it right, you’ll never have to look at a fad diet plan again.

Health Fitness

Weight cutting techniques for judo

do weight techniques

There are so many different ways to gain weight and sometimes it can be very confusing to know how or what you are going to do. Making the weight can be difficult or easy; it all depends on how you approach it.

Many things must be taken into account when preparing for a competition. This may include dieting before competition, sauna, starvation or moving up a class. In this article I am going to give a brief summary of the different techniques that people use and the theory behind each one. This will not be an article on what exactly to do, it is a summary of the techniques used, to learn more do some research.

Diet before competition

Many people believe in dieting before the competition. To burn off the last ounce of fat so that their entire body weight is all muscle, they typically diet with a low-protein dinner or no dinner at all. To lose weight you must burn MORE calories than you put into your body. Many studies suggest that having 3 meals a day slows down your basal metabolic rate or BMR (metabolism), but by having 6 small meals a day, your BMR always increases, resulting in burning more calories throughout the day.

Depending on how much weight you have to lose, you may need to start dieting 6 weeks before the competition.

Many people find dieting to be the most difficult opponent in judo. Dieting requires constant discipline and control and can be very mentally taxing preparing meals, knowing what to eat and what not to eat, as well as eating enough so that you don’t burn out or get sick.

Low carb diet:

Low carb diets are very popular. There are many versions, but they are all very similar. The same says eat carbs for breakfast and lunch, but none after 2 pm, and a protein dinner, while others say no dinner at all.

A very important rule of thumb when it comes to diet is: ‘if you’re losing weight, don’t change your diet. Once stabilized, change diet.” When dieting, be sure to talk to a professional or do your own research so you’re doing everything right. Experience has shown me that on a low-carb diet I don’t start losing weight for no reason. about 2 weeks so within those 2 weeks I was training like crazy and since I wasn’t losing any weight I was dieting even harder and stricter and I would end up exhausted and get some kind of illness like the flu so listen to your body and adjust your diet accordingly.

The dark side of low carb diets

The human body uses 4 sources of energy, these are fats, carbohydrates, proteins and alcohol. But the brain (the control center of the human body) only uses carbohydrates for energy. It doesn’t use any other source of energy, so if your muscles don’t have energy, your brain doesn’t have it either. This is why on a low carb diet you are tired, lethargic, sleepy and mentally drained. Many athletes don’t like to follow a low-carb diet because you can’t train as hard or for as long on a low-carb diet. This is bad because before a competition you want to be training 100% without feeling tired, exhausted and mentally drained.

Using a low carb diet (and dieting in general) is all about trial and error, the more times you compete and gain weight the better you know how your body reacts and feels.

Low residue diets

Low residue diets (Fiber) are used mainly in the last week or week and a half before the competition. The stomach can hold an average weight of 4kg for a man (75kg) and a girl (60kg) 2kg and it may not take up to 1 week to remove that weight from the stomach. Low fiber diets are not used to flush the stomach, but rather to make sure that what you eat doesn’t stay in your stomach. It goes in and out due to the fact that it contains minimal fiber. These diets are great because you can eat things like white bread, crackers, rice bubbles, etc. and you know they won’t sit in your stomach unnecessarily weighing you down.

Another negative aspect of low fiber diets is the fact that these foods do not contain vitamins and minerals. I recommended to her that on any diet she should take multivitamins and minerals to supplement any that may be missing from her regular diet.


Diuretics are a drug used to remove fluid and food from the body by making you go to the bathroom often. I personally have never used diuretics but I have friends who have used them before. Some athletes take celery tablets and this supposedly makes you go to the bathroom more often.

Another technique that people do is to drink up to 6 liters of water a day for 2 weeks outside of competition and you can imagine how often you would go to the bathroom drinking that amount. Then in the last week they drink as little as possible. The theory behind this is to trick your body into thinking that it is retaining water so that it continues to be eliminated.

I think this is bad for 2 reasons. Your bladder is working too hard and the human body is smarter than that.

Also, 2 weeks after the competition, I would not like to have 2 kg more weight due to excess water, mentally that is not good.

One of the most popular theories is that drinking caffeine dries you out, this is true to a degree. Let me explain: if you drink 1 liter of water, your body can retain 600 ml and therefore excrete 400 ml. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means that if you drink 1 liter, your body will only retain 200 ml and excrete the rest. So people assume that it helps you lose weight, but in reality your body just retains less, that’s all.

This theory is similar to the negative calorie theory with celery.

cutting weight

Cutting weight is the term used when you must sweat and eat as little as possible to gain weight. This is the most common technique used to gain weight not only in judo, but also in wrestling, boxing, and even horse racing. Some athletes can lose up to 6kg in the sauna depending on their weight division and also how much muscle mass they have. The amount of muscle is very important because muscle is 70% water, therefore the more muscle you have, the more water you can lose in the sauna.

