Home Kitchen

The best flooring for high traffic areas

The Best Flooring Options for High-Traffic Areas In any interior decorating project, choosing the right flooring can be one of the most difficult decisions. This is true for both homeowners and business owners. Choosing the right flooring for high traffic areas can be especially difficult. The flooring used in these areas must be able to withstand all the “bashing” it will take from the many feet that will walk on it throughout its lifespan. It should also be easy to clean. After all, heavy foot traffic means a higher chance for spills, stains, and more on your floor.

Of course, there are many different flooring options, including carpet, laminate, tile, hardwood, etc. Within each of the major flooring categories, there are a few options that are quite suitable for high-traffic areas. However, some flooring materials are still better than others in areas where people and animals will repeatedly move across the floor every day.

The best flooring for high traffic areas is probably tile.. Ceramic tile, stone tile, and other tiling materials are incredibly durable and hold up well to heavy foot traffic. Unless it’s made of a highly porous material, tile is also easy to clean with a damp mop. However, it should be noted that not all types of tile are good for an area where many people walk. Glossy tiles made from a material like marble can be quite slippery when wet, increasing the chances of pedestrians slipping and falling. Tile grout can also stain easily if it is not sealed. A darker grout is probably the best floor for high-traffic areas because it won’t show spills and stains as easily.

After tile, wood is a good flooring option for high-traffic areas. In addition to adding warmth to a room or building, hardwood floors are durable, especially when made from hardwoods like oak or maple. Real wood floors, on the other hand, are very expensive. Also, they can get scratched and scratched very easily. So it’s probably not a good idea to install them in high-traffic areas where heavy items like furniture are regularly moved across the floor.

Laminate flooring is an alternative to wood that, while less expensive than wood, retains many of the benefits of wood. It can also add warmth to a room because it’s designed to look like real wood. Laminate can also be quite durable, especially if cared for properly. However, this layered flooring material is also susceptible to water damage. Spills must be cleaned up immediately; otherwise, the liquid can penetrate the layers of the flooring material and damage it.

Vinyl flooring can be a good choice for high-traffic areas because it’s inexpensive and can mimic the look of real stone or ceramic tile. It is usually made of a durable plastic or plastic composite. However, like many laminates, vinyl can be damaged over time. Generally, it will take longer for such floors to be waterlogged and damaged, but water sitting on the vinyl for long periods of time can warp the vinyl and cause it to lift off the floor.

One last flooring material that many people consider for high-traffic areas is carpet. This flooring is perhaps the least attractive option for high-traffic areas because it gets dirty easily. Buying carpet that is stain-resistant can help alleviate this problem, but no fiber is completely stain-proof. Those who insist on this flooring material for a high-traffic area should choose a carpet rated at a performance level of 4 or 5 to ensure its good resistance over time.

Digital Marketing

Why do people think email marketing is a good idea?

If you’re investing time and money in digital marketing for your business, you may have heard about how email marketing can serve your business. Email marketing is commonly considered to be one of the most effective tools to promote your brand to potential customers, even surpassing other strategies like social media. Email marketing campaign services exist for a reason, after all.

If you’re new to digital marketing, you’re probably shaking your head in disbelief. How is it possible that this generation is still in email? Marketers know that email is not only alive, but still highly relevant, easy to use, affordable, and most importantly, effective. Here are reasons to invest in creating an email marketing campaign.

1. Email is not restrictive

We’re past the stage where Facebook gives business owners and advertisers the opportunity to promote their brands, only to pull it after various privacy issues and algorithm changes. Fortunately for marketers, Facebook paves a way for online advertising, but it’s not the only possible method, or even the best one.

This is where email shines. You don’t have to worry about any algorithm changes that may redirect your entire marketing strategy. In fact, you don’t even have to worry about your audience disappearing or moving to the next best platform.

Your email list is still a list of people who want to hear from your company. Even if they choose to unsubscribe, the emails boast a 20 percent open rate, which is higher than Facebook’s equivalent metric, “people talking about this,” which sits at 5 percent.

