
Pros and cons of iPods at school

It’s no news that iPods have a huge following and can be found literally everywhere. But is it correct to use it in the classroom? (Educators everywhere collectively sigh and shake their heads in disapproval.)

Obviously, students are more (if not entirely) inclined to allow iPods at school, while most educators outright forbid them. Let’s see how everything weighs and get an idea for ourselves, whether or not our children should take them to school.


has. Teachers are annoyed when students are too distracted and cannot hear them while they are teaching their lessons in class.

b. Students may download pornography or inappropriate media and bring it to school, where other students may be affected.

against iPods can be used as a cheating tool. Some teachers have heard from students planning to download formulas for math tests and the like.

d. iPods can be stolen.

me. Some educators worry that students will become isolated and antisocial. Instead of tuning in to other people, they stay in tune with themselves.

F. Students can become so engrossed in listening to music that they become completely disconnected from what is going on around them, causing unnecessary mishaps.

gram. Students may be playing their music too loud and it may damage their hearing.


has. Students find that listening to music calms them down and therefore they become better at school work.

b. Give students something to do when there is downtime at school; or while riding the bus to or from school. (Watch a movie or educational video, perhaps?)

against Students can show their individuality by the type of music they listen to.

d. The students disagree that they will become antisocial; in fact, they find it a good way to connect with their peers, sharing their music with them (since there are two headphones to share with a friend).

me. iPods can be used to record lectures in class and listen to them when reviewing for exams. This is also favorable when the teacher speaks too fast; you can rewind and listen again.

F. Education is available podcast that students can tune in to and that can help them in their learning.

gram. Students can install educational apps like dictionaries, bibles, and calculators, thus removing the extra bulk from their backpacks/lockers.

H. Audio lessons can be listened to before class, allowing students more time to work during class.

Yo. It might be more beneficial for teachers (who have been teaching the same lesson over and over again) to record and broadcast their lesson. That way they won’t lose the inclusion of important points in your topic.

d. Recorded lessons can be shared with students who are absent.

k. Podcast lessons are much more accurate instead of going through notes.

Health Fitness

Zig Zag Diet Strategies for Fat Loss and Muscle Building

I have to share with you an amazing tip for both fat loss and muscle building. It’s called the zigzag nutrition strategy.

It’s pretty simple to put it simply.

Just adjust your calories in a zigzag diet pattern over days, weeks, or months, even years. I don’t recommend you do the yearly or even the monthly as it will be too late to tell if it is working for you or you are just getting fatter with less results and your hard body underneath is freaking out. for a long walk on the dirt road.

What I DO recommend is that you follow a zigzag pattern of nutrition on a weekly and possibly daily basis. I prefer to do it weekly.

It works like this (once you know your lean body mass requirements).

First you ZIG. So you ZAG.

You first need to determine how many calories you currently consume, or better yet, how many calories you need to maintain your lean body mass (LBM). That’s the sexy shape and muscle tone that hides under your layers of fat and water. Once you determine what the machine needs to power, start planning your ZIGZAG diet strategy.

Now, this is all assuming you’re eating clean, low glycemic, moderate protein and good essential fats to begin with. We can even zigzag your primary macronutrients as well, but more on that later, since we’re focusing on zigzag calories for now.

Start your ZIG by reducing your total calories by 200-500 per day. I suggest you do this during the week.

Now the ZAG is to use the required daily amount and add 200-500 calories per day for 1 week.

This will provide you with the necessary calories to maintain your lean body mass, but surprisingly you will have a leaner body by following this method after 1-2 months. Bill Phillips wrote about this with Dan Duchaine, Mauro DiPasquali, TC Loma, and a few others many years ago (almost 20 years ago). Dan Duchaine reported that this “cycling” trick resulted in +1 to 2 pounds of lean body fat and -1 to 2 pounds of body fat every 2 weeks for months.

That alone is amazing, as it means you could be the same weight you are today in a year, but you actually have 12-24 pounds less fat and 12-24 pounds more muscle than you do today. This is a GREAT opportunity to change the way you perform, look and feel without changing anything in your diet.

