Digital Marketing

8 easy steps to choose a website design and development company

Should I go for the red Ferrari? Or the black?

These are options worth racking your brains for, don’t you think?

It is a criminal waste of time if you are contemplating the right agency to take your business online. But it is also important that you follow a little protocol before you end up hiring a website development agency.

What is this protocol, you ask?

Well, it is nothing more than a list of 8 simple steps that you must follow before deciding on an agency.

Step 1- Know your requirements

It is always good to know your main goal of developing a website before approaching an agency or vice versa.

To get a better idea of ​​this goal, develop a list of things you would like from your website. The agency will bombard you with questions that you need to prepare yourself for with answers. For example, do you plan to sell individual products or services in an eCommerce format? Would you like a payment gateway integrated into your website? Do you want a dynamic or static website? Are you interested in ROI, converting sales, or building and maintaining a customer base? Or do you just want to launch and raise awareness for your business?

The answers to these questions are also answers to comprehensive questions related to your business. For example, how will your business progress as a website? When do you think you will have logistics to support an online ordering system? Therefore, it is important that you do your homework before the agency puts you in a situation.

Step 2- Know your cost vs. the value of your product or service

Website creation costs may differ from agency to agency. Therefore, it is better to know what could be the deciding factor for both you and the agency.

Make sure you get what you pay for. If you start cutting costs solely to save a thousand or two thousand dollars, you may not be able to get as much value in the long run. Especially, when it comes to delivering results or planning as per your requirements.

This is not to say that you should give in to all of the agency’s demands, but be prudent and consider the efforts made by both parties.

The best way to make this decision is to look at past investments made in marketing and development, add that investment made over five years, and compare it to the cost you’ll incur with this agency. Simple math, right?

Step 3- Identify a strong track record

In this step, you do some research on the agency you hope to work with. It is not always true that only the big agencies are the best, the smaller and newer agencies also have some innovative ideas that could prove beneficial to your business.

Ask the agency to provide you with performance data, client testimonials, and case studies, or demonstrate their approach to problems and measurement tools. Trust us, the agency will be bound if they want to work with you.

Step 4- Exchange communication skills and learn

Today, it’s hard to keep up with changing technologies and technical formats. It is the agency’s job to update it with the latest technologies and use them in the development of its website. But it is also important that you read about them in brief, if not in detail.

Ask the agency about their process, their methodologies, the technology they use, and why they are making certain recommendations or decisions. It is your responsibility to make sure you know exactly what you are getting yourself into. It is true that you need to do your research, but you also need to be knowledgeable about your investment.

Step 5- Pay attention to the content

If your agency is just beautifying your website, then you are probably in the wrong place working with the wrong team. Content is key to ensuring your website drives the results you want. The agency you choose needs to ask the right questions about your audience, your business process, and your industry.

The agency you choose must understand the importance of content. They need to realize that they are creating a framework for your business content. They need to know how your website visitors absorb and respond to your content. Content is all a business needs to build a foundation online. Image, video and everything else copy is just as important as the main content that explains your business. They should talk to their marketing team and client managers to find out the wavelength they share with their clients.

Step 6 – Know what you want to achieve and be realistic

In this step, you should invest some time to know your goal and expectation of your website. Create timelines for your growth.

Think of ways that will help your business grow, as well as be first on Google and drive traffic.

Some goals that you can mark for the first semester plan.

• Generate more leads

• Increase online sales

• Create awareness about the product or service

• Be in touch with the requirements of your customers

Ask your agency about the tools and services they provide to measure the traffic they generate for your website. Make sure the agency understands your sales process so they can help you design efficient plans to upsell from your website.

Step 7 – Know your strategy

An agency will provide you with a clear and concise web strategy. But is that enough? It is important that the strategy they provide gives your business a strong sense of authority, relevance, and trust. You’ll know you have a solid strategy when you can measure its success. When you can measure your success, you can make the right business decisions based on real data.

Ask your agency about their approach in detail. The statement should outline the expected results and the timeframe in which they will be achieved.

Step 8- Maintain the quality of your investment

After launching your website, a good website development agency will maintain a good relationship to ensure that you feel comfortable using and maximizing your website. Depending on your website, the agency will help you upload, maintain and publish content and images. A good agency will support you with analytics data to ensure your website profits are always maximized.

