Tours Travel

RV Awnings – Before Girard, There Was Zip-Dee

In recent articles on RV awnings, I’ve talked about Carefree of Colorado, Dometic by A&E Systems, Girard Systems Awnings… I’ve talked about personal experiences with these Junction City, OR awnings. To Brunswick, I.

I felt I should also mention the Zip-Dee awnings.

Before Girard… Zip-Dee awnings were the elite leader in RV awnings. All Airstream trailers were equipped with Zip-Dees. So, being a very high-end and expensive product, it has only been made ever since to use the most elite awning in the business.

The operation of these awnings was absolutely unique to their style. It was challenging but very rewarding to be able to show someone else how to properly and effectively operate this unique style of awning.

These awnings, like the Girard awnings, were extremely durable and back in the days when automatic retractable awnings didn’t exist…the Zip-Dee took the punishment of the wind like no other. They were very tough.

They had no struts to give to the wind. They did not have a retractable function. And they weren’t an awning you could quickly stow away to keep out the wind. They were just tough!

Only the highest end and most expensive products would use this type of awning. As mentioned above, Airstream – – – but also all Prevost bus converters would mount these awnings on the most expensive bus on the market.

Today – – – these awnings are a very modern and technically advanced, durable and strong awning that will withstand wind and heat. They are probably the most personalized awnings offered today. They fit an RV like a glove. I think they are the best looking of all the awnings you can choose from.

They have a very low maintenance fabric… you don’t have to do anything to it except spray it from time to time. The colors are bright and vibrant and are simply beautiful to look at.

The hardware used is the strongest in the business. The incident with the hardware is low to zero.

One problem you don’t want with an RV is a leak problem. Every time you drill a hole in an RV, you open a path for water to enter and cause problems. Zip-Dee uses a leak resistant aluminum slat cover to greatly reduce the chance of leaks.

They make a series of about six window awnings that I believe are sized better than most of their competitors and shaped to better fit and custom fit to the side of any RV whether it be a travel trailer, fifth wheel or A motor home.

What I like most about Zip-Dee is that they are a very warm and personal company. You don’t have to go through millions of prompts on a telephone answering system to talk to a warm-blooded human being. They are wonderful people who REALLY, REALLY CARE about YOU!


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happy trails…

Arts Entertainments

My wife left me and I don’t know what to do! These are the tips that will bring her back to you

There are times when we realize the true value of a person only after they are gone. So, if he wants to win his wife back, he must be prepared to do a lot of legwork and a lot of effective persuasion. Here’s what you need to do to get his wife back successfully.

Don’t bother your wife
Since your wife left, you don’t think for a moment that it was an easy decision for her to make. She needs some time to come to terms with a lot of things that could have happened in her relationship. So instead of harassing her, she just give her some alone time so she can work out her problems and be able to tolerate you.

Don’t take an apology trip
Calling over and over and apologizing profusely won’t help you at all. Sending sorry flowers, sorry cards, and sorry gifts will annoy her even more. Just offer him a good apology and let things rest for a bit.

Take the help of a marriage counselor
Go to a marriage counselor or a therapist to solve your problems. Accepting help from your friends will lead you into deeper trouble, as their opinion will be biased. A therapist or counselor will help you identify your problem areas and help you work through your problems.

Work on your negatives
You will have to make the changes that the counselor has asked of you not only to get your wife but also to keep her happy. Unresolved issues may show up later. So before you approach your wife make the necessary changes to change your negative aspects.

get close to your wife
After some time has passed, meet your wife. Tell her that you wanted to apologize for hurting her the way you did, and that you’re sorry you didn’t realize what she was worth. Tell him all the things you’ve realized about yourself and all the steps you’ve taken to change.

try to be friends first
Gradually increase your interaction with her. Be her friend and try to see life from her perspective. Soon you will begin to get closer and feel a little more comfortable with each other.

leave the past behind
You must go to couples therapy to cement your relationship, resolve all mutual problems and leave the past behind. Promise to love each other and work hard to strengthen your relationship.


The secret to being Grainger

As a distribution industry consultant who spent many years with Grainger (NYSE: GWW), I often get questions about the company from other distributors. Usually the questions are something like this:

“How does Grainger do it? They’re the biggest distributor out there, they have more customers and more products and higher margins than anyone else, and they show no signs of slowing down. How can I be more like them?”

