
Pandemic: Student Mental Health, Struggles and Advice

Our mind is very powerful. When we think of something, whether good or bad; whatever it is, we would immediately be influenced as if our thought had a life of its own. We act and materialize them. They said that we all have two wolves living inside of us, the good one and the bad one. And our perception of reality depends on what we are feeding the most. When we’re jealous, depressed, stressed, frustrated, and fighting anxiety, we’re feeding the bad guy. But when we are loved, happy, grateful, and hopeful, and we think of something positive, we are actually feeding the good. Everything depends on us, on our perception of reality. Our ultimate defense in times like this is through positive thinking and managing our mental health.

There has been a rise in cases of student suicide struggling to cope with and embrace this “sudden and major change” in academic learning. Common reasons include: financial problems, lack of devices for the online class, poor and unstable internet connection, and pressure to participate in the online class.

Recently, a 21-year-old student from Sta. Elena, Iriga, Camarines Sur committed suicide due to economic problems and pressure to participate in online classes. According to the investigation, the victim’s parents are unaware of any personal issues other than her problems participating in an online class due to the unstable network connection in their area and lack of technological resources. This is the third case of education-related suicide. The first was on June 16, from Sto. Sunday and the other was on August 15 from the same place. This 19-year-old high school student hanged himself to death on June 16 after worrying that her family could not afford the electronic equipment needed for her to study online for the upcoming academic year. This anonymous student told her parents how sorry he was for causing “additional expense” to her family already struggling in Albay province, south of Manila.

“Depressions and emotional breakdowns among students and parents are likely in the midst of this ongoing health crisis, because many students in public schools come from poor families,” Gilbert T. Sadsad, director of the school, told reporters. Local Department of Education office. . Also, despite all the complaints and frustrations from students and educational institutions, DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones urged students to be resilient to avoid education-related deaths.

Similarly, studies indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with distress, anxiety, fear of contagion, depression, and insomnia in the general population and among health professionals. Ahmed et al. conducted an online survey of 1,074 Chinese and found elevated rates of anxiety, depression, harmful use of alcohol, and decreased mental well-being. Anxiety and depression rates were highest among 21- to 40-year-olds compared to other age groups.

All of this stems from our most commonly overlooked aspect of our health, making seeing a psychologist and other mental health experts unlikely and expensive. Those suicide cases reported in the news were not about the problem itself, but how we handle it is the main issue of whether it is healthy or not; acceptable or not.

Here are 10 tips to help you manage your mental health in this pandemic, especially for students who are struggling to adjust to their current situation.

1. Be open to others

Your family, relatives, friends or that special person are always there for you. Everyone loves you more than you think. When you have problems and you felt like you were already giving up. Talk to them. Don’t be afraid to share your load.

2. Surround yourself with people who are good for your growth

They said, “birds with the same feathers came together.” So be careful who you choose to be friends with. Choose upbeat people who can lift you up when you’re down. Choose people with the same interests as yours. Achieve things together.

3. Do healthy activities and minimize the use of your phone

In your spare time, try to do healthy activities like painting, writing poems, playing musical instruments, reading books, etc. It will lead you to discover more of yourself. Cultivate and develop talents. You don’t have to update all the events of your life on social networks and listen and be influenced by the superficiality and opinions of people.

4. Spend more time on yourself

Talk to yourself about those important things that happened in your life. Acknowledge your mistakes. Evaluate yourself through SWOT analysis or knowing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a given situation. To be more productive, we must first know ourselves and what we can do.

5. If possible, do some meditation

Meditation has been shown to have many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, relieving confusion, managing depression and anxiety. It will help you see the problem and how to fix it. When a person meditates, his mind will have a reset button pressed that will help him see more clearly and solve the problem efficiently.

6. Choose positive music

Positive music will make you feel powerful whatever the genre. When you hear music that talks about overcoming struggles and the inspiring stories behind the lyrics, you’ll feel empowered. Studies show that people are influenced by the music they listen to and we can say that a person chooses their music.

7. Exercise

Not only to our physical body, but when we exercise it we create a positive vibe. Your body releases stress-relieving and mood-boosting endorphins before and after you exercise, which is why exercise is a powerful antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression.