2. Email stands the test of time…better than social media

Social media is fast-paced, which means your posts easily become old news within two days or so. Emails can last more than two days, because people don’t get emails as fast as they consume social media updates, and with that, your emails won’t be deleted as easily.

3. Email marketing is easy to integrate with other digital marketing strategies

With emails, you can easily embed your social media accounts or your website. You can even encourage your recipients to follow your social media account through your email newsletter, and even regularly remind them to check out your new blog posts.

4. Sending emails will help retain your customers

Sending emails regularly can increase the chances that your existing customers will buy from your brand again. In fact, not all of your emails have to be sales pitches; Emails can actually be a way to present your brand personality and values, and even encourage engagement with interactive content.

A great example: Glossier, a US-based skincare brand, sends its subscribers emails with random content, like a photo of a kid to greet their customers with “good morning.” Not only is it a great display of brand personality, but it’s also a great way to encourage your customers from time to time to remind them of your business.

Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies. Your first few attempts may not be as successful, but with persistent efforts, your ROI will skyrocket. If you need help with your marketing campaign, there are several email marketing campaign services ready to help, and they’re usually just an email away.


How to lose weight at home: 7 tips you should know!

Are you trying to reach your weight loss goals? Did you know that you can make small changes to your diet and still lose weight? Let me show you how to lose weight at home.

The following 7 steps will help you achieve your goals:


Do not skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast could cause your body to store fat, increasing your cravings for junk food. Doing this will also kill your mid-morning cravings.

A great day starts with a great breakfast. Make it great by adding protein and vegetables, this will also help you kill your cravings.

2. Drink more water

Experts talk a lot about drinking water. The problem is when you are not drinking enough water, because it causes hunger and not thirst.

Drink a large glass of water 30 minutes before each meal, it will reduce your hunger.

On the other hand, it will also help you burn fat. When you burn fat, you are sending all the toxins into your system; the water you drink will help you flush out those toxins

3. The 20 minute rule

If you chew more slowly, you will be eating less food. It takes about 20 minutes for her brain to receive the signal.

Take your time and really enjoy your food.

4.Add Vegetables

Would you like to know how to instantly prepare a healthier meal?

Add vegetables to every meal, it doesn’t matter if it’s a pizza; you can create a healthier meal by simply adding vegetables.

Do this and your body will better process what you eat, which in turn will help you lose the extra pounds.

3 more things to lose weight at home:

5. Avoid sweeteners

Experts say that some artificial sweeteners could increase your cravings. Instead, you can try using other types of substitutes, such as Xylitol Prayed Seville.

6. Fatty acids.

Increase your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids. You will burn fat by helping your body become more sensitive to insulin. Increasing your insulin sensitivity is vital if you want to be successful.

You can find it in chia seeds and flax seeds.

7. Multivitamins

If you don’t take in enough nutrients every day, your body will starve.

If your body goes into starvation mode, you will have a hard time losing weight.

Losing weight at home is easier than you think. Just start including these tips step by step and you will see amazing results.

Legal Law

Multiply Your Copywriting Response Fast – With This Little-Known Secret From The Mail Order Millionaire

Most people find this hard to believe, but there are times when going to a lawyer with your ad or sales letter will make you more money.

I know it sounds strange, but it’s true.

For example, I recently interviewed a true advertising genius who built a million-dollar business selling self-published books.

And he was telling me how he wrote a book on folk remedies, which is a highly regulated market where people have been jailed for making certain claims.

And so, before posting her ad, what she did was call a vitamin and consumable products attorney, and she said it totally opened her eyes to all sorts of possibilities that she had never considered before.

Not only from a legal point of view, but also from a money making point of view.

In his case, he said he found that while you can’t make a statement something will “cure” anything, you can often take a strong headline and put a question mark at the end.

For example, instead of saying:

Never get a common cold again!

You say:

Never get the common cold again?

Do you see the idea?

In this case, having a question mark not only makes the ad legal, it makes it better, since question headlines generally attract like crazy.

So don’t hesitate to talk to a good lawyer about your ads if you have any questions about what you can and can’t say.