If you had the opportunity to NOT diet and do what you do today, just change the amounts you eat today versus tomorrow by following a ZIGZAG nutrition strategy, you should at least consider it.

Anecdotal reports on this have come from many, including the guinea pigs with the original Dr. Jekyll team above, myself, and many of my clients, and they are as follows:

  • energy boost
  • reduced fatigue
  • Increased healing and recovery.
  • pain reduction
  • Increase lean muscle
  • decreased weakness
  • Increased fat loss
  • Decreased loss of muscle mass
  • increased strength

And the list goes on, its pretty amazing but you will need to experience it for yourself to be a true believer, trust me you will become a believer in this ZIGZAG diet strategy.

Remember that all this starts with a good nutritional base. If you need to do that, there are resources on the internet, but you need to start with a great nutrition game plan for this to be truly effective in the shortest possible time.

To make a ZIGZAG nutrition strategy work for you, first determine how to create a solid, clean nutrition program. A game plan if you will.

If your goal is to lose fat, then you need to know how much to feed the body. Cut that down by 200 calories and that will give you a baseline to start your Zigzag nutrition formula.

If your goal is to gain muscle, know what you need to fuel the machine and work above your baseline by 200 calories and start your ZIGZAG diet game plan.

Let me make it easy for you.

ZIGZAG for fat loss with 2000 calories

2000 calories – 200 calories = 1800 reference calories
1800 calories – 200 calories = 1600 calories on ZIG restricted days
1800 calories + 200 calories = 2000 calories on ZAG recovery days
The net average is 1800 calories, the fat loss is much greater than that and so are the lean body mass gains in the process.

ZIGZAG for muscle development using 2000 calories

2,000 calories + 200 calories = 2,200 baseline calories
2,200 calories – 200 calories = 2,000 restricted ZIG days
2,200 calories + 200 calories = 2,400 ZAG days of recovery
The net average is 2,200 calories; the lean muscle gain is greater than that along with the side effect of fat loss

This is all well done for you, but you still need to know what ratio of primary macronutrients works for you. That is different for everyone and it will change from goal to goal, from season to season.

Simple fat loss math will suggest that you eat less carbs than you do today to lose fat. You can slightly increase your protein and healthy fat intake to offset the calories from carb restriction and experience greater fat loss while eating the exact same calories you did last week.

I would only suggest swapping 100-200 carb calories for protein and fat at a time and give it 1-2 weeks to assess the net results. Once you feel that you are satisfied with your fat loss results or that you are at a sticking point, you should consider a ZIGZAG strategy.

If you are just starting out and have no idea where to feed your machine or what ratios to eat and how to implement the ZIGZAG nutrition method, try this simple math:

200 pounds – 20% body fat = LBM (Lean Body Mass)
200 pounds – 40 pounds of body fat = 160 pounds LBM
160 pounds LBM x 10 calories per LBM = 1600 calories
ZIG days (-200 calories) = 1400 calories
ZAG days (+200 calories) = 1800 calories
This may sound lower than what you’re used to, but remember that the goal is fat loss and maintenance of lean muscle and you can’t lose fat while eating too many calories.

The ratio I would recommend starting with is 40% protein, 30% carbs, and 30% fat.

1400 calories ZIG days
Protein = 560 calories / 140 grams
Carbohydrates = 420 / 105 grams
Fat = 420 / 46.6 grams

1800 calories ZAG days
Protein = 720 calories / 180 grams
Carbohydrates = 540 / 135 grams
Fat = 540 / 60 grams

Now that you know how to do this for fat loss, you can do the same process for muscle building, but instead of multiplying your LBM x10 calories, you’ll use x12-15 calories per LBM. To stay lean try the same ratios, this will ensure a lean body muscle building experience without adding unwanted fat.

Of course there are those who claim to be hard gainers, many are too lazy to work hard enough on their nutrition, exercise and supplementation programs, but even they will be surprised by using a ZIGZAG method for lean body gains. Gone are the days of raw MASS dropping all lean attributes, but if you need that kind of program, there are places and merits for that too.