8. Help someone

Helping someone with their problem and their struggles and seeing it after you have helped them is one of the priceless expressions that you can see. You will feel lighter.

9. Having or knowing your purpose

No matter how bad the situation is, as long as you know where you are going and what you are at, nothing can stop you. Fall 10 times but get up 20 times.

10. Take a break

If it seems that you are drowning in your problems. Take a break. Take a walk on the beach. Sleep well. Treat yourself with your favorite dish. buy yourself something And after that, get up and fight again.

Here is a piece of wisdom for you: never let yourself be defeated without even trying to fight.


Why loyalty is important in a good friendship

What makes a good friendship? I have been asked this many times and after much contemplation my answer is “loyalty”. I have decided to build an article around the word that I feel is very important to any friendship and, of course, that word is “loyalty”.

The loyalty of a friend is a wonderful virtue. When loyalty is lacking, other values ​​will certainly suffer in any friendship. This is a quality to look for in a friend, as friendships can be very complicated at times, but loyalty between friends will keep the friendship together. When asked how deep is my loyalty to my friends, I always reply with this quote from an unknown author: “if all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t follow them, I’d be at the bottom to catch them.” them when they fall off.” You see, I’m loyal and I’m very proud of it. Remember that a good friend is someone who walks into your world when the rest of your world is walking out.

Wasn’t it Huber Humphrey who said that “good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget”? If he didn’t say so, I’ll take credit for it because that’s how I feel about loyalty and friendship. Do you have a friend with whom you dare to be really yourself? Do you trust her with thoughts that almost strip you naked? Do you both speak your mind (as long as it’s genuine) and not feel on your guard? Just knowing that you’re with someone who understands loyalty in your friendship, what a wonderful feeling that is. With this friend you can cry with her, laugh with her, pray with her, and never feel bad about exposing who you really are. Remember that loyalty is built over time; very few people take the time to be true friends.

My mother always told me that a best friend is like a four leaf clover, very hard to find and very lucky to have.

Loyalty as it relates to friendship is hard for me to explain and I know you don’t learn what it is in school, but I would say if you haven’t learned the meaning of loyalty and friendship then you haven’t really learned anything. .

Aren’t your good friends like the stars in the sky? You don’t always see them, but you know for sure they are there.

I leave you with a poem that I know and I don’t know who wrote it “I asked God for water, he gave me an ocean. I asked God for a flower, he gave me a garden. I asked God for a tree, he gave me a forest. I asked God for a friend and he gave me you Be loyal to your friends, and as always you must live well to be well.


Micro-Milestones – Improved productivity through the use of Micro-Milestones

Improving your level of productivity is not a result that will happen on its own. It will require learning some new skills and, more importantly, actually implementing them. We’ll take a look at one such ability in this report. The ability to use micro-milestones to complete your important tasks in a timely manner.

Implementing this skill will mean that you have a systematic way of completing important tasks. One of the real benefits of doing this is that you will have more time with family and friends. You will also feel a very real sense of accomplishment doing this. On the other hand, having this ability will be another way to avoid completing important tasks. It also means that you can completely avoid feeling that feeling of not finishing something that you know you should have.


Before we jump headlong into this productivity-enhancing strategy, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page.

Wikipedia defines “Milestone” have

“…a milestone is an event that receives special attention.”

This is where ambiguity can start to come into play when it comes to this strategy. What we’re looking for here is a marker that exists in the duration of a total task that you’ll use as a way to break up that task and allow you to complete a part of it.

When it comes to choosing the marker, it should be something that makes sense for you specifically. For example, if we have chosen as a task to write a book, then one of the subtasks would be to write a chapter of that book. For our purposes, we can go a step further and say that our micro-milestone in this case could be 1,000 words.

The important thing to note here is that the micro-milestone should be chosen in a way that you don’t feel overwhelmed trying to complete the entire task in one sitting.

Think of it this way, “How do you eat an elephant?”

The answer is simple.

“One bite at a time!”

In our case, one bite at a time will be the micro-milestones. This will tend to create positive momentum for you and lead to an overall improvement in productivity.


The micro milestone strategy is effective because of three specific principles that work synergistically to create a whole that is greater than its parts.