Not only will you sleep better without fear of alerting a regulatory agency, but you may also walk away with ideas that put more money in your pocket at the same time.

Lifestyle Fashion

Hemorrhoids: a collagen disease?

Collagen is the tissue in the body that works like cement. It is the tissue that holds all our cells and organs together. Without him, we would be a mass of blogs without any form. So collagen is important. You’ve probably heard of collagen diseases like lupus or systemic lupus erythematosus (great name, huh). But these are autoimmune diseases. This is where the body’s own immune system attacks the collagen. But we are not talking about this classification of diseases. We are talking about a disease in which there is not enough collagen!

What would happen if collagen was deficient in the body? Is it possible to have a collagen deficiency? You have probably never heard of this deficiency and possibly never seen any RDA requirement for the necessary daily requirements of collagen. That’s because collagen is generally not essential. Which means that the body produces its own collagen. But for every strand of collagen produced in the body, an essential nutrient is required. We will get to this a bit later in the article.

The question for you and me today is: Is the condition commonly known as hemorrhoids a collagen deficiency disease? Hmm. I’m sure the answer to that question is Yes. Studies have shown that to be a fact.

This may sound funny to you, but hemorrhoidal tissue (after surgery of course) has been analyzed for its collagen content.[1]. The collagen content of hemorrhoidal tissue from 31 patients who had undergone hemorrhoidectomy was compared with another 20 people who did not have hemorrhoids and had died a natural death. The analysis clearly showed a greater collagen deficiency in those samples from patients with hemorrhoids compared to those who did not suffer from this disease.

The funny thing about this study is the following sentence given by the scientists as a conclusion: “It is not clear whether this is due to exogenous or endogenous influences.” In other words, is it due to something external or internal to the body? This clearly reveals how scientific minds can sometimes err on the simplest of problems.

As mentioned above, an essential nutrient is required to form each strand of collagen in the body. If any of these nutrients are missing, collagen does not form or forms incorrectly. It’s like building a concrete wall without the steel to support it. To form collagen the body requires:
1.Vitamin C
2. The amino acid lysine
3. Zinc – an essential mineral that is missing from our soil and food 4. Bioflavonoids found in citrus
5. Anthocyanidins: Found in Certain Fruits and Vegetables

As you can see from the list above, most of these nutrients are not available in the standard American diet. Lysine is easy to obtain because it is found in all high-protein foods. But the other essential nutrients are not consumed enough by most Americans to supply good quality collagen tissue. Where can we get these nutrients?
1. Zinc can be found in pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
2. Vitamin C can be found in lemons, citrus fruits, and all fruits and vegetables to varying degrees
3. Anthocyanidins are found in blueberries, pomegranates, and the entire berry family
4. Bioflavonoids can also be found in the above foods, especially citrus fruits

*1. Willis, S., et al., Hemorrhoids: a collagen disease? Colorectal disease, 2009.


Personality and Behaviors of Persian Cats

General description

Persian cats are beautiful, social and harmless companion animals. They are also called Iranian cats or Shirizi cats. The scientific name of this domestic animal is Felis catus. Persians have silky, shiny fur, a round face, bright eyes, and long hairs all over their bodies. Cats are generally famous for calm and sweet behaviors. They used to ask permission when entering to meet. Although the valid reason for her long hair is not known, however, scientists declared it to be the result of a natural mutation.

In 1626, an Italian citizen, Mr. Pietro Della Valle, introduced a long-haired cat to Europe for the first time. It was probably brought to Europe by traders from the Middle East. In the beginning, these cats were known as Asian cats and were available in only one color. The credit goes to the Persian scientists, who developed their race. Now Persians are found in different colors, including bicolors.

Life expectancy
The average lifespan of this cat is fifteen years. More than 76% of cats live to be 12 years old and 52% of cats live 15 years or more. The veterinary department in England has stated that their average lifespan is 14 to 17 years. Persians generally weigh between 7 and 12 pounds.