Ask your agency what their relationships with other companies are like. How are you helping other customers? Is there a maintenance or service plan that you can subscribe to for your website?


In most cases, you will get what you paid for. But it is also important that you are well prepared, so that you make the right decision. With these eight easy steps, we assure you that you will never find yourself in a situation where you will regret your decision. A little homework, clarity of thought, and collaboration is all it takes to get a custom, value-based website up and running for your business. Design and development together create the backbone of your brand’s digital presence, and content simply makes it all come together. All 3 are equally important to the success of your brand.


6 Simple and Easy Ways to Help the Environment: At Home and at Work

Many of us are looking for quick and easy ways to help the environment. We know the planet is precious and we want to find ways to help, but we can also easily feel overwhelmed or discouraged. That’s where these handy tips come in!

Whether you’re at home or at work, wherever you spend most of your time, there are small ways you can still make a big impact. If everyone makes a small change, we will get big results.

Read the tips and suggestions below and see how many green changes you could make, whether it’s at work or just around the house.


1. Subscription

Composting can be one of the simplest and most effective ways to make food waste environmentally friendly. There are now compost bins in a variety of styles and sizes, which means they can be kept inside for easy use.

They no longer have to interfere with your decor, cause odor, or be kept outside, and are therefore less likely to be used. Compost bin designs have evolved to accommodate a more modern and environmentally conscious lifestyle!

They work by breaking down food waste in a way that means they can be used to greatly enrich the soil or be disposed of more safely. Food going to landfill not only adds to waste, but can also lead to huge emissions. Composting is a great way we can help out at home!

2. Use greener products

The cleaning products we use can have a profound impact on the environment and even our health. While some products have been specifically designed to be sensitive or hypoallergenic, others that achieve great results can still come at a hefty price tag.

They can aggravate skin conditions, respiratory problems, or cause toxicity in the water supply and oceans. Switching to greener alternatives, such as those that are natural, recycled, or at least do not use additional toxins or microspheres (plastic particles) is a better option.

3. Use leftovers

Food waste is one of the biggest areas of waste in the home, and beyond. You can make a positive contribution to the environment by taking advantage of your leftovers and reducing food waste.

Now there are a variety of delicious recipes that are specifically designed to use common leftovers, as well as affordable storage options that keep food fresh longer.

You can also extend this approach to other materials, such as electronics and clothing, by reusing, recycling, or reusing them instead of just throwing them away. You can share with family and friends, sell online, or transform a fabric into something new. Be creative!


1. Travel ‘greener’

The daily commute to work can contribute significantly to pollution and harmful emissions around the world. So much so that many governments have discussed alternatives such as incentives for the use of electric cars, construction of new bike paths and more.

But you don’t have to wait for them! You can get started right away by evaluating your own switch. Is there a way to make it more environmentally friendly or even beneficial for health? Maybe walking or biking to work is an option, even just a few times a week.

You may also consider switching to an electric car or group ride options. Many companies are even supporting and encouraging company-wide remote work. This is for a variety of reasons, but it also happens to be more environmentally responsible as it greatly reduces the number of people on the move.

Do your research on what would be the best option for you and take even small action!

2. Buying second-hand items

If you run your own business, you may have the option of buying key materials, supplies, or appliances that are secondhand. This reduces the number of items going to landfill and often costs a fraction of the cost of new items. It is more profitable and more ecological for your company!

If you’re not self-employed, you can encourage your colleagues and bosses to buy secondhand when possible or switch to items like recycled paper or reduced plastic. Where only small changes are possible, even implementing a recycling system or recycle bin can be a great way to start.

3. Turn it off!

When you and your colleagues are out of a room, be sure to reduce energy use by turning off light bulbs, water, power sources, and anything else that uses unnecessary energy.

It may also be possible to switch to more energy efficient light bulbs and alternatives.

With small but effective changes and a proactive approach, you can make a positive difference in the environment, whether at home or at work.

Health Fitness

Kettlebell exercises for beginners

Kettlebell workouts for beginners

People on a budget who just want to exercise at home without buying an expensive gym membership should consider kettlebell workouts. These workouts are efficient in burning calories and building muscle. Kettlebells come in various weights ranging from 4 kilograms to over 50 kilograms. Beginners should start with a weight that is comfortable to lift without straining. You can increase the weight as your muscles get stronger. Below are examples of exercises beginners can add to a kettlebell workout routine.