Sometimes executives will give me specific examples. An electrical dealer recently told me, “One of my customers just bought 10 30-amp circuit breakers from Grainger at 35 percent gross margin. If he had called me, I would have sold them at 17 percent markup. Why does that happen?

Adding to the general confusion about Grainger: a high-priced approach is supposed to be a niche strategy. But Grainger is arguably the largest distributor of its kind, selling to almost all kinds of businesses and offering around 1 million products. In other words, Grainger appears to be meeting the very difficult challenge of being the leader in distribution margins and market share.

So how do they do it? It’s really quite simple. Almost all dealers target one of these types of segments:

  • HAS product category (for example, power transmission, fasteners, tools, HVAC products, PVF, building materials, office supplies, etc.)
  • HAS customer industry (eg, hotels and motels, restaurant equipment, mining, health care, cleaning, utilities)
  • Prayed some combination of the two (eg, selling construction materials to home builders)

Grainger’s segmentation is different. In fact, the company sells just about every kind of product to just about every kind of customer. But Grainger defines its target segment by a specific situation: when customers need products quickly and without hassle. Informally referred to as “speed and convenience,” this target segment allows Grainger to operate differently from other dealers and deliver superior results.

So, while most distributors try to make a lot of revenue from a small number of customers, Grainger wants to make a small profit from each customer.

When companies or individuals need products quickly, they think of suppliers differently. On the one hand, they accept that they will pay a higher price for access to products that they can obtain immediately, a concept that academics call “place utility.” A former president of Grainger for whom I worked used the example of a vending machine in a hotel. You know $2 is a steep price for a can of soda, but it’s worth it because it’s quick and easy to get your Diet Coke there instead of buying it. leave the hotel to find a very cheap source, like Costco. The Costco store may not be open, and even if it is, you’ll have to buy an entire case of hot soda in exchange for saving 90%. That’s a big markup change, but the “speed and convenience” of the hotel’s vending machine, coupled with product cooling, which is a “value-added service,” makes it worth it.

Think of the times you stop at a 7-Eleven. There are no offers in the store, but you know and accept this before entering. So if you end up paying 30 percent more for milk, you’ll probably feel like the “speed and convenience” benefits were worth it compared to driving to a grocery store.

Businesses work the same way. Purchasing agents, maintenance staff, warehouse managers, etc. often need something quickly and conveniently. In those situations, they go to the supplier that is most likely to have all the items they need (called “stocking convenience”), has the easiest ordering system, and can deliver products the fastest. In these situations, clients are not very price sensitive, even if they are very tough buyers when negotiating traditional contracts. Therefore, Grainger is often the best real or perceived choice for the customer.

This applies to all types of product, including “commodities”. The more urgently a customer needs a product, the less commodified that product becomes. For example, very few HVAC contractors trust Grainger as their primary source of refrigerant. It’s a commodity most of the time, and HVAC dealers sell it at very low margins to try and win other business. However, if you’re an HVAC contractor with a customer whose cooling isn’t working on a 100-degree day and you need refrigerant, you’ll likely point your truck right into the Grainger parking lot. You will have a high degree of confidence that the product will be in stock and will be in and out of the branch quickly. In this situation, price doesn’t matter, even for a commodity. It’s about speed and comfort.

Well, we’ve defined Grainger’s target segment and discussed the nature of the products that are urgently needed. Here are some of the ways Grainger delivers value for “speed and convenience” customers:

Most locations. Grainger has more than 600 warehouse locations in North America. Sometimes customers need things extremely fast, even the same day, and Grainger is the closest and fastest alternative more often than other distributors. Plus, through its huge distribution network, Grainger can probably deliver a wider variety of products overnight than any other supplier.

The largest inventory. Grainger has huge stocks of inventory. In his “2009 Fact Book,” he claims to have over a billion dollars on hand. Of course, this was offset by a relatively high gross margin of 41 percent. Like all distributors, Grainger has to choose between service levels and inventory turns, and in the business of speed and convenience, you choose service levels.

The best catalog. In some types of distribution, paper catalogs remain essential because they are the fastest and easiest way to search for many types of products. Grainger’s catalog is particularly quick to use, adding to the tendency for customers to choose it over competing books. Grainger’s catalog enhances the company’s ability to handle “speed and convenience” transactions faster than competitors.