Classification of the Persians
By the early 17th century, only one type of Persian cat had surfaced, developing over time. Today, there are more than 100 recognized types of Persians, which fall into the following four main groups:

1.Group-1. The cats of the first group have monochrome hair. His hair is the same color from tip to root.
2.Group-2. Persian cats of the second group have a suppressor gene.
3.Group-3. The cats of the third group have the Himalayan gene.
4.Group-4. The cats of the fourth and last group have the agouti gene.

type of persian cats
There are some differences between various international cat associations in the classification of Persians. All associations have their own opinion on origin, characteristics and classification. However, there are three main types of Persian cats i.e. Himalayan, Exotic and Persian. Some scientists have also narrated the following types:-
• Himalayas.
• Exotic.
• Persians and Angoras.
• Traditional Persians.
• Peke-face and ultra typed.
• Toys and sizes of teacups.
• Chinchilla Long Hair and Sterling.
• Coloring.

Persian food
The Persian cat belongs to the Mammalia class and is a carnivorous animal. She feeds milk to her kittens. The Persians cannot sustain life without consuming meat in some form. Goat’s milk, pumpkin, fish and vitamin are the best food for Persians. Cats should never be given alcohol or alcoholic beverages, sugar and onions because it can cause serious health problems.

Persian diseases
Persians generally suffer from the following diseases:-
1. Breathing difficulties/problems.
2. Dental problems
3. Kidney diseases
4. Skin problems
5. Excessive tearing
6. Eye diseases
7. Fungal infection

Care and maintenance
The department explained the cause of death of the Persian cats. They are of the opinion that Persians have a large round skull, shortened face and nose, which creates breathing difficulties. Cats often suffer from breathing difficulties due to their facial structure. Also, Persians have long hair, which needs regular grooming and maintenance to prevent matting. They should be bathed and carefully dried daily. Your eyes can be cleaned regularly to prevent eye diseases.

Personality and Behaviors
The Persian cat is a beautiful, calm, sweet and gentle pet. Enjoy the company of peaceful people. Persian cats are calm by nature but they also have a playful side. Cats have a strict feud with dogs.

Pre-Purchase Measures
Some important pre-purchase steps are as follows:-
1. Cost of the cat.
2. Color combination of Persians.
3. Maintain good relations with breeders.
4. Visit a CFA cat show.
5. CFA registered breed.
6. Be ready to bathe and brush every day.
7. Choice between cat flat face or traditional face.

Keeping cats in Islam
Islam is a complete religion and way of life, in which everything is clear. Islamic tradition and society has respected cats for their cleanliness. Islam has allowed cats to enter Muslim homes, mosques, and even the Masjid al-Haram. Islam has allowed Muslims to keep cats in the house without being harmful or impure (Najas). Cats are useful companion animals because they eat snakes, rats, and other harmful insects. The great Sahabi Abu Hurayrah (father of the kitten) was named for his love of cats.

Real Estate

Office rental is profitable for your business

We all know that real estate fees are increasing tremendously with the development and advancement of society. Commercial property rates have always been higher than residential rates. In such a case, buying an office can be a great investment, especially if one has limited resources and a low budget. We all know that multinationals and large corporations have a huge business premise that looks quite professional and impressive. However, they have a large turnover and can conveniently afford it. What about small and developing companies? There are many companies in the market that are working to establish their place in the world of big industries. However, they are initially short on resources and unable to invest in an office.

The best solution for this problem is office rental. Renting an office is quite convenient and affordable. It makes your business look more professional without having to invest a huge amount. The saved resources can be used in other places that can be more profitable for the business. Office space in London offers you a lot of space and can be easily solved by hiring a real estate agent. Real estate agents are intermediaries who help you search for the right property that suits your needs and requirements. They have all the necessary market information, which makes the search for your property much easier. They charge you a certain amount of commission for their services.

There are many people who run their businesses from home. But normally, these types of businesses are not successful because they do not create an impression on their customers. If you have no idea about office rental and real estate, you can take an online survey to find out more. There are many websites that provide these types of services and help you find the type of office that is right for you.