I love knowing that it all comes down to 2 things with nutrition. Simple Science = Math and Personal Choices = Art of creating a program that works for you. Most of the simple science is available to you, just choose wisely and make the right ratio, meal times, and food choices that work for you.

Put ZIGZAG programs to work for you. You can go between the fat loss, muscle building, MASS program every week or month and notice incredible fat loss and lean muscle gains.

I mentioned ZIGZAG from the primary macronutrients and this can have amazing results for you too, but it’s a bit trickier to suggest here and leads me to another article to increase your lean body lifestyle, fat loss and muscle building goals.

Remember that when 90% of the world uses ZIG at the rate of 1 strategy, it is time for you to ZAG and make a difference. 90% of the time, the 10% who run the wrong way are successful in their endeavors.

Legal Law

The 10 Best Classic Sci-Fi Movies of the ’50s

Are you a fan of black and white B-movies like me? Nope? Well you should be! You’re missing out on some great movies. Some are so bad that they are good; if only for its entertainment value. And, some of the good ones are great! Either way, they are all classics in my book. Many, many great sci-fi classics came out of this decade, many more than 10. But I had to choose. So here are some of my favourites.

10. Journey to the Center of the Earth: 1959

This sci-fi adventure follows a team of explorers (3 men and one woman) up an extinct Icelandic volcano leading to the center of the earth. Along the way, they encounter floods, dinosaurs, a giant Gila monster, and, as always, the evil adversary who tries to stop and/or kill them in order to get to the center first.

At a time when women had little power and independence, this was one of the first films to depict a woman as a strong and capable member of the team, rather than the helpless damsel in distress. It had great special effects for the time. With big stars like James Mason, Pat Boone, and Arlene Dahl, it was head and shoulders above your typical sci-fi movie of the decade. I didn’t see the remake.

9. Invaders from Mars: 1953

It scared the hell out of me the first time I saw it! It begins with young David looking at the stars one night from his bedroom window. He sees a flying saucer land in the sand pit near his house. He runs to alert his parents and insists that his father go and investigate. His father disappears into the sand pit and doesn’t return until the next morning… but somehow he has “changed”. He sees a scar on his father’s neck and realizes that something has happened to him.

The nightmare expands as many of the local inhabitants are slowly “changing” as well. No one believes David at first, but he eventually convinces a scientist and a doctor that something is seriously wrong. Together they thwart the invasion and save the world. The mummy-shaped Martians and their disembodied leader, with his head in a fishbowl and multiple appendages, are especially “creepy.” The remakes are okay, but I liked this one better.

8. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: 1954

A visually compelling interpretation of the Jules Verne classic, this film has inspired several film remakes and a hit television series. It was the first and only science fiction film produced by Walt Disney himself, and one of the best in the genre.

Featuring a star-studded cast that includes Kirk Douglas, James Mason and Peter Lorre, it is the story of a naval officer and his crew who are tasked with investigating ship disappearances at sea by a ‘sea monster’. . They soon discover that the ‘monster’ is actually a submarine-like ship run by the sinister and enigmatic Captain Nemo, whose only goal in life is to bring peace to the world by destroying all the world’s warships. Great adventure and special effects.

7. The Thing (From Outer Space): 1951

Does anyone remember Gunsmoke lawman James Arness? Well, this was his first movie. He plays The Thing, a creature that crash-landed in the frozen Arctic sometime in the distant past. His ship and frozen body are discovered by a group of scientific researchers. They slice him into a block of ice and take him back to the research station where he accidentally thaws out.

They soon discover that it is a carnivorous predator when it begins killing researchers and feeding on their blood. ‘Es’ is very clever and begins to sabotage his research station. They then learn that it is actually a ‘plant’ that only appears humanoid. They have to kill him, but he is 7 feet tall and apparently immune to all of their weapons. Luckily for them, one of the researchers is a woman, who in her feminine wisdom says: ‘So…how do you kill a turnip…cook it!’ Oh! What would they do without us!