1. Deadlift

Place the kettlebell on the floor slightly in front of the body. Feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Turn your toes out just a little bit. Bend your knees and squat down to grab the kettlebell with both hands. Stand up slowly with your upper buttock muscles contracted and place your full weight on your heels. The back should be straight with the chest up so that the body is in the proper position. Elbows bent at this point with the kettlebell in front of your chest. Then slowly reverse the movements to return the kettlebell to the ground. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions of this exercise. This is an ideal exercise for any kettlebell workout as it works your glutes, back, and hamstrings.

2.Around the world

Stand with your back straight and your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Hold the kettlebell in one hand with the other hand behind your body. Pass the kettlebell from hand to hand around your body in a wide circle. Do a full rotation each time. Change direction and repeat. Perform 2 sets of 10 reps in each direction, and then work up to 3 sets of 10 reps in each direction. Don’t feel pressured to perform this exercise at a fast pace during your kettlebell workout. You can perform it at a speed that is suitable for your strength and skill. This exercise will work your upper body and hips along with your arms.

3. Two-arm swing

Start by placing your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes turned slightly out. The kettlebell should be on the floor directly in front of your body. Squat down to grip the kettlebell firmly with both hands and keep your arms loose. Push your hips back and stand up firmly placing your weight on your heels. Bend your knees slightly at this point, and with support from your hips and back, move the kettlebell forward a few inches before pushing back between your legs. Bring the kettlebell forward until your arms are straight and parallel to the ground. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions of this exercise for your kettlebell workout. This will work the hips and lower back.

4. One-arm swings

One-arm swings are performed the same way as two-arm swings during your kettlebell workout, except with one arm at a time. This puts more pressure on the shoulder, so beginners should keep this fact in mind. Start with 2 sets of 10 reps on each arm before increasing to 3 sets of 10 reps. This exercise will work your hips, lower back, and shoulders.

5. Kettle Bell High Pull

The high pull is a good exercise for beginners who cannot yet master the swing. Place your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Bend from the hips, then the knees keeping the back straight with the chest up. Pick up the kettlebell, and as you dip through your legs, bring your elbows up toward the ceiling to almost shoulder height. Now release your arms back to the starting position to complete the repetition. Beginners can time the downward movement of their arms to the next hip hinge (downward part of hip and knee flexion) or continue as explained to get used to the movement first.

6. Around the waist

The twist to the waist is a good warm-up exercise to start any routine. Warm up the core and arm muscles. Simply pass the kettlebell around your waist from hand to hand being careful not to drop the weight on your toes. Once you’ve completed about 10 revolutions, change direction. Complete 1-2 sets of 10 as a warm-up, then continue your workout.

These are just 6 examples of exercises for beginners in kettlebell training. You can learn many others to combine into an effective 30-40 minute workout. Perform kettlebell workouts at least 3 times a week for optimal benefits. You can work on other types of workouts between these sessions. Kettlebell workouts are ideal for beginners and fitness experts alike. You simply increase the weight of the kettlebell and the number of exercises you do as you get stronger and more proficient with your workouts.

Once you’ve mastered these basic moves and are ready for a more serious workout, you can try my 40-minute kettlebell routine. I have uploaded a 40 minute kettlebell routine that you can see at the link below. Start with a 15- to 18-pound kettlebell. Once you can complete the entire routine without needing a rest or putting the kettlebell down, you’re ready to progress to a heavier weight.

Lifestyle Fashion

Improve the health of your vision with the Blackberry fruit

One of the healthy steps you can take to improve your vision health is to add fruits and vegetables to your diet. When it comes to eating the right foods to improve eyesight, research studies have shown that foods rich in anthocyanosides are a highly recommended part of your diet for better eye health. An example of an anthocyanoside-rich eye food is blackberry. Some of the general health benefits of blackberry include diabetes prevention, improved immunity, cancer prevention, and better heart health, to name a few. So, if you’re interested in improving your vision health by consuming the right nutrition, here are the vision benefits of blackberries, including those related to your overall health:

Eye Health Benefits: As a food for better vision, this delicious fruit is rich in anthocyanosides. These are antioxidant-rich compounds that protect the eyes from oxidative stress. This is accomplished by reducing the damaging effects of free radicals that break down healthy tissue and eye cells in the body. This fruit is a source of lutein which protects the eyes by forming a protective pigment in the center of the retina called the macular, at the back of the eyes. This pigment protects the eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Acts like natural sunglasses to protect visual health from harmful high-wavelength light radiation. The blackberry fruit is also rich in eye nutrients, vitamins A and C, which boost vision health. The anthocyanoside-rich compounds found in this eye food consist of antioxidants that protect against eye diseases and reduce the risks of age-related vision disorders such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

Cancer prevention: One of the main causes of cancer is the development of free radicals that damage the DNA of healthy cells. This destruction leads to the development of conditions in the body that lead to the spread of cancer cells. Antioxidants work as protective agents in the body that prevent this cell damage. They also neutralize these rogue cells in the body that lead to cell destruction and the breakdown of the DNA of healthy cells and tissues in the body. Blackberry fruit consists of these antioxidants which are cancer fighting agents in the body thus reducing the risks of various types of cancer. Also, this vision food has a high ORAC rating. This stands for oxygen radical absorbance capacity. Basically, this means that a food with a good ORAC rating is high in antioxidants. Due to their high potency in antioxidant content, these foods are very effective in reducing cancer risks. These foods are also good at neutralizing free radical agents in the body based on scientific laboratory tests conducted in test-tube experiments.

Improves Mental Performance: Due to their rich polyphenol content, they are helpful in preventing age-related mental decline and improving cognitive ability. This is due to the fact that they reduce the negative effects of aging on the brain, thus improving memory and neural function. So, if you are concerned about staying fit and improving your brain function, regularly consuming this fruit in your diet can help you achieve that goal.

Better Heart Health: Its anthocyanoside, magnesium, and fiber content work together to reduce plaque buildup in the arteries of the heart. In addition, it also creates healthy conditions in the heart for better circulation and good blood flow in the cardiovascular system. This can reduce the risks of diseases such as heart disease and stroke. By regularly consuming blackberries in your diet, you are doing what you need to do to strengthen your heart and eyes; 2 important factors necessary for a healthy and properly functioning visual system.


Matching fashionable and functional dog collars and leashes.

Show off your furry friend’s personality with matching dog collars and leashes. Leash laws are in place for the safety of both humans and your pets, but your dog doesn’t have to have the same collar as every other dog in the neighborhood. Contrasting or matching collar and leash sets give your pet the opportunity to make a fashion statement of his own.

Different styles for each type of dog

For toy breeds, there are pastel, plaid and rhinestone dog collars with matching leashes, showing the world just how special your animal is to you. Matching the style and color to their personality allows them to be their best when they hit the streets with you.

Medium-sized pets can also have the cute collars that toy breeds wear, or something a bit more suited to the owner’s personality, as well as your own.

Do you have a larger, more resistant breed? Maybe you want something to match that. For that you can find all kinds of “bad to the bone” necklaces.

All of these options show both your pet and the world how much these furry friends mean to their families, by allowing their own unique personality traits to show.

Classic leather, braided nylon, decorative or simple, each animal deserves its own style when it comes to dog collars and leashes. Putting a collar on your friend that anyone could get at the local pet store doesn’t seem right somehow, when this animal is so special to you.

Let your dog stand out

People like to be fashionable and look their best, and our pets are a reflection of ourselves. With all the unconditional love and happiness they bring, don’t these creatures deserve to stand out in their own right? Standard, mass-produced dog collars and leashes might be fine when you get a new pup, but when their personality comes out and they’re a part of your life, you might want something a little more unique for your pet.

think safe

When considering safety, reflective dog collars and leashes are the answer for those evening walks or late-night hikes with your pet. Sturdy leashes keep them from dashing into traffic or chasing other animals along the way. There are even special training collars that won’t injure the animal or choke it like some of the more common varieties do. No one wants to use pain and fear to train their animals, so calming collars and training varieties that are more humane are the perfect solution. Once the dog has an idea of ​​the desired behavior when he goes for a walk, more personalized and fashionable accessories can be used.

With so many options when it comes to dog collars and leashes, perhaps it would be best to take the time and find the right one that matches your unique and special pet. Whether it’s a studded leather look for a miniature poodle or hot pink plaid for a German shepherd, each animal has its own quirks and personality traits that can be reflected in what you choose for them.