A growing business always expands one day or another. In such cases, a rented office is much more convenient. You can always change your business premises and move to a larger office. This is especially useful if the number of employees is increasing. Therefore, it is very necessary for you to plan your resources well before investing anywhere. A monthly rental agreement is more suitable if you want to change your office at any time. This will make your expansion procedure simpler and less hectic without locking up a lot of your resources. If you are planning to buy a property, do a proper market survey before taking any steps. It is best to invest in the locality whose real estate rates are most likely to increase in the future. This will be a profitable investment for you and will earn a good resale value if you wish to sell the property and purchase a larger property.

Renting an office also has advantages in case of taxes. A person who has rented an office is obliged to pay the amount of taxes deducted in accordance with the law. So, this was some important information on how to rent an office and the various advantages associated with it.


Build a better fantasy hockey team with these four rules of thumb

Write well and know your league setup

Come to your fantasy hockey draft prepared from the first round to the last. Learn about your league setup and how many roster positions you have to fill and prepare your own rankings. Please note that the automatically generated rankings on sites like Yahoo and ESPN are not tailored to your particular league settings.

Believe in big name players

Don’t overreact to last year’s stars or this year’s up-and-comers. Put most, if not all, of your stock into players with a strong track record. Don’t underestimate guys like Martin St. Louis to bet on a promising youngster like Nail Yakupov or Ryan Nugent-Hopkins. Both will be great, but don’t do it, you’ll screw up at least one of these bets. That said, if you’re in a goalie league, age and potential are bigger factors in your fantasy hockey draft.

This logic of not overreacting also applies when making trades in your league. Buy low on stars and sell high on players who are playing well at the time. Don’t stray too far from this rule unless betting on a good player is absolutely necessary to win a matchup or a league.

This advice to “believe in the great players” may sound like mere common sense, but you’d be surprised at how easily a GM of a struggling team drops a struggling borderline star or changes a big name for very little. . Don’t expect a hot streak to continue unless the player is proven or playing with proven players. This includes rising stars, who tend to be inconsistent.

Catch trends before others see them

While the last section was about believing in your star players through thick and thin, this section is all about choosing the best players to add to the bottom of your roster. Most GMs won’t notice a player doing well without a big name attached. They also tend to overlook players whose overall numbers are diminished by injuries, playing for a team out of the spotlight like the Panthers or Blue Jackets, or simply not showing up enough in the goals column. the most outstanding stat of all.

Master the art of fantasy hockey trading

Identify your opponents’ equipment needs and exploit them. Nothing annoys me more than when I’m offered another mediocre cross (when I already have three!) for my elite winger or goalkeeper. No one wants to add more to a position than they need to unless they’re clearly winning the deal. Instead, find out which other teams have too much and try to steal one of them in exchange for one of their decent players in a position they desperately need.


ทำไมศิลปิน Doujin ถึงเกลียด Sumireko?

ทำไมศิลปิน Doujin

Doujinshi เป็นแฟนภาพวาดที่ใช้ตัวละครจากอนิเมะหรือมังงะ นี่อาจเป็นปัญหาได้เนื่องจากละเมิดลิขสิทธิ์ของผู้สร้างและเผยแพร่อย่างผิดกฎหมาย แฟนๆ ควรระวังที่จะเผยแพร่โดจินชิโดยไม่ได้รับอนุญาต เพราะมันทำให้ศิลปินที่มีพรสวรรค์หลายคนหยุดแชร์ผลงานของพวกเขา

โดจิน 18+

ในหลายกรณี แฟนๆ จะใช้มุม ‘ตลก’ เพื่อแสดงตัวละคร ตัวอย่างเช่น ซูมิเระโกะเป็นนางเอกของโดจินที่ส่วนใหญ่เป็นบทตลก เธอมักจะถูกพรรณนาว่าเป็นวัยรุ่นแทนที่จะเป็นนักล่า ในขณะที่ศิลปินบางคนมองว่าเธอเป็นคนโง่ คนอื่นมองว่าเธอเป็นภัยคุกคามร้ายแรงต่อสังคม