The easiest website to use. Sometimes the quickest and most convenient way to buy something is by using the keyboard right in front of you. If you’re a business buyer, you already know that Grainger is more likely to have what you need quickly than to have what you need. other dealers. You also know that is a particularly well-designed and easy-to-use website. Grainger has always been a pioneer of electronic commerce; The truth is that they are still in the lead.

Let’s end by going back to the question of how Grainger can be one of the largest distributors while executing what appears to be a niche strategy. Actually, it’s really a niche strategy, but the niche is huge in the extremely fragmented industry that makes up MRO. All businesses need products quickly and conveniently, and therefore become a relevant target for Grainger’s value proposition. In an industry the size of MRO, which Grainger estimates to be $125 billion in its 2009 Fact Book, they have less than 6 percent market share. So even in this “niche”, there is plenty of room to grow.

Remember that “convenience” is also part of the equation. Sometimes, even when customers aren’t in a hurry, it’s more convenient to shop at Grainger. The company is more likely to have the product on hand, it is clearly listed in their catalog or website, and they provide very friendly and competent service. All of these considerations make customers care less about price and more willing to buy from Grainger.

So there’s really nothing mysterious about what Grainger has done. The company has been successful in serving “speed and comfort” needs for decades. What has changed in recent years is the company’s willingness to focus on what it does best and move out of areas that don’t take advantage of its core competencies. This is the result of very high-quality leadership that is likely to find new ways to improve its capabilities. That means Grainger will likely become even stronger in the future and gradually but steadily expand its market share.


Case Study: Do I Pay My Mortgage or Invest My Cash?

If you have cash on hand, the question of paying your mortgage versus investing the money will depend on many factors. This article will look at the factors to consider and what assumptions are implicit in the process.

The situation is that the mortgage is for $300,000, with an interest rate of 3%, which is due in 3 years. Current monthly payments are $1500 per month. There is an amount of $200,000 USD that is available to pay down debt or invest. There is no other debt to speak of, and the mortgage is held against a home valued at $700,000 that generates rental income of $20,000 per year. The income of the person who had the mortgage was $80,000 per year and is now down to $40,000 and the income used to come from a full time job and is now self-employment income. It is assumed that there are no other sources of income.

Criteria #1

Is there an aversion to borrowing? If the number one priority is debt reduction or elimination, cash should be managed conservatively and debt should be paid in lump sum payments when possible or as one large payment at the end of the 3-year period when the mortgage This expired. renewal.

Criteria #2

What is your comfort level with taking risks? Another way of saying this is: if I lose a large percentage of the money I’ve invested, will I panic and lose sleep? Another version of this question is: if I lose a large percentage of my investment, am I willing and able to wait for the investments to recover? How much is a “large percentage”? The typical number I use is 1/3 or 33%. Instead, you can insert the worst case figure. Where does this worst case figure come from? The number comes from a typical stock market crash scenario or the worst decline in investment value you can imagine happening. How long do investments take to recover? The typical figure is at least 5 years old. If you want a lot of certainty in your income, 10 years is more realistic if the downturn is long-lasting. The assumptions here use an equity correction. A real estate correction or decline in another market can also be used, but the equity market is the most common exposure.

Criteria #3

How competent am I as an investor? A related way of expressing this is: Do I have an alternative way to use my money to generate higher returns? If you are a new or novice investor, it would be preferable to pay down debt because it is likely to be the best outcome. If you want to learn more about investing or gain conviction on how to make money, you may want to consider alternatives to paying down debt.

Criteria #4

Income generation from cash can be compared using an allocation of equity/fixed income investments versus interest costs on debt. after fees and taxes. Why? Debt interest costs are paid after taxes, while investment income is typically generated before fees and taxes. Regarding criteria #2 and #3, what is the best return I would get on my investments? If you think you can generate some return, use the equation: Profitability Profitability generated less investment expenses and taxes compared to interest rate on the debt you are currently paying.