Real Estate

Owner Financing to Buy Land

Traditionally, when someone buys real estate in the United States. They will go through a third-party lender. It could be a big bank like Coldwell Banker or Wells Fargo or a local credit union. Then, a person or family will obtain a loan from this lender, for the price that the seller is asking for the property. That loan is what we call a mortgage. In this case, the lender gives the buyer money to buy the house, and the seller walks away with cash in hand. The buyer and seller usually end the relationship once this transaction is completed. Owner financing, sometimes also called seller financing, is when the seller of a house, land, or some other form of real estate, keeps the mortgage in their name and the buyer pays it in monthly installments until the asking price is paid. by the seller. For example. if a seller is looking to sell his house for $100,000. They can offer it for, say, a 15-year term at an interest rate of 8%. The buyer will end up paying around $955/month for 15 years. Once that term is up and all payments have been made on time, the buyer owns the property. The seller will then transfer the deed to his name.

Probably the best thing about owner financing is that it’s a quick and easy way for someone to move into a home or buy property. With a traditional mortgage through a bank. To get that mortgage, you must qualify. Therefore, you must provide information about your income, your credit history, and sometimes a background check must be done. So you must have an adequate down payment or the bank won’t even give you the loan. Once you’ve met all of those requirements, you can buy the property, but you’ll also have to add closing costs on top of the down payment and the loan itself. It ends up being a very expensive affair just to break into a house or some piece of land. Generally speaking and depending on which owner/seller you go with, owner financing avoids all those extra costs. There is typically no credit check, no or small down payment required, and no closing costs. You just agree to buy the property and start paying, it’s that simple. You should always do your due diligence on both the property and the owner, but it’s definitely a quicker and simpler process than going through a traditional third-party lender.

If you’re looking to buy land for your family home, you can usually forget about looking for a mortgage to cover it. Lenders don’t like to make loans on raw land because it doesn’t serve as security for that loan if you decide not to pay and they have to foreclose. Now, I’ve never understood this because all the bank would have to do is build a cheap house on the property and the value of the property would skyrocket, but I guess this is too much legwork for the bank. So owner financing is really your best option when looking to buy raw land, unless you really have enough money to make a large down payment or enough to buy the land outright, which few people do considering the rising costs. of the earth these days.

When it comes to property taxes, the seller typically pays the taxes and the buyer reimburses the seller for the money they paid for these local taxes. Ultimately, the buyer pays all local taxes, but since the property is still in the seller’s name until the loan is paid off, all taxes must go through them and it is the seller’s responsibility to pay them. It is a condition of most, if not all financial owners, that if the buyer does not repay the taxes, he can be evicted from the property. This may sound like a scam, but it’s no different than not paying taxes directly to your local government or not paying escrow taxes to your mortgage lender. No matter what the situation, if he doesn’t pay the taxes, he will be evicted from his property. Hence the saying, stop paying your taxes and see who really owns your property, but I digress.

There are some downsides to owner financing. The main one is that the buyer does not really own the house until the seller receives full payment. When you opt for a traditional mortgage through a third-party lender, you’ll usually get the deed in your name right away, but as mentioned above, this won’t happen until the seller receives full payment. There’s also the possibility that the seller pocketed all your payments in the middle or for the entire loan period, and then decides you don’t own the house. I’m sure this is an edge case, but it’s definitely plausible. That is why it is so important to have a contract that details all the conditions of the transaction. Another catch is that you will almost always pay a higher interest rate from a financed homeowner than from a bank. This is because, in many cases, they are still paying the mortgage on the house or property, so they may be paying 6% interest while charging you 8 or 9%. Even those sellers who no longer have a loan to pay, charge a higher interest rate because people will pay it. You’re paying for the convenience of avoiding the up-front cost of getting a traditional mortgage.

So you can see that owner financing can be a great option for some, depending on your needs. It worked very well in my situation as I was looking to buy a property for retirement, but I didn’t have a down payment ready to buy a new property and I’m not ready to sell the house I live in now. People looking to the future to purchase land they will need later may want to consider owner financing. Land prices will continue to rise, so buying now may make more financial sense. If you buy now and make a regular monthly payment, it’s your land in 15 or 20 years, that family land could be paid off and then you’ll have a place to retire or sell for more money once it’s paid off. Either way, investing in land is a good idea, and owner financing is a great way to get your foot in the door.