6. The Stain: 1958

If you like Steve McQueen movies, this has to be your favorite. It was one of his first movies. He plays a teenager on a date with his girl, when they see a meteor crash in the woods outside of town. On the way to investigate, they come across a distraught man with a “sticky thing” covering his hand and arm. They put him in the car and take him to the local doctor for help.

Then the doctor, his nurse, and the old man disappear. Before long, other people begin to disappear. The next thing you know, this sticky ball has turned into a giant mass of rolling jelly that is sucking up everyone in sight. After watching this movie, I couldn’t sit in a dark theater without constantly looking back at the movie theater. Again, better than the remake!

5. The Fly: 1958

What can I say! It’s a story of the ultimate infection! The film tells the story of a scientist’s attempt to create a matter transporter and an experiment that goes horribly wrong. He tests the machine on himself, not realizing he’s not alone in the chamber… until it’s too late.

After watching the movie, we ran around our yards checking every web for white-headed flies. The film stars Vincent Price and David Hedison. It spawned several sequels and remakes, all of which were surprisingly good.

4. Creature from the Black Lagoon: 1954

Long before Jaws hit the big screen, we were all scared out of the water by the ‘Creature,’ a reptilian-like were-beast who is head over heels for a pretty woman (Julie Adams) he sees swimming in his domain, the Amazon. River. It was love at first sight. He becomes a were-beast on a mission while trying to capture his beloved. There were two sequels, Revenge of the Creature and Creature Walks Among Us… both equally terrifying!

3. Godzilla: 1956

It remains the best prehistoric radiation-breathing dinosaur monster movie ever made. First released as a 1954 Japanese film called Gojira, it was enhanced for its American release by adding footage starring Raymond Burr and an English soundtrack.

The Americans have been testing atomic bombs in the South Pacific. Now there’s a giant, radioactive dinosaur rising out of the sea and attacking Tokyo. What to do what to do? After several attacks on the city, a scientist with a highly effective ‘bomb’ of his own saves the day. It inspired many sequels, including the updated 1998 remake. I loved it too!!

2. The day the Earth stood still: 1951

Still regularly showing on TV, this was the first ‘believable’ film of an alien from outer space. Unlike its recent remake that has a lot of special effects, the original is a well-written sci-fi drama and focuses more on the story.

Klaatu, an alien ambassador on a goodwill peace mission and his peacekeeping robot Gort, arrive on Earth during the early days of space exploration and atomic bomb testing. The extraterrestrial confederation that he represents has prohibited violence and aggression among its member planets; and Earth falls within their region of authority. He brings us an offer and a warning: End our ways of war and violence, join the alliance and live, or face annihilation by the robotic force that enforces it.

The 2008 remake is actually the sequel to this great movie. Obviously, we did not listen to the warning!

And now, the best classic sci-fi movie from the 50s…(drumroll please)

1. War of the Worlds: 1953

In my opinion, it’s the granddaddy of all sci-fi alien invasion movies! The inspiration for many, many movies and TV shows, is based on HG Wells’ sci-fi classic.

It covers 3 days during which a worldwide Martian invasion nearly destroys humanity. The invaders descend in meteorite-like ships and begin to terraform Earth by wiping out the humans with lightning, in order to take over the planet. We are unable to stop them and everyone seems lost until they all suddenly die from a mysterious infection caused by viruses to which we are immune.

It had excellent special effects for the technology of the time. My favorite scene is when the invaders send their wandering eye ‘camera’ into the basement of a house where there are two people; a scientist and a lovely lady (played by Gene Barry and Ann Robinson) have taken refuge. The scientist cuts off his head for the camera, prompting one of the aliens to enter the house to investigate. With their attention focused on what’s going on outside, they don’t notice him sneaking up behind them. He walks over and grabs the girl by her shoulder…YIKES!

I loved the original, but I have to admit, the 2005 remake is much scarier, and it definitely holds its own!