Let’s say you plan to invest 50% in equities and 50% in fixed income. The dividend yield on stocks is 4% and the interest yield on fixed income is 2%. The average rate of return is 3%. For taxes, there are some additional questions. What is my tax rate right now on my income? Do I have any registered accounts where I can deposit money that could change my tax rate? Assumptions so far ignore capital gains because they are unpredictable in the short term. Let’s say your tax rate is 20% and you have no registered accounts available. The 3% earned on investments less management fees of 0.25% per annum less taxes of 20% * 2.75% = 0.55%. The net return on your investments after taxes is 3% – 0.25% – 0.55% = 2.2%. The interest rate on the debt is 3%. If you think the capital gains on your investments will make this worthwhile, you can assume a return for the capital gains portion of the investment and add it to the return. The capital gains tax is usually half of your tax rate, in this case, 10%.

Within the rate of return on investment in this case is the currency exchange rate from US dollars (USD) to Canadian dollars (CAD). This would be another factor to consider as well.

Criteria #5

Will the future interest rate change by the time I renew my mortgage? If the return on investment exceeds the return on the mortgage but the future rate in 3 years will increase to 6%, is the investment still viable? If not, debt settlement looks more promising. If the interest rate drops when the mortgage is renewed, the return on investment looks more promising. This decision involves predicting the future, which is not easy to do. If it is obvious which way the interest rate will go, the decision will be clearer.

Other criteria

Other criteria could be whether the prospects for the investment’s rate of return improve, for example, after a market correction. You may have better conviction in a specific market compared to the average, which would make investments more attractive. Your income may increase to the point that paying your mortgage is easier and faster, or vice versa. The equity in your home can go up or down, which can also change the decision.

This article is intended to examine the thought process of making a decision with many unknowns. As you go through the process, the answer to your situation becomes clearer and more applicable to where you are at any given time.

Home Kitchen

Feng Shui Ideas for Classic Blue

Classic Blue is the color of the year, presented by Pantone, the color forecaster. Calm and reassuring, Classic Blue provides a solid foundation as we enter a new decade of high-speed digital development. With technology moving into uncharted territory, the notion of something classic is reassuring and comforting. Classic Blue is the antidote to the stress of a high-tech environment and counteracts the yang overdose of a digital lifestyle. Classic Blue offers protection and shelter, providing shelter for self-preservation.

Feng Shui endorses blue as a yin color that has benefits confirmed by medical research. Heart and breathing rates slow down in a blue environment, muscles relax and blood pressure drops. Blue décor and table settings can decrease food cravings and thus aid dietary needs and weight loss.

Blue is introspective and covers a wide range on the emotional spectrum of feelings, stretching from confident and calm at one end to the negative side of feeling blue at the other end. Therefore, personal needs should always be taken into account when Feng Shui adjustments are recommended.

Pyramid Feng Shui, the most contemporary science-based Feng Shui practice, associates the entrance sector of the Bagua map with Being and Now. This area is attributed to the North and the element of Water, with blue and black as supporting colors. The entrance to our space needs to resonate with the notion of refuge and shelter with the feeling of having arrived at our personal sanctuary.

Introducing Classic Blue as the color of “crossing the threshold,” Pantone describes it as “instilling calm, confidence, and connection, as this enduring blue highlights our desire to have a stable, dependent foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold.” into a new era.”

Blue has always been the most popular color of the American man who tends to be selfish and self centered. Blue is the favorite of conservative people, as it invites trust and reliability. In a blue suit a man feels important and secure and expects to be respected.

In Compass School’s World of Traditional Feng Shui, Lillian Too warns that the number 7 in the center of the 2020 Feng Shui chart indicates violence. She recommends water and settings with the color blue as an antidote and protection from discordant energies.

Connotations for adopting Classic Blue in our color scheme:

classic blue is

• A relaxing color

• Reassuring and reliable

• Not aggressive

• comforting

• Sure

• Trusted

instills classic blue

• Peace and tranquility

• Shelter and shelter

• Protection

• Relaxed interaction

• Confidence

• Resilience

• Respect


Volvo Truck Parts – Better Suspension Gives You A Smoother Ride

Volvo truck suspension parts – to give you a smoother ride

Suspension is a very important part of a truck. It is the chaining system between the sets, the shock absorber and the springs. This is the one that will absorb the vibration of the vehicle driving on the road and will absorb the shocks received when driving on uneven terrain. The suspension supports the braking system and allows it to react efficiently by braking instantly when necessary.

Good suspension parts are not only important for absorbing shocks while driving, but they are also important for preventing the truck’s occupants from feeling them. Volvo has been around for 80 years and in that time they have tried to perfect their suspension system and its parts.