Shopping Product Reviews

The rise of dollar stores

Sheryl Huenster is a self-proclaimed dollar store addict. The Clifton mother of four makes the trip to several price fixe stores within a ten-mile radius of her white clapboard home two to three times a week.

“I’m an addict. I admit it. I can’t go more than a week without visiting the stores, unless I’m on vacation. You better believe that when I go to the Jersey Shore I know where all the stores are.” They’re in the Toms River area,” she laughed.

Years after the closure of Woolworth’s and other “Five and Dime” stores, dollar stores are filling the void by opening across the country, but seem almost ubiquitous in New Jersey. Many of the stores are operated by immigrants who have the ability to buy low-priced products abroad and ship them to the US to sell for a dollar a piece. Like Woolworth’s, dollar stores carry “miscellaneous” items like hairbrushes, small frames, toothpaste, games, toys, etc., the harder-to-find items that more upscale stores don’t.

Ice cube trays, magnets, gift bags, flags, paper, coffee cups, staples, brushes, hand cream, glasses cases, candles, soap are some of the things Sheryl keeps an eye on. “Yesterday I found a syringe for my Thanksgiving turkey. I only use it once and then throw it away. It’s so much easier to replace a syringe than it is to try to clean the damn thing!”

Wayne’s Elise Brookings is another dollar store fanatic who visits her favorite store at least twice a week. “I go to the store at Hamburg Tpk. You have to come back often because stock changes all the time, once an item runs out you rarely see it again.” Elise navigates the aisles of the store with a shopping cart that quickly fills up with gift bags, wrapping paper, and what she calls stocking stuffers. “Playing cards, figurines, books, these are some of the items my kids will find in their socks this year. Most of the stocking stuffers will be things I find at this store; I’ll go to CVS for the candy, but for little more.”

Not all stores are successful. One store in Haledon and one in Paterson closed last year, while stores in neighboring cities have opened or expanded. Buyers will tell you that it’s not always the location, but the type of inventory being carried.

Bloomfield’s Jan Chavez is very selective in choosing which stores to visit. “I can tell almost immediately if a store is going to be a hit or not. If they sell items I could get at the Giants Stadium flea market, it won’t work. Too common and not worth it; I can find the same items at discount in my Supermarket”. The diminutive woman with a toddler in tow added: “When I visit dollar stores, I want a real bargain. It should be something that has sold for several times the original amount or still sells for much more than a dollar if it were sold for.” sell elsewhere.”

Store manager Pava, who works at one of the stores in the area, said the reason his store is so successful is that the store buyer travels all over the Far East and makes purchases directly. It may seem strange to send a shopper that far for items that sell for so little, but the store is making money, and rapidly changing inventory is what keeps customers coming back.

In fact, store owners count on buyers like Sheryl and Elise who make multiple visits to keep them. Pava added: “Nobody buys just one item, they buy in bulk. Just this morning a teacher came in and bought 26 toys. She plans to give them to each of her students for Christmas.”

If Sheryl, Elise, and Jan are outliers, then Pava’s store and others like theirs should be considered a great success. Judging by the lines at the three open registers and the available inventory, your store will likely be around for a long time. “We’re opening a second store next year in the Morristown area. It’ll be even bigger than this one,” Pava concluded as he excused himself to a nearby counter to help wrap the glass dishes he’d just bought.

With a full parking lot and employees constantly replenishing inventory, the successful dollar store will be a big part of the suburban scene for years to come. Woolworth’s may not just be gone, but soon forgotten.

This article originally appeared on, a defunct site run by Matt Keegan. It was part of his “Life in New Jersey” series of articles.

Tours Travel

Luxury accommodation in Wanaka – refreshing and rejuvenating

How does a holiday near New Zealand’s fourth largest lake and at the foot of Mount Aspiring National Park sound? Beautiful, peaceful, excellent? All of these words can be used to describe Wanaka, a popular tourist destination. Wanaka Township is a quiet and relaxed lakeside resort with excellent restaurants, cafes and shops.

Whether you choose to take a scenic cruise around the lake, sample some local wines, ski, mountain bike, hike or climb, you deserve a night or two (or more!) in Wanaka’s luxury accommodation deals. , which will leave you feeling refreshed. and rejuvenated.