Lifestyle Fashion

Implantation bleeding or your period early?

What is implantation bleeding? and how do you know how it looks or feels?

Imagine this scenario, you are trying to have a baby, desperate to conceive. Your period is due in a few weeks. You’ve been feeling crampy all morning, you go to the bathroom and there it is, blood! Now you have to start all over again. So you write it down in your journal as an early period. and look forward to next month.

Over the next two weeks, you begin to feel fatigued, you’re tired, and yet you don’t know why. He may feel a little dizzy, with a stuffy nose.

All of these symptoms can be a sign that your last “period” was really implantation bleeding. Did it happen about a week or a few days before your period was due? Was the bleeding fairly light instead of a normal ‘flow’? Was the color the same as her normal menstrual blood? Implantation bleeding typically produces pinkish or brownish blood, more like a light discharge or spotting than a normal period. How long did the bleeding last? A few hours, a couple of days?

IF the bleeding progressed to a full menstrual flow, then it is highly unlikely that it was implantation bleeding. You may have had your period a few days before. Although some women have been known to experience a period every month of their entire pregnancy!

Now link to any other feelings or symptoms you may have.

  • Mild to moderate headaches.
  • A cramping sensation in the lower abdomen, similar to menstrual cramps.
  • Nausea.
  • Stuffy or stuffy nose.
  • Sore or tender breasts.
  • Fatigue.
  • Dizziness or fainting

These are just a few of the many early pregnancy symptoms you may feel after pregnancy implantation bleeding has occurred. On the other hand, some women do not feel any symptoms at all!

Without you realizing it, your body could be preparing for the most incredible 9 months of your life.

Why does implantation bleeding occur?

If you have sex around the time of ovulation and the egg is fertilized. It will travel down the fallopian tube and into the uterus. It will then be implanted into the endometrial tissue. This is the blood lining that grows in the uterus. This causes some of the endometrial tissue to separate from the lining of the uterus and flow. Implantation in the uterus will occur within 6 to 8 days after ovulation, if the egg has been fertilized.

Pregnancy implantation bleeding is not a problem, it will not affect the embryo. Not all women will experience this extremely early pregnancy bleeding, only about 20 or 30%.

It is usually too early to perform a pregnancy test at the implantation stage. Hormone levels will remain fairly stable. So it’s just a matter of waiting and keeping your fingers firmly crossed.


Overview of Canine Arthritis Treatment

Just like humans, dogs are prone to arthritis, especially as they get older. There are things you can do to help prevent the development of this debilitating disease, but canine arthritis treatment is the only way to control your canine friend’s symptoms. There are many remedies available, including herbal and prescription treatments.

Arthritis in dogs is usually of the osteoarthritis type, caused by inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues. Factors that contribute to the development of arthritis are age, heredity, previous injuries, inadequate nutrition, and obesity. Arthritis causes pain and decreased mobility, reducing your pet’s enjoyment of life.

Prevention is important during the first years of life. Make sure your dog is getting adequate nutrition, with the right foods that contain a balance of minerals and protein designed for canines. Keep your dog active to prevent obesity. If an injury occurs, see your vet immediately for an accurate diagnosis and treatment so that the joint heals well.

Symptoms of arthritis in your dog include an unwillingness to move, an inability to stand on its hind legs, a limp, and other evidence of joint pain. Late-stage arthritis can result in a loss of appetite with weight loss and even a fever. Along with these symptoms, you may notice that your dog is losing muscle tone due to inactivity.

There are many natural treatments for dogs with arthritis. Alfalfa will help soothe joint swelling which can be made into a tea. Extracts from mussels or shellfish help to heal damaged tissues. Yucca contains anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce arthritis pain. Comfrey and nettles are also widely used to relieve symptoms in dogs. Vegetables, rich in B vitamins and minerals, can be mixed with dog food. Check with a pet health store and your veterinarian for dosages and other recommendations for proper use of natural remedies.