ศิลปินโดจินบางคนถึงกับตั้งแอนะล็อกของ PETA ขึ้นมาเองในท่อนนี้ การทารุณกรรมยุคคุริอย่างต่อเนื่องก็ส่งผลย้อนกลับมาที่พวกเขาเช่นกัน เนื่องจากตอนนี้บางคนมองว่าเธอน่ารัก สิ่งนี้สะท้อนให้เห็นในชื่อของเธอ ในคู่มือของ Phantasmagoria of Flower View เธอถูกเรียกว่า ‘9’

ทำไมศิลปิน Doujin ถึงเกลียด Sumireko?

โอดะ ผู้สร้าง One Piece ทำงานตั้งแต่ยังเป็นวัยรุ่น เขายังทำงานเกี่ยวกับซีรีส์นี้ตั้งแต่ตีพิมพ์ครั้งแรก และเขาเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านสื่อ เขาวาดอะไรก็ได้ที่เคลื่อนไหว และทิ้งพื้นหลังและวัตถุให้ผู้ช่วยของเขา

ผู้ผลิต doujinshi จำนวนมากเป็นผู้เริ่มต้น แม้จะมีชื่อเสียงในวัฒนธรรมโดจินของญี่ปุ่น พวกเขากลัวกิจกรรมที่ชอบด้วยกฎหมายเพราะอาจทำให้ฐานแฟนคลับที่ไม่เปลี่ยนแปลง ผู้ผลิต doujinshi จำนวนมากไม่ได้รับกระแสเงินสดมากนัก แต่บางคนก็ทำเงินได้มากมาย อย่างไรก็ตาม ส่วนใหญ่ไม่ได้หาเลี้ยงชีพเต็มเวลา

โชคดีที่มีทรัพย์สินมากมายที่สามารถซื้อขาย doujinshi ได้ ที่ใหญ่ที่สุดคือ Mandarake ซึ่งเป็นเครือข่ายร้านการ์ตูนมือสองขนาดใหญ่ที่ตั้งอยู่ทั่วประเทศญี่ปุ่น โดยไม่คำนึงถึงพื้นที่จริง Mandarake ซื้อ doujin จากแฟน ๆ และขายพวกเขาบนเว็บ

Doujinshi เป็นประเภทย่อยของการ์ตูนญี่ปุ่นที่เผยแพร่อย่างอิสระ มีสองประเภทพื้นฐาน: งานที่ไม่ซ้ำกันและงานย่อย งานรองคืองานการ์ตูนที่ต้องพึ่งพางานอื่น อีกประเภทหนึ่งคือแฟนตาซี นิยายแฟนตาซีประกอบด้วยการนำตัวละครจากซีรีส์ที่มีตัวละครต่างๆ มารวมกัน งานแฟนตาซีเหล่านี้มักตั้งอยู่ในโลกในจินตนาการที่ไม่เหมือนกับจักรวาลแรก

Tours Travel

How to make your soccer players faster

Most soccer players can be taught and coached how to run fast!

Again, in case you forgot, actual speed work is defined as 2-8 seconds of maximum speed, maximum intensity running with full recovery (minimum of 3 minutes).

If your ‘soccer speed workouts’ don’t fall into that category, then you are not training your soccer players to improve their ability to accelerate effectively or develop faster top speeds.

Because running fast is, without a doubt, a skill. And there are certain race elements that need to be developed for consistent results.

And those results come from a focus on the following five areas, in no particular order.

Fundamental Speed ​​#1: TEACH PROPER ARM ACTION

Ultimately, the role of the arms is to stabilize the torso.

Doing so allows for greater power transfer and force application, critical factors for speed.

All arm action should take place through the shoulders. Instruct athletes to keep elbows locked at approximately 90 degrees. In front, the hands should not cross the midline of the body.

Hands should reach cheek level in front and clear hips in back. Also, focus on bringing your elbow or hand down and back, keeping your elbows close to your body throughout the range of motion.

You will be surprised how difficult this is for many athletes.