The first principle is the idea of ​​”Momentum”. One of the biggest enemies of productivity is the idea of ​​inertia or non-motion. Most of the time, you delay starting a task due to the perception of being overwhelmed by it or biting off much more than you can comfortably handle at the moment.

By choosing micro-milestones, you will find yourself more proactive and not overwhelmed. By completing micro-milestone after micro-milestone, you’ll build positive momentum.

The second principle of “Commitment” works with the idea that when we have decided that we are going to do something and start on that path, we will tend to stay on it until we reach the logical end. In this case, by committing to completing a micro milestone, you’ve made the beginning easier because you know the end isn’t some far, unreachable place.

Finally, the last principle that makes micro-milestones work is the idea of ​​”Consistency”. All of us are programmed to be consistent with how we see ourselves. That is why it is so difficult not to fulfill something that you have promised to finish. That said, I would like to clarify what I just wrote. If you were forced to commit to something by an outside authority, the effect of this principle is greatly diminished because you didn’t actually make the decision yourself.


In this report, we take a hard look at a strategy that, if implemented, can increase your productivity. We examine some of the WHY reasons behind your increased productivity, explain the idea of ​​micro-milestones, cover the principles that make this specific strategy work, and finally what to do if you encounter three popular roadblocks. By allowing yourself to consistently implement the micro-milestone strategy, you will find that your productivity levels start to skyrocket. What’s interesting about this is that it’s starting to become a pervasive effect. The other areas of your life will become productive because as your drive increases, so does your feeling of being a more productive person. This means more fulfilling personal relationships, more successful business and/or professional outcomes, and of course, a greater sense of accomplishment.

Home Kitchen

Designer kitchens: Bring your ideas to life

Is your kitchen in dire need of a total makeover? Do you have a small kitchen? Know exactly what you want or need and make it happen. Bring your ideas to life by connecting with leading manufacturers of designer kitchens. There are over a hundred ideas and innovative designs and solutions to answer every homeowner’s kitchen dilemma. If you have been eyeing a certain kitchen design and want the same for your home, then the best thing to do is to look for brilliant designer kitchens.

Building a new kitchen or redecorating your existing kitchen can be a complicated job as it all depends on your budget, the size of your area, your lifestyle requirements as well as the kitchen design you want to have. It is not just about giving your new kitchen an impressive look, but everything should be well thought out in such a way that the design of your newly built kitchen allows everything to work efficiently and within easy reach.

Find a professional kitchen construction company that can reveal and express the potential of creating the modern kitchen of your dreams. They must have the best workmanship and dedication with all the willingness to help, especially during the design and layout phase of the kitchen. It is beneficial for you and your designer to understand what needs to be done. An exchange of ideas and information at each step of the process will be helpful.

When it’s time to renovate your kitchen or build a new one, call in the experts. Take all the stress off your shoulders and let them design and create the kitchen of your dreams. Of course, you can have anything you want incorporated into the new concept and design. Own a kitchen built to suit your lifestyle and your family’s requirements.

If you want to hire a kitchen planner, you must first decide on your budget. There is bound to be a competitive quote for the job you want done. Remember, creating a stunning kitchen will not just involve one person but a team of outstanding workers. The first thing they will need from you is to define what you want from a kitchen, as well as its purpose. Along with all of this is the layout you’ve envisioned for your workspace. There must be regular collaboration between you, the planner and the workers. This is to ensure quality and that the work is completed to the standards you were assured of. When planning a makeover or investing heavily in building a new kitchen for your family, be sure to work with a leading kitchen designer who can bring your ideas to life. Choose a company that has a lot of experience in creating complete and excellent kitchen designs for you.

Digital Marketing

Prepare your WordPress website with custom post types

WordPress was 15 years old last month and since its market launch, the CMS has evolved a lot and has introduced various features and functionality. Whenever we talk about WordPress, the first thing that comes to mind is a great blogging platform. But over the years, this concept has slowly changed and WordPress now also supports eCommerce solutions and responsive designs. By default, WordPress features posts and pages as its main content system. But users can easily create many custom content types as needed.

Did you know that custom post types could help you segment your content within WordPress?