Your vet will likely prescribe some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Rimadyl or Deramaxx for dogs. These medications will not only help with pain, but also prevent further damage to the joints. There are additional prescription drugs that can be used, and in the worst case, surgery may be recommended.

Once arthritis has progressed to a debilitating state, it is nearly impossible to reverse the damage. Therefore, proper nutrition, care and exercise are ultimately the best prevention for the development of the disease. Once your dog shows signs of pain, it’s imperative that he begin evaluating his options for canine arthritis treatment.

Real Estate

The best timeshare deals: how to get them

If you want to buy a timeshare property, searching for the best deal is the key to taking the pain out of travel planning.

Timeshare deals ensure security by eliminating financial hassles because vacations are paid for in advance before you travel.

Such a deal allows you to lease a vacation at a timeshare resort you like. It makes you enjoy the amenities provided at your favorite vacation spot that you would rather visit again more conveniently.

You can search for the tools you need to expand your timeshare opportunities with the click of a mouse button. You can explore the Internet to come up with the best timeshare deals. As the timeshare trading and rental industry has grown phenomenally, there are a number of websites dealing with the opportunities available in timeshare deals.

Benefits of own timeshare offer

Timeshare is a way to pay for your vacation in advance. Owning or renting a resort for an entire year can be expensive compared to the price paid for timeshare deals. This is the main factor that makes people support this industry. Timeshare also allows you to own a property for a specific period of the year.

Some of the other benefits that increased by buying timeshare deals are that you can spend your vacation in a resort of your liking. Many resorts around the world offer timeshare deals. Up to 5,000 timeshare resorts offer these types of deals in 90 countries around the world.

You will be treated as an owner even if you buy property through timeshare agreements. This will cost you less compared to the price paid if you rent the same property. Condominiums, which is the most common timeshare unit, which includes bedrooms and other amenities like kitchen with appliances like refrigerator, iron, washing machine, TV, DVD and CD player.

Under any timeshare agreement, the size of the condo units is large enough to allow you to bring your friends and family together. Its setting allows a minimum of 10 people to sleep.

Timeshare deals include condos that come with kitchens. This allows you to cook your meals at home even when you’re on vacation, saving up to $100 per day. If you want to completely relax and enjoy the vacation of your dreams, timeshare resorts provide you with personal chefs that will serve you in your unit. This service, if necessary, can be used for an additional payment.

Timeshare deals like these are unique deals that can be sold or traded with other investors. You are always free to choose the feasible time to sell the timeshare property in which you have invested to someone else. It is worth mentioning that timeshare resorts do not guarantee money back. Therefore, it is always recommended to sell or exchange the stock for a new property.

If you’re anxious to make a decision, keep in mind that today there are around 4.5 million timeshare owners around the world who have purchased timeshare agreements and are enjoying their benefits. It is the fastest growing industry in the world, as well as in the travel industry for the last decade.

Big companies offer timeshare deals. Some of them are leading companies like Marriott, Hilton, Disney, Star Wood and Four Seasons that have offered many timeshare deals to various investors.

Consumer law supports your legal rights, obligations and responsibilities in nearly 50 states in the US The laws that follow the country guarantee absolute protection of timeshare transactions and ownership.

These offers are based on your choice of resort, trade season, vacation length, type of units, number of bathrooms, bedrooms, and use of amenities. The price paid to purchase or dispose of timeshare properties is also influenced by a number of factors. In case of intervention of real estate companies, the professional fees that you will be paying will be at the discretion of the company.

Once your timeshare is closed, you have all the rights and benefits to celebrate your vacation in the place of your choice.

Whether you want to visit the sunny beaches of the Caribbean or the powdery slopes of the Swiss mountains, timeshare deals come in handy and ensure that you enjoy the vacation of your dreams without worrying too much about your financial state. Start making vacation time and location decisions right away. Timeshare deals are to meet your travel needs.

Shopping Product Reviews

Fibroids Symptoms: 10 Fibroids Symptoms to Be Wary of

Uterine fibroids are very common in women of childbearing age, but most don’t even know they have them, as fibroid symptoms can easily be mistaken for something else. 50% of women with fibroids do not have any symptoms and only now have fibroids during a pelvic exam or when having trouble conceiving.