There are 4 ways to lose weight in the sauna.

Fully clothed: Some athletes go into the sauna with a lot of clothes on and they sweat that way. This is a great way to warm up quickly, but once you start sweating, your clothes get wet and I think it cools you down, making your skin excrete less sweat.

Work out there: push-ups, boxing, star jumps, you name it. What these athletes don’t understand is that once your body temperature has risen, you start to sweat. These athletes don’t know that once their core temperature rises they will start sweating, it doesn’t just keep rising, once it rises it stays at that level. Sweat can only break out so fast and more exercise will only waste your energy.

I found out that many women can’t lose much weight in the sauna, I recommended these girls to go for a run or exercise in the sauna.

Sitting in swimmers: Sitting in the sauna is, I think, the best way to lose weight. Just sit there and continually wipe all the sweat off your body. This will encourage more sweat to come out.

Baby Oil – Some people put baby oil all over their skin and the theory behind it is to clog the skin pores. This will raise your core temperature, which will result in more sweating. I think this method is stupid because why do you make it difficult for your body to sweat by clogging the pores? Shouldn’t you let the sweat out?

How long do you do sauna?

Some people like to sweat it out in a big hit (it saves money, too), but if you have a little to lose and don’t mind paying, try losing weight in a couple of days. For example, if I fight on Sunday, I’ll do a little sauna on Friday and then I’ll sit arvo and maybe if I’m lucky and underweight, I’ll have something for dinner. It all depends on the athlete and how comfortable he is doing it the way he wants.

I don’t lose weight in the sauna?

I don’t know why, but some women just don’t lose weight in the sauna. For these people I recommend buying a sauna suit and going for a run or a bike ride or something. Just fix yourself and do it, maybe these girls need to go and exercise in the sauna that can help them.

Can’t find a sauna?

If you can’t find a sauna, here are a couple of options.

– Put on lots of layers of winter clothing and go for a run or sit on an exercise bike and ride hard.

– Put on the mat and sit in a car with the heating on full blast.

– Turn on the hot shower in the bathroom and let it get nice and steamy, sit there and get sweaty. (Just don’t burn yourself).

– Sitting in a hot bath and sweating like that.

Should I move up a weight division?

If you’re sick of gaining weight and sauna and everything else, just move up a weight division. It all depends on what you want to do in judo. Are you a recreational or competitive gamer, even then what are your goals? Can you move up a weight division and still be competitive internationally, if not nationally? It all depends on what you want from judo.

Some athletes, especially heavyweights, can afford to give up some weight, as long as they are faster than their heavier opponents. For example, Kurt Angle gave away around 10 kg when he wrestled. Another example is the heavyweight girl from Slovenia. She fights +78 and only weighs 85 kg. She is so fast and strong that she placed second in the 2007 open world championships.

To learn more about the different ways to pull the weight, ask some of the older competitors how they did the weight. Also do some research on the internet and find what is best for you, remember that trial and error is the only way to hone the weight comfortably.

I hope this report has helped you think about how you will approach the problem of weight gain next time.

mate d’aquino

Health Fitness

Diet Plans For Women: Top Tips For Finding Diets That Work For Women

While there is no shortage of diets available today, it can be difficult to find diet plans for women that actually deliver results. While you want to lose weight, you want to make sure you lose that weight for good. The last thing you want is to lose a few pounds, only to gain them back in a few weeks. For this reason, it is important to look for diets that work. Women often have special concerns when choosing a diet plan, since a woman’s body is very different from a man’s body. To help you find a female-friendly diet that really delivers results, here are some important tips to keep in mind.

Tip #1 – Consider your lifestyle. One of the main reasons women have difficulty sticking to a diet is because the diet simply doesn’t fit their lifestyle. That’s why it’s so important to really consider your lifestyle when it comes to choosing diet plans for women. If you are a stay at home mom, you may find it easier to stick to healthy foods since you have your kitchen there with you throughout the day. However, if you work outside the home and are constantly busy, you’ll need to find a diet plan that fits your hectic lifestyle. If the diet plan doesn’t fit your lifestyle, you won’t stick with it, so look for a good plan that you can incorporate into your lifestyle for the best results.

Tip #2 – Don’t give up everything you like. Another tip to follow when trying to find diets that work for women is to avoid giving up everything you love for a diet plan. Many women follow extremely restrictive diets that force them to give up all their favorite foods. This often leads to binge eating and guilt, making it harder to lose weight. Choose a good diet that allows you to enjoy your favorite foods in moderation while shedding those extra pounds. Dieting isn’t about giving up your favorite foods, it’s about making healthier choices while still enjoying food.

Tip #3 – Remember that Protein is Important. While looking for a good diet plan, remember that protein is extremely important for women. Don’t opt ​​for plans that eliminate protein sources. Your body needs protein for strong muscles. Eating healthy protein will help you as you work to build muscle, and more muscle will help boost your metabolism, resulting in more weight loss. Plenty of protein is always important, so don’t go on a low protein diet.