Since the trucks have attached trailers behind them, they have front and rear suspensions. Volvo trucks have an air suspension system that not only stabilizes the ride, but also increases its comfort. In the rear cabin there are suspension air bags that are placed outside the frame of the rails. This gives the cabin greater stability when turning. There are side shock absorbers that minimize the roll of the cabin. Rubber shock absorbers that are hardened and used in the suspension system, which absorb strong shocks received in the cabin.

Then there’s the Volvo T-Ride suspension that has rubber towers and trunnion-mounted springs that give the truck an excellent ride even in the worst driving conditions. This plays an important role in off-road driving situations.

Here are the Volvo Truck suspension parts based on the different models:

NV780 / NV730

This series has the following suspension parts:

  • front suspension
    • 59-inch parabolic crossbow (12,500, 13,200 and 14,600 pounds)
    • Hendrickson Airtek (12,500, 13,200 and 14,600 pounds)
  • rear suspension
    • Volvo air suspension (38,000-46,000 pounds)
    • Hendrickson HAS (40,000-46,000 pounds)
    • Volvo PRIMAAX EX (40,000-46,000 lbs.)

VN 670 / VN 630 / VN 430 / VNL Day cab

This series has the following suspension parts:

  • front suspension
    • 59-inch parabolic leaf spring (12,500, 13,200, 14,600 and 16,000 pounds)
    • Hendrickson Airtek (12,500, 13,200 and 14,600 pounds)
  • rear suspension
    • Volvo air suspension (20,000-46,000 pounds)
    • Volvo T-Ride (40,000 and 46,000 lbs. with 2, 3 and 5 blades)
    • Hendrickson HAS (40,000 and 46,000 pounds)
    • Volvo PRIMAAX EX (40,000 and 46,000 lbs.)

VNM Daycab

This series has the following suspension parts:

  • front suspension
    • Parabolic crossbow (12,000, 12,500, 13,200 and 14,600 pounds)
    • Hendrickson Airtek (12,000, 12,500 and 13,200 pounds)
  • rear suspension
    • Volvo air suspension (20,000-46,000 pounds)
    • Volvo T-Ride (40,000 lbs. with 2 and 5 blades)
    • Hendrickson HAS (40,000 pounds)

VHD series

This series has the following suspension parts:

  • front suspension
    • Parabolic crossbow (12,500 and 14,600 pounds)
    • Multiple Bypass Spring (16,500, 18,800, 20,800, and 22,800 lbs.)
    • Multiple bypass spring on the left or right side stiffer
  • rear suspension
    • Volvo T-Ride (40,000-46,000 lbs. with 2 and 5 blades)
    • Hendrickson HAS (40,000-46,000 pounds)
    • Hendrickson HAULMAAX (40,000-46,000 lbs.)
    • Hendrickson RT (40,000-58,000 pounds)
    • Volvo PRIMAAX EX (40,000-46,000 lbs.)
    • PRIMAAX Tridem (50,000-62,000 lbs.)

* Please note: Weights shown in parentheses are the parts that support the weights.

All the parts listed above are fitted as standard and have been designed to ensure that the truck’s suspension adheres to the road and the driver in the best possible way. These suspension parts are not usually considered a deciding factor when choosing the right truck for you, but they are the ones that make a noticeable difference between different truck types.

So when you shop for your next truck, think about the smooth ride and pay tribute to the designers and manufacturers for the time and effort that has gone into perfecting Volvo truck suspension parts.

Digital Marketing

Search Engine Optimization: Costly Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Use This Source

One of the best things about getting more visitors to your site from search engines is the fact that you can get free traffic and if you know what you are doing you can get a lot of it. In this article, I want to show you exactly what mistakes you need to avoid so you can have the success you’re looking for with your search engine optimization efforts.

The problem with SEO…

Virtually everyone who is trying to build a successful online business is trying to get more visitors to their site from search engines as they want to get all the free traffic that is available in their market.

The problem with this strategy is the fact that if you don’t use the correct system you can get into a lot of trouble. Most of the people who are trying to get rankings in their market have no idea how difficult it really is and therefore they are always looking for an easier way to get more rankings.

You have to realize that Google has built in a barrier to entry for people to overcome if they want to break into the top ten keywords in their market.

If you know what you’re doing, you can get through that barrier very easily. But if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can spend months and in some cases years of your life trying to get more visitors to your site and never succeed.