Here are some common symptoms to look out for, so you know when it’s time to act.

Abdominal swelling – If your belly is sticking out, but feels hard when you touch it, this is a common symptom of fibroids. Many women with fibroids look pregnant when they are not and notice that the swelling worsens over time.

Heavy Menstruation: If you notice that you constantly have to change your super plus tampons or that nightly pads are not enough during your period, this is also a sign that fibroids are causing abnormal bleeding. Some bleeding can be so severe that blood transfusions are needed.

Abnormal bleeding: In addition to heavy bleeding, you may notice that you are spotting between periods, or that your periods last 6 days or more. Some women also pass a lot of heavy black clots in their menstrual blood.

Vaginal bleeding after menopause: Women who have gone through menopause may experience bleeding after several years without having periods. This is another indication that fibroids are out of control.

Back pain or pain in the back of the legs: Women with fibroids sometimes experience pain in seemingly unrelated places. This is because the nerves that connect the uterus to the brain are located close to the nerves in the back and legs.

Cramps: Fibroids can cause strong spasms, as the uterus recognizes them as a foreign body that needs to be expelled. Some women may feel like they are in labor, and the pain may be so bad that pain relievers do not take it away.

Pelvic pain: This can come in the form of a constant dull ache, to sharp pains, depending on the type of fibroid. Some fibroids can compress other organs and make them feel under pressure as well.

Urinary problems: Women with large fibroids may experience frequent urination, as the fibroid presses on the bladder, or difficulty urinating, if the fibroid blocks any part of the urinary system. Frequent urinary tract infections are also related to fibroids that interfere with the functioning of the urinary system.

Constipation: Fibroids pressing on the colon can prevent regular bowel movements, cause painful digestion, and are easily confused with irritable bowel syndrome. If you’re in a relationship, fibroids can also cause painful intercourse, depending on where the fibroid is located. Being in constant pain or feeling exhausted due to anemia or fibroid symptoms can also decrease sexual desire, causing relationship difficulties for some couples.

Infertility and Miscarriage: Fibroids can make it hard to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy. They can block the fallopian tubes, prevent implantation from occurring, or in pregnant women, interfere with fetal development or cause uterine spasms and miscarriage.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that it is essential to take steps to shrink fibroids now, rather than waiting until later. Even if your fibroids are small and not causing problems, they can grow very quickly and have serious repercussions on the health of your other organs.

Remember that for every woman who appears to be 6 months pregnant because of her fibroids, or who is bleeding so much that she needs blood transfusions, there was a time in her life when her fibroids were very small and not causing any problems. That’s why it’s so important not to procrastinate.


Soccer is the best game for all sports lovers

For all the sports lovers out there, soccer is one of the favorite sports games ever. They love playing it and they love the excitement. Whenever there is a soccer world cup or any big soccer championship, all the fans just go crazy and can’t get enough of the game. It is a much loved sport of all time and people love to watch and play it.

Soccer had had a bigger fan base abroad where there are a number of teams that are loved immensely by the crowd and every time they play the applause doesn’t stop. Like any other sports game, soccer also has a number of rules and specifications that need to be kept in mind during each game, it is the difference in sports and their specifications that makes them so interesting.

Let’s take a look at some of the facts related to this sport and whether they are as interesting as the sport itself:


When it comes to statistics, soccer has been considered the most watched sport of all time. This shouldn’t come as a surprise because everyone is aware of their huge fan base. People just love this show and can’t get enough of it. Every time there is a match they can barely control their excitement level and they love the excitement, the whole games and all the rules associated with it are really interesting and the fans love every part of it.


As mentioned above, there are certain rules and then certain specifications that must be taken into account when practicing this sport. Over the years it has been concluded that a footballer needs to run 9.65 kilometers for each game. That’s quite a lot and that’s the calculated spec for this particular sport. No wonder all footballers are in such good shape and have the perfect physique for the sport.