As stated above, WordPress development features a handful of content types by default. Posts and Pages are the most used and are what categorize and separate content within WordPress. Content can be segmented into different areas of the WordPress admin panel and offer unique sets of data by data type. This data can then be used in customized screens for users when the website goes live. Custom Post Types extend the simple WordPress pages and posts and allow users to create post types that are complemented by specific and unique templates to present data to website visitors.

When and why should you use custom post types?

Depending on the type of content you are willing to post on your WordPress website, you can develop them. A new custom post type might be a great idea if you plan to start posting something that needs to be kept separate from other posts and pages. For example, having a separate section for your books on your WordPress reviews website will make the content easily understandable to your audience and also distinguish the reviews from the rest of your web content. In fact, this will also help you to set certain specific parameters for each of your books and then display them along with the review.

Learn about some popular plugins ready to use to create CPT

Do you find it difficult to create your own custom plugins for CPT? Nothing to worry about as there are some very good plugins out of the box for creating custom post types. Have a look:

Easy Content Types: This plugin provides an extremely user-friendly interface for them, metaboxes, and taxonomies. It is a feature-rich plugin and the dashboard explains what they are and how you can work with them. Each module is well documented with each field labeled and explained.

Custom Post Type UI: This plugin is easy to use and allows you to create new post types, corresponding taxonomies and also edit existing ones on your site. Another important thing that you can do with this plugin is that you can import a custom post that you have on any other site.

Types of tool sets: This plugin allows you to customize the WordPress admin by adding post types, custom fields, and taxonomies. It helps you manage them, and all of this can be done through the WordPress admin panel.

Guys: This is a popular free plugin that allows you to create custom post types, fields, and taxonomies. This plugin stands out from the rest due to its developer and user friendly interface. If you know how to code then you can use the PHP API or you can use the simple GUI. It also handles custom fields well, which you can add to posts, pages, and users as well.

Pods: The plugin is very simple compared to any other on the list. But it gives you the functionality you might need in most cases. The two main sections of the plugin are Post Types and Taxonomies. To use this plugin, no coding knowledge is necessary as everything is there through a handy interface.


5 effective ways to keep your child away from devices

But it does not have to be like that. While technology has become a part of our lives, it’s not too late to show our children that there are many other ways to have fun besides being locked inside the house with a gadget.

Here are 5 creative and effective ways to keep your child away from devices:

set a good example

Children, especially younger ones, tend to copy what their parents or guardians do. If you’re always on your phone, that’s probably what piqued their curiosity in the first place. Set an example for them and embody what you teach: Take time off from your phone, laptop, tablet, or TV every day and find alternative ways to have fun.

Take advantage of this time to play with your children in your backyard or take them to the park. If your kids can see that you can have fun without gadgets, they’ll think they can too.

Note: If you must use a device, please do not let children see it. Do what you have to do and then get back to your device-free time.

Don’t make gadgets accessible

One of the reasons kids spend so much time watching TV or playing video games is because they’re readily available. Keep your phones and tablets in a place that is not accessible to your child, and set limits on TV, computer, or game consoles.

You can give him 1 hour of TV a day, or he can only play video games on the weekends.

change your routine

The goal is to make your child understand that their free time does not equal screen time. Introduce new fun activities that could become hobbies like painting, playing a sport, or reading books. For younger children, regular play dates will be helpful.

Take your child outdoors

It could be as simple as playing with other kids at the park or planning a family camping trip. The outdoors is full of exciting things that are good for sensory play and will encourage your child to learn and explore things she doesn’t normally see at home.

Keep things exciting for your child

This may sound overwhelming, but it’s actually quite simple because it doesn’t take much to make children happy. If you feel bored with a previously favorite activity, it means you need to introduce new ones. It is also ideal to get involved in these activities as much as you can.

Kids want nothing more than to play with you, and if they do it often, they’ll choose that over a device anytime.

Follow these effective ways to keep your child away from devices and you’ll surely be device-free in no time!

Health Fitness

New York Gourmet Burgers: Here to Stay for Years to Come

Burgers are universal. They are loved by people of all nations and reach the level of gourmet art in New York City. Tea new york burgers They’re not just your typical fast food and fast food quick bites. No, New York burgers are real food.

In recent years, New York City has embraced and championed the gourmet burger trend. Far from the typical fast food burgers, gourmet burgers are distinguished by their high-quality meat and their fresh and exotic toppings and fillings.