No matter what time of year you choose to visit Wanaka, you’re sure to be impressed by the luxury accommodation locations. During the colder months the snow capped peaks of Mt Aspiring provide a stunning panoramic view to wake up to and during the warmer months the clear blue skies and sun drenched open areas are enough to make you feel like you are on your own. private world.

Luxury accommodation options in Wanaka are never far from the lake itself, allowing you to take a short trip to dip your toes in the cool water or perhaps to snap a photo and record lasting memories of your luxury holiday in Wanaka.

While there are plenty of great places to enjoy a meal or glass of wine in Wanaka, you can often arrange to enjoy the local cuisine within luxury accommodation, which means if you don’t want to, you don’t really have to go. . out during your stay at all! You can wake up in a luxurious suite with plush bedding, slip into your complimentary bathrobe and slippers and step outside to enjoy the fresh, relaxing Wanaka air.

For those looking for an adventure, try looking for a luxury Wanaka accommodation with your own helipad to pick you up and take you heli-skiing or just for a scenic helicopter tour over the stunning mountain ranges – a truly amazing experience!

There are also many packages available online for luxury accommodation in Wanaka, which can sometimes include things like ski passes. These packages are worth searching for and booking. Many people visit Wanaka during the summer and winter months, due to the easy access to the great ski slopes during the winter and the lake during the summer, so make sure you book as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for a truly rejuvenating and refreshing getaway, book luxury accommodation in Wanaka, New Zealand today; You won’t be disappointed with the options available, just make sure you really are dealing with the best and enjoy the beautiful scenery!


How to write thousands of words a day, every day

In recent years, people have asked me how I write so much.

Some of them are just being polite by showing interest. I like when people do that.

But some have really wanted to know: they are the people I love.

And it’s fair to wonder. At the time of writing this article, he is publishing at least ten articles a week. In 2019, I totaled around 240,000 words on my websites. That doesn’t include the ten (and counting) books I have through my sites and Amazon, or my other projects.

(I don’t know how many words went into Monster Mind Edukaré, my premium brain training product. But given that it has 19 modules, some of which contain multiple books, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are hundreds of thousands more.)

It also doesn’t include any freelance writing gigs he does.

And I didn’t used to be like that. When I was younger, probably in my early 20s, I tried to write a novel. I think it took me two years to write 40,000 of the worst words you can imagine.

That was also the peak of my literary production: a delicious combination of free time, ingenuity and pure inspiration.

Now though?

I write 40,000 compelling and interesting words every two months or so.

I learned how to make writing work for me.

Note that I emphasize “works for me”. This is not the only writing system that exists. Many people break all the guidelines that I expose here. If that works for them, that’s fine. But what I have here is a robust and reliable system that takes a lot of the stress out of it.

If typing is a hassle for you, try my system.

Let me share some of what I discovered, more or less by accident, that it makes it easy to write hundreds or thousands of words a day.

Imagine sitting down at your desk and directly starting to write. Without wasting time, without bullying your brain into coming up with something: you immediately know enough to get started.

And getting started is always the hardest part.

So let’s take a look at the first of the three steps:

Step 1: Brainstorming and Research
A common newbie mistake is to sit at your desk and try to think of something to write.

It is wrong for several reasons:

One, coming up with ideas requires a different state of mind to write. Writing requires a long and interrupted flow. Dreaming up ideas works best when your thoughts can jump from one notion to the next.

Two, if you stop typing to look up a fact or quote, you’re only making it difficult for yourself.

Three, the actual writing phase is the hard part. You want it to be as easy as possible; So easy, in fact, that you sit down and start writing right away.

What this means is that you come up with your ideas beforehand, do all the research you need… and then walk away.

How this will look to you is up to you.

For my short articles, my notes are usually no more than a few keywords. Maybe the title of the article.

For longer articles (like this one) or book chapters, I take more notes. Anything from a subheading list to a bulleted list of relevant facts and ideas.

You may find that too much structure kills spontaneity, or quite the opposite, so I invite you to experiment.

The key is to make the next step as easy and seamless as possible.

Step 2: Write
Thanks to your previous job, you can sit down and start writing.

This, more than any step, depends on your personal style.

Some people need to “warm up” or “get in the zone.” If so, I recommend writing in long blocks of time. I know it’s not always possible, but an uninterrupted hour or two will do wonders for your productivity.