Tip #4 – Don’t forget to eat the fats.. It sounds counterintuitive, but you still need to get fat in your diet: the good fats! Essential fats can be found in numerous natural products. Stay away from saturated fat and focus on foods with unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fats are divided into monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, both types of which are believed to have beneficial effects on cholesterol levels. and some vegetable oils.

Tip #5 – Focus on something other than losing weight. While you definitely want to lose some weight, you need to focus on more than just weight loss when it comes to choosing diet plans for women. You want to choose a diet that is good for your overall health. This means that you must eat a well-balanced diet. Make sure your diet provides you with enough calcium so that it can work to prevent osteoporosis. Your diet should include other nutrient-dense foods that will help prevent diseases like heart disease and cancer. While losing weight is important, it’s also important to eat with your overall health in mind for the best results.

Health Fitness

Book Summary: Functional Combat Conditioning Exercises for Fitness and Combat Sports by Matt Furey

Combat Conditioning was the first book to introduce me to bodyweight exercises for functional strength and endurance. I was the kind of guy in high school sports who was the proverbial “talentless clown.” What I mean by this is that I was very strong but the natural talent eluded me. I always promised that there are people who are much more talented, but they would never let me work. Growing up on the exercise craze of the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie “Pumping Iron” led me to weightlifting with all my friends. Now when you’re young and you just lift weights to see how strong you are, bad things end up happening. When I got a physical before the start of college football season, the doctor looked at me and said politely, “Hey, idiot, have you ever heard of stretching?” Needless to say, the search for a better way to exercise and gain functional strength began. Lawyer Note: I hate these but they are important. With any exercise routine, check with your doctor to make sure you can perform these routines.

Why is this important to me?

This book will help you gain knowledge about bodyweight exercises that help in three areas: Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility. If these three things are not important to you, save yourself 5 minutes and turn the video off. Otherwise, continue with me.

Have you ever seen any of the following: great MMA fighters, the Cirque du Soleil, or a gymnastics competition? All of these phenomenal athletes have functional strength. This means that they can do things with their bodies that 90 percent of the population cannot. The good news is that 90 percent can do these things if you change your exercise routines. Another book you should check out is Convict Conditioning. This focused more on muscle, joint, and tendon strength. What’s beneficial about that is that you can maintain that strength well into your seventies.

Don’t get me wrong, any type of exercise is better than none. If you’re not doing anything and start lifting weights, keep doing it. But if you want an inexpensive way to exercise with compounding results, this book is for you. A big problem with weight lifting itself is that it uses muscle isolation. This means that if you curl then you isolate the movement to the biceps muscle. This does nothing to create functional force for your tendons or joints. The human body was designed to work together, so why not cut your workout short and do compound exercises to maximize your results? If you did a simple pull-up, you’re still working your biceps, but you’re also engaging your back, forearms, shoulders, and core along with building functional strength.

Matt describes his Holy Grail of working out, which he coins in the Royal Court. I will explain each exercise.

The Hindu squat is an excellent exercise. When you start out, you can do a half squat with your arms in front of you parallel to the floor, but as you progress and build strength in your knees, you’ll want to do a full squat with the back of your thighs touching the floor. back of your calves.

Strong legs do the body good. When you work on your legs, you engage your entire body and burn calories all day, even after exercise. Legs consist of the largest muscles in your body and you can tell the next day when they are sore.

When doing hind squats, work your way up to doing 3 sets of 100. Doing the actual chop in 3-set cycles is a great exercise that doesn’t take a lot of time. If you’re traveling, this is a perfect routine because it doesn’t take a lot of time.

The Hindu pushup is different from a regular pushup. Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your butt in the air. Push off with an arching motion (similar to downward facing dog in Yoga). Try to work up to 3 sets of 50 repetitions. If you’ve never done this before and can only do a couple, don’t be discouraged. Like anything new, it takes practice to build.

This exercise will help you with strength, back flexibility, and stamina. Enjoy!

The rear axle gets a lot of bad press. People think it’s bad for the back and neck. Like anything else, do what is comfortable for you.

You can match three shapes. Think of this as an exercise and NOT a stretch. You will feel your body warm up doing this exercise.

You can start with an exercise ball if you can’t do the neck bridge. Then, as you progress, you can move on to neck bridge (overhead) and then gymnastics bridge (arms off).

Keep in mind that if you have never done them before, they will seem difficult at first. Do not get frustrated. Before she started doing bridgework, she had excruciating pain in her neck and back. Imagine why he was only doing heavy lifting with squats and bench presses. Anyway, when I started doing the bridge, all the pain was gone.