These burgers have been all the rage for over a decade, and according to an article in QSR magazine, gourmet burgers were first introduced by French chef Daniel Boulud, in the form of the DB burger, which included stuffed sirloin with braised short rib. and foie gras on a parmesan bun.

With the introduction of the DB Burger came an increased demand for gourmet burgers throughout New York.

In a world where the hype dies down after a few years, gourmet burgers persist in New York City. In fact, a recent study by Technomic (a research firm) concluded that more and more people want locally raised, grass-fed, organic, hormone- and antibiotic-free meat in their burgers. The greater inclination towards these healthier meat options in burgers is evident, since in the last two years the number of people who prefer local meat in their burgers has grown by 4%.

In addition, the study also revealed that people are willing to pay more for burgers labeled “premium.” Since these premium burgers contain higher quality meat, customers are open to the idea of ​​spending a few extra bucks to give their body the right nutrition.

It was also revealed that people are no longer as enthusiastic about regular burgers as before and are therefore shifting more towards innovative and healthy options. This increasing demand for higher quality burgers and meat is, in fact, the reason behind the rapid rise of several unique burger joints in New York.

Now that you’re craving these burgers after reading so much about them, let us help you find some of New York’s innovative and inspiring burgers in some famous places.

  • Located at 1street Hail, Gourmet Garden specializes in deliciously juicy burgers, like their signature bacon burger. Other options include their 100% white meat Turkey Burger, the Mexican Burger with cheddar cheese and jalapeños, and many more.
  • From sirloin to salmon and everything in between, Hell’s Kitchen is home to some of the best burgers in New York. Lucky’s Original Burger with 100% Angus beef in Lucky’s Famous Burgers Served with lettuce, tomatoes, gherkins, raw onions, ketchup, and mustard, it is simply divine.
  • For when you’re craving a delicious burger, look no further than Whitman’s we 9he Street. Bluicy Burger, Hound Burger, and Patty Melt Burger are just a few of a number of recommended favorites.
  • Gourmet deli every day on Lexington Ave excels at the freshest homemade burgers. Choose from a wide range of options, including favorites like the Cajun Turkey Burger, California Burger, or BBQ Turkey Burger.
  • the burgers in atomic wings They are famous for their hot, spicy and salty sauces. The wide range of sauces guarantees the satisfaction of each and every palate.

At the end of the day, all we can say for sure is that innovation is the key to success in the burger business. The more innovative, fancy and healthy the burger, the larger the restaurant’s customer base will be. The secret lies in creating a burger familiar enough that people can identify it, but also unique enough that it has an intriguing new twist that grabs attention.

If you want to feast on these delicious burgers but don’t want to move a muscle from the comfort of your couch, don’t worry! All of these restaurants offer online ordering. Browse the menus, choose your favorite meals, place your order, and wait for the buzzer to ring. It’s that easy!

Legal Law

A Good Ticket or Popcorn Lawyer – Can Both Bring a Smile to Your Face?

How much does it cost to go to the cinema nowadays? If you like a good legal drama, for about the cost of a bucket of popcorn and a large soda, you can see a good ticket lawyer defend you in court. It may not be a convincing plot, but the happy ending will be real and it will be yours, not some Hollywood screenwriter’s fantasy.

But can a good ticket lawyer really deliver? The short answer is yes, because like all good lawyers they know how to argue the technicalities that put the rest of us to sleep. They also know how to recognize tickets that won’t be dismissed. When a ticket meets the letter of a particular state’s transportation code, penal code, and criminal procedure code, unless the subpoena officer does not appear to testify, a dismissal is likely not expected. Those fines are almost always paid, with a defendant agreeing to take deferred adjudication and pay a fine and some court costs. As long as the deferral period is completed without incident and the fine and costs are paid, the fine will never appear on a driving record. Even in these circumstances, a good ticket lawyer can help reduce the fines and shorten the deferral period.

If your driving record so far is not good, a good ticket attorney is a great resource. When you receive a ticket for a traffic violation (usually a violation of a state transportation code provision or a county or city ordinance), you enter what can feel like a Kafkaesque nightmare; the traffic court of the local municipality or county. The kind of place where you get stuck in a circular waiting pattern as you go from one employee to another. While it may seem like a bureaucratic maze, for a good ticket attorney, traffic court is a negotiator’s paradise.