These are the costly mistakes to avoid if you want to get more visitors to your site from search engines.

Mistake #1 – Using software programs to help you get rankings.

You have to realize that if you go online and find some software program that promises to get a lot of Google rankings, you will also know about this program. Not only that, they’re probably working on ways to make sure the program you’re trying to use doesn’t work.

In some cases, they will even ban your site from search engines if you use programs that violate their terms of service. So make sure you do it the right way and don’t use programs to get rankings for you.

Mistake #2: Buying links from brokers who make a business of selling them.

You have to realize that if you focus on buying your links you are going to get in trouble as Google knows who is selling them.

Not only that, they can trace the source of those links and find out what you’re up to.

So make sure you buy links from sites in your niche directly and don’t use middlemen.

It may seem easier to use brokers to do it for you, but it can cost you everything in the long run.

Health Fitness

Weight Loss Strategy: Conquer Your Diet One Meal at a Time

It’s hard to wake up one morning and be a completely different person. Yet that’s exactly what we’re asking of ourselves if we make a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight and hope to start doing it “on Monday.” all Correct. Depending on what your starting point is, that could be a LOT of changes at once! Set yourself up for success by renewing your habits and rituals more gradually to make the change more manageable.

Manage your transition by looking at your diet and nutrition first, then exercise. There is no more exercise than a bad diet. If you’re losing weight, 85% of your training will be in the kitchen.

Maybe you can relate to this: when I look at the new meal plans for a whole week, I think about having to make a shopping list, having to look for things in the supermarket that I don’t normally buy, and having to follow recipes for every meal. It feels cumbersome and time consuming.

One strategy for healthier eating and weight loss is to control one meal at a time. Instead of planning every meal for every day for a week, focus on one breakfast routine, for example. Think about your schedule, time, likes and dislikes in the framework of your overall goal.

Let’s see what that thought process might look like. Let’s say your goal is to lose weight and you’ve determined that you need to consume 1,500 calories a day. From there, you could divide your day into thirds: breakfast and snack in the morning, lunch and snack in the afternoon, and dinner and snack before bed. You could budget a third of your calories for each of these time periods. In other words, you have 500 calories for each.

Now you can tailor your meals to your needs within these parameters. How is your morning schedule? Are you an early riser and have a lot of time to prepare breakfast? Or are you more likely to run out the door yelling “Oh no, I’m going to be late again?” What kind of foods do you like? Do you like to eat the same thing over and over or do you need more variety so you can stick to something? If you’re a morning buff who likes a consistent breakfast menu, then maybe a shake or protein bar will do the trick. If you’re a slow-up-and-going person who likes variety, you may want to start your day with a more gourmet approach and have several favorites in your repertoire.

The point is, learn to conquer breakfast. Do it right every day. Once your breakfast routine becomes second nature, tackle lunch. The same thought process applies. What are the circumstances around your typical lunch? What do you like? What would work for you? Master it and then tackle dinner.

This is what we call a transition. You don’t have to change everything overnight to start seeing results or to see BIG results. By adapting to new routines, changes are more manageable and sustainable. That is what we call a lifestyle. See how easy was that?

Legal Law

Qualifications Needed to Become a Real Estate Agent

It’s an exciting time to become a real estate agent. The housing market is making a comeback and in many areas is back to pre-recession levels. The recession slowed new home construction, so inventories are low. Sellers look for good agents to represent them and find the right buyer for their home. If you’ve decided to join this dynamic field, there are a few things you need to know to be ready to join.

First, not all agents are real estate agents, but all real estate agents are real estate agents. Confused? It has to do with joining a brokerage house that is part of the affiliate network. Then you must also attend chapter meetings and join the National Association of Realtors. NAR members adhere to a codified standard of ethics. Anyone who buys a home from a NAR member can be assured of a fair process.

Another professional organization to consider joining is the National Association of Realtors, designed to help minorities especially.

Below are courses you must take to qualify to take the real estate agent certification exam. These vary depending on your home state. In California, for example, you must take at least eight specific college courses or their equivalent. Other states base their education standards on the number of hours of training you take. Every state should have a website that you can check to see exactly what you need to do.

You may have some additional courses that you will need to take depending on the agency. Once you are done with your courses, you will need to take a state exam and possibly a national one as well. Be prepared: these tests are not cheap. Expect to pay around $200, but like the required courses, this varies by state.