The back and neck stretch feels great and the results will speak for themselves. Note: DO NOT force this exercise. Take your time and build for it.

Combat Conditioning is a great book to introduce you to bodyweight exercises for functional strength, endurance, and flexibility. He was watching a discovery show where they were making a martial arts video game. They showed a man doing a unique exercise.

There were telephone surveys on the ground at different heights in two rows. He would jump from one to the other and land on one leg. He would jump onto the other and do a one legged full squat with the other leg fully extended into a kick position. This is a true test of functional strength and flexibility. Oh, by the way, this man was 75 years old. Results that last a lifetime are something I always strive for.

I hope you found this short summary useful. The key to any new idea is to work it into your daily routine until it becomes a habit. Habits are formed in as little as 21 days. One thing you can take away from this book is the royal court. Try it as part of your exercise routine for a month and record your progress. I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Health Fitness

Ice Cream, Chocolate and Anxiety

You say so: these three words don’t seem to have anything in common. Anyway, I have to wear them together, like you do.

In fact, I came to know from anxiety sufferers that many of them have more anxiety symptoms when they eat these sweets.

The same can be said about drinking coffee. Drinking contributes to anxiety. If the coffee is taken as a short espresso, as the Italians do, it does not influence the nervous system. On the other hand, if you brew your coffee American-style, too much caffeine dissolves in the water and can then harm you. If you limit your intake of this coffee, that’s fine. Limiting it means not drinking more than a maximum of two cups. If you have the same problems with these foods, try not to eat them.

There are many other good nutrient sweets or stimulating drinks or foods that do not harm your body and especially do not harm your nervous system.

Instead of eating ice cream, try soft serve ice cream that is less cold. Or try drinking ovaltine instead of eating chocolate. By the way, ovaltine is now also available as a crunchy snack. It does not do you any harm and also provides you with some vitamins. The ones that are good for the nerves. And it contains no white sugar. Sugar as such is good for people with anxiety, stress, and panic attacks. However, it is better to use fruit sugar or cane sugar instead of white sugar. You can also find cookies made with fruit sugar.

Ginger root can also be a good alternative. It’s not sweet but it gives you the boost you get from coffee. Try ginger root dipped in a (sweetened) syrup. One must get used to the taste. If you like it, it will help you in many ways. First, it stimulates you when you are very tired. It satisfies you with its sweetness. So it helps you boost your immune system. You won’t be eating truckloads, which is good for your weight.

Just a little piece of chocolate (possibly dark) can calm your system and help your brain. If you have heart problems, dark chocolate is good for that. Protects the heart and blood vessels. Chocolate must be dark, that is, do not eat milk chocolate. The cocoa it contains must be above 80%.

You see, there are many good foods that can help you overcome anxiety and stress. If eaten in moderation, they do not cause any weight gain.

Health Fitness

Weight Loss Tips and Tricks for Effective Weight Loss

Everyone wants to look good today, especially the youth. But more and more people understand that looking good doesn’t have to be healthy, and being healthy is more important than just looking good. Of course, the best deal would be to look good and healthy.

Many would assume that you can simply lose some weight or pockets of unwanted fat here and there on your body; and that constitutes weight loss for good health. But nothing is further from the truth. Losing weight and staying healthy is burning more calories than you take in.

Your optimal weight is measured by your BMI, which relates your height and weight measurements to the amount of fat on your body. More and more Americans are overweight today as they consume more saturated fat or processed foods that attract more disease.

Losing weight is usually easy for many, but the challenge is to maintain the weight loss. However, if you adopt a weight loss program on a regular basis, it will be easy.

tips and tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to make your weight loss program work effectively.

Eat more foods with low nutritional value, such as fresh fruits and green vegetables; these contain fewer calories and are high in fiber, which translates to faster weight loss and keeping extra weight at bay. Avoid highly saturated fatty foods, such as fried foods, as extra fat is always stored as excess fat.

Part of the weight loss maintenance program calls for a smaller selection of foods, especially snack foods. The fewer options you have in front of you, the less tempted you’ll be to binge.

Drinking plenty of water or low-calorie beverages is a great way to keep your weight steady as you fill up on water instead of fat.

Listen to your mom who always tells you to chew your food. There is a lot of truth to that advice, as it would take you longer to finish your meal, which would make you feel fuller than if you were to gobble down quickly.

It is crucial to stabilize the amount of sugar in the blood to maintain weight loss. This can be accomplished by eating the right types of foods, such as whole grains and dried beans, which release their glucose slowly into the bloodstream.

Others who love hot pepper have the advantage of another way to maintain their weight loss by having a little hot pepper with mustard in their meals. This easily increases the body’s metabolism by 25%.

Changing certain foods will help, such as using low-fat, sour cream instead of full cream. Changing the way you cook or prepare your food gives you more control to maintain your weight loss.

There are so many ways that you can work to lose weight and keep it off.