The city and county prosecutors are not going to share this with you, but they are very willing to negotiate with your attorney. Most people cited for traffic violations do not realize this and choose to pay their fines rather than hire a lawyer to contest them. As a consequence, these law-abiding citizens pay more fines and longer probationary periods.

Simply turning around and paying without making a fuss can have more serious negative consequences: it’s a conviction on your driving record. The consequential costs caused by such a conviction can quickly snowball and dwarf any immediate financial damage. One more ticket can result in increased insurance premiums, suspension of your driver’s license, and state-imposed surcharges. If you are a trucker with a CDL, it can even cost you your livelihood.

If you are in a position where you are wondering if hiring a ticket attorney is a good idea, you should probably hire one.

A good ticket attorney can effectively communicate with the city, county, and state apparatus on your behalf. A lawyer knows the vocabulary and can speak the language. Your attorney’s trump card is the ability to litigate, to take your case before a judge and jury. That creates a great incentive to settle with you; after all, no prosecutor wants to spend their time prosecuting traffic ticket cases. This influence that a good ticket attorney can exert over a prosecutor is hard to pass up, particularly when the cost of this type of legal representation is relatively low.

So why do lawyers do it?

Don’t be too surprised if they tell you it’s the fastest way they’ve found to bring a smile of genuine gratitude to their customers’ faces.

Lifestyle Fashion

Talking dirty tips for shy girls

People’s views on male and female sexuality have changed a lot in recent years. You can see this in the way articles are written on the Internet and how magazines and advertisements are produced. Fashion magazines, men’s and women’s publications, and other lifestyle and life articles now have headlines screaming advice on sex and, lately, the art of dirty talking. It’s undeniable that shy girls have a lot of problems when it comes to talking dirty in bed, but having hot, erotic and passionate sex is possible and easy. Just follow these simple tips from an experienced girl and you’ll be fine.

Talking dirty can be classified into five levels:

1. Level 1 comes naturally to most women: sexy sounds.

2. Level 2 is not talking so dirty

3. Level 3 is fine tuned dirty talk

4. Level 4 Fantasy Dirty Talk

5. Level 5 Dirty Talk

Simple steps to learn to talk dirty

The first piece of advice I can give you is to come up with friendly but dirty nicknames for his member and yours. Penis and vagina obviously won’t work, try something like Mr. C and Miss. P for starters, although depending on how free you are with each other, you can go ahead and call it a dick or a dick and her pussy. Using nicknames helps you refer to your actions and express what you want or talk dirty based on what you are doing with ease. A close friend of mine, we’ll call her Nancy for now, is the shy type. During one of our girl gossips, she told me that she tried to talk dirty during sex and her fiancée got offended. The error? Calling her little penis hers Johnnie just as they were learning the art of dirty talk. If they had come up with nicknames earlier, such a mistake would not have occurred.

Second tip, puns work wonders. I told my boyfriend that he could call me a bitch if he wanted, but to not sound so gangster (he’s a doorman), he preferred bitch-baby. The important thing is that when it comes to talking dirty you have to put all the cards on the table, anything goes. It may happen that you slip a word from time to time that can be offensive or insulting, but this is something you learn as you practice. Remember that sex is the uniting factor in a relationship, that is if you have a normal relationship. There is a saying that starting a relationship is a man’s job, but maintaining it is a woman’s responsibility. Therefore, changing the quality of sex is your responsibility. If you are new to dirty talking then I would recommend looking for a dirty talking guide that is more comprehensive and comes with all the examples, do’s and don’ts and everything else you will need to perfect the art of dirty talking. . dirty talk during sex The first few times, of course, will be the hardest, but with a guide like this, you’ll have an easy time and gain confidence faster.

As a final point, find a better action verb to use in place of the F-word. My boyfriend and I find using analogies and metaphors very effective – it really gets our juices flowing and taps into our budding erotic potential. Talking dirty to a guy should be perfect when you are confident and sure that what you are saying is sexy, sexy and your man is in sync. The F-word is overused and often misused, try words like drive, pound, slip, or rock for a change.