Fundamental Speed ​​#2: TRAIN FAST, RUN FAST

I don’t care what sport you train. If all of your training is at a submaximal pace, then you’re not going to develop faster athletes. It’s that easy.

This principle is not just for track sprinters. From soccer to football to lacrosse and everything in between, athletes need to train fast if they want to be fast.

I’m not saying a soccer player shouldn’t do aerobic work, but they spend a lot of time sprinting toward a ball and to/from a defensive player.

To get where they want to go faster, they must have a higher acceleration rate. And this comes from doing a full throttle job with full recovery as I mentioned earlier.

For some people this is difficult to understand. 4 second sprints with 3 minutes rest seem like a waste of time.

Trust me, it’s not.

But if you’re training true speed/power athletes like sprinters and soccer players, high-intensity sprints with full recovery *should* be the *base* of training.

Aerobic work serves as recovery from speed work, it does not put them in specific “shape” for the demands of soccer.

This is not even a debatable concept.

Fundamental Speed ​​#3: BE PATIENT

I’m not just talking about being patient with your athletes while you break them down to develop them.

I’m talking about being patient on each repetition of speed work.

The speed cannot be forced. Athletes must learn to override the voice in their head that tells them to “work harder, run harder, push, work harder, hurry up.”

Instead, they have to let speed come to them.

During acceleration, the ground contact time goes from long to short. But most athletes are in a rush to get up and adopt their “normal” running technique at full speed.

This is the equivalent of shifting gears in a sports car as quickly as possible. It will not maximize performance.

Athletes must be patient. Spend more time on the ground as they overcome inertia and accelerate. Stride length and frequency should increase naturally, as a result of efficient application of force, strength, and mechanics. They must not be forced.

Athletes should reach triple extension with each stride, fully completing the lowering (and stepping back) action.

Instead, I see athletes trying to shift gears too quickly. This results in reaching a slower top speed earlier in the race.

Since an athlete can only maintain top speed for 1-2 seconds before deceleration begins, impatience during acceleration will cost them speed and time with every step they take.

Fundamental Speed ​​#4: GET STRONGER

If you work with athletes, particularly adolescent athletes, then time spent building physical strength in the weight room should be a critical part of your program.

Athletes who don’t focus on strength development have a very low glass ceiling that will prevent them from making significant gains in speed.

It’s just common sense: the stronger you are, the faster you can propel your body forward.

But this does not mean going to the weight room and lifting weights like a bodybuilder.

When I go to the weight room, I see the athletes doing a useless workout.

Here are some examples of elevators that, for our purposes, are a waste of time:

– anything on a machine, like hamstring curls, leg extensions

calf raises, Smith Machine squats, etc.

– single-joint movements, such as bicep curls

– chest flies, triceps extensions, etc.

While these are all great moves to look good on the beach, I cringe when I see in-season athletes doing these lifts as part of their training. And I see it most of the time, unfortunately.

If you want to know exactly how to build strength in your football players (even your pre-teen athletes) that will transfer to the football field or track, I recommend you visit any of my websites listed below and check out NFL Speed ​​​Training DVD! by San Diego Chargers LT running back and Denver Broncos D-Back champion Bailey.

Speed ​​Fundamental #5: GO OVER, DRIVE DOWN

The ability to apply force to the ground, and more specifically mass-specific force, is the primary mechanical consideration you should devote your time to during each speed session or workout.

Athletes have a variety of issues that negatively affect lower body mechanics.

But the vast majority of them are due to a lack of physical strength and the inability to get the heel back under the hips, go over the opposite knee and sink the foot into the ground so that it lands under the hips and not on the ground. in front of the center of mass.

If there’s one topic of discussion that I get the most questions about, it’s the concept of ‘going over, driving down’.

If there is one topic of discussion that I receive the most emails from satisfied customers about, it is the positive results that come from teaching athletes how to ‘drive over, drive down’.

And this is the case at all levels of the sport.

I have written about this extensively in the past. So if you are interested in reading more then visit my soccer websites and read soccer coaching or soccer coaching articles.