Be prepared to go through a background check. Convictions for certain crimes may mean that you will be denied a real estate agent license.

Some states will allow the transfer of a bar license to a real estate license with minimal or no additional coursework. They only require some practical experience, often two years.

Next, it’s time to choose a brokerage. This is your home office and you are required to be affiliated with one in order to be a real estate agent. Brokers have received even more training and can help you with information to get started. They can also help you list houses, which can be a big help when starting out.

You should have a guidance counselor or instructor at your school who can help you find a good broker. Some other things to consider are the size of the brokerage, if they have a mentor program will they help you find your first clients, and how they pay their commissions.

Next, consider your budget. You’ll need to have enough money to get started, so plan for your course costs, exam fees, advertising, and professional fee. You’ll also want to have enough money in your bank to pay your living expenses for a while, as it can take a few months to start earning commissions.

If you end up moving to another state, you’ll want to research the laws in your new state. That way, you can try to further your training requirements if you have time.

It’s a lot to think about and plan for, but a career as a real estate agent can be rewarding and lucrative. We encourage you to check with your state to confirm what the requirements are, and then give it a try!


Distant Behavior: What Causes It?

This is an area that I have been pondering for many years, pondering and wondering why such behavior exists. And with my recent expression through writing, I felt it was time to talk about this interesting and often confusing area of ​​behavior.

So here, based on my experience and observation, I will describe what I believe to be some of the reasons for such behavior. These are not the correct or only reasons and just my current views.

From distance

The definition in a dictionary is something like this: not friendly or communicative; cool and distant. Or conspicuously uninvolved and disinterested, typically out of dislike.

With this analysis I will be explaining the first part of the definition. Review the causes of unfriendly or communicative behavior and cold or distant.


There are many examples that come to mind when I think of aloof behavior, however, there are a few common examples that come to mind.

The typical behavior is that of the person who will only make contact or express a greeting when others speak to them and will not make an effort to interact with others and initiate interactions themselves.

Another example is when one relates to another and the response is one of distance and coldness.

These behaviors can make someone seem arrogant and ignorant and as if they think they are above or better than others.

isolated occurrences

Of course, someone has to start a conversation, and there may be instances where talking to someone isn’t in your best interest. What I am describing here are someone’s inclinations and not isolated facts.

survival mechanism

When it comes to being cold and distant, I see them as behaviors that are nothing more than coping mechanisms. A way for an individual to avoid the actual or perceived experience of rejection.


Possible causes of such behavior could result from being ignored or rejected during the younger years. As a child, we will naturally have times when our parents or caregivers are not available to us, and we can take these as loving retreats and as absolutes. If the experience is truly traumatic, it can leave us with these feelings that color our entire experience and cause us to filter our entire lives in this way. And now, as a way to avoid reliving these painful memories, we use these coping mechanisms.

felling safe

Being distant or withdrawn allows one to feel a sense of security and that there is no possibility of rejection. However, the more we behave in this way, the more we feel rejected and neglected by others.


It also has to do with giving and receiving. With the left side of our body being the receiving side (female) and the right side being the giving side (male). These kinds of traumatic early experiences create an imbalance within us and this then creates our behavior.


If we’re looking for something, whether it’s love or acceptance, and it’s not there or rarely is, then we begin to withdraw and hold back as a way to protect ourselves. Separate ourselves from what we want and need. This can create passive behavior and someone who is withdrawn and rarely willing to give. This is a perfectly normal consequence of not being accepted when we have given or asked for something and each time we have been rejected or have had an experience so traumatic that it created a reference point.

All of this creates a problem with receiving and if we cannot receive then we cannot have anything to give and this can make us feel as if we are running out of energy.

Be present

By questioning our reactions and behavior, we can begin to ask ourselves if we are acting from the present moment or acting from past memories. Past memories that trigger past associations and have nothing to do with what is happening now, in the present moment.


Just as I mentioned earlier about individual occurrences, there are also our interpretations of behavior, which can make us assume and jump to conclusions.

There may also be other factors involved. These may be that the person is shy, quiet, or that there is something currently going on in their life that is causing the distant behavior.

It could also have to do with environmental influences that are creating conflict and pressure for the individual. And if we see this behavior a lot or it provokes a reaction in us, then it could be reflecting something we need to look at within ourselves.