Then again, some of you are like me: you can sit down and start breaking up words right away.

If you get lost in the flow of writing, great! You will do a lot and it will probably be pretty good.

If you have to force yourself, though? That’s where the Pomodoro technique comes in handy. Unlike the first group, you want to be interrupted, so set a timer for 20 or 30 minutes and promise to do nothing but write until it goes off.

No reading emails.

No daydreaming.

Just typing.

You can save all those distractions for your breaks. Take five or ten minutes to laze around, stretch your legs, and refill the water. Then reset the timer and start over.

Step 3: Edit and rewrite
Another classic mistake:

You write a sentence, feeling pretty good. Then you read it and realize it’s garbage, so you delete it and start over.

After an hour of this, you have nothing to show except maybe two overcooked paragraphs.

In step 2, I said that all you can do is write. That doesn’t mean you can rewrite. Rewriting implies reading, which is a bad idea.


Because editing requires critical analysis. Writing requires a creative flow. If you alternate between the two thinking styles, your brain will have a hard time doing either.

Plus, it’s bad for morality. Not every sentence (or paragraph) he writes will be gold. That’s okay because writing is a numbers game. Write enough words and some of them will be good.

Now, I’m not saying you can’t catch typos or correct clumsy writing as you type. If you notice a quick fix, do it. The trick is not to look for them. And so as not to waste too much time fixing them.

The goal of step 2 is to create something to edit. If you’ve had trouble writing in the past, this could be why.

The Meta-step: Experiment and Innovate
Give this process a spin.

See how it works for you.

Sometimes you have a bad day, so stick with it and see how it really works.

Then start designing your own system.

Maybe you can compress the steps: you get out of bed with an idea forming in your dazed mind, you pour a coffee, and then you start writing.

Or maybe you need weeks in the research phase.

Maybe the music helps you focus… or not.

You can write better in the mornings or in the afternoons.

With a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

I don’t know which system will work for you. And I doubt that any system is the only answer. Your tastes and lifestyle will change over time, which means your system will change with it.

(You do well to keep the same writing system after you have a child as before.)

And who knows, you might end up with a “system” altogether. You will reach the stage where if you want to write, you write.

I know that works for some people.

However, if you are struggling to get words out? I wouldn’t start there. Take this system of mine and stick with it – you’ll be surprised how much you write.


How to succeed in SEO using content marketing

When it comes to online marketing, it’s vital that you find ways to mix everything up. For example, you should mix your social media content with SEO services. Everything should rank for the same keywords and talk about the same things to bring all your business practices together in one place. Search engines give social media pages like your Facebook account a lot of leeway, and in some cases, your social media pages will rank higher than your website due to the severity of the traffic they create.

With content marketing, you can help your business grow its online profile in many different ways. Attracting new customers, building trust with old ones, promotions, and building your email list are all possibilities if you use SEO and content marketing services together. We want to look at some ways to really tie together your SEO services and social media campaigns to really cause shockwaves in your niche;

Start by having an informative and unique article written specifically for your niche. If you’re selling an ebook on hair loss, then you’re looking to rank for certain keywords in the hair loss niche. If you have a business that provides labor services in the London area, you would be looking for keywords in the London labor range. Optimize the article using phrases that you think people would use to search for it – Use the Google Keyword Tool to see the monthly search volume for a keyword to help you decide.

By making the keywords fit naturally in the article, you let the search engines know what your article and website are talking about. Being a computer, it can’t read your article; it can only capture the algorithms that you provide to it. This means someone could be googling the exact information you provide, and now they’ll be brought right to your door for a pre-made sale.

Are your articles on your website, any article directories you know of, or do you create a press release and have that listed in PR directories? Every page that links to the article, whether in article directories or on your blog/website, should point to the landing page, which is your website’s home page or your product’s sales page, for that can maximize traffic and conversions.

Combining your website with your Facebook and Twitter is also extremely fruitful, using the keywords you regularly use with your website and articles. Try to drive people to your Facebook page by sharing the article link on similar Facebook pages and Twitter accounts, this means that the readers of the other pages will engage with your article and possibly visit your business/product and help you earn more money. !

As you can see, the power of keywords is huge to easily get business by being at the top of Google. But being on directories, social media, and various other blogs and websites is a key way to build inbound links to yourself, and in turn, more traffic in the future.