You must have heard many people call football as “football”. Always remember that you will only hear Americans and Canadians use that term for soccer. They are the only ones who call this sport by that name and thus distinguish themselves from the rest of the crowd. This game is famous all over the world and the fan base is equally divided all over the world.

Tours Travel

Do you feel tired and exhausted? Try Thalassa for a change

There are moments in life when you feel tired and exhausted from the stress of daily life, perhaps also from work and family pressure. And you want to get away from it all, but you also want to try something different. You don’t want to go to the same beach or mountain retreat or even your favorite spa. You also want value for money and not have to pay exorbitant prices.

I felt like this a few weeks ago. Since I was going to be in Paris on business, I thought: why not go to a Thalassa in France near Paris? Internet search suggests Quiberon, a coastal town in Brittany, northwestern France. The choice was confirmed by knowledgeable French friends who said this was the first place to develop Thalassa and remains one of the best.

This is how my husband, Roberto, and I spent a happy week at the Sofitel Quiberon Thalassa. Our journey began at the Gare de Montparnasse, a major and unimpressive train station in Paris. After three and a half hours on the elegant TGV (very high-speed train), we disembark in a town called Auray and take a 30-minute taxi to the Sofitel Hotel, which is connected to the Thalassotherapy Institute.

So what is Thalassa?

Thalassa is an abbreviated term for Thalassotherapy, which means ‘sea’ and ‘treatment’. It uses the healing and beneficial properties of mineral-rich seawater and marine products rich in trace elements and antioxidants for your health and well-being. A visit to a thalassa is a similar experience to visiting a spa, except that the treatments are not just for relaxation and beauty, but also for healing. As a thalassa has to be located near the sea, expect invigorating sea air as well.

This particular Institute offers a number of packages. We chose a package called Harmonie that offers five seawater treatments and a massage every day. The use of algae is a very important part of the treatment. Treatments last about two and a half hours, either in the morning or in the afternoon. I left the place strengthened, feeling that I was once again ready to face the world.


The service is good and efficient and the therapists are professional. That’s all good. Being used to giving massages in Thailand, I was not too impressed with the daily massage at the Institute. We were on a half board package with the hotel and found the food to be exceptional. We gain instead of losing weight despite intensive treatments. Next time I will take your weight loss program with a special menu and caloric control.

The highlight for me was meditating on a rock. In the silence of my mind, I could hear the sound of the waves around me and the flapping of the seagulls’ wings overhead. I could feel the sun on my face and the spray of the seawater and taste its saltiness. That was a magical moment to remember and savor.


Tune in to online talk radio

In this internet age, can you imagine just turning on your gramophone or radio and tuning it to a channel and waiting for the right signal and listening to your favorite channel? In today’s busy world this is not possible and here comes the new way to listen to your favorite radio. Nowadays radio shows are delivered online. Internet radio involves the delivery of various online radio programs via digital media from one computer to another over the Internet. It’s a whole new way to experience radio through a computing device. In the early days, users had to download an entire audio file before they could listen to it, while small audio snippets sometimes took a long time to download. The broadcast process allows the user today to listen to audio programming as soon as it happens. So you don’t have to wait for a file to download before listening to it. Users can even shortlist their preferences by compiling everything into a favorites list of their own.

This internet radio becomes a big bubble and this bubble is expanding very fast in the industry, but unfortunately as a result of the dispute between the internet broadcasters and the music industry and a lot that the internet broadcasters must pay the other for each song, many disappear. and many go out of business and as a result the big bubble shrinks in size. But finally the rule changes and many internet stations start to reappear in their business. Today also 80 /: The US population has access to the Internet from home. Internet usage is growing every alternate day. The audio we receive over the Internet attracts more visitors for whatever program we are watching.

Talk radio really created a big change in the field of entertainment. This internet radio is the new way to sweep the web community. Now there are many streaming stations that offer a variety of programs over the Internet and at the same time, people have the option to choose from the stations they like.