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Be diligent at work and then give generously to others

It is difficult to consider giving when you have very little to spare and there is no hope of receiving much in the future; but consider this. When times are tough financially, it is the perfect time to invest in someone or something outside of your situation. What we make happen for others will result in the same happening for us. It all starts with giving our time, talents and financial resources to those in need.

It is easy for most people to give on vacations or on special occasions, but we tend to forget that giving has benefits far beyond our human understanding. In its simplest form, giving is a way of expressing love, care, or concern for another person. Imagine the impact of giving a hug, a smile, or even a positive comment to make someone else’s day better. It benefits both the giver and the receiver; And yet there is much more to be exchanged in the process. Did you know that when we freely give to each other, we are creating a phenomenal flow of goodwill, healing, and blessing in the spiritual realm?

In the mid-1980s I lost my job due to an antitrust lawsuit against AT&T. Companies withdrew, others were left in limbo, and sadly, I was caught up in the confusion and out of work. I had several job offers in other cities, but when I responded, the departments or positions had been dissolved. I ended up moving back to the Midwest in hopes of starting my life over; But all the doors were closed and I was stuck with a house in Florida that would not sell. Someone I knew suggested that I volunteer my time in the new community as a way to keep myself busy and not dwell on the complications of life. So instead of being discouraged, I volunteered at a local hospital as a visiting patient. This was very difficult for me because I do not like hospitals or being around sick people and yet I was forced to take the volunteer position. My assignment was to deliver toys and books to the children in the cancer ward. Words could never express the overwhelming compassion I felt for these children. I was facing financial uncertainty, but these children faced death. This experience awakened in me the desire to give generously to others. I gave my time and talent, and I also wanted to give money, but without a job it was a big challenge. Within a few weeks, a very peculiar job offer came in from a headhunting service. It didn’t look attractive at first glance, but instinctively I knew I had entered a supernatural flow because before I could accept the job offer, my home in Florida sold and I closed a beautiful new home almost simultaneously. AT&T also called to offer me more positions; But the biggest opportunity came a few months later, while I was in this new job. I was asked to represent the company at a local fundraising event. It was the best thing that could have happened to me. I finally had a platform on which to pool my time, talents, and the community to raise funds for local organizations.

It was during this experience that the Spirit of God began to show me that my purpose of accumulating wealth should never be limited to my own needs. He said that the prosperous man or woman is one who will work hard to meet the needs of the poor as well. I will never forget how he told me that there was no shortage of resources on earth. He said that there was more than enough wealth and resources to rid the earth of poverty, but that it was in the hands of selfish people. Years later, the Lord would give me a business model that incorporated the methods the early apostles used to meet the needs of the poor. According to God, the root cause of poverty and all the financial problems in America is that we have become a nation of recipients rather than donors. We don’t understand that prosperity flows when we give it to others. When we give freely, it will be returned to us, largely pressed, shaken, and overflowing (Luke 6:38). Don’t take my word for it. Try it yourself. Before you know it, blessings will start to flow over you and those around you. It may not seem logical, but it is Sword of God; and works!