Health Fitness

A simple exercise that can develop your charisma to powerfully seductive levels

As you sit there now, reading these words, arranged together to give you the perspective you want, imagine what it would be like if you had incredible social power. If you had that magnetism that made everyone turn and look when you walked into a room. You could stand there, knowing that all the people watching you were waiting for you to choose them to speak. That you would spend your precious time exchanging words with them, which, of course, would naturally and automatically increase their pleasure and happiness, making those around you yearn for your presence even more.

Sound exaggerated? Well, it isn’t. Not really. Some specific practice is needed. And a little time. But just as you can increase the size of your biceps by doing curls a few times a week, you can increase your charisma with some simple, targeted exercises. One of the most common misconceptions about social skills is that they are innate. That some people have them and others don’t. Lucky for you, that’s not true. You can safely build them as you can develop those ripped abs that you have hidden under your shirt.

One of my passions is self-improvement and self-realization. And one of the most enjoyed topics on my blob is how to easily develop charisma and great social skills. I have written many articles about it, as I have been an explorer of the mind for many years. One of the greatest discoveries of human potential is that almost EVERYTHING can be improved through specific practice and the constant application of certain exercises. Here you will learn how to do social “exercises” that will greatly improve your “charismatic” muscle.

One of the secrets of charisma is the mindset and the belief that you have everything you need within you. You enter all social situations completely devoid of hidden needs or secret agendas. It is enough for you to engage in friendly conversation meant to make others feel more empowered and enlightened. When you have this quality, people will sense it immediately before they even speak to you and will crave your attention. The reason for this is that most people walk with various unexpected needs, which can appear as fears, hidden agendas, and neediness. No one likes to talk to someone when they feel that the other person “wants something” from them, be it money, affection or whatever.

But when YOU move through the world, free from any agenda and desire for others to meet your needs, you will come across as different, powerful, and incredibly charismatic. How do you develop this trait? Just for practice. The way to do this is to consciously remember to find out something interesting about the person you’re talking to, and then let them know that you appreciate that about them. Once you discover something great about them and let them know in no uncertain terms that you appreciate that about them, politely leave the conversation. Remember, this is like doing curls for your muscular charisma. Every time you do this, interact, find something cool, appreciate it and walk away, give yourself a point. The more points you accumulate over time, the more charismatic you will become. Of course, if you start talking about yourself, you lose points.

If you think of this as an exercise and set goals for yourself, like three points a week, you will steadily develop an increasingly magnetic personality. And you can do this anywhere, anytime, anywhere. Waiting in line at the supermarket, sitting on the bus, every time you see your next door neighbor. If this sounds scary, start slow. Maybe one point a week. But just like physical exercise, the more you do this, the easier it becomes, and the more outgoing and magnetically charismatic you become. Before long you have a glow that is almost unheard of in today’s “me” society. And THAT will get you more money, love, recognition, and sex (or whatever you want) than you ever thought possible.